It was around eight
o'clock PM and Sam was settled comfortably in the couch in his office, relaxing
with his feet up and watching TV when his cell phone rang. He knew from the
distinctive ring that it was Miriam calling him, and he smiled as he picked up
the phone to answer the call.
baby," he said, grinning from ear to ear.
sexy," Miriam replied, "How are you doing? Healing up okay?" she
"Doing fine,
baby, doing fine," Sam replied. "The stitches itch a little bit, but
other than that I'm healing up just fine. Of course, that's to be expected
since I don't have you and the girls here to distract me," he said.
"A good thing,
too," Miriam said, "or else you'd never heal up!"
"I'm sure the
three of you would keep me quite busy!" Sam replied, smiling bigger.
"And speaking of keeping busy, how's your seduction of young Karen going?
Making any headway there?" he asked.
"Oh, yeah,"
Miriam replied, and Sam could tell by the tone of her voice that she was
grinning from ear to ear. "She was a lot more curious and willing than
even she thought, and all it took was a little push from me and she was all
"Really? That
easy?" Sam asked, surprised. "And what about Lisa? Did she get in on
it, too?"
"You bet she
did," Miriam replied. "As a matter of fact, we had our first daisy
chain this afternoon!"
"A daisy chain?
Really?" Sam asked, even more surprised. "Man, you haven't been
involved in one of those since college!"
"And what fun it
was, too!" Miriam replied. "I can't wait to see what the rest of the
week is going to bring!"
"Well, the three
of you have fun, but save some of your energy for me and when you get
home," Sam said, feeling his cock beginning to twitch at the thought of
the three women wrapped up in the daisy chain. He knew he needed to end the
conversation right away or he'd pull something he wasn't supposed to pull.
"Oh, trust me,
honey, we have plans for you," Miriam cooed in his ear, her voice sultry
and seductive. "You just get your rest, because you're going to need it
when we get home! We're going to drain you dry!"
"I'll be looking
forward to it," Sam said, his cock starting to grow faster now.
"I love you and
miss you, baby," Miriam said in a soft, loving voice.
"I love you and
miss you, too, baby," Sam replied, meaning it. "Enjoy the rest of
your night, and I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?"
baby," Miriam replied, then hung up.
Sam put the cell
phone down on the couch, the mental image of the three girls going at each
other in the daisy chain vivid in his mind. Then he imagined himself in the
middle of it, and the thoughts made his cock grow even more. He was afraid he'd
pull a stitch or something like that, so he knew what he had to do.
"Cold shower
time," he said to himself as he got up slowly from the couch and then
walked out of the room and towards the stairs, headed for his room and the
shower that awaited him. He wondered just how many cold showers he'd have to
take before the stitches came out and he could finally relax and stop worrying.
The next three days
were very enjoyable for the three women, to say the least. Their time was spent
enjoying the sunshine, enjoying the water, or enjoying each other either in
pairs or all three at once. Karen was like a kid with a new toy, and at least
half of the time it was she who initiated sex between her and the other two
women, and they'd become entangled in a daisy chain on more than one occasion.
It was the next to
last night that they were going to be at the beach when the two girls came back
into the room from being out walking around town on their own. Miriam had
stayed behind, taking the opportunity to call Sam while the girls were gone as
she did every night, and she had just gotten off of the phone with him when the
girls came giggling back into the room. Miriam was in need of some cheering up;
talking to Sam had made her realize just how much she missed him, and how very
horny she was for him and his monster cock. This was the longest she'd ever
been without it, and it was starting to take its toll on her. Sex with Lisa and
Karen was great, but there was nothing that could take the place of a warm,
hard, and throbbing cock, and Miriam was more than ready to get back to Sam and
his huge cock. She was sitting up in her bed, resting against the backboard
wearing nothing but a too-large t-shirt, and her hard nipples poked out against
the material due to a combination of the cold air in the room and her talking
with Sam.
"So what are the
two of you so happy about?" Miriam asked as the girls came into the room
and sat down on the bed next to where she was sitting up in hers. She noticed
they were carrying a white plastic unmarked bag, and was immediately curious as
to just what was in the bag. Lisa spoke up first.
"We found the
neatest shop, Mom!" she said, looking over at Karen and giggling again.
"And once we got inside and started looking around, we found something
that we just had to buy and bring back with us!"
"And just what
would that be?" Miriam asked, looking down at the bag in Lisa's hands.
Lisa and Karen giggled again as Lisa reached inside the bag and pulled out what
she had bought.
"This!" she
said, grinning as she pulled her hand out of the bag and held up a long, thin
box containing one of the biggest dildos Miriam had seen in a long time.
According to the box it was ten inches long and was sculpted out of material
that was supposed to both look and feel as close to the real thing as possible.
Miriam couldn't help but grin at her daughter as she held her trophy out in
front of herself proudly.
"I see you found
a sex shop," Miriam said, causing the girls to giggle again. "And I
see you found something that reminds you of your father as well!"
"That was the
main reason we had to buy it," Karen said, speaking for the first time as
Lisa opened the box. "The other reason is, well, you know, it's been
nearly a week since we were with Sam, and we kinda...well, you know..."
"You kinda need
something hard and thick inside your pussy," Miriam finished for her,
Karen nodding in agreement. "I know, Karen, believe me, I know, because I
feel the same way."
"Wow, this thing
really feels...well, real!" Lisa said, having removed the fake phallus
from its box. She was holding it in her hands and running her fingers over it
as she spoke, and Karen reached over to feel as well.
"And it looks
real, too," Karen said, running her fingers over the smooth surface and
feeling the ridges and bumps of the veins in the shaft.
"I recognize the
brand," Miriam said, picking up the box and looking at it. "You girls
bought one of the best sex toys on the market; I just hope you didn't pay too
much for it!"
"If it's half as
good as the girl in the shop said it was, it'll be worth every penny!"
Lisa said, looking up at her mother and smiling. "At least it'll hold us
over until we get home to Daddy," she finished.
"So when are we
gonna find out?" Karen asked, looking at Lisa with a look that both she
and Miriam had come to recognize over the past few days. Karen was aroused, and
the mere thought of it got both Miriam and Lisa going as well.
"No time like
the present," Miriam said, sitting up and slipping the t-shirt up over her
head. Lisa and Karen both stood up and quickly stripped the few articles of
clothing they were wearing from their bodies, and in a matter of seconds all three
of the women were totally naked.
"So who's
first?" Lisa asked, looking down at her mom still sitting on the bed.
"I think I know
who should be first," Miriam replied, looking over at Karen. "Have
you ever used a sex toy like this before, dear?" she asked, and Karen
shook her head slightly. Miriam smiled and looked back to Lisa and said,
"I know you have, sweetie, because I found yours hidden in your room a
while ago, and that's okay," she said, making Lisa blush slightly,
"so I think it's only fair that Karen be the first to use our new play
"I was hoping
you'd say that!" Karen said, sitting on the bed and moving into the
center. She pulled the pillows up to the base of the headboard and rested her
shoulders and head on them, spreading her legs wide as Lisa moved in between
them. Miriam could see that Karen's nipples were already hard and her breathing
was coming a little faster, and she knew that Karen was really going to enjoy
"Did you buy any
lube, dear?" she asked Lisa, who reached into the bag and pulled out a
medium sized bottle of a very popular lube, the one that was advertised as
being the most slippery one available.
"The girl at the
shop said we'd need this," Lisa said, and Miriam nodded at her.
"She's right,
you will," Miriam replied, "at least at first, anyway. Just take it
easy and go slow until she gets warmed up," Miriam said to Lisa, who
nodded her understanding.
Karen?" Lisa asked, and Karen nodded. Lisa put the huge dildo down on the
bed and opened the cap of the lube, then squeezed some out onto her fingers.
She leaned forward and reached out to rub the lube onto Karen's pussy, and
Karen gasped at her touch. Her mouth fell open and she began breathing a bit
faster as Lisa spread the slick substance around, over and into her pussy,
making sure to rub Karen's clit along the way. She looked up at Karen and
smiled, then sat up and handed the bottle of lube to her mother. She picked up
the dildo and held out her hand so Miriam could squeeze more of the lube out
onto her fingers, then she rubbed the slick stuff all around and over the
bulbous head of the huge sex toy. When it was slick and glistening she looked
down at Karen and smiled as she leaned foward, moving the dildo up to Karen's
slick pussy.
"Here we
go!" Lisa said, and then rubbed the head of the dildo up and down Karen's
slit between her outer lips. Karen moaned softly as the head of the toy spread
her lips wide, and she lifted her hips up to urge Lisa to slip it inside her.
Lisa moved the head down to Karen's opening and pushed, and Karen gasped aloud
as the big head of the toy pushed its way inside her tight, wet pussy. Lisa
pushed the first three inches of the thick toy inside Karen's tunnel before she
stopped, and Karen moaned loudly as the big toy filled her.
"Oh, my God,
that feels so good!" she moaned, rotating her hips around the toy.
"Keep going, Lisa, please," she said, looking at Lisa with lust in
her eyes. Lisa pulled the dildo out a bit and then pushed in again, and Karen
moaned as the thick toy slid deeper into her tight, wet pussy. She groaned as
her tunnel was stretched for the first time in nearly a week, and the
sensations of the phallus filling her was nothing short of exstacy.
"This is
incredible, Mom!" Lisa said to her mother as she worked the toy deeper and
deeper into Karen's pussy. "I can actually feel her pussy gripping the
dildo as I move it!"
"You should feel
it from my end!" Karen moaned, her eyes shut and her mouth open as Lisa
worked the dildo deeper yet into her clutching pussy.
"She will, dear,
she will," Miriam said as she watched, and she could feel her own pussy
start to flood at the sight of the big toy sliding deeper into Karen's pussy.
Lisa began stroking the
toy in and out of Karen's pussy, pushing it further and futher into her with
each push, and Karen reached up to grab her own big breasts in her hands. She
squeezed them hard, pulling and tugging on the nipples as Lisa worked the last
of the phallus into her pussy, and she moaned as she felt the head of the toy
hit bottom inside her.
"Ahhh, God,
that's it!" she groaned, panting slightly as she opened her eyes and
looked at her best friend. "Now fuck me with it!" she said in a husky
voice, tilting her hips up as she spoke.
Lisa began sliding
the long, thick toy in and out of Karen's pussy, slowly at first and then
increasing her tempo, with Karen moaning and groaning the whole time. LIsa
watched in amazement as the huge toy slid in and out of her best friend's
tight, wet pussy, the "skin" of the toy glistening with the lube and
Karen's juices. She could feel Karen's pussy clutching at the toy with each
thrust, and she felt the toy move in her hands as Karen rotated her hips around
"Oh, my God, I'm
gonna cum!" Karen moaned, tugging on her nipples harder as she felt her
orgasm quickly building. Lisa thrust the toy in and out of her pussy harder and
deeper,and that set Karen off. She cried out as her orgasm hit, and Lisa could
feel her pussy clamping down on the dildo as Karen's orgasm exploded. Her hips
bucked and jumpe and she grabbed at her breasts hard as the waves of pleasure
went crashing through her, and it was all Lisa could do to keep the dildo
buried inside Karen's pussy as her hips jumped up and down. She watched in
amazement, grinning from ear to ear, as Karen's orgasm shook her body like a
rag doll.
When it was finally
over and her body relaxed, Karen was left in a gasping, sweaty heap on the bed.
She let her hands fall away from her reddened breasts, the nipples hard and
red, as she gasped for air. Lisa held the dildo inside her pussy for several
moments before sliding it out, Karen moaning as it slid free of her tunnel.
"Oh, man, that
was incredible!" Karen gasped, looking up at her friend and smiling.
"Man, I needed that!"
"And now it's my
turn!" Lisa said, holding the slippery, glistening toy in her hand. She
turned and looked at her mother, who smiled and nodded.
"Yes, dear, I'll
do you," she said, reaching out to take the dildo from her daughter.
"Lie down next to Karen and spread your legs," she said, and Lisa
quickly did so.
"I don't think
you're going to need the lube, Mom," Lisa said, and as Miriam looked down
at her daughter's soaking wet, glistening pussy she smiled.
"I think you're
right," she said, reaching out and rubbing Lisa's hard clit with her thumb
and making Lisa gasp. Lisa tilted her hips up as her mother thumbed her clit
again, rubbing circles around the hard nub as she ran the big head of the
still-slippery dildo up and down between Lisa’s outer lips. Lisa reached up and
grasped her own big tits in her hands, kneading and squeezing them as Miriam
slid the dildo up and down her slit while rubbing her clit. Her mouth fell open
and she gasped as Miriam pressed against her clit hard.
“Stop teasing me,
Mom!” she begged, looking up at her mother as she tugged on her nipples. “Put
that thing inside me, and do it now!”
“As you wish, dear,”
Miriam replied. She placed the head of the huge dildo against Lisa’s wet
opening and pushed hard, shoving nearly half of the ten inch long dildo into
Lisa’s tight, wet pussy. Lisa cried out and arched her back as the monster
dildo invaded her pussy, stretching it open as it slid inside her tunnel, and
she squeezed her breasts harder. Miriam held the dildo there for a moment, then
pulled it back a bit before driving in in deeper still. Lisa cried out again as
nearly all of the fake phallus slid into her pussy.
“Oh, my God, that
feels so good!” she cried, her mouth hanging open as she looked at her mother.
She saw Miriam’s huge, heavy breasts hanging down in front of her, swaying
slightly as Miriam began to slide the dildo in and out of her pussy, and she
wanted to suck on Miriam’s hard nipples but couldn’t. She gasped loudly as
Miriam pressed the dildo home, the head striking Lisa’s cervix as Miriam pushed
it in all the way until the big, soft balls were pressing against her ass.
“How’s that, dear?”
Miriam asked, holding the dildo in place and smiling up at Lisa sweetly.
yessss….oh my God, Mom, it’s so….mmmm!” Lisa moaned as Miriam began sliding the
dildo slowly in and out of her pussy. “That’s it, Mom, that’s it, fuck me with
it, fuck my pussy with that big cock!”
Karen watched as
Miriam began fucking Lisa with the big dildo, sliding it in and out of her
pussy in long, even strokes. She reached up and grasped one of her big breasts
in her hand while the other slid down her stomach to her mound, and her fingers
quickly found her still-wet slit and still-hard clit. She began fingering
herself as Miriam fucked Lisa with the fake cock, and she could tell by the way
that Lisa was moaning and the way her hips were moving that she wasn’t far from
cumming. And as she watched, she realized that neither was she.
Miriam’s pussy was
soaked by now, literally dripping as she slid the fake cock in and out of her
daughter’s tight, clutching pussy. Lisa was writhing on the bed, her eyes
closed as she gripped her breasts firmly, massaging and squeezing them as her
hips bucked against the huge dildo Miriam was sliding in and out of her pussy.
Miriam could feel Lisa’s pussy gripping the dildo as she moved it, and she knew
that Lisa was close to orgasm. She glanced over at Karen and saw that she was
watching with rapt attention, grabbing her own breasts with one hand while the
other worked at her pussy. She smiled, then concentrated her attentions back to
Lisa. She moved the dildo deeper and harder in and out of Lisa’s pussy and
making Lisa moan again.
“Oh, God, Mom, I’m
gonna cum….” Lisa moaned, opening her eyes and looking at her mother.
“Let’s see if this
helps,” Miriam said, then reached down and pressed her thumb against Lisa’s
hard clit as she shoved the dildo as far into Lisa’s pussy as she could.
The reaction was immediate.
Lisa cried out as her orgasm immediately hit, throwing her head back and
squeezing her eyes shut as her back arched in response to the explosion taking
place in her pussy. The waves of pleasure rushed through her as Miriam thumbed
her clit again and again, sliding the big, thick dildo in and out of her pussy
in long, hard, deep strokes. She cried out again as a second orgasm quickly
followed the first, and still her mother kept working on her clit and sliding
the dildo in and out of her wet pussy.
Karen watched as
Miriam worked on Lisa, and when Lisa cried out in orgasm that triggered her
own. She bit her lip and tried not to scream as her own orgasm washed over her
body, her fingers sliding in and out of her wet tunnel and over her clit as she
watched Lisa’s back arch higher as she came harder. Finally she closed her eyes
and surrendered to her orgasm, letting it overtake her body as she listened to
Lisa cumming next to her.
Miriam looked over
and saw Karen closing her eyes, and she knew that Karen was cumming as well.
Lisa was panting and gasping for breath as her own orgasm began to subside, her
back relaxing and her hips dropping back to the bed as the sensations within
her began to fade. Miriam slid the dildo deep into her pussy and held it there
to let Lisa come down from her sexual high, and after a few moments Lisa opened
her eyes and looked at her mom. She smiled as she panted for breath, then
looked over at Karen who was also recovering from her orgasm. Then she giggled
at her friend, and that set both of them off. Miriam couldn’t help but laugh as
well, and the laughing fit lasted for several moments.
When the laughing fit
finally passed Miriam sat back and slid the slippery dildo from Lisa’s pussy,
making Lisa gasp as she did so. Then she looked up, holding up the dildo that
was shiny from Lisa’s pussy in her hand, and said, “So who’s going to do the
“I will,” Karen said,
sitting up and quickly taking the dildo from Miriam’s hand. “After all, it’s
only fair…besides, I’ve never done this before and I want to do it!”
“Fair enough, dear,”
Miriam said, changing places with Karen. She lay back on the bed in the spot
where Karen had been, her huge breasts moving around on her chest as she did
so, the nipples hard. She raised her knees and opened her legs, and Karen moved
into position between them. Karen smiled as she looked down and saw Miriam’s
pussy was already wet and gleaming with her own juices.
“I don’t think you’re
going to need the lube either, Miriam,” Karen said, looking up at her and
“No, I don’t think so
either, dear,” Miriam said, smiling back. “Watching the two of you cum has made
me quite wet and quite ready, so would you please take that big thing and shove
it inside my pussy before I go out of my mind?” she asked, reaching up and
grasping her huge tits in her hands.
“You got it,” Karen
replied, and she did just that. She rubbed the big head of the dildo up and
down Miriam’s slit a few times to separate them, and then she placed the head
against Miriam’s tunnel opening and pushed hard. Miriam cried out and arched
her back as Karen shoved nearly all of the dildo into her pussy in one hard,
deep thrust, and she squeezed her big mounds hard as she hissed between her
“Yesssss! Oh my God,
yesssss!” she hissed as Karen pushed the fake cock deeper into her pussy,
pushing hard until the balls were pressed again Miriam’s ass. “MMMMMM, yesssss!
Ahh, that feels so good inside me! Now fuck me, Karen, fuck me hard and fast!”
she said, looking at Karen over the mounds of her huge breasts she was gripping
in her hands, lifting her hips up and urging Karen to go on.
Karen did just as
Miriam asked, stroking the big dildo in and out of her pussy in long, hard, and
fast strokes. Miriam moaned loudly as Karen fucked her hard with the fake cock,
squeezing her huge breasts hard in her hands. She was going to cum quickly and
it was going to be a big one, so she closed her eyes and let herself be
overtaken by the sensations running through her body. Then she gasped loudly as
she felt a pair of warm, soft lips attach themselves to her right nipple and
then suck hard, pulling the nub into a wet, warm mouth. She opened her eyes and
saw Lisa sucking on her nipple, her cheeks hollowing in with the suction she
was applying. Lisa reached over Miriam’s body to grab her other big breasts,
squeezing it and pulling on the nipple as she continued to suck on the right
one. Miriam let her hands fall away to drop on the bed, then she gripped the
bed spread in her fists as the two girls worked her over. Karen continued to
stroke the dildo in and out of her sopping wet pussy in long, deep, and fast
strokes, and Lisa moved over to suck on her other nipple while taking both of
Miriam’s breasts in her hands.
Miriam felt the
sensations quickly building, and then she arched her back and cried out as she
came. Her orgasm hit hard, exploding inside her pussy like a bomb, and she
lifted her hips up from the bed and gripped the bed spread tightly in her hands
as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her body. She cried out again as
the orgasm ran through her; this was a long and intense one, and she opened her
mouth to gasp for breath as the sensations wracked her body from the tip of her
toes to the top of her head. She gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut
as the huge dildo slid in and out of her tight, wet pussy, the powerful orgasm
still crashing through her body.
Karen looked down at
Miriam as she was in the throes of orgasm and her mouth fell open at what she saw.
Lisa was clamped onto Miriam’s big tits with both hands and her mouth, sucking
on her nipples relentlessly. Miriam’s back was straight, her hips lifted up all
the way off of the bed as she gripped the bed spread in her fists, hanging on
as her orgasm ran through her. Her body was shaking with the intensity of the
orgasm, and it was all Karen could do to keep the dildo moving in and out of
her pussy as she rode out her orgasm.
Finally, almost
thankfully, Miriam felt her orgasm begin to release its hold on her and start
to fade. Her back slowly relaxed and her hips slowly dropped back down to the
bed, Karen slowing the pace of the dildo as she came down from her sexual high.
Miriam was panting for breath as her body relaxed, her orgsm over and her energies
spent, and Lisa finally released her grip on her mother’s breasts and sat back.
Karen pushed the dildo in and held it there, and Miriam moaned softly as she
rotated her hips slightly around the shaft inside her.
“Wow, that was
intense!” Karen said, looking down at Miriam who had just opened her eyes. “You
came so hard!”
“She sure did,” Lisa
said, sitting on her haunches on the bed and looking down at her mother’s tired
body. “Are you okay, Mom?” she asked. Miriam looked over at her and smiled,
nodding her head.
“I’m fine, sweetie,”
she said, still breathing hard. “I did cum hard, and you certainly helped!” she
“Well, it just seemed
like the right thing to do,” Lisa said, smiling back.
“Trust me, it was the
perfect thing to do!” Miriam replied, then turned and looked up at Karen. “And
you were just great with the dildo, Karen!” she said, and Karen smiled at her.
“Thanks, Miriam, I’m
glad I did it right,” she replied.
“Oh, you did it
right, all right,” Miriam said, sitting up and sliding back to rest against the
headboard as Karen slipped the dildo out of her pussy. “And by the time this
night is over, you’re going to be even better at it!”
“I kinda had a
feeling you’d say something like that,” Lisa said, grinning at her mom. “And I
was hoping you would!”
“Trust me, dear, by
the time this night is over the three of us will be tired but happy, and we’ll
certainly have gotten your money’s worth out of our new toy!” Miriam said
“And when we get home
in two days we’re going to get our money’s worth out of Daddy!” Lisa said,
grinning broadly.
“Damn right!” Karen
agreed, nodding her head.
“Yes, girls, we most
certainly will,” Miriam replied, smiling at the two girls. “and when that time
comes, don’t forget that I’m first!”
“Okay, Mom, that’s
only fair,” Lisa said.
“Agreed,” Karen said,
“Good,” Miriam said,
smiling at the two girls. “The two of you can fight over who’s going to fuck
him next!”
“Or we could both
fuck him at the same time,” Lisa said, looking over at Karen and grinning.
“Now there’s an
idea!” Karen said, grinning back. That set off a laughing fit that kept the
three of them laughing for several moments, with Karen getting up and going
into the bathroom to clean up both herself and the dildo at the end of it. When
the door closed Lisa looked over at her mom and spoke.
“Mom, can you do me a
favor?” she said.
“Sure, honey, what’s
that?” Miriam replied.
“Well, I need your
help with something,” she began, a little hesitant to find the right words.
“What, baby?” Miriam
said softly, reaching over and touching Lisa on the knee as she sat on her
haunches next to her.
“Well, it’s like
this,” Lisa explained, “I want to take Daddy’s cock in my ass, and now that we
have that big dildo I want you to help me get ready for it.” Miriam’s eyebrows
went up in surprise at hearing what Lisa wanted to do.
“Sure, baby, I’ll
help you,” Miriam replied, “but are you sure you want to try that? Your
father’s cock is very big as you know, but trust me, when you’ve got it up your
ass it feels twice as big!”
“You’ve done anal
with Daddy?” Lisa asked, her eyes opening wide.
“Yes, baby, I have,”
Miriam replied, “several times. We do it every now and then, but not very often
because I’m always very, very sore when it’s over.”
“Does it hurt?” Lisa
“Yes, baby, it does
at first,” Miriam said, “but once he’s inside and you relax, it stops hurting
and starts to feel really, really good!” she explained. “Besides, the more you
do it the easier it gets and the less it hurts.”
“Because you adjust
to it,” Lisa said, and Miriam nodded.
“That’s right, dear,
you do adjust to it,” she said.
“So you’ll help me
get ready by using the dildo on my ass?” Lisa asked, and Miriam smiled at her.
“Yes, dear, I’ll be
glad to!” Miriam replied, smiling back. Just then the door to the bathroom
opened and Karen came out, the now-clean dildo in her hand.
“So what are you two
grinning about?” she asked, sitting on the bed and dropping the dildo onto the
“Mom’s gonna help me
get ready to do anal with Daddy!” Lisa said, grinning. “She’s going to use the
dildo on me to show me how to do it!”
“No way!” Karen said,
her eyes wide. “You’re gonna take your dad’s huge cock up your ass?”
“Sure am, and Mom’s
gonna help me get ready for it!” Lisa replied. “Right, Mom?” she said, looking
over at Miriam.
“That’s right, dear,”
Miriam said, getting up from the bed and heading for the bathroom. “But that’s
for tomorrow night; right now we all have some unfinished business to take care
of, and after we rest for just a bit we’re going to get down to it!” she said.
Then she went into the bathroom and closed the door.
“It’s gonna be a long
night!” Lisa said, looking at Karen and smiling.
“Yeah, but it’s gonna
be a lot of fun!” Karen agreed, smiling back.
And it was.
More to come...