(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)
Connie looked at her reflection in the mirror,
checking herself out before her big date, and she was pleased with what she
saw. Actually, she was more than pleased
– she was proud as hell, a big smile on her face as she put her hands on her
hips and turned to see herself from a different angle.
Connie was a 40-year-old divorced mother of one child,
a 19-year-old son named Seth. She was
5’5” tall, weighed 125 pounds, with long blond hair and deep blue eyes that
could melt a man’s soul with a single glance.
She had worked hard to get her figure back after she’d had her son, and
it showed. When she was fitted last week
for a bridesmaid’s dress for a wedding she was going to be in next month, her
measurements were found to be 39-25-36, and when the seamstress measured her
breasts to fit the bodice of the dress, she clucked at herself when she found
that it was going to take a DD cup to fit Connie’s breasts.
“This is going to be a challenge,” she had said to
Gwen, the bride-to-be.
“You and those big tits!” Gwen said, grinning at Connie. She and Gwen had been friends since they were
kids, and once they both hit puberty and Connie quickly outdistanced her in the
boob department, Gwen had kidded her about her big tits every chance she got.
“Jealous much?” Connie replied, grinning as she looked
down at Gwen’s B cup tits.
“Every goddamn day,” Gwen muttered back, both of them
This was Connie’s first date since she and her husband
had divorced four years ago. She had
concentrated on raising her son and making sure he didn’t suffer any emotional
scars from the nasty divorce she’d just gone through, and had put all thoughts
of herself on the back burner. Living
without a man’s sexual involvement in her life had been tough, a lot tougher
than Connie thought it was going to be. She’d always had a very active libido
and had enjoyed a very active and satisfying sex life with her ex-husband, and
since the divorce her best friend had been “Stanley,” the name she had given
her favorite dildo. But now she had met
a man who interested her in every way, and she was hopeful that this was going
to be the start of not only a satisfying sexual relationship but a satisfying
emotional one as well.
All Connie knew for sure was that she was horny as
hell and needed a man in the worst possible way. And as she looked at herself in the mirror,
she was pretty sure that the form-fitting red dress with the plunging neckline
and the pushup bra she was wearing was going to do the trick.
“If this doesn’t get me laid, I don’t know what will!”
she chuckled to herself as she looked in the mirror. She picked up her small handbag and slung it
over her shoulder, then walked out of the room headed towards the center of the
When she came into the living room she was surprised
to see her son, Seth, sitting in the living room watching a streaming program
on the TV. Instead of going off to
college after graduating from high school like most of his friends had, Seth
had decided to stay home instead, getting a full-time job with a local
construction company which not only paid well but also put just the right
amount of muscle on him to make him look even better than he already did. He also didn’t want to leave his mom just yet
as he knew she was still stinging a little from the divorce.
He took one look at her when she came into the room and
gave out with a wolf whistle, followed by a big grin. She stopped in the entrance to the room and
stood, hands on her hips, smiling back at him.
“Holy smokes, Mom, look at you!” he said, looking her
up and down. “If I didn’t know any
better, I’d say your date is about to become the luckiest man on the face of
the planet!” he said, kidding with her.
She and Seth had developed a very open, casual relationship over the
past few years, and were to the point now where they talked to each other like
close friends instead of mother and son.
They were both comfortable with it, both of them finding relief in being
able to say anything or talk to each other about anything, no matter what it
“It’s that obvious, huh?” she said, smiling at him.
“Uh, yeah, it is,” Seth said, returning her smile. “Pardon my crude language, but that outfit
has ‘fuck me’ written all over it!” he said.
“Well, it has been a long time since I’ve…you
know,” she said, blushing a little.
“Yeah, I know, Mom,” he said, feeling sorry for
her. “But if that dress doesn’t do it
for you, then the guy just isn’t human!” he said, making her smile.
“Thank you, son, I appreciate that,” she said. Then her brow furrowed as a thought came to
“I thought you had a hot date tonight?” she said, her
hands still on her hips as she stood in the entranceway.
“I did, until about half an hour ago,” he said, a disappointed
look crossing his face. “Her mom was in
a car accident and was on the way to the hospital, so she had to go,” he said,
looking up at her from where he sat on the couch, his feet up on the coffee
“Oh, no, I hope she’s okay,” Connie said.
“It didn’t sound too bad, so I think she’ll be all
right,” Seth said. “In any event, it
looks like I’m going to be stuck here for the night,” he said, looking back at
the TV.
“I’m sorry, honey,” Connie said, feeling bad for
him. Her son was an attractive and
downright sexy young man, but for some reason he had trouble finding a steady
“Thanks, Mom,” he replied, looking over at her and
smiling. Just then Connie’s cell phone
rang; she opened her purse and took her cell phone out, frowning when she saw
the name and number on the screen.
“Uh oh,” she said, seeing the name of her date on the
screen. She touched the green button to
answer the call and put the phone up to her ear.
“Hi, Sean, what’s up?” she said, pausing as he
spoke. “Uh huh…I see. Okay, no, really, it’s okay,” she said,
pausing again with a disappointed look on her face. “That’s fine, really. No, I’m not mad…really, I’m not,” she said,
looking at Seth and rolling her eyes.
“Okay, sure, give me a call tomorrow and we’ll pick it up from there. Uh huh, okay.
Bye, Sean,” she said, taking the phone from her ear and touching the red
button to end the call.
“Lemme guess…” Seth said, feeling bad for her.
“Yep. He has to
work late on a last-minute project his boss dumped on him,” she said, dropping
the phone back into her purse, a disappointed look on her face. “Shit!” she said, frustrated.
‘Looks like it’s gonna be me and Stanley again
tonight,’ she thought to herself.
“Hey, I’ve got an idea,” Seth said, sitting up and
putting his feet on the floor. “What say
we put on some comfortable clothes, order a pizza or Chinese food, then sit on
the couch and eat while watching some horror movies? Or maybe binge-watch “Dexter” or “Breaking
Bad?” he said, a smile on his face. One
of the things that brough he and his mom so close was that they had a lot of
common interests, and they both loved horror movies, “Dexter,” and “Breaking
“I say I think that’s a great idea!” Connie said,
smiling at her son. ‘Leave it to my
considerate boy to save the day!’ she thought to herself. “But you look pretty comfortable already,”
she said, nodding at the khaki cargo shorts, red t-shirt, and old beat-to-hell
leather boat shoes he was wearing without socks.
“Okay, so I was talking about you when I said that,”
he replied, giving her a sheepish grin.
“Order the pizza, wise guy!” she said, turning to walk
back to her bedroom and change.
‘Damn, she looked hot! If her date only knew what he was missing!’
Seth thought to himself. He’d always
thought his mom was very pretty and very sexy, with most of his friends
referring to her as a MILF. And as much
as he’d never admit it, Seth pretty much thought the same thing – his mom was
hot and sexy as hell, the textbook definition of a MILF, and if she wasn’t his
own mom he’d have made a play for her a long time ago. He was a ‘big tit’ man like his dad, and he'd
had more than one erotic daydream about his mom’s huge tits. Every time she sunbathed in the back yard in
her bikini she drove him wild, and whenever they went to the beach she was the
object of attention of everything in sight with a dick – and maybe a few
without a dick as well, for all he knew.
He picked up his cell phone and called the pizza place just down the
road to place their order, already knowing what his mom wanted. Aside from movies and TV shows, their taste
in pizza was the same as well.
Back in her room, Connie dealt with her disappointment
and frustration as she slipped out of her dress and then her lingerie, hanging
the dress up in the closet and tossing the lingerie in the dirty clothes
hamper. She wanted to be rid of it all
before she went back into the living room with her son, not wanting to lay her
problems on his lap.
‘If I’m going to lay anything on his lap,
it’s going to be my head!’ she thought to herself, having dirty
thoughts about her uber-sexy son, and not for the first time. Seth had grown up to be a very handsome, very
sexy young man, and as much as she hated to admit it, she had the hots for him
and would have seduced him long ago except for one thing – he was her son, so
he was strictly off limits.
“What a shame,” she said softly to herself out loud,
“the wonderfully erotic and exciting things I could do with him and that marvelous
cock of his!” she mused, remembering the time she walked into his room one
morning when she thought he was already up, only to see him lying on his back
in his bed with the covers down around his knees, sound asleep and completely naked,
with a monumental case of ‘morning wood’ going on. She had stood there for a few moments,
marveling at the size and shape of his cock, before she quickly left, closing
the door quietly behind her so as not to wake him. She had immediately gone into her bedroom,
retrieved Stanley from his hiding place in her nightstand, and a few minutes
later was enjoying one of the best orgasms she’d ever had.
She thought about that morning for a few moments
longer, then went to her dresser to pick out what “comfortable clothes” she was
going to wear for her evening with her son.
She was about to pick out a pair of baggy shorts and an equally baggy
t-shirt, but then an idea struck her.
“Let’s have a little fun with my sexy young son, shall
we?” she said, smiling as the idea she’d had to tease him just a little bit
took on a more definite shape in her head.
Her smile grew bigger as she dug past her regular ‘comfortable clothes’
to get to what she wanted to wear instead.
Her smile changed into a grin when she found what she was looking for
and started to get dressed.
She walked into the living room just as Seth was
putting the pizza down on the coffee table, and when he looked up and saw what
his mom was wearing he almost dropped it.
“Careful you don’t drop our dinner!” she said,
standing in the entrance to the living room, a slightly wicked smile on her
“Holy crap, Mom!” Seth said, putting the pizza down
and standing up to turn and look at her.
She was wearing a skin-tight pair of royal blue jogging shorts with
yellow piping that barely covered the rounded swells of her ass, a very snug
white ribbed cotton tank top, and a pair of slip-on sandals. And that was it. Seth was certain by the obvious camel toe and
protruding nipples that she wasn’t wearing any lingerie, and he felt his cock
stir in his shorts as he looked at her.
“You said ‘comfortable clothes,’ right?” she asked,
putting her hands on her hips and cocking one knee in front of her as she stood
in the entrance. “Well, this is what I’m
comfortable in!”
“But that’s not what you usually wear,” Seth said,
remembering the baggy shirt and shorts she usually wore.
“Well, maybe I’m in the mood for a different kind of
‘comfortable’ tonight,” she said, smiling at him. “You want me to go change? I can always put the baggy stuff on for you
if that’s what you’d like,” she said, teasing him and pointing back down the
hall towards her room, turning to take a step in that direction.
“No, no, it’s okay, really,” Seth said, quickly
stopping her from going to change. “What
you’ve got on is fine, really it is,” he said, looking her up and down.
‘Is it ever!’
he thought to himself, trying not to stare at her camel toe or her nipples.
“Are you sure?” she asked, giving him her best
innocent mom look.
“Yes, Mom, I’m sure,” he replied, smiling.
“Good!” she said, returning his smile. “I mean, after all, you’ve seen me wear less at
the beach or in the back yard sunbathing, you know,” she said, walking over to
the coffee table to get a plate and a slice of pizza.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” he said, picking up a
plate himself. ‘But it’s just not the
same…you expect that at the beach in a bikini, but this is another thing
entirely!’ he thought to himself as he put two slices of pizza on his
plate. His mom had already sat down on
the couch, so he walked around the coffee table to sit on the couch next to her. He picked up the remote and turned on the TV,
turning to ask her what she wanted to watch.
“Is there a good horror movie on?” she asked, taking a
bite out of her pizza.
“As a matter of fact, yes, there is,” Seth replied, pointing
the remote at the TV to change the channel.
“The original ‘Night of the Living Dead’ is on StarFlix,” he said,
punching in the channel he wanted.
“Oh, good! It’s been ages since I’ve seen that one!”
she said, sitting back and putting her feet on the side of the coffee table to
eat and watch the movie.
“That one always scares the crap out of you, though, doesn’t
it, Mom?” he asked.
“Yeah, it does, but that’s why I like it!” she said,
grinning at him.
Once the movie came on Seth put the controller down on
the coffee table and sat back himself, picking up a slice of pizza and taking a
bite as he put his feet up on the coffee table and crossed his legs at the
ankles. It took him a couple of minutes
to get the vision of his mom’s camel toe and protruding nipples out of his
mind, but he finally managed to do it.
They both settled in to watch the movie, and it had
the usual effect on his mom – it scared the crap out of her. When they got to the scene where the little
girl stabbed her mother in the basement with a trowel, Connie cried out and
grabbed on to Seth, throwing her right arm across his chest and pulling herself
as close to him as she could. Seth lifted his right arm and let her in, putting
his arm over her shoulders as she clung to him.
She pressed her body tightly up against his, and Seth could feel the big,
firm mounds of her breasts pressing against his side.
And of course, the expected results took place – he
began to get an erection. He felt his
cock beginning to stir, growing just a bit as his mom hugged him close, pushing
her big breasts against him.
“This is so scary!” Connie said, holding him
close. “I’m sorry, honey, I just need to
hang on to you for a few moments, okay?
At least until the scary part is over!” she said, looking up at him.
“The whole movie is scary, Mom,” he replied, looking
down at her and smiling.
“Then I’m staying her for the whole movie!” she said,
smiling up at him. Then she put her head
on his chest and held him closer, pushing those big breasts more firmly up
against him. Seth looked down and could see a generous amount of cleavage
showing at the top of her tank top, which only made his cock grow a little
more. He had a pretty good chubby going
on right now, and he hoped that nothing else happened to make it get any bigger
or else he wouldn’t be able to hide it from his mom.
As Connie snuggled up against her son, she couldn’t
help but notice a slight shifting in his shorts. She smiled, realizing that her teasing of him
was working, so she held him tighter and pressed her big breasts against him
harder. She stayed that way for the rest
of the movie, enjoying the feeling of his body close to hers, his arm over her
shoulders. It felt good to be held like
this by a man again, even if it was her own son. When the ending credits began to roll, Seth
spoke up.
“Okay, Mom, the movie’s over,” he said, looking down
at her snuggled up close to him. His
cock hadn’t gotten any bigger, thank God, but he still had a major chubby going
on and would have for as long as his mom stayed where she was.
“I know, honey,” she said, not moving.
“You can get up now,” he said when she didn’t move.
“Don’t want to,” she said, tightening her grip on his
“Mom, I…” he began, but she cut him off.
“I’m not getting up, and you can’t make me!” she said,
teasing him as she held him tight.
“I bet I can,” he said, grinning, “especially if
you’re ticklish!” He reached down and tickled her on the side of her ribcage,
which was the only part of her body he could reach. She jumped and squealed as he tickled her,
squirming under his arm as he tickled her.
Stop! Stop! That’s not fair!” she cried, laughing as he
continued tickling her. She had released
her grip on him by now, trying to evade his tickling fingers on her ribs. Seth got a pretty good look at her big, round
tits wobbling around inside her tight shirt, and he felt a stirring in his
“Okay, that’s it!
Just remember, you started this!” she said, sitting up and reaching over
him to tickle him on both sides of his ribcage, remembering how ticklish he was
when he was a child. And that hadn’t
changed because as soon as she started tickling him he pulled his arms to his
chest, trying to protect his ribs from her fingers as he laughed. She knew she had him, so she quickly jumped
on top of his lap, sitting down on his hips as she tickled him with both hands.
“Tickle, tickle, tickle!” she cried as she tickled
him. He bucked and jumped beneath her,
laughing as she tickled him, and she laughed as well as she clamped her thighs
against his hips to keep from getting bucked off. This caused her to inadvertently push her
mound down onto the lump of his cock, which responded immediately by getting
bigger and harder beneath her.
“Mom, stop!” Seth begged, trying to grab her hands and
stop her from tickling him. He could feel
her mound pressing against him and his cock growing bigger by the moment,
pressing back against her as she sat astride him. He finally got hold of her wrists, holding
her hands away from his sensitive ribcage.
“Aw, you’re no fun!” she said, grinning as she looked
at him. Then she noticed the look on his
face, and her voice changed along with her mood.
“What’s wrong, honey?
Why are you looking at me like…oh!” she said, finally feeling the hard
lump of his cock pressing against her mound.
“Oh…oh, honey, I’m…I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…to…”
she stammered, feeling the heat of his cock against her as it continued to grow
beneath her. She looked at her son, her
eyes wide and her mouth hanging open as he held on to her wrists, not moving or
saying anything. She could feel her
heart pounding in her chest as she felt her pussy getting wet, and when she saw
Seth glance down at her breasts she looked down and saw that her nipples were
hard as rocks, poking out against the thin cotton fabric of the shirt she was
wearing. She looked back up into his
eyes without saying anything for several long seconds, and then she pushed her
mound down onto his cock harder, moving her hips slowly from front to back to
rub her mound along his length.
‘What are you doing? You can’t do
this! He’s your son!’
her conscience screamed at her.
‘I don’t care!’
her libido screamed back. ‘I’m gonna
fuck him anyway!’
“Mom, I don’t think…” he started to say, but she
shushed him into silence.
“Sshhhhhh,” she shushed, not taking her eyes off of
him as she continued to push her mound down onto his hard cock. “Don’t think,” she said, her voice a husky
whisper as her desire grew inside her.
“Just do!” she said, pulling her wrists from his grip and then quickly
grabbing his hands and pulling them up to her chest, pressing them onto her big
breasts and squeezing the backs of his hands to urge him to do the same. He did, his hands closing firmly on her big
tits, the nipples hard beneath his palms.
‘Holy shit!’
Seth thought to himself as he squeezed his mom’s big tits in his hands. They were full and firm beneath his grip, and
he felt his cock getting harder and longer beneath her. She felt it as well, pressing her mound down
onto him harder and moaning.
“Mom, should we be doing this?” he asked, but not
releasing his grip on her tits.
“No, we shouldn’t, but I don’t care,” she replied, her
voice dripping with desire. “Do you?”
she asked, looking him in the eyes. He
hesitated a moment before answering.
“No, I don’t,” he said, his voice soft. His cock was so hard it hurt, begging for
“Good!” she said, suddenly leaning forward and
grabbing his head in her hands as she kissed him, hard and deep, her tongue
sliding into his mouth and dancing with his own as she pushed her mound down
harder, rubbing it against the hard lump of his cock as she sucked his tongue
into her mouth. Seth put his arms around
her and held her close, and she moaned in his mouth as a result. Then he slid his hands down her back to her
ass, gripping it firmly as he pulled her against him, lifting his hips up to
press his hard cock against her.
Connie broke off the kiss and sat up, gasping for
breath as she quickly stripped the shirt from her body, pulling it up and over
her head and tossing it aside, revealing her big, firm breasts to him for the
first time. Before he could reach she
reached out and put her hands on the back of his head, pulling his head into
her breasts as she leaned forward.
Instinct took over, and Seth’s hands came up to grab his mom’s big tits,
his fingers closing around them from the side and squeezing firmly as he sucked
on her nipples. Connie moaned as he
pulled one of the hard nubs into his mouth, sucking on it and nibbling it with
his teeth.
‘Oh, my God, this feels so good!’
she thought to herself, throwing her head back with her eyes closed, smiling as
she held his face to her breast with her hand on the back of his head. She moaned as he went from one nipple to the
other, sucking and pulling on them, her free breasts being squeezed and
massaged as he sucked on the other’s nipple.
‘Where the hell did he learn to do
this? Oh, fuck it, I don’t care, just as
long as he doesn’t stop!’ she thought to herself, feeling her
pussy getting wetter by the second.
After reveling in the sensations running through her
for several long, very enjoyable minutes as her son sucked first on one nipple
and then the other, Connie sat back and pulled his head away from her tits, the
nipples hard as rocks and shiny with his saliva. She held his head in her hands and looked at
him, her chest heaving with her heavy breathing as she panted for breath. When she spoke, her voice was a husky, sexy
“Let me suck you!” she whispered, looking into his
eyes. Without waiting for a response she
scrambled off of his lap and pushed his legs wide apart, getting down on her
knees in between them. Seth got a quick
glimpse of the big wet spot on the crotch of her shorts caused by her pussy
being soaking wet, the fabric clinging to her skin as she moved. Connie quickly got his shorts open and pulled
the sides of the fly apart, setting his cock free. She was pleasantly surprised to find that he
wasn’t wearing any underwear, smiling as his hard cock sprang free. She grabbed it with her hand, gripping it
tightly, then leaned forward and buried her nose in his groin, taking in a big
breath to draw his musk deep into her lungs.
“MMMMMMMM, I just love how a man’s cock smells!” she
breathed, her eyes closed as she took another deep breath, inhaling his
aroma. She opened her eyes and look up
at him for a moment, slowly pumping his hard cock in her hands, then opened her
mouth and dove down onto his cock. She
took the first third of it in her mouth, clamping her lips around the hard
shaft and sucking immediately, running her tongue up and down the underside of
the shaft. Then she began sliding her
mouth up and down on his cock, taking a little more of it in her mouth with
every downward stroke, working her way down with the goal of taking it all in
her mouth and down her throat.
Seth sat back and watched in amazement as his mom
sucked his cock. He had dreamed about
this for so long, had so many masturbatory fantasies about this and other
things involving his mom, and now that it was coming true he just couldn’t
believe it. He knew they shouldn’t be
doing this, that he shouldn’t be letting his mom suck his cock, but he didn’t
care. He watched without saying a word
as his mom slowly worked her way down onto his cock, further and further, until
finally her nose bumped against his abdomen.
She looked up at him, her nose pressed against him, the full length of
his entire cock buried in her mouth and down her throat. She sucked on it for a moment or two, then
began sliding her mouth up and down the length, her head bobbing up and down at
a steady pace as she gave him the best blowjob he’d ever had.
‘Oh, my God, his cock tastes so good!’
Connie thought to herself as she deep throated her son again and again. She reached up with one hand and grabbed his
balls, gripping them firmly and tugging on them as she sucked his cock. She heard him moan when she did this, and it
only urged her on to do it again.
“You keep that up and you’re gonna make me cum!” Seth
warned as he watched his mom’s head bob up and down on his cock. As soon as he said this she stopped, sliding
her mouth from his cock and gripping it in her hand, pumping it as she looked
up at him from between his legs and spoke.
“Not yet!” she gasped, out of breath from deep
throating him. “Later, yes, but not
yet! Right now I want you to fuck me,
Seth!” she said breathlessly, pumping his cock as she spoke. “I want you to take me to my bedroom, throw
me down on my bed, and fuck me hard!
Will you do that for me? Please?”
she begged, her eyes hopeful.
Without a word Seth got to his feet and quickly
stepped out of his shorts as they fell to the floor around his ankles. He reached down and took his mom by the hand,
pulling her to her feet and then immediately picking her up and carrying her in
his arms out of the living room and down the hall to her bedroom. Once there he walked over to the bed and
tossed her onto the mattress just as she had asked.
“OH!” Connie gasped as he tossed her onto the bed,
landing on her back with her big, unfettered tits bobbing around on her
chest. She looked up and saw Seth
stripping off his shirt, and she quickly followed suit with her jogging
shorts. The crotch was soaking wet with
her juices by now, and she tossed them aside in the general direction of the
dirty clothes hamper. No sooner had she
done that than Seth was on top of her, pushing himself between her legs and
spreading them wide, holding himself above her with his hands on the bed on
either side of her. Connie looked down
and saw his rock-hard cock swaying as he moved, the bulbous head pointed right
at her, a big drop of clear precum appearing at the tip.
Seth paused and looked down at the nude body of his
mom beneath him, seeing her completely naked for the first time. He was pleased to see that her pubic mound
and pussy lips were shaven smooth, the outer lips already glistening with her
juices. He let his eyes travel up her
body, taking in every beautiful, sexy inch of her, finally looking into her
eyes. The pure lust that she felt was
burning brightly in her deep blue eyes, a hopeful expression on her face.
“Fuck me, Seth,” she whispered, breathing fast in
anticipation, reaching up and running her hand along the side of his face. “Fuck me hard!”
Without a word he reached down and took his cock in
his hand, guiding it to her pussy where he slid it up and down between her
outer lips to get both her pussy and his head slippery with their juices. After a few strokes he placed the head
against her opening and pushed, the bulbous head of his hard cock slipping
inside her.
“AAHHHH!” Connie moaned as he penetrated her with his
big, beautiful cock for the first time.
She bit her lip and moaned as he continued to push, sliding more and
more of his cock deeper and deeper into her very wet pussy. He was so hard and she was so wet that he was
able to push his entire cock into her in one long, firm push, making Connie
moan again when she felt his pelvis pressing against hers.
“Oh, my God, that feels so good!” she moaned, looking
up at him as she adjusted to his length inside her. She hooked her heels over his legs and
gripped his cock with her pussy, rotating her hips just a little to urge him on. She lifted her hands up and locked them on
the back of his neck, her big breasts being pushed together and up as she
did. Seth dropped his head down to her
breasts, sucking and pulling on one of her nipples with his lips for a moment,
then releasing it and bringing his head back up as he began to move.
Connie moaned again as Seth began moving on top of
her, sliding his hard cock in and out of her pussy in long, deep strokes,
lifting her hips up to meet his thrusts with her hands still on the back of his
neck. The tempo of his thrusts
immediately began to quicken, the room now filled with the aroma of her musk. Connie moaned again as Seth increased the
speed of his thrusts even more, slamming his cock in and out of her wet pussy
in deep, hard strokes, her big breasts bouncing around on her chest from the
impact of his hips meeting hers. She
lifted her legs up and wrapped them around his waist, clamping them tight as he
fucked her even hard, pulling him down by the neck to lay on top of her as he
fucked her just as she wanted – hard.
Seth slid his arms under his mom’s body, holding her
close as he thrust his cock in and out of her, feeling the mounds of her big
tits against his chest. In a move that
took him by surprise she turned her head and ran her tongue around his ear,
then pushed it inside. This made him
jump and shudder, his whole body shivering as the electric sensations shot
through him. He jumped again when she
repeated this with his other ear, holding his head in her hands as she
did. This only excited him more and made
him want to fuck her harder, so he did.
Set lifted his arms up from Connie’s body and put them
over hers, pinning her arms to her sides as he slid his arms down her body and
grabbed her ass with both hands, gripping it firmly. Her arms above the elbows were trapped to her
sides, leaving only the lower part of her arms free. Connie realized that she was pretty much
helpless and at his mercy to be fucked as hard as he wanted, and that’s just
what she hoped was going to happen.
And it was. As
soon as Seth gripped his mom’s ass in his hands he began thrusting his cock in
and out of her in hard, deep, fast thrusts, literally pounding it in and out of
her pussy. Connie was trapped on the bed
beneath the weight of his body on top of hers, her chin on his shoulder and her
hands gripping his sides as he held her wrapped tightly in his arms, a smile on
her face as her son fucked her hard and fast.
The bed bounced and shook beneath them with the force of Seth’s thrusts,
and Connie moaned as he shoved his cock in and out of her.
“I’m gonna cum!” she gasped over his shoulder as he
pounded her, and this only made him fuck her harder. It only took a few moments after that before
Connie’s orgasm hit, ripping through her body like a shock wave and making her
cry out in ecstasy.
“HAAAHHHHHHGGGHHH!” she cried out as Seth continued
pounding her, driving his cock in and out of her pussy over and over again as
wave after wave of pleasure went crashing through her. She tightened her legs around his waist
harder as she came hard and fast, hanging on as the force of the powerful
orgasm rocked her body, and when it was all over it left her gasping for breath. Seth released her ass from his hands and slid
his arms out from beneath her, pushing himself up from on top of her. Connie took a big breath as his weight was
lifted from her, a smile on her face as she looked up at him and spoke.
“Oh, my God, that was intense – OOOF!” she cried out
as Seth suddenly sat up, slipping his cock from her, and roughly flipped her
over onto her stomach, seemingly not hearing what she was saying. Before she had even stopped bouncing on the
bed Seth grabbed her by the hips and lifted them up, bringing Connie up onto
her hands and knees. He quickly moved
into position behind her, and Connie barely had time to turn and look behind
her before Seth had pushed his hard cock back into her wet pussy.
“UNNNGGHHHH!” she moaned as Seth grabbed her by the
hips and pulled her back towards him as he drove his cock into her, gritting
her teeth and moaning again as he immediately began thrusting his cock in and
out of her. She gripped the bedspread in
her fists, her big breasts swaying wildly under her as her son fucked her hard
and fast.
“Oh, my God, yesssss!” she hissed through clenched
teeth, hanging on to the bedspread as Seth pounded her relentlessly. She began pushing her hips back to meet his
thrusts, driving his cock as deep into her as she could, his balls banging
against her clit with every forward thrust.
Seth gripped his mom’s hips firmly in his hands as he
fucked her, driving his cock in and out of her in long, hard thrusts. He looked down and watched his cock as it
slipped in and out of her, shiny and slick with her juices, her ass rippling as
his hips hit her with every forward thrust.
His breathing was coming faster now, his body covered with a fine layer
of sweat from the efforts of what he was doing.
Connie reached down to her mound with one hand and
began rubbing her clit, biting her bottom lip and moaning as she rubbed
herself. She loved being fucked like
this, hard and fast, and couldn’t remember when the last time it had happened.
But it was happening now, and she damned sure was going to take advantage of
it. She rubbed her clit harder and
faster, urging on another orgasm, and a few moments later she came.
“HNNNNGGGHHHH!” Connie groaned through clenched teeth,
her eyes squeezed shut as a second powerful orgasm ripped through her. Seth felt her pussy fluttering around his
cock as she came, her juices flooding and covering his cock and balls. He pumped her right through her orgasm, and
when it finally ended she was left panting and gasping for breath.
“Oh, my God!” Connie gasped, dropping down onto her
elbows as she tried to recover from the intense orgasm she just had. She didn’t have time to rest, however,
because Seth suddenly pulled out of her and then flipped her over onto her back
again, quickly moving in between her legs and spreading them wide.
UNGHH!” Connie gasped and grunted as Seth quickly pushed his cock back
into her wet pussy, then lay down on top of her and slid his arms under her as
he had before, pinning her arms to her sides again and gripping her ass hard
with both hands as he drove his cock deep inside her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and
squeezed as he began fucking her hard and fast, determined to both make him cum
inside her and hang on as he did.
‘Oh my God, he’s a regular fucking
machine!’ she thought to herself as her son fucked her hard and
fast, driving his cock in and out of her over and over again. ‘I love it!’ she thought, smiling.
Seth was intent on giving his mom what she wanted, and
now that he was satisfied that he had done that he was concentrating on giving
himself what he wanted – which was to fill his mom’s pussy with his cum. He pounded her hard and fast, driving his
cock in and out of her over and over again, her legs clamped around his waist
and squeezing hard as she hung on. He
could feel his orgasm building, and once it started to build it did so
quickly. It only took a matter of a few
moments for him to reach the breaking point.
“NNNNGGGHHHHHH!” he groaned loudly through clenched
teeth as he came, his cock exploding inside Connie’s wet pussy. Seth drove his cock into her pussy hard as
stream after stream of hot cum blasted out of his cock, quickly filling her up
as it pumped again and again. This was
the most powerful orgasm Seth had ever experienced, and he groaned again as he
drove his cock forward and held it there, squeezing Connie’s ass in his hands
hard as his cock pumped and pulsed inside her, pumping stream after stream of
cum into her.
“Yes, honey, yes!
Give it to me, give it to me!” Connie cried out, gripping him tighter
with her legs. She hung on as his orgasm
ran its course, a big smile on her face as her son came inside her.
When it was over and his orgasm finally stopped, Seth
relaxed his grip on his mom’s ass; indeed his whole body relaxed, and Connie
gasped under the increased weight on her.
Seth lay on top of her like this for several moments, the full weight of
his body bearing down on her, and after almost a minute of this Connie lightly
slapped him on the side of his ribcage and spoke.
“Honey, I can’t breathe!” she gasped, and Seth
immediately put his hands on the bed and lifted his body up, taking his weight
off of her. She let her legs fall from
around his waist as she gasped for breath, her mouth hanging open, looking up
at him and smiling as she did.
“I’m sorry, Mom, are you okay?” he asked, genuinely
“I’m fine, honey, really,” she said, reaching up and
stroking the side of his face. “You were
just too heavy for me, that’s all,” she said.
“You came hard, huh?” he asked, returning her smile.
“As did you,” she replied, her smile growing bigger.
“Did I do good, Mom?
Did I give you what you wanted?” he asked.
“You did perfect, honey! That was exactly what I wanted and just what
I needed!” she replied, smiling up at him.
“Good, I’m glad!” he replied, returning her smile.
“Make me one promise, though,” she said, running her
hands up and down his forearms as he held himself over her, his slowly
softening cock still inside her.
“Anything, Mom,” he replied.
“Promise me this won’t be the only time,” she said,
her voice soft.
“I promise,” Seth said, his voice soft also. “Anytime you want, Mom,” he said, meaning it.
“Thank you, honey,” she said, pulling his head down to
her and kissing him, holding him there for just a moment or two before letting
him go.
“I need a shower,” he said.
“So do I, I think,” she replied. “Can I come with you?” she asked, giving him
a slightly wicked smile.
“Sure!” he said, grinning down at her. “I’m not gonna promise that nothing will
happen in there, though,” he said, sitting up and sliding his cock out of her
as he did.
“Oh, I’m counting on it!” she said, sitting up as he
got up from the bed. She followed him,
sliding over to the edge of the bed and then standing up, taking his hand as
they walked towards her bathroom.
“So, tell me, son, have you ever had your dick sucked
in the shower before?” she asked, teasing him but serious at the same time.
“Nope,” he replied, reaching into the shower and
turning on the water. “Not yet, anyway!”
he said, grinning as he looked at her.
She stepped in close to him, so close that her big breasts were touching
his chest, and looked up at him from below her brow, her eyes seductive and
smoldering as she spoke.
“That’s about to change!” she said, her voice low and
Ten minutes later she was squatting in front of him in
the shower, the water running down over both of their bodies, her wet hair
plastered to her head as his cock pumped a second load of cum into her mouth
which she swallowed with ease. When he
was finished cumming and she had swallowed it all, she stood up in front of him
and spoke, running her tongue along her upper lip to get the last traces of
“Now we can finish taking our shower,” she said,
looking into his eyes and smiling.
“After all, the night is still young and we have more
pizza to eat and more movies to watch, right, Mom?” he asked, putting his hands
on her hips and pulling her close.
“Among other things, yes,” she replied, her eyes
When she went to sleep four hours later she did so in
her bed and in her son’s arms, both her stomach and her pussy full of his cum.
And she was smiling.