Walter – or Walt,
as he preferred to be called – was pulling his car into his
driveway when he saw his next door neighbor, Jan, opening the trunk
of her own car as it was parked in the driveway. Walt could see the
grocery bags in the trunk, and he wasn't going to let his
visibly-pregnant neighbor unload those bags by herself. He quickly
pulled his car into the driveway, slipped it into “park,” then
got out and hailed Jan just as she was bending over to pick up the
first bag. The loose sun dress she was wearing hid her pregnancy
well, but he still knew she was pregnant and that was that.
He and Jan – and
her useless “fiance” – had been neighbors for a little more
than a year. She had moved into the house next door when she had
gotten engaged, and they became fast friends despite the fact that he
abhorred the guy living with her, and she knew it. Walt and Jan were
about the same age, both being in their late '20s, and they had a lot
in common. One of the things that helped their friendship develop so
fast was when they discovered that Walt had been stationed close to
her hometown in England when he was in the Air Force, and the more
they talked the more they both thought that it was entirely possible
that they had seen each other before she moved in next door but just
never knew it Walt, on the other hand, was fascinated with her
English accent; he had always thought women with an English accent
were sexy as hell, and Jan was no different.
But it wasn't only
her accent that made her sexy to Walt. Jan was tall, about 5'9”,
with blue eyes and brown hair that she kept bleached blond and worn
in a “pageboy” style, a lean face with an angled nose and lips
that were just perfect for her face – not too fat and not too
skinny. She was lithe and lean, with a firm, flat stomach – at
least before she got pregnant - and the longest set of legs that
tapered up into the sexiest, roundest, and firmest butt Walt had ever
seen. He was basically a “boob” man, his tastes in women tending
to run towards those who couldn't see their feet because of the size
of their boobs. If he'd had to guess Walt would have guessed that
Jan was a large “C” cup before she got pregnant, but once her
hormones kicked in the size of her breasts increased dramatically.
To Walt she now appeared to be a full “D” cup, maybe a bit
larger, but what impressed him the most was while the size of her
breasts had greatly increased the shape of them didn't. They were
round and firm to begin with, and they still were – just bigger,
much bigger, with no signs of the sagging that usually comes with the
increased size due to pregnancy. But there was just something about
the sight of the firm, rounded globes of her ass flexing when she
walked that just pushed his button, and he was okay with that.
“Hang on, Jan!”
he called as he jogged around the back of his car and over to where
she stood in her driveway. She straightened up and smiled as he
approached, obviously relieved at what was about to happen.
“Hi, Walt!” she
said as he stopped in front of her. “You don't have to bother with
this, you know, I'm not so far along that I can't do this myself,”
she said, the English lilt in her voice immediately striking him as
it always did – right in the groin. He smiled back at her as he
“Yes, I do, and
how far along you are doesn't matter. There's no way I'm going to
let a pregnant lady do anything like this as long as I'm around to
help,” he said. He turned and gathered the plastic shopping bags
out of the trunk. There were only 4 of them, but that didn't matter.
Jan had been shopping for just herself ever since her useless
“fiance” had skipped out on her after learning she was pregnant.
Walt had always thought that the only reason the punk was with her
was because her family was wealthy and he smelled money. This was
proven when he skipped out on her when she told him she was pregnant
with his child.
That was a little more than seven months ago, so by now her “baby
belly” was easily visible.
“Thank you so
much, Walt, you are a real gentleman!” she said, smiling at him and
closing the trunk of her car. She walked up towards the house with
Walt following her, grocery bags in hand. She unlocked the door of
the house and went inside, Walt following her and heading to the
kitchen to drop the bags on the counter. He'd been in her house many
times since her fiance had left her, so he knew his way around. He'd
been the attentive ear that Jan had needed on more than one occasion,
Jan opening up to him more and more each time they talked, until
after nearly 7 months they had become quite close.
“Glad to be able
to help,” he replied, turning to face her and returning her smile.
“Is there anything else you need me to do for you while I'm here?
Anything else you need help with? You know I'd do anything for you,
all you have to do is ask,” he said, immediately realizing that his
next-to-last sentence had a double meaning which was totally
unintended but completely accurate.
“I know, Walt,
you're such a dear man!” she replied, her eyes sparkling as she
smiled at him. “And you've become quite the good friend, also, and
I am very appreciative and grateful for that.”
“The same goes
for me, Jan,” Walt replied, smiling back at her.
“So you can't
leave without at least letting me get you a drink, can you?” she
“I suppose not,”
Walt replied.
“Good! Now what
would you like?” Jan asked, turning to the refrigerator and opening
it, then turning to look at him over her shoulder. “Would a nice
cold pint be okay?” Even after all this time in America, she still
called a beer a “pint” as they did in England, and Walt found it
both amusing and sexy as hell.
“That would be
fine, thanks,” he replied. Jan reached into the refrigerator and
retrieved a beer, then closed the refrigerator door and turned to
hand him his beer.
“There you are,
sir,” she said, still smiling at him. “Now you go have a seat on
the couch and relax whilst I put these groceries away, and I'll join
you shortly!”
“Do you need my
help?” he asked, and Jan shook her head.
“No, I'm fine.
Nothing here is very heavy so I think I can manage it,” she
replied. “If not, I'll let you know!”
“Fair enough,”
he said, then turned and walked into the living room to the couch.
He sat down and cracked open the can of beer in his hand, took a long
swallow and then sat back. The floor plan of the house was fairly
open, so he had a clear view into the kitchen from where he sat. He
watched Jan putting the groceries away, and while the loose skirt of
the sundress hid her butt from his view the top did nothing to hide
the mounds of her heavy breasts. He could tell by the way they moved
that she wasn't wearing a bra, and he didn't recall seeing any bra
straps when they were outside. Not for the first time Walt realized
just how beautiful and sexy his neighbor was, and he felt a stirring
inside his shorts. The fact that she was visibly-pregnant only added
to the attraction, and Walt found this both puzzling and interesting
at the same time.
It only took Jan a
few minutes to put the groceries away, and when she was done she got
a beer for herself out of the refrigerator, then came over to sit on
the couch with him.
“There, all
done!” she said, opening the beer and taking a drink before
speaking again. “I must say I never could understand how you
Americans could drink your beer cold, but I must admit that once you
get used to it the beer actually tastes better when its cold!”
“And I could
never understand how you Brits could tolerate room-temperature beer,”
Walt replied, thinking back to his years in England. “I actually
tried it shortly after I arrived 'in country,' and I just couldn't
handle it.”
“I guess it's an
acquired taste if you're not raised with it” she said in reply,
“much like cold beer is an acquired taste if you're not raised with
that as well.”
“I guess so,”
Walt said, taking another drink as Jan did the same. She held the
beer in both hands in her lap and looked down at it for a moment
before lifting her head up to speak. Walt could feel the mood in the
room change, and the look on her face when she looked up at him
verified his feeling.
“Walt, you've
been such a good friend to me over the past seven months or so, and I
simply don't know what I would ever have done without you,” she
said, the look in her eyes serious and somber. “When my fiance ran
out on me I was lost and felt so all alone, and suddenly there you
were like a knight in shining armor come to rescue me,” she said,
smiling at him. “And you did just that, you know. You rescued me.
You are quite possibly the best friend I've ever had, and I don't
know how I'll ever be able to repay you.”
“Don't worry
about that, because you don't have to repay me,” Walt replied,
sitting forward and leaning his forearms on his knees, holding his
can of beer in both hands. “I didn't do anything to be rewarded
for it; I did it because it was the right thing to do, and because I
like you.” Jan smile broadened as Walt continued.
“You know, I
never liked him from the start,” Walt said, intentionally not
mentioning her fiance's name; they had both agreed a long time ago
never to speak his name in her house again, and Walt intended on
keeping that agreement. “What he did, running out on you like
that, was inexcusable no matter where you were raised, and if I ever
see the little shit again I'm gonna totally ruin his day for him!”
Jan giggled at this, putting her hand on his knee as she spoke.
“Thank you, my
dear man, I truly appreciate that!” she said, reaching over and
giving his knee a brief squeeze. She sat back in her chair and
sighed, her pregnant belly pushing up in front of her. Her legs
involuntarily spread apart a bit, and Walt got a glimpse of smooth,
silky inner thigh before the folds of her sundress fell down and
obscured his view. Jan rubbed her free hand over the mound of her
belly and smiled, looking down at her belly as she continued to
“You know, being
pregnant has been a wonderful and thrilling experience, although I
will admit that it has its drawbacks. Moving around is getting more
difficult the further along I get, and I truly miss being able to
sleep on my stomach! But I think the thing I miss the most is
feeling sexy, or at least knowing that the men around me think I'm
sexy. That sounds terribly self-centered and selfish, I know, but I
can't help it. That's how I feel, and I'll be glad when I'm not
pregnant anymore and can feel that way again.”
“What makes you
think you're not sexy now, Jan?” Walt asked. Jan giggled a bit
before she replied.
“With this big
belly?” she said, pointing at her stomach. “Are you serious,
luv? What man in his right mind would find me the least bit
attractive, much less sexy?” she asked.
“I would,” Walt
replied, and as soon as he said it he realized he had responded a bit
too quickly. Jan's eyebrows went up in surprise, and her smile
softened as she replied.
“You would? What
a sweet thing to say!” she said, looking him in the eyes as she
spoke. She rubbed her belly slowly as she continued. “Do you
really think I'm sexy like this? All pregnant and belly sticking
out, I mean?” she asked, her voice softening just a bit. Walt
glanced down at the now-empty can in his hand before he looked up at
her and replied.
“Yes, Jan, I do,”
he said, figuring now was the time to be honest with her. “I've
always thought you were attractive and sexy as hell, and I think
you're even sexier now. I don't know why, but I just do.”
“Thank you so
much, Walt, you have no idea just how much that means to me,” Jan
said, the look in her eyes changing to something else, something more
sultry and – well, seductive. “For the record, I've always
thought you were extremely sexy yourself. I was always afraid that
my ex would catch me sneaking looks at you; that would have really
set him off!”
Walt didn't know
what else to say, so he just looked at her for a moment before taking
a drink out of the beer can he still held in his hands. He could
feel his heart rate going up, and he hoped he was right with where
this conversation seemed to be headed. Jan's next words removed all
doubt about that.
“You know what
else I really miss, being pregnant and all?” she asked, sitting up
and placing her beer can on the side table next to the chair, then
leaning forward as much as she could, spreading her legs out to let
her belly hang free as she rested her elbows on her knees to brace
herself. “I haven't had a good shagging in seven months,” she
said, looking at Walt with hooded eyes. The look of lust in her eyes
was clearly visible, and Walt felt a stirring in his crotch as he
realized his dreams were about to come true. “And if that doesn't
change very quickly I'm afraid I'll just go mad! So let me get right
to the point, Walter my dear – would you please fuck me?”
Walt knew that Jan
could be blunt to the extreme at times, but even he had to admit to
himself that he was a little surprised at the candor with which Jan
spoke. Surprised, but pleased to be sure. He felt the stirring in
his crotch intensify as his shaft quickly started to enlarge.
“Are you sure,
Jan? Is this what you really want?” he asked, more out of respect
for their friendship than anything else. He knew this was going to
change their relationship, and he wanted to make sure she was ready
for it as well.
Jan removed all
doubt from his mind when without a word she stood up, slipped the
straps of her sun dress from her shoulders, then pulled it down first
over her full, heavy breasts and then over her stomach to let it fall
in a circle at her feet. She was wearing a pink thong under the sun
dress and that was all, and Walt thought she was absolutely stunning
and sexy as hell. The only parts of her body that changed and got
bigger when she got pregnant was her stomach and her breasts; nothing
else about her body had changed. Her face stayed slim, her arms and
thighs were still slim and firm, and Walt was quite sure her butt was
unchanged as well. But what made her sexy as hell to him was without
a doubt her pregnant belly. Walt didn't know why, but he found the
protruding mound of her stomach to be the sexiest thing about her
right now, especially when compared to how slim the rest of her body
had remained. Walt's cock continued to grow inside his shorts, urged
on by the sight of a nearly-naked and pregnant Jan. She took a few
steps forward toward him and stopped when she was standing directly
in front of him, and Walt couldn't help but notice the sway of her
milk-laden breasts as she walked. He sat straight up as he looked up
at her, past her pregnant belly and breasts to look in her eyes. She
smiled a seductive half-smile at him as she spoke, her voice low and
filled with desire.
“Quite sure,
luv,” she said. Then she leaned forward and took his head in her
hands, treating Walt to a quick view of her breasts hanging down from
her chest before she lifted his head up and kissed him. The kiss was
long and deep, very intense, and Walt felt his pulse race as their
lips touched. Almost immediately Jan slipped her lithe tongue into
his mouth to dance with his own, and he heard her sigh with desire as
the kiss deepened. Walt felt his shaft quickly grow to almost its
full length as he reached out to put his beer can down on the coffee
table, then reached up with both hands to cup and gently squeeze
Jan's breasts. He heard her sigh again at his touch, and he could
feel the hard pebbles of her nipples pressing into his palms as he
gently kneaded the heavy globes in his hands. Her breasts were heavy
and full in his hands, and he was careful not to squeeze them too
hard as he knew they were sensitive due to her pregnant state.
“Mmm, that feels
wonderful!” Jan whispered, breaking the kiss and rubbing her cheek
against Walt's as he gently squeezed her breasts. She ran her lithe
tongue around his ear before plunging it inside, and Walt shivered in
response. This was one of his most sensitive erogenous zones, and he
was very glad Jan had stumbled across it.
“So you like
that, do you?” she whispered in his ear, sucking briefly on his ear
lobe. “Then you're going to absolutely love what's coming next!”
Jan dropped to her
knees between Walt's outspread thighs, the look of lust clearly
evident in her eyes. She smiled a slightly wicked half-smile as she
worked at Walt's belt, unfastening it quickly and then starting to
work on his shorts as Walt sat back on the couch, sliding his hips
towards the edge of the couch without realizing he was doing it.
“Let's see what's
hiding in here, shall we?” she said as she pulled his shorts open.
Walt wasn't wearing any underwear – he usually didn't in the
summertime – and his fully erect cock popped into view. Walt also
shaved his cock and balls clean, and she seemed to appreciate that.
Jan smiled as she gazed at his cock for the first time, reaching out
and grasping it with her hand. His cock was warm and hard in her
hand, and she could feel the blood pumping through it. She gave it a
firm squeeze as she began to slowly pump her hand up and down the
thick shaft. She looked back up at Walt as she spoke again.
“You have a
simply beautiful cock, luv! So big and hard, and it's all for me!”
she said, her smile growing bigger as she continued to pump his
shaft in her hand. A drop of clear pre-cum appeared at the tip, and
Jan rubbed her thumb over the head of his cock to spread it around.
Walt jumped at the sensation, and Jan giggled at his response.
“A bit sensitive,
are we? Sorry, luv, let me make it up to you!” she said, lowering
her head down to his cock. She placed her lips against the tip, then
slid them down and over the head of his cock, sucking it into her
mouth. She stopped when the head was in her mouth, sucking on it as
she swirled her tongue over and around the sensitive glans, making
Walt shiver. She grasped his smooth, heavy balls in one hand while
she kept the other firmly wrapped around his cock, giving his balls a
gentle squeeze before kneading them in her hand.
'Damn, she's good!' Walt
thought to himself as Jan tugged and pulled on his balls, her tongue
sliding over and around the head of his now fully erect cock.
Jan wasn't in the
mood to waste any time, her pussy getting wetter and the throbbing in
her clit more intense with each passing moment. She slid her mouth
down the length of Walt's shaft, slipping her tongue along the
sensitive underside as she engulfed his entire length in her mouth
and down her throat. She paused when her nose bumped against
Walt's abdomen, holding his cock deep in her mouth as she swallowed
around it a few times before slowly sliding her mouth back up his
length. She sucked hard on him as she did this, and the suction was
simply incredible. Walt had enjoyed his share of blowjobs in his
life, but he'd never encountered a woman who could apply as much
suction as Jan apparently could. He watched in amazement as Jan
slowly slid her mouth down on his cock again to repeat the process.
She did this several times, squeezing and massaging his balls as she
did so, and Walt felt the first faint twinges of an orgasm building
in his balls and at the base of his cock. Jan must have sensed it,
because she slid her wet, sucking mouth slowly up his shaft and then
paused at the head, sliding her tongue around it once before
releasing it from her mouth with a soft 'pop.' She smiled up at him
as she spoke, her other hand still working his balls.
“Not yet, luv,
not yet!” she said, her eyes twinkling with both happiness and
lust. “I'll let you cum in my mouth later, but right now I want
this simply gorgeous cock of yours inside me!”
With that Jan stood
up between his outstretched thighs, her eyes locked on his and a
crooked, slightly evil smile on her face as she hooked her thumbs
into the sides of her thong and slipped it off. Walt saw that her
pubic hair was a light brown and was trimmed short in the shape of a
“landing strip.” Her outer lips were shaven smooth, and Walt
could see that they were puffy and glistening already. The scent of
her musk immediately filled the room, only serving to heighten the
sexual desires now burning brightly in both of them. Walt's cock was
so hard it almost hurt, throbbing with the blood pumping through it.
Jan moved in closer
and stepped over his right leg, and Walt brought his thighs together
to let her straddle him. He slid his hips forward until they were
right on the edge of the couch and he was lying as flat as he could
be, his upper body held up by the back of the couch. She moved into
position right above his cock, bracing herself with her hands on his
stomach as she did so. She sat down on his cock as it lay on his
stomach, and he felt her wet outer lips part and envelope his shaft
as she began to slide her pussy up and down the length of the
underside of his cock. Her pussy was hot and wet, and Walt was
anxious to feel it wrapped around his cock.
“Mmmm, that feels
good!” Jan moaned, her eyes closed and a smile on her face as she
slid her pussy up and down the underside of his hard shaft. “I
love to feel the head of your cock rubbing against my hard little
clit,” she said, opening her eyes and looking at him as she moved
her hips up and down along his shaft. “But now I think it's time
for me to sit on this lovely hard cock and swallow it up!”
With that Jan
lifted her pussy from his cock, now glistening with her juices, and
reached down to grasp it with one hand. She pointed it straight up
towards her waiting tunnel, then rubbed the head up and down her slit
before placing it against her opening. She pushed down onto his cock
until the head slipped inside her, then put her hand back on his
stomach and sat down on his cock. Jan took his entire cock inside
her in one smooth, fluid motion, and Walt moaned as he felt the hot
wetness of her tight pussy envelope him. Jan moaned loudly, her eyes
closed, as she felt Walt's hard cock sliding inside her. She had all
but the very last bit of his cock inside her, the bulge of her
pregnant belly preventing her from taking it all. Walt could feel
her full belly pressing against his abdomen as she sat on him,
motionless for a moment as they both enjoyed the sensations of
initial penetration.
“Oh my God, you
feel so good!” Jan gasped, opening her eyes and smiling as she
looked at him. “It's been so long since I had a nice, hard cock
inside me! I can't believe I waited this long before fucking you, I
really can't!” she said, that slightly evil smile coming to her
lips again.
“So you've
thought about this before?” Walt asked, a little bit surprised but
pleasantly so. “This isn't just a spur of the moment thing?”
“Oh, no, luv,
I've wanted to shag you ever since the first time I laid eyes on
you!” she replied, her smile broadening into a grin. “But I was
intent on being faithful, so I never did anything about it. But now
that's all changed, so...” and she let her words trail off as she
squeezed her pussy around his cock before lifting herself up, sliding
her pussy up his length before settling back down on it again. She
rode him like this for several moments, slowly sliding her pussy up
and down his cock, her hands still braced on his stomach. She closed
her eyes with the sensations running through her, Walt enjoying the
sights of her breasts pushed together between her upper arms as she
braced herself with her hands on his stomach. When she began to
speed up as she rode his cock, Walt spoke up.
“We have to be
careful, Jan, we don't want to hurt the baby,” Walt said. Jan
opened her eyes and looked at him, smiling.
“I know, luv, and
we won't,” Jan replied. “That's why you're going to simply lie
there and let me do all the work, let me take control of things and
enjoy this marvelous cock of yours,” she said, continuing to slide
up and down on his throbbing cock. “But I'm going to take it slow,
love, nice and slow, so I can enjoy the sensations of your big cock
filling me up as long as possible – before you fill me up with your
hot cum, that is!” She smiled a sexy, wicked smile down at him as
she continued to slide up and down the length of his cock.
“At least you
won't have to worry about getting pregnant!” Walt said, smiling
back up at her. She tossed her head back and laughed, then looked
down at him with a broad smile on her face. Here eyes were afire
with desire and lust as she replied.
“Very true, luv,
very true indeed!” she said, continuing the slow ride up and down
on his cock. “And once I have the baby I'm going to make very sure
I won't have to worry about that the next time we make love!”
“The next time?”
Walt asked, hoping he had heard her right. He did.
“Oh, yes, luv,
there is most definitely going to be a next time!” she replied.
Then she placed a finger on his lips and said, “Now hush and enjoy
“Yes, ma'am,”
he mumbled through lips held mostly closed by her finger. She smiled
as she removed her finger from his lips and placed her hand back onto
his stomach as she continued to slide her pussy slowly up and down
the length of his hard shaft. She closed her eyes as she lifted her
head up, enjoying the sensations running through her, and Walt slid
his hands along the tops of her thighs as she moved on him.
“Mmmm, I like
that,” Jan said, opening her eyes and looking down at him, still
slowly riding him. Walt slid his hands up her sides and ran them
over and across her pregnant belly, then continued upward until he
came to her heavy, swollen breasts. He marveled at how dark and
prominent her nipples and areolas were as he cupped the full globes
in both hands. He gently squeezed and massaged Jan's breasts,
tugging on her nipples with his thumbs and forefingers. He felt her
shudder and her hips twitch as he did this.
“I like that even
better!” she said breathlessly as she looked down at him. “You
keep that up, luv, and I'm going to be cumming all over your cock in
no time!”
“I like that
idea,” Walt replied, paraphrasing her.
“You have to
remember that it's been seven long months since I've been with a man,
so this won't take very long!” she said, squeezing his cock with
her talented inner muscles as she spoke.
“I don't think it
will take very long for me, either,” Walt replied. Jan smiled a
large smile at him as she replied, still moving up and down on his
“Good thing we
have the rest of the afternoon, then, isn't it, luv?”
“Yes, it is!”
he replied, tugging a little harder on her nipples and making her
They both fell
silent, concentrating instead of what they were doing with and to
each other rather than on talking. Walt squeezed Jan's breasts a
little harder as she continued to ride him, and he wasn't surprised
when little beads of mother's milk appeared at her nipples. He ran
his hands over them, rubbing the liquid over her breasts, and Jan
moaned a little as he did so.
Jan's pussy was
tight, very tight, and Walt knew that it wasn't going to be long
before he was cumming inside her. The fact that she was squeezing
his cock with her pussy as she rode him only made the sensations more
intense. Her pussy was wrapped around the length of his shaft and
was gripping it like a hot, wet, velvet glove as she continued to
move up and down on it. She looked down at him as she rode him, the
look of lust very apparent in her eyes. Her lips were parted and her
mouth was opened slightly and Walt could hear her breathing as she
moved on top of him. Then she sat straight up, sinking completely
down on his cock as she placed her hands on the tops of Walt's thighs
behind her, and Walt could feel the firm globes of her shapely ass
pressing against his balls. This took her heavy breasts out of his
reach, so Walt let his hands fall back to the tops of her thighs as
she sat back. She leaned back only far enough to get all of Walt's
cock into her, and Walt felt the tip of his cock nudge up against the
bottom of her tunnel as she pushed her hips down onto him.
“Mmmm, now that's
it! That's what I want, luv, I want all of you as deeply inside me
as possible!” she said, smiling at him with hooded eyes.
She changed the
motion of her hips then, moving her hips from front to back instead
of sliding up and down as before. Her heavy, full breasts bobbed and
swayed on her chest as she rode him, the areolas crinkling with her
excitement as she came closer and closer to orgasm. The sight of her
hips moving on him, his cock buried deep inside her wet, clutching
pussy was having its effect on him and Walt knew that it wasn't going
to be long before he was exploding inside her. He wanted her to cum
before he did, though – that was always his “thing,” making
sure the woman climaxed first – so Walt ran a hand over her lower
abdomen to her pussy, and his thumb found her clit. Jan jumped and
squealed in erotic surprise as soon as his thumb touched her nub, and
she groaned loudly as he pushed on it and ran his thumb over and
around it.
“Oh my God!”
she gasped, grinning down at him. “You do that, luv, and I'm going
to be cumming all over your hard cock in no time!”
“That's the idea,
luv,” he replied, using her lingo for the first time. “You first
and then me!”
“How about
together?” she whispered, the motions of her hips increasing as he
continued to rub her clit with his thumb.
“Together, then,”
he replied.
No more words
needed to be spoken. Jan leaned back just a little bit as she closed
her eyes, the motions of her hips increasing as Walt continued to
thumb her clit. He could feel her pussy flooding with her juices,
and he knew it wouldn't be very long before her orgasm hit. She had
no way of knowing it, but the way she was moving on him was his
favorite position, done to him for the first time when he was just 18
years old by a 26 year old woman who fucked him into oblivion over
one glorious weekend. This way of a woman moving her hips on him had
been his favorite since then, and never failed to set him off
whenever the woman did it.
And he had no way
of knowing that Jan's clit was exceptionally sensitive, and that she
always came within seconds of being touched. But he was about to
find out.
“Yes, luv, yes!
I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!” she gasped, the tempo of her hips
increasing as her orgasm quickly built inside her. Walt felt his own
balls shift in preparation, and he knew that he was seconds away from
flooding her with his cum.
“Right with you!”
he replied, and that was all it took. Jan's orgasm exploded inside
her like a bomb, the sensations rocking her from her head to her
toes. She cried out as she squeezed her eyes closed and gritted her
teeth, the intensity of her orgasm causing her entire body to shake.
Walt felt her pussy clamp down on him as she came, and that set him
off. His grip on her thighs tightened as his balls shifted, and then
his own orgasm hit. Jan was so caught up in her own orgasm that she
never felt his cock widen slightly before it exploded, but she
certainly felt it pulsing and throbbing inside her pussy as it pumped
stream after stream of hot, thick cum deep inside her.
Walt groaned with
the force of his orgasm, pushing his hips up to drive his cock deeper
into her as he came. He came hard, harder than he'd cum in a long
time, his cock pumping over and over again inside Jan's clutching
pussy as they both lost themselves to the intensity of their orgasms.
Five, six, seven times Walt's cock pumped inside her, until Walt
thought his brains were going to come shooting out of the end of his
But finally, almost
mercifully, their orgasms ran their course and subsided. Jan's hips
slowed and then stopped, pushing down on Walt's cock one last time as
the last spasm ran through the length of his shaft, the last ounce of
his cum seeping out of the tip of his cock. They were both left
panting and gasping for breath, Jan's body now covered with a fine
layer of sweat which gave it an erotic sheen. Jan opened her eyes
and looked at Walt as he did the same, and they smiled at each other
with smiles of intense satisfaction. Jan gave a short laugh before
“Cum a bit hard,
did you, luv?” she asked, grinning at him and making Walt laugh.
“I could ask you
the same thing!” he replied, and they both laughed at this. Then
Jan sat up, keeping Walt's softening cock trapped inside her as she
leaned forward. Walt felt her pregnant belly pressing against him as
she leaned forward and could see her swollen breasts swaying as they
hung down from her chest. She took his face in her hands and kissed
him, the kiss deep and sensual, their tongues lightly dancing as she
gave his cock one last squeeze.
“That was simply
wonderful, Walt, thank you so much!” she said softly, her eyes
“I should be
thanking you,” he replied, knowing that their relationship had just
changed forever. “That was – well, fantastic!”
“If you think
that was good, luv, just wait 'till I'm not pregnant anymore and can
really move around!” she said, an impish look in her eyes and a
wicked little half-smile on her face.
“I can't wait!”
he said, returning her wicked grin.
“How about
another beer and a nice, warm washcloth to tidy up with before we go
again?” she asked, sitting upright on his hips. “We do have the
rest of the afternoon, you know!”
“And the rest of
the evening as well,” he replied, smiling at her.
“And the rest of
the evening as well, yes!” she said, nodding and smiling.
“That sounds
great, then!” he said. Jan leaned over and pecked him lightly on
the lips before she got up, gingerly removing herself from him and
smiling as she did so. Walt was expecting a flood but was surprised
when it didn't happen. He felt a quick chill as the cool air of the
room hit his wet shaft as it slipped out of her, and he shuddered
'She must have
one hell of a set of internal muscles!' he thought as he watched
her walk away towards the bathroom, the globes of her ass flexing as
she walked.
“This is going to
be one hell of a night!” he said out loud, smiling at the thought
of the pleasures and experiences yet to come.
And it was, indeed,
one hell of a night.