(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)
One of the things Kelly loved about
her job as an executive assistant at a well-known import/export company was
that every now and then her job required her to travel, and since the company
was based in the Bahamas that meant her traveling always took her to the
Caribbean. Her current trip required her
to deliver some very important documents to the company headquarters building
on Harbour Island, and since there was no airstrip on the island that meant the
only way to get there was by boat. And
since Harbour Island was almost a full day’s sail from Andros where she was
currently, that meant she had to charter a boat to take her there. At her bosses’ urging she chartered a
sailboat instead of a power boat, with him telling her to take her time and
enjoy the trip.
So she had done just that, chartering
a two-masted sailboat to take her to Harbour Island. Now it was a little past seven AM and she was
in the back of a taxicab on her way to the dock where the boat was moored. A few minutes later the taxi pulled up to the
entrance to the docks, the driver hopping out and opening the door for her. After getting out of the taxi and retrieving
her one bag, a well-worn and well-traveled backpack from the driver, she paid
him and then walked over to the small restaurant next to the main walkway to
ask for directions to the dock where the boat was berthed.
“You’re in luck, missy,” the
well-tanned old man behind the counter said as he smiled at her, “the captain
of that vessel is sitting right over there,” he said, pointing to a table in
the corner on the other side of the room.
Kelly turned to look in the direction
that the man was pointing, and saw an equally well-tanned but much younger man
sitting at a table, drinking a cup of coffee while reading what she could only
guess was the local newspaper. He was
wearing a faded light blue printed Hawaiian shirt open down to the third
button, a pair of khaki shorts, and an old pair of navy-blue canvas deck shoes
without socks. He was dark-haired like
herself, wearing his hair short to keep cool in the tropical heat, and at the
moment he was wearing a yacht captain’s hat like the one the Skipper wore in
“Gilligan’s Island,” only his was white
instead of black. Or at least it used to
be white; it was very well-worn and weather-beaten, and was stained and dirty
from years of use in the Caribbean sun and having weathered many a Caribbean
storm. His chiseled face was
clean-shaven, and while Kelly was usually attracted to men with a beard of some
kind she found his face both handsome and appealing at the same time. She had no idea how tall he was since he was
sitting down, but if she had to guess she would have said he was at least six
feet tall.
All she knew for sure at the moment
was that he was lean and tanned, with just the right kind of musculature and
body style to make her stomach flutter.
‘Well, ROWER!’ she
thought to herself as she looked at him for a moment, a smile crossing her
lips. At 55 years of age her interest in
men lay in those in their mid to late twenties, and this man seemed to fit the
bill perfectly. Taking a second look at
him she said a silent thank you to herself for taking the time to work out
religiously and watch what she ate, the end results being that she had a body
that was the equal of any woman in her late twenties, if not better. Then she turned and thanked the older man
before walking over to the table where the younger man sat. He looked up at her as she approached, and
her stomach fluttered again when his gorgeous gray eyes locked with her own.
“Excuse me, are you Martin Foss?” she
asked, stopping next to the table and looking down into those gray eyes.
“My friends call me ‘Marty,’” he
replied, smiling up at her as he sat back in his chair, putting the newspaper
down and resting one arm along the back of the chair. “You must be Kelly Owens, my charter for the day,”
he said, guessing correctly.
“Yes, I am,” she said, returning his
smile. When Marty stood up and took off
his hat before he stuck his hand out to her she was pleased to see that she was
right – he was six feet tall if he was an inch, and she felt her stomach
flutter again.
‘Oh, I have GOT to fuck him!’ she
thought to herself as she took his hand.
“Pleased to meet you, Kelly,” he said,
smiling at her and showing her a perfect set of white teeth as he shook her
hand. “Would you like a cup of coffee?”
he asked.
“Thank you, I appreciate the offer,
but no. I really need to get over to
Harbour Island as soon as possible, so if you don’t mind I’d like to get
going,” she said, looking up at him.
“You’re the boss!” Marty said,
reaching down to pick up the mug and finish the last bit of coffee, then
putting it back down on the table. He
put his hat back on his head and turned to her again.
“Okay, let’s go!” he said, giving her
a toothy smile and making her stomach flutter again. He turned and walked out of the restaurant,
waving at the old man behind the counter who waved back. She followed him out and onto the walkway of
the dock, her bag slung over her shoulder, then walked beside him as they made
their way down to his boat.
They walked down the wooden sidewalk
to the dock where there were a good number of boats of all kinds tied up to the
various mooring stations, with most of them being sailboats. He led her down to the walkway that led to
where his boat was tied up, turning left to walk down the dock. There were four sailboats tied up to this
dock, two on each side, with his being the second one on the left. As they walked down the dock towards his boat
they passed a two-masted sailboat that even to Kelly’s untrained eye looked to
be at least fifty years old but was in excellent condition despite its
age. She looked at the back of the boat
as it rocked gently at its moorings and saw the name “Sea Tramp” in big
block letters above three small square windows lined up side by side.
“What a beautiful boat!” she said,
stopping to look.
“That’s the ‘Sea Tramp.’ She’s kind of a legend in this area,” Marty
replied, stopping and standing next to her as they both looked over at the boat
rocking gently at its moorings.
“Why is that?” she asked, looking up
at him.
“The previous owner was a man everybody
called Cap’n Dan, a wealthy retiree who did more for the town and the island
than anyone can ever remember. He
donated the money to build the clinic here, among other things,” he explained,
looking over at the boat. “One summer
his niece Lucy came down here on vacation after graduating from college to
spend a couple of months sailing around the Caribbean with him, and they ended
up falling in love. But she was already married,
and when her vacation was over he sent her home to be with her husband. That was in the ‘90s, and when he died 25
years later he willed his entire estate to the love of his life, his niece Lucy
– or Lucia, as he called her. That
estate included the boat, and since her own husband had been killed in a car
accident a few years prior she packed up and moved down here permanently, taking
up permanent residence on board the ‘Sea Tramp,’” he explained.
“What an amazing love story!” Kelly
said, looking up at him for a moment before looking back at the boat again.
“Yeah, it is,” Marty replied, tipping
his hat back on his head and putting his hands on his hips as he looked the
boat over. “From what people have told
me, Cap’n Dan loved her so much that he never even looked at another woman from
the day she left until the day he died 25 years later.”
“Wow,” Kelly said. “She must have been some woman! I’d like to meet her if I can,” she said,
looking up at him.
“And I’d love to introduce you to her. She’s a fantastic lady, a truly wonderful
person, but unfortunately right now she’s back in the States visiting family
and won’t be back for at least a week,” he replied.
“And I’ll be long gone by then. That’s too bad, I would love to have met
her,” Kelly said, looking up at him.
“Well, if you ever have the chance to
get back this way again, maybe next time you can,” Marty replied, looking down
at her.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she said,
looking back over at the ‘Sea Tramp’ again for a moment before looking
back at Marty. “Right now I want to see
what your boat looks like,” she said, smiling up at him.
“There she is, right there!” Marty
said, pointing towards another two-masted ketch tied up on the same side of the
dock and a little in front of the ‘Sea Tramp.’ It was very similar in looks, and as they
walked closer to it Kelly saw the name ‘SEEKER’ on the back of the boat
in the same place and above the same set of windows as the name on Lucia’s
boat. As they got closer she saw that it
was in immaculate condition; the wood was polished and the brass was shining,
obvious signs that Marty took very good care of his boat. They stopped at the foot of the gangplank,
Marty standing with his hands on his hips, a big smile on his face.
“This is my pride and joy, the ‘Seeker!’”
he said. “Best sailboat in the area –
next to the ‘Sea Tramp,’ that is,” he added.
“They look a lot alike,” Kelly said,
looking from one boat to the other.
“That’s because they’re the same make
and model, only mine is considerably newer,” he explained. “They’re both Formosa 51 ketches, but Cap’n
Dan did some significant modifications to his boat when he bought it. But the hull and mast configuration is the
same, with the differences being in the cabin layout and the long bench seat
along the back rail. My boat doesn’t
have that bench seat yet, but I plan to have one installed in the very near
future,” he explained. “Come on aboard
and I’ll show you around,” he said, holding his arm out towards the
gangplank. As she walked up the
gangplank in front of him Marty couldn’t help but noticed the rounded globes of
Kelly’s ass swinging inside her shorts as she walked.
‘Damn, she’s got a nice ass for a
woman her age!’ he thought to himself. ‘And
actually, the rest of her isn’t too bad, either!’ he thought as she stepped
onto the deck of the ‘Seeker’ and turned to face him. He stepped onto the deck of the boat as well,
motioning to the rear of the boat as he spoke.
“The cabin door is right this way;
follow me and I’ll show you the inside of the boat,” he said, turning and
walking towards the rear of the boat.
She followed him through the small, narrow doorway and down the fairly
steep set of four stairs that led from
the deck into the cabin. Once inside she
was surprised at how big it was; while the main cabin was small, it was bigger
than she had imagined it would be.
“This is the main cabin, and as you
can tell it’s where I eat my meals,” he said, standing in the center of the
cabin next to the bench table on one side.
“That’s the auxiliary pilot station which is where I control and steer
the boat from during bad weather,” he said, pointing to a ship’s wheel and a
set of throttle controls on the left side of the front wall of the cabin, right
beneath the windows that ran the width of the cabin.
“The head – or bathroom for you
landlubbers – is right there,” he said, pointing to a narrow door on the
opposite end and on the left side of the cabin close to the back of the boat,
“and the guest cabin is right there,” he said, pointing to another equally
narrow door on the opposite corner of the main cabin.
“Where’s your cabin?” she asked,
putting her hat back on her head.
“Right there,” Marty replied, pointing
to the short hallway in the center of the boat at the back of the main
cabin. There was a wooden door at the
end of the hallway with a sign on it that said “CAPTAIN.” He walked over to the door and opened it up,
stepping inside and motioning for her to follow him.
“Wow, this is nice!” she said, marveling
at the size of the cabin. The cabin took
up the entire rear end of the boat – which she later learned was called the
‘stern’ – with the big bed running the width of the cabin right under the three
square windows she had seen from the outside.
There was a small desk on the left – or port – side of the cabin with a
couple of bookshelves above it, and there was a bench on the right – or
starboard – side of the boat with a thick, green cloth covered pad running
along its length. There was a small
narrow door to the left of that, which Kelly correctly guessed was a closet. There were drawers under the bed, which Kelly
also guessed is where Marty kept the rest of his clothes.
“And you live on the boat?” she asked,
turning to look at him.
“Yes, I do, and quite comfortably, I
might add,” he said, walking over and sitting on the bed. “I have everything I need right here on board
except a washer and dryer, and for that I use the laundromat on the dock. I have both a power connection and a fresh
water connection coming from the dock, so I have plenty of both when I’m in
port,” he explained.
“What do you do for power and water
when you’re not in port?” she asked, curious.
“There’s an onboard freshwater tank
located under the deck below us, right next to the diesel engine that powers
the boat when it’s not under sail. I get
my electricity from there when I’m not in port, and I carry enough diesel fuel
on board to stay out at sea for a month or longer,” he said.
“This is really, really nice!” Kelly
said, looking around the cabin.
“Thank you, I like it,” he said,
looking around the cabin for a moment before speaking again.
“Well, we’d better get going if you
want to get to Harbour Island before the sun goes down,” he said, walking out
of the cabin with Kelly following him.
“You can drop your backpack in here or in the guest cabin, wherever you
like, and you can either stay down here and relax while I get the boat under
way or you can come up on deck and watch.
Whichever you’d like is just fine with me,” he said, looking at her and
“I’d like to come up on deck and watch
if you don’t mind,” she said, tossing her backpack onto the table.
“Great, I’d love the company!” he
said. Then he turned and walked up the
steep stairway, stepping out onto the deck with Kelly following him. Once on deck he readjusted his cap on his
head to keep it from falling off, then set about getting the boat untied from
the dock and under way.
Kelly sat on the roof of the front of
the main cabin, watching Marty scurry around the boat. It was obvious from his
speed that he had been doing this for years, and he had the lines untied and
coiled on the deck in no time at all.
Then he went over to the starboard side of the main cabin and retrieved
a long pole from two brackets mounted on the side of the cabin; Kelly would
later learn that this was called a boat hook.
Marty went to the bow of the boat and used the boat hook to push the bow
away from the dock; then he quickly stored the boat hook back in the brackets
and went to the wheel at the stern where he fired up the diesel engine. He put the boat in gear and eased the
throttle forward, and the ‘Seeker’ began to move slowly away from the
dock and out towards the open ocean.
Ten minutes later they were clear of
the harbor and it’s ‘no wake zone’ so Marty set about raising sail. He tied off the wheel to maintain course and
began the tasks involved with raising the sails. Kelly watched in amazement as he quickly
uncovered and untied the sails, stowing the covers in a chest on the stern so
they wouldn’t get blown overboard. Somewhere
during the process he had taken his shirt off without Kelly seeing it, and when
she did notice it she felt a fluttering in her stomach again when she got a
look at his tanned, toned, and well-muscled torso.
‘Oh, my God, I have GOT to fuck him!’ she
thought to herself again.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
she asked, calling out to him. “I feel
so useless just sitting here!”
“Do you know how to sail?” he asked,
putting the crank handle into the crank base on the main mast.
“No, I don’t,” she replied.
“Wanna learn?” he asked, smiling.
“Sure!” she said, jumping up from
where she sat.
“Then come over here and turn this
crank counterclockwise until I tell you to stop,” he said. She trotted over to where he stood and
gripped the handle with both hands, looking up at him for assurance; he nodded
at her, and she began cranking. The
crank clicked as it worked, and Kelly saw the main sail begin to rise up from
the yard arm on its way to the top of the mast.
Kelly trotted over to a winch on the starboard side of the deck and sat
down behind it, pulling on the rope that ran through it. This helped guide the boom into place, and a
few minutes later the sail was up. He
tied off the rope and then came over to the winch, taking the handle out and
stowing it back where it came from.
“Now let’s do the same thing with the
foremast and the jib, and then we’re done!” he said, grinning at her, his upper
body shining in the sun with a fine layer of sweat.
“What’s a jib?” she asked.
“The small triangular sail at the
front of the boat,” he replied.
“Oh, okay!” she said, following him to
the next mast.
Five minutes later they were finished,
and the boat was under full sail. Marty
went back to the wheel and untied it, then shut down the diesel engine. Since the wind was coming at them from behind
and to the left, the boat was tilted to the right as it sailed over the fairly
calm ocean. It took Kelly a few minutes
to get her sea legs, but once she did she really began to enjoy the experience. Marty opened the lid of the console box in
front of the wheel where the compass sat and retrieved a pair of aviator
sunglasses, putting them on. Then he
looked over at her and smiled, making her stomach flutter yet again.
“So what do you think?” he asked.
“I think I wanna buy a boat when I get
home and learn how to sail!” she said, returning his smile.
‘What I really wanna do is take you
into your cabin, lay you down on your bed and fuck you until you can’t move!’ she
thought to herself, her smile getting bigger at the thought.
“Make you a deal – you buy the boat
down here and I’ll teach you how to sail!” he said, grinning at her.
“It’s a deal!” she said, making both
of them laugh.
“Now that we’re under full sail
there’s nothing else to do except steer the boat for a while; I have a couple
of folding canvas deck chairs in the storage area in the bow, and I’d be happy
to get one for you so you can sit and relax while I steer the boat,” he said.
“Who’s going to steer the boat while
you’re gone?” she asked.
“You are! Come over here,” he said, and Kelly came over
to where he stood. He guided her into
position between himself and the wheel, and when his body brushed up against
hers she felt her stomach flutter again and a pleasant tingling down further.
“Put your hands here and here,” he
said, guiding her hands to the 10 and 2 position on the wheel. “See where the compass needle is pointing
right now?” he asked, and she
nodded. “Keep it right there by turning
the wheel to the left or right as you need to.
I won’t be gone more than a minute or so, so you probably won’t have to
do anything at all except hold the wheel.
Okay, Kelly?” he said, smiling at her.
“Okay, I guess!” she replied.
I’ll be right back!” he said, and then he was gone below deck to get the
chair. Kelly’s heart was pounding in her
chest as she stood at the wheel, holding the boat on course, and true to his
word Marty was back in just about a minute and a half, a canvas deck chair in
his hands.
“Here you go!” he said, unfolding the
chair and placing it on the deck to the right of where she stood. He took her place at the wheel and she eagerly
let it go, flopping down in the chair and laughing, her chest heaving as she
panted for breath.
“Oh, my!” she gasped, looking up at
him and laughing. “That was great! Did I actually do that? Holy crap!” she said, babbling with excitement
just a bit.
“You did fine, just fine!” he said,
looking down at her and smiling. She
looked up at him and returned his smile, her heart pounding in her chest, the
pounding made more intense as she looked at him.
The sun on his face, the wind blowing
his hat slightly, the big toothy grin, the glimmering of his chest in the
sunlight – it all combined to make Kelly’s pussy start to get wet, making her want
this man more than ever. She turned the
deck chair to face him, then leaned forward and rested her forearms on the arms
of the chair as she spoke.
“Marty, can I ask you a question? A personal question, I mean?” she said,
looking up at him.
“Only if you can handle the answer,”
he replied, looking back down at here for a moment before looking back up
“Oh, I think I can handle the answer,
but the thing is, can you handle the question?” she said, giving him a sly
grin. He turned and looked down at her,
noticing the lopsided grin on her face, then gave her a grin of his own.
“Only one way to find out,” he said,
looking down at her. “Ask away!”
“When was the last time you had your
dick sucked?” she said, her gaze unfaltering as she spoke.
Marty looked at her for a few moments
before he replied, trying to decide how to handle this. On the one hand she was a client, and he
didn’t want to do anything to ruin his reputation or harm his business. On the other hand, she was hot as hell and it
had been a very long time since he’d been with a woman at all, much less had
his dick sucked.
‘Fuck it!’ he
thought to himself.
“Damned if I can remember,” he
replied, looking down at her from behind his sunglasses.
“Then I think it’s time I took care of
that and gave you something to remember!” she said, getting up from her
chair. She immediately dropped down to
her knees and moved in front of him, in between him and the ship’s wheel and
facing him; Marty took a step back to give her room. Kelly immediately reached up and grabbed the
zipper of his shorts, pulling it down and then slipping her hand inside. She was very pleased to discover that he
wasn’t wearing any underwear, and that his cock was already starting to get
hard. She wrapped her hand around the
shaft as she pulled the fly of his shorts open, then pulled out his cock. Without hesitation she opened her mouth,
leaned forward and clamped her lips around the head of his cock, sucking on it
and moving her hand out of the way as she sucked his cock into her mouth like a
strand of spaghetti.
‘Holy shit!’ Marty
thought as he looked down and watched his cock disappear into Kelly’s wet,
sucking mouth. He wasn’t lying when he
said it had been a long time since he’d been with a woman, so his cock grew
longer, harder and thicker very quickly under Kelly’s masterful ministrations
with her mouth and tongue. She grabbed
him by the hips and held on as she bobbed her head up and down his quickly
hardening shaft, moaning as he filled her mouth.
‘Oh my God, his cock tastes good!’ she
thought to herself as she felt his cock growing in her mouth. She loved sucking a man’s flaccid cock into
her mouth and then sucking him hard, and she was glad that this first encounter
with Marty turned out this way. His cock
grew to full hardness quickly, stretching Kelly’s mouth out just a little. His cock was a little thicker than what she
was used to, but that didn’t deter her from doing what she set out to do. She ran her tongue up and down the underside
of his shaft as she took his cock into her wet, sucking mouth over and over
again, taking nearly all of it with every forward motion of her head.
‘Damn, she’s good!’ Marty
thought to himself, fighting to maintain his concentration on steering the boat
as she worked on his throbbing cock. He
was tempted to just tie the wheel off so he could take care of her as well, but
he had a feeling that she wasn’t going to give him the chance – she seemed
intent on making him cum as quickly and as hard as she could, so he decided to
just let her have her way with him.
Kelly moaned again and again as she
slid her mouth up and down the length of his hard cock, twisting her head from
side to side as she moved, relishing the feeling of his hard cock on her
tongue. She could taste his precum, and
that only made her want his cum in her mouth even more. She slid a hand inside his shorts and pulled
out his big, heavy balls, gripping them in her hand. She pulled and tugged on them as she slid her
mouth up and down on his cock, grabbing the base of the shaft with her other
hand as she increased the suction she was applying with her mouth.
“You keep that up and I’m gonna cum in
your mouth in no time!” he warned, looking down at her. She looked up at him, her eyes watering from
the effort she was putting forth in sucking on his cock, then released his cock
from her mouth just long enough to speak a few words.
“Then do it!” she said, her eyes
sparkling. Then she clamped her mouth
back down onto his cock, renewing her efforts and sucking on him as hard as she
could. She gripped the base of his cock
hard, pumping it in her hand as she pulled and tugged on his balls. She slid her mouth up and down his cock
faster and faster, quickly bringing him to the edge of orgasm.
“Here it comes!” Marty groaned, his
knuckles white as he gripped the wheel in his hands.
“MM-HMM! MM-HMM!” Kelly moaned around his cock,
nodding as she sucked on his hard shaft, increasing both the suction and her
efforts to make him cum. And a split
second later, he did.
“MMMMMMMMMM!” Kelly moaned around his
cock as it exploded in her mouth. She
heard Marty groaning and felt his body tense as he came, his cock pumping and
throbbing in her mouth, shooting stream after stream of hot, thick cum into her
mouth, onto her tongue and down her throat.
She loved the feeling of a man’s cock on her tongue as it pumped and
pulsed, shooting his load into her mouth, and she swallowed his load down
greedily. She kept her lips clamped
around his cock and continued sucking hard, pumping the shaft with her hand and
tugging on his balls as his orgasm ran its course.
Marty groaned loudly through gritted
teeth as his cock exploded in Kelly’s mouth, months of built-up cum blasting
out of his cock and down her throat, taking months of built-up sexual tension
and frustration with it. He squeezed his
eyes closed and hung on to the ship’s wheel as Kelly drained him dry, and when
his cock finally stopped throbbing and pumping it left him gasping and panting
for breath.
“Holy hell!” he gasped, looking down
at Kelly as she sucked the last few drops of cum out of him. She looked up at him and smiled, giving him a
wink with the head of his cock still in her mouth, then ran her nimble tongue
over the head and along the sensitive frenum and making him jump. She giggled as she slipped her mouth from his
cock, pumping it a few more times with her hand to get every drop of cum out of
him. When the last drop appeared at the
tip she put her soft lips on the tip and sucked it off, then kissed it before
tucking it back into his shorts. She
pulled his zipper up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, then stood
up between him and the ship’s wheel.
“So how was that? Did I do good?” she asked playfully, a
lopsided grin on her face.
“I’ll say!” he replied, returning her
grin. She kissed him then, softly, holding
her lips against his for a few delicious moments before ducking under his arm
and sitting back down in the chair. She
looked up at him and smiled, crossing her legs and bouncing her foot as she
“So is that not the best blowjob
you’ve had this year?” she said, proud of herself.
“Hell, that’s the only blowjob I’ve
had this year, so yeah, I’d say so!” he said, laughing and making her laugh
along with him.
“But what about you?” he asked,
checking the compass to make sure he hadn’t let the boat stray too far off
course while he was getting his pipes cleaned.
“Oh, I’ll let you take care of me
later, that’s for sure,” she replied, smiling up at him. “I think after I’m done with my business in
town I’ll come back to the boat and let you take care of me then – or rather,
let us both take care of each other!” she said.
“Sounds like a plan to me!” Marty
said, returning her smile.
The rest of the trip to Harbour Island
was uneventful as far as things of a sexual nature went. To save time they ate lunch on the fly, with
Kelly steering the boat again while Marty went below to retrieve some pre-made
sandwiches he’d stowed on board specifically for situations just like this,
where they really didn’t have the time or the chance to stop for lunch. They both ate their sandwiches on the stern,
with Marty taking over at the wheel while they ate.
Kelly spent the afternoon sunning
herself on the roof of the main cabin, going below to change into a bikini
before she did. When she came topside
after having changed Marty was stunned when he got his first look at her in her
bikini. She was fit and trim, her body
toned and curvy in all the right places, and Marty couldn’t decide what part of
her looked better – her firm, rounded ass or her full bustline. Her breasts were big without being too big,
fitting her body perfectly, and showed little to no signs of sag. When she caught him staring at her she
laughed, putting the towel and suntan oil she was carrying down onto the roof
of the cabin and then putting her hands on her hips and letting her breasts
bounce as she laughed.
“Not bad for an old broad, huh,
Skipper?” she asked, standing in front of him with her hands on her hips.
“What do you mean, ‘old broad’?” he
asked, puzzled. “How old are you,
anyway, if I may ask?”
“How old do you think I am?” she
countered, playing with him and enjoying it.
“Thirty, thirty-five tops,” he said.
“I’ll be fifty-six next month!” she said,
grinning as Marty’s mouth dropped.
“No way! I mean, no way in hell you’re fifty-five!” he
said, astonished.
“This is what thirty years of yoga and
eating right will do for you,” she said, turning around so he could see all of
her both front and back. “That, plus
never having been married or having kids.
Pregnancy absolutely wrecks the female body, and I don’t want any part
of that!”
“Well, you look fantastic, that’s for
sure!” he said, meaning it.
“Thank you, kind sir! And now, if I may ask, just how old are you?”
she said, standing with her hands on her hips.
“I’m twenty-five, be twenty-six in
January,” he replied.
“Mmmmmm, perfect! I just loooove younger men! So strong, so virile, so full of cum!” she
cooed, giggling at the end.
“So you’re a ‘cougar,’ huh?” he said,
half kidding and half serious.
“And damned proud of it!” she replied. Then she picked up the bottle of suntan oil
from the cabin roof and began spreading it on her body, and by the time she was
done Marty had another erection. But he
knew that time was of the essence so he hid it from her, letting it fade on its
own as she climbed on top of the cabin roof and spread the towel out, lying
down on it and getting some sun.
“Let me know when we’re about half an
hour out so I can go below and wash the oil off and get myself cleaned up,
okay, Skipper?” she said, lifting her head and looking back at him.
“Sure thing, Kelly,” he replied. Then she put her head back down and relaxed
for the rest of the trip.
They docked at Harbour Island a little
after four PM, and as soon as the boat was tied up Kelly grabbed the packet of
documents and headed for the main road where she hailed a taxi to take her to
her company’s headquarters building. Marty
had awakened her half an hour out as she wanted, and when she came up from
below deck she was freshly showered and wearing a light yellow flowered
sundress and sandals. While she was gone
Marty stayed on the boat, relaxing in a deck chair on the bow of the boat,
drinking Red Stripe beer and watching the girls and boats go by.
It was a little after seven PM when
she finally made it back to the boat, and she smiled when she saw Marty slumped
down in his canvas deck chair, his feet up on the cabin roof, legs crossed at
the ankles, his arm crossed over his chest and his dingy white captain’s hat pushed
forward over his eyes. He was sound
asleep, and Kelly just stood there and looked at him for a minute or so, hating
to wake him up.
‘Damn, but he’s hot!’ she
thought, smiling to herself. Then, as
much as she hated to do it, she went on board the ‘Seeker’ and walked up
to the bow, standing next to him and gently shaking him by the shoulder.
“Marty…hey, Marty, wake up!” she said,
rousing Marty out of his slumber.
Wha – oh, hey, Kelly, you’re back,” he said, sitting up and putting his
feet down on the deck as he pushed his hat back on his head.
“Yes, and I’m starving, so let’s go
get something to eat!” she said.
“Sure, I know just the place!” Marty
said, standing up and stretching. “You
get everything done that you needed to do?” he asked as they walked towards the
“Not quite, there’s still one thing
left that I have to do,” she said, walking down the gangplank to the dock.
“What’s that?” he asked, following
“You!” she said, turning and grinning
at him. “And I’m going to take care of
that as soon as we finish eating dinner!”
“So I’m gonna be dessert, huh?” he
said, grinning from ear to ear.
“Something like that, yeah!” she said,
slipping her arm in his as they walked up the dock towards the town.
It was full dark when they got back to
the ‘Seeker’ an hour and a half later after enjoying one of the best
seafood dinners they’d both ever had. As
they walked down the dock towards the boat Kelly slipped her arm through
Marty’s, holding him close. When they
got to the gangplank Marty held out his arm for her to go first, following her
up onto the deck. She immediately turned
and headed for the hatch leading down to the main cabin, and once again Marty
followed her lead, switching on the lights at the bottom of the stairs. As soon as they were both in the main cabin
Kelly turned to him and wrapped her arms around Marty’s neck, pulling his face
down to hers and kissing him long and deep.
She pressed her body firmly up against his as she slipped her lithe
tongue into his mouth, moaning softly at the sensations coursing through her
body. Marty wrapped his arms around her
and pulled her close to him, and she could feel his erection beginning to grow
and press against her abdomen. When the
kiss finally ended more than two minutes later it left both of them breathless.
“I’ve never wanted a man to fuck me as
much in my entire life as I want you to fuck me now,” she said as she looked up
into his eyes, her voice a throaty whisper.
“Ditto,” he said, his voice soft. He kissed her, then, bringing his lips down
to hers, and she immediately slid a hand down his body and around to his
crotch, grabbing his nearly erect cock in her hand through his shorts and
gripping it firmly. Marty returned the
favor, sliding a hand down her body and around to her mound, rubbing it firmly
through her sundress. He could feel the
heat emanating from her, rubbing her mound firmly and making her moan into his
mouth. She squeezed his rock-hard cock
harder in response, and when Marty slipped his hand under her dress he
discovered that he wasn’t the only one going ‘commando’ that night. Kelly moaned as his hand touched her bare
pussy, and she pushed her hips forward as he cupped her mound in his hand.
“Oh, my God, that feels good!” she
breathed into his ear, breaking off the kiss and squeezing his cock harder.
“If you like that, then you’re gonna
love this!” he said, then slipped a finger between her smooth-shaven outer lips
to touch the already-wet inner lips of her pussy.
OOOH!” she moaned, jumping as his fingers slipped between her inner
lips. She moaned again as Marty ran his
finger up and down her slit, making her jump again when his finger ran across
the hard nub of her clit. She bit her
lip and moaned when he slipped a finger inside her, clamping down on it with
her talented inner muscles. She kissed
him again, hard and deep, gripping his cock harder than ever as she pushed her
mound against his hand.
“I can’t take it anymore!” she gasped
into his ear, breaking off the kiss. “If
you don’t take me into your cabin and fuck me right now, I’m going to lose my
mind!” she said, pulling her head back and looking into his eyes.
“We can’t have that, now can we?” he
said, teasing her with an impish grin on his face.
“No, we can’t, and I said exactly what
I meant – I don’t want you to make love to me, we can do that later. I want you to throw me down on the bed, drive
that big, hard cock of yours into me so deep that I can feel it at the back of
my throat, and fuck me until I scream!” she said, her pussy flooding and
soaking his hand as he slid his finger in and out while she spoke.
“Then let’s go!” he said, taking her
by the hand and leading him to his cabin.
Once inside they both quickly disrobed, Kelly simply having to slip out
of the sundress and shoes since she was not only panty-less but braless as well. It took Marty a bit longer since he was
wearing one more article of clothing than she was. He took off his captain’s hat and hung it on
a hook over the desk, then quickly shed his shirt, shorts and deck shoes. His rock-hard cock stood up proudly in front
of him, Kelly’s eyes going to it as soon as he turned around to face her. She stepped forward and reached out to grab
it, seizing it in her hand and squeezing firmly as she kissed him again. She pumped the hard shaft in her hand as they
kissed, with Marty turning them in place so that her back was to the bed. Then, without warning, he broke off the kiss,
put his hands on her chest, and shoved her backwards onto the bed.
“OH!” Kelly gasped as she was shoved
backwards. She bounced once when she
landed on the bed and then Marty was on top of her, holding his body above hers
with a hand on either side of her head, his hard cock pointing at her
pussy. She moved back a little further
towards the center of the bed and then lifted her legs and spread her knees
apart for him, reaching down with one hand and guiding his cock to her pussy. She rubbed the bulbous head up and down
between her slippery inner lips a few times before placing it at the entrance,
and as soon as she did this Marty pushed forward, driving his cock into her
tight, wet pussy.
“OHHHH! MMMMMMM!” Kelly moaned as his cock penetrated
her, spreading her lips and stretching her out as his thick, hard cock slowly
slid deeper inside her as Marty pushed hard.
He pushed half of his cock into her with the first thrust, then paused
for just a moment before pulling out an inch or so and then pushing forward
again. Kelly moaned again as he went
deeper inside her, and after the third thrust he was buried completely inside
her, his balls resting against her ass.
He held himself there, relishing the feeling of Kelly’s tight, wet pussy
enveloping and gripping the length of his hard cock. She lifted her arms and put her hands on the
back of his neck, clasping them together as she spoke.
“Ohhhhh, my God, you feel so good
inside me!” she moaned, looking up at him, her mouth hanging open as she
adjusted to his cock inside her. “Now
fuck me, Marty, fuck me hard!” she urged, squeezing his cock with her inner
muscles for emphasis.
Without a word Marty began to
move. He pulled his cock almost all the
way out of her until only the head was left inside, then pushed it all the way
back into her in one hard thrust, making Kelly gasp when the head of his cock
hit the end of her tunnel. He did the
same thing again only harder this time, making Kelly gasp a little louder when
he hit bottom. He began thrusting his
cock in and out of her wet pussy in long, hard strokes, gradually increasing
the tempo. It wasn’t long before he was
pounding his cock in and out of her, Kelly’s body bouncing beneath him as the
onslaught of his cock in and out of her pussy continued, his balls slapping
against her ass with every forward thrust.
Yes! Yes! Yes!” Kelly cried with every thrust, dropping
her hands from his neck and reaching down to grab her own breasts, squeezing
them hard in her hands as Marty pounded his cock in and out of her over and
over again. “Fuck me, Marty, fuck
me! Fuck me hard, make me cum!” she
cried, biting her bottom lip as Marty thrust his rock-hard cock in and out of
her over and over again. The lust was
burning brightly in her eyes as Marty looked down into them, and he was pretty
sure she was seeing the same thing in his eyes as well.
Without slowing the motions of his
hips Marty repositioned his hands, sliding his arms behind Kelly’s knees and then
putting them back down on the bed on either side of her, spreading her legs out
wide and lifting her hips up off of the bed.
The change in the angle let him drive his cock deeper into her wet pussy
while keeping her immobilized and helpless; all she could do was lay there and
let him fuck her – which is exactly what she wanted.
Oh my God, yes!” Kelly cried as Marty drove his cock deep into her pussy
again and again. She reached down with
one hand and began rubbing her clit hard and fast, anxious to cum on his
cock. She looked up into his eyes, her
own eyes hooded as she gasped for breath, her hand rubbing her mound and clit
furiously while he pounded his cock in and out of her relentlessly. It didn’t take long for her to feel her
orgasm building, and she knew she was going to cum fast and hard – very hard.
“I’m gonna cum!” she gasped, her mouth
hanging open, her feet bouncing in the air as Marty continued pounding her with
his cock. The cabin was filled with the
sounds and aromas of sex, Marty’s balls slapping against Kelly’s ass with every
forward thrust of his hips. His upper
body was glistening with a fine layer of sweat and he was breathing hard as
well, feeling his own orgasm beginning to build.
“You first,” he gasped, and that was
all the encouragement Kelly needed. Her
orgasm hit a split second later, exploding inside her like a hand grenade and
making Kelly cry out in ecstasy. She
gritted her teeth and grimaced, her eyes squeezed shut, as the waves of
pleasure went crashing through her like a tsunami, continuing to rub her clit
furiously as her entire body was rocked with the force of her orgasm.
Marty could feel her body tensing as
she came beneath him, and when he felt her pussy clutching and grabbing at his
cock while she came that was all he needed to cum as well. He groaned and thrust his hips forward as his
own orgasm hit, his cock exploding inside Kelly’s clutching, gripping
pussy. He moaned as his cock pumped and
pulsed inside her, blasting stream after stream of hot, thick cum deep inside
her. She felt him cumming and grabbed
his hips with her hands, pulling him into her and urging him to fill her up
with his cum.
“Give it to me! Give it to me! Fill me up, fill me up with your cum!” she
gasped, urging him on. She could feel
his cock pumping inside her and lifted her hips up higher to let him in as far
as he could go. Marty drove his hips
forward and buried his cock into her as deeply as he could, holding it there as
his orgasm ran its course. When his cock
finally stopped pumping inside her it left him gasping for breath, his mouth
hanging open as he fought to control his breathing. He looked down into her eyes, smiling as he
“Holy hell, that was intense!” he
gasped, one side of his mouth turning up in a crooked grin.
“Just like I wanted! Thank you!” Kelly
replied, returning his grin. She pulled
him up against him again and squeezed her pussy around his cock to milk the
last bit of cum from him, and after a few moments more Marty sat up, lifting
his hands from the bed and releasing her legs.
She let her feet fall to the bed, keeping his cock inside her as she,
too, panted and gasped for breath. After
a few moments Marty moved to lay beside her on the bed, his softening cock
slipping out of her as he moved. He lay
on his back and she snuggled up next to him, pressing her breasts against his
chest as he put his arm around her, her leg draped over his stomach and nudging
his cock in the process.
“That’s gonna be pretty hard to beat,
you know,” he said, looking down at the top of her head.
“Well, we have all night to try, don’t
we?” she asked, looking up at him and smiling.
“Besides, I’m quite sure you won’t have any problem getting it up at
least twice more before the night is through, will you, Skipper?” she asked.
“With you, no, I don’t think that’ll
be a problem,” he replied, grinning at her.
“That’s what I love about younger
men,” she said, laying her head on his chest as she spoke, resting her hand on
his chest as well. “So much stamina, and
so much cum!” she said, grinning from ear to ear.
“We’re not going to be getting much
sleep tonight, are we?” he asked, already knowing the answer.
“Nope!” she replied without lifting
her head from his chest.
And she was right.
The next morning dawned bright and
clear, and after a quick breakfast and some coffee they were both ready to set
sail for Andros. Kelly untied the boat
while Marty started the engine, and as soon as they were out of the harbor they
both went about raising sail. Soon they
were under full sail, riding the wind and the waves back to Andros. Marty concentrated on steering the boat while
Kelly sunbathed on the cabin roof as she did the previous day, and when it came
time for lunch she went down to the main cabin and made them both sandwiches,
preferring to eat on the fly instead of lowering the sails and putting out the
sea anchor. She sat in a canvas deck
chair next to Marty who stood at the ship’s wheel as he ate, enjoying
everything about the day.
Marty was shirtless as usual, and as
she looked up at him she got a sudden urge, a craving that she knew she had to
satisfy, so without a word she got up from the chair and got down on her knees
between him and the wheel, reaching up to pull down his zipper.
“Kelly, what are you doing?” he asked
out of reflex, knowing full well what she was getting ready to do.
“Just drive the boat,” she replied,
looking up at him and grinning.
“Steer,” he said, looking down as he
corrected her.
“Huh?” she said, pausing as she opened
his fly and looking up at him, confused.
“Steer, not drive,” he said, grinning
down at her.
“Drive, steer, whatever!” she replied,
grinning back up at him.
She looked back down as she reached
inside his shorts, grabbing his soft cock in her hand and pulling it out. She immediately sucked it into her mouth,
sliding it in and out of her mouth like a big strand of spaghetti, loving the
feeling of the shaft growing in her mouth.
She moaned as his cock quickly grew longer, harder, and thicker,
reaching inside his shorts to pull out his balls as well as she began sliding
her mouth up and down on his now rock-hard cock.
Marty looked down at her for a few
moments, then taking a quick look around to make sure they were the only boat
in the area. They were, and after
checking his heading once again he looked down and watched Kelly working on his
‘Man, can this woman suck a dick!’ he
thought to himself, watching Kelly’s head bobbing as she slid her mouth up and
down the length of his shaft over and over again. She wanted him to cum and to cum quickly, so
she was using all of her skills and every trick in the book to make him cum.
And she didn’t have long to wait. It only took a few minutes for her to have
him blowing his load into her waiting mouth and down her throat, and she kept
her mouth clamped to his cock as it
pumped and pulsed on her tongue, his balls emptying themselves into her mouth. When he finished cumming she sucked him clean,
swallowing his load with a smile, then tucked his softening cock back into his
shorts. Then she got up and went back
over to the deck chair and sat down, wiping her lips with the back of her hand,
a satisfied smile on her face.
“But what about you?” Marty asked.
“I got what I wanted,” she replied,
looking at him and giving him a demure smile.
“Besides, you can take care of me tonight! After all, I don’t have to leave until
tomorrow,” she said.
“I kind of thought you’d be staying in
town tonight,” he replied, being honest with her.
“Think again!” she said, her smile
turning into a grin. He looked over at
her in pleasant surprise, his face breaking out in a grin as well.
“I have a feeling it’s going to be one
hell of a night!” he said, looking back up and checking his course again.
And he was right. It was indeed one hell of a night, one they
would both remember for the rest of their lives.
The next morning Marty was already on
deck when Kelly came up, clad in his usual attire of faded Hawaiian shirt,
khaki shorts, deck shoes, and, of course, his dingy white captain’s hat. He was sitting in one of the deck chairs next
to the ship’s wheel when Kelly emerged from the cabin, a mug of coffee in his
“Good morning!” he said cheerily,
lifting his mug to her.
“Good morning, Skipper!” she replied,
returning his grin. “You got one of
those for me, by any chance?” she asked, nodding towards his coffee mug. He reached down and picked up a full mug from
the deck next to him, holding it out to her.
She dropped her bag on the deck and took it from him, taking a sip as
soon as she got it in her hands,
“Bless you, sir!” she said, grinning
at him. She leaned back against the
cabin as she drank her coffee, both of them not speaking but just enjoying the
coffee, the morning, and their last few minutes together. It had been quite a memorable and most
enjoyable trip for the both of them, and they were both sad to see it end.
“So tell me, do you ever think you’ll
be back down this way again?” Marty asked over the lip of his mug.
“If not, I’ll certainly make up a
reason to come down here!” she replied, grinning at him. “Provided you’ll be available for charter,
that is,” she said, toying with him.
“Oh, I think you can pretty much count
on that!” he replied, grinning back.
“Thank you, Marty, for a most
memorable trip,” she said, meaning it.
“I should be the one thanking you,” he
said, standing up and walking over to her.
“It’s been a long time, a very long time, since I’ve been with a woman
like you,” he said, his voice soft. “I
just hope it’s not the last time.”
“It won’t be, I promise,” she replied,
looking up into his eyes. “I know a good
thing when I see one, and you most certainly are a good thing!” she said,
“Thank you, Kelly,” he said.
“You’re welcome, Skipper,” she
replied, looking into his eyes for a few moments longer before speaking again.
“And now I have to get going. I have a plane to catch, and the airport is
on the other side of the island, so I’d better get moving,” she said, handing
her now-empty mug to Marty. She picked
her bag up from the deck and slung it over her shoulder, turning to walk over
to the gangplank. Marty followed,
putting the empty mugs on the cabin roof for the moment. When she got to the gangplank she stopped and
turned, looking at him once more.
“Let me walk you down to the taxi
stand,” he said, resting one hand on the ship’s railing.
“No, that’s okay, you stay here,” she
replied, putting her hand on his chest.
“I’m a big girl, I can find my own way.
Besides, this way you can have one last look at my ass before I go!” she
said, grinning at him.
“If you say so,” he replied, looking
down at her. “Have a safe trip, Kelly,”
he said, his voice soft. She looked up
at him for a moment, then pulled his face down to hers to give him one last,
brief kiss before leaving.
“Thank you again, Marty,” she said,
rubbing the side of his face with her hand.
“I’ll be back, I promise!” she said.
“I’ll be here,” he replied. She gave him one last smile and then turned
to walk down the gangplank. Marty stood
on the deck and watched her walking down the dock, past the ‘Sea Tramp’ gently
bobbing at its mooring on her way to the main building, thankful for the chance
to watch her ass swinging one last time before she left. He grinned as he watched her go, and when she
got to the main walkway she turned and waved, a smile on her face.
He waved back, returning her smile,
and then she was gone, walking into the main building and out of sight. He stood there for a moment longer, then
walked over to retrieve the mugs from the cabin roof. He took them down into the galley to wash
them out, already looking forward to Kelly’s next visit.
Kelly sat in the back of the taxi as
it bounced along the road on the way to the airport, a smile on her face as she
thought about the past two days on board the ‘Seeker’ with Marty and
thinking about how she was going to come up with a way to get back down to
Andros again.
And the sooner the better.