Sam Jennings was a
lucky man, and he knew it. As he stood at the kitchen window and watched his 17
year old daughter Lisa splashing around in the backyard pool with a group of
her girlfriends, he knew that he was indeed a lucky man in more ways than one.
Lisa was the only child of he and his wife Miriam, and they had been very
careful in how they raised her. They took great pains not to spoil her because
she was the only child, but they were also just as careful not to be too strict
on her as well. Both he and his wife had a fairly liberal sense of view in most
things, child-rearing being one of them, and now it appeared that their efforts
had paid off in spades.
While most parents of
a 17 year old child, male or female, were looked upon as being “square” and
“out of touch” with their kids and the world in general, viewed by their kids
as being nothing more than a couple of old folks who did more to inhibit them
and keep them from having fun like they wanted to, Lisa thought the exact
opposite and had told them so on more than one instance. Lisa had grown up into
a responsible, intelligent, and very mature young lady who considered her
parents to be two of her best friends. There was absolutely nothing that she
felt she couldn’t talk about with her parents, and they had taken great pains
to have just that kind of relationship with their only child. This was
especially helpful when it came time to explain the “birds and the bees” to
Lisa; a conversation that most parents and their children would find uncomfortable
to say the least was, in their case, an enjoyable conversation which turned
into a “question and answer” period. Lisa had asked some very interesting and
very sensible questions, and her parents had not hesitated to answer them. The
conversation ended up with Sam and Miriam feeling absolutely confident that
their daughter was a level-headed young lady who was not going to give them any
cause for concern in the sex department.
This was borne out
when Lisa approached them a few months ago and asked to be put on birth
control. Rather than flip out that their “little girl” was even considering
having sex, they were relieved that she was responsible and mature enough to
realize that she needed to take precautions “just in case.” When her father had
asked her if she needed some condoms to carry in her purse because the pill
wouldn’t prevent her from getting an STD, she pleasantly surprised them by
reaching into her purse and pulling out a 3 pack of condoms, smiling at her
parents as she did so. All three of them laughed at that, and the next day her
mother took her to the doctor to put her on the pill.
In addition to being
smart as hell and very mature for her age Lisa had also grown into a beautiful
young woman, inheriting her looks from her mother. Lisa stood 5’6” tall and
weighed in at 110 pounds, with shoulder-length blonde hair, blue eyes, a cute
button nose and lips that were not too full and not too thin, but perfect for
her face. Her body was lithe and lean, her stomach flat and taut with a tapered
waistline that flared out into perfect hips, continuing down to a pair of long,
shapely legs that were topped in the rear by a firm, rounded butt. And it also
appeared that Lisa had inherited her mother’s bustline as well – at 17 years of
age she was wearing a 35D bra, and there was no doubt that her breasts were far
from finished growing. When her mother was her age she was wearing the same
size bra, and by the time she was 20 years old she was up to a 36DDD.
Lisa was the spitting
image of her mother at that age, and as Sam watched his daughter frolicking in
the pool in her bikini, her full breasts bouncing in her bikini top, he felt a
sexual attraction to her that any man would have towards a beautiful young
woman such as herself, and he told himself again that he had to put that
attraction behind him and concentrate on the fact that she was his daughter.
But deep in the
recesses of his mind he knew this was getting harder and harder to do the older
and more beautiful his daughter got, and the raging erection he now had was
proof of that. He looked down at the hard tube of his cock pressing against the
leg of his pants and wondered what Lisa’s reaction would be if she saw that. He
turned away from the window and went into his den, wondering again if he’d be
able to hold out until she finished growing up and moved out.
Lisa saw her dad
looking out the kitchen window as she and her friends were playing in the pool,
and before she could wave to him she saw him turn and walk away. She was lucky
to have him as a dad and her mom as a mom, and she knew it. She had a very
open, honest relationship with her parents that all of her friends envied; she
could talk to them about anything and everything and considered them two of her
closest friends while her teenaged friends all considered their parents the
enemy. Her parents treated her like a young adult instead of a child, and she
appreciated this more than they knew.
She was especially
fond of her father, as most young girls are growing up. She had gone through
the “crush” stage with him as all pre-pubescent girls do, but now that she was
17 she could look at him as a man as well as her father, and she liked what she
saw. She thought her dad was incredibly attractive and sexy as hell; he took
care of himself, working out on a regular schedule, and nearly all of her
girlfriends had commented that they’d fuck him in a minute if given the chance.
The first time one of her friends told her this it surprised her because she’d
never really looked at her father in that way. But once she did she surprised
herself by deciding that she’d also fuck him in a minute – if he wasn’t her
father, that is. And maybe in spite of it, as well; every time she thought
about it, she felt her pussy getting wet. This both excited and confused her,
so she tried not to think about her father like that; sometimes she was
successful, and sometimes not.
Today was one of
those days were she wasn’t successful, feeling the familiar sensations of her
pussy juices beginning to flow, so she turned and dove under the water to both
cool off her libido and take her mind off of her father.
The next morning Sam
had some errands to run around town, so he was up and out of the house early.
It was the middle of the summer and the kids were out of school, so he let Lisa
enjoy her summer vacation and sleep in. The night before she had asked him if
she could borrow his binoculars for a trip to the lake she was taking with her
friends this weekend, so before he left the house he left her a note telling
her that they were in a box in the top of the closet in his home office. Sam
was a private consultant who worked out of his home, and he’d taken one of the
extra rooms in their spacious house and converted it into his office. His wife
was a private nurse, also known as an “in-home caregiver,” and her job kept her
out of the house for at least eight to ten hours a day, five and six days a
week. The hours were long and the hours apart even longer, but the pay was
excellent and they always made up for the time apart when she wasn’t working.
Today was one of those days when his wife was going to be gone for ten hours,
so he was in no rush to get home after running his errands. After putting on
his usual casual summer attire of loose-fitting shorts, a polo shirt worn
outside of the shorts and a pair of sandals, he left the house to go run his
Lisa got up about an
hour after her father had left, stretching her arms above her head and yawning
as she woke up. She tossed the covers aside and got up, then walked naked across
the room to the window that overlooked the driveway. Both cars were gone, so
she knew she had the house to herself. She walked out of her room and down the
hall to the bathroom, not bothering to cover up because she knew she was alone.
She took a quick shower and did her hair, simply drying it and tying it in a
ponytail, before going back to her room and getting dressed. She slipped into a
pair of pink thong panties and a white lacy bra which did a pretty good job of
holding in her big tits despite being so delicate. Then she put on a pair of
khaki safari shorts and a white “middie” t-shirt that stopped about two inches
above her belly button, showing off the diamond stud piercing that hung there.
To finish her outfit she put on a pair of lightweight nylon hiking boots that
were stylish and looked good on her without being clunky. Then she went
downstairs to get something to eat.
She saw the note from
her father on the table, and after she finished breakfast she went into his
home office to get the binoculars. She opened the door to the closet and saw
several boxes up on the shelf, all of which were out of her reach, so she
returned to the kitchen to get the two-step stool. She came back and put the
stool in place, climbed up on it, and reached for the top box. The box was
heavier than she thought, and as she pulled it from the shelf she lost her grip
on it and the box fell to the floor, the contents spilling out.
“Damn!” she cursed
out loud as the contents of the box scattered on the carpet. “Just what I need!
I hope I didn’t break anything,” she said to herself, getting down from the
stool and kneeling down to start cleaning up the mess.
The first thing she
saw was the binoculars in their hard case, so she picked them up and set them
off to the side. Then she started to pick up the rest of the items which turned
out to be old video cassette tapes, most of which were in hard plastic cases
but some of which were in their original packaging, complete with pictures of
the movie and actors on the tape. She picked up the ones in the black plastic
cases first and put them in the box, then picked up a couple of the others to
put them in the box as well. She instinctively turned one of them over to look
at the front to see what the movie was, and she smiled as she saw that it was a
pornographic movie.
“So my dad watches
porn, huh? Cool!” she said out loud to herself, putting the tape in the box and
picking up the next one. She turned that one over also, chuckling as she did
so, but then she froze and her mouth fell open when she saw the picture of the
male actor on the cover.
“Oh, my God!” she
whispered, her eyes wide with shock and amazement. “No way…no fuckin’ way!” she
said to herself as she looked at the picture again. Then she picked up the one
she had put in the box, saw that the actor on that one was the same, and picked
up two more from the floor. All of them were movies of the same actor, an actor
who called himself “Johnny Rod” and who apparently was famous for the size of
his cock, advertised on the box as being eleven – eleven! - inches long
“and as thick as a woman’s wrist!” Even though the picture was of a much
younger man, she recognized him right away.
“My father was a porn
star!” she
exclaimed, looking down at the picture of the man smiling at the camera, his
erect cock standing out in front of him like a flagpole. “And look at the size
of his cock! Oh, my God, he’s hung like a horse!” The humor of it all found her
then and she laughed out loud, looking down again at the picture of her father
on the box. Her gaze settled on his erection, and she stopped laughing as she
felt her pussy begin to get wet. She stared at the picture for a few seconds
more, then jumped to her feet and went over to the DVD/VCR combo beneath the TV
“I just gotta see
this!” she said, bending over and reaching for the power switches on the TV and
VCR. She turned both of them on, then slipped the tape out of the sleeve and
shoved it into the slot on the VCR. The picture flickered as the “autoplay”
function engaged, and she stepped back to sit on the couch as the movie began
to play. She grabbed the remote and fast-forwarded through all of the
conversation and plot bullshit that she didn’t have the least interest in
seeing, slowing the movie down to the normal playing speed once the sex scenes
started. She sat there, wide eyed and her mouth hanging open, as she watched
her father and his huge cock on the screen in front of her. He was standing
naked in front of an equally naked redheaded woman with huge tits who was
kneeling in front of him, gamely trying to get his entire cock into her mouth.
She got about half of it in her mouth, working on it with both hands and
eventually bringing him to orgasm by jerking him off. Lisa gasped out loud when
she saw the cum shot; her father came so hard and so much that it looked like
the redhead was holding on to the business end of a fire hose, and by the time
he finished cumming the woman was drenched in his cum.
Lisa realized that
her nipples were so hard they ached, that she was panting for breath, and that
her pussy was soaked. But she couldn’t take her eyes off of the movie, and she
continued watching it until the end, fast-forwarding through the dialogue and
watching just the sex scenes. When she got to the end of the movie she stood up
to retrieve the cassette from the machine and discovered that her knees were
actually weak, and that her hand was shaking when she reached for the cassette.
She turned off the TV and VCR, quickly finished picking up the rest of the
tapes from the floor and putting them back in the box, then put the box back on
the shelf and ran up to her room, tossing the binoculars on the kitchen counter
as she went by. Once in her room she fell onto her back on her bed, slid her
hands down into her panties to her pussy, and began rubbing her pussy and clit.
She came almost immediately, harder than she’d ever cum before, crying out and
her body shaking as her orgasm crashed through her body. She continued rubbing
her clit and was rewarded with a second orgasm that was nearly as powerful as
the first, and when it was over she lay on the bed for several minutes, panting
and gasping for breath. Then she began to smile to herself, looking up at the
ceiling as a silly grin crossed her face.
“My father was a porn
star!” she said to the ceiling, laughing again. She got up and slipped out of
her shorts, sliding them over her shoes, and then slid the soaked thong panties
down her legs. She tossed them into the hamper in the corner and slipped her
shorts back on, not bothering with panties this time. She chuckled to herself
as she left her room, going downstairs to wait for her father to come home.
It was around noon
when Sam got home, having finished all of his errands faster than he thought.
He walked in the back door to the house and through the kitchen, seeing the
binoculars on the counter.
“Lisa!” he called,
dropping his keys on the counter. “Lisa, are you here?”
“I’m in the living
room, Daddy!” she answered, and he walked through the house and into the living
room. She was sitting on the couch, one leg tucked beneath her, and he couldn’t
help but notice how stunningly sexy she looked in those shorts and the middie
top she was wearing. He felt his cock twitch in response to what he was seeing,
but he tried to ignore it. He had always loved women with very big breasts, and
his daughter with her big breasts – and getting bigger every year - was a
constant reminder of this. He walked over to the couch and bent down to kiss
her on the forehead; she smiled at him and held her face up so he could reach.
“I see you found the
binoculars,” he said, sitting in a chair facing the couch.
“Oh, yeah, I found
them, all right,” she replied, giving him a funny smile. He raised an eyebrow
in response.
“What’s so funny?” he
“Oh, nothing, Daddy,
nothing at all,” she replied, trying to keep a straight face. She paused for a
moment before saying, “Daddy, can I ask you a question?”
“Sure, Lisa, you can
ask me anything; you know that,” he replied, crossing his legs to try and hide
his growing erection. The air in the living room must have been cooler than he
thought, because his daughter’s nipples were hard and poking at her shirt all
the way through her bra. And from what Sam could see, her nipples were just as
big as the rest of her breasts. He began to wish he had worn undershorts today;
he was afraid his growing cock would start to poke out of the leg of his shorts
at this rate.
“What did you do
before you became a consultant?” she asked, propping her head on her hand as
she rested her arm on the back of the couch.
“I went to college,
sweetie; you know that,” he replied, wondering what had prompted this
conversation and where it was going.
“Yeah, I know, but
what did you do when you weren’t in class?” she asked, smiling coyly at him.
“What did you do for work, I mean? Grandpa and grandma didn’t pay for you to go
to college, I know that, so you had to do something for money, right?”
“Right,” he said, a
bit uneasily.
“So what did you do
for work?” she asked.
“Odd jobs here and
there,” he said, making things up on the fly now. “Bussed a few tables, pumped
gas a summer or two, things like that.” He felt awful at having to lie to his
daughter, but there was no way he could tell her the truth. She was smiling at
him as he replied, nodding her head slowly.
“Right, right, bussed
a few tables, pumped some gas,” she said, her smile getting bigger as she
continued, “made a few porn movies…” She was positively grinning by this time.
“Excuse me?” he said,
feeling himself go pale.
“Made a few porn
movies, I said,” she repeated. Then she dropped her hand down to her lap and
leaned forward, looking intently at him and smiling. “It’s okay, Dad, I know
all about it! I found your stash of porn movies today while I was looking for
the binoculars, and I’m okay with it! I mean, really, how cool is it to be able
to say that my father, my very own daddy, is the famous ‘Johnny Rod!’”
“I don’t know as I’d
exactly use the word ‘famous’ to describe me,” he said, still flustered and
surprised that she’d discovered his secret past. “I mean, yeah, I made a few
movies, around a dozen or so, but I’d hardly say I was famous.”
“Are you kidding?”
she said, sitting back and smiling bigger at him. “I looked it up on the
internet, and you’re one of the most popular and famous male porn stars out
there, right up there with John Holmes and Ron Jeremy!”
“No, those guys are
the big time, the really big time,” he said, smiling for the first time.
“There’s no way you could compare me to them.”
“From what I saw, I
say you could,” she said, sitting back and smiling at him, crossing her arms
under her big breasts. Her nipples were harder than ever, poking out against
her shirt.
“You watched one of
them?” he asked nervously.
“Yes, I did, and I’d
like to watch the others, too,” she replied, her gaze flitting down to his
crotch for a brief moment. “If it’s okay with you, that is,” she said. He
paused to think for a moment before replying.
“Well, now that
you’ve seen one of them and you’re okay with my having made them, I guess it’s
okay, but on one condition,” he said.
“Sure, Daddy, what’s
that?” she said.
“You can never tell
your mother that you know about my being a porn star,” he said, a serious look
on his face.
“Doesn’t she know?”
Lisa asked.
“Sure she does,” he
replied, not willing to tell her just how her mother knew – not yet, anyway.
“I’m just not sure she’s ready for you to know about it yet.”
“Okay, that’s fair,”
Lisa replied, sitting back and nodding her head. “It’ll be our little secret!”
“Thank you, Lisa,” he
said, smiling at her.
“And you made more
than a dozen movies, by the way,” she said, glancing down at his crotch again,
trying to see around his crossed legs. “More like twenty five, actually – at
least, that’s what the internet said!”
“That many?” he said,
trying hard not to stare at the two hard nipples poking against her shirt. “I
really didn’t keep track.”
“Can I ask you
another question, Daddy?” she said, biting her bottom lip. She could feel her
pussy beginning to get wet at the thought of the real question she was leading
up to, and at what she hoped the answer would be.
“Sure, sweetie, you
can ask me anything, you know that,” he said again. She leaned forward,
clasping her hands down in front of her, making her big breasts hang down and
bulging between her upper arms.
“Is your cock really
eleven inches long and as thick as a woman’s wrist, or was that just porn movie
hype?” she asked, her eyes glowing brightly.
“You saw the movie,
you tell me,” he replied, grinning back at her. He was finished being
embarrassed by all this, and now he was getting comfortable with it all.
“Well, it looked real
enough, but with movies and special effects and all, you never really know,”
she said, smiling at him. She was really getting wet now; the big question was
next, and she’d led her father right into her trap.
“Oh, it was real, all
right,” he said, smiling back at her. “No special effects involved there!”
“Can I see it?” she
asked softly, her eyes eager and shining with anticipation.
“What?” Sam asked,
surprised and excited at the same time. His cock had been semi-hard this whole
time, and now he felt it grow another inch immediately at her question.
“Can I see it?” she
repeated, leaning forward more. “Please, Daddy? I’ve never seen a cock that big
Her question took him
completely by surprise, and he was momentarily caught between two very strong
and very conflicting emotions. One was his common sense telling him not to do
it, that she was his daughter and it was absolutely wrong for him to show his
cock to her, and the other was his sexual attraction and desire for her which
demanded that he do as she asked, hoping that it would lead to something else.
He was caught smack in the middle of both, a mental tug of war going on inside
his head.
And then she did
something that instantly made the decision for him. She slipped off of the
couch and sat on her haunches on the floor in front of him, her big breasts
with their rock-hard nipples bobbing slightly inside her bra as she moved, then
she looked deep into his eyes with her own as she placed her warm, soft hand on
his bare knee, and her touch was like an electric shock traveling up his leg
right to his cock.
“Please, Daddy?” she
asked again, softly, her eyes full of desire. “Please let me see it! I won’t
tell anyone, I promise!” she said, rubbing his knee with her hand. He felt his
cock shoot up another inch at her touch. His cock was hard enough now that it
was starting to get uncomfortable, being pointed down his leg the way it was,
and it was only going to get worse as it got to its full state of hardness.
“All right,” he said
softly, and her face lit up with a smile at his words. “But you can’t tell
anybody, Lisa. Not your mother, not your best friend, not anybody, okay?”
“Okay, Daddy, I
promise!” she said, smiling up at him. “It’ll be our secret!”
“Okay, then,” he
said, uncrossing his legs, his heart pounding in his chest. She leaned back as
he uncrossed his legs and looked down at his crotch in anticipation. Her eyes
got wide and her eyebrows went up as she saw the outline of his semi-hard cock
against his shorts, running down his right leg.
“Oh, wow, is that
it?” she exclaimed, her hand coming up to her mouth in surprise, her smiling
getting bigger. “It’s huge!”
“You haven’t seen
anything yet, sweetie,” he said, leaning back in the chair and lifting his
shirttail up so he could unfasten his shorts. “I’m not even fully erect yet!”
“Wait a minute,
Daddy,” she said, putting her hand on his to stop him from opening his shorts.
“Not yet, hang on just a minute,” she said, her eyes glued to the long, thick
bulge in his shorts. She slid her hand down from his hand to his leg, running
it down to his cock and rubbing her hand along the shaft. She watched in
amazement as the bulge got even bigger, longer and thicker, growing right
before her eyes. She heard her father gasp as she lightly gripped his cock with
her hand through his shorts, squeezing it gently with first one and then both,
her mouth falling open as it continued to grow beneath her touch. Sam could
feel his heart pounding in his chest at his daughter’s touch.
“I need to stand up,
sweetie,” he said quietly, and she looked up at him, her hands still on his
cock. “It’s getting kinda uncomfortable down there, being pointed the wrong way
and all.” He put his hands on the arm of the chair and stood up, and she leaned
back to give him room to move. The thick, hard shaft of his cock pressed firmly
and insistently at the leg of his shorts as he stood up, tenting out the
material and straining for release. She could see the outline of the bulbous
head clearly through the light cotton of the khaki shorts, and she felt her
pussy getting wetter by the second. She sat back on her haunches, never taking
her eyes off of the imprint of his cock, as he unfastened the waistband of his
short and pulled down the zipper. He paused before letting his shorts fall to
the floor, looking down at his daughter.
“Ready?” he asked,
teasing her. She looked up at and nodded, then looked back down to his cock in
eager anticipation. “Okay, sweetie, here it is!” he said, releasing his shorts
and letting them fall. They fell part of the way down his hips but were kept
from falling all the way down by his cock pushing against the leg; without
thinking and without hesitation Lisa reached up, grabbed the bottom edges of
the legs of his shorts, and tugged them down to let them fall to the floor. His
nearly fully erect cock sprang up like a jack-in-the-box, and Lisa gasped as
she saw it bobbing in front of her face.
“Oh, my God!”
she exclaimed, her hand flying to her mouth again. “Daddy, it’s huge!”
“Told you,” he said,
looking down at his daughter; he was actually enjoying showing his big cock to
someone new after all these years, and the effect it had on Lisa made him feel
good and excited him anew. He felt his cock growing quickly to its full length
and girth as she looked at it. “Eleven inches long and as thick as your wrist,
just like the advertisement said!”
Lisa was stunned
speechless as she watched her father’s huge cock grow and expand right before
her eyes, the shaft getting longer and thicker with each passing second. It
throbbed as it grew, the head rising up and pointing at the ceiling as it stood
up straighter and straighter until it was standing up proudly from his body at
nearly a 45 degree angle. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at the mammoth cock
in front of her face, the huge, bulbous head bobbing as it throbbed with the
blood coursing through it. The veins were big, standing out clearly against the
hard shaft, and she let her eyes travel down the length of his shaft to his
balls. They were smooth-shaven, as was the base of his cock, and they were big
as well, bigger than any she’d ever seen before. They hung heavily beneath his
cock, stretching the skin of his sack as they hung, heavy and full, and she
instantly remembered the cum shot scene where she had seen her father literally
drench the woman with his cum. Seeing the size and heft of his balls, she now
understood how that was possible.
She also knew what
she wanted – what she needed – to do next, and she felt her pussy flood with
anticipation. She stood up on her knees, bringing his cock level with her face,
and looked up at her father for a moment.
“It’s beautiful,
Daddy,” she said softly, “the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen!” Then she
looked back down at his long, thick, veiny cock in front of her, and without
hesitation brought her hands up and wrapped her fingers around his shaft,
gripping it like a baseball bat with one hand right below the head and the
other below that. His cock was so thick that her fingers couldn’t reach all the
way around it, and the feeling of having his throbbing cock in her hands was
wonderful. She felt it all the way down to her soaking wet pussy. She gripped
his cock firmly and heard him gasp, then slowly pumped her hands up and down
the thick, hard shaft. A huge drop of precum instantly appeared at the tip,
getting bigger as she pumped his shaft, until it was so big that it dripped
from the tip of his cock. Without hesitation and without thinking Lisa
immediately ducked her head down and caught the big drop of precum on her
tongue, swallowing it as she maintained her grip on his cock.
“Mmmm!” she said
without thinking, then looked quickly up at her father. The look in his eyes
was a combination of surprise and desire, with desire quickly winning out. She
smiled innocently at him, and to her delight and surprise he smiled back. She
looked back down at his cock in her hands and pumped it again, and after two
strokes another big drop of precum appeared at the tip. She looked up at her
father who looked back at her, then nodded his head. She smiled quickly at him
and then turned back to his cock, pumping it again to make the drop of precum
bigger. When it was just about ready to slide off the head of his cock she
opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, licking up the drop of precum with
the flat of her tongue. He moaned as her soft, wet tongue briefly caressed the
tip of his cock, watching as she swallowed that drop as well. She pumped his
cock again, producing more precum, and she licked it all up as fast as he could
produce it. After several minutes of this she looked up at him, smiling.
“Wow, Daddy, you make
a lot of precum!” she said, licking her lips. “I’ve never seen this much come
out of a man before!”
“You saw the video,
right?” he asked, and she nodded up at him as she slowly pumped his cock,
gripping it tightly in her hands. “Then think of that as a preview of things to
come, sweetie,” he warned.
“I know, that’s what
I’m counting on,” she said, smiling at him and then looking back at his cock.
She continued pumping
his cock, gripping it firmly in her warm, soft hands, mesmerized at the sight
of this monster cock literally drooling precum right in front of her face.
She’d seen pictures and movies of cocks this big before but this was the first
time she’d ever seen one up close, let alone have the chance to wrap her hands
around it. And to think that her father was walking around the house with this
thing tucked away inside his pants the whole time! Her mother was a lucky
woman, she thought to herself as another huge drop of precum drooled out of the
tip of her father’s cock.
Instead of licking
this one up she used the palm of her hand to spread it around the head of his
cock, causing her father to moan softly with the sensations this caused. She
pumped continually with one hand, coaxing the precum from him while spreading
it around the head of his cock with the other. She was amazed at the amount of
precum that he was producing, and of just how slippery it was. She knew from
her own past experience that precum was slippery and she knew why, but her
father’s seemed to be more slippery than others. It only took a minute for her
to cover the entire bulbous head of his cock, leaving it glistening and slick,
and then she started to spread the slippery stuff down his shaft as well. In a
matter of minutes she had spread his slippery fluid down and around the entire
length of his cock, enabling her to slide her hands easily up and down his
now-slick shaft. She gripped his cock firmly with both hands, sliding them up
and down his huge, thick shaft, spreading the precum over his shaft as it
appeared. Then she slid one hand down to his big, heavy, smooth-shaven balls,
gripping them in one hand while she continued to pump his cock with the other.
She massaged, squeezed, and tugged on his balls, and she felt him jerk his hips
and heard him moan again in response. She looked up to see that her father was
standing there with his eyes closed, his mouth slightly open, as she pulled and
tugged on his cock and balls.
“Do you like that,
Daddy?” she asked in a low, husky voice that he’d never heard come from her
before. He opened his eyes and looked down at her as she pulled on his cock and
balls, his shaft glistening in her hand. “Do you like when I massage and tug on
your big, heavy balls like that?”
“Yes, sweetie, I do,”
he replied in a low voice.
“And how about when I
tug and pull on your cock, Daddy? Do you like that?” she asked in the same
voice, her eyes hooded now and full of desire for him as she continued to pump
his cock, now using both hands and gripping him firmly.
“Yes, I do,” he
replied, feeling a familiar sensation deep in his balls. “I like it very much,
Lisa, and if you keep that up you’re going to make me cum!”
“That’s what I want,
Daddy, I want you to cum!” she said, her eyes shining. She gripped his cock
harder with both hands and increased the pressure and tempo of her strokes on
his mammoth cock. “I want you to cum for me, let me feel your big, thick cock
pumping in my hands as you shoot your cum all over me! I want you to come all
over me, Daddy, I want you to cum all over my face! Please, Daddy, cum on me,
shoot your cum all over my face!” she pleaded, stroking him harder and faster,
the precum literally pouring out of his cock now.
“Are you sure, baby?”
he asked, slightly breathless as he felt his orgasm building quickly.
“Yes, Daddy, I’m
sure! Please, Daddy, cum for me! Cum all over my face!” she pleaded, her eyes
bright with desire as she gripped his shaft harder, pulling and tugging on his
long, thick cock, urging him to explode. He was breathing hard now, and he felt
his balls contracting in preparation to release their heavy load. She looked at
his cock as she pumped it harder, feeling it widen even more in her hands, and
she pulled it down and pointed it at her face for when he came.
“Okay, baby, here it
comes!” he said, and then he gritted his teeth and groaned as his orgasm hit.
His cock exploded
right in her face, a long, thick, heavy stream of cum blasting out of the end
of his cock and hitting her square between the eyes. She yelped in happy
surprise as the blast of cum splattered all over her face, but she held on to
his cock and continued pumping it as one long stream after another came
shooting out of his shaft, and she could feel his cock throbbing and pumping in
her hands. The second blast hit her right on the end of her nose, splattering
all over her cheeks and sliding around the sides of her face to her ears, with
the third blast shooting directly into her mouth which was hanging open by pure
chance. She gagged and choked as the heavy stream of cum filled her mouth and
ran down her throat, automatically swallowing it to clear her throat, but she
still held on to his cock as he continued to cum. She pointed his cock down a
little bit so that the rest of his cum landed on her neck and chest, and she continued
stroking his cock as it pumped again and again, covering her neck and upper
chest with long, heavy ropes of cum. Four, five, six, seven times his cock
pumped in her hands, each spurt lasting for nearly a full second in duration,
pumping out more cum than she thought humanly possible. She was beginning to
think that he’d never stop cumming!
But he did, the
pulsing and throbbing of his cock slowing, the flood of cum erupting from his
cock easing off to a mere trickle, and she held his cock up to look at it again
as the last of his cum slipped out of the tip of his cock and slid down the
underside of the head. She licked up this last drop and swallowed it, then
pumped his cock slowly to get the last of it out of his shaft. When she was
sure she had it all and that there was no more coming out, she released his
now-softening cock and sat back on her haunches, his cum literally dripping off
of her nose and chin to land on her chest with the rest of it that coated her
neck and upper chest. She was absolutely soaked in his cum – it was in her
hair, all over her face, dripping from her eyebrows, she even had cum in her
ears! She wiped the cum out of her eyes with the back of her hand and then
started to laugh, looking up at her father who was breathing hard, trying to
catch his breath from one of the most intense orgasms he’d had in a very long
“What’s so funny,
baby?” he asked, dropping down on one knee in front of her and reaching out to
her. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, Daddy, I’m
fine,” she said, wiping the cum from her cheeks and then looking down at her
chest to see the huge amount of cum that was there. “I thought for a minute
there that you were gonna drown me in cum!”
“Well, I did warn
you, and you did see the movie,” he said, smiling at her and seeing the humor
in it. “I’d say you got what you asked for!”
“And then some!” she
said, licking her lips. He felt his cock twitch as her pink, soft, wet tongue
snaked out and licked the cum from her lips, which she then swallowed.
“Sorry about that
shot in the mouth,” he said.
“Don’t be, I liked
it!” she said, wiping her hands on the bottom part of her shirt that was dry.
“It just took me by surprise, that’s all. I like the taste of your cum, Daddy.
Besides, next time I make you cum I want you to cum in my mouth so I can
swallow it all!” she said, smiling demurely at him.
“Next time?” he
asked, raising his eyebrows.
“You didn’t think
this was going to be the only time, did you, Daddy?” she asked, reaching out
and lightly running her hand along the side of his face. “I want to make you
cum again, Daddy, as many times as you’ll let me, and next time I want you to
cum in my mouth. I want to see how much of your big cock I can get in my mouth
before you cum, and I want to swallow as much of your cum as I can! Okay,
Daddy?” she asked, smiling at him.
“There’s only been
one woman who’s ever been able to do that, sweetie,” he said, smiling back at
her, “although many have tried.”
“I can do it, Daddy,
I know I can! Just give me the chance, please, Daddy?” she begged, bouncing on
her haunches like the little girl she used to be many years ago, her eyes
shining bright.
“Okay, sweetie,
sure,” he said, and she smiled with glee. “Right now I think you’d better go
get cleaned up and put on a clean shirt,” he said, standing up and holding his
hand out to help her up. She stood up and looked down at her cum-covered shirt,
the nipples on her breasts still hard. “Throw that one in the wash and we’ll wash
it before your mom comes home.”
“We’re gonna need to
wash my shorts, too,” she said, and he looked down past her bare stomach to her
shorts. There was a large wet spot in the crotch where the shorts had gotten
soaked from her pussy juices, and he noticed the aroma of her musk in the air
for the first time.
“Yeah, I guess so,”
he said as she turned and walked away, heading for her room. He watched her
firm, rounded ass swaying as she walked away, then bent down to pick up his own
shorts. He slipped them back on, then walked into the kitchen and made himself
a stiff drink. A minute later he heard the shower upstairs running, and for the
next ten minutes or so he just stood there, sipping his drink and listening to
the shower running as she washed his cum from her body.
And thinking of “next
As soon as Lisa got
into her room and closed the door, she went into the bathroom and closed that
door too, then turned on the shower. She fell back against the bathroom door
and slid her hand down into her shorts to her still-soaking wet pussy,
immediately going for her clit. She was so hot and wet from giving her father a
hand job and having him shoot his cum all over her that she came almost as soon
as she touched her clit. She came hard, the intense waves of pleasure crashing
through her body as she leaned against the door, her father’s cum still in her
hair, on her face and covering her shirt, and she closed her eyes to remember
the sights and feelings of his cum blasting out of his huge, thick cock and covering
her face and upper body. When she finished cumming she was gasping for breath
and her knees were weak. She paused for a few moments to compose herself, then
stripped off her cum-covered shirt and pussy soaked shorts, tossing them on the
floor of the bathroom. She’d take them downstairs with the rest of her dirty
clothes and wash them after she got out of the shower; she stripped off her
bra, setting her big breasts free and sighing with the relief that always came
when she took off her bra. She massaged her big mounds for a moment and then
stepped into the shower to wash, all the while having visions of her hands
wrapped around her father’s huge cock, pumping it as it throbbed in her
fingers, spewing out its load and covering her with his cum flashing through
her mind.
And thinking of “next
More to come… .