Rob woke up early the next morning shortly after sunrise, slowly brought out of his sleep by the sounds of the ocean coming in through the screen door to the balcony. The sounds of the crashing surfed had roused him from a most wonderful dream, a dream in which his teenaged sex kitten, Sherry, was slowly and leisurely sucking his cock as he lay on his back on the beach. He smiled as he remembered the dream, not yet opening his eyes but reveling in the warm, wet, sucking sensations that had encased his hard cock as Sherry had sucked on him.
Only it wasn’t a dream, Rob realized. The sensations surrounding his cock were real, and he opened his eyes and looked down to see Sherry’s head moving slowly up and down as she sucked his fully-erect cock in and out of her mouth. He watched as she worked on his hard shaft, gently massaging his smooth-shaven balls with one hand as she gripped his cock with the other, pumping it in time with her mouth sliding up and down. She was the ultimate master of the blowjob, the absolute best Rob had ever encountered, running her tongue over and around the head of his cock and then sucking it deep into her mouth. He just lay there for several minutes, marveling at the fantastic blowjob she was giving him, not wanting to disturb her concentration. It wasn’t long before he felt his balls shift in her hand and his cock thicken a bit, and he knew that he would be filling her mouth with his cum in a matter of moments. Knowing that was what she wanted, he let himself go and came seconds later, moaning as his cock began pumping his cum into her waiting mouth. She gripped his cock and balls tighter as he came, sucking his cock into her mouth and pumping the shaft to get all of his cum. She slid her mouth all the way down on his spurting cock, taking it all, and swallowed around it again and again as his cock shot its load of cum into her mouth and down her throat. She took it all, never missing a drop, and after the pulsing in his cock had stopped she slowly slipped her mouth up his shaft and released it from her mouth, pumping the last bit of his cum out of the tip of his cock with her hand and then licking it off with her tongue to swallow it. The whole thing left him gasping for breath, and he realized he was clutching the sheets in his fists. It took a deliberate effort to unclench his fists and let the sheets go. Sherry saw the movement and looked up at him, smiling broadly.
“That’s four,” she cooed, licking her lips as she still held onto his softening cock.
“And a good morning to you, too,” he said, still trying to catch his breath. “That’s some way to wake a man up, you know that?”
“I’ve wanted to do that to you, to wake you up from your sleep by sucking your cock and making you cum, since the first day I met you!” she said. She moved up to lay next to him, then reached up and kissed him softly on the lips. “Good morning, lover!” she said, smiling at him. Then she scooted down to cuddle up against him, resting her head on his chest and her hand on his stomach. He could feel her big breasts pushing against his side, and he put his arm around her and held her close.
“Yet another of my fantasies you’ve managed to make come true in the past month or so,” he mused, looking up at the ceiling and thinking back on recent events.
“What do you mean?” she asked, gazing at his cock as she slowly ran her fingers along the underside of his now-soft shaft.
“It’s always been one of my fantasies to be awakened in the morning like that,” he replied.
“You mean your wife never did that? She never gave you a blowjob in the morning?” Sherry asked, looking up at him.
“My wife never gave me a blowjob, period,” Rob replied. Sherry’s eyebrows went up in surprise.
“You’re kidding!” she said.
“Wish I was,” Rob replied. “I think she gave me one, maybe two blowjobs while we were dating, but once we got married our sex life drastically died down, and after the kids were born her sex drive evaporated. If you were to ask me when the last time she and I had sex was, I’d have to think about it and I don’t think I’d be able to tell you.”
“Good thing I came along, huh?” she said, smiling an impish smile at him.
“Yes, it is,” Rob replied, smiling back. “It most certainly is!”
“Well, your wife is crazy to ignore you and pass up a cock like this,” she said, lying back down on his chest and looking at his shaft again as she slowly stroked it. “You’ve made a few of my fantasies come true, too, you know.”
“Really? Like what?” Rob asked.
“Well, fucking you in the first place, for sure,” she said, “I never thought that’d happen, and Lord knows I was trying hard enough to get you to notice me!”
“I always noticed you,” Rob replied, “with your looks and your build, it’s kinda hard not to notice you!”
“Yeah, but it took you long enough to do something about it!” She looked up at him and smiled, then dropped her head back down onto his chest and continued. “Then there was my fantasy about having sex out in the ocean, and although I’d never thought about doing it out on a balcony in the open, once I thought of it I wanted to do it, and we did! And then there’s my most favorite one of all, one that you just made come true last night.”
“Which was?” Rob asked. Sherry lifted her head and looked up at him again as she replied.
“Being able to spend the entire night with you, sleeping next to you, and waking up next to you in the morning…and giving you a blowjob to wake you up, of course!” She dropped her head down to his chest and giggled, and he laughed with her.
“Well, I’m glad I had a chance to do that,” Rob said, “and I must admit that I really enjoyed it, too – the sleeping with you part - and I’m looking forward to doing it again tonight. And the blowjob was pretty special, too, I might add!”
“So what other fantasies do you have?” she asked, slipping her fingers around his soft shaft and tugging gently on it.
“Nothing special, just the same fantasy that every red-blooded heterosexual male in the whole world has,” he said.
“And that is?” she asked.
“To have sex with two women at the same time,” he replied. Sherry didn’t say anything for a few moments, and Rob was just beginning to think he’d said something wrong when she spoke without lifting her head up to look at him, still casually tugging on his cock.
“I can arrange that.”
Now it was Rob’s turn to be silent for a few moments as what she had just said sunk in. He didn’t know quite what to say, so he said the first thing that came to his mind.
“Really?” he asked. She lifted her head up and looked at him.
“Really,” she replied.
“You’re not kidding?” he asked.
“Nope, I’m not kidding,” she replied, then put her head back down on his chest to continue teasing his cock, which had started to grow as what she had just said sunk in to his subconscious. “But not this weekend, lover,” she said, looking down at his slowly rising cock, “this weekend you belong to me, and I’m not sharing you with anybody!”
“You’re serious, aren’t you?” he said, looking down at her. “You’d really arrange that?” She released his cock and turned to face him, propping herself up on her left hand as she looked at him. The way her big breasts hung down sideways from her chest had an effect on him, and he felt his cock stirring again.
“Would it make you happy?” she asked, looking him in the eyes.
“Yes, it would,” he replied.
“Then yes, I’m serious,” she said, smiling at him. “I’d do just about anything to make you happy, Rob. Besides, I’ve always kinda wanted to get involved in a ménage a trois myself, and up until now I never knew a man I wanted to do it with. Now I do, and I’m absolutely thrilled that it’s you!”
“And you know a girl who’s willing to go along with it?” he asked.
“Several,” she said, getting up from the bed and then bending over to kiss him briefly on the lips, her huge tits swaying as she did so. She stood up quickly before he could move to touch her. “But we’ll talk about that later, maybe over lunch or dinner. Right now we’re at the beach, it’s a beautiful day, and we need to get out of this motel room and out onto the sand and get some sun!”
“Sounds like a plan to me!” Rob said, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and standing up as Sherry headed for the bathroom. Rob watched her firm ass swinging as she walked across the room.
“Besides, who knows,” she said, stopping at the bathroom doorway and looking back over her shoulder at him, “maybe I’ll fuck you in the ocean again!” Then she disappeared into the bathroom, and a few seconds later Rob heard the shower running.
An hour later they were both out on the beach, a large blanket spread out on the sand, both of them covered with suntan oil and lying on their backs soaking up the sun. The thong bathing suit that Sherry wore down to the beach, this time without the terrycloth robe covering it up, ensured once more than Sherry drew the attention of every male within view, and as they walked out onto the boardwalk Sherry slipped her hand into his. Rob smiled, knowing that he was the immediate envy of every male there, and it made him feel good. They walked across the sand, hand in hand, out to the middle of the beach and set up the blanket. They helped each other with their suntan oil, Rob fighting the urge to sweep Sherry up and take her back to the motel room to fuck her brains out. Sherry laughed at him, once again as if she knew what he was thinking, then lay back on the blanket. He lay down next to her, and they stayed that way for at least an hour before rolling over to tan their backs.
They spent the morning alternating between laying out on the blanket in the sun and going into the water to cool off, splashing and playing in the ocean like a couple of kids. Somewhere along the way Sherry decided it was time for number five, so they went out to where the water was up to Rob’s shoulders. After a few minutes of teasing to get Rob fully erect she slipped her thong bottoms aside and hopped up onto his waist, wrapping her legs around him before sliding her wet pussy down onto his cock. It didn’t take long before she was cumming hard all over his cock, and shortly after that Rob pumped his load into her tight pussy, Sherry clinging to him as she felt his cock pulsing inside her.
“That’s five,” she whispered in his ear as his cock pumped in her for the last time. “And I’ve got something special planned for number six!”
“Like what?” he asked, holding his head back to look at her as she still clung to him, his now-softening cock still inside her.
“Like you’ll just have to wait and see!” she teased, smiling at him. With a quick, hard clench of her talented pussy muscles she pushed his cock out of her tunnel and unhooked her legs from around his waist, dropping below the water’s surface for a moment to adjust the bottom of her suit and then swimming towards the beach. After tucking his cock back into his suit, Rob followed her out onto the beach and back to the blanket.
They spent the rest of the afternoon just relaxing on the beach and working on their tans, running into the ocean every now and then to cool off. Around four in the afternoon they packed up their stuff and headed back to the motel, and again Sherry slipped her hand into his as they walked across the sand.
“No, I’m not,” she said out of the blue.
“No, you’re not what?” he asked, looking down at her. She looked up at him and smiled.
“Falling in love with you,” she said. Rob was amazed once again, because that had been exactly what he had been thinking at exactly that moment. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her, stunned.
“How did you know?” he asked, amazed. “How did you know that I was thinking just that at exactly that moment?” She smiled back at him and shrugged her shoulders.
“I don’t know, really, I just did,” she replied.
“That’s not the first time you’ve done that, you know,” he said. “What are you, psychic or something like that?”
“Something like that,” she said, nodding her head.
“Really? I mean, really?” Rob asked, surprised.
“Really,” she replied. “My grandmother was psychic and my mom is a little bit, and I’m a little bit less than her. Not all the time, and I never know when it’s gonna happen, but every now and then I just know what the person standing next to me is thinking.”
“Wow,” Rob said.
“Does that scare you?” she asked, concerned.
“No, not at all,” Rob replied immediately. “Actually, I think it’s kinda cool!”
“Really?” she said, smiling broadly.
“Really!” he replied, smiling back. “So tell me, what am I thinking now?” he said, scrunching his eyes closed and placing a finger in the middle of his forehead. Sherry laughed and punched him on the arm.
“That’s easy, you dirty old man, you!” she said.
“Correct!” he said, opening his eyes and smiling down at her.
“Come one, let’s go get cleaned up and then get something to eat,” she said, slipping her hand into his as they started walking again. “You’re going to need your strength for tonight!”
After they got to the room they showered, both of them in the shower at the same time, fooling around and enjoying teasing each other as they soaped each other up. Rob loved the feeling of Sherry’s huge tits as they slid through his hands, and Sherry loved feeling Rob’s cock, slippery with soap, slide through her fingers. Rob wanted to take her right there in the shower, but she regretfully told him no, reminding him that she had something special in mind for him after dinner and that he should just wait until then.
They finished showering and got dressed, both wearing very light and comfortable beach attire, then headed out to the same restaurant where they had eaten the night before. They shared a very enjoyable dinner, and Rob found that the more time he spent with Sherry when they weren’t fucking each other silly the more he enjoyed her company. There were several sides to this intriguing young lady, and Rob was discovering them one at a time.
After dinner they headed back to the motel, and once in the room Sherry walked across the room and opened the sliding glass door that led to the balcony, stepping out onto it and resting her arms on the railing as she looked out over the ocean. Rob came in behind her and leaned over, wrapping his arms around her as she leaned on the railing. He kissed the side of her neck and she lifted her hand to run it along the side of his head, smiling as he nuzzled against her. She felt him begin to harden as he pressed against her ass, and she clenched her asscheeks against him as she pressed back. Still kissing on the side of her neck Rob slid a hand under to her big breasts, slipping his hand under her shirt to feel the soft skin of her full breast in his palm. He squeezed, firmly but not too hard, and Sherry moaned softly and clenched her ass against his hardening shaft again.
“Would you like to do the balcony thing again?” Rob asked, whispering in her ear.
“Maybe later, lover, but right now I think it’s time for me to show you what I have in mind for you tonight,” she said. Rob loosened his grip on her as she stood up and turned in his arms to face him. She looked up at him for a moment, then slipped her hand up to the back of his head and pulled his head down so they could kiss. Her lips were full, soft, and moist, and Rob loved the way it felt to kiss her. She slipped her tongue into his mouth and found his, flicking it around the tip of his own tongue as they kissed. Rob slid a hand up her stomach and under her top to find one of her big breasts again, and he could feel the hard nipple against his palm as he wrapped his fingers over the huge mound and squeezed.
“Mmmm, I love it when you squeeze my tits like that,” she breathed in his ear, slipping a hand down to find the hard tube of his cock tenting out the front of his shorts. She squeezed it through his shorts and rubbed it, sucking on his earlobe at the same time. She felt him shudder, and then probed inside his ear with her tongue and made him shudder again.
“Damn, I love when you do that!” he said, holding her close as she teased him with her tongue.
“I know you do, lover, that’s why I do it,” she replied. “now let’s go inside before we wind up fucking out here again and ruin my plans for tonight!”
She led him back into the room, and once they got to the bed she turned and they kissed again, passionately, deeply, tongues dancing. They began stripping each other as they kissed, neither of them wanting to break the kiss long enough to take off their clothes. In a matter of moments they were both naked, their clothes scattered on the floor of the bed, holding each other close as they continued to kiss. Rob slid his hand down Sherry’s stomach to her mound, cupping it and feeling the heat eminating from her. He slipped a finger between her outer lips and found that she was wet, and then ran his finger up and down her slit and over her clit once. She jumped at the sensations, then reached down and grasped his cock in her hand. She pulled and tugged on it as he slipped his finger inside her wet tunnel, sliding it in as far as he could. She moaned as he penetrated her, and he felt her flood his hand.
“I’m gonna cum, baby!” she whispered in his ear, and moments later she cried out as her orgasm broke. He felt her pussy clamp down on his finger as she came, her hips bucking against his hand as he held her close, literally holding her up as she came. She buried her face in his shoulder, then opened her mouth and bit him on the shoulder as she continued to cum. Since he didn’t have a wife to look him over anymore he didn’t care if she marked him or not; actually, it excited him that she did that, and he drove his finger deeper into her in response. When she finally finished cumming she was breathless, and he held her close as she relaxed in his arms.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed when she saw the bite mark on his shoulder. “I didn’t mean to do that!”
“It’s okay, Sherry, really it is,” he said, rubbing the side of her face to calm her fears. “I don’t have anyone at home to worry about anymore, so you can bite me all you want – actually, it kind of turns me on!” he explained.
“Oh, thank God!” she said, resting her head on his shoulder again. “I don’t ever want to get you in trouble, and I thought – oh, thank God!” He chuckled at her and she laughed with him, then noticed that his cock was now rock-hard in the palm of her hand.
“My, it did excite you, didn’t it?” she asked, looking at him.
“Told you,” he replied.
“Mmmm, nice,” she said, stepping back and looking down at his cock while she pumped it. “I think it’s time,” she said, looking back up at him. She slipped out of his arms and led him over to the bed with her hand on his cock, and once they got to the foot of the bed she said, “Stand right here, facing the bed.” He did as she wanted, standing there as she went over to the low dresser behind him and got something out of her backpack. Then she said on the bed in front of him, smiling as she saw his cock rock-hard and throbbing in front of her face. She slipped her fingers around his cock and pointed the head at her mouth, then slipped her soft, full lips around the head and slowly ran her tongue over and around it, poking into the slit with the tip of her tongue. She sucked the head of his cock and the first inch or so into her mouth, rolling her tongue around the head as she did so, pumping on the shaft. She felt the salty taste of his precum on her tongue, then slipped her mouth from his shaft reluctantly.
“I would love to make you cum in my mouth like that, but I’ll save that for later,” she said, looking up at him. “Right now it’s time to get down to business.”
She picked up what she had gotten from her backpack, and Rob recognized it as a very popular – and very expensive – sexual lubricant, the one that was invented by a NASA scientist for use in the space program but found its way into the sex toy market instead. She flipped open the lid and held it above the head of his cock, squeezing the bottle and covering the head of his cock with the clear, slippery fluid. She spread the slick stuff all over his cock, squeezing a stream out onto the top of his shaft as she held his cock straight out, and soon his cock was glistening with the slick stuff and was so slippery that she could barely hold on to it.
“Man, that stuff is good!” he remarked, watching as Sherry slid her hands up and down his very slippery shaft.
“We’ll see just how good it is in a minute,” she said, standing up from the bed and handing him the bottle. “Here, lover, hang on to this, you may need it.” Then she walked to the bathroom and came back with a hand towel, wiping the slick stuff from her hands. She walked over to him and kissed him, deeply but briefly, then climbed onto the bed and got on her hands and knees, her ass facing him, her legs spread apart, her huge tits hanging down in front of her. He looked at the way she was positioned on the bed, then down at the bottle of lubricant in his hand, and it suddenly struck him just exactly what she wanted him to do.
“Are you sure about this?” he asked, his excitement building.
“Yes, lover, I am,” she replied, looking back over her shoulder at him. “I want you to fuck me in my ass.”
“It’s gonna hurt some, you know,” he cautioned her, even as he could feel his cock getting harder at the thought of her tight ass wrapped around his shaft.
“I know, lover, I’m ready for it,” she said, smiling back at him over her shoulder. “Now would you please get over here and shove your cock up my ass?”
Without another word Rob climbed onto the bed and walked on his knees up behind Sherry, and he could see she was panting with anticipation just a bit. Maybe there was a little trepidation mixed in as well, but this was her idea, and he was all for it. He flipped open the lid of the bottle and held it over her virgin opening, squeezing some out and then spreading it around with his finger. He probed her ass with the tip of his finger, slipping it in up to the first knuckle, and he heard Sherry gasp as she was penetrated there for the first time. He felt her anus clamp down on his finger, and the thought of that tight muscle squeezing his cock made him want to get his shaft inside her ass all that much faster. He slipped his finger in and out of her ass a few times to get her ready, and then slipped it out of her.
“Ready?” he asked, moving in close and guiding the head of his cock to her tight opening, pressing against it gently.
“Ready,” she replied in a quiet voice, panting slightly, her eyes closed in anticipation.
Holding the very slippery head of his cock against her tight opening Rob pushed forward, pressing against her asshole, and he could feel Sherry pushing back to help him penetrate her. At first it was like pressing his cock against a wall, but after a few seconds he felt her hole start to give way, and then suddenly the head of his cock popped into her ass. She immediately and involuntarily clamped down on it with her anus, and it was so tight around the head of his cock it almost hurt. Her head popped up and her eyes flew open as he penetrated her for the first time.
“OH!” she cried out, gripping the sheets in her fists.
“Are you okay, baby?” Rob asked, concerned.
“I’m okay,” Sherry gasped, adjusting to his cock in her ass, “just hold still for a minute and let me get used to it!” Rob could feel her ass squeezing the head of his cock as she adjusted to him, and after a few moments Sherry spoke again.
“Okay, lover, give it to me,” she said, “all of it! I want your whole cock up my ass, so give it to me!”
“Okay, here it comes,” Rob replied as he grasped her by the hips and pushed, holding her hips in place as he slowly slid his cock into Sherry’s tight, virgin ass. She moaned loudly as bit by bit Rob pushed his hard, throbbing cock into her very tight ass. The lubricant did its job well, and Rob was able to slide his entire cock deep into her ass in one long, slow push.
“Ohhhhh, myyyy, GODDDDDDD…” Sherry moaned as he slowly impaled her on his cock, pushing his entire length inside her ass. She dropped her head down, closed her eyes and gripped the sheets harder in her fists as she felt his throbbing cock filling her ass. His cock was big to begin with, but it felt a hundred times bigger inside her tight ass. There was pain, to be sure, but it was quickly being replaced by pleasure as the rest of her body, specifically her clit, woke up and adjusted to what was taking place in her ass. She panted and gasped for breath as Rob slid the rest of his cock into her ass, and she felt his balls gently bump against her pussy.
“That’s it, baby, you’ve got it all!” he said, gasping a bit himself. Her ass was very tight around his cock, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out long once they got going.
“Oh my God, it hurts so good!” Sherry said, slowly rotating her ass a bit on his cock. “But it’s feeling better and better every second, too!”
“Your ass is incredibly tight!” Rob said, looking down at his cock buried between her firm, rounded cheeks. “I’m gonna cum so hard in your ass!”
“That’s the whole idea, lover,” she said, looking over her shoulder at him. “Now fuck me, Rob, fuck my ass and fill it up with your cum!”
“Yes, ma’am,” Rob replied, and slowly pulled his cock out of her ass until just the head was inside her. Then he began thrusting, very slowly at first, sliding his hard, throbbing cock back inside her tight ass and then pulling it out again only to repeat the motions. He moved slowly at first, giving her a chance to get used to it, and to his surprise she got used to it faster than he thought she would.
“That’s it, lover, that’s it,” she said, moving her hips back against him in time with his motions, helping drive his cock in her ass. “Fuck my ass, fuck my ass with that big, hard cock of yours!”
“This is incredible,” Rob said, watching his glistening cock slide in and out of her ass. She was unbelievably tight! “I’ve never felt anything so tight before!”
“Fuck my ass hard, lover,” Sherry urged, pushing her hips back against him. “It doesn’t hurt anymore, it just feels so incredibly good now, so fuck my ass harder !”
Rob increased both the speed and the firmness of his strokes, and he could hear the slapping sound as her ass slapped against his stomach with every thrust. He looked down and saw her asscheeks ripple with every thrust into her, and he began fucking her ass harder. Soon he was pistoning in and out of her ass, driving his cock deep into her tight tunnel with every thrust. He could feel her ass clamping down on his cock with every stroke, and Sherry began moaning as he fucked her. She reached down with one hand and began rubbing her clit as he fucked her, driving her hips back against him.
“That’s it, baby, that’s it!” she moaned, rubbing her clit harder as he continued to thrust in and out of her ass. “Oh, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!”
“So do it, baby,” he urged, still thrusting, “cum for me! Let me feel it!”
And she did, her ass clamping down tighter than ever as her orgasm exploded inside her. She cried out and slammed her ass back against him, driving his cock deeper than ever into her ass as she came, and he could feel her muscles gripping his cock and her ass flexing against his stomach as the waves of pleasure washed through her. He continued thrusting in and out of her ass as she came, knowing that he was mere seconds behind her.
“Oh, God, again!” she cried out, rubbing her clit faster, “I’m cumming again!”
“I’m cumming with you!” Rob said, and then his own orgasm hit. He cried out and shoved his cock deep into Sherry’s ass as it erupted inside her, spewing streams of cum deep into her tight ass. She screamed as she felt his cock pumping and throbbing deep inside her ass, and she gripped the sheets in both fists harder than ever as she came yet again, her eyes squeezed closed at the incredible intense waves of pleasure washing over her.
It seemed as if his cock was pumping and throbbing inside her ass forever, shooting stream after stream of hot cum deep into her, and then she felt the thumping of his cock slow as both his and her orgasm ran their course. She pushed back against him as his pushed forward, holding his cock still inside her as the last spurt of cum left him, and she clamped her asshole down on him hard to squeeze the last of his cum from him. He moaned as she gripped him, still amazed at just how tight her ass was. After holding still for a few moments, Sherry dropped her upper body down onto the bed, her big breasts mashing out beneath her, still holding Rob’s cock in her ass. She could feel his shaft begin to soften inside her, and she could hear both of them gasping for breath.
“That was incredible!” Rob said, running his fingers through his hair as he tried to catch his breath. “Your ass is so incredibly tight! I haven’t cum that hard since…”
“Since I seduced you in your den,” Sherry finished for him, smiling. “Or was it when I took you upstairs and sucked your cock on the bed? I can’t remember…” she said, teasing him. He slapped her playfully on the ass, and she squealed and laughed in reply.
“Are you okay, baby?” he asked, rubbing where he’d just slapped. “I mean, how was it? You’re not hurt, are you?”
“Not at all, lover! It was fantastic!” she replied, coming up onto all fours again and looking back at him, smiling. “I can’t wait to do it again!”
“You’re gonna be sore in an hour or so,” he cautioned.
“I don’t care, I want your cock in my ass again!” she said. “Feeling you cum inside my ass was just incredible! And I came three times!”
“Yeah, it was pretty good, wasn’t it?” he smiled. “But right now, I think it’s time we jumped into the shower and got cleaned up.”
“I think so, too,” she replied. Rob stepped back and his now-soft cock slipped out of her hole, a small stream of cum leaking out as well. Sherry fell forward onto the bed, gasping just as bit at the feeling of emptiness and fullness at the same time. She lay on her stomach as Rob walked over to the side of the bed, then leaned down to kiss her. She lifted her head to accept the kiss which was short but intense.
“Six,” she whispered when the kiss ended, smiling up at him.
“With seven soon to come, I hope,” he replied, smiling back.
“Count on it!” Sherry said. Then she got up, and they both went into the bathroom to shower.
They had the entire night ahead of them, and they were both looking forward to it.
More to come…
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