Athor's note: That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the drought is over and I'm back! Enjoy! Aramis
Jennifer Mann -
"Jenny" for short - was one very busy woman. As the first female head of a major stock
trading company, she had her work cut out for her in more ways than one. The job itself was stressful enough, but when
combined with the never-ending fight to prove to the "good old boys"
on Wall Street that she was just as good - if not better - at her job than any
of them could ever hope to be, at times it became almost too much to bear. She had been fighting this fight for her
entire professional life, all twenty-five years of it, and it seemed that the
older she got the harder it was to take sometimes. Turning 50 this year hadn't helped any,
either; it only made things worse at times.
And whenever it got that bad, Jenny made it a point to get away from
work for a while, as far away from it as she could, to just relax and
And it had gotten that
bad earlier this week. The stock market
had tanked with more bad news from Washington, D.C about the federal deficit
and the ongoing failure of Congress to pass a budget yet again, so she had
investors screaming at her in dismay from all points on the compass. After soothing all of the fears of her
clients, which took the better part of the week, when Friday morning came
around she figured it was time to take care of herself. She could feel it building up inside her and
knew that it was time to get away, so she picked up her phone and pressed the
button to ring her secretary.
"Yes, Miss
Mann?" her secretary said.
"Debbie, would you
be a dear, please, and call "The Windjammer" and make a reservation
for me? I'll be arriving tomorrow
afternoon by car and will be staying for a week," Jenny said. "The Windjammer" was her favorite
beach resort hotel, and it was her favorite "getaway" spot whenever
she felt the need to get away - like now.
"Yes, ma'am,"
Debbie said.
"Thank you,
Debbie!" Jenny said, then hung up.
Fifteen minutes later Debbie called back to confirm that the reservation
was made.
"There was a
little bit of trouble with the short-notice at first, but as soon as I told
them who the reservation was for they were only too glad to take care of
it!" Debbie said, and Jenny could tell by her tone of voice that she was
smiling. "You have your usual room,
the Admiral's Suite on the top floor, seaside.
And the manager said that there will be a bottle of Dom Perignon in a
chiller waiting for you in the room when you arrive."
"Thank you,
Debbie, you're the best!" Jenny said, chuckling to herself just a
bit. 'Sometimes it's good to be the queen!'
she thought to herself.
"You're welcome,
Miss Mann, enjoy your vacation!" Debbie said, then hung up.
After hanging up the
phone Jenny got up from behind her desk, taking her purse out of the bottom
drawer of her desk and then walking over to the coat rack and picking up her
suit coat. She put the purse down on the
floor as she slippd the coat on, then picked it up again and headed for her
private entrance.
"If I'm going to
spend the next week at the beach, then I need some new bathing suits!" she
said out loud to herself as she opened the door and walked out of the office.
At a little after four
o'clock in the afternoon the next day Jenny pulled her red Camaro convertible
into the drive of the hotel and parked in front of the entrance doors. She always enjoyed road trips, and knowing
that her destination this time was her favorite beach resort hotel had made the
long trip all that much more enjoyable.
She got out of the car and walked through the doors into the lobby, the
ocean breeze blowing her blonde hair around her face for a moment. She checked in at the front desk, then gave
her car keys to the valet so he could park her car and then bring her bags up
to her room.
She had never seen this
valet before, but then that wasn't too unusual considering how often staff
changed at these hotels. Still, this one
was something else to see - tall, lean, with what appeared to be a pretty good
build beneath his white shirt and black vest, a shock of dark brown hair that
was so dark it was almost black, and a chiseled face. When he smiled at her she noticed
near-perfect teeth, and when he walked towards her car she noticed quite a
tight little butt beneath his black dress slacks.
'My, isn't he
she thought to herself. 'He can drive
my car any day of the week and twice on Sunday!'
Then she headed for the
elevator and went up to her room to freshen up a bit and relax for a while
before going out to get something to eat.
She opened the door to her room and the first thing she saw sitting on
the dresser was a chiller with a bottle of Dom sitting it it, just as
promised. She smiled and tapped the cork
of the bottle as she went past on her way out to the balcony, and once there
she opened the balcony doors and stepped out to enjoy the view. The weather was perfect, as usual, and the view
was stunning, also as usual. She lifted
her face up to the ocean breeze and closed her eyes, smiling at the sensation
of the breeze on her face, the sound of the ocean, and the smell of the beach.
'This is my favorite
place in the whole world!' she thought to herself, and her smile widened.
The knock on her door
snapped her back to reality, and with a sigh she turned and walked back through
the room and opened the door. The valet
was there with her bags, so she let him in to bring them inside. She noticed the name "Paul" on his
name tag as he walked past to set the bags down on the floor at the foot of the
bed, then turned to face her before leaving.
"Will there be
anything else, Miss Mann?" Paul asked, smiling at her.
"Thank you, Paul,
no," she said, walking over to him and handing him his tip, returning his
smile. As she looked at him close-up she
saw he had the prettiest gray eyes she'd ever seen, so clear and deep that she
felt she could easily get lost in them.
“And please, call me ‘Jenny,’ “ she added, making his smile broaden just
a bit.
"Enjoy your stay,
Jenny, and please don't hesitate to call me if there's anything you need,"
he said, quickly tucking the bill into his pants pocket without looking at it.
"Thanks again,
Paul, I most certainly will!" Jenny said, and was then treated to another
view of his butt as he walked out of the room.
'He's a real pro,' she thought to herself
as she headed for the bathroom to wash her face. 'He never looked at the size of the bill I
gave him, yet he still said what he did and sounded like he meant it. Yes, this one is a real pro!'
"And that could be
a problem," she said out loud as she turned on the water.
After washing her face
and changing her shirt, Jenny left the room and went down to the lobby to
retrieve her car. To her dismay Paul was
gone; looking at her watch she saw that it was just after five PM, so she
figured that Paul was off for the day. A
little disappointed, she smiled at the valet who held the door to her Camaro
open for her - a skinny kid with red hair who couldn't hold a candle to Paul -
and then got in, putting the car in gear as the door closed and then driving
away. She drove to "The Gull Reef
Club," her favorite place to eat while at the beach. They had the best shrimp in the whole world
there, and that's exactly what she had.
The meal was excellent
as usual, but all through the meal Jenny found her thoughts drifting back to
Paul, the valet from the hotel. She
didn't know what it was, but there was something about him that touched her,
spoke to her, made her...well, tingle in all the right places. And that didn't happen too often - even less
since she became successful - so when it did happen she paid attention to it.
"I guess I'm just
going to have to seduce him!" she said softly to herself, smiling over her
glass as she took a sip of her wine. The
prospect brightened up her entire evening, and she slept soundly that night.
She awoke fairly early
the next day, Sunday, and was intent on doing nothing except laying out on the
beach and getting a tan. That was one of
her favorite ways to relax, and as soon as she had showered she opened up her
suitcase and got out one of the new bathing suits she had bought on Friday. It was a bikini, of course, and was a little
risque for someone her age - at least, that's what most people would have
thought. But then, she never really gave
a damn about what most people thought to begin with. She had bought three suits on Friday, and
this one was white. She cut the tags off
of it and then dropped it on the bed before walking over to the full-length
mirror on the bathroom door. She stopped
in front of the mirror and looked at her nude body, placing her hands on her
hips and turning from side to side. She
was pleased with what she saw.
Jenny made it a point
to take care of herself and stay in shape, and it showed. She was a little more than 5'7" tall and
weighed in at 140 pounds, which wasn't bad considering she had just turned 50. Her legs were toned and shapely, no signs of
varicose veins at all, and led up to a firm, rounded ass that would compare to
any 20-year-old's - well, almost any.
Her stomach was taut and flat, her waist narrow where it was supposed to
be, and the "landing strip" of blonde pubic hair on her pubic mound
was closely trimmed above her smooth-shaven outer lips. Moving her eyes up her body to her bustline,
she was pleased to see that her breasts still showed very little sign of sag. Considering that she wore a 36D bra and her
breasts were very full and heavy, she was surprised that they didn't sag any
more than they did. But she wasn't
complaining, by any means! She had never
been married and had never had children, and she knew that was the main reason
her breasts didn't sag and that she was able to stay in the shape she did. A woman's body changed after childbirth, and
that was something that she never wanted to go through. She slid her hands up under her big breasts
and lifted them in her hands, feeling their weight as she hefted them. Her breasts were capped with silver-dollar
sized areolas and pert nipples that were slightly smaller than a pencil eraser,
but grew to nearly twice their size when she was aroused. She squeezed her breasts in her hands and
then pulled on both nipples, watching the areolas crinkle and the nipples grow
quickly at her touch. She couldn't help
but imagine how this would feel when it was Paul's fingers pulling on them, and
the thought only made her nipples grow harder.
She walked back over to
where she had dropped the bikini and put it on, returning to the mirror to see
how she looked. She smiled when she saw
her reflection, very pleased with what she saw.
She was certain she could give any 20-year-old girl a run for her money,
any day of the week.
"Not bad for an
old broad!" she said out loud, laughing.
"I just hope Paul thinks so, too!" Then she picked up her beach towel, wrapped
it around her hips like a sarong, picked up her beach bag with her suntan
lotion, radio, and assorted other “beach” items, and headed for the beach.
Jenny spent the entire
day at the beach, relaxing on the sand and working on her tan, taking an
occasional break to swim in the ocean and cool off. The only other time she left the beach was to
hit one of the ocean-front restaurants for lunch, and when she finally had her
fill of sun and sand - for today, anyway - it was close to four o'clock in the
afternoon. As the shadows of the hotels
on the beach front behind her got longer and began to creep up and encroach on
the sunny part of the beach, Jenny packed up her stuff and shook the sand out
of her towel before wrapping it around her hips once again. Then she picked up her bag and headed for the
hotel, looking forward to taking a shower and then going out for some more
seafood. It only took her a few moments
to reach her hotel, and when she opened the door and stepped into the chilly
air inside the hotel, she felt her body tremble and her nipples harden. When she walked around the corner to the main
lobby to get on the elevator, she felt her nipples get even harder.
There was Paul,
standing at the door to the hotel, holding it open and handing a set of keys to
a stately woman who was walking out.
Paul followed her to the Lincoln waiting in the driveway, opening the
door for her as she entered and closing it when she got in. Jenny saw the woman give him a tip, which
Paul once again pocketed without even glancing at at. Then he turned to walk back into the hotel,
spotting Jenny who had come to a standstill in the center of the lobby. As soon as he saw her he flashed her a big
smile with his near-perfect teeth, and Jenny felt a twinge that started at her
nipples and ran through her whole body, stopping at her clit.
"Good afternoon,
Jenny," Paul said, walking over to her, still flashing that smile of
his. Jenny smiled back and tried not to
act like a schoolgirl with a crush on the teacher.
"Good afternoon,
Paul," she replied, returning his smile.
If he noticed her attire, specifically her hard nipples that were about
to tear through the fabric of her bikini top, he was doing a very good job of
hiding it.
"How was your day
on the beach?" he asked, sounding genuinely interested and not just making
small talk.
Jenny replied. "The beach is my
favorite place in the whole world, and when I retire I may just move down
"So now it's a
shower and then dinner, right?" he asked, standing in front of her with
his hands behind his back, always the professional.
"Yes, it is,"
Jenny replied. She had a quick flash in her
head of the two of them in the shower, and she felt her pussy begin to moisten
at the thought. "I love seafood,
and I have a mad craving for it today!"
"If I may, I'd
like to recommend a restaurant for you," he replied. "It's on the outskirts of town, just on
the edge of the tourist section, and it's called 'The Gull Reef
Club..." Jenny broke in before he
had a chance to go any further.
"Yes, I know it
well! It's my favorite restaurant, and I
always eat there whenever I'm at the beach!" she said, smiling up at
him. 'Nice to know we have something
in common!' she thought to herself.
"They have the
best shrimp!" Paul said, and Jenny nodded in agreement.
"Yes, they do,
absolutely fabulous!"
"Well, then, don't
let me hold you up any more," he said, stepping back a pace. "Please, enjoy your dinner and tell me
all about it when I see you next!" he said, and Jenny was sure he meant
"Why, how
sweet! Thank you, Paul, I most certainly
will!" she said, then turned to walk towards the elevator. She didn't know if he stood there and watched
her ass wiggle as she walked away, but she doubted it as that would have been
unprofessional - and from what she'd seen so far, he was anything but
unprofessional. When she got to the
elevator and pushed the 'up' button, she turned around and looked back at the
lobby. Paul was gone, and when the doors
opened she stepped inside, a little disappointed, and pushed the button for her
floor. The doors closed and as the
elevator started up, she let out a sigh and spoke out loud to her reflection in
the highly-polished chrome doors.
"I am going to
have you, Paul, one way or the other!"
The meal at The Gull
Reef Club was fabulous as usual, making up for Jenny not seeing Paul again when
she came downstairs to get her car. It
was after five by then and Paul's shift had ended, so he had left. She had chosen her outfit in hopes of running
into him again, selecting a pair of white shorts that fit her like a second
skin and a lime green halter top that showed a generous amount of
cleavage. Since she didn't want any
panty lines she was wearing a white thong under the shorts, and completed her
outfit with a pair of sandals and a small purse on a thin strap.
But he wasn't there,
and Jenny felt like it had all gone to waste. He was all Jenny could think about during the
meal; she was determined to get him into bed, but she was at a loss on how to
do it. She was going to have to break
through that professional armor he was cloaked in, and she had no idea
how. She had hoped to see him in the
restaurant, hoping against hope that it would happen, but she wasn't surprised
when it didn't.
It was full dark by the
time she pulled her Camaro into the drive of the hotel, giving the keys to the
same skinny kid as the night before. Instead
of going up to her room and stewing over Paul, she headed for the
boardwalk. She felt like walking on the
boardwalk for a bit, maybe wandering down into the now-cool sand of the dark
beach, before going up to her room. It
was Saturday night and the boardwalk was jumping, the oceanside cafes and clubs
doing a brisk business, the boardwalk itself filled with people. She walked down the boardwalk for a short
distance, then stopped and turned to lean on the railing and look out over the
ocean. The moon was just starting to
rise, casting its light on the ocean's surface, the sounds of the breaking
waves soothing to her ears. She lost
herself in the view and the sounds, relaxing and enjoying it all.
"Beautiful, isn't
it?" Paul said from behind her. Her
eyes flew open and she grinned in pleasant surprise, catching and composing
herself before she turned to face him.
He was wearing a red polo shirt that fit him very snugly, showing off
his physique, and a pair of khaki slacks that also fit him very well. On his feet were a pair of well-worn leather
boat shoes, and she noticed that he wore them without socks. His outfit made her tingle again, and she
felt her nipples begin to harden as he smiled at her with those incredibly
white teeth.
"Yes, it is,"
she said, looking up at him to see him smiling at her again. 'And I hope you enjoyed the view of my
ass, too, because I wore these shorts just for you!' she thought to
herself. "I just love the beach at
night! I mean, I love it during the day,
too, but the night holds a special kind of attraction for me," she said,
trying to explain how she felt and feeling like she wasn't doing a very good
"I know just what
you mean," Paul replied, slipping his hands into his pockets as he looked
over her shoulder at the dark ocean and the rising moon. "It's a special kind of serenity that
you feel more than see," he explained, and Jenny felt her pussy begin to
moisten as she watched his dark hair blowing in the ocean breeze. "The moon shining down on the surface of
the ocean, the breeze coming off of the water, the sound of the waves crashing
onto the beach, it's all just"
Jenny finished for him, looking up at him and meeting his eyes as he looked
down at her. She held her breath for a
moment as his expression didn't change, hoping that her decision to just go for
it had not been a wrong one. She felt a
wave of relief wash over her as his gaze softened and the corners of his mouth
turned up in a smile as he looked back at her.
yes," he said, looking deep into her eyes and nodding slightly. "Just like you, Jenny," he
continued, "seductive."
"I was afraid you
wouldn't notice," she said, feeling her nipples harden and her juices
begin to flow. She saw his eyes flick
down to her breasts for a moment, and she knew that he had seen her nipples
harden as well.
"I noticed you
from the moment I first saw you," he said, his smile growing a bit. "It's hard not to notice you,
Jenny. You have such an air of
confidence about you, and you're so beautiful that any man would have to be
blind not to notice you," he said, pausing for a moment before
continuing. "And he'd have to be
crazy not to want you as well."
Jenny felt her heart
skip a beat at this, and her eyes widened a bit with surprise and delight. She looked into his eyes as she replied.
"And do you want
me, Paul?" she asked softly.
"Yes, Jenny, I
do," he replied, nodding slightly, never taking his eyes off of hers. "Very much!"
"Prove it!"
she said, her eyes sparkling as she smiled up at him. 'Gotcha!' she thought.
Without a moment's
hesitation or even a glance around, Paul stepped forward and wrapped his arms
around Jenny, pressing their bodies tight together. He lowered his lips to her and kissed her,
deeply and passionately, pulling her even closer to him as their lips parted
and their tongues danced. Jenny felt her
pussy flooding as he slipped a hand down to her firm ass and pulled her into
him, and she gasped slightly as she felt the tube of his cock begin to harden
and press up against her. She wrapped
her arms around his neck and kissed him back, pushing her breasts with their
rock-hard nipples into his chest as he gripped her ass with both hands. He squeezed the firm globes in his hands and
she moaned slightly, pushing her tongue further into his mouth. She ground her hips into him and felt the
hard tube of his shaft again as she ran her fingers through the hair on the
back of his head.
It was easily the most
intense, erotic, and exciting kiss Jenny had ever experienced, and when the
kiss finally ended and their lips parted Jenny was left nearly breathless. She was soaking wet by this time and in the
back of her mind hoped that it wasn't showing through her white shorts - and in
the front of her mind she really didn't care.
"Wow!" she
breathed, smiling up at him, her arms still wrapped around his neck and his
still wrapped around her. He smiled back
as he replied.
"How's that?"
he asked.
"Not bad for
starters," she said, teasing him.
"You want more,
huh?" he asked, teasing back.
"Yes, I do,"
she replied. "And I want it right
now!" 'If I don't get his cock
inside me soon I'm gonna die!' she thought to herself. Paul took one look over her shoulder, then
slipped his arms from around her and grabbed her by the hand.
"Come with me,
then!" he said, leading her off of the boardwalk and down onto the beach
at a trot. Jenny laughed as he pulled
her along behind him, wondering what he was up to and where they were
going. The beach was dark once you got
away from the lights on the boardwalk, and Jenny really couldn't see where they
were going. Paul led her a short ways
down the beach to a lifeguard station, a small building up on stilts, and
suddenly Jenny knew what he had in mind.
His idea was so outrageous and so juvenile that it was incredibly
exciting, and the thought of what was about to happen made her smile. They stopped when they reached the bottom of
the short ladder leading up to the station, and Paul turned to her as he spoke.
first!" he said, holding his hand out towards the ladder palm up, grinning
from ear to ear.
"Ooh, kinky, I
love it!" Jenny said, mounting the ladder and quickly climbing up into the
small station.
Paul followed her, and
as soon as they were both standing on the small covered porch he pulled her to
him and kissed her just as hard and just as deep as before. He slipped his hands down to her ass and
pulled her close to him again, and she could feel his rock-hard erection
pressing against her. She moaned into
his mouth as she slipped her hand down his side and in between them, sliding
the palm of her hand over the hard tube of his shaft and rubbing firmly. He moaned slightly at her touch, and she felt
him jump just a bit when she gripped his cock in her hand through his pants and
squeezed. She could feel his heat and
the throbbing of his shaft through his pants, and she guessed that he wasn't
wearing anything under his khakis. Still
locked in a fierce, deep kiss she found the tab of his zipper with her fingers
and pulled it down, quickly sliding her hand inside his pants and discovering
that she was right - her fingers closed around the warm, hard tube of his cock,
and she tugged on his shaft as he gripped her ass harder in his hands. His cock felt good in her hands, and she
could feel the blood pulsing through it as it throbbed against her palm. She kept her grip on his cock when the kiss
finally broke a few moments later.
"I feel like a
school girl again!" she said, looking into Paul's eyes and smiling as she
tugged on his cock.
"Prove it!"
he challenged, grinning at her.
Jenny grinned back as
she released her grip on his cock to push him back against the railing. She kissed him again as she worked his hard
shaft free of his pants with both hands, pulling it out into the night air and
then wrapping one hand around his shaft while the other gripped his full,
heavy, and smooth-shaven balls. She
squeezed his balls gently in her hand as she pulled on his shaft, looking into
his eyes as she did so. She gave him a
slightly wicked smile before dropping to her knees in front of him, pulling his
cock out and pointing it at her face.
She looked at his cock in the moonlight for a moment, noting the veins
that stood out on his shaft as it throbbed in front of her. Then without further hesitation she slipped
her soft lips over the head of his cock and sucked it into her mouth, pulling
the precum from the tip as she drew it deeper into her mouth and onto her
tongue. She heard Paul gasp with
surprise and pleasure as she ran her tongue along the underside of the head of
his cock, and she glanced up to see him leaning there with his head slighlty
back and his eyes closed. She sucked on
his shaft hard which made him look down at her, and after looking in his eyes
for just a moment she lowered her gaze and went back to sucking his cock deeper
into her mouth. She bobbed her head up
and down, working her mouth further down onto his throbbing shaft, sucking more
of his cock into her hot, wet mouth each time as she pulled and tugged on his
balls. Paul gripped the railing as she
took more and more of his cock into her mouth with each bob of her head, and he
was surprised when she took it all without pause.
Jenny loved the feeling
of Paul's hard, thick cock in her mouth and on her tongue, and when she felt
the head of his cock tickle the back of her throat she just relaxed her throat
and let it slide through. Her college
roommate had taught her years ago how to deep-throat a man's cock, and when she
felt her nose being tickled by Paul's trimmed pubic hair she knew she had it
all. She held his entire cock in her
hot, wet mouth, swallowing around the head and making Paul jump. She sucked on his shaft hard, then slowly
slipped her mouth up his shaft until she had just the head of his cock in her
mouth. She sucked hard on the head and
swirled her tongue around it before she sucked it back into her mouth again,
this time taking it all down her throat in one fluid motion.
"Oh, my God,"
she heard Paul gasp as she slid her mouth up and down his shaft in long, slow
strokes, sucking his entire cock into her mouth with each stroke. After several very enjoyable minutes of this,
she slid her mouth from his cock and looked up at him, smiling as she gripped
his shining cock in her hand, pumping it as she spoke.
"How's that?"
she asked, her eyes flashing in the moonlight, the sounds of the waves crashing
on the beach behind them.
"Not bad for
starters," he replied, a bit breathlessly as he looked down at her
upturned face. 'Not bad, my ass! That was fuckin' fantastic!' he thought
to himself.
"You want more,
huh?" she said, grinning at him and happy to play the game with him.
"Yes, I do,"
he replied, grinning back at her.
"And I want it right now!"
Jenny smiled a wicked
smile at him for a brief moment before dropping her head and engulfing his
throbbing cock into her wet, sucking mouth again. As she slid her mouth up and down on his
shaft, she released it and his balls from her grip to reach around behind her
back and untie the bottom of her halter top.
As soon as the knot was untied and the bottom swung free, she did the
same for the knot behind her neck. The
halter top fell to the floor, allowing her full, firm breasts to sway
unfettered in the moonlight, and Jenny heard Paul gasp as he saw them for the
first time. Her nipples were rock-hard
and throbbing, and her pussy was getting wetter by the minute. As soon as her halter top hit the floor of
the lifeguard hut she grabbed Paul's cock and balls in her hands again, pumping
the shaft as she slid it in and out of her mouth and tugging firmly on his
balls. She could feel her breasts
swaying and bobbing with her movements, and she knew that Paul was enjoying the
"You keep that up,
and I'm gonna cum!" Paul warned, gasping for breath as Jenny worked
relentlessly on his cock. She sucked him
once more, long and hard, before slipping her mouth from his shaft and
releasing it with a slight 'pop.' She
looked up at him and smiled, still pumping his cock in her hand and tugging on
his balls as she spoke.
"Oh, you're gonna
cum in my mouth, all right," she said, her voice husky with desire,
"just not right now!" With
that she stood up and threw her arms around Paul's neck, pressing her body up
against his as she gave him a searing, tongue-dancing kiss. She pressed her mound against his throbbing
shaft as he slid a hand up between them, closing his hand over one of her full,
firm breasts. She gasped in his mouth as
he gripped her breast, pinching the rock-hard nipple between two fingers as he
did so, and she pushed her mound against his throbbing cock harder. She slipped her tongue deeper into his mouth
to dance with his as the kiss intensified, and she knew that she was going to
fuck him - right here, right now!
Not wanting to but
knowing she had to, Jenny finally broke off the kiss and stepped back from
Paul, both of them breathless. She
looked him right in the eyes, her own eyes burning brightly with her desire, as
she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her skin-tight shorts and peeled
them from her body. She let them drop to
the floor and then kicked them away, immediately reaching for her thong panties
to do the same.
"So do you want to
fuck me or not, Paul?" she said in a low, husky voice as she slowly slid
her thongs down over her hips. Paul's
eyes were glued to her body until she spoke, and then he looked up at her as he
"More than you
know," he replied, his cock throbbing in front of him as proof.
"Then get out of your
clothes!" she replied. Paul's hands
flew to his belt and then the fastener on his pants, and a few seconds later he
had kicked out of both his shoes and his pants.
He pulled his shirt up over his head and tossed it aside with his pants,
and as soon as he was naked she was on him again, engulfing him in another
soul-searing, tongue-dancing kiss. Paul
slid his hands down to her firm, rounded ass and gripped it hard, pulling her
tightly up against him as she pressed her body against his. She could feel the hard shaft of his cock
throbbing against her skin, and as she slid her hand down to grip and pump it
in her fist he slid a hand up to grab onto her breast again. He squeezed the mound in his hand as she
tugged on his cock, gasping as he pulled hard on her nipple. The waves crashed onto the beach behind them
as they totally lost themselves in the moment, giving in to their desires and
not caring if anyone walked up on them or not.
The two of them, their bodies, and their burning desire was all that mattered
After a few more
moments Paul broke off the kiss, pushing himself up from the railing and moving
quickly behind Jenny. He reached around
her body and grabbed both of her full, firm breasts with both hands, squeezing
the twin mounds hard as Jenny pushed the firm and rounded globes of her ass
directly against the hard tube of his cock.
Paul pulled and tugged on both nipples, making Jenny cry out and grab
the railing for support. She pushed her
ass back against his cock harder, squeezing the cheeks of her as around the
length of his cock, and both of them had the same idea at the same time.
Paul released her
breasts from his hands and stepped back, and Jenny stepped back as well,
spreading her feet apart as she did so.
Her mouth was hanging open with desire as she turned to look behind her,
watching as Paul grasped his thick, throbbing cock in his hand and moved into
position behind her and between her outspread feet. Her pussy was soaking wet, and she could feel
the sea breeze blowing over her wet, shaven outer lips. Paul put one hand on her ass as he guided the
bulbous head of his cock to her outer lips, and she gasped as he ran the head
of his cock up and down her vulva, spreading her outer lips apart as he spread
his precum along her slit. After a few
strokes to get the head of his cock slippery enough to penetrate her - which he
didn't think was going to be a problem considering how wet she was - Paul
placed the head of his cock against her opening and pushed, releasing his cock
as the head slipped inside easily. Paul
groaned aloud as the hot, wet folds of Jenny’s pussy embraced the head of his
throbbing cock.
"Oh, my God, that
feels good!" Jenny moaned, throwing her head back as the head of Paul's
cock slipped inside her pussy.
"Give it to me, Paul, give it all to me! Push that big, hard cock into my pussy and
fuck me!" she begged, gripping the head of his cock with her inner muscles
and pushing her ass back towards him.
Without hesitation Paul
put his other hand on her ass and gripped her hips firmly with both hands, and
in one long, gentle but firm push forward he slid his entire cock deep into
Jenny's tight, wet, clutching pussy.
They both moaned as his cock penetrated her, and Jenny gasped when she
felt the head of his cock nudge her cervix and his balls gently bump against
her clit. She gripped the rail hard with
both hands as she clamped her pussy down around his cock, squeezing it as hard
as she could.
'Damn, this woman is
tight for someone her age!' Paul thought to himself as he felt her pussy contracting
around his cock. 'And strong as hell,
too!' He moaned as Jenny ground her
firm, rounded ass back against him, keeping herself impaled on his thick cock
as she rotated her hips around and around on his shaft, squeezing his cock all
the while. Paul stood there for a few
moments, his hands gripping her hips, and just watched as she worked her ass
around as she squeezed her pussy around his cock.
"I could stand
here and let you do that all night!" he said, causing Jenny to turn and
look over her shoulder at him. She
smiled as she spoke.
"And later on I
will, but right now," she said, pausing to re-adjust her footing and her
grip on the railing, "right now I want you to fuck me, and I want you to
fuck me hard!" She gave his cock a
hard squeeze for emphasis, pushing her ass back against him as she did so.
"I can do
that!" Paul replied, tightening his grip on her hips and settling his feet
back just a bit. "Just remember,
you asked for it!" he cautioned.
Then Paul began to move,
thrusting his hard, thick cock in and out of Jenny’s tight, wet pussy in long,
hard, and very deep strokes. He started
off slowly, reveling in the feeling of Jenny’s tight, hot pussy wrapped around
his cock, but began to quickly increase the pace, the head of his cock bumping
against the end of her tunnel with every thrust. Jenny could feel his big balls bumping
against her clit as he moved, and she tightened her grip on the railing while
she pushed back against him to take all that he could give her. It had been a very long time since she’d had
a hard cock inside her, and she was nearly overcome with the erotic sensations
that flooded through her as Paul increased the tempo of his thrusts. She closed her eyes and moaned, gripping the
railing hard as the long, hard pole of Paul’s cock slid in and out of her
tight, wet pussy over and over again.
Paul looked down to
watch his cock slid in and out of Jenny’s pussy, his hips bumping against her
rounded ass with each thrust and causing a ripple to go through them. This was one of his favorite positions for
sex, and he could feel his cock getting harder as he looked down. Jenny’s pussy was incredibly hot, incredibly
wet, and incredibly tight. She leaned
forward until her upper body was parallel to the ground to let him go even
deeper, and when she did this he slid his hands around and under her body to
grip her big, heavy breasts in his hands.
He squeezed the huge globes firmly, making Jenny moan, and when he pulled
and pinched on her rock-hard nipples she gasped loudly and clamped her pussy
down hard on his cock.
Using his grip on her
breasts as leverage Paul began pounding Jenny hard, slamming his hard cock in
and out of her pussy in long, hard, and deep strokes. Jenny pushed back, matching him thrust for
thrust as he fucked her, both of them trying not to forget where they were and
make too much noise lest they be caught.
But then again, that was part of the thrill for the both of them, and it
only added to the eroticism of the moment.
“Oh…my…God…” Jenny
gasped between thrusts, “I’m…gonna….cum…I’m…gonna…cum!” The sensations were building quickly inside
her pussy, and Jenny knew she was moments away from what she was sure was going
to be an earth-shattering orgasm. It was
all she could do to hang on to the railing as Paul’s big cock pounded in and
out of her pussy.
“So cum then,” Paul
gasped back, never slowing his thrusts.
“Cum for me, Jenny, cum all over my cock! Let me hear you cum for me!” he said as he
drove his cock deeper and harder into her pussy than ever, and that was it for
She came hard, her
orgasm exploding out of her pussy and the waves of intense pleasure rocketing
through her body like a tidal wave. She
cried out briefly and then bit her lip, squeezing her eyes shut and gripping
the railing until her knuckles were white as she rode out the intense
orgasm. Her body shook as she came, and
she pushed her hips back against Paul to drive his cock as far into her as
possible. Paul could feel her pussy
clutching and squeezing at his cock as she came, and he kept up the motions of
his thrusts to make her cum as hard as he could. He only hoped he could hold out for just a
little bit longer, and that was getting more difficult to do with each passing
“Nnnnnnggggghhhh!” Jenny cried out quietly through clenched teeth
as her orgasm peaked, Paul’s cock pounding in and out of her relentlessly. Her nipples were so hard they hurt and were
throbbing like two extra clits – and that was throbbing as well. Her mouth dropped open and she gasped for
breath, pushing her hips back again as she rode out the slowly diminishing
waves of the most intense orgasm she’d had in a very long while.
Paul could feel his
balls tightening, and he knew that he was moments away from cumming
himself. The way Jenny was squeezing his
cock with her pussy as she came had done the trick, and he squeezed her big,
heavy breasts hard as he spoke.
“Get ready, Jenny,
because now it’s my turn!” he said as he moved his hands from Jenny’s breasts
to her hips, slowing his thrusts just a bit and pushing his cock in deeper than
ever as he gripped her hips hard.
“Yes, Paul, yes! Give it to me, give it to me! Cum inside me, fill me up with your cum!”
Jenny replied urgently, looking back over her shoulder at him as she
spoke. She squeezed her pussy around his
shaft hard, as hard as he could, and the combination of that squeeze and the
look in her eyes was all it took to set Paul off.
He groaned loudly and
shoved his cock into Jenny hard as he came, yanking back on her hips with his
hands and making Jenny cry out as his cock hit bottom inside her. His cock exploded inside her tight, gripping
pussy, and Jenny could feel the blasts of hot, thick cum shooting inside her as
his cock pumped and throbbed in her pussy.
Paul threw his head back and groaned as his cock pumped again and again
inside Jenny’s pussy, and Jenny cried out and gripped the railing hard as his
cock emptied itself in her pussy. His
cock pumped again and again, blasting stream after stream of hot cum deep into
the recesses of her pussy, and Jenny thought he’d never stop cumming.
“Oh, my God!” she
gasped quietly as Paul’s cock continued to pump and throb inside her pussy, and
she clamped down on it again as hard as she could to get it all out of
him. She wanted every drop of his cum
and wasn’t going to stop until she had it.
Finally the throbbing
of Paul’s cock slowed and then stopped, leaving both of them gasping for
breath. Paul pushed forward and held his
cock deep inside Jenny’s pussy, and Jenny pushed back and squeezed the slowly
softening shaft again, massaging it with her talented inner muscles. They stayed like that for several moments as
they caught their breath, the cool ocean breeze blowing over their bodies and
cooling them off. Jenny was reveling in
the feelings of Paul’s cock inside her pussy and her pussy being filled with
his cum, and Paul was enjoying the sensations of Jenny’s wet pussy gently
squeezing his shaft as it slowly softened.
It was Paul that finally spoke.
“This is going to get
messy,” he said, “I have a handkerchief in my pants but I can’t reach it.”
“No worries, lover, I
got this!” Jenny said, standing up and quickly spinning around as she dropped
to her knees in front of him. She
scooped up his cock and sucked the glistening, softening shaft in her mouth,
sliding her lips all the way down to the base as she began slowly sucking him
clean. She loved the taste of her pussy
juices and his cum on his cock, and she took her time in cleaning him off. Paul just stood there and watched in
amazement as this refined, mannered older woman sucked his cock like an eager
teenager. She looked up at him as she
slid her mouth slowly from his cock, sucking hard to pull the last drops of cum
from his shaft. There was a soft ‘pop’
when she released the head of his cock from her mouth, and she smiled up at him
as she spoke.
“Are you surprised,
Paul?” she asked, knowing that she had read him right. Paul smiled down at her as he replied.
“To be honest, yes, I
am,” he said as Jenny slowly pumped his now-soft cock in her hand, then leaned
forward to suck the tip for just a moment, never taking her eyes off of
his. Then she stood up, not releasing
his cock from her hand, and looked deep into his eyes as she continued.
“There’s so much about
me that no one knows,” she said in a low, husky voice, “so much inside me that
I’ve been wanting – needing – to get
out for such a long time, and I think you’re just the person for that. Don’t you?” she asked, slowly stroking his
cock. She was pleasantly surprised to
notice that it had stopped getting soft and was actually starting to harden a
bit in her hand.
“I certainly hope so,
Jenny,” Paul replied, reaching up and running the backs of his fingers along
the sides of her big, heavy breasts as he spoke. She smiled at his words and felt her nipples
harden at his touch.
“Good!” she said,
squeezing his shaft in her hand as she continued. “Now why don’t we get dressed and go back to
my room so we can do this right? I want
to make you cum in my mouth so I can swallow every drop,” she said, and she
felt his cock twitch in her hand at the words.
“We have to be very
careful, Jenny,” Paul said, sliding his fingers around to her nipples and
pulling on the now-erect nubs with both hands.
“It would be very bad for me if I were to be seen going into a female
guest’s room at this time of night.”
“But that’s part of the
thrill, isn’t it, Paul?” she asked, the excitement showing in her eyes. “The thrill of discovery, the risk of being
caught?” Paul gave her a small, wicked
smile in return.
“Yes, it is,” he said,
“just as what we did out here in the lifeguard house.”
“So I guess you’re just
going to have to figure out a way to get us back into the hotel without being
seen,” she said, reaching up and kissing him softly and gently, still gripping
his cock in her hand. Their tongues
danced briefly for a moment before she ended the kiss and spoke again. “Can you do that, Paul?” she asked.
“I can do that,” he
replied, smiling at her. “I can also get
out again without being seen.”
“Who says I’m going to
let you out?” she replied, grinning up at him as she squeezed his cock
hard. He was growing longer and thicker
by the moment. She looked down at the
hardening cock in her hand and then looked back up at him as she continued.
“I think we’d better
get going, don’t you?” she asked. Paul
smiled back at her as he replied.
“Absolutely!” he said,
leaning down to kiss her briefly but deeply.
Then they both reluctantly released the other and reached for their
clothing, quickly getting dressed before climbing out of the lifeguard
house. Paul helped Jenny down from the
ladder, after which they joined hands and ran across the sand towards the motel
like a couple of teenagers.
It was the beginning of
one of the most memorable nights in their lives for each of them, one that
neither of them would ever forget.
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