(Author’s note:
this is a work of fiction. Any
resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are at least 18 years
of age.)
Two beers and a cigar later Dan got up from the bench seat
and walked over to the cabin roof where Lucy lay on her stomach, her bare feet
hanging off of the edge of the cabin.
Dan ran a finger up the sole of one of her feet, tickling her and
startling her awake. She jumped up and
squealed as she turned to look behind her, smiling when she saw him standing
there and grinning at her.
“You’re terrible, you know that!” she said, returning his
grin as she turned around and sat up to face him.
“Didn’t want you to get burned, m’dear,” he said as he
walked towards the cabin door. “The
Caribbean sun can sneak up on you if you’re not careful, and we both have parts
of our bodies exposed that normally never see the sun – you more than me!”
“Good point – thank you, Cap’n Dan!” she said, poking her
arm to see if she was burned. Dan
reappeared from below deck, handing her a dark brown plastic bottle.
“Here, Lucia, I think it’s time you started using this,” he
said. She took the bottle and saw that
it was a local brand of suntan oil with an SPF of 15. “That’s what I used when I first moved down
here, and it kept me from getting a burn,” he said, walking over to the bench
and sitting down again. “Works really
good, and it will help you get the tan you want without paying the price of a
bad sunburn.”
“And the last thing I want is a sunburn of any kind!” she
said, opening the bottle and squirting some into her hand. “I don’t want anything to put a damper on
this voyage! Thank you, Cap’n!” she said
as she started to spread the oil onto her skin.
She spent the next fifteen minutes covering every square inch of her
naked body with the oil, with Dan enjoying every minute of it. She looked up at him and smiled every now and
then, giggling at him as he sat and watched.
When she finished she capped the bottle and put it in her bag, then sat
down Indian-style on the cabin roof. She
looked around for a moment before speaking.
“I really like it here, it’s so beautiful and peaceful!” she
said, smiling. “I just love the Caribbean! And now I understand why you moved here in
the first place. Daddy said he could
never figure out why you did, but now that I’m here I understand completely!”
“My brother always was a bit of a square,” Dan replied,
leaning back and stretching his arms out on the railing behind him. “He was always too conservative and too
uptight to do anything remotely like this, and he’ll go through the rest of his
life never realizing what he’s missed.
And for that, I pity him.”
“Why did you join the Navy, Cap’n Dan?” she asked, genuinely
“Family tradition, I guess,” he said, shrugging his
shoulders. “I grew up listening to my
father – your grandfather - tell sea stories of his time in the Navy, and from
the time I was knee high to a hound dog I always knew I was going to join the
Navy when I was old enough.”
“How come Daddy never joined? I mean, he grew up listening to the same sea
stories you did, right?” she asked, folding her legs in front of her and
wrapping her arms around her knees, then resting her chin on them as she
listened with rapt attention.
“Just not his thing, I guess,” Dan replied. “He never really seemed interested in your
grandfather’s sea stories to begin with.
Truth be told, I think your daddy gets seasick!” he said, and they both
laughed briefly before Dan continued speaking.
“Seriously, though, some people just aren’t cut out for military
service, and your father is one of them.
Nothing bad about that, though, the service isn’t for everyone,” he
“But you liked it, right?” she asked, and Dan nodded as he
“I loved it from the moment I put the uniform on for the
first time,” he said, looking off into the distance as he remembered his first
days in the service. “And when I finally
went to sea for the first time – well, that was it! I was in love, and I knew from that moment on
that I’d always be in love with the sea and wanted to spend the rest of my life
with the deck of a ship beneath my feet.”
“How long did you stay in?” she asked.
“Almost twenty-three years, m’dear,” he said, looking at her
with misty eyes and smiling. “The best
years of my life, I might add – up until now, that is,” he said, smiling at
her. She smiled back, then spoke again.
“So why did you retire?
I mean, you could have stayed in longer, couldn’t you?” she asked. Dan nodded as he replied.
“I could have stayed in for another couple of years at my
rate, longer if I’d made Senior Chief,” he explained. “But I had done everything I wanted to do and
had seen just about everything I wanted to see, so it was time.”
“Do you miss it, Cap’n Dan?” she asked, her voice soft.
“Every minute of every hour of every day,” he replied, his
tone solemn. “Every time I see a naval
vessel sail by, I get a hard-on!” he said in an attempt to lighten the mood,
with both of them laughing at his comment.
“Hey, I thought I was the one giving you a hard-on!” she
exclaimed, jumping up from the cabin and walking over to him to sit on his lap,
straddling him as she faced him and put her hands behind his neck.
“You are, m’dear, and if you aren’t careful you’ll have
another one to deal with soon enough!” he said, looking into her eyes.
“That wouldn’t be so bad, now would it?” she asked, her
voice soft as she looked back into his eyes.
“No, I guess not!” he said, chuckling. She kissed him softly but briefly, then got
up and walked over to the port railing and gazed out across the inlet where
they were anchored at the island in the near distance.
“I really like it here,” she said again as she looked at the
island. Suddenly she turned around and
leaned against the railing, looking over at him with a smile on her face and
her eyes sparkling.
“Let’s stay here for the night!” she said, excitedly. “I mean, we don’t have a schedule or
anything, and we’re not in a hurry like you said before, so let’s stay here
“Sure, why not?” Dan replied, returning her smile. “I have enough provisions on board to sustain
us for a week, so I guess we can stay out here on our own for one night!” Lucy jumped up and down and clapped her
hands, then ran over to Dan to hug his neck and kiss him on the cheek.
“Thank you, Cap’n Dan!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she said, kissing him on first one
cheek and then the other between each ‘thank you.’ Then she went over to the cabin roof and
climbed back up, spreading out the towel where the breeze had folded part of it
over before lying down again.
Dan got up and headed for the cabin to get another
beer. He paused with one foot on the
ladder, turning to look at Lucy’s naked figure lying on the cabin roof next to
him. Her head was turned away from him,
so she didn’t see him looking at her. He
could barely see the glint of the chrome butt plug she was wearing, not being
able to tell what color this one was. He
figured he’d find out soon enough.
‘My God, but she’s beautiful!’ he thought to himself,
not for the first time. Then he went
below to get his beer.
* * * * * *
The rest of the afternoon passed quietly, pleasantly, and
uneventfully. They never saw so much as
a single other boat on the horizon, and both of them were glad that their
privacy avoided interruption.
“You know, I could really get used to this whole ‘running
around naked’ thing!” Lucy had said, sitting on the edge of her perch, leaning
back on her hands with one leg cocked up in front of her and the other hanging
down from the cabin roof, swinging to and fro as she spoke.
“And I could really get used to seeing you running around
naked all the time as well,” Dan replied, chuckling at her. She gave him a slightly evil smile as she
“That goes both ways, you know!” she said, giggling at him.
“Why in the world you would want to see a fat old man like
me running around naked is beyond me!” Dan said, grinning at her.
“You are NOT fat! And
you’re not old, either!” she protested loudly, and Dan could see by the
momentary look of irritation on her face that she was serious. But the look was only there for a moment,
disappearing and replaced by a smile when she spoke again.
“And you’ve got a great dick!” she said, sticking her tongue
out from between her teeth as she smiled at him. Dan laughed out loud, making her laugh as
As the sun set in the west and the day came to a close, they
went below deck to the galley and made their dinner. It was nothing fancy or extravagant, but it
was filling and did the trick. After
that they took turns showering and washing the day’s sweat and suntan oil from
their bodies, neither of them bothering to get dressed when they were
done. Dan was wearing his captain’s hat
as usual, and Lucy was wearing her first mate’s hat. Other than that, they were both naked and
enjoying it.
They were sitting in their deck chairs on the bow as had
become their nightly ritual, both of them drinking a Red Stripe and Dan smoking
one of his Cuban cigars. They sat
silently, just watching the sun sinking in the west, both mentally reliving the
memories of the day’s events and anticipating what the new day tomorrow would
“I could do this for the rest of my life,” Lucy suddenly
said in a quiet, somber voice, looking out over the bow at the setting sun.
“So could I,” Dan replied, meaning it. They looked at each other for a few moments,
their eyes speaking volumes but their mouths saying nothing, before turning to
look back at the setting sun.
A few minutes later Lucy turned in her chair to look over at
him, a look of excitement on her face.
“Hey, let’s sleep out on the cabin roof tonight! What do you say?” she asked excitedly.
“Say what?” he replied, surprised.
“Let’s sleep out on the cabin roof! We can pull the mattresses up from the cabins
and lay them out on the roof, then sleep out here under the stars!” she
“What brought this on?” he asked, curious. Lucy paused for a brief moment before she
replied, her eyes sparkling.
“I don’t know, really, it just came to me all of a sudden,”
she said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Well, how about it? Do you wanna
do it?” she asked, the excitement back.
He thought about it for a moment before replying.
“Sure, why not! Only
we don’t have to drag the mattresses up from below deck; I have an inflatable
mattress stowed in the bow that’s big enough for the both of us to sleep on, so
we can use that instead,” he explained.
Excellent! I can hardly wait!”
she exclaimed, clapping her hands.
“Anything to make you happy, m’dear!” he said, meaning it. He slipped his Red Stripe into the holder on
the arm of his chair and then got up.
“I’ll go get the mattress from storage and bring it and the pump up on
deck, and we can go ahead and set it up.
It’ll take about ten minutes or so for the pump to inflate it, anyhow,”
he explained. Then he walked away
towards the cabin doorway, and a few moments later Lucy heard him moving things
around in the bow storage compartment.
He came back on deck shortly after that, dragging the mattress with one
hand and holding the pump in the other.
“Here, hold this, please,” he said, handing the small
electric pump to Lucy. She stood up and
took it, then watched as Dan hauled the mattress up onto the cabin roof, took
it out of the bag, and spread it out.
“Put the end of the hose in that hole right there,” he said,
pointing to a round inlet valve on the corner of the mattress. Lucy walked over to the cabin where he was
and put the pump down on the cabin roof, then did as he said.
“Now turn it until it clicks,” he said, and she did. “Good girl!
There’s an outlet inside the cabin directly under the small window right
where you’re standing, and I’ve already opened the window. Push the cord through the window, then go
below and plug it in.”
“Aye-aye, Cap’n!” she said, smiling at him. She went below and did as he said, calling
out when she was done.
“Okay, it’s plugged in!”
Dan reached over and turned the pump on, the motor loud in the still
night. Lucy came back up on deck and
stood next to the cabin, watching as the mattress slowly filled with air and
expanded. Just as Dan said, it took a
little more than ten minutes to inflate, but when it was finished Lucy saw that
it was more than big enough for the both of them to sleep on.
‘Among other things!’ she thought to herself,
smiling. Dan turned the pump off and
disconnected the air hose, then took the pump back down below deck and returned
it to the storage room in the bow. When
he came back up on deck Lucy was already on the mattress, laying on her back with
her hands behind her head, looking up at the stars. She smiled at him as he looked down at her.
“This is gonna be great!” she said. “Come lay with me!” she said, patting the
mattress next to her. Dan climbed up on
the cabin roof and then onto the mattress, taking off his hat and setting it
aside as he lay on his back next to her.
Lucy immediately snuggled up next to him, grabbing his left arm and
putting it behind her head as she rested her head on his chest with her arm
draped across it, one leg cocked and draped over his. Dan could feel her big boobs pressing against
his side and her smooth mound pressing against the side of his thigh. She sighed in contentment, making Dan smile.
“I thought you wanted to look at the stars,” Dan said
“I do and I will, just not right now. Right now I want to do this instead!” she
replied, keeping her head on his chest.
“That’s fine with me, m’dear!” he said, his voice still soft
and low. He gave her a gentle hug with
his arm around her, and they lay for several minutes in each other’s arms.
“You’re not old, and you’re certainly not fat!” she said
after a few minutes, giggling.
“Thank you, Lucia,” he replied, kissing the top of her
“You’re very hot, you know,” she said, lifting her head and
looking up at him for a moment. “You’re
the hottest older man I’ve ever seen! I
bet you have all of the local women on the island chasing after you all the
time!” she said, teasingly.
“If only that were true,” Dan replied, returning her
smile. “To be completely honest, my love
life has been in a coma for quite some time now,” he said, laying his head back
down. “Until you came along, that is.”
“Those local women don’t know what they’re missing!” Lucy
said, laying her head back down on his chest, doodling on his chest with her
finger. She traced her finger over his
chest in random lines, working her way over to his right nipple. She circled it with her fingertip a few
times, then made him jump a little when she flicked her fingertip over it,
giggling at his reaction. She traced her
finger around it a few more times, then grasped it in her fingertips and gently
tugged at him. She felt and heard him
take a deep breath at this, his arm around her tightening just a bit.
She lifted her head from his shoulder and turned her face to
his chest, placing her soft lips around his other nipple and sucking on it
gently but firmly. She felt him tense as
she flicked her tongue over the hard nub, still tugging on his other nipple at
the same time. Still sucking on his nipple,
she ran her hand down his chest and stomach to his semi-erect cock, grasping it
in her fingers and squeezing it gently but firmly. She pumped it a few times, feeling it growing
harder, thicker, and longer in her hands, and she hear him moan in response.
‘Damn, but she’s good!’ Dan thought to himself as she
urged him to full hardness with her hand, tugging and pulling on him until he
was rock-hard and throbbing. She
released his nipple from her mouth and teased it with her tongue, flicking the
tip of her tongue over it as she rubbed her thumb over the tip of his
cock. His precum was flowing by now, and
she spread the slick fluid around on the head of his cock. She could feel her own excitement building,
her pussy flooding faster than ever, and she was ready to take him in a matter
of moments.
As if he had sensed her readiness, Dan sat up and pushed her
over onto her back, rolling on top of her and settling between her open
thighs. She could feel the hard tube of
his cock pressing against her pubic mound as he lay on her.
“This one’s mine, Lucia,” he said softly, looking into her
eyes. He lowered his head down and
kissed her, softly but intently, and she eagerly returned the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck and
pulled him down to her, his hand finding her large breast and squeezing it as
their tongues met. He felt the hard nub
against his palm as he massaged and kneaded the firm mound beneath his hand,
and Lucy rubbed her mound against the tube of his cock harder in response.
He broke off the kiss to run a trail of kisses down her face
and the side of her neck, down to the mounds of her big breasts, his lips
finally finding her nipple and latching onto it. He sucked the hard nub into his mouth firmly,
making Lucy squirm and moan beneath him as he found her other breast with his
free hand. He gripped the firm mound in
his hand as he pulled on her nipple with his mouth, and the rubbing of her
mound against him increased. She moaned
again, running her hand through his hair and pulling him down into her breast,
pressing his face into the soft but firm mound.
Keeping his lips locked onto her nipple, Dan lifted his hips
up to shift the position of his cock. As
he lifted up the head of his cock slid down her mound and fell free, the tip
just touching the swollen outer lips of her pussy. He pushed forward slightly, and she moved her
hips up and down in response; her already-wet lips parted and he felt the silky
smooth, wet hotness of her pussy around the sensitive head of his cock. She kept moving her hips, rubbing the head of
his cock with her pussy, and when Dan pushed forward a little more the angle
cause the head of his cock to slide down to her opening, and he easily slipped
Dan released her nipple from his mouth and moaned as the head
of his cock slipped inside Lucy’s pussy, and Lucy let out a moan as well. She moved her hips up against him, hooking
her feet over the back of his calves to hold him in place, urging him to fill
her with his hard cock. He looked down
at her and into her lovely eyes as she looked up into his, pushing his hips
forward and sliding his cock deep into her.
She was so wet and so ready for him that he slid completely in on the
first thrust, and she tilted her hips up to take his length. She was very hot, very wet, and very tight,
and Dan shivered as chills of pleasure ran through his body.
He held still for a few moments, enjoying the sensations of
her pussy wrapped tightly around his cock, then started to move. He began sliding his cock in and out of her in
long, slow, deliberate strokes, dropping his head down to suckle first on one
nipple and then on the other. Lucy
lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, locking her ankles behind
him and lifting her hips up to meet his thrusts. Dan lay down on top of her, sliding his arms
around her and holding her close to him but making sure to support himself on
his elbows lest he be too heavy for her, never stopping the motions of his
hips. Lucy wrapped her arms around his
neck and tightened her legs around him, holding the back of his head with one
hand while she kissed and sucked the side of his neck.
The pace of his thrusts began to slowly increase, matching
their own increasing desire. Dan lifted
his head and kissed her again, the kiss intense and urgent, and she returned
the kiss with the same intensity and desire.
He lowered his head over her shoulder again and held her tighter,
feeling her moving beneath him and hearing her breath in his ear as she gasped
for breath, her breathing coming faster with every passing moment. He slid his hands down her body to her butt,
then pushed both hands under the rounded globes and gripping them in his hands,
squeezing hard with his full weight now lying on top of her. He was thrusting hard and fast now, both of
them racing to orgasm. Dan squeezed her
ass harder as he felt his orgasm quickly building, feeling Lucy’s pussy flood
around his cock at the same time. She
was on the edge of orgasm, and Dan drove her over the edge by squeezing her ass
as hard as he could, driving his cock as deeply into her as possible.
Lucy cried out as she came hard, then clamped her lips onto
the side of his neck and sucked as hard as she could. She moaned loudly as the waves of pleasure
went crashing through her body, her eyes squeezed shut and her arms tightening
around his neck. She was cumming hard,
harder than she’d ever cum before, and the only thing she could do was hang on
and ride it out.
Dan felt her bucking beneath him and her pussy clutching at
him, and knew she was cumming. That set
him off, and he groaned loudly in her ear as own orgasm hit. His cock exploded inside her, blasting stream
after stream of hot cum deep inside her.
She put her heels on his ass and pushed him into her, urging him to
drive deep, as deep as he could as his spurting, throbbing cock pumped her
pussy full of his cum. His cock pumped
and throbbed over and over again in the longest, most intense orgasm Dan had
ever felt in his entire life. He gave
himself over to it as Lucy had given herself over to her own orgasm, and
together they rode out the tidal waves of pleasure washing over them.
When it was all over they were both left gasping for breath,
Dan’s hands still gripping Lucy’s butt and her legs still locked around his
waist. After a few moments Dan slipped
his hands from her butt and pulled them from beneath her, propping himself up
on his elbows to take the weight from her.
Lucy let her legs fall from his waist but kept her hips in place,
intentionally keeping his slowly softening cock trapped inside her. They looked at each other for a few moments,
both of them panting for breath, and then kissed. The kiss was slow and gentle, more a kiss of
love than of desire, and both of them knew it.
When the kiss was over Dan rolled from on top of her and lay
on his back next to her, the night air cool on his cock that was still wet with
her juices. Lucy immediately snuggled up
against him the same way she had before all this started, holding her body next
to his as closely as she could.
Neither of them said a word, and shortly after that they
were both asleep.
* * * * * *
When Dan awoke shortly after dawn he discovered that neither
of them had moved during the night, with Lucy still snuggled up against
him. He hated to wake her, but Mother
Nature was calling out to him – screaming, actually – so he gently shook her by
the shoulder to wake her up.
“Lucia,” he said softly, shaking her shoulder again. “Lucia, wake up. It’s time to wake up, m’dear,” he said. She moaned and moved slightly, then lifted
her head and looked groggily at him through sleep-filled eyes.
“Good morning, m’dear!” Dan said, smiling at her. She smiled back, sleep still showing on her
“Morning, she mumbled through her waking-up fog, smiling at
him as she sat up next to him. The boat
had shifted on its anchor with the tides during the night, and now the bow was
facing east instead of west as it had when they went to sleep. Lucy looked up at the sun rising up over the
island ahead of them, a smile crossing her face.
“What a beautiful sunrise!” she said, coming fully
awake. “You are so lucky to live in this
part of the world, Cap’n Dan!”
“I’m lucky in more ways than one, m’dear,” he replied,
sitting up next to her. He picked up his
hat and put it on, then slid off of the mattress and stood, looking down at her
as she sat.
“I’m going to go below to the head and get rid of the beer I
drank last night; when I get done you go below and take a shower, and I’ll take
care of the mattress and the deck chairs,” he said, Lucy nodding in agreement
as she looked up at him.
“And while you’re in the shower I’ll fix us both
breakfast! How about that, Cap’n?” she
asked, smiling up at him, her hair tousled.
“Sounds good to me!” he replied. Lucy picked up her own hat and plopped it on
her head as Dan went below to the bathroom.
When he came back up on deck a few minutes later she went below to
shower, kissing him on the cheek as she went by, and then Dan got to work
taking down the mattress and the deck chairs.
It took him about twenty minutes to stow the deck chairs in
the wheelhouse and deflate the mattress, and when he went below deck to stow
the mattress he found Lucy hard at work making breakfast, the cabin filled with
the enticing aroma of bacon. He was pleasantly
surprised to see her wearing one of his Hawaiian shirts, and when she reached
up over her head to get something out of a cabinet he saw that his shirt was
all she was wearing. He smiled as he
walked past, chuckling softly.
“What are you chuckling at, Cap’n?” she asked, smiling.
“Nothing, just admiring the full moon!” he replied.
“You’re terrible!” she said, swatting at him with a spatula
as he went past.
After stowing the mattress Dan took a shower, then got
dressed. He came out of his cabin
wearing his usual attire of a Hawaiian shirt and swim trunks, deck shoes, and
of course his captain’s hat. Lucy had
breakfast finished by then, so they sat down to eat. After they finished eating and had cleaned up
after themselves, they went up on deck and prepared to raise sail and get under
“So we’re heading to Cape Verde, then?” Lucy asked as she untied
the lashings holding one of the mainsails in place on the boom.
“Yep, figured we’d head there, spend the rest of the day in
port, and tomorrow morning head southeast towards Crooked Island. Depending on what time we arrive or what mood
we’re in, we could stay there for the night and then head on to Mayaguana, or
we could bypass Crooked Island and head right for Mayaguana,” he
explained. “Or we could stay in Cape
Verde for a full day and head out the next day.
It’s all up to you, m’dear, we’ll do whatever you want to do,” he said, smiling
at her.
“Let’s get to Cape Verde and then just take it from there,
okay, Cap’n?” she said. “After all, as
you’ve said before we’re in no hurry and we have all summer, right?”
“Right,” he replied.
“Then let’s just get to Cape Verde and take it from there!”
she said.
“Aye-aye, Cap’n!” he replied, throwing her a sloppy salute
and grinning from ear to ear.
“You’re terrible, you know that?” she teased, swatting at
him and laughing as he trotted out of reach, heading for the fantail and the
ship’s wheel.
* * * * * *
They arrived at Cape Verde a little after two PM, and by
three they had tied the ‘Sea Tramp’ up at the dock and were headed into
town. Dan had to remind Lucy to put some
clothes on as they came within binocular range of the island; she had gotten so
used to running around naked that she didn’t even think about it anymore, a
habit Dan knew she was going to have to break when she went home at the end of
the summer.
They spent the rest of the afternoon and most of the evening
taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of Cape Verde, and the more Lucy saw
and experienced the more she loved the Caribbean. It was almost ten PM when they finally made
it back to the boat, immediately setting up the deck chairs on the bow as
usual. This had become a nightly ritual
with them that they both enjoyed, and they both had no intention of stopping it
no matter how tired they were from walking around all day. When they both finally retired to their
cabins for the night they were so tired that they were both asleep within
They ended up spending not one but three days in Cape Verde,
both of them having such a good time seeing the sights and just being together
that they didn’t want to leave right away.
Dan hired a car and driver to take them on a tour of the island, and
they spent an entire day driving up the island and back, stopping at places of
interest along the way. At the first
town they came to Lucy bought a camera and a couple of rolls of film, taking as
many pictures as she could.
“I just wish I had thought of this before we left Andros!”
she said, grinning.
As much as they were enjoying their time in Cape Verde,
after three days in port they were both ready to continue their journey. They awoke on the morning of the fourth day
to clear skies and a gentle breeze coming in off the water, and after a quick
breakfast they untied the boat from the dock, Dan cranked up the diesel engine,
and they motored out of the harbor.
Twenty minutes later they were under full sail, headed for Crooked Island.
They had a following wind so there was hardly any lean to
the boat at all, and as soon as they were out of binocular range of Cape Verde
Lucy stripped out of her clothes, covered herself with suntan oil, and lay down
in her favorite spot on the cabin roof to get some sun. She had developed quite a tan by this time,
and since she spent most of the day running around naked there were no tan
lines on her skin. Dan enjoyed watching
her put on the suntan oil immensely, and he realized that it’d been almost four
days since their last intimate encounter.
Lucy had the same thought as she looked over and saw Dan
watching her oil herself up, deciding that four days was way too long to go
without sex of any kind and that as soon as they were well out to sea she was
going to change that. She smiled to
herself as she lay down on the cabin roof, knowing that Dan was admiring her
from behind and enjoying every minute of it.
She was also smiling because she had already decided just what she was
going to do to end their sexual drought, and she knew that they were both going
to enjoy it.
About an hour later she sat up and looked over at Dan; he was
still at the wheel and had taken off his shirt, looking just as hot to her as
he always did.
“Well, how about that, it lives!” he said, grinning at her.
“Huh?” she said, a little confused.
“You hadn’t moved in so long I was getting ready to come
check you for a pulse!” he replied, still grinning.
“You’re terrible!” she said, giggling as she slid down from
the cabin roof. She walked over to him
and stood next to him, facing him as she reached down and began to untie the
strings holding his swim trunks up.
“What are you doing, Lucia?” he asked, looking at her and
noticing the wry smile on her face.
“Taking off your trunks,” she said, her voice going low. “It’s been four days since I’ve had your dick
in my mouth, and that’s way too long for both of us!” she said, freeing the
strings and tugging his swim trunks down past his knees to fall in a heap
around his ankles.
“But Lucia, shouldn’t I…” he started to say, but she shushed
him with a finger to his lips.
“You just steer the boat, Cap’n, and let me worry about
everything else!” she said, dropping to her knees in front of him. He shuffled back a little bit, his trunks around
his ankles, to give her more room. She
had always wanted to catch him when he was flaccid and suck him to full
hardness, and now was her chance. She
wasted no time, immediately opening her mouth and clamping her lips around the
head of his cock, sucking his entire soft cock into her wet mouth. She rubbed the flat of her tongue against the
underside of his shaft, feeling him begin to grow. She slid her mouth slowly up and down the
length of his cock, sucking firmly as she fondled his balls with one hand.
“Mmmm!” she moaned, looking up at him as she bobbed her head
slowly on his shaft. He looked down and
made eye contact with her, and the desire he saw burning there was
unmistakable. She locked eyes with him
for several moments, then turned her attention back to his cock in her mouth. He was getting hard quickly, and Lucy loved
the feeling of his cock growing longer, thicker, and harder in her mouth. Soon he was completely hard, his shaft
throbbing in her mouth and on her tongue as she slid her lips up and down on
his shaft, and it wasn’t long before she tasted his precum on her tongue.
It was all Dan could do to stay on his feet. He was gripping the wheel so tightly his
knuckles were white, and his legs were shaking slightly. He took a quick glance around to see if there
were any other boats within sight just to be sure, then looked down at Lucy as
she continued sliding her mouth up and down his hard shaft. She was the absolute master of the art of fellatio,
no doubt about it, and Dan watched in fascination as she continued working him
Lucy slipped her mouth from his cock and grabbed the shaft
with her hand, holding it up and out of the way as she lowered her mouth to his
balls. She opened her mouth wide and
pursed out her lips, planting them squarely on his balls and then sucking both
of them into her mouth. She rolled them
around in her mouth, being careful not to apply too much pressure, making Dan
moan as she did. She pumped his hard
shaft with her hand as she worked on his balls, and after a few pleasurable
moments she let them slip from her mouth and engulfed his cock again, sliding
her mouth all the way down until her nose was pressing against his pubic
hair. She held her mouth down on his
shaft and swallowed around it, and Dan gasped as he felt her throat constrict
around the tip of his cock.
“Holy shit!” he gasped, looking down at the top of Lucy’s
head. She swallowed again just to show
him that she could, and then continued sucking his cock in long, deliberate
motions, swirling her tongue over and around his cock as she did. Then she grabbed the base of his cock with
one hand and gripped it tightly, then began pumping it with her hand in time
with the rhythm of her mouth sliding up and down on him. She picked up the pace, increasing the
suction she was applying, and it was clear to Dan that she wanted him to cum in
her mouth and that she wasn’t going to stop until she got what she wanted.
And what she wanted was no more than thirty seconds
away. Dan was getting ready to cum, and
he could feel it. The familiar tingling
sensations started in his balls, and he felt them shifting as the sensations
got more intense. He felt his orgasm
rising quickly, then felt his cock widen in Lucy’s mouth. Lucy felt it as well, and a split second
later his orgasm hit. His cock exploded
in her mouth, blasting a stream of hot, thick cum into her mouth and onto her
tongue. She cried out in joy around his
cock as it spurted and pumped in her mouth, and she pumped harder with her hand
as she sucked the cum out of him.
Dan gripped the wheel and groaned loudly as he came in
Lucy’s mouth, squeezing his eyes closed and gritting his teeth as the powerful
orgasm ripped through his cock and balls with an intensity he’d never felt
before. She kept her mouth clamped on
his cock, pumping the shaft with her hand as his cock pumped stream after
stream of cum into her mouth. When the
throbbing of his cock began to slow she moved her hand out of the way and slid
her mouth all the way down, taking his entire cock in her mouth as the last bit
of cum shot from the tip to hit the back of her throat. When the throbbing finally stopped she slowly
slid her mouth back up the length of his shaft, sucking hard along the way,
dragging her soft lips over the sensitive head and then kissing it softly.
She sat back on her haunches and lifted her face up to him,
then opened her mouth and showed him the large pool of cum there. She rolled her tongue around in it, lifting
her tongue up and letting it run off the sides, playing with it for a few
moments as she showed it to him. Then
closed her mouth and slowly swallowed,
never taking her eyes from his.
“Aaahh!” she said, grinning at him as she licked her lips
slowly and enticingly before opening her mouth to show him that his cum was
gone. She lifted his softening cock up
with her hand and kissed the tip again, then stood up in front of him.
“Much better!” she said, reaching up and kissing him briefly
on the lips. Then she bent over and
pulled his swim trunks back up, tying them in place.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” he said as she was tying
the strings of his trunks. “I’ve never
met anyone quite like you! You are
simply amazing!” he said. She looked up
at him and smiled.
“Thank you, Cap’n Dan!” she said, reaching up and kissing
him again. “I don’t know about you, but
I sure could use a nice, cold beer right about now!” she said, her smile
turning into a grin.
“Yeah, so could I!” he said, returning her smile.
“I’ll be right back!” she said, then turned and headed
towards the cabin door. She came back a
few minutes later, an opened bottle of Red Stripe in each hand. She handed him one and then sat down on the
bench seat behind him and to his left, taking a drink from the bottle as she
sat down. Dan took a long pull from his
own beer, still trying to compose himself after the mind-blowing blowjob she’d
just given him.
“Can I ask you a question?” he said, glancing over at
her. “I mean, if it’s too personal just
tell me to shut the fuck up and I will, but I’m curious about something,” he
“The same thing you told me at the beginning of this voyage
goes for me, too, Cap’n Dan,” she said, smiling at him as she sat naked on the
bench. “You can ask me anything in the
world and I’ll give you a truthful answer, no matter what the question is. And by now I don’t think I have any secrets that
you don’t already know about, so ask away!”
‘Except for just that one,’ she thought to herself,
taking another drink from her bottle of beer.
“Fair enough,” Dan said, nodding. “So just where did you learn to do that, anyway?”
he asked, looking over at her. She
giggled as she replied.
“Where did I learn to do what?” she asked, teasing him.
“You know what I’m talking about!” he replied, smiling at
“You mean, where did I learn to suck dick like that? Is that what you mean, Cap’n Dan?” she asked
coyly, grinning at him.
“Yes, Lucia, that’s what I mean,” he replied.
“Well, it’s a fair question considering I asked you the same
thing last week about your expertise in eating pussy!” she said. Dan blushed at hearing her say the word
‘pussy’ for the first time, and Lucy laughed at his embarrassment.
“Why, Cap’n Dan, are you blushing?” she teased, still
“You were saying, Lucia?” he said, trying to get her back on
course and distract her from his embarrassment.
“Experimentation, I guess, coupled with watching a lot of
porn and then practice – lots and lots of practice!” She laughed as she saw the look on Dan’s
face, speaking quickly to clear up the confusion she knew he was experiencing.
“Relax, Cap’n Dan, I’m not the town slut or anything like
that!” she said, reassuring him.
“Counting you I’ve been with exactly four men in my entire life, and
I’ve only actually fucked two of them – you and one other,” she explained. “I’ve always had a high sex drive and have been
a very sexually needy woman since I turned 18, and I discovered quickly that
I’d much rather suck a man’s dick than actually have sex. Call me strange, but that’s the way I am, and
so far I haven’t had any complaints!”
“I don’t guess so,” Dan replied, looking down at the compass
and checking his course. “I don’t know
of a single man in the entire world who doesn’t like having his dick sucked and
who would willingly turn down a blowjob, especially after he’s had one by you!”
“Why, thank you, kind sir!” she said, giggling at him. “But don’t get me wrong – sucking dick may be
my passion and my specialty, but I like a good old-fashioned fucking just as
much as the next woman!”
“And you’re just as good at that as you are the other thing,
by the way,” he said, making her laugh.
“It’s okay, Cap’n, you can say it! You can say ‘blowjob’ without offending me!”
she said, grinning at him.
“You are really something else, you know that, Lucia?” he
asked, looking over at her. “You have
the uncanny ability to be sweet and soft and demure one minute, and the next
you’re talking like a sailor on shore leave!
And the really amazing thing is that it doesn’t sound crude or vulgar
coming from you…I don’t know why, can’t quite put my finger on it, but it
doesn’t,” he said, looking over at her for a moment as he spoke. “If anything, it’s erotic and exciting as
hell! I’ve never met a woman quite like
you before, and I daresay that I never will again.”
“Aw, that’s so sweet!
Thank you!” she said, getting up and coming over to kiss him on the
cheek. “And now that my carnal appetite
has been sated – for the moment, anyway – I think I’m going to go work on my
tan a bit more!” she said. She walked
around him and climbed back up on the cabin roof, lying down on her back again.
Dan watched as she did this, then turned
his attention back to piloting the boat, glancing over at her every now and
then, and smiling whenever he did.
* * * * * *
They made good time, anchoring in a harbor on the southeast
side of Crooked Island in the late afternoon.
They talked about mooring the boat and going into town for dinner, but
both of them said that they’d rather anchor out in the harbor and stay on the
boat instead. So they did just that,
enjoying the relative privacy of being at anchor just inside the harbor
boundary. They were within easy view of
the harbor so Lucy had to keep her clothes on, which distressed her
After having a late dinner in the main cabin they went up on
deck for their nightly ritual, something that both of them had come to cherish
dearly. The Caribbean sky was clear and
beautiful as always, the stars sparking clear and bright. They sat and talked for hours, the time
passing quickly without either one of them realizing it. Dan especially enjoyed talking with Lucy; she
was the first and only woman that he was completely comfortable with, and he
felt he could talk with her about anything.
He had no way of knowing it buy Lucy felt the same way about
him. There was something about this
older man, this Caribbean sailor, that intrigued and fascinated her almost as
much as he excited her. She had never
felt drawn to a man as she was drawn to him, and she knew in her heart that
there was absolutely nothing she couldn’t talk about with him.
And she knew that sooner or later she was going to have to
tell him about the one thing he didn’t know, the one secret she was keeping
from him. A frown crossed her face at
this thought; Dan saw it and spoke up.
“Why the frown, Lucia?” he asked, looking over at her,
holding his beer up in preparation to take a drink. She glanced over at him quickly and then
dropped her head, trying to force a smile as she came up with something to tell
“Oh, nothing, I was just thinking about having to go home
when this is all over,” she said, her voice soft. She hated lying to him, but at the moment she
had no choice. “I mean, this has been
such a fantastic trip and I’ve had such a wonderful time, and you…I mean, being
with you and…and, well, everything that we…” she stammered, trying to come up
with the right words. She lifted her
head and looked him in the eyes, a serious look on her face.
“I’ve never been with a man like you before, and I don’t
want it to end,” she said.
‘Neither do I, Lucia!’ he thought to himself as
different words entirely came out of his mouth.
“I know, Lucia, but it has to end,” he replied, reaching out
and putting his hand on hers, his voice soft.
“It’s a tired old cliché, but all good things must come to an end, and
this is no different. There’s nothing we
can do to change that, but we can enjoy it while it’s here. So let’s not worry about the future right now
and concentrate on the here and now instead, okay?” he said, looking into her
watery eyes. She gave him a smile and
nodded as she replied.
“Okay, Cap’n Dan!” she said softly. Dan patted her hand and then sat back,
lifting his beer up in her direction.
“A toast then,” he said, and she lifted her beer up as
well. “To fair seas, following winds,
and good times with fair maidens!”
“And to swimmin’ with bowlegged wimmin’!” she added,
grinning. They both laughed as they
clinked their bottles together, each of them taking a drink after that.
An hour later when they were stowing the deck chairs and
getting ready to go below to bed, Dan stopped Lucia and reached out to her,
grasping her by the upper arms as he spoke.
“I want you to make me a promise, Lucia,” he said, looking
into her eyes.
“Anything you want,” she said without hesitation.
“Promise me that you won’t cry yourself to sleep tonight,”
he said, his voice soft. Her eyes grew
wide at his words, and when she spoke her voice was a whisper.
“How did you know?” she asked, amazed.
“Because I know women, and by now I know you,” he
replied. “Promise me,” he repeated. She nodded as she replied, her eyes tearing
up a bit.
“I promise!” she whispered up at him. He smiled and kissed her briefly and softly
on the lips.
“Thank you, Lucia,” he said, wrapping his arms around her
and hugging her close. She wrapped her
arms around him and held him tight, returning his hug.
It wasn’t easy, but she kept her promise.
To be continued…