Sam walked down the
hall from his daughter’s room and into his room, going into the bathroom to
wash up. When he was finished he left his room and went downstairs to the
kitchen to get a soda out of the refrigerator, still walking around naked from
the waist down. The more he did it the more he liked it, and he began to wonder
if there was a way he could get his wife on board with this – when Lisa wasn’t
around, that is. He was pretty sure she’d have a cow if he were to walk around
the house with his cock swinging free while both she and Lisa were there. He
knew that eventually he was going to have to deal with telling Miriam what was
going on between him and Lisa, but he put those thoughts aside to deal with
later when the time was right.
And with Lisa about
to help him break his personal best record for the number of times he could cum
in six hours, this was definitely not the right time.
Sam stood in front of
the kitchen window looking out over the pool, letting his mind drift over the events
of the past week or so. Lisa had grown up into an incredibly beautiful,
incredibly sexy woman, and his sexual desire for her had grown exponentially.
He knew that deep down inside he should feel guilty about the sexual
relationship he had developed with her, but he just couldn’t. He knew that
society thought it wrong and there were laws against it, but he also knew that
his desire for her was driven by both the physical attraction to her, and by
his love for her. He loved her as a daughter, to be sure, but over the past few
years as she had grown into a young adult his love for her had deepened beyond
that. It was one of those things that was hard to explain, something that
unless you experienced it yourself you just wouldn’t be able to understand, and
that was what he was afraid of when it came time to tell Miriam about it.
He put those thoughts
away for the moment and let his mind drift back to a short time ago and to the
image of Lisa on top of him, sitting down on his cock, the look of intense determination
on her face as she fought to get his entire cock inside her pussy. He never
thought she’d do it, not so soon anyway, but she surprised both him and herself
by doing it.
‘I guess that’s
something else she inherited from her mother,’ Sam thought to
himself. Then he realized that his cock had begun to swell, rising up just
enough to touch the cold facing of the kitchen counter in front of him. He took
a step back and then turned to walk to his office, chuckling to himself as he
“Damned thing has a
mind of its own,” he said to himself, his slightly erect cock swinging heavily
in front of him as he walked.
Up in her room Lisa
was sitting in front of her computer, cleaned up now with her hair brushed out,
her robe wrapped around her nude body as she clicked on Karen’s icon to
initiate the video chat. She didn’t know who might be able to see her on the
other end when Karen clicked on, so she put on the robe just to be sure. As
soon as she was finished talking to Karen she intended to drop the robe and
head downstairs, stark naked, to begin the teasing of her father.
“Okay, so tell me
what happened!” Karen said as she came into view on the screen, a look of
excitement on her face.
“And hello to you,
too, Karen!” Lisa said, smiling at her friend.
“Screw that! Did you
make him cum again or not? And if so, how did you do it?” Karen said, smiling
“Yes, I did make him
cum again, I’m proud to say,” Lisa replied, beaming with pride. “And I did it
by fucking him with me on top, sitting down on his cock,” she continued.
“Ouch! I mean, shit,
girl, that had to hurt!” Karen said, wincing slightly.
“You have no idea,
girlfriend,” Lisa replied.
“Meaning what?” Karen
“Meaning, I took it
all!” Lisa said proudly.
“You what!? You took
it all?” Karen said, a look of shock and surprise on her face.
“Yep, I took it all!
All eleven, thick inches of it, all the way down until my ass was resting on
his balls!” Lisa said, grinning from ear to ear even though her pussy was
getting more sore and achy by the minute.
“No way! I mean,
jeez, Lisa, that must have hurt like a bitch!” Karen said.
“Oh, it did, trust
me, but only for a few minutes,” Lisa explained. “At first I thought I was
gonna split in two, but once I got it all inside and adjusted to it, it started
to feel really, really good! And after a few minutes of sliding up and down on
it, it hardly hurt at all!”
“Aren’t you sore,
though?” Karen asked.
“Oh, yeah,” Lisa
said, a wry smile on her face, “and tomorrow I’m gonna be lucky if I can walk!
But right now I’m getting ready to go downstairs and tease my well-hung father
for about an hour or so before I make him cum again and break his record!”
“Tease him? How are
you going to do that?” Karen asked. Lisa slipped the robe off and let it slide
down her body in reply.
“Don’t worry,
girlfriend, I got that covered!” Lisa said, smiling. “I’ll call you later and
fill you in on all the details, okay?”
“Okay, and don’t
forget that I wanna fuck him again, too, and soon!” Karen said, making Lisa
“I won’t forget! Bye, Karen!” Lisa said, clicking off and
closing the transmission. Then she stood up and lifted her hands up above her
head, stretching the kinks out of her lithe body, the aching in her pussy becoming
a bit more pronounced. She walked over to the full-length mirror next to the
door and looked at herself, smiling and approving of what she saw. Then she
slipped on a pair of sandals and left her room, walking down the stairs and
into the kitchen to find her father. She walked naked through the house, her
big, heavy breasts swaying and bobbing with her movement, and when she didn’t
see her father in the kitchen or out at the pool she knew she’d be able to find
him in his home office, so she headed in that direction. She found him sitting
on the couch in his office, his legs stretched out in front of him, his feet
crossed at the ankles while he was reading a magazine. She couldn’t see his
cock because of the arm of the couch being in the way, but she knew he was
naked from the waist down just as she’d asked. She smiled as she spoke to him
in an intentionally sultry voice.
“Hello, Daddy,” she
said, and he turned to look at her. He had a surprised look on his face when he
saw his totally naked daughter walking slowly towards him, her big, firm
breasts swaying and bobbing as she moved, and then he smiled.
“Well, hello,
sweetie,” he said, putting the magazine aside. “I see you decided to join the
semi-nude party, only you took it one step further!”
“Uh-huh,” she said,
walking over in front of him and stepping over his crossed ankles, looking down
at the long, heavy tube of his cock resting against his thigh. “I thought you
might like me this way, Daddy,” she said in the same sultry voice.
“Oh, I do, baby, I do,”
he said, letting his eyes travel up and down her lithe, lean body, resting
first on her big, heavy breasts with their hard nipples, then traveling down
her flat stomach to her smooth-shaven pussy, the outer lips visible as she
stood with her feet apart straddling his outstretched legs. She slowly walked
up his legs towards him, her big breasts swaying, then she climbed onto the
couch with her knees, one knee on either side of him.
“I thought you might
like this, too,” she said, standing up on the couch on her knees and pressing
her body forward against him, her big breasts inches away from his face. Then
she reached out and put her hands on the back of his head and pulled it forward
and in between her big breasts, pushing her elbows inward to press her big
breasts together around his face as she leaned up against him, pushing him back
onto the couch. She wrapped her arms around his head and held him in place, his
face totally engulfed by her big, firm breasts as she squeezed them together
firmly. Sam responded by clapping his hands onto the firm, rounded globes of
her ass and squeezing them in his hands, which only made her squeal and push
her big tits together tighter around his head. He squeezed harder, his need for
air becoming more urgent by the second, and when he couldn’t take it any longer
he slapped her on her ass rapidly, the universal sign of giving up, or “tapping
out” as it was called. She laughed as she eased the pressure on her breasts,
giving her father just enough room to pull his head back and get his eyes and
nose clear of her breasts and take several big breaths. She kept her arms
wrapped around his head and continued leaning her body against his, essentially
holding him helpless in her grasp.
“What’s wrong,
Daddy?” she teased, looking down at him and smiling.
“You know, you could
suffocate me in these big tits of yours if you aren’t careful,” he said,
looking up at her from between her cleavage.
“Well, I suppose if
you have to go, that’s the way to go, huh, Daddy?” she said, pulling his head
back down into her breasts and pushing her elbows together again, once more
enveloping his face in her breasts. She felt her nipples getting hard and her
pussy begin to get wet at what she was doing to her father, and she didn’t know
if it was the feeling of power or his hands on her ass that was doing it. All
she knew was that she was getting excited, and that’s what counted. A few
moments later her father tapped out again, and she let him come up for air once
“Now you know what
your cock feels like when it’s trapped between my tits, huh, Daddy?” she asked
“I guess I do,” Sam
replied, smiling up at her. She laughed and released his head from her grasp,
then bent down and kissed him quickly and deeply, slipping her tongue quickly
into his mouth before standing up. She looked down at his lap and saw that his
cock was half-erect, and smiled at herself. This was exactly the response she
wanted, and she was finished for now. She looked back up at her father and
“I love you, Daddy!”
she said, then stood up and walked away, out of his office.
“I love you, too,
sweetie,” he said as he watched her go, her rounded ass flexing and swinging as
she walked. “Damn, what you do to me!” he said softly to himself as she left
the room and stepped out of sight.
About half an hour
later Sam got up from the couch in his office and went into the kitchen to
throw his soda can in the trash. He went over to the sink and opened the door
beneath it, sliding out the small recycle bin that was on rollers attached to
the floor of the cabinet. He never heard Lisa coming up behind him, and as he
straightened up she slipped her arms around him and pressed her body against
his, her big breasts pressing against his lower back as her hands slid around
his stomach and down to his crotch, where she slipped the fingers of one had
around his soft shaft and squeezed while firmly massaging his balls in the
other. He braced himself against the sink as she massaged his cock and balls,
feeling his cock begin to grow thicker and longer. He was getting hard faster
than he did a short time ago in the couch when Lisa had almost suffocated him
in her tits, and Lisa saw that as a good sign. He was almost ready…almost.
She put her hands on
his hips and turned him around, pushing him back against the sink and then
turned her back on him. She reached around behind her and grasped his
half-erect cock with one hand, standing it straight up and then pushing her
firm, rounded ass up against it. She nestled it in the crack of her ass, then
pulled her ass cheeks apart with both hands to get it as deep in between them
as she could. She pushed back as she released her ass, her firm, rounded globes
wrapped tightly around his quickly-hardening cock, then wiggled her ass against
him. Sam slipped his arms around her and cupped her heavy breasts in his hands
as she ground her ass against his cock, squeezing them firmly and then pulling
on her nipples. What she did in response made Sam gasp.
Lisa clenched her
cheeks around his cock hard, much harder than she had done in the shower,
literally grabbing his hardening cock with her ass and tugging on it as she
rocked her hips back and forth. Sam could feel his precum begin to flow, and
with his cock gripped between the cheeks of her ass it wasn’t long before his
cock was sliding up and down slightly between her strong ass cheeks, her skin
and his cock slick with his fluid. Sam squeezed her breasts harder in response,
and she clamped down extra hard with her ass on his cock, pulling on it as if
she was using her hand. Sam couldn’t believe how strong her ass muscles were,
and he wondered what else she was going to do to surprise him next.
After a few
pleasurable moments of tugging on his cock with her ass, Lisa stepped away from
Sam and let his cock slip free. Sam released his grip on her breasts and
watched as Lisa slowly walked away, the top of the crack in her ass shiny with
his precum. She turned and blew him a kiss over her shoulder as she walked
away, leaving Sam leaning against the sink with a full-blown erection.
‘Yep, I think he’s
ready now!’ Lisa thought to herself, deciding that the next time she teased him
would be the last, and that she would then make him cum for a record-breaking
fifth time.
Sam leaned against
the sink for a few moments, watching Lisa walk away, and the thought quickly
crossed his mind that he should just go grab her, throw her down on the couch
and fuck her brains out. But while that’s what he wanted to do, he knew that
Lisa had formulated a plan and was carrying it out, and he didn’t want to spoil
her fun. He also wanted to see what she was going to do next, so he resigned
himself to being her play toy until she got serious – which he had a feeling
wasn’t too far off.
About half an hour
later Sam was in his home office, surfing the web on his computer, when Lisa
came into the room. She was still completely naked, and Sam turned to look at
her as she walked into the room. Lisa walked right up to his chair, slipped her
arms around his neck, and gently pulled his head to her big, firm breasts.
Instead of smothering his face in them as she did before, this time she guided
his lips to one of her nipples, and Sam immediately placed his lips around it
and sucked it into his mouth as he slipped his arms around her trim waist and
pulled her close. He could feel his cock beginning to respond, growing thicker
and longer, as he sucked first on one nipple and then the other. Lisa moaned
slightly as he sucked on her nipples, pulling his face into her breasts as he
did so. Sam slid his hands down to the rounded globes of her ass and squeezed
firmly; he wanted to put his hand over her mound and slip a finger inside her
pussy, but he knew that she was probably still sore so he didn’t.
As Sam sucked on her
nipples Lisa bent over to the side and slipped her hand down to his lap,
finding his hardening cock and wrapping her fingers around it. She pulled and
tugged on his shaft, urging it to full hardness, loving the way it felt as it
grew thicker and longer in her hand. She gripped his shaft harder and heard him
moan into her breast, so she tugged on his cock more firmly. She slid her hand
over the head of his cock and found that his precum had begun to flow, so she
released his cock and then gently pulled his head away from her breasts, both
nipples now red, hard, and standing erect. She bend down and kissed him,
briefly but softly and intensely, then turned around and sat on his lap, making
sure she caught the thick tube of his big cock in between the cheeks of her ass
as she did so. She braced herself on the arms of his chair as she clenched her
ass on his cock, squeezing it again, as Sam reached around and cupped her big,
firm breasts in his hands. Lisa slowly rotated her hips on his cock, clenching
and squeezing it with her ass while Sam gripped and squeezed her breasts. She
could feel his precum making the crack of her ass slick, and she began to slide
her ass up and down on his shaft, clenching and unclenching her cheeks around
it. She could hear his breathing deepen, and she knew that she was having the
desired effect on him. She pressed her ass down onto his cock harder, slowly
grinding it in circles on his lap as she clenched her ass on his cock.
The feeling of Lisa’s
ass gripping and squeezing his cock as she ground onto his lap was like nothing
Sam had ever felt before, and he felt his precum really begin to flow. The
crack of her ass soon became slippery with his fluid, and he began thrusting
his hips up and down to slide his hard, throbbing cock between them as she
ground her ass down onto his lap.
“Oh, man, sweetie,”
Sam breathed softly, “that’s fantastic! You keep that up and you’re gonna make
me cum!” Lisa smiled over her shoulder at him as she replied, her eyes hooded
with her own desire.
“That’s the idea,
Daddy,” she said softly, clenching her ass on his cock and tugging on it hard
as she spoke. “I want to feel your big, thick cock throbbing between the cheeks
of my ass as you cum, and I want to feel your cum shooting out onto my ass and
“Then we’d better
move over to the couch, don’t you think?” Sam asked, still sliding his cock up
and down between the clenching cheeks of her ass.
“Yes, Daddy,” Lisa
replied, reluctantly getting up from his lap and crossing over to the couch. He
got up and followed her, his long, thick cock hard as steel and glistening with
his precum, throbbing slightly as he waited for her to lie down. She lay on the
couch face down, her legs together, hands under her face, her big breasts
bulging out at the sides from her laying on them. Sam got onto the couch behind
her, straddling her closed legs with his own, positioning himself above her so
that his cock was right over the cleavage of her ass. Lisa clenched her ass
once to urge him on, and Sam lowered his hips down to the rounded, firm globes
of her ass and pressed the length of his cock into the cleavage between them.
Lisa reached around and spread them apart to let him slide completely between
them, then clenched around his shaft as she put her hands back under her cheek.
Sam began to move,
thrusting his cock up and down between the slippery cheeks of his daughter’s
ass, pushing down with his hips to keep it buried between them as he did so.
Lisa began clenching her ass around his shaft in time with his thrusts,
squeezing it and pulling down on it by rotating her hips towards the couch with
each of his forward thrusts. His precum was flowing like a river, making it
easy for him to slide his thick shaft up and down between her cheeks, and they settled
into a steady, even rhythm. Sam would slide his cock down until the head was
near the bottom of her ass and then slide it back up, the head rubbing hard
against her tailbone before popping out of the cleavage at the top of her ass.
Lisa clenched her cheeks hard around his cock and rotated her hips down every
time he thrust up, and she knew by the change in her father’s breathing that it
wouldn’t be long before she was going to feel his hot, thick cum splattering up
and down her spine as he shot his load.
And that was exactly
what she wanted.
“Come on, Daddy, give
it to me,” she urged in a breathless voice, clenching his cock harder, as hard
as she could. “Cum for me, Daddy, cum for me hard, shoot your hot cum all over
Sam didn’t reply, but
intensified his thrusts in response. Lisa’s mouth dropped open as she smiled,
clenching and squeezing his cock with her ass as hard as she could, pulling
down on it with her hips as he slid his shaft up and down her ass, and a few
moments later she heard her father groan.
“Yes, Daddy, yes! Do
it, Daddy, do it now!” she urged, gripping his cock as hard as she could.
Sam cried out as his
cock exploded in orgasm, thrusting hard against his daughter’s ass as the first
long, thick rope of cum came blasting out of his cock. It flew up the length of
her back and, incredibly, landed on her left cheek as she looked back at him,
catching her by surprise and making her yelp with glee. His cock pumped and
throbbed as he came hard, stream after stream of hot, thick cum flying out of
his cock to land on her back as high up as her shoulder blades. She kept
clenching her ass on his pumping, shooting cock as he continued to thrust, his
cock pumping more and more cum out onto her back. Sam threw his head back and
closed his eyes, lost in the sensations of his orgasm as his balls drained
themselves out onto Lisa’s back.
Lisa felt her
father’s cock pumping and throbbing between the cheeks of her ass, and this
plus the feelings of his hot, thick cum landing on her back caused her pussy to
become very wet, and she knew that when this was all over she was going to have
to cum herself.
After several long,
pleasurable moments the throbbing of Sam’s cock began to slow, his orgasm
spent, his balls completely drained of cum. He moaned as he pushed his cock
hard against Lisa’s ass one last time, and Lisa gripped his cock with her ass
as hard as she could to squeeze the last drops of cum out of him. The last of
his cum dribbled out of his cock and landed on her ass right at the top of her
crack, and Lisa giggled as she felt his cock slowly begin to soften between the
globes of her ass. Sam held himself above her, looking down at the river of cum
up Lisa’s back, then down further to see Lisa give his cock one last squeeze
with her talented ass cheeks. He was gasping and panting for breath, his body
covered with a fine layer of sweat as he held himself over her. Lisa turned and
looked over her shoulder at her father, his cum still on her cheek, a big smile
on her face.
“That’s five, Daddy!
We did it!” she exclaimed.
“We sure did, didn’t
we, sweetie?” Sam asked, happy to see that his daughter was so pleased with
what they had done. He smiled at her as he panted slightly, trying to catch his
breath, then he spoke again. “Just hang tight for a minute and let me catch my
breath, then I’ll go get us a couple of towels so we can clean up.”
“Come up here and let
me suck your big cock clean, Daddy,” Lisa said, giving his cock a squeeze with
her ass for emphasis. Sam sat back, his cock slipping out from between the
cheeks of Lisa’s ass, and then got up from the couch. He walked up to Lisa’s
head and she sat up on her elbows, just enough to reach his cock without causing
the river of cum on her back to slide off onto the couch. She opened her mouth
and Sam brought his cock to her, watching as she slipped her soft, full lips
over the head of his cock and sucked it into her mouth like a very big strand
of spaghetti. She slid his cock in and out of her mouth, sucking the precum
from his shaft and getting the last of his cum out of the head of his cock, and
after a few minutes she released his cock from her mouth, licking her lips and
smiling at him.
“Mmmm, I just love
the taste of your cum!” she said. “Now you better go get those towels, Daddy,
or we’re gonna have a big mess on your couch!”
“Right,” Sam said,
turning and walking out of the office and into the downstairs bathroom. He
returned a few seconds later with a towel, then used it to wipe the river of
his cum from his daughter’s back and cheek. When he was finished Lisa turned
and sat up on the couch, leaning against the back, her legs spread to give him
a perfect view of her shaven pussy. Sam could see that her outer lips were
swollen and glistening, and he knew that she must be soaking wet. He looked her
in the eyes and saw the need there; her lids were drooping slightly, her mouth
slightly hanging open, breathing slightly hard with excitement. He looked down
at her pussy, and she opened her legs wider for him to see more. Then he looked
back up into her eyes, and her desire was plain.
“Please, Daddy,” she
whispered, moving her legs a bit further apart. Sam moved in between her
smooth, shapely legs and knelt down in front of her. Lisa smiled with
excitement as she slid her hips forward until she was sitting on the very edge
of the cushion, bringing her legs up to rest them on her father’s shoulders as
he brought his mouth down to her soaking wet pussy. Sam slid his hands up on
top of his daughter’s thighs and spread them wider as he moved in on her pussy,
then opened his mouth and slid his tongue up her wet slit. Lisa gasped as she
felt the first touch of his tongue on her pussy, and her back arched a bit as she
felt it slip between her outer lips and glide up and down the slick, pink skin
of her slit. Sam ran his tongue slowly but firmly up and down her slit several
times, flicking his tongue over her clit and making her gasp each time. She ran
her fingers through his hair as he licked her, then twined them in his hair and
gripped her hands into fists as his tongue slid inside her pussy. She clamped
down on his tongue with her inner muscles, wincing at the ache there from when
she had taken his entire cock earlier in the day, but the pleasure soon
overrode the pain as his tongue darted in and out of her tunnel. Lisa closed
her eyes and turned her head to the side, giving herself to the pleasure of
what he was doing, gasping loudly when her father clamped his lips around her
clit and sucked the hard nub into her mouth. He flicked his tongue over it
once, twice, three times, and then sucked on it hard.
“Oh, God, Daddy, I’m
gonna cum!” Lisa moaned, and then her back arched and she cried out as her
orgasm hit. Sam felt her pussy flood his mouth as she came, her fingers
entwined in his hair as she pulled his face harder against her pussy. He
continued sucking on her clit as her hips bucked with the force of her orgasm,
and all Lisa could do was squeeze her eyes shut and let her orgasm take
control. Sam held her to his face with his hands on the tops of her thighs,
hanging on to her as she bucked beneath him on the couch, the waves of pleasure
crashing through her body.
Finally, after
several long moments, he felt Lisa’s body relax and heard her sigh as her
orgasm faded. Her fingers relaxed their grip in his hair and her hands fell to
her sides as she lay back, gasping and panting for breath, her big, full
breasts heaving as she did so. Sam got up and leaned over her, kissing her
softly and deeply on the lips, and she reached out to gently caress his soft
cock as they kissed. When the kiss ended Sam looked into his daughter’s eyes as
he spoke.
“I love you, Lisa,”
he said. She released his cock from her hand and ran her hand up the side of
his face, smiling a satisfied, weary smile at him.
“I love you, too,
Daddy,” she said. “We did it, Daddy, we broke your personal record!”
“With time to spare,
sweetie,” he said, standing up straight in front of her. Lisa sat up on the
couch, sliding her hips back and then sitting back, resting for a moment before
standing on legs that were just a bit wobbly. Her father reached out to support
her, and she found herself in his arms. She looked up at him and smiled.
“Wanna try for six?”
she asked, grinning at him. Sam laughed in response.
“You’re really
something, you know that?” he asked, hugging her close to him. She hugged him
back, loving him more now than ever before.
“So are you, Daddy,”
she said, looking up at him and smiling, “so are you!”
“Thank you, sweetie,”
he replied, kissing the top of her forehead. “I think I need to take a swim;
how about you? Are you up to it?” he asked.
“Sure! Just let me go
upstairs and get changed,” she said, slipping out of his arms and walking
towards the doorway, a bit unsteadily for the first few steps. Sam followed
behind her and paused, looking through the kitchen and out of the kitchen
window at their pool for a moment before speaking.
“Too bad that the
privacy fence isn’t a little bit higher,” he said, musing out loud. Lisa
stopped and turned to look at him.
“Why, Daddy?” she
“Then we could go
skinny dipping!” he said, an impish grin on his face.
“Hey, I’m game if you
are!” she said, turning to head for the kitchen door. Sam caught her by the arm
as she went past him and spun her around, pushing her towards the stairs as she
laughed at him.
“Oh, no you don’t!”
he said, smacking her on the ass to get her moving in the right direction.
“That’s all I need, to have the neighbors see us out there swimming naked and
call the cops! Imagine explaining that to your mom!” he said as they both moved
towards the stairs.
“Wouldn’t be any
harder than explaining to her what we were doing to be naked in the fist place,
you know?” Lisa said, starting up the stairs and looking at her father over her
“Good point, sweetie,
good point,” Sam said, pausing for just a minute, then pushing his daughter
forward with his hands on her ass as she had stopped in front of him. “But
we’re still not doing it, so go upstairs and get changed!”
“Chicken!” Lisa said,
then ran up the stairs to get out of his reach as he took a swipe at her.
Two hours later,
after having spent the rest of the afternoon with her father in the pool, Lisa
was sitting at her computer, drying her hair and talking to Karen on her web
cam, filling her in on the day’s events.
“So you really broke
his record, huh?” Karen asked, grinning at Lisa. “And you did it by squeezing
his cock with your ass? Far out,
“It was amazing,
Karen, I’m telling you,” Lisa said, brushing out her hair. “The man is a
walking cum factory, a real sex machine! I’ve never seen a man shoot so much
cum or shoot it so far in my entire life!”
“All the way up to
your face on the first blast, huh?” Karen said, shaking her head. “Man, I just
gotta get my hands on your dad’s cock again!”
“Soon, Karen, soon,”
Lisa said, still brushing her hair out. “I have to give my poor, overworked,
overstretched little pussy a chance to recover first!”
“Yeah, I know, but
there’s nothing wrong with my pussy, you know!” Karen said, and both girls
laughed. They chatted for a few minutes more, then clicked off with a vow to
see each other tomorrow and talk about setting up another date for her to come
over again. Lisa reluctantly got dressed since her mother was due home shortly,
putting on a loose t-shirt, shorts, and sandals before going downstairs. She
deliberately didn’t wear a bra because she knew how much her father liked to
watch her big breasts sway when she moved; she just hoped her mom wouldn’t say
anything to her and make her go put one on. As she walked into the kitchen to
get a drink she looked into her father’s office and saw him sitting at his
computer; he was wearing shorts now, and she was a bit disappointed that the
free show was over for the day.
“But tomorrow’s a new
day!” she said to herself, smiling as she opened the refrigerator.
Her mother came home
about an hour later, tired from a long day at work. She and her father fixed a
quick dinner while her mother went upstairs, showered and changed before coming
down to eat. Either her mom was too tired to notice her daughter bouncing
around the kitchen braless or she noticed but didn’t care; either way, nothing
was said by her about Lisa’s appearance. Her father, on the other hand, enjoyed
the show all evening long and had to be careful not to let his wife catch him
The rest of the
evening passed uneventfully, with all of them ending up sitting on the couch
watching TV. Sam was in the middle with one arm around Lisa’s shoulders and the
other arm around his wife’s, and he thought that the only way it could ever get
any better was if Miriam were to join them in their affair. He didn’t think
that would ever happen, but he couldn’t help but admit that things would be
absolutely perfect were that to happen.
Lisa went upstairs to
bed around ten PM, with Sam and Miriam following about half an hour later. As
Sam and Miriam cuddled in the bed, Miriam slipped her hand down Sam’s stomach
to grasp his cock, then began tugging on it as she kissed his chest and sucked
lightly on his nipple. Sam never would have believed it, but not only did he
feel his cock begin to get hard immediately, it also got hard quick. Miriam
noticed it, too, and looked down at it before looking up at Sam and speaking.
“Well, I see someone
is more than ready for a good time!”
“I’m always ready for
a good time with you, baby,” Sam replied, pulling her close to him and kissing
her deeply, then rolling over on top of her with his quickly hardening cock
pressing against her outer lips.
When they were
finished more than half an hour later, Sam was lying on his back with Miriam
resting with her head on his shoulder, already sleeping with a satisfied smile
on her face. Sam was looking up at the slowly turning ceiling fan, watching the
blades turn in the darkened room, a smile on his face.
“Six,” he said softly
to himself, and his smile got bigger.
Down the hall, Lisa
was lying in her bed on her back, finally having caught her breath from the
orgasm she had just given herself while listening to the muffled sounds of her
parents having sex.
“Six, Daddy,” she
said softly to herself, grinning as she rolled over to go to sleep. She was
already making plans on how to break his new record, plans that included Karen.
And that she wished
included her mother.
More to come…