Sunday, January 6, 2013
The Mercy Fuck
"You're out of your mind, Danni, you know that?" Bethany asked her best friend as the two of them stood off to one side of the large room, looking at one of the new freshmen who was sitting by himself in a chair in a corner of the room, watching the activities all around him but not participating. Their sorority had joined forces with their "brother" fraternity to throw a "Welcome to College" party for all of the new freshmen, and the party was in full swing. The music was booming, the dance floor was crowded with college students from all classes, the beer was flowing, and the students were all having a good time.
All except for one, that is, the one who was currently the topic of discussion between Danni and Bethany. According to the self-adhesive name tag on his shirt - the ones that the reception girls had given him when he arrived - his name was Steve. He was tall and lanky, with a shock of dark brown hair that looked nearly black, and both of the girls imagined that if he'd get rid of the black plastic horn-rimmed glasses he wore and the baggy, unflattering clothing that did nothing for him except make him look like a first-class nerd, he'd be a decent-looking guy. But right now he looked like the quintessential nerd, the geeky new freshman who knew everything there is about high school and absolutely nothing about college, and he looked like this party was the last place on earth he wanted to be.
Danni had it set in her mind to change all of that, and the manner in which she was going to do it was why Bethany had just told her she was out of her mind.
"Why? Because I want to do something special to make a lonely freshman feel welcome in his new school?" Danni replied, looking over at Steve as he continued to sit in his chair.
"No, because of how you want to do it," she replied. "I mean, it's one thing to go over and talk to the guy, dance with him a few times and maybe flirt with him some, but a 'mercy fuck?' Don't you think that's carrying things a bit too far?" Bethany asked.
"Not at all," Danni replied, looking her best friend in the eye. "I think he's kinda cute, kinda like a little lost puppy, and you know I have a soft spot in my heart for little lost puppies!" she said, smiling at her best friend and then looking over at Steve again. Bethany shook her head slowly as she replied, smiling at her best friend.
"You're a total slut, Danni," she said, looking over at Steve as she continued. "A well-meaning, soft-hearted slut, but still a total slut!" Danni turned her head and smiled back at her friend, a tinge of wickedness in her seemingly-innocent smile.
"Guilty as charged," she said. "I'll let you know how it goes later!"
"You'd better," Bethany said to Danni's back as Danni turned and walked away from her, making a beeline for Steve.
Steve may have been sitting quietly in one corner of the room keeping to himself, but that didn't mean that he wasn't fully aware of what was going on around him or the fact that two of the hottest, sexiest girls in the whole house had been eyeing him from across the room for the past few minutes. And when the prettiest of the two, a petite and shapely blonde wearing pair of very snug-fitting white nylon shorts and a two-sizes too small green t-shirt with her sorority's Greek letters in yellow blazoned across the chest started moving across the room towards him, Steve's heart began to beat faster. She was absolutely gorgeous, the sexiest girl he'd ever seen, and as she walked towards him he couldn't help but notice the mounds of her breasts accentuated by the tight-fitting t-shirt. She wasn't big-busted by any means, but she wasn't small, either - Steve thought that she must be about a B cup, maybe a C, and that was perfect for him. He only wished she'd turn and walk back to where she came from, but only because he really wanted to see what her ass looked like in those shorts as she walked. But she continued walking towards him, and his heart nearly stopped when she stopped in front of him and looked down at him, smiling. He looked up into the brightest blue eyes he'd ever seen, and he felt his stomach flip over as she stuck her hand out to him.
"Hi, Steve, I'm Danni," she said as he took her hand, shaking it gently. "Welcome to the school!" Steve stammered slightly as he replied.
""Thank - uh, thank you, Danni," he said, looking up at her wide-eyed and not believing that this hot, sexy woman was actually speaking to him!
"Mind if I sit down?" she said, sitting down in the chair next to him before he could reply. "So, what do you think? Some party, huh?" she said, looking around the room and then back at him. She could see the nervousness in his eyes and it made her feel even better for what she was about to do, and that made her smile even bigger and brighter.
"Yeah, it's really something," he said, looking around the room and then back at her. "Kinda loud, though, but it's okay."
"Are you going to pledge the fraternity?" she asked.
"Well, I hadn't really thought about it," he replied, pushing his glasses back up onto his nose. "I mean, no one's asked me to yet, really," he continued.
"I can take care of that for you if you want," she replied. "I can have the membership committee from my sorority contact this one, and someone will contact you in a day or so."
"You'd do that for me?" he asked, surprised.
"Why, sure! Why not?" she replied, grinning at him. "Do you want me to sponsor your girlfriend into my sorority?" she asked, having an ulterior motive for her question. She got the answer she was hoping for; she may have been a slut, but she wasn't a homewrecker and didn't intend to be.
"I don't have a girlfriend," Steve replied, looking down at the floor as he replied.
"Not yet, you mean," Danni asked, and his head came back up. She continued as he looked at her with those puppy-dog eyes that had first drawn her to him. "I'm sure it won't be long before you have a girlfriend, especially if you're pledging this fraternity," she said.
"You think so?" he asked, and Danni smiled at him as she replied.
"Absolutely! But since you're here now and you don't have a girlfriend," she said, leaning over towards him and putting her hand on his knee, "there's something I'd like to do to officially welcome you to the school and to college life," she said, looking directly into his eyes as she spoke.
"There is?" he asked, his heart pounding.
"Yes, there is," she said, her hand still on his knee. "If it's okay with you, that is," she continued, giving him a sly grin.
"S-sure," Steve stammered, more nervous now than he'd been in his entire life. "What is it?" he asked.
"Not here," Danni said, then grabbed his hand and stood, pulling him from his chair. "Come with me!" she said, turning and making her way across the room to the stairs leading to the second floor of the house, pulling Steve by the hand behind her and giving him his chance to see her ass wiggling in her tight shorts.
'No panty lines, she must be wearing a thong,' he thought as he trotted along behind her. Her ass was firm and round, the white shorts fitting like a second skin, and the sight of her muscles flexing as she walked began to give Steve an erection. He only hoped that his slacks - he always wore slacks as his mother would never let him wear jeans - were loose enough to hide it should it continue to grow. And with Danni's tight, rounded ass wiggling in front of him as they rounded a corner and bounded up the stairs to the second floor, he was quite sure that it would.
"This way!" she said over her shoulder as they reached the top of the stairs and turned left, proceeding down the hallway. From the numerous doors in the long hallway Steve correctly assumed that this was where the fraternity member's rooms were, and he was a bit surprised that Danni knew her way around so well. But then, there was a lot about Danni that he didn't know; in fact, he literally knew nothing about her, and it was that very fact that was responsible for Steve being more excited both physically and emotionally than he'd ever been in his entire young life. He followed her down the hallway, she still holding on to his hand, until they reached the last door on the left. Without a moment's hesitation she opened the door and flipped on the light, pulling Steve into the room behind her. As she turned to close the door he noticed that she picked up an already-tied necktie from the inside door knob and hung it on the outside knob, then closed the door.
"What's that for?" he asked, genuinely curious. She turned and looked at him, a humorous smile on her face.
"You mean you don't know? Really?" she asked, turning to look at him with her hands on her hips, smiling at him.
"No, I don't," he replied. "Really."
"Wow, you really are a babe in the woods!" she said, not sarcastically but in genuine awe. She walked over to him and put her hands on his chest, pushing him backwards towards the bed as she continued. "I'll explain it to you later, but right now we need to get down to business!" she said, smiling up at him as she gently pushed on his chest.
Steve fell back onto the bed when the back of his legs hit the mattress and Danni immediately followed him, lying on him full-length. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard and deep, her soft lips pressing against his and her nimble tongue parting his lips to seek out his own. She took Steve completely by surprise, and it took a moment for him to react. He finally put his arms around her and pulled her close as she kissed him, and he felt her press her body against his in response. The kiss was so intense - more intense than any kiss Steve had ever experienced before, which really wasn't saying much since he hadn't been kissed all that often - that it literally took his breath away. He tried to kiss her back as best as he could, hoping that she wouldn't notice his inexperience.
Danni did notice, right away, but that didn't stop her; actually, it only made her kiss him harder, slipping her tongue deeper into his mouth as he struggled to keep up.
When Danni finally broke off the kiss Steve was gasping for air, and his cock was quickly rising - which Danni had felt, and was the reason she broke off the kiss. She looked down at Steve and smiled, feeling the hard lump growing between them getting bigger by the moment.
"I see you like me, huh, Steve?" she asked, looking him in the eyes as she spoke. She giggled when she saw him blush, and kissed him again before he could stammer out a reply. She slid her lower body from his and ran her hand down his chest and stomach as she sucked his tongue into her mouth, sliding her hand down until it reached the hard lump of his cock. She closed her fingers over the lump and squeezed, making Steve flinch and gasp in her mouth. The gasp was quickly followed by a moan as Danni squeezed again, harder - and that's when she realized that there was something different about Steve, something special.
Very special.
Danni's eyes popped open as she ran the flat of her hand along the hard length of his cock, squeezing the shaft all along its length as she went. She broke off the kiss and turned to look down, pleasantly surprised at the size of the lump that she saw beneath her hand.
"I'm sorry, Danni, I can't help it," Steve began, and Danni quickly hushed his apology before he went any further.
"No, don't apologize, it's okay," she said, looking up at him and keeping her hand on his cock, gripping it firmly beneath his trousers. "Really, it is! Besides, this is exactly what I wanted!"
"It is?" he said, surprised. Danni nodded as she replied.
"Yes, it is," she said softly, kissing him lightly on the lips to make him relax. "But I'm not done yet!" she whispered in his ear, squeezing his cock for emphasis. She kissed him again, briefly but deeply, her tongue sliding into his mouth again, as she kneaded and squeezed the hard shaft of his cock in her hand through his pants. Much to her pleasant surprise she could feel that his cock was still growing, still getting longer, thicker, and harder. After a few more moments she lifted her lips from his and spoke again, slightly breathless herself.
"You feel big, Steve," she said softly, looking into his eyes as she gripped his cock. "I mean, really big!"
"Well, according to statistics, my penis is a bit above average when it comes to length and girth as compared to the average white male," he replied, the true geek in him coming out.
"Just 'a bit above average,' Steve?" she asked playfully.
"Well, maybe more than just a bit," he replied, blushing again. "Is that okay? I mean, do you like big?" he asked, genuinely concerned. She giggled at his obvious inexperience, finding it both cute and more than a bit arousing as proven by the increasing wetness in her pussy.
"I love big, Steve," she whispered seductively, rubbing his cock with the flat of her hand. "But now I think it's time to see for myself just what you're working with here, don't you think?" she said, slipping down on the mattress and grabbing his belt buckle, quickly working with both hands to open it and then his slacks. She pulled his shirt tail out of his slacks and then opened them wide, not at all surprised to see "tighty whities" beneath. She was surprised, however, at the size of the cock straining against the material, literally begging for release. She looked at it for just a moment and then looked up at Steve, who was blushing again and was looking at her wide-eyed with amazement that this was actually happening to him. She giggled at him and then grasped the top of his underwear, lifting it up and pulling it down to reveal his cock to her for the first time.
"Oh, my God!" she exclaimed, seeing Steve's huge cock for the first time. She looked up at him for a moment in amazement, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open, then looked back down at the long, thick tube of cock lying on Steve's stomach, throbbing slightly as the blood pumped through it. It was easily the biggest cock she'd ever seen, and she guessed that it must have been at least eight inches long, probably more. She slid her hand under it and lifted it up, making Steve gasp slightly, curling her fingers around it and noting with amazement that her fingers didn't meet - not even close! She held Steve's monster cock straight up, feeling its warmth and the pulsing of the blood rushing through it, the veins standing out and the bulbous head shiny and wet with his precum. She let her eyes travel up and down its length several times, amazed at the sheer size of his cock, finally gripping it harder and pumping it slowly with one hand. She looked back up at Steve in amazement as she slowly pumped his cock.
"Oh, my God!" she repeated, giving Steve an open-mouthed grin. "This isn't big, this is beyond big! This is huge!"
"Is that okay? I mean, it's not too big, is it?" Steve asked, a look of concern on his face. He was afraid that the size of his cock would scare her off, something that he had read about and was afraid would happen to him.
"No, it's not - well, I don't think so, anyway," Danni replied, looking at the mammoth cock in her hand again. "I mean, your last girlfriend managed it, so I'm sure I should be able to, right?" she asked, looking up at him. His reply surprised her to no end.
"I don't know, I've never had a girlfriend," he said, blushing again. Danni's eyes flew open in surprise as the meaning of what he just said dawned on her.
"You've never had a girlfriend? Never?" she asked, and Steve slowly shook his head.
"Then that means you've never - I mean, you're still a..." she said, and Steve slowly nodded at her. Her eyes grew wider at his confirmation of what she suspected.
"Virgin," Steve finished the sentence for her, blushing again. "I’m sorry, Danni, really I am!"
"Hey, no, Steve, don't worry about it," Danni said, looking at him and giving him a warm, sincere smile as she kept her grip on his cock. "Really, being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed about or be sorry for! It's just kind of unusual in this day and age, you know?"
"Yes, I know," Steve replied. "I think I must be the only guy in the freshman class who hasn't had sex yet," he said in a somber voice.
"Well, I think it's time we changed all that, don't you?" Danni said in a soft, sultry voice, a gleam in her eye as she gripped Steve's huge cock harder and pumped it slowly.
"You mean it? Really?" Steve asked, his eyes growing wide and his heart pounding in his chest.
"With a cock like this in front of me?" she said, looking at his cock and then back at his face. "Oh, yeah, you better believe I mean it!" she said, chuckling as she spoke. She looked back at the huge, throbbing shaft in her hand for a moment, then looked back at Steve before speaking again.
"So just how big is this monster cock of yours anyway?" she asked, slowly pumping his shaft in her hand.
"Well, like I said, I'm a bit above average," he said, dodging the question more out of embarassment than anything else.
"What's 'average?' " Danni asked.
"For a white male of my age group, the average size is 6.16 inches in length and 4.34 inchs in girth," he replied, the inner geek in him coming out again.
"So how big are you?" she asked, eagerly awaiting the answer, She could feel her nipples begin to harden in anticipation of his reply, and the answer he gave was a pleasant shock that she felt all the way down to her pussy. which immediately began to flood.
"9.44 inches in length and 5.9 inches in girth," he said. He saw her mouth fall open in surprise.
"Nine and a half inches?" she exclaimed, her eyes wide as she looked back to his cock in her hands. "Holy shit, I've hit the mother lode!"
"I'm glad you're pleased, Danni," Steve said, relief flooding through him as she stared at his cock while continuing to pump it in her hand.
" 'Pleased' is an understatement, Steve!" she said, looking at his monster cock in her hands as she spoke. Then she turned her head to face him as she continued, and the look of lust and wanton desire in her suddenly-hooded eyes was apparent even to Steve.
"Let me show you just how pleased I am!" she said, locking eyes with him briefly before turning back to his cock.
She wrapped both hands around his mammoth cock and squeezed it hard, slowly pumping it up and down as she gazed at it. She was immediately rewarded with a big drop of clear precum at the tip, and Steven watched in fascination as she immediately lowered her head down to the tip of his cock and licked the drop off, swallowing it without hesitation. Then he gasped as she licked the head of his cock firmly with the flat of her tongue, slowly running it over, up and around the bulbous head of his huge cock. She did this several times before she turned to him and spoke briefly.
"You taste good, Steve," she said before turning back to his cock. She licked the head again, pumping more precum out of his shaft as she slowly ran her soft, warm tongue over the sensitive skin of his virgin cock, and was rewarded with another big drop of precum. She licked that off too, then placed her lips on the tip of his cock and slipped her mouth down and over the head of his cock. She opened her jaws wide as the thick pole slid between her lips, and for a moment she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to fit the huge cockhead into her mouth. But she did, and she heard Steve gasp loudly as she swallowed his cock, sliding her lips down over the flared ridge at the back of the head before sliding further down his throbbing, rock-hard shaft, her lips pressed to his skin.
The sensations of her hot, wet, sucking mouth wrapped around the head of his cock and then sliding slowly down his shaft was like nothing Steve had ever felt before, and he gasped as he watched Danni slowly work her way down his turgid cock. She slathered her tongue over and around the head and shaft as she worked her way down, and Steve's eyes grew wide as she got closer and closer to the base of his cock. She had a good six inches in her hot, wet mouth by now, and she was showing no signs of stopping until she had it all!
'My God, this thing is huge!' Danni thought to herself as she worked her way down Steve's big dick. She knew that she could take six or maybe seven inches of cock down her throat - she had learned to deep-throat her first year in college - but she wasn't sure she could take a cock this big without choking or gagging. But she was determined to try, and redoubled her efforts to get all of Steve's massive cock in her mouth and down her throat. She swallowed around his cock several times, making Steve jump each time, and she had to remind herself that he was still a virgin and this was probably the first blowjob he'd ever had, and she didn't want him cumming too quick. She fully intended to get this big cock as deep into her pussy as she could, so she was careful not to make him cum in her mouth. She slowly worked more and more of his cock into her mouth, and she felt the head of his cock hit the back of her throat. She took a deep breath and paused, then relaxed the muscles in the back of her throat before continuing on down the massive pole. She rested one hand on his stomach since there wasn't enough of his cock to wrap a hand around now, and the other hand slid down her pants to her pussy. She slipped a finger between her pussy lips and found that she was absolutely soaked down there, and she began rubbing her clit as she worked the last of Steve's cock into her mouth.
Steve couldn't believe what he was seeing. This beautiful girl, a girl he'd met only a few minutes before, was actually sucking his cock! And even better, she was playing with herself as she was doing it! The sensations of Danni's wet, hot mouth and throat around his huge cock were incredible, and he watched in amazement as she took the final inch of his cock into her mouth. She pushed her mouth down hard, her nose nudging against his balls, and he heard her moan as her hand worked at her pussy.
Danni moaned as the last bit of Steve's huge cock slid into her mouth, and she pushed her mouth down until her nose was resting against his balls. Her mouth was stretched open as wide as it could go and her throat was filled with the massive shaft, but she was loving every second of it! She rubbed her clit hard, moaning again, holding his cock in her mouth for a few moments before slowly sliding her mouth back up, bit by bit. She slid her mouth a little more than halfway up his cock before sliding back down again, and on the next trip up she went all the way up to the head of his cock before sliding her mouth down on his shaft again.
"Oh, my God, that's incredible!" Steve gasped as Danni's head slowly bobbed up and down as she slid her hot, wet mouth up and down his hard, thick shaft. He watched in amazement as she slid his cock slowly in and out of her mouth, her hand working at her clit the entire time. Then he felt Danni's body stiffen and he heard her moan around his cock, and then her body began to tremble. Steve knew from what he'd read that she was having an orgasm - 'cumming' as it was called - and he watched in awe as her orgasm shook her small body. Throughout it all she kept her mouth firmly clamped onto his huge cock, sliding her mouth up and down as she came.
Danni's orgasm left her shaking. It was much more intense than she expected, and she found herself breathing hard through her nose around Steve's monster cock. But now she was ready for the real thing, so she slipped her mouth from his throbbing shaft, sucking on it hard all the way up, releasing the bulbous head from her mouth with an audible 'pop.' She gasped for breath as Steve's huge cock, slick with her saliva, slapped against his stomach. She sat up and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, then turned to look at Steve and smiled.
"Now for the good part!" she said, crossing her arms and grabbing the hem of her t-shirt in her hands.
"What are you going to do now?" Steve asked as he watched Danni pull the t-shirt up and over her head, dropping it on the bed next to her. She was braless, and her pert breasts with their fully-erect nipples were revealed to him. She stood up on her knees on the bed, her knees slightly spread as she hooked her thumbs into her tight shorts.
"I'm going to fuck you, that's what!" she said as she slid the tight shorts down over her hips and down her thighs, taking the thong she was wearing with it. She sat down on the bed and lifted her feet up, sliding the shorts from her legs and giving Steve a brief glimpse of her smooth-shaven pussy as she did so. The heavy scent of her musk filled the room, and it was the most intoxicating and heady thing Steve had ever smelled. Danni dropped the shorts and thong on the bed with her shirt, then quickly clambered on top of Steve and straddled his hips, throwing one shapely leg over his body. She lowered her pussy down onto his cock as it lay on his stomach, her soaking wet lips parting as she slid her pussy up and down the underside of his shaft. She leaned forward and braced herself with her hands on the bed on either side of him, looking into his eyes and smiling down at him as she slid her pussy up and down the underside of his shaft.
"Say bye-bye to being a virgin, Steve," she said, her voice husky with desire.
"Bye-bye, virgin!" Steve said, smiling back at her and making her own smile widen.
Danni sat up, her full weight pressing her pussy down onto the underside of his cock for just a moment until she lifted one foot up and placed it on the bed next to his hip. She sat all the way up, lifting her hips up, then reached down and grabbed Steve's cock with one hand. The shaft was shiny and slick with her juices, and she pointed it straight up at her pussy. She lowered her hips down so she could rub the bulbous head of Steve's big cock up and down her slit, and moaned as she felt it slide between her outer lips. She rubbed the head up and down her slit several times, covering it with both his precum and her pussy juices, before placing it at the small opening to her sopping wet tunnel. She looked up at Steve, her eyes hooded with lust as she spoke in a soft voice.
"Ready, Steve?" she asked, and Steve nodded as he replied.
"Ready, Danni," he said.
Without another word Danni pushed down with her hips, grimacing as the bulbous head of Steve's big cock stretched her opening wider and wider as she forced her pussy down onto Steve's cock. She groaned slightly as the head slowly slipped inside her tunnel, and they both gasped as the head of his cock stretched her pussy open enough to pop inside. Danni gasped and panted several times, holding still as she let her tiny pussy adjust to the big head of his cock inside her. After a few moments she began pushing down again, sliding her tight, wet pussy slowly down onto the massive pole of his throbbing cock. Steve watched in amazement as she slid her pussy down onto his cock,
"NNNNGGHH! God, Steve, your cock is so big!" she said, grimacing again as she slowly pushed her pussy down onto his cock. She could feel his thick shaft stretching her pussy walls out to their limit as it was slowly engulfed by her tight, wet pussy. She had enough of his huge cock inside her to put her knee back down onto the bed, so she did so and then began rocking her body up and down, working her tight pussy further and further down onto his massive meat.
Steve watched as she worked her pussy down onto his cock, the sensations of her hot, wet pussy tightly wrapped around his throbbing shaft flooding his senses. He thought he would have cum by now, but he was pleasantly surprised to know that he wasn't even close. He felt his cock throbbing as Danni slowly bounced up and down on his shaft, taking more and more of his cock into her tight pussy with each downward motion of her hips. She was intent on getting all of his cock inside her, and he was damned if he was going to do or say anything to spoil it!
'Damn, but this thing is big!' Dannit thought to herself as she continued bobbing her hips up and down, taking more and more of his long, thick cock into her pussy as she moved. She was stuffed fuller with cock than she'd ever been in her life, but she still didn't have all of it yet! She felt she was close to getting it all, so with a hard thrust down she impaled herself on the last inch of his cock, crying out when the big head of his huge cock hit her cervyx and pushed past it. She felt his balls under her ass, and she knew that she had it all!
"Gotcha!" she said, smiling down at Steve as she sat upright on his cock. She paused for a moment, letting her pussy adjust to the massive cock, and Steve felt he inner muscles fluttering around his shaft. Steve lifted his head and looked down, amazed at the sight of his cock completely buried inside Danni's pussy. Then she leaned forward and braced herself on the bed again, her hands on either side of Steve's upper arms, and slowly began sliding up and down on Steve's throbbing shaft. She moved in long, slow, deliberate strokes, small strokes at first but increasing as she adjusted to the massive cock inside her, eventually sliding all but the head of his cock out of her pussy before slipping back down onto it again. She squeezed his cock with her talented inner muscles as she fucked him, intent on making the best use of this monster inside her and making him cum as hard as she could in the process.
"Oh, my God, this feels so good!" she said, riding his cock in long, deep strokes. "I've never...ahhh...never had a deep!" she gasped as she moved, sliding up and down on his pole, her ass pressing against his balls with each downward stroke.
"This feels incredible!" Steve said, watching as Danni slid up and down on his cock. He watched as her pert breasts bobbled just a bit as she moved, the nipples hard and erect, standing out like little pebbles. He reached up and placed his hands on her breasts, closing his fingers tentatively around them and squeezing gently, the nipples hard beneath his palms.
"That's it, Steve, squeeze my tits!" Danni panted, sliding up and down as he tightened his grip on her breasts. "Squeeze them hard, pull on my nipples! Go ahead, do it hard, you won't hurt me!" she urged, and Steve did as she wanted. He squeezed her breasts hard, tugging and pulling on her nipples with his fingers, and he felt her squeeze his cock harder with her pussy in reply.
"That's it, baby, that's it! You're gonna make me cum, you keep that up, so don't stop!" she gasped, throwing her head back with her eyes closed as he worked on her tits. She began fucking him faster and harder, sliding up and down his huge, thick shaft faster and faster, twisting her hips and rotating around on his pole as she worked it in and out of her tight, wet tunnel. His huge, thick cock inside her tight pussy felt wonderful, and her pussy juices were flowing heavier than ever before in her entire life.
Steve felt his breathing begin to quicken as he squeezed Danni's breasts in his hands, the bed rocking with her movements. She was gripping and squeezing his cock with her inner muscles as she moved, and he knew that it wouldn't be long before she was going to make him cum. He was determined to hang on as long as possible - he'd never had anything like this happen to him before and wasn't sure if it'd ever happen again, so he was going to enjoy it while he had it!
After several long, pleasurable minutes of intensely riding his cock, Danni felt the first beginnings of her orgasm building and decided it was time for him to cum. She wanted - no, she needed - to feel his cock pumping and spurting inside her. She looked down at him as she continued fucking him, her eyes flashing with lust.
"I'm gonna make you cum now, Steve!" she said breathlessly, squeezing his cock as hard as she could. She began twisting her hips on his cock harder and faster, rotating around and around on his thick shaft as she rode him, sliding her gripping, squeezing pussy up and down the entire length of his cock over and over again. Her breathing was quicker now, and she knew she was very, very close to cumming herself.
The bed was rocking with Danni's motions, and Steve felt his orgasm building quickly. The gripping, squeezing, twisting sensations of Danni's pussy on his cock were having their desired effect, and Steve felt his balls shift in preparation for his orgasm. Danni felt his cock widen inside her and squeezed his cock as hard as she could, twisting her hips as she pushed her pussy down onto his cock hard.
The switch inside Steve's head tripped, and his orgasm hit. He dropped his hands down to the tops of Danni's thighs and gripped them hard as he involuntarily thrust his hips upward as his cock exploded inside Danni's pussy, blasting stream after stream of hot, thick cum deep into her. Danni cried out as she felt his cock pumping inside her, and she rode him hard and hung on as his cock pumped and throbbed inside her pussy. She felt the hot cum hitting the walls of her pussy as the streams of cum blasted out of his cock again and again, filling her up and overflowing out onto his balls. Steve groaned loudly, his head thrown back and his eyes squeezed shut, as his cock emptied into her tight pussy.
Danni's orgasm hit almost without warning, and she cried out as the waves of pleasure exploded from her pussy and raced through her body, the waves of pleasure crashing down on her and shaking her to her very soul. It was the longest, most intense orgasm she'd ever had, and it was all she could do to remain upright on Steve's cock as they both continued to cum.
Finally, almost thankfully, both of their orgasms began to subside. The pumping of Steve's cock inside her pussy slowed and finally stopped, the last bit of cum spitting out of his cock as she squeezed her pussy around it. The tidal wave of pleasure washing over her receded, leaving her breathless and shaking in its wake. She settled her hips down onto the mammoth cock inside her, resting her ass on his balls as she kept his entire length inside her, giving both of them a chance to catch their breath. They were both gasping for air, and it was several long moments before either of them could speak with Danni finally breaking the silence.
"Oh, my God," she gasped, "that's the hardest I've ever cum in my entire life!" She looked down at Steve and smiled, his cock still buried inside her. She felt it slowly begin to soften as she sat, and she squeezed it gently and made Steve jump. She giggled at him and then squeezed him again, making him jump a second time.
"Okay, okay, jeez, Danni!" he said, smiling back at her. "I came pretty hard, too, thanks to you!" he said, rubbing the tops of her thighs with his hands.
"I know you did!" she said, rubbing her hands on his chest under his shirt. "I thought you were going to buck me right off, you came so hard!"
"I'm glad you were able to hang on," he said, still smiling up at her.
"Me, too!" she said, before leaning down to kiss him lightly on the lips. "That was fantastic, lover!" she whispered.
"So that's sex, huh?" he asked, looking into her eyes.
"That's just the tip of the iceberg, baby," she said softly, looking back into his eyes. "Did you like it?"
"Like it? I loved it!" he replied, grinning broadly.
"Good," she said, grinning back, "because there's a hell of a lot more to sex than just that, and I want to be the one to show you! Okay?" she said.
"Works for me!" he replied, still grinning.
"Good! Now let's get cleaned up and get back to the party!" she said, sitting up and then sliding off of him, his now-soft cock slipping out of her pussy. Danni quickly went into the small bathroom, padding naked across the room, and came out a few seconds later with two hand towels, She tossed him one and then went back into the bathroom to clean up. A few minutes later she came back out and recovered her clothes from the bed, slipping into them as Steve was making the final adjustments to tucking in his shirt.
"Man, I can't wait to tell Bethany about you!" she said, pulling her t-shirt down over her breasts.
"You're going to tell who about me?" Steve asked, surprised.
"Bethany, my best friend," she replied. "We've known each other since we were six, and we tell each other everything!" Danni saw the look on Steve's face and paused, placing her hand on his arm as she continued. "I mean, that's okay, isn't it? That I tell her about you?" she asked. Steve thought for just a moment before he looked at her and smiled, nodding his head.
"Sure, Danni, it's okay," he replied, and she smiled up at him.
"Good, because I want to brag to her about you!" she said, reaching up to peck him on the cheek. "Now let's get back to the party!" she said, taking him by the hand and leading him over to the door. She paused when she got to the door, turning to look up at him as she spoke again.
"Oh, and by the way, you've got yourself a girlfriend now!" she said, smiling up at him.
"I do?" he asked, looking down at her and smiling back.
"Yes, you do - maybe two, if you're lucky - and if I feel like sharing you with Bethany, that is!" she replied. Then she grabbed his hand and led a stunned Steve out of the room, pausing to remove the tie from the doorknob and placing it on the inner knob where she had found it. Then she pulled him down the hall to the stairs and back to the party.
Halfway down the stairs a still-stunned Steve suddenly realized just what the tie was for, and he grinned from ear to ear.
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