After the weekend at the beach, it was nearly two full weeks before Rob saw more of Sherry than when she stopped by the house to pick up Kathy right before they went out somewhere. Summer vacation was drawing to a close, with only 3 weeks remaining before school started again, and both of the girls seemed to want to make the best of it. Between their work schedule, their social schedule, and Rob’s work schedule, he saw very little of Sherry. The times he did see her, as brief and fleeting as they were, she made sure to give him a wink or a smile to let him know that she was thinking about him. On one occasion right before the girls left the house to head out for the evening, they were all three in the kitchen when the girls went to leave. Kathy went first, and as Sherry went past Rob she reached out and gave his crotch a quick, firm squeeze on her way by. She looked over her shoulder at him as she walked away, giving him what Rob had come to call her “Sherry Smile” – the tip of her tongue slightly protruding between her teeth as she smiled at him.
All Rob knew was that he missed being with her, he was horny as hell for her, and it was getting worse with each passing day.
Just when it was getting to the critical stage, Rob got a phone call from Sherry that changed everything. It was early Friday evening, and both of his kids were away at their jobs, with both of them having told him earlier that they were going out after they got off so it’d be close to their curfew of eleven PM before they got home. Rob didn’t have to work that night and immediately thought of what Sherry was going to be doing, so he casually asked his daughter about it without arousing her suspicions. He made sure to do it while his son, who was already suspicious, was out of the room and out of earshot.
“So where are you and Sherry heading after you get off work?” he asked when Kathy told him of her plans.
“I’m not going out with Sherry tonight,” she replied, and Rob’s heart leaped a bit. “She’s out of town and won’t be back until tomorrow, so it’s just me and some of the girls from work going out after we’re finished at the store.” Rob’s heart sank at this – out of town meant out of reach, and no sex for him tonight. He tried not to show his disappointment as he finished talking to Kathy, telling her to have a good night at work and to be careful when she went out.
Shortly after six PM Rob was sitting on the couch, having just finished eating his dinner and watching a movie on the DVD player when his cell phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and felt his heart skip a beat as he saw Sherry’s number showing on the display.
“Hey, Sherry!” he said as he answered his phone.
“Hi, lover!” she replied. “Have you missed me?”
“Hell, yes!” Rob said, a little more “needy” than he intended for it to sound, but it was the truth. “More than you know, babe, more than you could possibly know!”
“Oh, I think I know,” she said, and he could almost hear her smiling, “because I’ve missed you, too! Very, very much!”
“That’s good to hear,” he said, and he meant it.
“Are you busy tonight, lover?” she asked.
“Nope, just sitting on the couch watching a movie on the DVD player,” he replied.
“Good, because I’d really like to see you!” she said.
“Kathy told me you were out of town tonight,” he said into the phone, pausing the movie on the player.
“I had to tell her that so I could have tonight free,” she explained. “I hated having to lie to her – after all, she is my best friend – but I had to. There was just no other way to pull it off.”
“Pull what off?” Rob asked.
“I have a surprise for you, lover,” she said, and Rob could hear the excitement in her voice.
“Oh? What?” Rob asked.
“Uh-uh, not over the phone,” Sherry said. “I want to see your face when I tell you what the surprise is!”
“Okay, so where are you? Your house?” he asked.
“No, I’m at a girlfriend’s house,” she replied. “There’s no way I’d ever be able to pull this off at my house! Besides, I don’t want anyone seeing you going into my house – that would be trouble with a capital “T,” don’t you think?”
“Agreed,” Rob said. “It would get back to your folks in no time at all, and neither of us needs that.”
“Right,” Sherry agreed, “so I’m over at a girlfriend’s house, just waiting for you to get here!”
“And as soon as you tell me the address, I’ll be there as fast as I can!” Rob said.
“102 Vincent Lane ,” Sherry said. “Do you know where that is?”
“Yeah, that was a part of my patrol zone when I first joined the force,” Rob replied, remembering the rumor that there was a professional dominatrix who lived the next block up and who would ‘entertain’ at her house. “I know right where it is.”
“Good! So I’ll see you in what, half an hour or so?” she asked.
“Sooner, if the lights are in my favor!” Rob said.
“Let’s hope they are! See you shortly, lover!” Sherry said, then hung up.
Rob was out of the house as fast as he could get dressed and lock the house up. To say he was excited about seeing his teenaged lover again would be an understatement, and he couldn’t help but wonder if he was too excited about it. But over the past few months Rob had come to believe that everything happens for a reason, and that he should just go with his feelings and let them take him to wherever they were going to take him, and be happy about it. Such was the case with Sherry – he wasn’t sure where this was going to take him and he knew it couldn’t last forever, but he damned sure was going to enjoy it while it lasted.
Twenty-five minutes later he pulled up to the house at 102 Vincent Lane , a neat ranch-style house with an attached garage, and saw Sherry’s car parked in the driveway. There was no other car visible so Rob thought that Sherry must be inside alone. And that was good, Rob thought, and had the idea that maybe the surprise she had was that they had the house to themselves all night long.
Rob parked behind Sherry’s car, got out, walked up to the door and rang the bell. A few seconds later the door opened and Sherry was standing there, as sexy as ever. She was wearing a short sleeved red checkered button-up shirt that she had tied off just beneath her big tits, and a very tight blue denim mini-skirt that stopped just below the well-rounded cheeks of her ass. The shirt was unbuttoned all the way down to the knot, showing all of her cleavage to him, and it was obvious by the way her big breasts moved inside the shirt and the nubs of her nipples pressing against the shirt that she wasn’t wearing a bra. She had her hair done in those sexy pigtails again, and he felt his cock begin to stir as soon as he laid eyes on her.
“Hi, lover!” she said, opening the screen door for him. “C’mon in!”
“Hi, babe,” he said, stepping inside the house. Sherry closed the door behind him and as soon as he turned around to face her she threw herself on him, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him fiercely, molding her body to his as she sucked his tongue into her mouth. Rob wrapped his arms around her and pressed her close to him, reveling in the first kiss he’d shared with her in nearly two weeks. He could feel his cock start to grow, and Sherry felt it too. After several long moments she broke off the kiss, smiling up at him.
“I see you’ve really missed me!” she said, slipping a hand down his stomach and rubbing his cock through his jeans.
“You know it,” Rob replied, smiling back. “And I hope you’ve missed me, too!”
“You have no idea!” Sherry said, and Rob was sure of that.
“So what’s the big surprise?” Rob asked.
“Let’s go sit on the couch and I’ll tell you,” she said, taking him by the hand and leading him over to the couch. Rob couldn’t help but notice that the house was neat and tidy, furnished with good quality furniture, and was definitely a female’s house. This was evident by the design of the furniture and the general décor of the room. But Rob didn’t mind, as long as he was with Sherry he just didn’t care what the room or the rest of the house looked like. Sherry led him over to the big couch and sat him down, then sat next to him to face him with a leg tucked under her. Rob got a glimpse as she sat down and saw that he had guessed right about whether or not she was wearing panties under that skirt. She wasn’t.
“Remember that Saturday night in the motel room at the beach a couple of weeks ago, when we were lying in bed and talking?” she asked.
“You mean when we weren’t screwing our brains out,” Rob said, smiling. “Yeah, of course I remember.”
“Do you remember what you told me your fantasy was?” she asked. Rob felt his heart begin to race.
“Yes, I do,” he said. “I told you that my fantasy was to have sex with two women at the same time.”
“And do you remember me telling you that I could arrange that?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Well…I did!” she said, grinning from ear to ear.
“You did?” Rob was stunned and excited at the same time.
“Yep, I did!” she said, very proud of herself.
“You’re kidding, right?” Rob asked, incredulous. “I mean, this is a joke, right?”
“I’m not kidding and this is no joke, lover,” Sherry said, leaning forward and running her hand along his thigh. “Her name is Amy, she’s 20 years old, and this is her house.”
“Her house?” Rob asked, surprised. “Not her parent’s house, but her house?” The last thing he wanted was to be walked in on by an angry parent.
“Her house, yes,” Sherry assured him. “She inherited it from her grandfather about a year ago, so yes, it’s her house and we won’t have to worry about being interrupted!” Rob had almost forgotten about Sherry being “a little bit” psychic at times; he guessed this was one of those times.
“So she’s here?” he asked.
“Yes, she’s here now,” Sherry replied. “She’s in the kitchen waiting for me to call her in.”
“What does she look like?” Rob asked.
“Why don’t you see for yourself, lover?” Sherry replied. Then she turned her head over her left shoulder just a bit towards the kitchen and called out, “Okay, Amy, come on in!”
Rob heard the sound of someone walking across the tile floor in the kitchen, and then Amy stepped out into the living room. Sherry giggled at the expression on Rob’s face when he saw her friend and his soon-to-be-lover for the first time. She was short, about 5’1” or so, with blonde hair down to her shoulders that was done up in loose pigtails just like Sherry’s, and Rob had a feeling that wasn’t just a coincidence. Amy had a cute face with slightly angular features, with slightly almond-shaped blue eyes and soft, full lips that were parted in a big smile as she walked around the couch. She had a stout, firm, and slightly muscular body, her stomach flat and her waistline slightly tapered, with shapely legs and a firm, rounded ass that flexed when she walked. And on top of all that was a large, firm bustline that sat high on her chest. Her tits weren’t as big as Sherry’s but they were still big, very big, jiggling and bouncing as Amy walked. She was wearing a pink terrycloth tube top and matching shorts that barely covered the bottoms of her ass, and that clung to her like a second skin. When she got in front of the couch and was facing rob she stopped, smiling down at him as he sat on the couch, drinking in the sight of her.
“Hi, Rob,” she spoke in a soft, sultry voice, cocking one knee in front of her and putting her hands on her hips. “I’m very pleased to meet you, since Sherry has told me so much about you!”
“I have a feeling that the pleasure is going to be all mine,” Rob said, smiling up at her and then looking over at Sherry, who was grinning like a cat who just ate the canary.
“That’s the idea,” Amy said. Then she took two steps over to Rob and surprised him by climbing onto the couch to straddle his lap, facing him with a knee on the couch on either side of him. She braced herself with a hand on his shoulder as she moved, her big, firm tits brushing against his nose as she moved, settling down onto his lap with her pussy pressed firmly against his crotch. Her eyes were incredibly blue and her smile incredibly big as she leaned forward, slipped her arms around his neck, and kissed him with her soft, full lips. He parted his lips to kiss her back, and she slipped her tongue gently into his mouth as she pressed her firm breasts against his chest. He could feel his cock begin to respond and she felt it too, slowly grinding her mound against his bulge as she sucked his tongue into her mouth. After several long, intense moments of this she broke off this kiss and sat back a bit, still smiling as she spoke.
“You were right, Sherry, he does get hard quick!” she said, looking Rob in the eyes and smiling as she spoke.
“Just wait ‘till you see him cum!” Sherry replied, running her hand along the side of Rob’s face and smiling her approval at him. Rob still couldn’t believe this was all happening!
“Mmmm, I can’t wait,” Amy said, still looking at Rob and slowly grinding her pussy down onto his lap, “as long as I get to feel him cum, too!”
“Oh, you will,” Rob said, looking back into her eyes. “I promise you that!”
“Good!” Amy replied, then leaned forward to kiss him again, just as intensely as before. Then she sat back, her full weight pressing down onto his rock-hard cock, and ran her hands up the sides of her big, firm breasts. “Do you like my tits, Rob?” she asked, pushing her breasts together right in front of his face. He could see her nipples were hard, poking out against the terrycloth of her top.
“Very much,” Rob replied, looking down at her mounds and her hard nipples. “Do I get to see them without the top?” he asked.
“Absolutely!” she replied, slipping the top down and uncovering her big breasts for him. Her nipples were big and erect, standing out proudly from her breasts, and they were surrounded by very large, pale areolas that were crinkling just a bit from her excitement. She pushed them together and then leaned forward, pressing them aganst Rob’s face. She wrapped her arms around his head and held him between her big breasts, giggling as she smothered his face in tit-flesh. When she finally released him Rob grabbed her big globes in his hands and squeezed, clamping his lips onto one of her nipples and sucking on it hard. Amy squealed in delight, pressing his face against her tit with a hand on the back of his head. Rob repeated the treatment on her other nipple, and Rob could feel her heat all the way through her shorts and his jeans.
“You know what I think, Sherry?” Amy asked as Rob suckled on her nipples.
“What, Amy?” Sherry replied.
“I think we need to suck on Rob’s cock, don’t you?”
“Yes, I think we do!”
Rob released Amy’s nipple from his mouth and sat back as Amy climbed down from his lap and stood in front of him. Sherry slid off of the couch and stood next to her, and Rob got to watch as the both of them stripped out of their clothing, both of them keeping their eyes on him and smiling the whole time, until they were both naked in front of him. No matter how many times Rob saw Sherry naked for the first time when they were together, her body and raw sexuality never ceased to amaze him. Her torpedo-shaped tits were just as big, just as full, and just as exciting as ever, and it thrilled him each time he saw her naked. And with Amy standing next to him, it was twice the treat! He noticed that Amy’s pussy was shaved smooth, and he thought he could see the glitter of a piercing from between her pussy lips but he wasn’t sure. As soon as the girls were naked they dropped down to their knees and came over to him, both of them quickly working together to unfasten his jeans and slide them down his legs while he kicked out of his shoes. His fully erect cock sprang out as they did so, and Amy was pleasantly surprised that he wasn’t wearing shorts and said so.
“Oooh, no underwear! I think that’s so sexy!” she said, reaching for his shaft. She slipped her fingers around it and gripped it firmly, pumping it slowly up and down. “And it’s so big and thick! Sherry, you are one lucky girl!”
“Thanks, Amy, but right now I think Rob’s the lucky one!” she replied, smiling up at him. She stood up on her knees and reached up to kiss Rob, and he leaned forward to receive it. The kiss was short but intense, and Rob recognized it as her way of telling him that she was as excited about what was happening as he was. Then she sat back down on her haunches and moved over to Rob’s cock, he spreading his legs wide to let her have room. Amy moved over to let Sherry in, and then slowly licked his cock with her soft, flat tongue from the base to the tip as Sherry put her lips against his smooth-shaven balls and sucked, pulling one of his balls into her mouth. Rob gasped as Amy slipped her lips over the head of his cock and sucked on it while Sherry pulled his ball further into her mouth. Amy pumped his cock with her hand as she sucked on the head, and Rob could feel the precum slipping up his shaft and out of the head of his cock. Amy swirled her tongue around the head and licked it right off, pumping more out of him with her hand.
“Mmm, I just love the taste of precum!” she said, releasing his cock from her mouth. Then she lickd the side of his cock before slipping her lips over the head again, sucking more from him as Sherry slipped one ball from her mouth and immediately sucked the other one in. Then Amy slid her lips down Rob’s throbbing shaft, and he moaned as she took all of his cock right into her mouth, deep-throating his shaft in one movement. She swirled her tongue over and around his shaft as she moved her mouth up and down his length, with Sherry sucking on his balls and massaging them in her hands at the same time. Rob let his head fall back against the back of the couch and moaned as the two girls worked on his cock and balls, sucking and licking their way all around him. After a few minutes of this Amy slipped her mouth from Rob’s cock and spoke, pumping it slowly in her hand as she did so.
“You ready to suck his cock now, Sherry?” she asked.
“You bet I am!” Sherry replied, releasing his balls from her mouth and sitting up. The two girls then switched, Sherry sucking his cock immediately into her mouth while Amy clamped her full, soft lips on his wet ball sack and sucked, pulling one of his balls into her mouth where she rolled it around on her tongue. Sherry sucked on him as hard and as deep as ever, and Rob moaned again with the sensations running through him.
“Careful, girls,” he warned, slightly gasping for breath, “or I’m gonna cum in somebody’s mouth!”
“You wanna see him cum, Amy?” Sherry asked, pumping Rob’s cock in her hand.
“Mm-hmm!” Amy said, her mouth still full of one of Rob’s balls. Sherry slipped her mouth back onto Rob’s cock, looking him in the eyes as she did so, and then really went to work on him. Both girls doubled their efforts on his cock and balls, Sherry sucking his cock hard and deep down her throat while Amy pulled and tugged on his balls in her mouth, and Rob knew that he’d be cumming in a matter of moments.
“Okay…girls…” Rob gasped, feeling his balls tighten as his orgasm quickly built. “Here…I…cum!”
Amy released his balls from her mouth and sat up to watch as Sherry slipped his cock from her mouth just as his cock erupted in orgasm. The first blast of cum exploded from the tip of his cock just as Sherry’s lips were leaving it, and the spray of hot, thick cum started out in Sherry’s mouth but ended up on the side of Sherry’s face. She laughed as his cock erupted, pumping it hard with her hand as it throbbed in her fingers, Amy watching with wide, fascinated eyes.
“Oh my God!” she exclaimed, watching his cock as it pumped stream after stream of thick cum high into the air to fall back and land on his stomach. “Look at him cum! Wow!” She reached out and placed her hand over Sherry’s, helping her pump the cum from him. Rob arched his back and gritted his teeth with the intensity of his orgasm, hanging on as his cock spewed stream after stream of cum in long, thick ropes. Just as the last spasm ran through his cock and the last stream of cum spit from his cock Amy leaned over, pointed his cock at her face and clamped her lips around the head, sucking the cum from him and swirling her tongue around the head to get it all. Sherry released his cock from her grip as Amy took over, pumping his shaft with her hand and coaxing the last few drops of cum from his cock, which she immediately swallowed down. Then, after sucking the last of the cum from him, she began licking the cum from his stomach with her long, soft tongue. Sherry joined her, and the two of them quickly licked him clean.
“Oh, man, you two are really something!” Rob said, gasping for breath and watching as the two girls licked up the cum from his stomach.
“You ain’t seen nothing yet, sweetheart,” Amy said, glancing up at him and smiling. “Just wait until we get you in my bedroom!”
“Speaking of which…” Sherry said, sitting back on her haunches again.
“Absolutely!” Amy replied, releasing Rob’s cock from her hand and sitting back. The two girls then stood up, both pairs of big breasts swaying, and then each of them grabbed one of Rob’s hands and pulled him up from the couch. Sherry quickly stripped his t-shirt from his body and tossed it on the floor, then Amy led them both into her bedroom. Once there Amy spun him around and shoved him backwards onto the bed, laughing as she climbed onto the bed next to him. He barely had time to scoot all the way onto the bed before Sherry was on his other side, and the two of them began running their hands all over his body, giggling like two schoolgirls with a new toy.
“This is gonna be such fun!” Sherry said to Amy, smiling. “Just wait until you feel his tongue in your pussy! He’s really good at it!”
“I bet he is!” she said, massaging Rob’s balls while Sherry fondled his cock. He was already feeling the beginnings of a second erection.
“So what are you waiting for? You sit on his face while I suck his cock hard again, and then we can take turns fucking him!” Sherry said
“Great! And while I’m fucking him, you can sit on his face!” Amy replied, grinning back at her. The two girls exchanged a quick “high five” over him and then moved in unison, Sherry slipping between his thighs to suck on his cock while Amy moved up and straddled Rob’s head, a knee on either side. He looked up past her smooth, firmly muscled thighs to her pussy, confirming that she was indeed wearing a piercing on her clitoral hood as she reached down and spread her pussy lips wide for him. He looked past that and saw her grinning down at him, and he flinched slightly as he felt Sherry suck his cock into her mouth.
“Do you like my pussy, Rob?” Amy asked, rubbing her outer lips as she pulled them apart. “It’s nice and wet for you, and it’s tight, too,” she said, her voice low and husky, the desire and lust plain in her eyes.
“Your pussy is very beautiful, as are you,” Rob said from between her thighs, running his hands up the front of her muscled thighs. “I can’t wait to taste you!”
“Then wait no longer,” Amy replied, sitting down on his face and bringing her pussy down to Rob’s mouth. She clasped his head in her muscled thighs as his tongue slid up and down her slit, flicking over her clit before slipping inside her tunnel. She moaned and ran her fingers through his hair as he pulled her down onto his face with his hands on top of her thighs, running his tongue all up and down her slit, sliding it in and out of her tunnel. He found it a little difficult to concentrate on what he was doing as Sherry was busily slurping his cock in and out of her mouth, and he felt himself quickly growing hard again as she sucked on his shaft and massaged his balls. Amy moaned on top of his face, slowly rotating her hips around and grinding her pussy down onto his mouth. He slid one hand up her taut, firm stomach to her breasts, gripping one large, firm globe in his hand and squeezing as he sucked her clit into his mouth.
“Oh my God, I’m gonna cum!” she gasped, and then she did. Her hips bucked against Rob’s face as her orgasm broke, flooding his mouth with her juices. She moaned out loud as she clamped her thighs on Rob’s head, his tongue sliding in and out of her tunnel and over the hard nub of her clit as wave after wave of pleasure roared through her body. He sucked her clit into his mouth and she squealed, flexing her thigh muscles against his head as he sent another shock wave through her. Through it al Sherry continued to suck on his cock and balls, and by the time Amy was finished cumming he was rock-hard again. Gasping for breath, Amy fell forward onto her hands and slid her hips back, giving Rob a chance to get some much-needed fresh air. He looked up and saw the big mounds of her breasts hanging down in front of his face, and he slid a hand up to grab one of them and squeeze it firmly.
“Oh my God, that was good!” Amy said, looking down at him and smiling. “You made me cum big!”
“Glad you enjoyed it,” Rob replied from between her thighs, smiling back at her.
“Just wait ‘till you feel his cock inside you!” Sherry said from behind them, pausing from sucking on his shaft long enough to speak. “But you’re gonna have to wait your turn, dear, because right now,” she said, quickly moving up from between Rob’s legs to position herself over him with her pussy right above his cock, then pointing his cock at her dripping wet tunnel, “right now it’s my turn!” With that she rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slit twice and then positioned it at the opening to her pussy. Then she sat down on his cock, hard, taking it all inside her tight, wet pussy at once, impaling herself on it. She threw her head back and moaned loudly as his cock filled her, stretching her pussy out, her big breasts heaving and swaying on her chest. Rob couldn’t see any of this since Amy was still sitting on his chest, but the sensations of Sherry’s pussy suddenly engulfing him and her ass hitting his balls as she took all of him at once made him gasp. He thrust his hips upward in response, driving his cock deeper into Sherry’s tight, wet pussy, and she cried out again as the tip of his cock hit her cervix. Amy turned to watch, and over her firm thigh Rob could just see Sherry from the tits up. Her nipples were rock-hard, standing out on her huge tits, her head thrown back and her eyes closed, her mouth open as she slowly ground her hips down onto his cock. Then she dropped her head and looked at him over Amy’s thigh, smiling at him as she started to move her pussy on his cock.
“She’s hot, isn’t she?” Amy asked, looking down at Rob and smiling.
“Yes, she is, very much so!” Rob replied, looking up at her. “And you’re pretty hot yourself, you know.”
“Why, thank you, kind sir!” she said, grinning at him as Sherry continued to slide up and down his hard cock, his body slightly bouncing with her movements. “And now I think it’s time for you to make me cum again,” she said, moving back over his face and lowering her wet pussy down onto his mouth again. Rob immediately clamped his lips around her clit, sucking on the piercing there while rolling his tongue over her clit, and Amy immediately moaned and ground her pussy down onto his face.
As he was doing this Rob felt Sherry’s hands slide up his body as she continued to slide her tight, wet pussy up and down his throbbing cock. She slid her hands up to his nipples and then pinched them, hard, making him buck beneath her. He heard her giggle and felt her squeeze his cock with her pussy in response, tugging and pulling on his nipples at the same time.
“Ohhhh, I’m gonna cum again!” Amy moaned from on top of Rob’s face, griding her pussy down onto Rob’s mouth.
“Me, too!” Sherry said, her fingers still tugging at Rob’s nipples while she fucked him. “Let’s cum together!”
“Okay, but you better be ready, because I’m about to go!” Amy replied, and then she moaned loudly as Rob slid his hands up her lithe body to her breasts, grabbing them and squeezing them hard in his hands. Rob could feel Sherry’s movements on his cock becoming more intense, and he could tell by the way she was squeezing his shaft with her pussy muscles that she was very close, right on the edge of cumming.
“Ahhh, yes, baby, yes!” Sherry moaned, sliding up and down on Rob’s cock as she squeezed it with her pussy, her thighs clamped against his sides. “Fuck, yes, baby, drive that cock deep inside me! Oh, God, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum! Amy!” she cried.
“Here it cums, Sherry, here it cums!” Amy cried, and then Rob felt her pussy flood as her orgasm hit. She cried out as she came, grinding her hips down onto Rob’s mouth, her hands on top of his squeezing her big breasts as she came, and a second later Rob heard Sherry cry out.
“Cummminnngg!!” she cried, dropping her hips down hard onto Rob’s cock and clamping her pussy down hard on his shaft, and he felt her pussy flood his cock with her juices. The two girls cried out almost in unison as their orgasms took over their bodys, and Rob was literally awash in pussy juice, top and bottom. It was all he could to to just hang on and let the girls have their way with him – which was absolutely all right with him!
A few moments later the two girls became still, both of them gasping for breath as they recovered from their orgasms. Sherry was leaning with her hands on his stomach as Amy fell forward again, her big, firm breasts hanging down in front of her.
“Oh my God, that was fantastic!” Amy said, panting for breath. “I came so hard!”
“Me, too!” Sherry said, still sitting on Rob’s hard cock. “I told you he was good, didn’t I?”
“Yes, you did,” Amy replied, moving from on top of Rob’s face to sit on the bed and look back at Sherry as she sat on Rob’s cock. “But you know what I want now, right?”
“I think so,” Sherry replied, looking at Rob and smiling. “You want to feel his cock in your pussy, right?”
“Right,” Amy said, moving down the bed on her hands and knees to Sherry, giving Rob a good look at her firm, rounded ass as she moved. “So we need to switch places!”
“Works for me!” Sherry said, slipping off of Rob’s cock and moving up his other side to his head. Amy quickly straddled Rob’s hips, throwing one firm thigh over his body and then sitting down on his cock as it lay flat against his stomach. She pressed her pussy down onto the underside of his cock, then rubbed her slit up and down on it as Sherry looked back and watched.
“Do you like that, Rob?” Amy asked, smiling at him, the lust evident in her eyes. “Do you like when I rub my pussy up and down the underside of your big, hard cock?”
“I sure do,” Rob replied, watching her move. “But I’d like it better if it was inside you!”
“I can arrange that!” Amy said, lifting her hips up and grabbing Rob’s throbbing cock, pointing it up at her pussy.
“Where have I heard those words before, I wonder?” Rob asked, looking at Sherry right next to him and smiling up at her as Amy slipped her pussy down onto the head of his cock.
“Gee, I wonder!” Sherry replied, grinning back at him. “Happy, lover?” she asked.
“More than you know, babe!” he replied, then gasped as Amy sat down on his cock. She was tight, just as tight as Sherry, and as soon as she had his cock inside her pussy she clamped down on his cock hard with her pussy muscles. Rob discovered that she was much stronger than Sherry down there, and it took him by surprise.
“Good! That makes me very happy!” Sherry said, then leaned over and kissed him deeply. Amy sat still on Rob’s cock, milking it with her talented inner muscles. Having Amy’s pussy clamped around his cock was like being gripped by a warm, wet velvet fist, and Rob knew that this girl was going to make him cum hard and soon.
“Damn, Amy, do you work out or something?” Rob said when Sherry broke the kiss.
“You like that, huh?” she asked, grinning at him and grinding her hips around on his cock while she squeezed it with her strong pussy. “As a matter of fact, yeah, I do,” she explained, starting to slide slowly up and down his shaft, gripping and squeezing him the entire time. “I spend 30 minutes a day doing my Kegel exercises, right after I finish my regular workout. Mmmm, your cock feels good inside me! Sherry, you weren’t kidding about this cock!” she said, putting her hands on Rob’s stomach and moving up and down on his cock.
“Told you!” she said, watching Amy move. “And just wait till you feel him cum!”
“Mmm, I can’t wait!” Amy said, clutching Rob harder as she moved.
“You keep that up and…unh! won’t have long to wait!” Rob said, grunting as Amy squeezed.
“Then I better get on board, huh?” Sherry asked. Then she sat up on her knees and threw a shapely thigh over Rob’s head to straddle his face, and Rob was treated to the view of her huge, torpedo-like breasts bobbing and swaying from beneath as she moved into place. She immediately lowered her wet pussy down onto his face, and Rob slid his hands up her body to find her huge globes. He squeezed them in his hands as he clamped his lips around her clit, and she put her hands on top of his and helped him squeeze as he sucked her clit into his mouth.
“Oh my God, that feels so good!” Sherry moaned, grinding her pussy down onto Rob’s mouth.
“This cock is incredible inside my cunt!” Amy moaned, increasing the tempo of her movements on Rob’s shaft. “It feels so fuckin’ good!” she said, squeezing and clutching at his cock, urging him to cum inside her.
“Ohhh, I’m gonna cum, Amy!” Sherry said, rocking her hips on Rob’s face as he slipped his tongue inside her tunnel.
“So cum!” she replied, sliding her pussy up and down Rob’s cock. “I’ll make him cum with you!”
“Okaaayyy!” Sherry cried, her hips moving quicker now. “Aahhhh, getting ready…mmmm!”
“Come on, Rob, let me feel that cock explode inside my pussy!” Amy said, clamping down harder than ever on Rob’s cock, rocking up and down on his shaft harder and faster, urging him to cum inside her. “I wanna feel it pumping and shooting inside me, so give it to me!”
Rob moaned into Sherry’s pussy in reply, and he could feel his balls shifting and his cock widening as his orgasm quickly built. Amy felt it too and increased the tempo on his cock, squeezing it harder and harder with her talented pussy muscles. Rob thrust his hips upward to meet her as she fucked him, and then Sherry cried out as she came all over Rob’s face. This triggered Rob’s orgasm, and he moaned and bucked his hips upward to drive his cock into Amy’s pussy as his cock exploded inside her.
“Oh, yeah, baby, yeah!” Amy cried as she felt Rob’s cock pumping and throbbing inside her, spewing his cum deep inside her pussy. “Give it to me, give it to me!” she said, moving harder and faster on his cock, squeezing it with her pussy as she felt it shooting inside her. Rob came hard, harder than he’d ever cum before, and he gripped Sherry’s big breasts hard as his cock spewed and spurted inside Amy’s clutching, grabbing pussy as she milked the cum from him. Sherry cried out as she came again quickly, her hands on top of Rob’s as he squeezed her big tits.
“Oh, yeah, baby, yeah!” Amy moaned, grinding her hips down onto Rob’s cock, “now it’s my turn! AAHHHHH!” And then she came as well, the waves of pleasure crashing through her as she came hard. She dropped her hips down onto Rob’s cock as she came, squeezing the last of his cum from the shaft with the force of her orgasm and her pussy squeezing his cock. Rob groaned as the last of his cum spit from his cock deep inside Amy’s squeezebox, pushing his hips upward as both girls rode out their orgasms on his body. All he could do – all he wanted to do – was just lay there and enjoy it, and that’s just what he did.
A few long, moan-filled moments later Rob felt both girls relax, their orgasms spent, and he felt his cock starting to soften inside Amy’s man-trap. Sherry fell forward onto her hands just as Amy had done when she was sitting on his face, gasping and panting for breath, her big tits hanging down and heaving with her motions. Rob felt Amy sit back and brace her hands on his thighs, and could feel her body trembling and hear her gasping for breath as well. He was panting too, having experienced the most intense orgasm of his life.
“Oh my God, that was fantastic!” he heard Amy say. Sherry moved off of Rob’s face, dropping to the bed next to him as she tried to catch her breath. Rob looked down and saw Amy sitting back on her hands, her naked pussy still clutching his cock. She looked at him and grinned, her hair damp with sweat, her lithe body glistening. “You came good!” she said, squeezing Rob’s cock for emphasis.
“Thanks to you, yes,” he replied, then looked up at Sherry. “You did pretty good, yourself, babe!”
“Thanks to you, yes!” she replied, grinning at him. Then she leaned over and kissed him, softly and quickly, then sat back and smiled at him. Amy slid off of his hips, letting his now-soft cock slide out of her pussy, and moved up to lay on her side next to him. She rested her head on his hand as Sherry moved into the same position on the other side of him. Both of them moved in close enough to him to where their big breasts were pressing against him, and then they both lifted up a breast so that each of them had a big breast resting on his chest. He looked from breast to breast and then from girl to girl, and both of them were smiling broadly at him.
“We’re not finished with you, you know,” Amy said from his left, running a finger up his chest and around his nipple.
“Not by a long shot,” Sherry said, running her finger up his chest and around the other nipple, flicking it with her fingertip. “This is only the beginning!”
“By the time we’re finished with you,” Amy said, pulling and tugging on his nipple, “you’re going to be sore in places you didn’t even know you had!” She leaned down and put her soft, full lips around his nipple and sucked it hard into her mouth, making him flinch. Incredibly, he felt his cock stir a bit at this.
“And we’re going to milk every ounce of cum out of your cock and balls until you’re bone dry,” Sherry said, leaning down and sucking his other nipple into her mouth for a moment before continuing, “and then we’re going to milk your cock some more!”
“My God, I have died and gone to Heaven!” Rob said, making the girls giggle. He put his arms around them and pulled them closer to him, and they each put an arm over his body and hugged back. Sherry reached up and kissed him on the cheek, and he hugged her tighter in response. They lay like that for a while, resting and just enjoying the moment and the feel of being together, and then the girls proceeded to do just what they promised.
Four hours and two orgasms later Rob slipped out of the bed and staggered out of the bedroom, leaving the two exhausted but satisfied girls sleeping on the tousled, rumpled bed, their bodies glistening with sweat, his cum drying in several places on and inside each of them. He went into the bathroom and splashed some water on his face, then looked at his reflection in the mirror.
The man he saw looking back at him was grinning from ear to ear.
More to come…