The next morning proved to be a challenge for Roger since he
was functioning on only about three and a half hours sleep. Jessica had worn him out the night before,
and Roger was still amazed at her stamina – and her abilities in bed. She was without a doubt the most energetic,
flexible, and skilled lover Roger had ever had, and he’d been around the block
a time or two. He wondered for a moment
how a girl of only 19 years would come to be such a skilled lover, but only for
a moment as the answer came to him immediately – an answer that he already knew
in the back of his mind but was ignoring because of the unfairness of it.
When a man slept around a lot he was considered to be a
‘stud,’ but when a woman did it she was called a ‘slut.’ Roger remembered when he was 19 years old and
in the service; he was stationed at a base outside of a very small town in the
South, and the local girls loved men in uniform. At one time he could accurately claim to be
able to have a date for 9 nights in a row with a different girl every night,
and get laid 7 out of 9 times with the other 2 giving him a blowjob. So considering his past, Roger was not
inclined to be critical of Jessica for hers.
But those notes and her uncanny ability to put them in
places that were inaccessible to the normal person were still a source of
wonder and amazement to him, and he was still more than a little curious as to
just how she was able to pull it off.
He half expected to find another note in his car as he
unlocked the door to go to work, but to his disappointment there was none. On the drive to the school he wondered if
Jessica was going to be in class today and found himself sincerely hoping that
she was, even though he knew her presence was going to be a real distraction,
and that working around the erection she was sure to give him was going to be a
The school bell rang a few minutes after Roger got to his
classroom, and his students trooped in and took their seats. All of the boys glanced over at the desk in
the front of the classroom that Jessica had staked out as her own since Roger
became their teacher, all of them wondering – and hoping – that Jessica would
be in class today. Roger smiled as he
thought to himself, ‘If they only knew!’
The final bell rang and Jessica’s desk was still empty. Roger was wondering if she was going to show
up as he closed the door to the classroom and took his place behind his desk in
front of the blackboard. Just as he
turned to pick up a piece of chalk to begin the day’s lessons the door opened
and Jessica came in, wearing her school uniform in the usual manner – at least,
what the usual manner was for her, that is.
Roger was somewhat relieved to see that she was wearing a bra today; if
she had showed up braless Roger was sure he wasn’t going to be able to get
through the day without having to hide an erection. So while he was relieved in one aspect, he
was disappointed in another.
Jessica smiled at Roger as she turned to close the door, her
long auburn hair hanging over the right side of her face as usual, then turned
to face him and paused at the door for a moment while she spoke. He couldn’t help but let his eyes drop to the
more than ample amount of cleavage she was showing, and he was sure that every
other male in the class was looking at it as well.
“I’m sorry I’m late, Mr. Marks,” she said in her usual
sultry voice, and Roger could almost hear the dicks getting hard in his
classroom, his among them. “I didn’t get
much sleep last night, so I’m afraid I overslept. Can you ever forgive me?” she asked, giving
him a coy smile that only the two of them knew the meaning of.
“That’s fine, Jessica, just take your seat,” Roger replied,
surprised at how nonplussed and professional his reply was. It was as if nothing at all had happened
between them, and for a brief moment Roger was concerned that Jessica would be
mad at him for appearing so nonchalant about it all. But he was pleasantly surprised to see that
her smile got even bigger at his reply, telling him that she was happy with his
“performance” in the classroom. She
walked over to her desk and sat down, crossing her legs at the ankles as she
clasped her hands together on the desk, pushing her arms inward to make her
mammoth breasts bulge out at the open top of her shirt. She looked up at him and smiled the most
innocent smile she could manage, just as if she was unaware of what she was
‘So that’s it, huh?’ Roger
thought to himself, ‘She’s going to make it hard on me today by teasing me!’
Roger turned towards the blackboard and began
writing, hoping that Jessica – and the rest of the class - hadn’t seen the
beginnings of the erection she was giving him and that it would fade out before
he had to turn around. Unfortunately, it
didn’t, but on the positive side it didn’t get any more prominent either. When he turned around again to face the class
and begin the day’s teachings he saw Jessica looking at the slightly visible
bulge in his pants, a smile crossing her face as she did so. Then she looked up at him from beneath her
brow, and her delicate pink tongue slipped out from between her parted
lips. She licked her lips slowly and
sensually, never breaking eye contact with him, and he could feel his cock
Roger knew he had to do something quickly, so he took a few
step over to his desk, pulled the chair out and sat down. He glanced at Jessica briefly before
speaking, and noticed that she was now sitting back in her desk, her blazer
opened wide, her big nipples hard and prominent through both the bra and the
white shirt she was wearing. It was all
Roger could do to take his eyes off of her and address to the class.
“Time for a reading assignment, ladies and gentlemen,” he
said, pulling out his own textbook that he taught from and holding it up
briefly to the class. “Open your books
to Chapter 3 and begin reading pages 45 through 55, and be prepared to discuss
what you’ve read. You have half an hour,
and your time starts now!”
There was a shuffling of books and papers as the students
retrieved their books and opened them as instructed, Jessica among them. She gave him one last sultry look before
beginning to read, deftly popping open a button on her shirt to show more
cleavage to him and pulling her shoulders back to make the shirt open up so he
got a good view. She was smiling as she
lowered her head to begin reading.
There were some passages in the book that Roger wanted to
make sure he discussed with the class, so he opened the center drawer of his
desk to retrieve a highlighter. That’s
when he saw the note addressed to him in Jessica’s spidery, flowing
handwriting. He paused in surprise for
just a moment, glancing up at Jessica, then opened the note. He was careful to keep it low inside the desk
drawer to keep the other students from seeing it and opened it slowly to avoid
making any noise.
‘I just love teasing you and making your cock
hard, my pet! And it is hard
right now, isn’t it? Just think of how
much harder it’s going to be with my soft lips wrapped around it as I suck the
pre-cum out of it!”
Roger felt his cock grow even more, and he wasn’t surprised
when he looked up at Jessica to see her looking up at him from beneath her
brow, her head lowered as she was reading, and smiling. He folded the note up and slipped it into his
jacket pocket, then turned his attention towards highlighting the passages in
his textbook.
The rest of the lesson turned out to be just as much of a
challenge as Roger thought it would be with Jessica taking every opportunity to
tease him in the subtlest of ways. She
sat back in her chair and pulled her shoulders back to make her shirt stretch
tight across her massive breasts; she surreptitiously ran her fingers over and
around the nubs of her nipples to make them stand out more prominently against
her shirt, and Roger thought he’d lose it completely when she slipped a slender
finger slowly into her mouth, wrapped her soft lips around it, and sucked on it
hard enough to make her cheeks hollow in just enough to be seen as she slowly
pulled it out of her mouth.
When the bell rang signaling the end of the class Roger was
relieved in one way but disappointed in another. The majority of the students were quick to
leave the classroom; after all, it was Friday and they were anxious to get
their weekend started. But Jessica was
in no hurry to leave, slowly gathering her books up and bending over to pick
one up from the floor which gave Roger a spectacular view of her huge, full
breasts. The last student was just
walking out of the door when Jessica stood up to leave, holding her books in
front of her against her chest and pulling them close to make the mountains of
her breasts bulge out of the top of her shirt.
She slowly walked over to the desk where Roger was still sitting and
where he’d been sitting for most of the class.
It was the only way to hide the erection that Jessica had given
him. He sat back in his chair and looked
up at her, a grin on his face as he spoke.
“You rather enjoyed teasing me all day, didn’t you,
Jessica?” he asked.
“Yes, Roger, I certainly did,” she replied, smiling back at
him, her long auburn hair hiding the right side of her face as usual. She glanced down at the large lump of his
erect cock pressing against his pants as she continued. “And from the looks of it, you enjoyed it as
much as I did!”
“Yeah, well, sometimes the damned thing has a mind of its
own,” he replied, looking down at his crotch as he spoke.
“Thank goodness for that!” Jessica said, then turned to walk
towards the door. Roger was mesmerized
by the swinging of her firm, shapely ass as she walked. The fact that he had seen that ass – and much
more – naked made it even more enjoyable.
When she reached the door she paused as she put her hand on the knob,
turning to look at him before speaking.
“Do you have any plans for the weekend, my pet?” she asked.
“As a matter of fact no, I don’t, Jessica,” he replied. Jessica smiled bigger at him as she spoke
“You do now,” she said as she opened the door. Then she stepped through it and was gone, the
scent of her jasmine perfume hanging in the air. Roger just sat there and looked at the closed
door for a moment, trying to figure out what this young nymph had up her sleeve
next, then gave up. He decided to just
go with the flow, gathering up his books and papers, putting them in his
briefcase before heading out of the door himself.
Roger walked out of the building, across the campus and down
to the parking lot to his car, and he wasn’t at all surprised to see a note
sitting on the driver’s seat. He smiled
as he unlocked the door and then opened it, reaching in to pick up the note
before he got in. Once he got the car
started and the air conditioning going he opened up the note to read it.
‘I’m glad you don’t have any plans for the
weekend, my pet, because I have something planned for the both of us! The limo will pick you up at six, and you need
bring nothing except the clothes you’re wearing. See you soon!
“Nothing except the clothes I’m wearing,” Roger repeated out
loud to himself. “And I have a feeling I
won’t be wearing those for long!” he continued as he started the car. He put the car in gear, backed out of his
parking space, then left the lot and headed for his apartment. He was smiling the whole way.
Roger had plenty of time to shower and change out of his
work clothes once he got to his apartment.
He half-expected to find a series of notes along the way, but was
disappointed when no more notes were waiting for him. When he came down the stairs from his
apartment at six PM he was wearing clean jeans, deck shoes, and a dark green
polo shirt. He had nothing else with him
except his wallet and watch, just as the note from Jessica dictated. He got to
the bottom of the stairs and saw the long, white limo waiting for him, the
driver clad in a black suit wearing a chauffer’s hat standing next to the rear
door. The driver touched the brim of his
cap as he spoke.
“Mr. Marks?” he asked, giving Roger a professional smile.
“That’s me,” Roger replied
“Very good, sir,” the driver said, opening the door for
Roger. “Please make yourself comfortable
and enjoy the ride,” he said as Roger got into the limo. The driver closed the door behind him and
then went around the limo to get in behind the wheel. The limo pulled smoothly away from the curb
and blended into traffic as Roger settled in, getting comfortable in the plush
rear seat. The interior of the limo was
a deep burgundy, the seats were soft and full, and there was a crystal decanter
containing what Roger assumed must be whiskey in a holder on the other side of
the limo from the door. There were two
crystal glasses on either side of the bottle, all of which were sparkling in
the soft interior lighting of the limo.
Roger reached for a glass and then the decanter, pouring two fingers of
the brown liquid into the glass. He took
a sip and instantly recognized the liquid as a premier brand of bourbon, the
kind that came in a purple drawstring bag.
He took another sip as he settled back into the soft seat, smiling as he
got comfortable.
‘Man, I could get used to this!’ he
thought to himself as he folded down the center armrest to use the drink holder
he knew was there. As he moved to put
the crystal glass in the holder he stopped short, then began to smile.
There was a note addressed to him inside the drink holder,
and he recognized Jessica’s handwriting.
He picked up the note and put the glass in its place, then opened the
note and read what it said.
‘Hello, my pet!
I do hope you like the limo as you’re going to be in it for a little
while, and I wanted to make your trip as comfortable as possible. You’re on your way to The Windjammer Hotel
where I’ll be waiting for you. The trip
will take a little more than an hour, and once you get there go to the front
desk and introduce yourself. Now all you
need to do is relax, enjoy the ride and the bourbon, and I’ll see you soon!”
He was impressed. The
Windjammer Hotel was one of the more expensive hotels located on the beach,
with every room in the hotel facing the beach.
He’d seen it several times and had often wondered what it would be like to
stay there, but he always thought that he’d never be able to afford it on his
salary. That was all in the past now, as
his obviously well-to-do 19-year-old lover had taken care of all that for him. But then again, coming from the Alexander
family the way she did, he wasn’t surprised that she had money. The limo alone was proof of that.
He took one more look at the note as he picked up his drink
and took a sip, then folded the note and slipped it into his pocket. All there was to do now was just what Jessica
had told him to do – relax, enjoy the ride and the bourbon. He decided to do just that, stretching out
his legs and crossing his feet at the ankles.
“Yes, I could definitely get used to this!” he said aloud,
smiling to himself.
A little more than an hour later the limo pulled up to the
circular drive in front of The Windjammer Hotel, and as soon as it stopped the
driver got out and opened Roger’s door for him.
Roger went to reach for his wallet to tip the driver, but the driver put
his hand on Roger’s arm and stopped him.
“Thank you, sir, but that’s already been taken care of,” he
said, smiling and tipping his hat at Roger.
“Have a good weekend, sir!” he said before going around to the driver’s
door, getting in, and then driving away.
Roger walked into the lobby of the hotel, the cool air inside giving him
a little bit of a chill. He walked over
to the desk where an attractive brunette was working. She looked up and smiled as he approached.
“Good evening, sir, may I help you?” she said cheerily.
“Yes, my name is Roger Marks,” Roger replied.
“Oh, yes, Mr. Marks, I have your room key card right here!”
she said, picking up a small envelope the size of a credit card from out of an
accordion holder and handing it to him.
He noticed his name was written on the envelope as he took it.
“You’re in Room 1022; take the elevator up to the tenth
floor, turn right, and it’s third door on the right,” she explained, pointing
to the elevator to his left.
“Thank you very much,” Roger replied, turning to head for
the elevator.
“And I have this note for you, too, Mr. Marks,” the brunette
said, handing him another folded note.
Once again he recognized Jessica’s handwriting as he took the note. “If there’s anything you need, please don’t
hesitate to call. I hope you have an
enjoyable stay!” the brunette said, smiling broadly at him.
“Thank you, I’m sure I will!” he replied, opening the note.
“Come to me, my pet, I’m waiting for you!”
Roger felt his cock twitch as he read the simple
message. He folded the note and put it
in his pocket with the other one as he headed to the elevator. Less than two minutes later he stepped out of
the elevator onto the tenth floor of the hotel and turned right, striding down
the hallway to the third door on the right which bore the numbers ‘1022.’ He slipped the card key into the slot and was
rewarded with a green light and a soft ‘beep’ as the lock clicked open. He turned the handle and opened the door, stepping
into the foyer of one of the most spacious hotel rooms he’d ever seen.
The door opened into a living room with a couch on one side
of the room, a long table with a rather large HD TV sitting on it on the other
side of the room, and a big lounge chair sitting in the corner next to the
sliding glass door which led to the balcony.
There was a coffee table sitting in front of the couch, and on the table
was a champagne bucket that contained a bottle of champagne. There were two long stemmed champagne glasses
– crystal, he was sure – sitting on the table next to them, and Roger had a
pretty good idea he knew what brand champagne was sitting in the bucket getting
chilled. The door to the bedroom was on
the side of the room where the table and HD TV were, and as he turned his head
to look Jessica appeared in the doorway.
She was sexy and stunning as usual, wearing a long, flowing
white see-through robe with faux white fur at the collar and cuffs. Beneath the robe she was wearing a white lace
teddy, the top of which was cut very low and barely holding in her heavy,
mammoth breasts. He could see the dark
patch of her closely trimmed pubic hair beneath the crotch of the teddy, and he
could feel the first stirrings in his balls and his cock. She completed the outfit by wearing white
nylons that didn’t need a garter belt to stay up, the tops stopping at
mid-thigh. Jessica put her hands on
either side of the doorway and cocked one leg at the knee as she looked at him
and smiled her usual, sexy smile. The
right side of her face was again covered by her long, flowing auburn hair,
something that Roger thought he would always find incredibly sexy and
alluring. She smiled at him as she
“Hello, my pet,” she said, her voice low and sultry as
usual. “I’m so glad you’re here!”
“Hello, Jessica,” Roger replied, smiling back at her as he let
his eyes roam up and down her lithe figure.
“I’m glad I’m here, too!”
Jessica walked over to him, her hips swaying as she walked,
her huge breasts bobbling inside the teddy with every movement. Roger could see her nipples were hard and
erect, pressing against the thin material of the lingerie and nearly ripping
through it. She never broke eye contact
with him as she covered the short space between them, her green eyes – the one
he could see, anyway – sparkling. She
walked up to him and reached up, wrapping her arms around his neck as she
pulled her body close to his. Roger
could feel the massive globes of her breasts pressing against his chest as she
molded her body to his, and he could feel the heat emanating from her groin as
her hips pressed hard against his. She
placed a hand on the back of his head and pulled his face down to hers as she
lifted her face up, her soft, full lips parted in anticipation. Their lips touched as they kissed, Jessica
pressing her full body up against Roger’s even harder as her lithe tongue
slipped out of her mouth and into his.
Their tongues danced as Roger slipped his arms around Jessica’s body and
pulled her close to him, letting one hand slide down her back to grip and
squeeze one of the firm, rounded gloves of Jessica’s ass.
They both felt Roger’s cock begin to harden, and Jessica
pressed her hips against the quickly growing bulge and rocked them back and
forth as she sucked his tongue into her mouth.
She slid a hand down Roger’s chest and stomach to his crotch, rubbing
the flat of her hand over his quickly hardening cock before closing her hand on
the bulge and squeezing, gripping it hard.
Roger groaned a bit at this which made Jessica sigh with desire in
return. Their kiss deepened as Roger
slid a hand around Jessica’s body, gliding it around her hips to her
mound. He cupped her mound in his hand
and immediately discovered two things:
the teddy Jessica was wearing was crotchless, and her pussy was already
dripping wet.
“See how wet I am for you, my pet?” Jessica asked, breaking
off the kiss and nibbling on his ear lobe as she spoke breathlessly into his
ear. “My tight little pussy wants your
big, hard cock so bad!” she breathed before kissing him again.
Roger rubbed his fingers up and down the soft, wet slit of
her shaven outer lips, feeling them part beneath his touch. He slipped a finger between the outer lips
and felt the silky smooth wetness of Jessica’s pussy, and she gasped aloud when
he slid a finger inside her steaming tunnel.
She pulled and tugged on his now-hard cock as he slid a second finger
inside her, gasping again as Roger kissed and sucked on the side of her
neck. Jessica threw her head back and
moaned as his fingers slid over her hard clit, sending shivers of pleasure
racing up her spine. She reached for the
front of his jeans with both hands, quickly unzipping his jeans and reaching
inside to pull out his throbbing hard cock.
Jessica gripped the pulsing shaft with both hands, pulling and tugging
on it as Roger continued to suck on the side of her neck while sliding two
fingers in and out of her sopping wet pussy.
The passion in both of them was now at a fever pitch and
growing with each moment. Keeping his
fingers inside her pussy Roger led Jessica over to the table where the HD TV
was, Jessica understanding at once what he had in mind. She slid her rounded ass onto the table and
spread her legs wide as Roger moved in between them. He slipped his fingers out of her pussy so he
could unfasten his jeans, his eyes locked on hers. Jessica’s eyes burned with desire, her mouth
parted as she gasped for breath, and as he unfastened his jeans and slipped
them down over his hips Jessica slipped her arms out of the robe and let it
fall to the table. She reached up and
grasped the big, firm globes of her massive tits in her hands, lifting them up
and squeezing them hard as she tugged on the erect nipples.
Roger stepped out of his shoes and then his jeans, moving in
between Jessica’s outspread thighs towards her waiting pussy. He grasped the shaft of his cock in one hand
and rubbed the bulbous head up and down her slit, mixing his precum with her
pussy juices. Jessica gasped and jumped
when the purple head of his cock rubbed over her hard clit, squeezing her tits
even harder in her hands.
“Give it to me, Roger!” she gasped, her eyes on fire with
desire. “Give me your big, hard cock and
fuck me hard!” she begged, twisting her nipples for emphasis.
“As you wish!” Roger replied. He slid the head of his cock down her slit to
her opening, and Jessica gasped again as she felt the head of his cock pressing
against her steaming tunnel.
With one hard thrust of his hips Roger pushed his cock into
Jessica’s wet pussy, impaling her on his throbbing shaft. Jessica was so wet and slippery that he slid
in easily, and she cried out as his entire cock slid deeply into her tight, wet
tunnel. Jessica wrapped her arms around
his neck as she lifted her long, lithe legs to wrap them around his waist,
clamping them tightly around him as she pulled him to her. This drove his cock deep into her once more,
and she gasped as she felt the head of his cock hit bottom inside her pussy.
Roger began thrusting immediately, not giving Jessica any
time to rest after he entered her. He
fucked her hard and fast, driving his cock in and out of her slippery tunnel in
long, deep strokes, his balls slapping against both the table top and her ass
as he moved.
“Oh! Ohh! Ohhh!” Jessica gasped as he thrust in and out of
her, driving her quickly to what she knew was going to be a shattering
orgasm. Roger reached up and grabbed her
bouncing, swaying breasts with both hands, squeezing them hard as he continued
to fuck her. Jessica cried out at this
and clamped her legs tighter around his waist in reply.
“That’s it, my pet, that’s it!” she cried, gasping for
breath as he fucked her harder and faster.
“Fuck me hard, Roger, fuck me hard!
Pound my pussy with your cock, make me cum, make me cum all over your
cock!” she gasped as Roger squeezed her mammoth tits even harder in his
hands. Jessica reached down and pushed
his hands away, then ripped open the front of her teddy to set her huge tits
free before grabbing his hands and placing them on her tits once again. She put her arms around his neck again as he
squeezed the naked globes of breast flesh hard in his hands, his cock thrusting
in and out of her sopping wet pussy relentlessly. She felt her orgasm building quickly and knew
that she was going to cum in a matter of moments.
“I’m gonna cum, Roger, oh my God, I’m gonna cum!” she
gasped, her mouth hanging open as she panted for breath. Roger had been holding back himself for the
past few minutes, and this was just what he wanted to hear.
“Me, too,” he said, also gasping for breath as he pounded
Jessica’s pussy hard. Jessica’s eyes lit
up as a big grin crossed her face.
“Cum with me, my pet!” she gasped, placing her hands on the
back of his and squeezing them to make him squeeze her tits harder. “Fuck me hard and cum with me!”
Roger increased both the tempo and the force of his thrusts,
slamming his hard cock in and out of Jessica’s soaking wet pussy in long, deep
thrusts. Jessica put her heels on
Roger’s ass and pushed, goading him into fucking her even harder. She put her hands on the backs of his again
and squeezed hard, encouraging him to squeeze her mounds even harder. Roger did, and Jessica cried out in response.
“I’m gonna cum! I’m
gonna cum! Oh, my God, I’m cumminnnnggg!” Jessica cried, and Roger could
feel her pussy clamp down on his cock as her orgasm hit.
Jessica’s orgasm exploded like a bomb deep inside her pussy,
the waves of pleasure flashing out from her clit and pussy and shooting through
her body like an atomic shock wave, and she threw her head back and cried out
loudly as the waves of pleasure went crashing through her. She gripped the edge of the table with both
hands, taking them from the backs of Roger’s hands to steady herself as her
body shook with the force of her cumming.
Her legs clamped tight around Roger’s waist as she came hard, her pussy
clamping down on Roger’s shaft as it thrust in and out of her.
This set Roger off, and he gripped Jessica’s tits even
harder as he felt his cock and balls tighten and then explode as he came. He groaned loudly as his hips bucked forward,
driving his cock deeper than ever into Jessica’s pussy as the cum exploded from
the tip of his cock. The hot thick
stream of cum blasted out of Roger’s cock and into Jessica’s wet pussy, quickly
flooding her tunnel with his cum to the point of overflowing as Roger’s cock
pumped and throbbed inside her. His cock
pumped stream after stream of cum into her as her pussy continued to squeeze
his cock, and the streams of cum hitting the inside of her pussy made Jessica
cum even harder.
Roger gritted his teeth and hung on to Jessica’s huge mounds
for dear life as one of the most intense orgasms he’d ever experienced ripped
through his body. His cock pumped and
throbbed inside her pussy as his balls emptied themselves, his cock shooting
stream after stream of hot cum into her waiting tunnel. He grunted as he pushed his hips forward one
last time, shoving his spurting cock deeper than ever into Jessica’s pussy,
making her gasp with pleasure as he hit bottom inside her.
They clung to each other as their orgasms slowly faded, the
waves of pleasure washing over Jessica slowing and finally fading away just as
the last bit of cum spit out of the tip of Roger’s cock as it was buried deep
inside her. She could feel his cum
pooling under her ass on the table, but she just didn’t care. She loved the sensation of his cock inside
her and being filled with his cum, so she tightened her legs around him and
pulled him closer as the last bits of cum seeped from him.
Both of them were covered with a fine layer of sweat and
both were gasping for breath, and both of them stayed motionless for several
long moments as they recovered. Roger’s
slowly softening cock remained buried inside Jessica’s pussy, and Jessica kept
her legs clamped around Roger’s waist to keep him inside her as his shaft
slowly softened and eventually slipped out.
Jessica quickly clamped her pussy shut to keep the ocean of cum inside
her from flooding out. She relaxed her
legs as she reached up to pull Roger’s face down to hers; they kissed again,
softly this time, and she ran her soft hand over the side of Roger’s face as
their lips touched.
After a few moments the kiss ended, and Roger stood up
straight and looked down at her.
“Wow!” was all he could manage. Both of them laughed, and a little bit of his
cum seeped out of Jessica’s pussy as she laughed.
“Wow is right!” Jessica replied. “I think we both needed that – at least, I
know I did!” she said, releasing her legs from around Roger’s waist. He stepped back a few steps and picked his
jeans up from the floor before replying.
“I certainly did,” he said.
“Especially after all of the torment you put me through today in class!”
“Was it worth it, my
pet?” Jessica asked, still sitting on the table, the robe lying around her.
“I don’t know, the night is still young,” he replied. Jessica smiled at this as she slipped from
the table and stood up. She reached back
and picked up her robe as she replied, her huge tits swaying freely on her chest,
the ripped teddy no longer holding them in.
She turned and looked at him as she replied.
“Yes, it is,” she said, smiling at him as she slipped her
arms through the sleeves of the robe.
“It most certainly is, my pet, and I can guarantee you that by the time
this night is over, there will be absolutely no doubt in your mind that the
torment was worth it!” she said, walking over to him and running her hand over
the side of his face.
“Now be a dear and pour me a glass of champagne while I go
clean up and change, won’t you?” she said, smiling up at him sweetly. “And when I get back we can order something
to eat from room service. You must be
hungry by now, and you’re certainly going to need all the energy you can get
for tonight!” She reached up and kissed
him softly on the lips, then turned and walked into the bedroom. Roger watched the firm, rounded globes of her
ass swaying as she walked, a smile on his face.
Then he pulled his jeans on, slipped his feet back into his
shoes, and went over to the coffee table to open the bottle of champagne.
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