(Author’s note:
this is a work of fiction. Any
resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are at least 18 years
of age.)
Scott had always thought his younger sister, Elizabeth – or
“Lizzy” as she was called – was cute as hell growing up. Dirty blond hair, a cute face with a pert
nose, blue eyes that could melt your heart whenever she looked at you, she was
the quintessential cute little girl, and Scott loved her to death.
Growing up he had always been there for her, helping her out
when she needed it, answering the questions that she was too embarrassed to ask
their parents, things like that. Along
the way they had developed a very close relationship where each of them knew
they could talk to the other about anything and everything, and as the both of
them grew up and discovered the opposite sex they found they could talk to each
other about that, too. He was able to
answer her questions about boys and she was able to answer his questions about
girls, and that had worked out to both of their advantages when they started
dating. They were only a year apart in
age, so the timing worked out well for both of them. She was, without a doubt, Scott’s best
friend, and he was sure that she felt the same way about him.
And now, at 19 years of age, Lizzy had blossomed into a
stunningly beautiful young woman. She
was tall, around 5’8” or so, with a slender body that was now devoid of all
‘baby fat.’ Her legs were long and
slender, her butt was round and firm, her belly flat and firm as well. Her face had changed from ‘cute’ to ‘sexy,’
her lips filling out and her eyes remaining a sparkling blue. She had let her hair grow out until it was
halfway down her back, but by now it was more blond than dirty blond. Scott thought that one of the sexiest things
about his sister was her lips; some would call them ‘DSL’ or ‘dick sucking
lips,’ and he couldn’t disagree with that observation. Her lips were full and lush, and he had often
imagined what it would be like kissing them.
But far and away the most spectacular thing about her was
her bustline. Her tits were huge, firm
and full, longer than they were round, standing out proudly from her chest like
twin torpedoes with just a little bit of sag.
He had watched her chest develop as she had grown up and had noticed
that once her tits started to grow, they just took off. She went through bra sizes faster than anyone
he’d ever heard of, at least from what he’d overheard his mother say. She had certainly developed much faster than
other girls her age, which made her an instant hit with the boys and an instant
enemy with the girls.
Not too long ago while on Spring Break from the college he
was attending on the other side of the state, he was visiting his parent’s
house where Lizzy still lived when he saw her sunbathing in the back yard by
the pool. She was wearing a black micro-bikini
that left almost nothing to the imagination, and he knew his mother would have
a coronary if she ever saw Lizzy wearing it.
The bottoms barely covered her pubic mound, and the cups covered her
nipples but just barely. The rest of her
magnificent tits was left out in the open for all the world to see, and he felt
his cock stirring in his shorts as he looked at her. After seeing her in the micro-bikini his
curiosity got the better of him, so while she was still outside he went into
her room and looked through her lingerie drawer, searching for one of her
bras. He found one, a black one with
gold embroidery trim, and looked at the size tag, his mouth falling open at
what he saw.
The tag read “35 DDD/F.”
“Holy shit!” he said out loud. Just then he heard the back door slam closed
as Lizzy came into the house, so he quickly put the bra back in the drawer,
slid the drawer closed and got out of her room before she came in.
In the weeks that followed he found himself preoccupied with
his younger sister to the point of it almost becoming an obsession, and she
became the focal point of a couple of masturbation sessions in his college room
late at night when his roommate was out.
He didn’t have a girlfriend at the moment, so his sex life pretty much
consisted of watching internet porn and masturbating. In other words, he was a typical 20-year-old
young man with a high sex drive, and he was okay with that.
The summer break finally came around, and his second year of
college was officially over. He packed
up his belongings and moved back into his old room at his parent’s house, and
of course Lizzy was still there. She had
no desire to go to college, so she had gotten a full-time job in a lingerie
shop (of all places) in the local mall and was still living at home. She planned on going to college eventually,
but for the moment she was happy just staying where she was and enjoying life.
She was in the house when he arrived fresh from college, and
when he walked in the door she turned to look as the door opened. Her eyes lit up and she broke out into a huge
grin when she saw it was him.
“Big brother!” she cried happily, jumping up from the couch
and running over to him. She threw
herself against him and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly and
pushing those big, firm breasts against his chest. He dropped the suitcases in his hands and wrapped
his arms around her, hugging her back, resisting the temptation to slide his
hands down and grab her ass in both hands.
“I’m so glad you’re here!” she said, still hugging him. “I’ve missed you so much!” she said, kissing
him on the cheek and then looking at him, her blue eyes sparkling. “This place is so boring without you!”
“I’m glad to see you too, Lizzy, and I’m happy to be here as
well!” he said, smiling at her. “You
staying out of trouble?” he asked playfully.
“So far so good!” she said, releasing him from her arms and
stepping back. “But it’s early yet, and
the summer hasn’t even really gotten started!” She put her hands behind her
back and rocked her shoulders back and forth as she spoke, doing her best
‘innocent little girl’ imitation.
What she didn’t realize was that she was effectively waving
her big tits at him, a fact that did not go unnoticed by Scott. She was wearing a skin-tight white tank top
with a pink bra beneath it, the straps showing at her shoulders, and a matching
pair of equally skin-tight pink athletic shorts with white trim. She had her hair done up in pig tails secured
with pink bows, and at the moment she was barefoot. A pair of pink and white tennis shoes lay on
the floor in front of the couch where she’d been sitting before he came in.
‘Damn, she looks hot!’ he thought to himself. ‘This is gonna be a long summer!’
“Is Mom here?” he asked, reaching down to recover his
suitcases from where he’d dropped them.
“I know Dad’s at work, but what about Mom? Is she around?”
“No, she’s out doing the food shopping right now,” Lizzy
replied, turning back to the couch and sitting down, tucking one leg under
her. “She said she wanted to make sure
she had what she needed to make your favorite dinner for the big night when you
came home,” she said. “She sure loves
you, Scotty,” she said, calling him by her pet name for him. She was the only one he let call her that,
and she knew it.
“She loves you just as much, you know,” he replied. Lizzy nodded as she spoke again.
“I know,” she said, smiling.
“And that’s a good thing, because when she sees the bikini I bought a
few months ago she’s gonna have a fit!” she said, giggling.
“You got that right!” he said, smiling at the memory of
seeing her in it a few months earlier.
And as soon as he said it, he realized he’d fucked up. He turned to look at Lizzy and saw that she
was looking at him with a puzzled look on her face. He moved quickly to recover.
“I mean, yeah, knowing Mom the way we do, I’d say you’re
right about what her reaction will be,” he said, continuing before Lizzy had a
chance to dwell on what he had said. “So
just how bad is it, anyway?” he asked.
“Bad!” she replied, giggling. “It’s pretty small – tiny, actually! It’s a micro-bikini, and there’s barely
enough to it to cover the important parts!
The cups are so small that if I move too fast or turn the wrong way my
tits fall out! But you wanna hear the
best part about it?” she asked, tucking both feet under her on the couch and
turning to face him, putting her hands down in front of her as she spoke. She looked just like a little girl getting
ready to divulge a deep, dark secret to her best friend – which, in a way, she
“What’s that?” Scott replied.
“I love it!” she said, almost whispering. “It looks so good on me, and it makes me feel
so sexy!”
“I’ll bet it does, Lizzy,” he said, smiling at her. “And you already are, by the way.”
“I already am what?” she asked.
“Sexy,” he said, making her smile. “I’m sure the bikini looks good on you, but I
don’t see how it could possibly make you any sexier than you already are!”
“Thank you, Scotty, but you’re my brother and you’re
supposed to say things like that, so you don’t count!” she said playfully. “Besides, how would you know what I look like
in it? You haven’t seen it on me yet!”
‘If you only knew!’ he thought to himself. “Very true,” he said instead.
“Maybe I’ll show it to you later,” she said, putting one
foot down on the floor and sitting back on the couch. “If you’re a good boy, that is!” she teased,
sticking the tip of her tongue out at him between her teeth.
“I’m always good!” he said, smiling as he turned to carry
his bags up the stairs. Lizzy watched
him go, admiring his butt as he walked up the stairs.
‘Damn, but my brother has a sexy butt!’ she thought
to herself, smiling.
* * * * * *
Later that evening Scott was sitting in the jacuzzi on the
back deck, relaxing and just taking it easy, his arms outstretched and resting
on the lip of the jacuzzi as the water bubbled around him and the jets of warm
water played over his body. His parents
had been thrilled to see him as usual, and his mom had made his favorite dinner
which he thoroughly enjoyed. They had
spent two hours talking about college and things in general, and now his
parents were out for the rest of the evening attending a company party that his
father’s company was throwing to celebrate their latest quarterly
earnings. Scott was more than familiar
with these parties, so he knew his parents wouldn’t be back until well after
midnight. That meant he and Lizzy had
the house to themselves, and so far he hadn’t seen much of Lizzy. He figured that she was on a marathon phone call
to one of her many girlfriends since she was between boyfriends right now, and
if that was the case then he’d be lucky to see her at all. That, plus the fact that his parents were
gone and wouldn’t be back for some time, were the main reasons that when he
decided to get into the jacuzzi, he decided to do it without a bathing
suit. So now he was sitting nude on the
bench in the jacuzzi, relaxing as the water jets blew streams of warm water and
bubbles over his naked skin. He put his
head back and closed his eyes, smiling and relaxing.
A few minutes later he heard the sliding patio door open and
then close, and when he lifted his head and opened his eyes he saw Lizzy
walking towards the jacuzzi. She was
barefoot and was wearing a light blue silk robe that was tied around her trim
waist, the front of the robe pushed out by her huge tits. He could see them wobbling inside the robe as
she walked towards him, and he felt a stirring down below.
“Hi, Scotty!” she said, smiling at him. She stopped when she got to the jacuzzi, not
getting in yet, still wearing her robe.
“Hi, Lizzy,” he replied, looking up at her. “I didn’t think I’d see you tonight since you
were on the phone with one of your girlfriends,” he said, picking up his beer
and taking a drink.
“Yeah, well, Patty’s boyfriend called her while we were
talking, and the next thing I knew she was blowing me off to go be with him,”
she said, pouting just a bit. “I don’t
blame her, but sometimes it really sucks not having a boyfriend! Anyhow,” she continued, smiling now, “when I
got off the phone I came looking for you, and when you weren’t in your room I
looked out the window and saw you out here.
So I decided to come and join you, if that’s okay!”
“Well, actually, this might not be the best time…” he began,
trying to find the words to tell her that he was naked under all of the bubbles,
but Lizzy didn’t give him the chance as she spoke again, cutting him off.
“I also decided something else,” she said, smiling playfully
at him, “something that I think you’re really gonna like!”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
he asked, curious.
“Like this!” she said, untying the sash holding the robe
closed and then pulling it open, shrugging out of it and letting it drop to the
deck. She was wearing the black
micro-bikini they had been talking about earlier, the one he had already seen
her in, and he had to admit that she looked even better in it close up than she
did from far away.
Simply put, she was stunning. The top of the bikini was so small that it
barely covered her nipples and he was sure that what she said about her tits
popping out was true. The bottom was
nothing more than the smallest of cloth triangles, barely covering her
slit. She was obviously smooth-shaven,
or he’d have seen her pubic hair for sure.
She put her hands on her hips and turned around as he admired her,
showing him that the bottom was also a thong.
He was struck by just how firm, round, and sexy her ass was, and he felt
another twitch in his cock. After
pausing with her back to him for just a moment, she turned to face him once
more, her hands still on her hips, one knee cocked in front of the other.
“Well, what do you think?” she asked, smiling at him. “Is Mom gonna have a heart attack when she
sees this, or what?”
“Hell, Lizzy, I’m gonna be lucky if I don’t have a heart
attack!” he said, unable to take his eyes from the firm mountains of her huge
breasts as they pressed against the tiny cups of the bikini top. Her nipples were hard and erect, poking out
against the nylon material of the suit, and Scott wondered if this whole thing
was turning her on – because it sure as hell was turning him on. He felt his cock beginning to shift a bit as
it grew just a touch.
“I’ll take that as a compliment!” she said, lifting a foot
to step into the jacuzzi.
“Lizzy, wait, there’s something you need to know before you
get in here,” he said, stopping her with her foot in mid-air.
“Like what?” she said, looking at him and smiling. “Like, that maybe you’re not wearing a
bathing suit and are sitting there all naked and stuff? Something like that?” she said, proud of
“Something like that, yeah,” he said, leaning back. “How did you know?” he asked.
“Because I’m not blind, silly!” she said, stepping into the
jacuzzi. “Besides, what’s the big deal? It’s not like I’ve never seen a man’s dick
before!” She sat down on the seat across from Scott and leaned back, pushing
her big tits out at him. The strain
against the tiny bikini top was evident, and Scott was both afraid and hopeful
that the top would give up the fight and let her huge mounds pop out.
“Yeah, but you’ve never seen my dick before,” he
replied, also sitting back. “Besides,
with me it’s different, you know.”
“Why is it different?
What are you, another Ron Jeremy or something?” she teased, smiling at
him. “Because if that’s the case, then I
wanna see!”
“Don’t I wish,” he said, smiling briefly before
continuing. “It’s different because I’m
your brother, Lizzy.”
“Doesn’t make it any different to me, Scotty,” she said,
glancing down at the water and then looking back up at him. “A dick’s a dick, no matter whose it is. Besides, you and I have been best friends as
well as brother and sister for as long as I can remember, and there isn’t a man
on the face of the planet that I trust more and am more comfortable with than
you. And I would hope that you feel the
same way about me,” she said, looking him in the eyes. He could tell that she was serious, and that
touched him.
“I do, Lizzy, I really do,” he said, meaning it.
“Good! Now that we’ve
got that out of the way, what say we even things up a bit?” she said, the
brightness coming back to her face. She
stood up and reached behind her back, untying the bikini top and then pulling
it up and over her head, her huge torpedo tits swaying with her movements. She dropped it on the deck next to the jacuzzi
and then slipped out of the tiny bottoms, dropping them on the deck with the
top. Scott only got a glimpse of her
bald pussy before she sat back down, leaning back and stretching her arms out
to rest them on the edge of the jacuzzi.
“There! Now we’re
both naked!” she said, grinning mischievously at him. “Feel better?” she asked.
“Lizzy, really, I mean…” he stammered, finding it hard to
concentrate while being confronted with her huge, naked tits. They were absolutely beautiful, full and
firm, capped with pert nipples in the center of pale pink areolas. Lizzy must have liked what she was doing to
him because he saw her areolas begin to crinkle just a bit, and he could have
sworn that her nipples got harder and more prominent.
“Oh, stop it, Scotty!
You’re acting like you’ve never seen a woman’s naked tits before!” she
chided, grinning at him. “Well, maybe
not a set of tits like these before, anyway!” she said, looking down at them
and then grabbing them with both hands, holding them up for him to see
better. “They are big, aren’t they?” she
asked, teasing him. Scott almost choked
on his tongue when she did this, and he felt his cock begin to grow beneath the
“Huge!” he replied, looking up at her briefly before
dropping his gaze down to her chest again.
“Biggest tits I’ve ever seen in real life!” She laughed at his reply, a broad smile on
her face.
“You should see the look on your face right now, it’s
classic!” she said, laughing. She let go
of her tits and sat back, stretching her arms out on the edge of the jacuzzi
again. “I’m sorry, Scotty, I just had to
tease you! I know you’ve always drooled
over my big tits, and I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to tease you! Mad at me?” she asked, giving him her little
girl pouty look again. He managed to
pull his eyes off of her mammoth tits when he replied.
“No, I’m not mad,” he said.
“Just…surprised, I guess.
Surprised and a little…shocked, maybe.”
“A little shocked, or a little excited? Aroused, maybe?” she asked, her voice soft
and a sly smile on her face. Scott
looked at her and paused for a moment before he replied.
“Maybe,” he said, feeling his cock growing by the second. Her smile grew right along with it.
“Are you hard, Scotty?” she asked, looking down at the water
in front of him briefly as she spoke.
When he didn’t answer right away, she spoke again.
“Oh, c’mon, Scotty, you and I have always been able to talk
to each other about anything, so why should this be any different?” she asked,
looking him in the eyes. “Now answer my
question, please. Are you hard?” she
asked again. Scott swallowed hard before
answering. He had a feeling he knew
where this was going, and he was both scared to death and excited at the
prospect at the same time. He nodded
slightly as he spoke.
“Getting there,” he said.
Lizzy broke out into a big smile at his reply.
“See? That wasn’t so bad,
now was it?” she said, poking the tip of her tongue out at him from between her
teeth. “Besides, I’d be pretty upset if
you weren’t getting a boner by now, all things considered!” She sat back and looked at him, her gaze
shifting from his eyes down to the water in front of him and then back for
several long moments before she spoke again.
“Since you’re being so honest with me and in the interest of
being fair and all that, I suppose I should tell you something as well,” she
said, her voice going soft.
“What’s that?” Scott asked.
“I’m wet,” she replied, a seductive look taking over her
eyes. “And I don’t mean from the jacuzzi,
either. I mean my pussy is wet. Sitting here thinking about that hard cock
standing up in front of you has made me wet, wetter than I’ve been in a long
time!” she said. Her words brought him
to full hardness quickly, and he could feel his cock throbbing as it stood up
from his crotch. Lizzy got up and
crossed over to him, her huge breasts swaying with her movements, the areolas
obviously crinkled with her excitement.
She sat down on the seat next to him, less than an arm’s reach away, and
put one arm up on the edge of the jacuzzi for support as she leaned over to
speak. She put her other hand on the top
of his thigh and looked him in the eyes as she continued, her breasts hanging
down in front of her.
“And there’s something else, too, something I’ve been
thinking about for a long time. I want
to be your fuck buddy, Scotty,” she said, taking him by surprise. “I think we both need this – I know I do,
anyway! You know what a fuck buddy is,
right?” she asked.
“Of course I do,” he said, a little stunned by what she was
telling him.
“Good! Because I
think that’s what we need, both of us. Someone
we can just fuck when we need it, no strings attached, none of the bullshit
that goes along with a relationship! At
least I know it’s what I need right now, and judging from this,” she
said, sliding her hand up and grabbing his fully erect cock in her hand, “I’d
say it’s what you need right now too!”
“But Lizzy, this is wrong!” he said, his voice soft. “This is so wrong! I am your brother,
you know!”
“I know, but isn’t that what makes it so exciting?” she
asked, her eyes sparkling, a smile on her face.
She began to pump his cock in her hand, gripping it tightly. “Besides, I don’t care! It’s only sex, after all, it’s not that big a
deal when you get right down to it!”
He hated to admit it, but she was right. He looked her in the eyes for a few moments
as she pumped his cock in her hand, and he jumped when she ran her thumb up and
over the tip. His precum was flowing,
and she felt the slickness of it.
“You’re leaking!” she said, grinning at him as she continued
to rub her thumb over and around the head of his cock.
“Yeah, well, what did you expect with your hand wrapped
around my dick like that?” he said, grinning back at her.
“So, are you gonna grab my tits or what?” she asked, a
wicked grin on her face and lust in her eyes.
“Here, let me make it easier for you!” she said, releasing his cock from
her grip and standing up, facing him.
She quickly stepped over him, the water splashing as she swung one
shapely leg over his legs, then put her hands on his shoulders for support as
she sat down on top of his thighs between his knees and his crotch. She immediately reached down into the water
and seized his cock in her hand again, squeezing it hard as she pumped it. Scott gave in to his desires, reaching up and
grabbing both of her big, firm mounds in his hands, squeezing them hard.
“There you go!” Lizzy said, pumping his cock in her
hand. “Squeeze my tits, Scotty, squeeze
them hard! I love it when my tits are
squeezed really hard!”
Scott obliged, squeezing her big tits in his hands as hard
as he could. She squealed with delight
at his grip on her mounds, squeezing his cock in her hand harder in
return. He lifted them up out of the
water and bent over, holding one huge breast up to his mouth. He clamped his lips around the erect nipple
and sucked hard, making Lizzy gasp. She
put her hand on the back of his head and held his mouth to her breast, moaning
and pulling on his cock as he sucked her nipple into his mouth. He moved over to the other breast and did the
same thing, making Lizzy squirm as she sat on his thighs.
“Oh, my God, I need to be fucked, and I mean right now!” she
gasped. She released his cock from her
hand and pushed on his shoulders, pushing him back against the wall of the
“Lizzy, wait a minute…” Scott started to say, but Lizzy cut
him off.
“Wait hell, Scotty, we both want this, and you know it!” she
said, looking down at him with her hands on his shoulders, holding him in place
against the wall of the jacuzzi. “Now
I’m going to fuck you and there’s nothing you can do to stop me, so you might
as well enjoy it!”
She was right and Scott knew it; he wanted his sister very
badly, so badly that his cock was throbbing and was harder than he could
remember. All resistance faded, and he
looked into her eyes and nodded as he spoke.
“You’re right, Lizzy, I do want you,” he said, “very badly!” Lizzy smiled in return, then gave him a quick
kiss on the lips before continuing.
With the jets from the jacuzzi spraying water over them and
the water bubbling around them she slid up his thighs and lifted herself up,
placing her soaking wet pussy right above his hard cock. She reached down into the water and grabbed
his shaft again, rubbing the bulbous head up and down between her slick outer
lips. She placed the head against her
opening and sat down, pushing her hips down and swallowing up his cock with her
pussy. She was absolutely soaking wet,
and Scott’s cock slid inside her with ease.
Her pussy was hot, very wet, and very tight, tighter than Scott had ever
felt before. She braced herself with her
hands on the side of the jacuzzi right above Scott’s shoulders, and she closed
her eyes and moaned with ecstasy as she settled down onto his cock.
“Aaaahhhhh!” she moaned, closing her eyes and tossing her
head back, a smile on her face. “Oh my
God, does that feel good!” she said, slowly rotating her hips around and around
on his cock, pushing her hips down to get his cock as deep into her as she
could. “You have no idea how badly I
needed this!” she said, lifting her head and looking at him. She sat back, bracing herself with her hands
behind her on top of his thighs, and began moving her hips up and down, sliding
her tight pussy up and down on his throbbing cock. Her big breasts spread out on her chest, the
nipples hard and erect, and Scott reached out to pinch them with his fingers. Lizzy squealed with delight, gripping his
cock with her pussy and riding him harder.
“This isn’t gonna take long, Scotty!” she said, the motions
of her hips increasing. “I’m horny as
hell and in just the right mood for a quick fuck! We can take our time later, but right now I
just want to cum all over your cock and then feel you cumming inside my pussy!”
she said, sliding her pussy up and down the length of his cock, churning the
water around them.
“Uh, that might not be a good idea, don’t you think?” he
said, still pinching her nipples and squeezing her huge tits. The last thing he wanted to do was knock up
his own sister.
“I’m on the pill,” she said, her breathing coming faster and
her hips speeding up a little as her excitement and arousal increased. “Now shut up and fuck me! I wanna feel that hard cock pumping your cum
inside me!” she said, moving her hips faster and harder.
Relieved at not having to worry about impregnating his own
sister, Scott grabbed both of her big tits in his hands and squeezed hard, so
hard he was worried about bruising them.
Lizzy moaned loudly, slamming her hips down onto him, her eyes squeezed
closed and her mouth hanging open as she gasped for breath. Her hips were moving fast now, churning the
water around them, and Scott could tell that she was right on the edge. He was getting close as well, and he knew
that when she came it would set him off right behind her.
He took one of his hands from her tits and moved it down to
her pubic mound, laying his hand flat and pressing her clit with his
thumb. Lizzy cried out loudly, so loudly
that he was afraid the neighbors would hear it, and her hips moved even faster.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” she gasped as he circled her clit with
his thumb. “I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna
cum, oh my God, I’m gonna cum!” she cried through gritted teeth. Her pussy was hot, tight and wet around his
shaft as she fucked him, and it only took one more flick of his thumb on her
clit to push her over the edge.
“NNNNNNNGGGGHHHHH!!!” she grunted through gritted teeth, her
eyes squeezed closed as her orgasm erupted inside her. Her hips were a blur as she fucked him,
thrashing the water around them as she slid her pussy up and down on his
cock. She gripped his thighs with her
hands tightly, hanging on as wave after wave of pleasure rocketed through her
body, shaking her down to her very soul.
Scott felt his balls shifting as she fucked him hard and
fast, and then he felt his cock swelling inside her as his orgasm quickly
approached. A few moments later his
orgasm hit, and it hit hard. He closed
his eyes and groaned through clenched teeth as his cock erupted, shooting
stream after stream of hot, thick cum into Lizzy’s clutching, gripping pussy. She felt his cock pumping inside her and
opened her eyes, grinning as she looked at him.
“Yes! That’s it,
Scotty, give it to me! Fill me up! Shoot your cum inside me and fill me up!” she
gasped, squeezing his cock with her pussy.
Her own orgasm had ended by now, so she sat up and pushed
her hips down onto his throbbing, pumping cock, wrapping her arms around his
neck and pressing her huge tits against his chest. Four, five, six times Scott felt his cock
pulsing as it pumped Lizzy’s pussy full of cum.
She clung to him tightly, relishing the feeling of his cock pumping and
shooting inside her, and she was sad when the pulsing of his cock slowed and then
stopped. Scott was left gasping for
breath when it was all over, and he put his arms around his sister and held her
to him as he tried to catch his breath.
After sitting like this for a few minutes Lizzy straightened
up, putting her hands on his hips as she sat on him. His softening cock was still inside her, and
she could feel his cum beginning to leak out of her. She sat like this for several moments until
Scott lifted his head and opened his eyes, and she smiled at him when she did.
“Wow, you came hard!” she said, grinning.
“So did you,” he said, smiling back at her.
“You have no idea how badly I needed that, Scotty! Thank you so much for helping me out!” she
said. She leaned forward and gave him a
quick kiss on the lips and sat back up before he could react.
“Well, isn’t that what fuck buddies are for?” he asked,
playing with her. She smiled and nodded
in agreement.
“That’s exactly what they’re for!” she said. “I think this is gonna work out just fine for
the both of us!”
“You think so?” Scott asked.
“Absolutely! Whenever
I’m horny and just need to be fucked, I can call you and have you take care of
me!” she explained. “And of course, it
works the other way, too – whenever you’re horny and need to get fucked, you
call me and I’ll come take care of you!
It’s a two-way street, you know!”
“We’re going to have to be very careful about this, Lizzy,”
he said on a more serious note. “There’s
a word for what we just did, and it isn’t a nice one. And if our parents ever find out about it,
well, I hate to think about what would happen!
So we have to be very discreet, and very careful – more discreet and
careful than you’ve ever been about anything else before in your entire life,”
he explained. “And you absolutely cannot
ever tell anyone about this under any circumstances! Do you understand that, Lizzy?” he asked. Lizzy nodded solemnly as she replied.
“I understand, Scotty,” she said, a serious look on her
face. “This will stay between you and
me, I promise. And I promise to be
discreet and very careful, too!”
“Good! Now I think
it’s time for you to get up because you’re putting my legs to sleep!” he said,
smiling at her. She put her hands on his
shoulders for support and stood up, and Scott saw the ribbons of his cum
floating in the water. Lizzy saw it as
“Looks like we get to clean out the jacuzzi tomorrow, huh,
Scotty?” she said, smiling at him.
“Yeah, I guess we do!” he said, smiling back. “But right now I need another beer!” he said,
standing up and getting out of the jacuzzi.
“I want one, too!” Lizzy said, getting out behind him. She stood next to him and reached out, taking
his hand in hers, the water dripping from her fantastic body.
“You’re not old enough to drink!” he teased.
“Neither are you, but after what we just did I don’t think
that really matters, do you?” she said, grinning up at him.
“No, I guess not,” he said.
He looked down at her and smiled, and she smiled back.
“One more thing,” she said, standing in front of him. Before he could move or say anything she
reached up and put her arms around his neck, pulling his face down to hers and
kissing him. She pressed her body up
against his as her lips parted, and Scott slipped his arms around her slender
body and pulled her close to him. He
could feel the mounds of her big breasts pressing against him, the nipples
getting hard again.
‘Her lips are just as soft as I thought they would be!’
he thought to himself as her lips parted and her tongue slipped into his mouth
to find his own. As the kiss intensified
he felt his cock stirring, and Lizzy felt it as well. She pressed up against him harder, putting a
hand on the back of his head as she slid her tongue further into his mouth.
When she finally ended the kiss it left both of them
breathless, and Scott looked at her in amazement.
“Holy crap!” he said.
“Where did you learn to kiss like that?” he asked, and Lizzy just smiled
up at him.
“Don’t ask me questions that are gonna make me lie to you!”
she said softly, her eyes sparking. “But
I see you enjoyed it!” she said, grinding against his semi-hard cock.
“Well, duh!” he replied, making her laugh.
“Save it for the next time, Scotty,” she said, running her
hand along the side of his face. “I
promise I’ll make it worth the wait, okay?”
“Okay, Lizzy!” he replied.
“Good! Now let’s go
get those beers!” she said, taking his hand in hers again. Then they walked naked across the deck and
into the kitchen.
* * * * * *
The next day when Scott came down to the kitchen for
breakfast Lizzy was already there, and true to her word she was as calm, cool,
and collected as she ever was, acting as if nothing unusual had happened the
night before. She proved herself to him
when their mom asked her a question that almost made Scott choke on his orange
“So what did you two do last night while we were gone?” she
asked, taking a sip from her coffee cup.
“With the two of you here alone I can hardly imagine what you were up to!”
she said, smiling. He glanced over at
Lizzy and saw that she was unfazed.
“Oh, not much, really,” she replied, “I’m between boyfriends
right now and didn’t have a date, so I spent the night in my room on the phone
talking with my friends. What did you do
last night, Scotty?” she asked, turning to look at him and giving him a knowing
“Nothing exciting, just relaxed in the jacuzzi for a bit,”
he said as calmly as he could. “Oh, by
the way, Mom, that jacuzzi needs to have the water changed. I, uh, spilled a soda in it last night so I
need to clean it out. I’ll do that as
soon as I’m done here,” he said. His
mother smiled at him in return.
“Thank you, Scott, it needed to be done anyway,” she
said. “Just don’t let your father know
that you had a drink out there in the jacuzzi, you know how he is about that!”
she cautioned, taking another sip from her coffee cup.
‘Man, if you only knew!’ he thought. He looked over at Lizzy and saw that she was
smiling at him as if to say, ‘we did good!’
“No problem, Mom, I won’t mention it to him, and I’ll get it
taken care of before he gets home,” he replied.
“I’ll help you!” Lizzy said brightly. “I don’t have anything to do today, so I’ll
be glad to come help you!”
“That’s sweet of you, honey, I’m sure your brother
appreciates that!” their mom said, getting up from the table and smiling at
them before she turned and left. As soon
as she was out of the room and out of earshot, Lizzy spoke up.
“And I’m sure that’s not all he appreciates, either!” she
said, giggling.
“Lizzy! Be quiet!”
Scott said, glancing back at the direction their mother had gone.
“Oh, relax, big brother, it’s okay!” she said, getting up
from her seat and taking her dishes to the sink. “Now let’s go get that jacuzzi taken care of,
shall we? And after that,” she said,
putting her dishes in the sink and then turning around to lean on the counter,
her hands on the edge as she continued, “maybe we can take care of each other!”
“Already?” Scott asked, getting up with his own dishes in
his hands. “What are you, a nymphomaniac
or something?” he asked, half kidding and half serious.
“I don’t know, maybe,” she said, a serious look on her
face. “All I know is I love having sex,
and I want to do it as much as I can, as often as I can. Does that make me a nympho?” she asked, her
brow furrowed. Scott stood next to her
as he replied to her suddenly serious question.
He crossed his arms across his chest as he spoke.
“Are you satisfied after you’ve finished having sex?” he asked, and she nodded.
“Yes, and I cum every time, too,” she replied. “Sometimes more than once, actually.”
“Then no, by the medical definition of the term you are not
a nymphomaniac,” he said, making Lizzy smile with relief.
“Then what am I?” she asked.
“An overly-horny teenaged girl, I suppose!” he said,
smiling. She giggled in response,
punching him on the arm.
“You’re terrible!” she said, giggling.
“I dunno, I thought I was pretty good!” he said, laughing.
“C’mon, stud muffin, let’s go get the jacuzzi cleaned out!”
she said, taking him by the hand and leading him out the door to the deck.
* * * * * *
From that day on a whole new world opened up to Scott. His sister turned out to be nearly
insatiable, taking every opportunity that came her way to have sex with
him. But she always remembered what
Scott had told her about being careful and discreet, and to keep it a secret
between the two of them. She was always
on her best behavior whenever their parents were around, but whenever they were
both gone and would be gone for at least an hour she was knocking on his door
or making his cell phone ring before their car was out of the driveway.
And Scott didn’t mind one bit. His sister was a beautiful, sexy, and
desirable young woman who also happened to be a great fuck, and he liked being
thought of and used by her as her personal sex toy. Both of them liked the fact that this was
just sex, no strings attached other than being brother and sister, both of them
knowing that it would come to an end as soon as one or both of them found a boy
or girlfriend.
But the truth was, neither of them was looking. They were both perfectly happy with the way
things were and had no desire to change it.
Scott never admitted this to Lizzy and she never admitted it to him, but
they both just understood that was the way it was. And they were both fine with
it, neither of them wanting it to end.
They were both laying out by the pool one sunny afternoon,
just relaxing and enjoying the summer.
Their dad was at work and their mom was in the house doing mom things,
so the two of them had gone out to get some sun and just relax. Lizzy had worn the infamous micro-bikini
several times since that night in the jacuzzi, but it had always been when
their parents weren’t home. She really
didn’t feel like going through the hassle with her mom she knew would come her
way should her mom ever see her in it, so she saved it for when her parents
were both gone. So on this afternoon she
was wearing a “normal” blue bikini with ruffles around the edges of the cups
and the panties, and Scott thought it looked really good on her.
Scott was dozing in the sun in the chaise lounged next to
Lizzy, who he thought was doing the same thing when Lizzy spoke up, bringing
him out of his doze.
“Scotty, would you face-fuck me if I asked you to?” she
asked, taking him completely by surprise.
“Huh?” he said, lifting his head and looking over at
“I said, would you face-fuck me if I asked you to?” she
repeated. She turned her head to look at
him, but Scott couldn’t see her eyes because of the sunglasses she was wearing.
“Where in the hell did that come from all of a sudden?” he
“I was watching some porn on my laptop last night, and I saw
a video where the actress was playing a secretary who had been fired and wanted
to get her job back, so she went over to her boss’s house and gave him a
blowjob to get it back. He ended up
face-fucking the crap out of her, and she looked like she really liked it!” she
explained, and Scott could see her nipples getting hard under her bikini top as
she talked. “She was gasping and moaning
and crying out around his cock as he did it to her, and the whole thing made me
so hot and horny that I ended up masturbating to it! I came so hard I nearly screamed!”
“That wouldn’t have been good, considering that Mom and Dad
were both home last night,” he said, smiling at her.
“I know, I know, that’s why I bit my lip to keep from
screaming! Anyway, I want to get
face-fucked like that, and I want you to do it to me!” she said, smiling
back. Her nipples were definitely hard
by now, poking out against her bikini top like two little pebbles. “Will you do it to me, Scotty? Will you face-fuck your little sister,
“Gee, I dunno,” he said, teasing her as he lay back in the
lounge, smiling.
“What’s the matter, haven’t you face-fucked a girl before?”
she asked, sitting up on one elbow, her big tits hanging down sideways from her
chest. When he paused before answering,
her mouth dropped open in surprise.
“You haven’t, have you!
You’ve never face-fucked a girl before!” she exclaimed, grinning at him.
“Jeez, Lizzy, shout it out to the whole neighborhood, why
don’t you?” he said, lifting his head up and looking around quickly. Seeing nothing amiss, he lay his head back
down and spoke again. “No, I
haven’t. There, are you satisfied?” he
asked, a little embarrassed at his lack of experience.
“That’s okay, Scotty, really it is!” she said, much quieter
but still just as excited. “That just
means that we’ll be doing it for the first time together! And that just makes it all that much hotter
and sexier if you ask me!”
“So when would you like for this to happen?” he asked,
turning his head to look at her.
“As soon as we have the house to ourselves!” she said, lying
back down with a big smile on her face.
“You know that getting face-fucked usually ends with the
girl getting a facial, right?” he asked.
“Yes, I know,” she said, still smiling.
“And you’re okay with me cumming all over your face?” he
asked, his heart beating faster at the thought of shooting his cum all over his
sister’s pretty face. Facials had always
turned him on, so this was going to be a dream come true. Lizzy then made his heart beat faster when
she turned her head and looked at him when she replied.
“I love it when a man cums all over my face!” she said,
smiling at him. “I just love the feeling
of all that warm cum on my skin, the sensation of his cum dripping down my
cheeks, the taste of it on my lips and tongue…” she said, her voice going soft
and husky, “and I can’t wait for it to be your cum on my face and tongue!” Scott was speechless at this revelation, and
he just looked at her for a few moments before speaking again.
“I wonder when Mom and Dad will be going out again?” he
said, laying back down.
“Tonight,” Lizzy said, turning her face back to the sun and
smiling. “They have a dinner date with
one of Mom’s friends and will be gone for most of the evening!” He’d been had, and he knew it. Lizzy was a lot more clever than he gave her
credit for, and he made a mental note to remember this.
“Then tonight it is!” Scott said, smiling.
* * * * * *
After dinner but before his parents went out for the
evening, Scott went into his room and closed the door, then went over to his
desk and opened his laptop. He sat down
at the desk and did a quick internet search for ‘secretary gives blowjob to
get her job back,’ and after sifting through a couple of the results he
found the video Lizzy was talking about.
He watched the video and understood just why it had excited Lizzy the
way it did. It was very well done, and just
as Lizzy had said it looked like the actress really enjoyed it. Scott had seen several videos in which the
actress was face-fucked, and all of them depicted the action in what Scott
considered to be a way that was degrading to the woman. On top of that, he could only remember maybe
two in which the actress appeared to actually be enjoying it; in all the rest
the actresses looked like they were just tolerating it and hated every minute
of it.
But not this video.
By the time the video was over Scott had a raging hard-on, and it was
all he could do to keep from going after Lizzy right then and there. He was actually impatient for his parents to
leave, and apparently so was Lizzy because when they finally did leave, Lizzy
was knocking on his door before their car was out of sight down the street.
“Scotty! It’s
me! They’re gone! Can I come in?” she said, her voice filled
with excitement.
“Sure, Lizzy, come on in,” Scott replied, turning in his
chair to face the door. The door opened immediately
and Lizzy came in, wearing a big smile and hardly anything else. She was wearing a pair of pink lace thong
panties and a white t-shirt that had been cut off just below her big boobs, and
it was very apparent by the way her huge tits were bobbing and swaying beneath
the t-shirt that she wasn’t wearing a bra.
That was just fine with Scott, as he had always loved the sight of a
woman with really big breasts walking around braless. She was also grinning from ear to ear and was
giddy with excitement.
“I thought they’d never leave!” she said, her eyes
sparkling. “I’ve been looking forward to
this all day, and I’m so excited and horny that I can hardly think straight!”
“Yeah, I have to admit that I’ve been looking forward to it
as well, and I’m pretty excited about it too,” Scott replied. Lizzy looked down and saw the bulge in his
pants, then looked back up at him, giving him a knowing smile.
“So I see!” she said, glancing over at the laptop open on
his desk. The porn site where he had
been watching the video was still up, and she saw it. Her mouth flew open and she squealed with
delight when she realized what he was doing.
“You watched the video, didn’t you!” she said, clapping her
hands together and jumping up and down.
“I knew it! I knew you’d go
looking for it! So what did you think,
Scotty? Was that video hot as hell or
what?” she asked.
“It was, very much so,” he replied, nodding his head. “And you’re right, the actress certainly did
appear to enjoy getting face-fucked and having the guy cum all over her face.”
“I want you to do the same thing to me, Scotty,” she said,
kneeling down in front of him and putting her hands on his knees as she looked
up at him. “I want you to face-fuck me
just like the guy in the video did, just as hard, just as fast, and then I want
you to cum all over my face!”
“Are you sure about that, Lizzy?” he asked. “Are you sure you want me to do it to you
just like in the video? I mean, I will,
no problem, I just want to make sure it’s what you really want. After all, it was kind of intense, you know,”
he said, putting his hand on top of hers.
She smiled back up at him, the love she felt for him apparent.
“Yes, big brother, I’m sure,” she said, “I want you to do it
to me just like in the video, and then I want you to cum all over my face!”
“Okay, let’s get started then!” he said, sitting back in his
chair. “Unzip my pants and take out my
cock,” he ordered. Lizzy looked up at
him with glee in her eyes and smiled.
“Yes, boss!” she said, mimicking the actress from the video
and sticking the tip of her tongue out from between her teeth. She reached for his zipper and pulled it
down, then reached inside his pants and pulled out his cock. He was already rock-hard and throbbing, so
getting him hard was one less thing that Lizzy had to do. She tugged his cock and balls free of his
pants, gripping his hard cock tightly in one hand as she pulled his fly wide
open with the other. He usually didn’t
wear any underwear and tonight was no exception, so Lizzy had free access to
his cock and balls in no time.
She immediately moved her hand out of the way and licked him
from his balls up the shaft to the tip, running her tongue around the tip
before closing her lips around it and sliding her mouth down onto his rigid
cock. She took about half of him into
her mouth, sucking on the shaft and running her tongue around it, bobbing her
head up and down on his cock several times.
He began to wonder if she was going to be able to take all of him when
he shoved her face into his lap to drive his dick into her mouth, and as if she
had read his thoughts she put his mind at ease by looking up at him for a
moment and then sliding her mouth all the way down his cock until her nose was
pressing against his abdomen, deepthroating him with apparent ease. She held her head there for a moment, and
Scott felt her swallowing around his cock.
Then she slid her mouth back up his shaft until just the head was in her
mouth, pausing there for a moment to swirl her tongue around it before she
deepthroated him again. When she came
back up his cock this time she released it from her mouth with a soft ‘pop,’
then looked up at him and smiled.
“Didn’t know I could do that, did ya?” she asked, gripping
his shiny wet cock with her hand and pumping it slowly, smiling up at him.
“No, I didn’t, but I’m sure glad you can!” he said, smiling
back. His cock was rock-hard and
throbbing in her hand, and he couldn’t remember when his cock had been this
“I didn’t get a chance to suck your cock in the jacuzzi a
few nights ago, so I wanted to show you what I could do before we got down to
business,” she explained.
“Thank you, I appreciate that!” he said, grinning at her.
“Well, are you gonna take charge or what?” she said, quoting
a line from the video, the line the woman said that prompted the man to start
face-fucking her. Scott immediately
reached out with one hand and grabbed her by the hair, twisting his hand in it
and then shoving her face down towards his cock. Lizzy quickly opened her mouth and pointed
his cock at it, then moved her hand out of the way just in time enough for his
shaft to plunge into her mouth.
“MMMMMPH!!” she squealed around his cock as he pushed her
face all the way down on his lap, shoving his cock into her mouth and down her
throat. Scott immediately starting face-fucking
her, gripping her by the hair and thrusting her head up and down on his
shaft. Lizzy sucked on his shaft as best
she could, but he was moving her head up and down so hard and fast that it was
hard to keep her lips sealed around his shaft.
The room was filled with the sounds of slurping and sucking as she
struggled to keep up with him pumping her head up and down on his cock.
MMPH!” she squealed around his cock in time with her head being shoved down
as it thrust into her mouth again and again.
After a few more thrusts Scott pushed her head down and kept it there,
impaling his cock into her mouth and down her throat.
“MMMMMMMMPPPHHH!!” Lizzy cried out around his cock, slapping
her hands down onto the tops of his thighs and involuntarily pushing back
against him, her back arching as she fought for breath. Scott held her there for several long
moments, then released her from his grip.
Her head shot up off of his cock and Lizzy straightened up, her mouth
hanging open, her lips glistening with her spit, a long strand of saliva
running from her bottom lip to the tip of his cock. She grabbed his cock, shiny and wet with her
spit, and pumped it as she tried to catch her breath. She gasped for breath
several times before she was able to speak, looking up at Scott and smiling.
“Holy shit, Scotty!” she said, gasping for breath, “This is
so hot! I love it! Do it again! Do it…MMMPH!” she squealed as
Scott reached out and grabbed her by the hair with both hands this time, shoving
her head back down and her mouth onto his cock.
She tried sucking on his cock again, but as before he was pumping her
head up and down so fast that she couldn’t really get her lips to seal around
his cock, so again the sounds of her slurping and sucking on his cock filled
the room.
Scott was surprised at how incredibly turned on he was by
this. His cock was rock hard and
throbbing, harder than he could ever remember, and the sights and sounds of
Lizzy’s head being shoved up and down onto his cock only made it throb even
harder. He held her hair tight in his
hands as he pumped her head up and down, hard and fast, and Lizzy put her hands
onto the tops of his thighs for support again as he continued to face-fuck her.
It was all Lizzy could do to hang on as her brother
face-fucked her. She had never done this
before, and she was nearly overwhelmed by two things – how hard and fast her
brother was doing it, and how incredibly turned on she was. She didn’t know if it was the thought of
being basically helpless and at Scott’s mercy as he face-fucked the living crap
out of her, or if it was the sensations of his cock thrusting in and out of her
mouth. All she knew was that she was
more sexually aroused than she could remember, and her pussy was so wet she
could feel her juices starting to seep out and run down her legs. When he released her head from his grip again
she sat back on her haunches, panting and gasping loudly for breath, a heavy
stream of saliva running from her mouth and down her chin. His cock and balls were wet and shiny,
covered with her spit, his cock standing straight up and throbbing with the
blood pumping through it. Lizzy gasped
for breath loudly several times before finally being able to speak, and when
she did her eyes were bright and shiny with desire.
“That’s what I’m talking about!” she gasped, grinning from
ear to ear as she panted for breath. “God,
I love it!” she exclaimed, her chest heaving and her big, unfettered breasts
swaying beneath her shirt. Her nipples
were hard and erect, standing out against the light cotton of her shirt, and
the scent of her musk filled the room. “I
can’t wait for you to cum all over my face!” she said excitedly, looking up at
him and grinning.
“Then let’s get to it!” Scott said, standing up from his
chair in front of her. He reached down
and grabbed her by the hair, pulling her up to her knees and shoving his cock
back into her mouth. He immediately
started face-fucking her again, just as hard and fast as he had before he stood
up. Lizzy slapped her hands against his
thighs for support as he brutally shoved her face into his crotch and his cock
into her mouth.
“GLK! GMPH! GLMPH! GLK! GULK!” she gasped as her mouth was
forced down onto his cock over and over again, the spit running down her chin
and his balls. He shoved her head
against him and held it there, driving his cock all the way into her mouth and
down her throat, forcing her to deepthroat him.
Lizzy cried out around his cock, her back arching and her hands slapping
the front of his thighs as she fought for breath. He held her there for a few long moments,
then pushed her head away and yanked her mouth from his cock. Lizzy took a big whooping breath of air, her
mouth hanging open and her chest heaving, as she looked up at him with watery
“Holy shit!” was all she had the chance to say before Scott
shoved her mouth back onto his cock.
she cried out around his shaft, bracing herself against his thighs as he began
face-fucking her again.
‘Oh my God, he’s gonna face-fuck me to death! I love it!’ Lizzy thought to herself as
Scott continued shoving her mouth up and down on his cock. She felt totally helpless and was struggling
to breathe around his cock thrusting in and out of her mouth, but that was the
whole point – and she loved every second of it.
Scott was getting very close to cumming, feeling the
familiar tingling in his balls that signaled the approach of his orgasm. He was more turned on and excited about this
whole thing than he had planned on, but it was a very pleasant surprise. Then he felt a more urgent twinge in his
balls and knew that it was time.
“Are you ready?” he asked Lizzy, and she looked up at him in
response. She nodded as best she could
with her head being jerked around like it was, but Scott felt and saw it
nevertheless. “Use your hands when I let
you go!” he said, and she nodded again.
Scott released her head from his hands and Lizzy pulled her
mouth from his cock, gasping for breath.
She immediately gripped his wet, shiny cock with both hands and began
pumping it hard and fast. She leaned
forward and sucked the head of his cock into her mouth, running her tongue over
and around it as she pumped his throbbing shaft in her hands. She was still trying to catch her breath so
she was breathing hard through her nose, but she kept her mouth locked onto the
head of his cock. She kept the head trapped
in her mouth, sucking on it as hard as she could as she gripped his cock
tightly and pumped her hands rapidly up and down the shaft. She looked up at him, her eyes watery and
sparkling with desire, and that was all it took.
“I’m gonna cum!” Scott groaned, and Lizzy released his cock
from her mouth. She continued pumping it
with her hands, gripping it tighter.
“Give it to me!” she gasped, still short of breath. “Cum on me, cum on my face, cum for me,
Scotty!” she said, holding her mouth open under the head of his cock.
Scott came immediately, and he came hard. His cock exploded in Lizzy’s hands, shooting
long, thick streams of hot, sticky cum onto her upturned face as it pumped and
throbbed in her hands. She stuck her tongue
out to catch as much of it as she could as his cock pumped stream after stream
of white cum onto her face. One of the
ropes of cum landed across the right side of her face and over her eye, but she
just blinked it away and kept on pumping his cock with her hands.
Scott threw his head back, squeezed his eyes shut and
groaned through gritted teeth as he experienced the most intense and absolutely
the longest orgasm he’d ever had in his entire life. His cock throbbed over and over, pumping seemingly
endless streams of cum onto his sister’s upturned face. He was cumming so hard he felt like his
brains were going to come shooting out of the end of his dick, and he was
almost thankful when the throbbing and pumping of his cock in Lizzy’s hands
finally began to slow. He opened his
eyes and looked down at his sister, amazed at what he saw.
Her face was covered in his cum. There were at least eight ropes of cum of
varying lengths on her face, in her hair, dripping from her chin, and in one of
her eyes. She was looking up at him and
smiling with her mouth open, a small pool of his cum on her tongue as it
protruded from her mouth. As the
throbbing of his cock in her hands abated she leaned forward and wrapped her
lips around the head of his cock, sucking hard and pumping with her hands to
get the last bit of cum from him.
With her mouth still on the head of his cock she slipped a
hand down into her panties and began rubbing her clit. Her pussy was so wet that her panties were
drenched, and when she shoved two fingers into her pussy they slid in with
ease. She began thrusting her fingers in
and out of her pussy rapidly, hitting her clit with her hand with every stroke,
and she was cumming in a matter of seconds.
“NNNNNNGGGGGGHHHH!!” she groaned around the head of Scott’s
cock in her mouth, keeping her lips clamped around it as her orgasm rocketed
through her body. She squeezed his shaft
in her other hand hard, so hard that it began to hurt as the intense orgasm
shook her from her head down to her toes.
Scott watched in amazement as her body shook with the intensity of her
orgasm, and he was mildly surprised when his cock stayed hard instead of going
soft right away. The sight of his
sister, her face covered with his cum, shaking while having an orgasm in front
of him with his cock stuck in her mouth kept him hard.
Her orgasm was intense but fast, and it was over in less
than twenty seconds. When it ended it
left her panting and gasping for breath, and she released Scotts cock from both
her mouth and her hand as she sat back on her haunches. She looked up at him for a few seconds while
she tried to catch her breath, and then she gave him a slightly wicked
half-smile as she began scooping the cum from her face with her fingers and
then wiping it onto her outstretched tongue before swallowing it down. She did this until her face was completely
clean of his cum, sucking on her fingers to get the last of it.
“Mmmm, I just love the taste of cum!” she said, smiling up
at him. “And your cum tastes especially
good, Scotty!” she said, sucking the
last little bit from her fingers. She
leaned forward and squeezed his cock with her hand, and when a lone drop of cum
appeared at the tip she licked it off with her tongue and swallowed it
down. Then she gave the tip of his cock
a slow, wet, sucking kiss, her full, soft lips pressing against it. His cock was finally starting to go soft,
although not as fast as it usually did.
Lizzy released his cock and sat back on her haunches,
leaning all the way back and supporting herself with her hands on the floor
behind her. The mounds of her huge tits
flattened out just a bit but not much, swaying a little with Lizzy’s breathing
which was still a little faster than normal.
Scot sat down in the chair again, his legs splayed apart, his softening
cock hanging down in front of him. They
looked at each other and Lizzy giggled, then they both began to laugh.
“Holy shit, that was intense!” Scott said after he stopped
“Boy, that’s the understatement of the year!” Lizzy replied,
still leaning back on her hands. “I
thought you were going to face-fuck me to death there for a little bit!” Her hair was disheveled and out of place, and
she looked like she had just been ridden hard and put away wet – which, in a
sense, she had. “And then you tried to
drown me in cum!” she said, giggling.
“I’ve never cum that hard and that much before in my entire
life!” he said, still amazed at what had just taken place. “And you had a pretty intense orgasm
yourself, there, kiddo,” he said, smiling down at her.
“Yeah, I did!” she replied, grinning up at him.
“So was it everything you thought it would be? Did I do all right?” he asked, and Lizzy
nodded vigorously at him.
“Oh, my Gawd, yes!” she replied, leaning forward and putting
her hands on his knees, looking up at him as she spoke. “That was perfect, Scotty, and I can’t wait to
do it again! Thank you so much!”
“Thank you as well, Lizzy,” he replied, smiling. She got up on her knees and leaned forward,
kissing him softly on the lips. Then she
stood up, a bit wobbly at first but quickly getting her balance.
“Guess I should go get cleaned up, huh?” she said, running
one hand through her tousled hair and the other over her soaking wet
panties. “And I’m definitely gonna need
a clean pair of panties!” she said, pulling the soaked nylon away from her
mound with two fingers.
“Yeah, I need to clean up as well, although I must admit you
did a pretty good job of cleaning me up already,” he said, standing up and
pulling his pants up as he stood.
“See you later, boss!” Lizzy said, sticking her tongue out
between her teeth at him as she turned and left, closing the door behind
“This is going to be one hell of a summer!” Scott said aloud
to himself as he turned to head for his bathroom. “One hell of a summer indeed!”
More to come…
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