Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Scavenger Hunt

(Author’s note:  this is a work of fiction.  Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental.  All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age.  This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)

It was Friday afternoon and Bart was sitting at his computer desk in his college dorm room, surfing the ‘net and trying to relax after a long week of classes.  He had a cold beer in a koozie sitting on the desk next to the keyboard, and he had just picked it up to take a drink when his cell phone went off.  He knew from the ringtone that it was his younger sister, Sharon, who was a freshman at his college and was still trying to learn the ins and outs of college life.  Bart had gone through the same thing last year when he was a freshman, and he was giving his sister as much help as he could while she went through the same things he had gone through the year before.  He took a drink from the can in his hand and then put it down, reaching up to his ear to press the button on the earpiece he was wearing to answer her call.  He always wore an earpiece when he was on the computer as it seemed that every time he got online his phone would ring, and he hated being stuck with his hand up to his head to talk on the phone.  So he got into the habit of using the earpiece which made things a hell of a lot easier.

“Hey, sis, what’s up?” he asked.

“Hey, Bart, I’m sorry to bother you, but are you busy right now?” she asked.

“No, I’m not,” he replied, looking at the computer screen as he navigated his way through his ‘Favorite Sites’ list.  “Just sitting in my room, having a beer, surfing the ‘net.  What’s up?” he asked.

“Drinking beer alone in your room and looking at porn on the internet; boy that sounds like an exciting way to spend Friday night!” she said, teasing him.

“Did you call me just to harass me or is there a valid reason for it?” he asked, chuckling as he sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.  His sister had caught him looking at internet porn just once last year, and she reminded him of it every time she got the chance.

“I need your help with something, if you don’t mind,” she replied.

“Sure, sis, what is it?” he asked.

“I’d rather tell you in person,” she said.  “How long are you going to be there and are you alone?” she asked.

‘Am I alone?  What the fuck is going on?’ he thought to himself.

“I don’t have any plans for tonight so I’ll be here all night, except for when I go get something to eat which I was planning to do in about half an hour.  And my roommate is gone for the weekend to visit his fiancĂ©e, so yeah, I’m alone,” he said.

“Good!  Is it okay if I come over now?” she asked.

“Is what you need help with that important that it can’t wait?” he asked, curious.

“Yes, Bart, it is,” she said, a serious tone in her voice.

“Okay, well, bring some Chinese takeout with you and come on over,” he said.  He didn’t have to tell her what he wanted because they’d eaten so much Chinese food together from the takeout place right off campus that she already knew what she wanted. 

“Deal!  I’ll see you in about forty-five minutes, okay?” she asked.

“See you then,” Brad said.  He pressed the button to end the call and picked up his beer to take another drink, his curiosity beginning to rise.  ‘I wonder what’s so important that she has to handle it this quickly, and that she can’t tell me about it over the phone?  Well, I guess I’ll find out soon enough,’ he thought to himself.

Almost exactly forty-five minutes later Sharon showed up with the food, and while she unpacked the bags and set the containers of Chinese food out, Bart couldn’t help but admire his sister, noticing again just how pretty and downright sexy she was.  At 5’4” tall with blonde hair that she almost always wore in pigtails on the sides of her head, blue eyes, a pretty face, a more than ample bustline and a smooth, curvy body with a simply killer ass, Sharon would be a catch for any guy.  Today she was showing that fantastic body off by wearing a red and white checked top with puffy short sleeves that looked like something Daisy Mae from the “Li’l Abner” cartoon would wear and a pair of dark blue shorts that looked to be at least one size too small.  As she bent over to put one of the containers down Bart got a good look at her ass, and he guessed from the lack of panty lines that she was either wearing a thong or going without panties entirely.

Yes, she would be quite the catch for any guy who was lucky enough to land her.  And to be perfectly honest about it, if she wasn’t his sister he’d have fucked her in a minute – but she was, so that was pretty much the end of that. 

After Sharon unpacked the food they sat down to eat, with Bart eating at his computer desk and Sharon sitting on his bed using a TV tray to eat from.  They talked about anything and everything while they ate; Bart and his sister had always been close and able to talk about anything, and today was no exception.  She talked about how her first year at college was going so far, and having just gone through that last year he knew exactly how she had felt.  She surprised him when she told him that she was pledging one of the more notorious sororities on campus, one that was known for the outrageous conduct and sexual goings-on of its members that had led to the sorority being suspended from campus three times in as many years.  They had just been allowed back on campus this year, and from what Sharon was telling him it didn’t appear as if the members had learned their lesson.

“Are you sure about this, Sharon?” he asked, finishing his food and putting the empty container back in the paper bag it came in.  “I mean, that sorority doesn’t have the best reputation in the world, and most of their members are…well, they’re…” he hesitated, knowing what word he wanted to use but unsure whether he should use it or not since his sister wanted to become one of them.

“Sluts,” Sharon said, smiling at him.  “The word you’re looking for is ‘sluts,’ and you’re right, Bart, most of them are sluts.  But not all of them are, you know,” she said, finishing her food as well.

“So where do you fit into this group of fine young ladies, then?” he asked, genuinely curious.  “Are you one of the sluts, or one of the others who aren’t sluts?” he asked, his eyebrow going up.

“Right now the question you should be asking is just what it is that I need your help with,” she said, putting her TV tray away and then sitting back down on the bed again.  Bart turned his chair to face her and leaned back, crossing his legs in typical guy style by lifting his left leg up and crossing the ankle over his right knee, putting his arm up over the back of the chair as he leaned back.

“Okay, so what is it that you need my help with?” he asked.  “Does it have to do with the sorority you’re pledging?”

“As a matter of fact, yes, it does,” she said, smiling a little uncomfortably.  “The pledges have to complete a scavenger hunt, and if we don’t get everything on the list then we’re out,” she said.  “And I really, really want to be a part of this sorority, so I desperately need your help,” she said, sitting with her hands on her knees in front of her. 

“So what is it that you need my help with?” he asked, waiting for the other shoe to drop.  When it did, he was flabbergasted.

“I need to collect a sample of your semen,” she said without hesitation.

“You need what?” he asked, a look of surprise on his face.

“I need to collect a sample of your semen,” she repeated.  “Your cum, Bart, I need to collect some of your cum,” she said.

“I know what semen is, Sharon,” he said, trying to make sense of what she had just said.  “But why mine?  Why not someone else?” he asked.

“Because it has to be from a blood relative, that’s why, and I somehow don’t think that Dad would go along with it, do you?” she asked.

“No, I don’t suppose he would,” he replied.  He could only imagine the reaction his conservative, straight-laced father would have if she’d made this request of him.  He’d throw her out of the house and disown her for sure.  He thought for a moment before he spoke again.

“So why not get what you need from another guy and just tell them it came from a blood relative?  How would they know otherwise?” he asked, trying to find a way to get out of what she was asking him to do.

“Two reasons:  first and foremost, you never lie to a sorority sister.  Never.  That’s rule #1, punishable by immediate banishment from the sorority for the rest of your life.  Second, the pledge master is a chemistry major with a minor in biology, and she knows how to run DNA test samples.  She’ll get my DNA from my saliva and then compare it to the DNA in the semen sample using the college’s lab equipment, and if they don’t match then I’m out,” she explained.

“They’ve thought of everything, haven’t they?” he said, impressed.

“Yes, they have,” Sharon replied.  “So will you do it?” she asked, a hopeful look on her face.  “Will you let me collect a sample of your semen?”  Bart thought about it for a moment before he replied.

“Sure, why the hell not,” he said, putting his foot down on the floor and sitting forward, leaning on his forearms propped on his knees with his hands clasped in front of him.  “Just give me the sample container and come back tomorrow.  I’ll have your sample ready for you by then,” he said, holding his hand out for the sample container.

“You’re not paying attention, Bart,” Sharon said, looking him in the eyes as she spoke.  “I didn’t say I needed a sample of your semen; I said I had to collect a sample of your semen,” she explained.  “That means I have to take it from you myself,” she said, maintaining eye contact with him as she said it.

“Holy fuck, you’re kidding me!” Bart said, sitting back in his chair, his eyebrows going up in surprise. 

“Nope, I’m not,” she replied.

“They expect you to give me a hand job and get my semen that way?” he asked, incredulous.

“No, they expect me to give you a blowjob and make you cum in my mouth.  That’s how they’re going to get a sample of my saliva, because it’ll be mixed in with the sample of your cum,” she explained.

“Wow, they really did think of everything!” Bart said, amazed at what was taking place – and what was about to – if he agreed to it, that is.

“So will you do it?” she asked, her voice soft and timid.

“Jeez, Sharon, do you know what you’re asking?” he said, his voice soft as well.

“Yes, I do,” she replied.  “And to be honest, I’ve wanted to suck your dick for the longest time anyway, so this kinda kills two birds with one stone – three, if I’m correct in what I’m thinking,” she said, a sly smile crossing her face.

“And just what is it that you’re thinking?” he asked, almost afraid of the answer.

“I’m thinking that you want me to suck your dick too, am I right?” she asked, looking him in the eyes.  Bart hesitated, looking back into her eyes, totally lost at what he should do or say next.

“Am I right, Bart?” she asked, her voice soft and low, almost a whisper.  Bart looked into those beautiful blue eyes for a moment or two longer, then gave in.

“Yeah, you’re right,” he replied, admitting it.

“I knew it!  I knew it!” Sharon exclaimed, a big smile breaking out on her face as she shook her fists in the air in triumph.  “I just knew you wanted me to suck your dick!” she said, her eyes glowing with excitement.

“SHHHHHH, not so fuckin’ loud!” Bart said, glancing around nervously.  “The walls have ears, you know?” he said, not wanting his neighbors on either side of his room to hear.

“Then I guess you’d better get over here and stuff something into my mouth to shut me up, huh, Bart?” she asked, a slightly wicked gleam in her eyes.  “C’mon, get up and bring that dick over here!” she said, crooking her finger at him.   

Bart couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  He was actually hearing his own sister who he’d wanted to fuck for at least the past year tell him to come over to her so she could suck his dick!  He got up and walked over to where Sharon sat, her eyes on his crotch the entire time and her smile getting bigger the closer he got.  When he stopped in front of her, standing between her legs which she had opened to give him room, she reached up and rubbed his cock with the palm of her hand through his jeans, looking up at him and smiling as she did.

“I don’t know who’s going to enjoy this more, you or me!” she said, her eyes sparkling.  “I absolutely love sucking dick,” she said, looking back down at his crotch again as she rubbed his cock harder, “and I can’t wait to suck yours!” 

“Can you trust your soon-to-be sorority sisters to keep this a secret, or do I have to worry about everyone on campus knowing that I let my sister suck my dick?” he asked, concerned.

“Have you heard about any other girls sucking their brother or father’s dick since you’ve been going to this college?” she asked, looking up at him as she squeezed the growing lump of his cock with her hand.

“Well, no,” he replied, which was the truth. 

“There you go, then,” she replied, smiling up at him.  “Now let’s get down to business, shall we?” she said, looking back down at his crotch as she reached for the button at the top of his jeans.  She quickly opened the button and pulled the zipper down, then grabbed the sides of his jeans and pulled them apart and down over his hips, revealing his semi-erect cock.

“No underwear, I see,” she said, looking up at him and smiling as she wrapped her fingers around his cock, gripping it firmly.  Bart jumped a little at her touch, still not believing what was happening – or what was about to.  “Nice, very nice!  One less piece of clothing to get in the way!” she said, looking back down at his cock and smiling as she pumped the growing shaft in her hand.  Then she opened her mouth and slipped her lips over the head of his cock, sucking it in as she ran her tongue around it and making Bart shiver.  She felt it and looked up at him with the head of his cock in her mouth, smiling around it in amusement as she sucked on it and ran her tongue over and around it again.  Then she slipped her lips from his cock and spoke, a smile on her face.

“You like that, huh?” she asked, smiling up at him.

“Oh, yeah!” he replied, smiling as he looked down at her.

“Well, if you liked that then you’re gonna love this!” she replied.  Then she opened her mouth and slipped her lips down onto his cock again, only this time she pushed her mouth all the way down on his cock until her nose was touching his abdomen, rubbing the flat of her tongue along the entire underside of his cock as she held it in her mouth.

‘Holy shit, my sister can deep throat!’ he thought to himself as he stared in amazement.  Sharon held his cock in her mouth for a few moments, then pulled it slowly back up the length of his now rock-hard shaft, sucking hard as she went.  When she got to the head she stopped, holding it in her mouth for a moment before sliding her mouth back down onto the shaft again, once more taking his entire cock in her mouth and down her throat.  She held it there for a moment, then pulled it up the shaft again, sucking as she went.  Then she started sliding her mouth up and down on his cock, gripping the base with one hand and pumping it firmly as she tugged on his balls with the other.  Bart was amazed at how good she was at giving head, and he knew that at this rate it wasn’t going to take long for her to get the sample she needed.

‘Damn, his cock tastes good!  I can’t wait to taste his cum!’ Sharon thought to herself as she sucked her brother’s cock, sliding her mouth steadily up and down on the throbbing shaft.  She loved sucking cock almost more than fucking, and it showed.  She let go of his cock and balls just long enough to pull his open jeans down over his hips, letting them fall down to the middle of his thighs, then grabbed his cock and balls again and began pumping and tugging on them once more.  She really wanted to make him cum so she could feel his cock pumping and throbbing on her tongue, so she began twisting her head as she slid her wet, sucking mouth up and down on his hard cock.

“Damn, Sharon!” he said, watching in fascination as his sister worked on his cock, sucking it like a pro.  “You keep that up and you’re gonna make me cum in no time!” he warned.

“That’s the whole idea!  We can take our time later, right now I just want to taste your cum!” she replied, slipping her mouth from his cock just long enough to reply, smiling up at him as she did.  Then she dove back down onto his cock, redoubling her efforts to make him cum in her mouth, twisting her head further and faster as she sucked harder and faster on his cock as well.

Bart stood there and watched his little sister sucking his cock like a porn star, and it wasn’t long before she had him on the edge of orgasm.  She must have either felt it or sensed it, because she glanced up at him as she continued sliding her wet, sucking mouth up and down on his cock and nodded at him quickly, urging him to let go and cum.

So he did.  He let himself go, and a few seconds later his orgasm hit.  He groaned loudly as his cock exploded in his sister’s mouth, blasting the first of many long streams of hot, thick cum into her mouth.  It had been more than 48 hours since he’d cum last, so he had a big load all built up and waiting for her.  She was more than ready for it, swallowing the first blast so she could take it all and then closing her throat off to trap the rest of his load in her mouth.

“MMMMMMMMM!” she moaned around his cock as it pumped more and more cum into her mouth, the shaft pulsing and throbbing on her tongue.  Bart reached down and grabbed her head in his hands and pulled it towards his hips, driving his cock into her mouth and holding it there while his balls finished emptying themselves.  Sharon slapped her hands against the fronts of his thighs as his cock pumped her mouth full of cum, moaning in pleasure as it did.

When he finally stopped cumming Bart was left gasping for breath, his mouth hanging open as he tried to catch his breath.  He let go of Sharon’s head, and she slowly pulled her mouth from his cock, pumping the last bits of cum out of him and into her mouth with her hand as she did.  She kept her lips sealed around the head of his cock as it slipped from her mouth, letting his cock go and sitting back a little.  She lifted her head up and opened her mouth, showing him the big mouthful of cum she had as she reached into a pocket of her shorts.  She pulled out a small clear glass bottle with a black screw-on cap, then unscrewed the cap as she closed her mouth and lowered her head.  She put the bottle to her lips and spit some of his cum into it, then screwed the cap back in place.  She held her face up to Bart again as she swallowed his cum with a soft ‘gulp,’ then opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue to show him that she had swallowed his cum.

“See?  All gone!” she said, licking her lips and grinning at him.  “And it tasted good, too, big brother!” she said, her eyes bright.  Then she looked down at his cock and saw that it was still hard, standing up in front of him and bobbing slightly with the blood pumping through it.

“Holy shit, Bart, you’re still hard!” she said, looking up at him in surprise.

“Yeah, that happens every now and then,” he replied, surprised that it had happened – but then again, considering that one of his fantasies had just come true, he shouldn’t have been surprised at all.

“So you’re not done yet, then,” she said, her voice going low as a thought ran through her mind that caused one side of her mouth to turn up in a smile.

“Not unless you are,” he replied, holding his breath that she would say next what he wanted her to say.  Much to his delight, she did.

“Not by a long shot!  I want you to fuck me, Bart,” she said, her voice low and sultry as she looked first at his hard cock and then up into his eyes. “I want you to shove your big, hard dick inside my wet little pussy and fuck me until you cum inside me and fill me up with your hot jizz!” she said, pulling her top down to reveal her big, firm tits to him.  Her nipples were already hard, standing out from her chest, the areolas already crinkled up a little.  She ran her hands over her big breasts, squeezing them and twisting the nipples in her fingers as she looked up at him.

“Take off your shorts, then,” he said, slipping out of his own shoes and then out of his jeans.  Sharon quickly opened her shorts and jumped up from the bed just long enough to pull them down over her hips and down her legs, showing Bart that he wasn’t the only one who wasn’t wearing any underwear.  Her mound was covered with a light patch of blonde pubic hair, and he could see that her lips were shaven smooth.  She quickly stripped the top off of her body and lay back on the bed, centering herself in the middle of it and turning so that her head was at the head of the bed.  Bart slipped out of his shirt and shoes, then climbed onto the bed with her, positioning himself between her outspread thighs.  The aroma of her musk filled the room as he moved into position, his hard cock bobbing in front of him as he moved.  Sharon reached down and guided his cock to her pussy, rubbing the head up and down between her slick outer lips before placing it at the entrance to her pussy.  Bart pushed forward just hard enough to keep it in place as she looked up at him and nodded, reaching up and putting her hands on the back of his neck, interlacing her fingers.

“Give it to me, Bart,” she said, her voice a husky whisper, “give me that hard dick!”

Bart pushed his hips forward slowly, pushing his cock into Sharon’s wet pussy.  She was tight, very tight, and she moaned as the head of his cock stretched her out as it slid between her inner lips.  She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip as Bart pushed his cock deeper into her tight, wet pussy, lifting her hips up to meet him.

“Damn, that’s tight!” Bart said, looking down at his dick as he worked it into his sister’s tight, wet pussy an inch at a time, pulling out a little and then pushing forward again as he slid deeper and deeper into her.  He’d never felt a pussy this tight before, and he knew it wouldn’t take long before he was filling it with his cum, even though he’d just cum a few minutes before.  Usually it took him a while to cum again when he went back-to-back, but he had a feeling that this time was going to be different.

“Your dick feels so good inside my tight little pussy!” Sharon moaned, opening her eyes and looking up at him.  “I can’t wait to feel it cumming inside me!” she said, smiling as Bart continued working his cock into his sister’s tight pussy.  After a few moments he made the final push and buried the last of his cock into her pussy, and they both moaned softly.

“Oh, my God, that dick feels so good!” Sharon moaned, looking up at him.  “Now fuck me with it, big brother, fuck my tight little pussy with your big, hard dick!” she urged, wiggling her hips under him.

Bart did as she asked and began thrusting his hard cock in and out of her in long, deep strokes.  Sharon kept her hands locked behind his neck as he fucked her, neither of them speaking but just enjoying the sensations running through them.  She looked up into his eyes, her desire evident in her eyes as she moved beneath him, lifting her hips up to meet his thrusts.

“I can’t believe how good this feels!” Sharon moaned, looking up into his eyes as he slid his cock in and out of her pussy over and over again, a smile on her face.  “If I’d have known your cock felt this good I’d have fucked you a long time ago!” she said.

“And if I’d known your pussy was this tight, I’d have fucked you a long time ago, too!” he replied, returning her smile as he slid his hard cock in and out of her again and again.

“Oh, I’m gonna cum,” she moaned, her eyes closing a little as she felt her orgasm building.  “Keep fucking me just like that, big brother, just like that, and let me cum all over your cock!” she said, her voice husky with desire.

“Your wish is my command,” he replied as he continued thrusting, pushing just a little harder and a little faster to help her cum.

“Ohhhhhh, my God, yesssss!” Sharon moaned, closing her eyes and letting her mouth fall open as her brother steadily slid his cock in and out of her, fucking her in steady, firm strokes.  “Oh, yes, oh, yes, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” she gasped, and a moment later she did.  Sharon let out a loud moan, her back arching and her thighs clamping against Bart’s sides as she came, her orgasm exploding inside her and sending wave after wave of erotic pleasure racing through her.

“NNNGGGHHHHHH!” she moaned as she came, pushing her hips up against him as she rode her orgasm out.  Bart could feel her pussy fluttering around his cock as he continued thrusting, looking down at her and watching the expression on her face as she came.  When it was over it left her gasping for breath, her big breasts swaying on her chest as she fought to catch her breath.

“Oh, my God, that was good!” she gasped, looking up at him with a big smile on her face as he continued thrusting.  “You’re not even close to cumming, are you, big brother?” she asked, her voice soft.

“No, I’m not,” Bart said, smiling down at her as he spoke.  “I thought I was gonna cum pretty quickly with you being as tight as you are, but apparently that’s not the case,” he said as he continued thrusting, sliding his hard cock in and out of her tight, wet pussy over and over again.  “As a matter of fact, there’s something that I want to do right about now,” he said as an idea struck him.

“What’s that?” she asked, looking up at him.

“Turn over and get on your hands and knees,” he said, pushing himself up and away from her, his hard cock slipping out of her as he did.

“Ooooooh, doggy-style!” she exclaimed as she jumped up and quickly turned around, getting down on her hands and knees.  “I just love doggy-style!” she said, grinning from ear to ear.  She looked back over her shoulder at her brother and wiggled her ass at him, giggling as she did.

Bart moved into position behind her, guiding his cock to her open pussy and pushing it inside, grabbing her by the hips and shoving it all the way inside her in one long, hard push.

“UNNGGHHHH!” Sharon moaned as he impaled her on his cock, holding it deep inside her for a moment with both hands gripping her hips firmly.  Then he began to move, thrusting his hard cock and out of her tight, wet pussy in long, hard strokes.

“Oh, my God, yes!  Yes!  Yes!” Sharon cried out as he fucked her, the big, round globes of her tits swaying as they hung down under her.  She gripped the bedspread in her fists for support as her body was rocked with the force of Bart’s thrusts, his hips banging into hers and his balls slapping against her mound and clit with every forward thrust. 

Bart watched his sister’s ass ripple as his hips struck it when he thrust forward, the sight only serving to excite him more and make him fuck her harder.  Then an idea struck him, and before he had time to think himself out of doing it, he just did it.  He let go of her hips and reached forward with both hands, leaning over her as stretched his arms out in front of him.  He grabbed her pigtails in his hands and pulled back hard, straightening up as he did.

“AAUUGGHHHH! MMMMMMM!” Sharon cried out in surprise and then pleasure as Bart pulled back on her pigtails, pulling her head up and back and holding her there as he continued thrusting.  He was pulling back hard enough to bring her up on her fingertips, grimacing and groaning with pleasure as he fucked her hard and fast.

“OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!” Sharon cried out as he pounded his cock into her, driving it deep with every forward thrust.  She gritted her teeth and grabbed the bedspread in her fists, hanging on as Bart kept her head pulled up and back by pulling on her pigtails.

“I’M GONNA CUM!  I’M GONNA CUM!  I’M CUMMINNGGGGGGG!” she cried out as another intense orgasm hit, the waves of pleasure crashing through her body like a tidal wave.  She gritted her teeth and groaned loudly as she rode her orgasm out, and when it ended it left her breathless.  Bart released her pigtails from his fists and she immediately fell forward, her big breasts mashed against the mattress as she gasped for breath.

But Bart was on a roll and wasn’t about to give her a chance to rest.  The change of the angle of her pussy when she bent over at the waist let him go even deeper, so he grabbed her by the hips again and kept right on fucking her hard and fast.  All Sharon could do was hang on as he fucked her relentlessly, her body jerking with the force of the impact of his hips hitting her ass.

“Oh, fuck yes!” Bart gasped as he fucked his sister, the room filled with the slapping sound of his hips hitting her ass with every forward thrust.  It only took a few minutes of this for him to feel his orgasm beginning to build, and he could tell that it wasn’t going to take long before he was going to cum and fill his sister’s pussy up.  He kept on stroking as his orgasm built, increasing the tempo just a little when he was right on the edge.

“Cum for me, Bart, cum for me!” Sharon gasped, and a few seconds later he did.  Bart shoved his hips forward hard and groaned loudly as he came, his cock exploding insider his sister’s tight, wet pussy, blasting stream after stream of hot cum deep inside her.  Sharon moaned with delight as she felt her brother’s cock pumping inside her, a big grin on her face as he filled her up with his cum.  Bart shoved his cock into her harder than ever and held it there, gripping her hips firmly and pulling her back against him as his cock pumped and throbbed deep inside Sharon’s pussy.

“Yes, yes, yes!  Give it to me, give it to me!” she moaned, a satisfied smile on her face.  When his orgasm finally ended and the throbbing of his cock inside her pussy slowed and then stopped Bart was left gasping for air, his body covered with a fine layer of sweat.

“Holy shit, that was intense!” he gasped, releasing his death grip on her hips but keeping his cock inside her.

“You should have felt it from my end!” Sharon gasped, still grinning.  “I think you pumped about a gallon of cum into me!” she said, rising up on her hands and looking back at him.  She pushed her ass back against him to keep his cock inside her as it slowly went soft, wanting to feel it inside her as long as possible.  He finally went soft enough for his cock to slip out of her, sitting back on his haunches when it did.  Sharon turned around and quickly dropped her head into his lap, sucking his softening cock into her mouth.

“MMMMMMMMM!” she moaned, looking up at him and winking as she slowly pulled her mouth up the length of his softening cock, letting it slip from her lips with a soft ‘pop.’ 

“Gotta get you all cleaned up!” she said, grinning at him briefly before sucking his cock back into her mouth.  When she was finished she sat back and then flopped down onto her back on the bed, her hands resting on the bed above her head, looking up at him with a satisfied smile on her face.

“So was it everything you imagined it would be, big brother?” she asked, a sly smile on her face, her eyes sparkling.

“Oh, yeah,” he replied, nodding as he returned her grin.  “And how about you?  Was it everything you imagined it would be?” he asked, turning the tables on her.

“That, and so much more!” she replied, grinning.  “And I can’t wait to do it again, either!” she said, running her hand over her big breasts and then down her stomach to her mound, rubbing it as she looked up at him as she continued.  “And we are going to do it again, trust me on that!” she said.

“I certainly hope so!” Bart replied, returning her grin.

“So have you figured it out yet?” she asked.

“Have I figured what out yet?” he asked, confused. 

“Which one of the two kinds of members I am,” she said, grinning up at him.

“Oh, that,” he said, remembering the conversation they’d had earlier.  “Well, to be honest…” he started to say, but Sharon cut him off.

“I’m a slut, Bart,” she said, sitting up and looking him in the eyes.  “I love sex and everything about it; always have, ever since I lost my virginity to Mr. Atkins when I was 15,” she said, smiling.  Mr. Atkins was their neighbor, and if their dad ever found out what he’d done there would be big trouble.

“I thought there was something going on there,” he said, nodding his head.  “He always acted really, really nice around you, and now I know why,” he said, thinking back.

“Yeah, he loved my tight pussy, too, and he didn’t want me to tell his wife that he was fucking the 15-year-old girl next door!” she said, grinning and giggling.

“To be honest, I always thought you were that way,” he said, not really wanting to use the word ‘slut’ to describe his younger sister even though he had just finished pumping both her mouth and her cunt full of his cum.  “I guess I just chose to ignore it while we were at home,” he said.

“Well, you can’t ignore it anymore because I’m going to be fucking the living crap out of you every change I get, now that I’ve had a sample of that great dick of yours!” she said, bouncing on the bed.  “And speaking of fucking, are you up for Round Two later on tonight?” she asked, sticking the tip of her tongue out from between her teeth, grinning at him.

“Absolutely!” he replied, returning her grin.

“Good!” she said, getting up from the bed.  She bent over to pick up her clothes, slipping into her shorts first and then her top, tucking her big breasts into the top as she put it on.  Bart got up also and did the same thing, picking his clothes up and putting them back on as well.  When they were both dressed Sharon stood in front of him and looked up at him as she spoke, her hand behind her back as she did.

“So what time would you like me to come fuck you again?” she asked, rocking her shoulders slightly from side to side and effectively waving her big tits at him.

“Seven o’clock work for you?” he asked.  “That will give us – me – time to recover and get something to eat,” he said.

“Seven is fine!  But there is one thing before I go,” she said, stepping in close to him.  Before he could react she reached up and took his head in her hands, then pulled it down to hers and kissed him.  Her lips were warm and soft, her tongue lithe and wet as she slipped it into his mouth to find his own.  He put his arms around her and held her close, feeling the mounds of her big breasts pressing against him, and she pushed her crotch against him as they kissed.  When she finally let him go almost a full minute later he was left slightly breathless.

“Wow!” he said, his voice soft, “and you kiss good, too!”

“See you at seven, big brother!” she said, smiling.  Then she turned and left the room, closing the door behind her.  Bart just stood there for a few moments, looking at the closed door while the events of the afternoon sunk in.  Then he turned and walked over to his computer desk, sitting down to pick up where he’d left off earlier.

And he was grinning from ear to ear.


Saturday, May 25, 2024

The Treatment

(Author’s note:  this is a work of fiction.  Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental.  All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age.  This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)

It was his day off from his summer job at the local swimming pool where he worked as a lifeguard, and Kenny was sitting in the living room watching one of the streaming services on TV when his mom, Linda came home from work.  He was a rising junior at the local college and was home for the summer, spending it with his long-divorced mom.  He could tell by the way she slammed the front door closed and the way she came storming into the room that she’d had a bad day at work – a very bad day, by the looks of it.  She looked stunning as usual in her tan women’s business suit, a white blouse under the jacket and nylons on her legs as they came out from under the knee-length skirt, a pair of matching flats on her feet.  The suit was a perfect match for her sandy blonde hair that came down to her shoulders that she usually wore up in a bun when she was at work, and today was no different.  Not even the look of anger on her face could detract from her beauty; she was one of the most beautiful and sexy women Kenny had ever known, and he was glad she was his mom.

“Jesus Christ, I’m surrounded by idiots!” she said, her brow furrowed and a look of frustration mixed with anger on her otherwise pretty face as she stood in the entrance to the living room, holding her leather briefcase down at her side, one hand on her hip.  “I mean, by the amount of money I’m paying them you’d think that those morons would at least give me something worth talking about, and not the drivel and bullshit they always seem to come up with!” she said.

Linda was the CEO of a major advertising agency, the first woman in the state to hold this position, getting there by virtue of her dedication, hard work, devotion to her job, and a large amount self-confidence.  The only bad thing about it was that her ego sometimes got the better of her, causing her to look down on her mostly male staff with contempt and disdain, which always made for a bad day for both her staff and her.  Today apparently was one of those days.

“Hi, Mom,” Kenny said, looking over at her as he sat on the couch, his feet up on the coffee table and his hands clasped on his stomach.  He was wearing his usual summer attire of khaki shorts, a faded black button-up garage shirt, and a pair of battered old leather boat shoes without socks on his feet.  “Bad day at work, huh?” he said, stating the obvious.

“To say the least!” she said, exasperated.  “Those fuckin’ morons at the office couldn’t come up with an original idea if their lives depended on it!” she said, wiping the back of her hand across her brow in frustration.  “I need a drink and a shower, that’s what I need!” she said, turning and storming off down the hallway towards her bedroom.

“I know what you need, and it isn’t a shower and a drink,” Kenny said, putting his feet down on the floor and getting up from the couch, then walking across the room to follow his mom.  “At least not yet, anyway,” he said, walking down the hallway with a half-smile on his face.  He could already feel a stirring in his shorts as he thought about what was getting ready to happen.

When he reached his mom’s bedroom door he could hear her moving around inside; the shower wasn’t running yet which meant that she was still at least partially dressed.  He opened the door quietly without knocking, and when he entered the room he saw his mom standing at the foot of the king-size bed, her back to the door, her suit jacket lying on the bed.  She was in the process of unbuttoning her blouse and was so caught up in her own thoughts that she never heard Kenny coming up behind her.

“Hey!  OOF!” Linda cried and moaned when Kenny threw his arms around her chest and squeezed her tight, pulling her body up against his and pushing the air out of her lungs with the power of his embrace.  He worked out on a regular basis and had the muscled body to prove it – just enough definition and cut to make him look good, but not enough so as to make him look like one of those overly-muscled, self-indulgent clowns he saw at the gym all the time.  He arched his back with Linda trapped in his powerful embrace, lifting her off of her feet as he squeezed a little harder.  At 5’5” tall and only 115 pounds it was easy to lift her up high hold her there, squeezed tight in his embrace.

“UNNNGGHHHH!” she groaned, squeezing her eyes shut and grimacing as she lay her head back against his chest, her big breast mashed against her chest inside her bra as his arms squeezed her tightly.  She clenched her hands into fists as he held her up in the air for several moments, finally putting her back down on her feet and relaxing his grip enough to let her take a gulp of air.

“Oh, my God! HNGGHHH!” she gasped, groaning again when Kenny picked her up and squeezed her in his arms again, just as tightly this time if not slightly tighter.  She was vaguely aware of his hard cock pressing against her ass as he held her up in the air, grimacing as he squeezed her.  He held her there for a few moments before putting her down again, relaxing his arms around her but still keeping her trapped up against him.  She gasped for air as he relaxed his grip, then gasped as his hand closed over her breast and squeezed it hard.

“OH! MMMMMMM…” she moaned as he gripped her big breast in her hand, massaging it and squeezing it hard.  She felt him pushing his hips against her, the hard tube of his cock pressing against her as he squeezed and massaged her breast.  Then he gripped her other breast with his free hand, holding her up against him with his arms crossed over her chest, holding her against him with his hands on her breasts.  She could feel her pussy getting wet, and she moaned again as Kenny squeezed her tits harder.

Kenny loved the feeling of his mom’s body pressed against his, his arms wrapped around her and squeezing her tightly, but more than that he loved the feeling of her big, firm tits in his hands.  He squeezed them for a few moments longer, then grabbed her shirt in his hands and ripped it open, sending the buttons flying.

“OH!” Linda gasped as her shirt was ripped open down to the waist, her eyes flying open wide as well.  She moaned as her son put his hands on her breasts over her bra and squeezed hard, not realizing that she was pushing her ass back against him as he squeezed the firm mounds hard.  Kenny squeezed his mom’s tits for a few moments, then his fingers found the clasp in the front of the bra and opened it, setting her tits free.

“Mmmmmmm!” Linda moaned as her son gripped her naked tits in his hands, squeezing and kneading them hard.  “Oh, my God, yes!” she moaned, laying her head back against his chest again as he squeezed and fondled her big tits in his hands.

His mom’s big tits had always been one of the things he loved about her body the most, and he loved the way they felt in his hands as he lifted them up and squeezed them hard.  Linda wore a ‘D’ cup bra so there was plenty of breast flesh for him to enjoy, and he was doing just that.  He could feel her hard nipples pressing into his palms, and she gasped and moaned when he pinched and pulled on the hard nubs with his fingers.

Linda’s pussy was well on the way to being soaking wet by now.  She put her hands back and ran them along the sides of her son’s thighs as he gripped and squeezed her tits, and she was surprised when he suddenly spun her around to face him.

“OH!” she gasped in surprise when he grabbed her shirt and yanked it and the bra down her arms, trapping her arms at her sides with the shirt still fastened at the waist.  Before she could react he put his hands on her shoulders and forced her down to her knees in front of him, brining her face to face with the big bulge of his hard cock inside his shorts.  He grabbed her bun in his hands to hold her in place as he opened his fly with his other hand, reaching inside and pulling out his hard cock.  Her eyes opened wide as she saw it, the veins prominent with the blood pumping through them, the skin stretched taught over the hard shaft.

‘Oh my God, he’s so hard!’ she thought to herself as she looked at his hard cock less than six inches away from her face.  Then he slapped his cock against her nose, a few drops of precum splattering onto her face as he did.  She closed her eyes as he slapped her nose with his cock but opened them again when he slid his cock down to her lips and pushed, pulling her head towards him by her hair as he forced his cock into her mouth.

“MMMPH!” Linda gasped around the hard cock in her mouth as he pushed it forward, forcing her to take nearly all of his six inches in one thrust.  She instinctively closed her lips around the hard shaft and began sucking, running her tongue along the underside of the shaft as her son began sliding it in and out of her mouth, using his grip on her hair as leverage.  She put her hands against the front of his thighs, unable to raise them any higher due to the shirt wrapped around her arms, moaning as he slid his cock in and out of her mouth.

Kenny looked down and watched his cock sliding in and out of his mom’s mouth, loving the sensations of her lips wrapped around it and her tongue sliding along the underside.  The shaft was shiny and glistening with her saliva, her hands lightly gripping the front of his thighs as he pushed her head back and forth to slide her mouth up and down the length of his cock.  He pulled her hair loose from the bun and let it fall free, tossing the hair braid aside.  Then he grabbed his mom’s head in his hands, wrapping his hands up in her hair, and began face fucking her in long, hard, deep strokes.

“MMPH!  MMPH!  MMPH!  MMPH!” his mom gasped around his cock in her mouth, her eyes flying open wide as he fucked her mouth hard and fast.  She pushed back against his thighs as he yanked her head back and forth, shoving her mouth up and down on his hard shaft, breathing hard through her nose.  She looked up at him with watery eyes as he yanked her head back and forth, then lowered her gaze back down as he continued face fucking her.

‘Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!’ she thought to herself as her son used her mouth, sucking on his hard cock as best she could.  ‘He’s gonna face fuck me to death!’ she thought, her hands gripping the front of his thighs as he continued pulling and pushing on her head, forcing her mouth up and down on his cock.  Saliva began leaking out of the side of her mouth and sliding down her face, dripping down onto her big breasts as Kenny continued face fucking her.  There was nothing she could do but hang on, so that’s what she did.

After a few more moments of the intense face fucking he was giving her, he abruptly pulled his mom’s mouth off of his cock, releasing her head from his grasp.  She gasped loudly as she took a big, whooping breath, a strand of saliva running from her bottom lip to the head of his cock for a moment before breaking and falling down onto her chest.  Before she could do anything else Kenny reached down and grabbed her by her upper arms, lifting her up and bodily tossing her onto the bed behind her.

“OH!” Linda cried out as she was picked up and thrown onto her bed, her big breasts bouncing and swaying on her chest as she landed on her back.  Before she could react or say anything Kenny leaned over and grabbed her again, roughly flipping her over onto her stomach.  Then he slid his hands up the sides of her thighs and up under her skirt, his fingers hooking into the sides of her panties.  He yanked them down over her hips to her knees, then ripped them from her body and tossed them aside.  Then he grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her towards him, her skirt sliding up her legs as he did.  He reached down and pushed the skirt up to her waist, revealing her naked ass to him as he spread her legs apart by pushing on the insides of her thighs.  He pulled her closer to him again until her hips were right at the edge of the bed, and she bent her legs at the knees and lifted her feet up in the air as a reflex.

Kenny grabbed his cock and guided it towards his mom’s smooth-shaven pussy, pushing the head between the swollen outer lips and rubbing it up and down between them to spread her slippery juices over it.  She moaned as he did this, lying on her stomach with her head turned to the side, her arms held down at her sides by her shirt around her waist.  Kenny placed the head of his cock against her opening and pushed hard, shoving his cock into her pussy.

“OH!  AUGH!” Linda gasped, crying out as her son’s cock invade her pussy.  He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her back to him as he thrust forward, shoving his cock further into her tight, wet pussy. 

“HNNNGHHHH!” Linda grunted through clenched teeth, her eyes squeezed shut and her hands clenched into fists as Kenny’s cock invaded her wet pussy.  He held it there for a moment before beginning to move, thrusting his cock in and out of her in long, hard strokes.  It only took two strokes for him to bury his cock completely inside his mom’s pussy, and she groaned in a mixture of discomfort and pleasure as she felt her pussy stretching out and relaxing to take his hard shaft.

“Ohhhhhh, my God, Kenny!” she moaned as her son began fucking her, driving his cock in and out of her pussy in hard, deep thrusts.  He gripped her hips in his hands and used them as leverage to pull her back towards him with every forward thrust, making Linda moan and groan as he did.

“OHHHHH, my God, YESSSS!” she moaned, a smile creeping across her face as she lay on the mattress, her body jolted by the force of his thrusts.  She pulled her hands up to free her arms from the shirt encircling her waist and trapping them there, reaching out in front of her to grab the bedspread in her hands for support.  Just as she did this Kenny leaned forward and grabbed her by the hair, twirling his hand to wrap her hair around it before grabbing a handful of it and pulling back roughly, lifting her head up and back while lifting her chest up from the mattress as well.

“UUNNNNGGGHHHH!” she moaned loudly as her head was yanked up and back, her mouth falling open as Kenny began fucking her hard while pulling back on her hair.

‘Oh, my God, yes!’ Linda thought to herself as her son fucked her hard and fast, pounding his cock in and out of her pussy with one hand gripping her by her hip and the other pulling back on her hair, keeping her head and chest up off of the bed.  She twisted the bedspread in her hands as she balled them into fists, grunting and groaning with each thrust of his hard cock into her pussy.  The rounded globes of her ass rippled as his hips struck it with every forward thrust, her body jolted as well.  Her nipples were so hard they hurt, rubbing against the bedspread with every thrust of her son’s hips as he drove his cock into her over and over again.

Kenny was intent on fucking her hard and fast, but he was being careful not to hurt her.  The sight of her ass rippling every time his hips hit it was exciting to watch, and he knew that if he kept this up he’d be cumming inside his mom’s pussy before long.  But he wasn’t done with her yet, not by a long shot.  He let go of her hair, her head and chest dropping back down onto the bed as he moved his hand to her hip, grabbing it and lifting her hips up from the bed with both hands.  He brought her up to her knees while keeping his cock inside her, and she came up onto her hands as well.  With her now on all fours on the bed, her big breasts with their hard nipples hanging down in front of her, Kenny began fucking her hard and fast again, driving his cock further into her pussy due to the change in the angle.

“OH!  OH!  HNGH!  AHH!” Linda gasped as his cock hit the end of her tunnel with almost every forward thrust, his balls banging against her mound and clit.  The room was filled with the sounds of his cock sliding in and out of her pussy and his balls hitting her mound, the air thick with the scent of her musk.  Linda grabbed the bedspread in her fists again, hanging on as Kenny fucked her hard and fast, relentlessly driving his cock in and out of her pussy.  He kept a firm grip on her hips, yanking her back to him to meet his forward thrust, Linda’s big tits swinging wildly as they hung down from her chest.

Kenny fucked his mom like this for a few long, intense moments, and just when Linda began to think that she couldn’t take much more of the pounding Kenny switched it up, leaning forward and grabbing her by the hair again.  He bunched it up in his hand and yanked back on it, pulling her head up and back again.

“AAUGGHHHH!” Linda cried out as her head was yanked back, gripping the bedspread tightly in her fists as her son fucked her harder than ever.  She couldn’t remember being fucked this hard and this aggressively before, and she’d had more than her fair share of rough sex – but this was something new, something else entirely.  This was a whole new level of roughness and intensity.

And she loved it.  Every second of it.

“OH MY GOD, YES!  YES!  YES!” she cried as her son fucked her hard and fast, pulling back on her hair as he pounded his cock in and out of her pussy in long, hard, fast strokes.  He was hitting bottom on about every third stroke even though he was trying not to; she was going to be sore inside tomorrow and she knew it, but at that moment she couldn’t have cared less.  She was getting ready to cum, feeling an orgasm building inside her pussy, and judging from how quickly it was building it was going to be a real bone-shaker. 

“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” she gasped, her head pulled back by her son’s grip on her hair, gripping the bedspread in her fists as her body jerked from the force of the thrusts that Kenny was using to drive his cock in and out of her pussy.  He kept right on going once she gasped out her warning, not slowing down an iota, and in less than a minute her orgasm hit.

“HHNNNNGGGHHHHHHH!” Linda cried out between clenched teeth as her orgasm exploded inside her like a small bomb, sending wave after wave of intense sexual pleasure crashing through her body like a shock wave.  Her whole body shook with the intensity of her orgasm, and Kenny could feel her pussy fluttering around his cock as he continued fucking her hard and fast.  She was gasping and panting for breath as her orgasm shook her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes, and when it was over she was left dizzy and breathless, her chest heaving as she fought to catch her breath.

Kenny released his grip on both her hip and her hair, and she immediately fell forward onto the bed, her arms splayed out to her sides, her head turned to the side as she fought to catch her breath.  Kenny’s cock slipped out of her pussy as she fell forward, bobbing in front of him and glistening with her juices. 

“Turn over,” he commanded, grabbing his throbbing cock in his hand.  Linda did as he said, rolling over onto her back and looking up to see him standing over her at the end of the bed, his hand wrapped around his cock and stroking it quickly.  She knew just what he intended to do, and just as that thought crossed her mind he did it.

Kenny grunted as he came, his cock exploding in his hand, blasting a long stream of hot, thick cum through the air that landed on his mom’s face and neck.  His cock pumped over and over again, shooting stream after stream of cum out into the air to land on her face, neck, and chest.  He came hard, and by the time he was finished cumming she was covered with streams of his cum.  He pumped his cock one last time, squeezing it hard to get the last bit of cum out of it, and when it dripped from the tip of his cock he made sure that it fell onto her clit.  Then he tucked his softening cock back into his pants, zipped them up, turned around and walked out of the room, leaving his cum-covered mom lying on her bed on her back.  She lay there for several minutes, not moving while she tried to catch her breath, his cum cooling as it pooled on her skin.  She finally sat up, a little shaky, his cum dripping down from her face and chest to fall onto her lap and thighs, reaching up to rub her scalp with her hand.

“Oh, my God, that was intense!” she said to herself, a lopsided smile creeping onto her face.  Then she got up and shakily made her way to her bathroom to take off what was left of her clothing, take a shower, and get cleaned up.

Kenny was sitting on the couch in the same position he was in before when his mom came into the room, wrapped up in a full-length plush robe, her hair still damp and slippers on her feet.  She walked over to where he sat on the couch, her arms huddled around her body, and sat down on the couch next to him.  She moved over close to him and he held his arm up to let her slide under it, draping it over her shoulders and holding her close as she laid her head on his chest.

“You okay, Mom?” he asked, his voice soft as he looked down at the top of her head.

“Uh huh, I’m fine, sweetheart,” she said, nodding.  They sat in silence for a few minutes, with Linda finally breaking the silence.

“You really gave it to me good this time, son,” she said, looking up at him with a sly smile on her face.  “I thought you were going to pull my hair out by the roots and fuck me to death!” she said.

“Well, you seemed a little more full of yourself today than usual when you get like that, so I thought you might need a little extra dose of humble pie,” he said, returning her smile.

“And you sure gave it to me, and then some!” she said, a full smile on her face.  “I don’t think I’ve ever been fucked that hard or cum that hard before!  And the cumming all over my face and chest was a nice touch,” she said, patting him on the leg.

“Thanks, I thought it would be a fitting end considering the level of ‘The Treatment’ that you needed today,” he said, returning her smile.  Linda tended to let her ego get the better of her at work, making her act like a self-centered bitch to everyone but especially to the men who worked for her.  By happy accident more than a year ago they discovered that the only way to snap her out of it and to bring her back to reality was for Kenny to fuck her hard and fast, and generally treat her like a sex toy.  They had come to call this ‘The Treatment,’ and it was still as effective today as it was when they first discovered it. 

“I’m going to be sore tomorrow, you know that, right?” she said, smiling up at him.  “You were shoving your dick inside me so hard I felt it at the back of my throat!” she said, chiding him and kidding with him at the same time.

“Yeah, I kinda got carried away.  Sorry about that, Mom!” he said, grinning sheepishly down at her.

“Well, you’re just going to have to make it up to me, then,” she said, cuddling up against him and putting her arm across his chest.

“And how can I do that?” he asked, holding her close as well.

“You can kiss it and make it all better, that’s how,” she said.

“I can do that,” he replied, grinning at the thought of putting his mouth on his mom’s pussy and driving her insane.  “When would you like for this to happen?” he asked.

“I’ll let you know.  It won’t be long, trust me,” she said, smiling into his chest.

And it wasn’t.  About an hour later Kenny felt his mom’s hand sliding down his stomach to his crotch, coming to rest on the lump of his cock beneath his shorts.  She closed her fingers on it, squeezing it firmly, and they both felt his cock respond immediately by beginning to grow harder, thicker, and longer under her touch.  She squeezed and rubbed the growing lump of his cock for several minutes, even shifting it for him when it grew big enough to need more room to grow.  When he was fully hard she pulled down his zipper and slid her hand inside his shorts, wrapping her fingers around his warm shaft, feeling its hardness beneath her fingers as she tightened them around it.  She pumped it slowly, just a little bit, then lifted her head and looked up at him with a sly smile on her face and a gleam in her eye.

“I take it you’re ready for me to make you feel all better,” he said, returning her smile.

“I’m ready for you to kiss my pussy and make it feel all better, yes,” she said, being direct and to the point.  The only time she engaged in dirty talk was when she was about to engage or was engaged in sex, and she was quite good at it.

“Where?  Here or in your bedroom?” he asked.

“Right here,” she said, sliding her hand out of his shorts as she sat up, slipping out from under his arm.  She turned sideways on the couch and slid back, then lay back with her head resting on the armrest as she untied her robe and pulled it open, showing him that she was completely naked under it.  She slid her arms out of the robe as she put one leg up on the back of the couch and the other foot on the floor, opening her legs up wide to him and showing him her pretty, pink, utterly perfect pussy.

“That looks good enough to eat,” he said, grinning at her.

“That’s the whole idea,” she said, a little breathless with anticipation.  “Now why don’t you show me just how good at eating pussy you are,” she said, her eyes hooded, the fires of passion burning brightly.

“I can do that,” Kenny replied.  He got up from where he sat and lay down on the couch between his mom’s legs, her pussy less than two inches from his mouth, his legs bent at the knees to keep him from having to hang his leg off of the arm of the couch.  He slipped his hands under and over her thighs, reaching down and spreading her outer lips apart from above.  Then he lowered his mouth down to her slit, sticking out his tongue and licking her slowly from bottom to top, pressing his tongue firmly against her pussy and clit as he did.

“Ohhhhhhhhh, that feels so fuckin’ good!” Linda moaned, closing her eyes and smiling as she reached up and grabbed her big breasts in her hands, squeezing them as he licked her pussy.  She smiled and licked her lips as Kenny licked her pussy, running his tongue up and down between her silky smooth, slippery inner lips, flicking it over her sensitive clit and making her jump and squeal with delight.

“Stop that!” she giggled, looking down at him.

“Really?” he asked, looking up at her over her mound in front of his face.  “You really want me to stop doing that?” he asked, smiling.

“Hell, no, I don’t want you to stop!  I want you to do it again!” she replied, reaching down and putting her hand on top of his head and pushing it back down to her pussy.  She moaned as he licked her pussy again, bringing her hand back up to her big breast and squeezing it hard once more, jumping again when he flicked his tongue over the hard nub of her clit.

Kenny’s cock was well on the way to a full-blown erection, growing bigger and harder in his shorts by the moment.  He was licking his way towards making his mom cum all over his face and enjoying every moment of it, and after just a few minutes of licking his mom’s pussy she was just about ready to cum all over his face, and his cock was rock-hard and throbbing.

‘I can’t wait to get my cock into her wet pussy!’ Kenny thought to himself, slipping his tongue inside his mom’s pussy and making her moan with delight.

“Ohhhhhhh, my God, yessssss!” she hissed as he tongue-fucked her, sliding his tongue in and out of her pussy rapidly while running a finger over her clit.  He could tell by the way she was breathing and moving her hips that she was getting closer and closer to cumming, and it only took him clamping his lips on her clit and sucking hard once for it to happen.

Linda came hard, moaning loudly as she clamped her thighs closed around Kenny’s head, grabbing him by the hair and pulling his face against her pussy as the waves of pleasure went crashing through her.  Her hips bucked up and down as she came, with Kenny hanging on to them with his arms still under and around her thighs.  He could feel her pussy flooding on his tongue and against his face, her whole body shaking as her orgasm ran its course.  When it was over it left her panting and gasping for breath, and she released his hair from her hands and his head from between her thighs as she tried to catch her breath.  Kenny lifted his head up from his mom’s pussy, his face glazed with her juices, a big smile on his face.

“Came pretty good there, huh, Mom?” he asked.

“Oh, my God, yes!” she replied, looking down at him and smiling.  “Nobody makes me cum by eating my pussy like you do!” she said, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.  “Now why don’t you come up here and slip that hard cock inside me and fill me up with your cum?” she said, reaching out to him.

“I can do that,” Kenny replied, getting up from between her legs and moving into position on top of her.  Their bodies were aligned just right so that he didn’t need to touch his hard cock at all for it to find her pussy, sliding inside her wet tunnel as he moved up on top of her.  She moaned as his cock slid inside her pussy, putting her arms around his neck and pulling him down on top of her as he filled her with his cock.

“OHHHHHHH, yessssss!” she moaned, lifting her hips up to let him penetrate her as deeply as possible.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and put her heels against the top of his ass, pushing on it to drive his cock deeper.  Kenny slid his arms under his mom’s body and held her close, marveling in the sensations of his cock being enveloped by her warm wetness.

He began thrusting in long, deep, slow strokes, taking his time and making sure that they both felt every inch of the other as he moved – that she felt every inch of his hard cock as it slid in and out of her pussy, and that he felt every inch of her pussy as well.  They hugged each other close, their passions slowly building, with Kenny slowly increasing the speed of his thrusts.

“Oh, my God, you feel so good!” Linda breathed over his shoulder, smiling as she squeezed his waist with her legs, pushing his cock deeper inside her.  “I just love the way your hard dick feels inside me!” she gasped, kissing him on the side of his neck.  Kenny stayed on top of her like this for several very enjoyable minutes, stroking his cock in and out of her in long, deep strokes, before he slid his arms out from under her and lifted his body up, putting his hands on the couch on either side of her for support.  He looked down into her eyes as he thrust a little harder, the change in the angle of his body letting him drive his cock a little deeper into her wet tunnel.  Linda gasped as he pushed deeper inside her, looking into his eyes as he fucked her.

‘Damn, this feels good!’ Kenny thought to himself as he looked down at his mom, her body rocking gently with his thrusts.  He felt his orgasm starting to take shape deep in his balls, picking up the pace of his thrusts as it happened.  Linda noticed the change and the increased urgency in his thrusts and knew right away what was about to happen.

“Give it to me, son,” she whispered, holding his head in her hands as he looked down at her.  “Give it to me, cum inside me, fill me up with your cum!” she urged, driving her heels into his ass again to push him deeper still.  He increased the tempo of his thrusts, her words causing his orgasm to build more quickly, his breathing increasing right along with it.  They looked into each other’s eyes as he stroked his cock in and out of her, letting his orgasm build, and a few moments later they got what they both wanted.

Kenny’s orgasm hit and he came hard, groaning loudly through clenched teeth as his cock exploded inside his mom’s pussy, the first stream of cum blasting out of his cock and into her wet tunnel.  His cock pumped hard and fast, shooting stream after stream of hot cum inside her as Linda squeezed her legs around him tighter, urging him on.

“Yes, baby, yes!  That’s it, give it to me, give it to me!” she urged, lifting her hips up to meet him, looking at the expression on his face as he pumped her full of his cum.  Kenny shoved his hips forward hard to drive his cock deep inside her, holding it there as his orgasm finished.  Linda could feel the pumping and throbbing of his cock inside her slow and then stop, his orgasm spent and his balls now empty.  He opened his eyes and looked down at her, gasping for breath, and a smile came across his face.

“Damn,” was all he could say; Linda giggled and smiled back at him as she replied.

“Damn is right,” she said, keeping her legs locked around his waist while he held himself up above her.  “That was incredible!” she said, looking into his eyes.

“You should have felt it from my end!” Kenny replied, his smile getting bigger.  “Nobody makes me cum like you do, Mom,” he said, meaning it.

“Thank you, son, I appreciate that.  And the same goes for me, too, you know,” she replied.

“Yeah, I kinda figured that,” he replied, grinning.

“Modesty, thy name is Kenny,” Linda said, chuckling.

“Hey, it’s not bragging if you can do it, you know,” Kenny replied, also chuckling.

“I know, I know,” she replied, smiling up at him.  “Now as much as I love lying here with your cock inside me, I think we need to move so we can both go get cleaned up before we make a mess on the couch,” she said, patting him on the chest.

“Aww, do I have to?” he asked, sticking his lower lip out.

“Yes, you have to, now move!” she said, pushing on his chest and smiling.  He reluctantly got up from on top of her, his softening cock slipping out of her as he did.  He got off of the couch and stood up, then held his hand out to his mom to help her up.

“Thank you, kind sir,” she said, smiling up at him as she got up from the couch.  She stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek before she spoke again.  “See you back here in ten minutes or so,” she said, turning to pick her robe up from the couch.  Then she walked out of the living room, her robe slung over one shoulder, with Kenny following behind her.

“Nice ass, Mom!” Kenny said, chuckling as he admired his mom’s ass wiggling as she walked.  She slapped her ass and then squeezed it with one hand, jiggling it in reply and making Kenny laugh.  He turned into his bedroom as his mom continued walking down the hallway to hers, a smile on her face.

Ten days later Kenny was in his room when he heard his mom come in from work, the door slamming hard behind her.

“Uh oh,” he said, looking towards his doorway.  He heard his mom coming down the hallway, her footsteps quick and hard, muttering to herself as she walked. 

“Fuckin’ morons, every last fuckin’ one of them!” he heard her say as she walked past his room.  Kenny closed his laptop and pushed his chair back from his computer desk, a half-smile forming on his face as he did.

“Time for the treatment!” he said, getting up from his chair and walking out of his room towards his mom’s room.
