Lisa was sitting at
the computer desk in her room, having just updated her personal web page and
was now looking out her window at the pool in their back yard. It was Saturday,
which meant that her father didn’t have to work and had the whole day free, but
it also meant that her mother had the day off as well. She loved her mother
with all her heart and knew she should be feeling really guilty about having
sex with her father for that and other reasons, but she just didn’t. She felt
bad about sneaking around behind her mother’s back and wished there was a way
she could talk to her and tell her about it – her mother was her best friend,
and up until now she had always told her mother about anything – but as far as
feeling guilty about it, she just didn’t. And she had given up on trying to
figure it out – all she knew was that she thought her father was the sexiest,
most attractive, hottest and by far the most well-hung man she’d ever seen, and
the more she saw him the more she wanted to fuck him until he couldn’t move.
She let her mind drift for a few moments, looking at the mid-morning sunlight
reflecting off of the water in the pool as she recalled the last time they’d
had sex in her bathroom, until a knock at her door snapped her out of it.
“Can I come in,
Lisa?” her mother asked. That’s one of the many things she loved about her
parents – they respected her right to privacy without reservation or question,
and never came in her room without asking if it was okay first.
“Sure, Mom, come on
in,” she replied, turning to face the door. The door opened and her mother
stood there dressed in her scrubs, which was what she wore to work. This was
unusual for a Saturday, and Lisa’s heart began to race at what she hoped her
mother was about to tell her. She and her mom had planned on going out and
doing some shopping at the mall and then having lunch, but Lisa was willing to
do without that if her mother was getting ready to tell her what Lisa thought –
and hoped – she was.
“I’m sorry, honey,
but I won’t be able to go to the mall with you today,” her mom said. “As you
can see by my scrubs, I have to go to work. I’m sorry, baby,” she said, walking
over and running her hand over Lisa’s head.
“What happened, Mom?”
Lisa asked.
“The weekend
caregiver for one of my patients got into a car crash last night and is in the
hospital,” her mom replied, “so I have to go fill in and take care of the
patient until they can line up another weekend caregiver.”
“Is the caregiver
okay?” Lisa asked, genuinely concerned. She had met the weekend caregiver,
Monica, and liked her right away.
“Yes, she’s fine, but
she has a broken leg and a concussion, so she’ll be out of the loop for a
while,” her mom explained. “Unfortunately that means I’ll have to work tomorrow
as well because I don’t think they’ll be able to get a substitute before
“That’s okay, Mom,
you do what you have to do,” Lisa said, getting up and hugging her mom. “I
understand, so don’t worry. We can do the mall next weekend!”
“You’re a peach,
Lisa, thank you!” Miriam replied, hugging her back. When the hug was over she
said, “You think you can keep your dad out of trouble for the next two days?”
Lisa couldn’t help but smile.
“Oh, I think I can
handle him!” she replied, grinning from ear to ear. Miriam smiled back.
“I’m sure you can,
honey,” she said, then left the room and closed the door behind her.
Lisa sat down at her
desk, grinning like an idiot at the sudden turn of events which now left her
alone with her father for the next two days. She heard the back door close and
then her mother’s car start up a minute later, then heard it backing out of the
driveway before driving away. Lisa was deep into formulating all kinds of plans
for her and her father for the next two days, and a few minutes later she heard
the back door close again and looked out to see what was going on.
Her father had left
the house and was walking towards the pool, a large towel slung over his
shoulder. He was obviously going for a swim, and was wearing the same baggy
surfer-style bathing suit he always wore. When she was growing up she always
thought her dad kind of square and behind the times by the baggy trunks he
always wore, and even thought he was just too bashful to wear anything even
remotely revealing. But now that she’d seen the monster cock he had been hiding
all along, she understood completely. He would be the immediate sensation
wherever he went if he showed up in a racing-style suit or anything even
remotely snug since the size of his cock would be readily apparent. Her mind
drifted to the image of her father wearing a racing-style suit, the bulge of
his huge cock clearly visible through the nylon of the suit, every vein and
ridge prominent. Her pussy began to moisten at these thoughts, and she felt a
familiar tingling deep inside.
Then an idea hit her,
and without thinking she acted on it. She grabbed her purse from her bed and
raced down the stairs, across the kitchen and out the back door. Her father
turned in surprise as she came bursting out of the house.
“Where’s the fire,
sweetie?” he asked, just about to jump in the pool.
“Going to the mall to
get something, Daddy, I’ll be right back!” she said, and then she jumped in her
car, started it, backed out of the drive, and was gone.
“What the hell was
that all about?” Sam wondered. He pondered it for a moment, then dove in the
Forty-five minutes
later Lisa came back, parking her car where it was originally and getting out.
She walked over to the pool and stood at the edge as her father came swimming
up. He stood up in the water in front of her and she smiled down at him, loving
the sight of the water running over his lightly muscled frame.
“What was that all
about, baby?” he asked, wiping the water from his face with his hands.
“I bought you a
present!” she said, holding the bag out to him.
“You did? Why, baby?”
he said, reaching for the bag only to have her snatch it away from him. The
grin on her face told him she was up to something.
“Because I wanted to,
Daddy, that’s why!” she replied. “But before I give it to you, you have to make
me a promise.”
“And what promise is
that?” Sam asked, curious.
“You have to promise
me that you’ll use it, today, right now! And that you’ll use it every time you
come out here to the pool when it’s just me and you at home, okay, Daddy?” she
“That’s a strange
promise,” he mused. She was definitely up to something, no doubt about it.
“Do you promise or
not?” she asked.
“Yes, baby, I
promise,” Sam said, smiling at her. “Cross my heart and hope to die!” he said,
crossing his finger over his chest above his heart.
“Good! Then here’s
your surprise!” she said, holding the bag out to him. Sam took the bag from her
and looked inside. He grinned as he reached into the bag and pulled out a pair
of light blue spandex racing trunks, holding them up to get a better look at
“You know, I’ve
always wanted to wear a pair of these!” he said, grinning up at her.
“Then why didn’t you,
Daddy?” she asked, pleased that he liked her surprise. He gave her a sarcastic,
quizzical look as he replied.
“Uh, ‘scuse me,
sweetie, but have you seen the size of my cock?” he asked.
“I’ve more than just
seen it, Daddy,” she said, playing along with him, “or have you forgotten
“No, I haven’t
forgotten,” he replied, smiling at her and then looking at his new bathing suit
again. “I never wore a suit like this because I didn’t want to cause a scene,
and because your mom didn’t want me to; so, I didn’t.”
“Was Mom ashamed of
your big dick?” Lisa asked, crossing her arms under her big breasts and lifting
them up some. Sam felt his cock twitch at the sight.
“Exactly the
opposite, actually,” he replied, smiling at the memory. “She didn’t want the
other women to see what she had exclusive rights to!”
“Are you kidding?”
Lisa said, laughing. “If my husband had a cock as big as yours, I’d show him
off every chance I got!”
“Thank you, sweetie,
I appreciate that!” Sam said, walking over to the side of the pool and lifting
himself up to get out. When he was standing he kissed his daughter on the
cheek, then went over to get his towel and dry off.
“So, you’re gonna go
put them on, right?” she asked. “After all, you promised, Daddy!”
“I did, didn’t I?”
Sam said, looking down at the suit in his hand. “A promise is a promise!” he
said, then turned and walked towards the house. He stepped inside the kitchen,
stepped to the side of the door, and emerged a minute later wearing the spandex
suit. Lisa felt her pussy start to get wet immediately at the sight of his huge
cock pressing against the tight suit, every line and ridge visible. She guessed
it was about six inches long without being hard, and was pointed off to his
left and being held against his abdomen by the suit. The bulge of his big balls
was also plainly visible, although the tight suit made them look a bit smaller
than they actually were. She couldn’t take her eyes off of the image of his
cock pressing against the suit as he walked towards her, and Sam noticed the
look on her face and laughed.
“So I take it you
like what you see?” he asked, standing in front of her. She tore her eyes away
from the shape of his cock to look him in the eyes as she replied, and he could
see the lust beginning to build there.
“Are you kidding me?”
she exclaimed, her eyes wide. “That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, Daddy!
You look so hot in that suit! Makes me want to take you to the beach and show
you off to all my friends!”
“I bet that would go
over good with their parents!” he replied, grinning at her.
“Damn, Daddy, looking
at you in that suit is making me hot!” she said. “I’m going to go upstairs and
change, then jump in the pool with you if that’s okay,” she asked.
“Sure, sweetie, be
glad to have you!” he replied.
“Okay, be right
back!” Lisa said, then turned and headed for the house. She emerged about ten
minutes later wearing her bikini, and Sam had the passing thought that it had
taken her a long time just to get changed. But he let the thought pass as she
came running across the concrete towards the pool and jumped in, doing a
near-perfect cannonball and drenching him with water. That started a horseplay
session between the two of them that lasted the better part of ten minutes, and
when it was over they were both laughing and gasping for breath. They had
worked their way out to the middle of the pool and were now hanging on to the
edge of the pool, resting their chins on their arms as they were lying flat and
folded in front of them on the pool’s edge. They were both breathing hard, and
Sam looked over at his beautiful and incredibly sexy daughter and smiled; she
saw this and smiled back.
“I have another
surprise for you, Daddy,” she said, grinning slyly at him.
“Oh?” he asked, his
eyebrows raising. “And what might that be?”
“You’ll see!” she
said teasingly, which prompted Sam to reach out and put his hand on the top of
her head and push her under the water. This started another session of
horseplay that lasted for another five minutes. When they emerged from the deep
end, laughing as they waded into the end of the pool where the water was 4 feet
deep, Sam heard a car pulling into the driveway and looked up. He saw one of
Lisa’s friends, a stunning brunette named Karen, getting out of her car and
waving to Lisa as she began walking over to the pool. At 18 years of age Karen
was a year older than Lisa, but was in her grade at school. She and Lisa had
become fast friends as soon as they had met two years earlier. Karen was
wearing a loose-fitting white tank top and denim cutoffs, and Sam could see the
top to her bikini beneath the shirt. Sam always thought that she was by far the
most attractive of Lisa’s friends. They were similar in build, Karen also
having big breasts, and Sam guessed that the old saying of “Birds of a feather
flock together” was true. He looked over at Lisa as she waved back to her
friend, and then Lisa turned to him and smiled.
“Surprise!” she said,
holding her hands behind her back and rocking her shoulders from side to side
like a little girl, effectively waving her big breasts at him.
“Lisa…” Sam began,
but she cut him off.
“Well, I told you I
wanted to show you off! And besides, you should be proud of yourself, Daddy!
You’re very hot, you look great, and…well, and..”
“And I have a big
dick,” he finished for her.
“Yes, Daddy, you have
a very big dick which you should be proud of and show off every chance you get,
so I decided to give you the chance!”
“Hi, Lisa! Hi, Mr.
Jennings!” Karen said as she walked to the edge of the pool and stopped,
looking down. “Thanks for asking me over, Lisa, I was thinking about laying out
today and getting some sun, and doing it at your pool is a great idea!”
“We’re glad you could
make it, aren’t we, Daddy?” Lisa said, glancing at her father and smiling.
“Absolutely,” Sam
replied, vowing to get even with her later. He looked up at Karen and said, “So
take off your shirt and shorts and jump in!”
“Thanks, I will, but
I want to get some sun first,” Karen said, turning to walk over to the chaise
lounges next to the head of the pool. Lisa waded over to the edge of the pool
and got out, standing and then leaning over to the side as she squeezed the
water out of her hair with her hands.
“Aren’t you coming,
Daddy?” she asked, grinning at him.
“In a minute,
sweetie,” he replied, grinning back. “I want to swim a few laps first.”
“Okay, Daddy, just
don’t take too long!” Lisa said, then walked over to the lounge next to Karen
and sat down. Sam turned and dove into the water, heading for the deep end of
the pool. He swam in smooth, easy strokes, doing two laps easily, stopping when
he got back to the end of the pool closest to the girls. He stood up, running
his hands over his head to squeegee the water out of his hair, then climbed out
of the pool and stood up. The girls were lying on their backs on the chaise
lounges, both facing him with the backs of the lounges propped up, and were
talking as he got out of the pool. Karen had taken off her shirt and shorts and
was in her bikini now, and Sam couldn’t help but notice that she was a very
attractive and sexy young woman. Lisa turned her head to look at him and smiled
when she saw him, her eyes dropping to the outline of his huge cock beneath his
suit. Karen turned her head to see where Lisa was looking, and her mouth fell
open and she halted in mid-sentence when she saw the huge bulge in his suit.
Sam continued walking towards them, and he could feel his cock swell just a bit
at the attention he was getting. Karen was speechless, her mouth hanging open
as she watched Sam walk over and pick up a towel from the table next to his
lounge and begin to dry his hair with it.
“Oh…my…God!” Karen
said, her hand coming up slowly to her mouth. Her eyes were wide with surprise
as her gaze remained locked on the sight of his huge cock. She glanced up at
him quickly, then her eyes locked back onto his cock again. Sam felt it swell a
bit more and was actually feeling pretty good about her reaction to seeing it.
Sam looked at Karen’s breasts as she ogled his shaft and noticed that her
nipples had gotten hard and were poking out against the bikini top. After a few
moments of being mesmerized by his big cock Karen snapped out of it, flushing
with embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry,
Mr. Jennings!” she said, her hand still to her mouth. “I didn’t mean to stare,
it’s just that…well, you know, I’ve never…” she stammered, not knowing what to
say next.
“You’ve never seen
one that big before,” he said, finishing her sentence for her. He dropped the
towel on his lounge and sat down, Karen’s eyes following his cock as he did.
“It’s okay, Karen, really,” he said, smiling at her. “No need to be
embarrassed, because I’m not.”
“So what do you
think?” Lisa asked her friend.
“I think…I think I’m
really glad you called me and told me to come over!” Karen said, one corner of
her mouth turning up in a smile as she was finally able to pry her eyes from
Sam’s lap and look over at Lisa for a moment before turning to look Sam in the
eyes for a change. “I never would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my
own eyes!” she said, her gaze dropping back down to his lap again for a few
moments before looking back up at him. She opened her mouth as if to say
something, then stopped. Sam could see she was uncomfortable and knew what she
was going to ask, so he prodded her into asking it.
“Go ahead, Karen, ask
me,” he said, smiling at her. “You won’t embarrass me and I’ll tell you
whatever you want to know, so go ahead and ask.”
“Are you sure, Mr. Jennings?”
she said, looking down at his cock again.
“I’m sure, Karen,” he
replied. She looked up at him and paused for a moment, then asked.
“ big is
“Hard, or soft?” Sam
asked, playing with her and enjoying it. ‘I could get to like this!’ he
thought to himself.
“Well…both, I guess,”
Karen replied.
“Six inches soft,
eleven inches hard,” he said. Karen’s eyes flew open wide, and Lisa laughed at
her reaction.
“Eleven inches!” she cried, her eyes
wide in amazement. “You’re kidding me! I mean, no way!”
“Oh, very much way!”
Lisa said, grinning. “Eleven inches long and as thick as your wrist!” she said,
paraphrasing the slogan on one of his movie ads.
“Damn,” Karen said,
looking down at his cock again. “Eleven inches…that’s incredible!” she said,
looking up and down the length of his cock as it pressed against the suit. “I
don’t suppose…I mean, would you…” she stammered, looking up at him before
finishing. “Can I see it?” she said softly, her arousal becoming evident. Sam looked
over at Lisa and raised one eyebrow slightly as if to ask, ‘Can we trust her?’
Lisa smiled and nodded her head at him.
“Sure, Karen, but not
here,” he said, picking up his towel and standing up. Her eyes followed his
cock and got wider as it was level with her face, giving her a good look at it
before she stood up as well. “Let’s go into the house and take it from there,
shall we?” Sam said, then turned and walked towards the house with the two
girls following him. He walked through the kitchen and into his office,
stopping in front of the couch and turning to the girls.
“Have a seat,
ladies,” he said, motioning to the couch. He bent down and slid the coffee
table out of the way as the girls sat on the edge of the couch, then stood in
front of them with his hands on his hips. Karen’s eyes were big as she looked
at the tube of his huge cock, and she tentatively raised her hand up to touch
it, then stopped in mid-air and looked up at him.
“It’s okay, Karen,
you can touch it if you want,” he said softly.
“Oh, I want, all
right,” she said, laying her palm over the huge shaft and closing her fingers
on it, gently rubbing it up and down. Her hand was warm through the damp
bathing suit, and he felt his cock begin to swell beneath her touch. She gasped
as she felt it grow beneath her palm, her eyes wide and locked on his cock.
Lisa smiled as she watched her friend palm her father’s big dick.
“Pull it out,” Karen
said softly but urgently, removing her hand from his shaft. “I want to watch it
get hard!”
Without a word Sam
untied the strings on the inside of the suit and pulled the waistband out and
away from his body, then pulled the snug suit down over his hips and thighs to
let it drop on the floor. He kicked it to the side, his semi-erect cock hanging
down long and thick in front of him, rising up more and more with each pump of
blood coursing through it. Karen gasped slightly as she saw it for the first
time, reaching out to wrap her fingers around it.
“I told you!” Lisa
said to her friend. “I told you it was huge!”
“You certainly did,”
Karen replied, staring at Sam’s cock, watching and feeling it as it grew
harder, thicker, and much longer. She pumped it with her hand and was surprised
when it got so thick that her fingers wouldn’t reach all the way around it. She
let go of his cock and just sat there, watching his cock rise up, quickly
getting longer and thicker until it was fully erect. She looked up at Sam, her
mouth hanging open, and then looked back at his erect cock bobbing in front of
her face, then reached out with both hands.
“Oh, my God, it’s
huge!” she said as she wrapped her hands around his cock, one above the other.
The positioning of her arms forced her big breasts together, giving Sam a
perfect view of her cleavage. She began pumping his cock with both hands,
gripping him firmly, and he could feel the familiar tickle as the first stream
of precum flew up his long shaft to appear in a huge drop at the tip of his
cock. Without hesitation Lisa bent over and licked the drop of precum from his
cock, swallowing it and then smiling at Karen.
“You should try it,
his precum really tastes good!” she said, and Karen pumped his cock again.
After two pumps of her hands another big drop appeared, and Karen looked up at
him for a moment before leaning forward and licking the drop from the tip of
his cock. She swallowed it immediately, then pumped another out of his cock and
licked that one up as well.
“My God, I’ve never
seen so much precum come out of a man’s cock before!” she said, amazed at the
amount he was producing.
“Just wait ‘til you
see him cum!” Lisa said, reaching out and grasping her father’s cock with one
hand above Karen’s hand and just below the head of his cock. She squeezed her
hand around it, pumping in time with Karen’s motions.
“What do you mean?”
Karen said, looking over at Lisa.
“I mean, he cums
buckets!” she replied.
“Oh, this I gotta
see!” Karen said, smiling up at him and pumping his cock harder. His precum was
really flowing by now, and Lisa palmed her hand on the head of his cock to
spread it around and get him slippery.
“You might want to
spread your towel out over your lap, Karen,” Sam said, pointing to the towel on
the couch next to her. She looked over at the towel and then picked it up,
placing it on her lap over the tops of her thighs with one hand while keeping
the other wrapped around his cock.
“And you’re gonna
need to take your top off, too,” Lisa added, causing Karen to look at her.
“Unless you want it soaked in cum, that is,” she said.
“He cums that much?”
Karen asked, looking up at Sam and then at his cock.
“Trust me!” Lisa
said, smiling at her and nodding her head. Karen released his cock from her
grasp and pulled the tank top over her head and dropped it to the floor, then
reached behind her back to untie her bikini top. She pulled it up over her head
and dropped it on the floor next to her shirt, her big, heavy breasts swaying
as she moved.
Sam looked down and
saw her big breasts for the first time, noting that her nipples were big and
hard, the areolas around them dark and prominent; she was at least as big as
Lisa, and Sam wondered how her breasts would feel in his hands. Maybe he’d get
to find out, he hoped as Karen wrapped her hands around his cock again and
began pumping, gripping him firmly and forcing more precum out of him. Lisa had
taken her hand from his cock and was just watching as her friend tugged on her
father’s cock with both hands, grinning at the look of amazement on Karen’s
face as she pumped Sam’s big dick.
“I just can’t get
over how big your cock is, Mr. Jennings!” Karen said, looking up at him as she
continued tugging on his shaft.
“Please, call me
Sam,” he replied, smiling down at her. “Considering that you have your hands
wrapped around my cock, I think it’s more than appropriate that you call me by
my first name, don’t you?”
“Okay, Sam,” Karen
replied, smiling up at him and then looking back down at the monster cock she
held in her hands. The precum was literally pouring from him, running down the
underside of the head of his cock and over the back of her hands. She looked
over at Lisa sitting next to her, and Lisa urged her on.
“Go ahead, do it!”
she said, grinning. Sam could see that his daughter’s nipples were rock-hard
and straining against her bikini top. “I told you his precum tastes good!”
Without a word Karen
leaned forward and licked the big drop of precum from the tip of his cock and
swallowed it. Then she leaned forward and placed her lips over the tip of his
cock and sucked hard, drawing the fluid from him as she gripped and tugged on his
cock even harder. Sam felt the tickling in his shaft as she pumped and sucked
the precum out of him, and he moaned slightly. Karen looked up at him and
sucked even harder.
“Damn, you go, girl!”
Lisa said, sliding her hand down into her bikini bottoms as she watched her
friend sucking on her father’s huge cock. Karen then slipped her lips down over
the bulbous head of Sam’s cock, her jaws opening wide as she slid her mouth
down and over his head. She managed to get about two more inches into her
mouth, but that’s all she could manage. She slid her mouth up and down his cock
a few times before sliding her mouth from his shaft.
“Ow!” she said,
working her jaw and smiling. “My mouth just isn’t big enough to handle this
thing!” she said, a bit disappointed. “Guess I’ll just have to jerk you off
instead, huh, Sam?” she said, looking up at him as she tugged on his cock. Sam
looked down at her big breasts, noting that the nipples were hard and erect,
the areola slightly crinkled.
“I guess so,” Sam
“Just remember what I
said about how much he cums!” Lisa warned, slightly breathless. Sam looked over
and saw his daughter’s fingers working her pussy inside the bikini bottoms she
“Use your hands to
spread the precum around,” Sam instructed, and Karen did so. She ran her hands
from the tip of his cock down his shaft, one after the other, spreading his
slippery precum over the bulbous head and down his shaft. After about a minute
his cock was glistening with the slippery fluid, and Karen’s hands were gliding
up and down his shaft as she gripped it firmly, her hands moving in a steady,
even pace. Sam moaned again as she pulled and tugged at his cock, and he knew
it wouldn’t be long before Karen was going to see just how much he really could
cum. He looked over at Lisa and saw that she was sitting back on the couch, one
hand down her bikini bottoms and working her pussy while her other hand
alternated breasts, squeezing them and rolling the nipples between her fingers.
She looked up at him with hooded eyes, the lust and desire blazing, her mouth
slightly open; he looked back at her and smiled, and then she turned her gaze
back to Karen’s hands on his huge cock.
“Mmm, your cock feels
so good in my hands, Sam,” she said, looking up at him. Sam could see the desire
in her eyes as well, and had his first thought as to how this was all going to
end up. “So big and thick, pulsing and throbbing…I love it! Are you gonna cum
for me, Sam?” she asked, moving her hands a bit faster. “Are you gonna cum all
over me, drench me with your cum?”
“Oh, yeah,” Sam
replied, looking down at her, his breath coming faster with his quickly
building orgasm. “In about another thirty seconds!” he said, his hips starting
to move involuntarily in response to Karen’s tugging on his cock.
“Then let me have it,
Sam,” she urged, moving her hands faster, sliding them up and down his long,
thick cock, all the way up and over the sensitive head before sliding all the
way down to the base with both hands. Sam saw her big breasts bobbing and swaying
with her movements, and the sight excited him more.
“Cum for me, Sam, cum
all over my face and tits!” she said, urging him on as she pumped his cock
harder and faster. Sam felt his balls tighten and his cock widen in her hands,
his orgasm mere seconds away.
“Here it comes!” he
warned, and then groaned as his orgasm hit. Karen had his cock pointed right at
her face and was looking at it when his cock exploded in her tugging, pulling
hands, and the first long blast of hot, thick cum hit her right between the
eyes. The blast of cum splattered onto her face, wrapping around the sides of
her head and flying into her hair, and she yelped and jerked back slightly in
surprise. She held on to his cock and kept stroking it as it pumped and
throbbed in her hands, shooting stream after stream of cum in long, heavy
ropes. She pointed his spurting cock down to her breasts as he continued to
cum, the second blast hitting her on the chin and neck and the rest landing on
her big breasts as she guided his cock from side to side, covering her breasts
with his cum. She watched in fascination, his cum dripping from her eyelashes
and nose, as he cock spurted again and again in her hands, unleashing a flood
of cum onto her breasts. She laughed as he covered her, the pumping of his cock
seeming to go on forever as it sprayed stream after stream of cum onto her
Somewhere in the back
of his mind Sam heard Lisa moan, and in the midst of his orgasm he glanced over
to see her lying back, her hand furiously working her pussy as she stared at
his cock as it pumped his cum onto Karen, her other hand pulling on her nipple
as she came. Her thighs were clamped together and were quivering, and Sam knew
that she was cumming hard.
The pumping and
throbbing of Sam’s cock in Karen’s hands finally slowed, the last little stream
of cum trickling out of the end of his cock to land on the towel spread across
Karen’s thighs. There was quite a bit of cum on the towel since Sam had covered
her face and breasts with it, and the excess had dripped off of her breasts and
nipples to fall on the towel. Karen held his cock up in her hands and slowly
licked the underside of the head, licking up the last little bit of cum that
hung there. She looked up at him as she did this, slowly swallowing his cum and
smiling seductively at him. She pumped his cock two more times, got a big drop
of cum for her efforts, and licked it up as well. Then she released his cock
and looked down at her breasts, holding her hands apart and laughing slightly.
“Oh my God, look at
this!” she exclaimed, looking up at Sam and grinning. “I’ve never seen this
much cum in my entire life! I didn’t think a man could shoot this much cum at
one time!”
“Told you,” Lisa
gasped from the couch next to her, trying to catch her breath after a huge
orgasm had ravaged its way through her.
“Yeah, you did, but
still..” Karen said, looking over at Lisa and then looking down at the cum
dripping slowly from both nipples. Sam stood still in front of her, catching
his breath as well, and Karen looked up at him and smiled before looking over
at Lisa again.
“You came, didn’t
you?” she asked, grinning at Lisa. Lisa just smiled back and nodded, then
nodded her chin in her father’s direction.
“Look,” she said.
Karen turned and looked back at Sam’s cock, her mouth falling open at what she
“You’re still hard!”
Karen exclaimed, looking up in amazement at Sam. Her pussy had gotten wet as a
result of everything that had just happened, but now she felt it flood anew as
she realized what she wanted to happen next.
“Yep,” Sam replied,
looking past his throbbing cock at her, the head bobbing in front of her as the
blood continued to pump through it.
“Can you cum again?”
she asked, mesmerized by the sight of his still-erect cock.
“Oh, yeah,” Sam
replied, “And I’m gonna, too. Stand up,” he said, then looked over at Lisa and
said, “You too, sweetie. Stand up.”
More to come…
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