Author's note: Deepest apologies for missing a week! My schedule got hectic and it was this week before I knew it. Thanks for your patronage and patience!
The next morning Sam
was the first one up, as usual, so he went downstairs wearing just his t-shirt
– as usual these days – to fix the coffee. Ten minutes later the coffee was
ready and he was sitting at the kitchen table, reading the paper and drinking his
coffee when Miriam came down the stairs. She was wearing only her tie-dyed tank
top – as usual these days – and Sam couldn’t help but smile as he noticed her
huge, full breasts swaying beneath the cotton top as she moved. She smiled at
him as she walked over to the coffee maker.
“Good morning, baby,”
she said, detouring to come over and kiss him on the cheek. “Today’s the big
day, huh? Are you nervous?” she asked, continuing on to the coffee maker.
“A little, yeah,” Sam
said, putting the paper down. “I mean, the thought of someone coming at your
balls with a knife is enough to make any man nervous, you know?” Miriam
chuckled at his analogy.
“I never thought
about it like that, so yeah, I guess so,” she said, pouring herself a cup of
coffee. Just then Lisa came bounding down the stairs and into the room, full of
the limitless energy that only teenagers have. She was wearing only a pair of
black thong panties – as usual these days – and Sam was treated to the sight of
yet another pair of big, full breasts bouncing as she went over to the
refrigerator to get some orange juice.
“Morning, guys!” Lisa
said, coming over to Sam and kissing him on the cheek, then repeating it with
Miriam. “Today’s the big day, huh, Daddy?” she said, reaching up for a glass.
Sam smiled at Miriam as he replied, and she smiled back.
“Didn’t we just have
this conversation?” he asked Miriam.
“I think so, yes,”
Miriam replied, smiling as she looked over at her daughter.
“You two are
terrible!” Lisa said, sitting down at the table and taking a drink of her
“That’s not what you
said last night,” Sam said, grinning at her.
“Oh, Daddy!” Lisa
said, slapping him playfully on the arm. Then she looked over at her mother as
she spoke again. “Mom, you’re off work today because you have to take Daddy in
for the procedure, right?” she asked.
“Right, honey,”
Miriam replied.
“Well, Karen and I
are going to go over to the mall and just mess around, window shop and ogle the
guys, things like that,” she said, glancing playfully over at her father, “You
wanna come with us? Make it a girl’s day out, that kind of thing?” Miriam
looked over at Sam, who smiled at her and nodded.
“Why not, baby?” he
said, patting Miriam on the arm. “I’ve got some last-minute work to get done
here anyway, so you go on ahead and be with the girls; just be back in time
enough to get me to my appointment and we’ll be fine!”
“Thank you, baby,”
Miriam said, putting her hand on his and smiling warmly at him. Then she looked
at Lisa and said, “So what time?”
“Great!” Lisa
exclaimed, grinning broadly. “The mall stores open at nine, so we figured on
being there about nine-thirty,” she said.
“Works for me,”
Miriam said.
“That gives the two
of you about an hour and a half to get ready,” Sam said, “so you’d better get a
move on.”
“Not a bad idea,
baby,” Miriam said, getting up from the table and putting her coffee cup in the
sink before heading upstairs. Lisa got up and came over to her father, bending
over to hug his neck and kiss him deeply on the lips.
“Thank you, Daddy,”
she said, still bent over with her arms around his neck. “And you take it easy
after your procedure, ‘cause by the time your stitches are out I’m gonna be so
horny for you and that great, big cock of yours I’m liable to jump you as soon
as you hit the door!” Then she turned and bounded up the stairs, treating Sam
to a view of her firm, rounded ass flexing as she went.
An hour later the
girls were gone, and Sam spent the rest of the day working in his home office
on some last-minute project details that just had to get done. Then he spent
the rest of his time until the girls got back just relaxing, and was lying on
the couch dozing when the girls finally came back around three-thirty. He
looked at his watch and sat up, the girls laughing and giggling as they came in
the door. Sam noticed that Karen was with them, and all three of them were in a
joyful, playful mood. All of them were carrying bags, which meant good news for
them and bad news for Sam’s bank account. He shook his head slightly as he
smiled, then the girls saw him walking towards them.
“Hi, Daddy!” Lisa
said, coming over to kiss his cheek.
“Hi, sweetie,” he
replied, giving her a quick hug.
“Hi, Sam,” Karen
said, kissing his cheek also.
“Hi, Karen,” he
replied, hugging her as well. As soon as she stepped away Miriam came over,
slid her arms around his neck, and gave him a long, deep, intense, toe-curling,
cock-hardening kiss that made the other two girls gasp and giggle.
“Hi, baby,” she
whispered to him when she ended the kiss, smiling seductively at him. “Miss
“Can’t you tell?” Sam
said, flexing his muscles and making his now-hard cock jump against her. Miriam
giggled again, then kissed him lightly on the lips before she turned to pick up
the bags and head upstairs.
“I’m gonna put these
things upstairs, baby, and then we gotta go if we want to be on time,” she
said, talking over her shoulder as she walked towards the stairs.
“Okay, baby, I’ll be
down here waiting for you,” Sam replied, sitting back down on the couch.
“Daddy, we’re gonna
hang out here while you two are gone,” Lisa said, coming over to sit down on
the couch. “I want to be here when you get back, just to make sure you’re
okay…okay, Daddy?” she said, a genuine look of concern on her eyes.
“Thank you, sweetie,
I’d like that,” he replied, and then she hugged his neck. Miriam came back into
the room just then and spoke.
“None of that, you
two,” she said, playfully chastising them. “You don’t have the time, not even
for a quickie, so you’re just going to have to wait a week,” she said,
“Mom, you’re
terrible!” Lisa said, laughing as she got up from the couch. Sam got up as
well, walking over to Miriam.
“Ready, baby?” she
asked, holding his hands in hers and looking up at him.
“As ready as I’ll
ever be,” he replied, “so let’s go.” Miriam slipped her arm around his waist
and they walked through the kitchen, then out the door and into Sam’s car for
the drive to the doctor’s office.
Sam and Miriam
arrived for his appointment ten minutes early, even though he was the last
appointment for the day and he was sure the doctor would be running late. They
walked in at 4:15PM and checked in with the woman at the sign-in window, and
sure enough she told him that the doctor was running about fifteen to twenty
minutes behind schedule. Just as they were about to turn away from the window
Miriam’s friend June walked into the office, breaking out into a smile as she
saw Miriam standing at the window with Sam.
“Hang on, Miriam, I’m
coming out!” she said, turning to walk out of the room. The door to the left of
the window opened a few seconds later and June walked out, going over to Miriam
and hugging her with Miriam returning the hug. After exchanging the usual “How
have you been” and “It’s been so long since I’ve seen you!” greetings Miriam
turned to Sam and introduced him to June.
“And this handsome
specimen of manhood is my husband, Sam,” she said, reaching out and slipping
her arm around Sam’s as she took his hand. “Sam, this is June, my roommate from
nursing school that I told you about.”
“Pleased to meet you,
Sam,” June said, giving him a warm smile as she extended her hand.
“The pleasure is all
mine,” Sam replied, shaking her hand. He’d had a chance to look June over as
she and Miriam were exchanging greetings, and he liked what he saw. June was
about Miriam’s height but much thinner, with a small bustline but a spectacular
rounded ass to make up for it. She had an angular face with a thin nose and
slightly thin lips, but her smile was broad and warm. She wore gold wire-rimmed
glasses that accentuated her face perfectly, but what really caught Sam’s
attention was her hair. June was a natural redhead, and the two things in the
world that turned Sam on the most were big boobs and redheads. June’s red hair
was fairly short, not quite touching her shoulders, and just curly enough that
she didn’t look like a little girl with a perm. As he shook her hand and looked
into her green eyes Sam had the feeling that she was sizing him up, much in the
same way he was sizing her up. He released her hand after a few moments, and
she turned back to Miriam.
“The doctor is
running about twenty minutes late,” June explained. “We had a procedure take a
little longer than expected right after lunch, so it put him behind and we just
haven’t been able to catch up.”
“That’s okay, we can
wait,” Sam said. “We’ll just grab a seat on the couch over there and wait until
the doc’s ready for me.”
“Or, if you want, I
could take you back now and prep you,” June suggested, looking at him for a
moment and then over at Miriam before looking back at him again. She paused for
a moment before adding, “It’d be just one less thing for you to have to wait
for, you know?”
“Go ahead, Sam, you
might as well,” Miriam said, nudging him on the elbow. “I’ll just wait out here
until you’re done and then drive you home.”
“Okay, sure, why
not?” Sam said, and June broke out into a big smile.
“Excellent! Then come
this way and I’ll take you to the exam room,” she said, holding open the door
to the hallway leading to the exam rooms. Sam turned and kissed Miriam, then
went through the door. Once in the hallway June led him down to the last exam
room on the right, and Sam got a good look at her tight, rounded ass beneath
her slightly-too tight scrubs as she walked. He didn’t see any panty lines so
he was pretty sure she was a thong woman; either that, or she didn’t wear
panties at all. Either way, she had one hell of an ass that Sam appreciated.
She turned to him and smiled as she held open the door to the room.
“Here you go,” she
said as Sam walked past her and into the room. She walked over to a cabinet,
took out a paper gown, and handed it to Sam.
“Go ahead and change
into this, and then have a seat in the exam chair,” she said. “You can put your
clothes on the chair in the corner, and I’ll be back in a few minutes,” June
said, then left the room and closed the door behind her. Sam did as he was
told, taking off his clothes and putting them on the chair after he put the
gown on, then sat down in the exam chair. The vinyl chair was cold and made him
gasp as he sat down. A few minutes later June came back into the room, and
smiled at him when she saw he was ready.
“Well, it looks like
you’re all ready to go, Sam,” June said, walking over and patting him on the
arm. “Are you nervous?” she asked, keeping her hand on his forearm and looking
into his eyes.
“No, not really,” he
said, smiling back at her.
“Well, good! And even
if you were, the valium drip would take care of that,” June said, patting his
forearm and smiling at him. “So, did you prep yourself before you came today
like the doctor told you during the consultation?” she asked. Sam nodded as he
“Yep, all nice and
smooth just like the doctor ordered,” he said. “But like I told the doc, I do
that anyway so it wasn’t any big thing.”
“Not that I don’t
believe you, but I have to check anyway, you know,” June said, a little
breathless as she spoke but not breaking eye contact with him.
“Hey, it’s your job,
right? Check away,” Sam said, holding out his arms in an “I surrender” gesture.
“It’s not like you’ve never seen one before, now is it?” He chuckled a bit at
his own joke and June laughed with him.
“No, it’s not,” she
said, reaching down and lifting up the bottom of the gown, looking down as she
did so. “I’ve certainly seen more than my fair share of…” she paused in mid
sentence, her eyes growing wide and her mouth dropping open as she saw Sam’s
“Oh…oh, my!” she said
in surprise, her eyes locked onto the huge, thick shaft lying across Sam’s
thigh. She stood motionless and speechless for several long moments, unable to
take her eyes from Sam’s cock.
“But I’m willing to
bet you’ve never seen one that big before, have you, June?” Sam asked, a grin
on his face. June slowly shook her head, then looked up at Sam with her mouth
hanging slightly open as she replied.
“That’s incredible!”
she said in a quiet voice, dumbfounded by the sheer size of Sam’s cock. She
dropped her eyes back down to his cock again, and her eyes got a bit wider as
Sam’s cock began to respond to the attention she was giving it by shifting on
his leg and growing just a bit. “How…I mean, how big…” she stammered, her eyes
locked on his slowly growing shaft.
“Eleven inches, and
as thick as your wrist,” Sam replied, quoting the ad from his movies.
“Eleven inches!” June
said, looking up at him in astonishment, then back down at his slowly expanding
cock. “And your balls are big, too!” she said, dropping the professional lingo
and talking like a woman now. “Oh, my God, I’ve never seen a cock like this
“I’m glad you like
it, June,” Sam said, smiling at her. June looked up at him, and he saw the look
in her eyes change. They weren’t wide with surprise anymore, and there was
something behind them, something that Sam had seen before, and he had a feeling
he knew what was going to happen next. With her next words June confirmed it.
“I bet you cum
buckets!” she said in a low voice, the desire her eyes plain.
“There’s only one way
to find out,” Sam said in a voice just as quiet. June gave him a smile, then
turned and stepped over to the door to lock it. Then she walked back over and
lifted the gown Sam was wearing out of the way, folding it back over his stomach
to expose him from the waist down, never taking her eyes from his cock. She
reached over to grab the rolling stool next to the counter, pulling it over to
her and sitting down on it at Sam’s feet. She looked up at him for a moment,
then looked back down at his cock as she slipped her fingers around it and
lifted it in her hand, gripping it firmly as she tugged on it. She squeezed his
cock firmly in her hand, gripping it tightly as she tugged on it, her other
hand lifting and massaging his smooth-shaven balls as she did so. His cock
began to grow quickly, getting longer and thicker in her hands by the second
until he was fully erect. Her eyes grew wide again as she watched his cock
grow, and by the time he had reached full erection her fingers wouldn’t fit all
the way around his shaft.
“My God, this thing
is huge!” June said, wrapping both hands around his cock and gripping it
tightly as she began to slowly pump it. “I can’t wait to see you cum! Let me
get some lubricant...” she said, reaching over to the tray next to the chair.
“You won’t need it,”
Sam said, stopping her in mid-motion. “Just pump it a few more times, you’ll
see,” he said, and June wrapped her hand back around his cock and began pumping
it more firmly, tugging along nearly the entire length of his long, thick cock.
A moment later she was rewarded with the biggest drop of clear pre-cum she’d
ever seen, and she smiled as she saw it.
“I see what you mean,
Sam,” she said, sliding her fingers up over the bulbous head of his cock and
spreading the slippery fluid down over the head. She tugged on his cock again
and again, producing more and more precum, and in a matter of moments the head
and shaft of his cock were glistening and slippery with precum. She gripped his
cock tighter and began sliding her hands up and down the thick, throbbing
shaft, her eyes locked on his cock as she slowly jerked him off. His precum
continued to flow like a small river, and she continued to spread it over his
shaft to keep it slippery in her hands. She looked up at him as she slid her
hands up and down his shaft, her eyes hooded with desire, and then lowered her
head down to his cock. She had to open her mouth almost as wide as it would go
to fit the head of his cock in her mouth as she slipped her lips around it, running
her tongue over and around the big head as she closed her lips around the head
just behind the ridge and sucked on it.
And she sucked hard,
harder than Sam had experienced in a long time. Sam watched as her cheeks caved
in with the suction she was applying to the head of his cock, running her
tongue all along the sensitive underside of the head. After several moments of
this she began to work his big, thick cock into her small mouth, sliding it
deeper into her mouth bit by bit as she pumped the rest of his shaft with both
hands. She gave it her best effort, but his cock was too big and her mouth was
too small – she could only fit a little more than four of his eleven inches
into her mouth, although Sam had to give her an “A” for effort. She slid her mouth
up and down on his throbbing shaft, running her tongue all along the underside
of his shaft as she sucked hard, pumping the rest of his cock as she gripped it
tightly with both hands. After a minute or two she slid her mouth from Sam’s
cock and gasped slightly to catch her breath, looking up at him as she spoke.
“My God, your cock is
so big!” she said breathlessly, a smile on her face. “I just love it! I can’t
wait to feel you cum in my mouth!” she continued.
“Keep that up and you
won’t have long to wait,” Sam said, looking down at her as she slowly pumped
his glistening cock in her hands. “And you’d better have a hand towel ready,
too,” he warned. June looked up at him and her eyes got a little wider as she
did so.
“You mean you cum
that much?” she asked, and Sam just nodded. “Okay, well, there’s a towel right
there on the tray, so we’ve got that covered,” she said, nodding to the
instrument tray to the side of the exam chair. “Now let’s get serious, shall
we?” she said, looking up at Sam from beneath her brow, her head slightly
lowered. It was a look that Sam always loved, and he felt his cock jump in
response as June lowered her head and clamped her lips around the head of his
cock again. She slid her hot, wet mouth down onto as much of his throbbing shaft
as she could, sucking on it very hard while running her tongue up and down the
sensitive underside, then slid back up to the head and sucking on it hard for a
moment before repeating it all over again. She took one hand from Sam’s cock
and moved it to his ball, gripping and massaging them in her hand while she
bobbed her head up and down on his cock.
She was very good,
one of the best that Sam had ever encountered, and he knew that it would only
be a matter of moments before he was shooting his load into her mouth. He felt
his balls shift in her grip and his cock widen slightly in her mouth, and she
must have felt it as well because she tugged on his balls harder, gripped his
shaft with her other hand tighter as she pumped it, and slid her mouth up and
down his cock faster and sucked on it as if her life depended on it.
Then she looked up at
him from beneath her brow again without stopping, a “come fuck me!” look that
always turned Sam on, and that pushed him over the edge. He gripped the arms of
the exam chair and stifled a groan, pushing his hips upward to shove his cock
into June’s mouth as his cock exploded, the cum blasting out of the tip in a
hot, thick jet and hitting the back of her throat. June moaned loudly around
his cock in her mouth, jumping at the force of the cum blasting into her mouth
and down her throat. She tightened her grip on his balls and pumped his shaft
harder, sucking his cock into her mouth and trying to swallow all of his cum as
his cock pumped and throbbed on her tongue, shooting stream after stream of cum
into her mouth and down her throat. She swallowed again and again in a valiant
attempt to swallow his entire load, but like so many before her she was unable
to keep up. His pumping, spurting cock quickly filled her small mouth to
overflowing, and the cum leaked out at the corners of her mouth in a steady
stream to fall onto Sam’s legs and the chair beneath him as the torrent of cum
blasting out of his cock continued.
Sam watched as she
hung on to his cock and balls, determined to drain the cum from him and swallow
as much of it as she could. She hung on through it all, and when his cock
finally stopped pumping she sucked on it hard and steady, pulling the last of
his cum from his shaft as she slid her mouth up to the head and held it there.
She gripped his shaft with both hands, squeezing it tightly as she pumped it to
get the final bits of cum out, finally releasing the head of his cock from her
mouth with a loud ‘pop.’ She gasped for air as she sat back, her hands still
wrapped around his cock and a big smile on her face.
“I knew you’d cum
big, but man, I never expected you to cum that much!” she said, slowly pumping
his softening cock in her hands a few more times before finally releasing it.
“How in the hell does Miriam keep up with you?” she asked.
“Actually, she’s the
only woman I’ve ever met who can swallow my whole load,” Sam said,
intentionally not mentioning that there was another lest June ask who it was.
“Of course, she’s also the only woman I’ve ever met who can deep-throat my
entire length, too,” he continued, again intentionally leaving Lisa out of it.
“Now that is
something I’d like to see!” June said, reaching for the towel on the tray with
a big smile on her face. She turned back to Sam and unfolded the towel as she
continued. “Right now I’d better get this mess cleaned up before the doctor
comes in,” she said, using the towel to wipe up the excess cum from Sam’s
thighs and the exam chair. When she finished she got up to toss the towel into
the dirty linen hamper in the corner, and Sam pulled the gown back down and
smoothed it out over his thighs. June walked over and unlocked the door, then
began getting the IV ready. No sooner had she done that than the doctor walked
in, smiling at Sam as he entered the room.
“So, Mr. Jennings,
how are you today?” he asked, Sam’s chart in his hand.
“Never better, doc,
never better,” Sam replied.
“Has June been taking
good care of you?” the doctor asked, looking at Sam’s chart.
“Absolutely, doc,”
Sam replied, smiling at June who was standing behind the doctor wit a big smile
on her face. “Best care I’ve ever had!”
An hour later Sam and
Miriam were in the car headed home with Miriam driving since Sam was still full
of valium from the procedure. They had just gotten in the car and were less
than a half-mile away from the doctor’s office when her cell phone rang. She
picked it up and pushed a button to answer it, then held it to her ear.
“Hello? Oh, hi,
June…” she said, looking over to smile Sam, who was sitting in the passenger
seat with the back nearly all the way down in the full reclining position. Sam
looked at her and smiled back.
“Yes, he’s fine, just
sitting here in the passenger seat with a silly smile on his face…not all from
the drugs, huh?” she said, pausing to listen for a few moments. “You did?
Uh-huh, uh-huh…well, I did warn you, didn’t I?” she said, grinning from ear to
ear. Sam was beginning to think he’d been had, despite the valium-induced
euphoric haze he was currently experiencing, and Miriam’s next statement
confirmed it. “You did? How much could you get in your mouth? Really? Good for
you! Uh-huh…well, don’t feel bad, June, nobody except me has ever been able to
swallow it all on the first attempt!” Sam noticed that she, too, had left out
any mention of Lisa, and he listened as Miriam continued.
“I think we might be
able to arrange that…no, really, I don’t mind…yes, I’m sure! Hang on a second
while I ask him,” she said, holding the phone away from her ear and turning to
look at Sam lying in the set next to her. “Honey, June says she wants to fuck
you, is that okay with you?” she asked, non-chalantly. Sam looked over at her,
grinned, and gave her a thumbs-up sign as he replied.
“If it’s okay with
you, baby, it’s okay with me!” he said.
“Thank you, honey,”
Miriam said, then turned back to the phone. “He said yes, so when did you have
in mind?” she said, pausing while June replied. “Yes, Friday night two weeks
from now will be fine…about eight o’clock? Okay, good…no, we’ll come over to
your place, is that all right? Fine, then just shoot me an e-mail with your
address and we’ll see you then…okay, bye-bye!” she said, then pushed a button
to disconnect the call. She put the phone in her purse and looked over at Sam,
who was still grinning.
“You knew all along,
didn’t you, baby?” he asked, his grin never faltering. “You told her about my
big cock and you knew what she was gonna do, didn’t you?” he asked, and Miriam
smiled at him. She reached over and patted him on the arm as she replied,
keeping the other hand on the wheel.
“Yes, Sam, I did,”
she replied. “Mad at me?” she asked.
“Nooooo…” Sam said,
shaking his head. “Why would I be mad?” he asked, turning to look at her again.
“I don’t know, I just
wanted to make sure,” Miriam said, patting his arm again.
“Are you gonna watch
when she fucks me?” he asked, grinning again. Miriam grinned back as she
“Watch? Hell, no, I’m
gonna help!” Then she laughed, and Sam laughed with her.
“What about Lisa?”
Sam asked.
“Lisa’s just going to
have to sit this one out,” Miriam said, “and we can’t tell June about her,
either,” she cautioned.
“Yeah, I know,” Sam
said, closing his eyes. A few moments later he was dozing, and Miriam let him
doze as she drove them the rest of the way home. All the way home she couldn’t
help but think about their pending date with June, and by the time she got home
her pussy was soaked. She knew Lisa was going to be there when they got home,
so she planned on putting her drug-filled husband to bed to let him sleep it
off, and then she was going to go find Lisa and take care of business.
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