The next morning Sam
was the first one up and out of bed, so he slipped on a pair of shorts and a
t-shirt before going downstairs to make the coffee. He stooped over his
sleeping wife to kiss her on the cheek before he left the room, taking a moment
to marvel at how beautiful she was and how very lucky he was to have found her.
On his way down the hallway he peeked into Lisa’s room and saw that she, too,
was still sleeping, lying on her back with her arms spread out so that her
hands were level with her head. The covers had slipped down to her stomach
leaving her full, rounded breasts exposed, and Sam paused to admire her beauty
for a moment before continuing downstairs.
Fifteen minutes later
Sam was sitting at the kitchen table drinking his coffee and reading the
morning paper, the morning sunlight coming in through the windows and the glass
of the kitchen door, when he heard someone coming down the stairs. He smiled at
Miriam as she walked into the kitchen, once again wearing her tie-dyed tank top
and nothing else.
“Hey, baby,” she
said, smiling drowsily at him.
“Morning, baby,” he
replied, sipping his coffee as he watched her walk over to the coffee pot. He
couldn’t help but notice and admire her huge breasts swaying and bobbing as she
walked, unfettered as they were beneath her tank top, and when she reached up
to get a coffee mug out of the cabinet he was treated to a momentary glimpse of
the curves of the bottom of her ass. He chuckled to himself and caused Miriam
to turn and look at him over her shoulder.
“What are you
chuckling about so early in the morning?” she asked, reaching for the coffee
pot and pouring some into her mug. She put the pot back on the warmer and
walked over to the table to sit next to him as he replied.
“Oh, nothing, just
admiring the view of the rising moon,” he said, grinning at her. She smacked
him on the arm as she sat down next to him.
“You’re terrible!”
she said, grinning back at him before taking a sip of her coffee.
“That’s not what you
said last night,” he replied, and she smacked him again. He reached over to
kiss her on the cheek and she smiled, then kissed his cheek in return. Just
then they both heard Lisa come bounding down the stairs, and a moment later she
appeared around the corner as she walked briskly into the kitchen. She was
wearing another middie t-shirt and a new pair of thong panties that her father
had bought for her the day before, and both of them noticed her big, full
breasts bouncing braless beneath the top.
“Good morning, you
two!” she said, walking over to kiss them both on the cheek before turning and
going over to the refrigerator to get some orange juice.
“Good morning,
honey,” Miriam said.
“Morning, sweetie,”
Sam said. “Sleep good?”
“Like a rock!” she
replied, pouring orange juice into a glass and then putting the container back
into the refrigerator. “And I bet you guys did, too!”
“And just why is
that?” Miriam asked, smiling at her daughter as she came over to sit at the
table with them.
“Because I bet you
two screwed your brains out last night after you went to bed, didn’t you?” she
asked, a coy smile on her face as she looked from one parent to the other.
“C’mon, admit it, you did, didn’t you?” she said as her parents gave each other
a knowing look and a smile.
“Like rabbits,” her
father said, and they all laughed.
“So what’s on your
agenda for today, sweetie?” Sam asked, finishing his coffee and getting up to
put the cup in the sink. Then he turned and leaned against the countertop,
crossing his arms over his chest and looking at Lisa.
“Actually, Mom and I
are going to head out to the mall and do the ‘girl thing’,” Lisa replied,
looking over at her mom and smiling. “Do some shopping, grab some lunch, things
like that.”
“Sounds like a good
time,” Sam said. “I’m glad to see you two go out and do things together, and I
hope you have a good time.”
“Oh, I’m sure we
will,” Miriam said. “It seems that Lisa and I have a lot more in common these
days than we thought.”
“Ain’t that the
truth,” Sam replied, smiling at both of them.
“Well, it’s shower
time for me,” Lisa said, standing up from the table. She leaned over and kissed
her mother on the cheek and said, “I love you, Mom!”
“I love you, too,
honey,” Miriam replied. Then Lisa walked over to her father and kissed him on
the cheek as well.
“I love you, Daddy,”
she said softly, gazing into his eyes with a gentle smile on her face.
“I love you too,
sweetie,” Sam replied, smiling back at her. Then she turned and went up the
stairs, still as bouncy and as energetic as she was when she came down.
“Oh, to be young
again,” Miriam said from the table.
“Hey, we don’t do too
bad, and we aren’t that old, ya know,” Sam replied, grinning at her.
“So when are you
going to tell her, baby?” Miriam asked, getting up from the table and taking
her empty cup to the sink and placing it in next to his. Then she leaned her
hip against the counter and looked at Sam as he replied.
“Either tonight or
this afternoon when the two of you get home, I guess,” Sam said. “I’ll call the
clinic first thing Monday morning and set up the appointment, and then get it
taken care of.”
“You’re sure, baby?”
Miriam asked. “I mean, once it’s done it’s done and can’t be reversed, you
“I’m sure, baby,” Sam
replied, reaching out and taking her hand. “I don’t want any more children no
matter what, so it’s the logical thing to do.”
“Okay, as long as
you’re sure,” she said, smiling at him and then reaching up to kiss him softly
on the lips. “And now it’s shower time for me, too…you wanna come?” she asked,
a slight grin crossing her lips.
“You’ll never get out
of here if I do,” Sam replied, giving her the same grin.
“No, I don’t think I
would!” Miriam said, and Sam smacked her playfully on the ass as she walked
past him towards the stairs. He watched her go, then went into his office to
finish reading the paper while Miriam took her shower.
An hour later Miriam
and Lisa came downstairs together, both of them ready to leave. They came into
the office and kissed Sam goodbye, then headed out the door and were gone. Sam
got up and went upstairs to shave and shower himself, and he was actually
looking forward to a little bit of “Me Time” while the girls were gone. He
stripped off his t-shirt and tossed it on the bed, then slipped out of his
shorts and tossed them on top of the shirt to walk naked into his bathroom. He
stopped and looked at himself in the mirror over the sink, turning sideways to
see his profile. He was pleased with what he saw; he tried to take care of
himself and stay in shape, and his flat stomach was testimony to that.
“Not too bad for a
man in his late thirties,” he said to himself. Then he ran some hot water in
the sink and reached for his razor, spending the next ten minutes shaving his
balls smooth as he did every two days or so. This was something he’d picked up
from his days in porn and continued doing once he stopped making movies. Then
he shaved the stubble from his face, using an electric razor to make sure that
he was smooth both top and bottom. After that he took a shower, and while he
was in the shower he decided that once he’d checked his e-mail and caught up on
world news he was going to spend the rest of the morning in the bathing suit
his daughter had bought him, sunning himself and swimming in the pool.
And that’s exactly
what he did, alternating between laying out on the chaise lounge and getting
some sun and swimming in the pool to cool off when the sun got too hot. Around
noon or so he went into the house and had lunch, then came right back out to
the pool to continue relaxing his day away. A little after one o’clock he heard
a car pull into the driveway and looked up to see his wife’s car just coming to
a stop. Miriam and Lisa got out of the car, laughing and smiling, then
retrieved some bags out of the back seat and walked into the back yard. They
both smiled at him when they saw him at the pool.
“Hey, handsome!”
Miriam called out, a big smile on her face. “I see you’ve had a really hard day
at home, huh?”
“Yeah, it’s been pure
torture, sunning and swimming all day long,” he replied, smiling back at her.
“Looks like the two of you had a good time,” he said.
“Yeah, we did,” Lisa
replied, “and we’ve got a surprise for you, too, Daddy!” she said, holding up
one of the bags and grinning at him.
“Two of them,
actually,” Miriam continued, “one for now and one for later.”
“So when do I get to
see the one for now?” Sam asked, sitting up on the lounge and facing them. He
noticed that both of them dropped their eyes to his crotch and eyed the bulge
of his cock for a moment as soon as he sat up, then looked back up at his face.
He decided to have a little fun with them at their expense. “Should I stand up
so you can see better, ladies?” he asked, a grin on his face. His daughter,
much to his surprise, replied without missing a beat or batting an eye.
“That would be great,
Daddy, yes!” she said, smiling at him.
“By all means,”
Miriam said, also smiling. Sam laughed at how quickly they’d responded without
being embarrassed, then stood up and put his hands on his hips.
“There, how’s that?
Better?” he asked. Both women dropped their eyes to the bulge of his huge cock
pressing against the material of the suit, the outline of his shaft and the
ridges of the head plainly visible. Both women smiled as they looked, and Sam
smiled as he saw two pairs of nipples getting hard.
“Much!” Miriam said,
looking up at him and smiling. Lisa looked up at him and smiled as she spoke.
“You’ve got a great
cock, Daddy!” she said.
“Why, thank you,
sweetie!” he replied.
“Come on, Lisa, let’s
go inside and get changed so we can show your father his first surprise,”
Miriam said, nudging Lisa with her elbow. “Be right back, baby!” Miriam said to
Sam as the two women turned and walked towards the house. Sam sat down on his
chaise lounge, smiling to himself, and waited for the two women to return. Less
than ten minutes later the back door to the house opened and they came out, and
Sam’s mouth fell open and his cock began to get hard at what he saw.
Miriam and Lisa were
wearing identical white bikinis, and they were absolutely the smallest, tiniest
bikinis Sam had ever seen. The cups were barely big enough to cover their
nipples and areolas and did absolutely nothing to prevent the huge mounds of
their breasts from swaying and wobbling as they walked. The material of the bottoms
was just big enough to cover their pubic mounds, and was snug-fitting enough so
that the folds of their labia were clearly visible. When the two women were
standing right in front of him they both turned around to let him see the thong
running up between the cheeks of their ass, paused for a moment, then turned
back around to face him again. They were both smiling as they stood with their
hands on their hips.
“Well, what do you
think?” Miriam asked.
“Yeah, Daddy, how do
we look?” Lisa asked.
“I think you both
look incredible!” he replied, his eyes going from one woman to the other.
Miriam stepped over to him and leaned over to kiss him briefly, her huge
breasts hanging down in front of her and giving him a perfect view of her
spectacular cleavage.
“Thank you, baby,”
she said, then stepped aside as Lisa walked up and bent over to kiss him as
well, giving him the same view of her big breasts.
“Thank you, Daddy!”
she said, her eyes sparkling.
“Last one in the pool
is a rotten egg!” Miriam cried, shoving Lisa into her father and sending her
sprawling. Then she turned and ran for the pool, diving into the deep end with
Lisa and Sam hot on her heels.
The three of them
spent the next several hours swimming, playing around in the pool and relaxing
in the sun. All three of them were harboring the idea of having sex right there
in the pool, with all three of them letting their hands occasionally roam over
the bodies of the other two, tugging and squeezing and pinching as the mood
struck. But all three of them knew the pool area wasn’t private enough, so they
managed to control their urges until later. A little after three thirty Miriam
said that she was ready to go inside and shower, and both Lisa and Sam agreed.
“Too bad we don’t
have a shower big enough for all three of us,” Lisa said, a coy smile on her
face. “That would be a blast!”
“Yeah, it would,
wouldn’t it?” Sam said, looking at Miriam as an idea struck him. She caught the
look on his face but decided that she’d ask him about it later. Right now they
all stood up, gathered up their towels and suntan lotion, then went inside with
Sam trailing behind the two women to admire the view.
“You two ladies go
ahead,” Sam said as they walked into the kitchen, “I’ll wait my turn and have a
beer while I’m waiting.”
“Okay, baby, we won’t
be long,” Miriam said as she and Lisa walked out of the kitchen and up the
stairs. Sam got a beer out of the refrigerator, went into his office and spread
the towel over his desk chair to protect the fabric from the mixture of sweat
and suntan oil on his skin, then sat down to check the news and drink his beer.
Once upstairs Miriam
walked into her bedroom to take off her bikini and shower, and Lisa followed
her into the room.
“So, Mom, didn’t
Daddy look hot in that bathing suit?” she asked, walking over to the bed and
sitting down on the corner as Miriam tossed her towel into the hamper next to
the bathroom door. “I mean, with his cock pressing against the material and
everything visible like that, it was just, wow!”
“He does look good,
doesn’t he?” Miriam asked in agreement, walking over to stand in front of her
daughter as she sat on the bed. “And you look pretty hot yourself, honey. That
suit really looks good on you, and you fill it out just perfectly!”
“Thanks, Mom,” Lisa
replied, smiling up at her mother. “You’re just as hot, you know. I mean,
you’ve got a great figure and your boobs are so much bigger than mine!” Miriam
smiled at the compliment and turned away from Lisa as she spoke.
“Untie me, honey,”
she said, and Lisa stood up to untie the knots holding her mom’s bikini top in
place. Miriam slipped the top from her huge breasts and turned around to face
Lisa, and Lisa’s eyes dropped to her breasts.
“Damn, Mom, your
boobs are huge! Do you think mine will get that big, too?” she asked.
“Probably,” Miriam
replied, smiling at her daughter. “Now turn around so I can untie you,” she
said, and Lisa turned around as told. Miriam untied the two knots and Lisa
slipped the top from her body, dropping it to the bed. Miriam stepped in close
behind Lisa and slid her hands around Lisa’s ribs and up under her breasts to
cup the big, heavy mounds in her hands, and Lisa could feel the mounds of her
mother’s huge breasts pressing against her back. Miriam lifted the big globes
in her hands, feeling their weight on her palms, before squeezing them gently
but firmly in her hands. She heard Lisa moan and felt her press her ass back
against Miriam as Miriam tugged on Lisa’s nipples. Miriam pulled Lisa closer to
her as she massaged and squeezed Lisa’s big breasts in her hands, and Lisa let
her head fall back and turned her head to the side to face her mother. Miriam
turned her head and they kissed, their soft lips touching and then parting as
Miriam’s tongue slipped into Lisa’s mouth. Miriam could feel Lisa’s nipples
harden beneath her touch, and she felt her own pussy getting wetter by the
second as her daughter slipped her tongue into Miriam’s mouth to return the
Lisa turned in
Miriam’s arms to face her, never breaking the kiss as she slid one arm around
Miriam to pull her close while she slid her other hand up Miriam’s body to
grasp one of Miriam’s huge breasts in her hand. She closed her fingers around
the mammoth globe and squeezed, firmly at first and then a bit harder, and
Miriam moaned slightly at her touch. Lisa broke the kiss to run a trail of
kisses down the side of Miriam’s neck and down her chest to her nipples,
lifting both of Miriam’s huge mounds up to her mouth and sucking first one nipple
and then the other into her mouth.
Miriam was caught a
little by surprise at the sudden change in Lisa; what had started out as Miriam
seducing Lisa had turned rapidly into Lisa taking charge and seducing her. She
smiled as Lisa sucked hard on one nipple as she slid her hand down Miriam’s
flat stomach and into her bikini bottom, cupping Miriam’s mound in her hand and
feeling her wetness seeping out from between her smooth shave lips. Miriam
sighed as she did the same to Lisa, sliding her hand down Lisa’s firm, flat
stomach and inside her bikini bottom to her own pussy, marveling at how smooth
the lips were. Lisa was soaking wet, and Miriam slid a finger between her lips
and into Lisa’s pussy. Lisa gasped and clenched her pussy around Miriam’s
finger, then slipped her own finger inside Miriam’s tunnel in response.
Without a spoken word
both women slipped the thong bottoms from the other’s hips, stepping out of
them without releasing their holds on each other, and then Lisa lifted her head
from Miriam’s breasts to kiss her again, her tongue shooting deep into Miriam’s
mouth as her passion rose. Lisa slid her hand around Miriam’s body to grip her
ass and pull her close as Miriam did the same, marveling at how taut and firm
Lisa’s ass was. Lisa maneuvered Miriam over to the bed and turned her so that
her back was against it, and then she broke the kiss and playfully pushed
Miriam back onto the bed. Miriam laughed as she landed on the bed, her huge
mounds bouncing on her chest as she landed, and she quickly moved into the
center of the bed with her head at the foot of the bed instead of at the top on
the pillows. Lisa quickly got on the bed and straddled her mother, turning to
face Miriam’s feet and moving quickly into the classic ‘69’ position.
Miriam looked up and
saw Lisa’s smooth pussy lips, glistening with her wetness, as Lisa looked down
and saw the same thing between Miriam’s legs. Miriam slipped her hands up
around Lisa’s hips to grasp the globes of her ass and pulled Lisa’s hips down,
pulling her pussy right onto Miriam’s mouth. Lisa gasped as she felt her
mother’s lips on her outer lips and her tongue sliding between them to slip up
and down her length, then moaned as Miriam’s tongue slipped up and over her
clit. Lisa lowered her head to her mother’s pussy and did the same thing to
her, slipping her tongue up and down Miriam’s wet slit and over her hard nub of
a clit, making Miriam shudder beneath her. Lisa slipped her hands under
Miriam’s ass and gripped it hard in her hands as she clamped her lips around
Miriam’s clit and sucked it into her mouth, making Miriam squeal and buck
beneath her. Then it was Lisa’s turn to squeal and buck in Miriam’s grasp as
she did the same thing to Lisa’s clit, sucking it into her mouth and running
her tongue over it. Lisa clamped her thighs around Miriam’s head as she slid
her tongue deep into Lisa’s pussy, and then Lisa did the same thing to Miriam
which brought a similar response. Lisa and Miriam both began moaning as they
worked each other closer to orgasm, locked tightly into their ‘69’ and
determined to make the other cum first.
Sam finished his beer
and took the empty bottle into the kitchen to throw it away, and as he did so
he realized that it had been at least fifteen minutes since the two women had
gone upstairs to shower but there wasn’t any water running yet. He tossed the
bottle into the trash and then went up the stairs, walked down the hallway to
his bedroom and stopped dead in his tracks in the doorway when he looked inside
and saw his daughter and wife locked in a ‘69’ position on the bed, each of
them moaning into the other’s pussy. He had a clear view of his daughter’s ass
and pussy as Miriam worked on her, sucking on her clit as Lisa ground her hips
down and around on Miriam’s face.
He didn’t make a
sound as he stood still and watched them go at it, and he felt his cock quickly
begin to harden. He quietly slipped the bathing suit off and dropped it on the
floor, giving his big cock room to grow to its full length and girth. It did so
quickly, the sight of the two women going at it exciting him more than he
thought it would. He reached down and grabbed his throbbing cock with his hand
and slowly began to pump it, and the precum immediately began to flow. He
stroked his cock slowly as he watched, and a few moments later both women began
moaning louder and longer, their bodies started shaking, and he knew that they
were both cumming into the other’s mouth. He saw his wife grip Lisa’s ass hard,
her fingers sinking into the firm globes as her orgasm shook her, and he saw
Lisa’s thighs clamp around her head as she came. He saw Miriam’s thighs clamp
around Lisa’s head as her own orgasm broke, and he felt his cock throbbing in
his hand as he stroked it while watching the women cum.
After several long,
pleasurable moments of one of the most intense orgasms Miriam had ever
experienced, she relaxed her grip on Lisa’s ass and dropped her head back to
the mattress, releasing Lisa’s clit from her lips. She was gasping for breath
as Lisa slowly licked her pussy, slipping her tongue up and down the slit
slowly as she recovered from her own orgasm. Then Miriam noticed a shadow fall
across Lisa’s ass and looked up to see the bulbous head of Sam’s huge cock
right above her face, the precum drooling out of the tip to land on her lips
and chin. Sam was gripping his cock in his hand and slowly pumping it, and had
obviously been watching them for a while. She looked up past his huge shaft to
his face, seeing the lust and desire burning in his eyes, and nodded her
approval at what she knew he was going to do. She slipped her hands around
Lisa’s ass to her pussy and pulled her outer lips apart with her fingers,
holding them open wide for Sam’s cock.
Sam saw his wife
holding Lisa’s pussy open for him, and he used the palm of his hand to spread
his precum over the head of his cock as he moved into position. He guided the
now-slick head of his cock into position at Lisa’s opening and then pushed
hard, stretching her pussy open as the bulbous head slid inside followed by the
first three inches of his thick shaft.
Lisa’s head shot up
from between her mother’s thighs, her eyes flew open wide and she cried out in
pleasant surprise as she felt her father’s monster cock force its way into her
tight, wet pussy. She moaned as her father immediately began stroking his cock
in and out of her tunnel, pushing more and more of it further and further into
her pussy with each thrust. She felt his hands grip her hips and pull her back
to him as he pushed the last few inches of his huge cock into her pussy, and
she groaned as she felt the head of his cock hit bottom in her and felt his
balls bumping against her clit. She squeezed her pussy hard around his cock and
heard him groan in response.
Miriam watched in
amazement as Sam pushed his huge cock into Lisa’s tight pussy, and when he had
the entire shaft buried deep inside her his balls were literally bumping
against her lips. She opened her mouth and slid her tongue out to lick his
balls, then placed her lips against his sack and sucked one of them into her
wet mouth. She rolled it around her mouth and over her tongue, sucking and
pulling on it as Sam moved in very short, gentle strokes above her, just barely
moving his cock inside Lisa’s pussy because of the grip Miriam had on his balls
with her mouth. She sucked on his balls for a few moments and then released
them from her mouth, knowing that the sensations of Lisa’s tight, wet pussy
wrapped around his cock and squeezing the shaft combined with her hot, wet
mouth sucking on his balls just had to have him chomping at the bit to start
fucking Lisa.
And she was right. As
soon as she released his balls from her mouth Sam gripped Lisa’s hips in his
hands hard and began thrusting his thick, hard cock in and out of her tight
pussy in long, deep, and hard strokes. Miriam lay back and watched Sam’s
glistening, veiny cock slide in and out of Lisa’s wet pussy, Sam pulling it
almost all of the way out before driving it all the way back into her again.
Lisa was yelping and crying out with each hard forward thrust of Sam’s cock
into her pussy, and this only made Sam fuck her that much harder. Lisa dropped
her head and clamped her lips on Miriam’s clit and sucked on it hard, her body
bucking and jerking under the pounding Sam was giving her pussy, and Miriam
cried out as Lisa sucked hard on her clit. She gritted her teeth and squeezed
her eyes shut as she came suddenly and violently, and a split second later she
felt Lisa’s body tense and heard her cry out between Miriam’s thighs as she
came as well. Sam continued pounding his big, thick cock in and out of Lisa’s
pussy relentlessly, feeling his own orgasm beginning to build as the first
faint twinges made themselves felt at the base of his balls.
Miriam was breathing
hard and gasping for breath beneath Lisa when her orgasm faded, and she opened
her eyes to see Sam’s cock pistoning in and out of Lisa’s pussy. She looked
past that and saw the look on Sam’s face, and knew that he was moments away
from cumming.
“Pull out when you
cum,” she gasped, pausing to catch her breath, “I want to see you cum all over
her pussy!”
Sam nodded as he
continued thrusting, and a few seconds later he felt his orgasm about to break.
He thrust harder and deeper making Lisa cry out as he did so, and Miriam
wrapped her legs around Lisa’s head, crossing her ankles and clamping her
thighs tight around Lisa’s head to hold her down.
When Sam saw Miriam’s
legs wrap around Lisa’s head and her thighs clamp shut, that set him off. He
thrust quickly and deeply into Lisa’s pussy a few more strokes, feeling his
balls shifting and his shaft widening, and then his orgasm hit. He pulled his
cock out of Lisa’s pussy and grabbed it with his hand just as it exploded, the
first stream of cum blasting out of his cock and hitting Lisa’s pussy squarely.
Sam pumped his cock with his hand as he came, his throbbing, pulsing cock
shooting long ropes of hot, thick cum all over Lisa’s pussy and ass, and then
he pointed it down to blast Miriam’s face as well. His cock pumped over and
over again, pulsing and throbbing in his hand as his cum erupted in a torrent,
stream after stream of thick cum spewing out of his cock and coating Lisa’s
pussy and Miriam’s face. Sam threw his head back and groaned loudly as his
orgasm ran its course, his knees shaking with the force of it.
When his orgasm
finally ended and the pumping of his cock ceased, the last of his cum dripping
from the head of his cock to land on Miriam’s cheek, Sam was left coated with a
fine layer of sweat and gasping for breath. Miriam released her legs from
around Lisa’s head, and she promptly collapsed full-length onto Miriam. Miriam
looked up at Sam and smiled, his cum covering her face and Lisa’s ass and
pussy, and Sam smiled back. Miriam could feel Lisa’s body moving as she gasped
for breath, and she could feel Lisa’s breath against her inner thigh. Sam
stepped back out of her line of sight, and a few moments later he reappeared
with a small towel in his hand. He held it out to Miriam, who tapped Lisa on
the hip to get her attention. Lisa rolled off of Miriam, lying on her side, and
Miriam took the towel from Sam to clean his cum from her face as she sat up.
“Now we all really do
need a shower!” Miriam said, looking over at Lisa as she was lying on her side.
Lisa was looking at her and smiling, and she laughed at Miriam’s remark.
“I know how it felt
from my end,” Lisa said, taking the towel offered to her from Sam and placing
it over her ass before rolling over and sitting up, “How did it look from your
end, Mom?”
“Incredible,” Miriam
said, grinning. “Simply incredible! It’s something you’ll have to see for
yourself to really appreciate!”
“I think we can
arrange that,” Sam said, standing at the end of the bed, his now-soft cock
hanging down in front of him. Lisa looked at his shaft and was still amazed at
how long and thick it was even after he had just cum and he was soft; even like
this he was still bigger than most normal men were when they were hard and
hadn’t cum yet. “Just say the word and it’s a done deal!”
“I’ll keep that in
mind, you big stud, you,” Miriam said, smiling at him as she got up from the
bed. Sam watched her huge boobs swaying as she moved, something he knew he’d
never get tired of. “But right now I really need that shower!” she said,
walking past Sam and kissing him on the cheek on her way to the bathroom. A few
seconds later Sam finally heard the water running and smiled.
“Shower time for me,
too, Daddy,” Lisa said, getting up from the bed and walking over to Sam to kiss
him on the other cheek. Then she stood on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear.
“You made me cum so hard!” Then she walked out of the room and headed for her
bathroom, and a few minutes later Sam heard the water running there as well.
Sam stood at the foot
of the bed for a few moments, then turned to look into his bathroom. He could
see the silhouette of his wife’s body in the shower as she washed, lifting her
huge breasts up in her soapy hands, and was surprised when he felt his cock
getting hard again. It got hard very quickly, standing up in front of him and
throbbing slightly. Sam looked down at his huge erect cock and chuckled.
“Damned thing has a
mind of its own,” he said as he walked into the bathroom and reached for the
shower door.
More to come...
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