(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)
When Steve woke up to his alarm clock the next morning, the
first thing he thought of was the events of the previous night. As he went through his morning routine of
showering, shaving and getting dressed for work, he couldn’t get Penelope and
the intense lovemaking session they’d had last night out of his mind. He still found it hard to believe, but there
was no way he imagined it – the dried, flaky remnants of Penelope’s juices on
his cock in the morning was physical proof, like he needed any at all.
Penelope was a real “make a wish” doll, and she most
certainly did make his wishes come true.
Now all he had to do was figure out what he was going to use his last
wish for. He was in no hurry to do it
because he wanted to make sure it was something special, something fantastic,
so he pondered on this for a while.
One morning a few days later Steve came out of his office to
get another cup of coffee from the coffee maker in the outer office where
Allison’s desk was. He knew that most
men would have had Allison bring his coffee to him, but Steve took pride in not
being ‘most men’ in how he treated his female coworker. He never asked her to do anything that wasn’t
directly business-related, and that included his coffee. He always got his own, and this is something
that Allison had noticed but had never mentioned to him. It just made her respect him more.
She watched Steve as he walked over to the coffee maker,
coffee mug in hand, picking up the pot and pouring the hot, dark liquid into
his mug.
“You certainly are in a good mood this morning, Steve,” she
said, stopping what she was doing and resting her arms on her desk. She was wearing a black business suit with a
skirt instead of pants and a white blouse that didn’t show any cleavage; the
only thing that was slightly unusual or arousing about her outfit was the black
choker she wore around her neck. She had
always thought chokers were incredibly sexy, and she wore one often – not that
she thought Steve had noticed, anyway.
But she continued to wear them simply because she liked them, and when
she wore her hair up as she did today it only made the choker look better and
stand out more.
“Actually, you’ve been in a pretty good mood for the past
couple of days,” she remarked, smiling at him as he glanced over his shoulder
at her.
“Have I?” he replied, a slight smile on his face. He put the pot back on the warmer and turned
to look at her, taking a sip of his coffee.
“Yes, you have,” she said, still smiling. “I’m not complaining, mind you, and it’s not
like you’re never in a good mood or anything.
It’s just that for the couple of days you’ve been in a better mood than
usual, I guess. Things must be going
pretty good for you at home,” she said, leaving the statement hanging.
“Yes, Allison, as a matter of fact they are,” Steve replied,
grinning. “Very good indeed, actually!”
“Jennifer still loving the doll you got her for Christmas?”
she asked. Steve’s smile broadened a bit
at the question, and Allison noticed it.
He nodded as he replied.
“Yes she is, very much so,” Steve replied, his eyes
sparkling. ‘And she’s not the only
one!’ he thought to himself.
“Good, I’m glad to hear that!” Allison said as Steve walked
past her and back into his office. She
turned back to her work and smiled as she picked up where she left off. She knew that the only reason a man smiled
like that was when he had just gotten laid, and if that was the case with Steve
then she was happy for him – even though there was a part of her that was sad
that she wasn’t the one who was making him smile.
“One day, maybe,” she sighed.
Later that night after Steve and Jennifer had finished
dinner and Jennifer was in bed, Steve was down in his “man cave” watching one
of his favorite non-porn movies on the big screen TV, but he was finding it
hard to concentrate on the movie. His
mind kept drifting back to Penelope, his two wishes she had already made come
true in most spectacular fashion, and what he was going to use his third and
final wish for. A part of him wanted to
use it as soon as he could so he could repeat the best sexual experience of his
life, but another part of him was hesitant to use it because when he did, that
was it – the end, finished, no more Penelope fucking him into oblivion.
“All good things must come to an end, I guess,” he said out
loud to himself as he picked up the remote and pushed the button to turn the TV
off. “But that sure doesn’t make it any
easier to decide,” he said, getting up from the couch and heading upstairs to
go to bed. He turned off the lights as
he started up the stairs, and ten minutes later he was in his own bed, his mind
still racing.
It took him nearly half an hour to go to sleep, and when he
finally did he dreamed of Penelope.
* * * * * *
The next afternoon Steve was in his office discussing a
business plan for a client with Allison and were just finishing up when his
cell phone rang. There were only a
select few people who had his personal number, so when his cell phone rang he
knew it was important.
“Excuse me, please,” he said to Allison, picking up his cell
“That’s okay, Steve, I’ll just take this file out and put
the finishing touches on it,” Allison said, standing up to leave. Steve nodded at her as he replied.
“Thank you, Allison,” he said, looking down at the caller ID
which showed that the call was from Jennifer’s school.
‘This can’t be good!’ Steve thought to himself. Jennifer was a straight “A,” model student,
so for the school to be calling him in the middle of the day it had to be bad
news. He touched the green telephone
symbol on his phone and brought it up to his ear, his hand shaking.
Allison walked out of the office and closed the door just as
Steve said ‘hello’ into the phone, then sat down at her desk to work on the
file. Less than a minute later the door
to Steve’s office burst open and Steve came hustling out, his face white. It only took one look for Allison to know
that something bad had happened, and that it most likely involved Jennifer.
“Steve, what is it?” she asked, standing up at her desk as
Steve nearly ran across the outer office to the door. He stopped at the door long enough to turn
and tell Allison briefly what had happened.
“That was Jennifer’s school on the phone. Jennifer fell from the top of the monkey bars
and hit her head on the pavement. They
took her to City Central hospital in an ambulance, so I’m going there now. Close up and go home if you want to, Allison,
I’m going to the hospital!”
“Not alone you’re not!” Allison replied, opening the bottom
drawer of her desk and taking out her purse.
She walked over to Steve and stood in front of him, holding her hand out
palm up. “And you’re not driving, I am,
so hand them over!” Steve looked at her
for a moment, and when he realized she was right he reached into his pocket,
took out his car keys, and dropped them into her palm.
“Thank you, Allison,” he said, looking into her eyes.
“Let’s go, your daughter needs you!” she replied, taking him
by the elbow and leading him out of the office.
Three hours later they were standing in the hallway of the
ICU, looking through the big window into Jennifer’s room and listening as the
doctor explained what had happened and what they could expect. Jennifer lay on her back, her head wrapped in
bandages, her eyes closed, an IV attached to her arm. She was hooked up to a machine that
registered her heartbeat, temperature and blood pressure, the wires coming out
of the top of her hospital gown and running up to the machine. It was bad, very bad, and the doctor was just
explaining that to Steve and Allison.
“The surgery went well, as well as could be expected,” the
doctor explained, still in his scrubs. “But
I’m afraid I can’t tell you how successful it was. Your daughter suffered a very severe blow to the
front of her head which caused a traumatic brain injury, and that injury has
left her in a coma. I repaired the
damage to her skull and did what I could for the brain injury, but now it’s out
of my hands. All we can do is wait and
see what happens next,” he said.
“What are her chances of recovery?” Steve asked, unable to
take his eyes from Jennifer’s still form lying in the hospital bed. The doctor paused before answering.
“Not very good, I’m afraid,” he said softly. Allison wrapped her arms around and through
Steve’s arm and held him close as the doctor continued. “The key is if she comes out of the coma;
that will be the first and most significant step. After that we will assess her to see how bad
the injury to her brain actually is, and if there is any permanent damage.”
“So what are the chances of her coming out of the coma?”
Steve asked, looking over at the doctor.
Again, the doctor paused before answering, the sadness evident in his
eyes. This was a part of his job that he
“No more than twenty percent, maybe less,” he said. “I’m so sorry. You can go in and see her any time you wish.” Then he turned and walked away, leaving Steve
and Allison to themselves. Steve looked
through the glass at his daughter, his pride and joy and the love of his life,
lying there motionless. He was scared,
more scared than he’d ever been in his entire life, and he didn’t know how to
handle it.
“I don’t know what to do, Allison,” he said, his voice
nearly a whisper. A single tear slipped
out of his eye and ran down his cheek, falling onto his jacket. “I don’t know how to handle this.”
“There’s nothing you can do, Steve,” she said, her voice
soft and comforting, still holding onto his arm. “It’s out of your hands now; all we can do is
be with her and hope for the best.”
“I want to go inside now,” he said, turning and looking at
Allison. The pain in his eyes broke her
heart, and her own eyes welled up with tears.
She nodded, and then they went inside the room. Allison stood at the foot of the bed while
Steve walked over and stood at the side, looking down at the small, fragile
form of his daughter lying in the bed.
He took her small hand in his, reaching down to lightly run his other hand
over her bandaged forehead.
“I’m here, baby,” he whispered. “I’m here, and I’m not leaving. Not until you can go with me,” he said, his
voice breaking slightly.
Allison stood at the foot of the bed, the tears running down
her face as she struggled to remain quiet.
* * * * * *
When the sun came up the next morning it found Steve
sleeping in a chair no more than a foot away from Jennifer’s bed, with Allison
in a chair in the far corner, also sleeping.
She woke up first, sitting up and groaning as the aches and pains of
sleeping in a cramped chair made themselves known. She stood up and stretched, pulling the kinks
out of her sore muscles, then walked over to the chair where Steve was also
sleeping and gently touched him on the shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked up at her, then
over at Jennifer. After seeing nothing
had changed he looked up at Allison again, sitting upright as he spoke.
“Morning,” he said, groggy and stiff.
“Morning, Steve,” she replied, standing next to the chair.
“You didn’t have to stay here all night, you know,” he said,
standing up to stretch.
“Wild horses couldn’t have drug me away from you and
Jennifer last night,” she said, trying to smile. “I’m going to go out and get us both some
coffee and maybe something to eat. Is
there anything you want me to pick up for you? ” she asked.
“Yes, as a matter of fact there is,” Steve replied, looking
over at Jennifer. “Would you go by my
house and pick up Jennifer’s doll, please?
The house key is on the same ring with the car keys. She loves that doll as much as I love her,
and I think she’d like to have it with her right about now,” he said. That was only half of the reason why Steve
wanted the doll brought there, but he knew he couldn’t tell Allison the rest –
not and have her believe it, anyway.
“I’d be happy to, Steve,” she said, touching him on the
elbow. She had seen Jennifer with the
doll several times, so she knew which one Steve was talking about right away. “Is there anything else you want or need?”
“No, that’s all, thank you, Allison,” he replied, looking at
her and smiling. “Thank you so much!”
“Don’t mention it,” she replied. She picked her purse up from the chair and
then left, closing the door quietly behind her.
She returned about an hour later, an overnight bag in one
hand and a bag from a local fast food restaurant in the other.
“Coffee, some breakfast, and I brought you a change of
clothes and your toiletry stuff, just in case you wanted to freshen up before
Jennifer wakes up,” she said, trying to be positive.
“Thank you, Allison, you’re the best!” Steve said, standing
up and taking the paper bag from her.
Allison put the overnight bag down on the floor, opened it, then reached
inside and took out the doll. She stood
up and handed it to Steve, smiling at him.
“And the most important thing of all,” she said. Steve took the doll from her and smiled, then
reached over and kissed her on the cheek.
Allison was caught completely by surprise, her eyes flying open and her
breath catching in her throat for a moment.
“Thank you, Allison,” he said, his eyes tearing up, “I don’t
know what I would have done without you.”
Then he turned to Jennifer and gently
placed the doll on the bed between her arm and her side. He leaned over and kissed Jennifer lightly on
her bandaged forehead, then turned back to Allison.
“Let’s eat, shall we?” he said, picking up the bag. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starved!”
* * * * * *
The morning passed slowly, with neither of them wanting to
eat lunch. By early evening they were
both ready to eat again, and once more Allison went out to get the food. They decided on Chinese this time, and since
the closest Chinese restaurant was clear across town it was going to take
Allison at least an hour to make the round trip.
But that was more than enough time for Steve to do what he
knew he needed to do. As soon as Allison
was gone he got up and walked over to the big window, pulling the curtain aside
just enough to look out, then looked up and down the hallway. When he saw no one there, he walked back over
to the bed and stood next to Jennifer, looking down at her. He gently ran his hand along the side of her
cheek, then picked Penelope up from where the doll lay next to her. He held the doll in his hands and looked at
the remarkably realistic face and those spectacular blue eyes for a moment
before speaking.
“This is my third and final wish, Penelope,” he said softly,
looking at her realistic eyes as he spoke.
“Please don’t let me down.” He
took a deep breath before continuing, his voice low as he spoke. He had given what he was about to say great
thought and had chosen his words carefully so as to cover all bases.
“I wish that my daughter would fully recover from her
injuries,” he said. A tear fell from his
eye and landed on Penelope’s face, so he wasn’t sure he saw the brief flash
coming from the doll’s eyes. He put the
doll back down onto the bed with his daughter without wiping his tear from the
doll’s face. He gently lifted Jennifer’s
arm and placed it over Penelope, then sat back down in the chair to wait.
He didn’t see his tear being drawn into Penelope’s own eyes
as she lay on the bed with Jennifer.
Allison returned about forty-five minutes after that, and
after handing out the white cardboard containers and chopsticks they both sat
down to eat. The aroma of Chinese food
filled the room, and when the nurse came in to check on Jennifer she remarked
about how good it smelled.
“Smells so good I think I want some of that myself!” she
said as she checked the readings on the machine next to the bed.
“Me, too,” Jennifer said softly.
Everyone in the room froze, their eyes wide, but only for a
moment. The nurse turned to look down at
Jennifer as Steve exploded from his chair, the container of Chinese food
hitting the floor. Allison got up almost
as quickly but had the presence of mind to put the Chinese food on the chair as
she got up. They both ran over to the
bed with Steve gripping the white plastic railing with both hands while the
nurse checked Jennifer’s eyes and then her pulse.
“I’ll go get the doctor!” she said, smiling at Steve. Then she left, and Steve took Jennifer’s hand
in his, his eyes filling with tears when he saw that her eyes were wide open
and she was looking back at him. He
reached out and ran his hand along the side of her face, and when he smiled at
her she smiled back.
“How do you feel, baby?” he asked.
“I’m tired and I have a headache,” she replied.
“Do you remember anything?” he asked, and Jennifer nodded as
she replied.
“A little bit. I was
on the monkey bars and I fell,” she said.
“I don’t remember anything after that.”
“That’s okay, baby, you don’t have to remember anything
else,” Steve said, smiling at her. “As
long as you’re okay, that’s the only thing that matters!”
“I love you, Daddy,” she said, looking up at him and holding
his hand back.
“I love you, too, baby!” he said, kissing her on the cheek.
The doctor and the nurse came in then, so Steve moved out of
the way to let him examine Jennifer.
Steve stood at the foot of the bed next to Allison as she wiped the
tears from her face with a tissue.
“This is amazing!” she said, her voice breaking. “I can’t believe she’s awake and talking like
nothing happened! This is nothing short
of a miracle, thank God!”
“Thank Penelope,” Steve said quietly, so quietly that
Allison didn’t hear him. Steve looked at
the doll lying on Jennifer’s chest with her arm draped over it, and he could
have sworn that Penelope was looking back.
* * * * * *
A month later Steve was sitting in a wooden patio chair on
the back patio of his house, watching Jennifer as she played in the back yard
with some of the neighborhood children. It
was Saturday, the weather was pretty good for early March, and both he and Jennifer
were making the most of it. Aside from
her hair being short and still growing out from where they’d had to shave it to
operate on her, she showed absolutely no sign of the brain injury she had
suffered, something that the doctors were unable to explain. They had used the same term as Allison,
calling her recovery “nothing short of a medical miracle.” But of course Steve knew the reason for her
recovery, although there was no way he could ever tell anyone about it.
Steve’s cell phone rang, and he fished it out of his pocket
to see who was calling. A smile came to
his face when he saw Allison’s name on the caller ID window. He and Allison had become close in the time since
Jennifer’s accident, and she had become an almost regular figure around his
house when she wasn’t at work. He
touched the green telephone symbol on the screen of his smart phone to answer
the call, then put the phone to his ear.
“Hey, Allison, what’s up?” he said, his already bright mood
getting a little bit brighter.
“Hi, Steve, nothing really, I just wanted to call and see
how you and Jennifer were doing,” she said.
“We’re both doing just fine, absolutely fine,” he said,
looking out at Jennifer again. “Thank
you for checking on us, I truly appreciate it!”
“It’s the least I can do for you and Jennifer,” she said.
“Hey, look, I’ve got this great big roast cooking in the
oven right now, and there’s way too much for me and Jennifer to eat all by
ourselves,” Steve said as he watched Jennifer running around in the yard. “Why don’t you come over and help us eat
it? I also have a bottle or two of
pretty good wine in the fridge that I could use some help drinking,” he
“That sounds great, Steve!
What time?” she asked.
“Is seven okay?” he said.
“Seven is just fine!” she replied.
“Great! Then Jennifer
and I will see you at seven!” he said, smiling.
“Sounds good to me!
See you then!” she said, then hung up.
Steve looked at the screen of the smart phone for a moment that was
still displaying her contact information which included a picture of her, and
when the screen went dark he put the phone back into his pocket. Jennifer came running over to him just as he
did, smiling broadly.
“Who was that, Daddy?” she asked, putting her hands on his
“That was Miss Allison,” he replied, reaching over and
putting his hand on top of hers. “She’s
coming over for dinner tonight,” he said.
Jennifer’s smile broadened at the news.
“I like her, Daddy, she’s a really nice lady!” she said.
“I like her too, baby, very much,” he replied, nodding.
“She’s pretty, isn’t she, Daddy?” she asked, making Steve
“Yes, baby, she’s very pretty,” he said, reaching over to
stroke the side of her head and face.
“Is she your girlfriend, Daddy?” she asked, catching him off
“No, honey, she’s someone who works with me and who also
happens to be my friend,” he explained.
“Do you want her to be your girlfriend?” Jennifer asked with
the innocence of a child. Steve chuckled
as he responded.
“To be honest, baby, I never really thought about it,” he
said, which was the truth. “Now enough
with the questions, let’s get inside and get you cleaned up and get the table
ready for our dinner guest,” he said, getting up from the chair and tousling
Jennifer’s short hair.
“Okay, Daddy!” she said, smiling up at him. She reached up and took him by the hand, and
they walked into the house together to get things ready for dinner.
Allison arrived promptly at seven, and for the first time Steve
noticed just how pretty and sexy she really was. Maybe it was Jennifer’s questions that had made
him notice her, he wasn’t sure, but as Allison walked past him into the house
he couldn’t help but notice the swaying of her hips and the flexing of her butt
beneath the fairly tight black skirt she was wearing. She was wearing a plain white blouse which
fit her loosely but still allowed the swells and curves of her bigger than
average breasts to show through. A pair
of black low-heeled shoes completed her outfit.
Allison was indeed one very pretty, very sexy woman, and thanks
to his daughter Steve was noticing her as the beautiful, sexy woman she was for
the very first time.
The dinner went off without a hitch, all three of them
having a wonderful time. Allison was
still in awe over Jennifer’s full recovery, while Steve knew the reason behind
it and just played along with her. But
he was eternally grateful that Jennifer had in fact made a full recovery with
no lingering effects. He’d trade one
more night with Penelope for Jennifer’s full recovery any day of the week and
twice on Sunday with no regrets.
After Jennifer had gone to bed Steve and Allison were
sitting on the couch in the living room, both of them with their feet propped
up on the coffee table and enjoying one of the bottles of wine Steve had
mentioned earlier. Allison had kicked
off her shoes and was now barefoot, her feet crossed at the ankles as she relaxed. Steve had a fire going in the fireplace as
the night had turned chilly, and they were both basking in the warmth of the
fire and the glow of the wine.
“I still can’t believe how quickly Jennifer recovered,”
Allison remarked, staring into the fire with the wine glass in her hand. “She shows no ill effects at all – it’s like
it never happened! And the doctors not
being able to explain it, well, that just baffles me more,” she said.
“Some things you have to just accept the way they are,”
Steve said, also staring into the fire and watching the flames dance. “I’m just glad she’s okay. I don’t know what I would have done if…” he
said, letting the sentence hang.
“I know, that would have been so terrible! She’s such a sweet, adorable child,” Allison
said, taking a sip of her wine. “Your ex-wife
is a fool for having left the two of you,” she said, catching Steve off
guard. Allison had never said anything
about his ex-wife or his marriage before; actually, before Jennifer’s accident
she had pretty much stayed out of Steve’s personal life, limiting her contact
to business related subjects only. This
was new territory for her, and Steve knew it.
“Yes, she is, but that’s just another one of those things that
you have to accept the way they are,” he replied, also taking a sip of his
wine. There was a period of silence
which lasted a minute or so, and then Allison spoke up.
“Why haven’t you ever made a pass at me?” she asked, still
looking at the fire. Caught completely
off-guard, Steve looked over at her and she turned her head to look back at him.
“I’m sorry?” he said, at a loss for words.
“Why haven’t you ever made a pass at me?” she repeated. “Don’t you think I’m pretty?” she asked,
looking into his eyes. Steve noticed for
the first time that she had a simply beautiful pair of eyes, a deep brown,
slightly almond-shaped and almost hypnotic.
Steve was pretty sure it was the wine talking, but he really didn’t
‘What the fuck, why not?’ he thought to himself before
“I think you’re beautiful,” he said, meaning it.
“Do you think I’m sexy?” she asked.
“Absolutely,” he replied.
“I think you’re the sexiest woman I know.”
“Then why haven’t you made a pass at me?” she asked
again. Steve paused for a few moments because
he really didn’t have an answer. He’d
never thought of this before, and now that he was thinking about it the answer
was clear to him.
“Because I didn’t think you wanted me to,” he said, meaning
it. “You were always so professional in the office, and I didn’t want to do
anything to disrupt that or upset you.”
She put her feet down on the floor and sat up, then leaned
over and put her wine glass on the coffee table before turning to face
him. She looked directly into his eyes
as she spoke, and Steve saw something in her eyes that he’d never seen before.
Desire. He saw desire
in her eyes.
“I want you to,” she said, placing her hand on his
knee. “I want you to make a pass at me. I want you to grab me, kiss me, rip open my blouse
and grab my breasts, throw me down on the floor and fuck me like there’s no
tomorrow!” she said, the desire in her eyes burning brighter than ever. Steve felt a stirring in his crotch as his
cock responded to her words.
“And if you don’t, then I will,” she said.
Steve put his feet down and leaned forward to put his glass
of wine on the coffee table, then reached over and took Allison by the upper
arms. He pulled her to him and kissed
her, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer as the kiss
deepened. Allison slid her arms around
him and held him tightly, her heart pounding as his tongue slipped into her
mouth to find and tease her own. She
felt her nipples hardening and her pussy getting wet as she enjoyed the kiss
she had been wanting for so long, and her breath quickened as her heart beat
faster in her chest.
Steve’s own desire blossomed quickly as he kissed her. Allison’s lips were soft and full, her tongue
lithe and exciting, and as he pulled her closer to him he could feel the mounds
of her ample chest pressing against him.
His cock was growing quickly, getting harder and longer by the moment as
his own desire grew. He jumped slightly
when Allison slid her hand around his side and down to his crotch, gripping his
growing manhood and squeezing it firmly.
Taking her at her word Steve broke off the kiss and pushed
her away from him slightly, both of them breathing hard. Allison looked him in the eyes and saw his
own desire burning there as he reached out and grabbed her blouse with both
hands. He ripped the blouse open, the
buttons flying, and exposed her large breasts encased in a lacy black bra. He paused for a moment as he took in the
sight of her, his heart beating faster. The
tops of her breasts were rising and falling quickly with Allison’s quickened
breathing, another sign of her desire for him.
He reached out and put his hands on the two mounds, marveling at how big
and firm they were, even inside the bra.
He squeezed them in his hands and Allison moaned in response, closing
her eyes and letting her head fall back a bit as the long-awaited moment
finally arrived. She put her hands on
the back of his as he squeezed and massaged her breasts beneath the bra, opening
her eyes and looking at him as she did.
The look of desire in her eyes had changed to pure lust, and
Steve was sure that the same thing was showing in his eyes as well.
Allison moved his hands out of the way and then reached for
the clasp between the cups of the bra, unfastening it and then pulling the cups
out of the way to reveal her breasts to him for the first time. They were full and firm, capped with two
pert, erect nipples surrounded by small areolas which were crinkling up as
Steve watched. She held them up to him
with both hands, and Steve knew what she wanted.
He lowered his head down and clamped his lips around the
nipple on her left breast, his hand finding her other naked breast and
squeezing it firmly as he sucked her hard nipple into his mouth. Allison put her hand on the back of his head and
pulled his face into her breast, throwing her head back and closing her eyes as
she moaned at the feeling of his lips on her breast. She reached down and grabbed the growing
bulge of his cock beneath his pants, gripping it firmly as he flicked his
tongue over her nipple. Her lust for him
was nearly out of control now; she had never wanted a man to fuck her the way
she wanted Steve to fuck her now, and after waiting all this time to feel his
touch she could wait no longer. She put
her hands on his shoulders and pushed him away from her breasts, the cold air
hitting her wet nipple and making it even harder. He looked at her as she looked into his eyes,
and his heart beat faster at her next words.
“Fuck me, Steve!” she said, her voice a husky, breathless whisper. “Please, for the love of God, fuck me!”
Without hesitation Steve reached out and grabbed Allison by
her upper arms, pulling her from the couch and tossing her onto the floor
between the couch and the coffee table. He
followed her down onto the floor, pushing the coffee table out of the way as he
positioned himself between her legs.
Allison quickly hiked her skirt up to her hips, and the look on her face
and in her eyes told Steve what she wanted him to do next. He reached down and grabbed the front of her
matching black panties in his hand and ripped them from her hips, revealing
Allison’s smooth-shaven pussy and making her gasp with desire.
Her mouth was hanging open and she was breathing hard and
fast as she sat up and reached for the front of Steve’s pants, quickly opening
them and yanking his zipper down. Their
movements were frantic with lust by now, and Steve shoved his pants and shorts
down to mid-thigh as soon as Allison got them open. The room had filled quickly with the musk of Allison’s
arousal, and this only heightened Steve’s desire for her. Allison fell back to the floor and gasped again
as Steve’s hard, throbbing cock popped into view. His cock was fully erect by now, the head
smooth and shiny, the veins standing out on the sides of the hard shaft, a
large clear drop of precum at the tip.
His cock was absolutely beautiful, and she needed it inside her – NOW.
“Yes, oh my God, yes!” she said, her voice a hushed whisper,
her eyes on fire with passion. Steve leaned
forward and propped himself up with his hands on the floor on either side of
her shoulders, and Allison reached down to guide the bulbous head of his hard
cock to her pussy. She was already wet,
her outer lips slick with her juices, and she had just enough time to rub the
head of his cock up and down between them once before Steve pushed forward,
thrusting his cock into her hot, wet tunnel.
Allison stifled a scream as Steve’s cock plunged into her,
not wanting to wake Jennifer. She gasped
and moaned as Steve pushed again, driving his cock completely into her. She lifted her knees and spread her thighs
apart to give him access, lifting her hips up and grabbing him by the hips to
pull him forward and take every inch of him.
Steve groaned loudly, louder than he intended to, as his
hard cock was engulfed by Allison’s tight, wet pussy. He felt her clamp down on his hard shaft with
her inner muscles, and he started to move in response. He began thrusting hard and deep into Allison’s
pussy, lying down on top of her as he thrust.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and squeezed hard, both of them
wrapping their arms around each other as Steve thrust hard and fast in and out
of her pussy.
They lay on the floor, wrapped up tightly in each other’s
arms as Steve fucked Allison hard and fast, her legs clamped tightly around his
waist as she lifted her hips up to meet his thrusts. They were both struggling to keep as quiet as
possible so as to not wake Jennifer, but as their lust overtook them it became increasingly
difficult to do so. Steve muffled his
moans by pushing his mouth against Allison’s shoulder, and she muffled her moans
by biting Steve on the shoulder through his shirt. This only made Steve fuck her harder, driving
his cock deeper into her with each hard thrust.
This was sex driven out of pure lust, and both of them knew
it wasn’t going to last long. The room
was filled with the sounds and smells of sex, both of them quickly working
towards their own orgasms. Allison felt
hers building quickly, and she moaned in Steve’s ears as he continued thrusting
in and out of her now-sopping wet pussy.
“Cum with me, Steve!” she panted in his ear, her voice husky
with desire. “Cum with me, fill me up
with your cum, please, Steve!” she moaned, holding him closer and clamping her
pussy down on his cock as hard as he could.
Steve’s own orgasm was already building, and her words spurred
it on. It was only a matter of moments
later before he felt the familiar tingling and shifting in his balls, and then
he felt his cock swell right before he came.
Allison felt his motions quicken, and a moment later she
cried out as Steve’s orgasm hit and his cock erupted inside her. She bit her lip to keep quiet as her own
orgasm hit, the waves of pleasure crashing through her body like a tsunami,
rocking her to her very core. She came
hard, harder than she could ever remember, as Steve’s cock pumped and throbbed
inside her.
They clung to each other as their orgasms ran their course, and
when it was finally over they both lay quiet and still, gasping and panting for
breath. Allison clung to Steve, keeping
her legs wrapped around his waist, not wanting to let him go. She had wanted him for so long, had desired
him for so long, and now that she finally had him she was reluctant to let him
Steve lay motionless on top of Allison for several moments,
trying to catch his breath. He finally
put his hands on the floor and pushed himself up, and Allison let her arms
slide from around him but kept her legs clamped around his waist. He looked down at her and saw the look of
satisfaction and fulfillment on her face, and he knew that look was on his face
as well. She smiled up at him as she
“Wow!” was all she said, and they both chuckled.
“Wow is right!” Steve replied. “I hope we didn’t wake Jennifer up,” Steve
“I sure hope not, but I don’t think we did,” Allison
replied. “This would be kind of hard to
explain, don’t you think?” she asked, grinning at him.
“Yeah, it would,” Steve replied, returning her grin. He glanced down at Allison’s legs still
wrapped around him as he continued. “You
can let go now, you know,” he said, patting the side of one of her thighs. Allison shook her head as she replied.
“I don’t want to,” she said.
“It took so long for me to get you like this that I don’t want to let you
“We have all night, you know,” he replied, his voice soft.
“We do?” she replied, a look of surprise and hope on her
“If that’s what you want, then yes, we do,” he replied, smiling
at her.
“That’s what I want!” she replied, returning his smile.
“I was hoping you’d say that!” he said. He leaned down and kissed her, soft but deep,
before rising back up and speaking again.
“What say we go someplace a tad more comfortable?” he said,
looking down at her. “Someplace where we
can do this again, and take our time and enjoy it a bit more.”
“Like your bedroom?” she replied, smiling up at him.
“Something like that, yeah,” he said, smiling back at her.
“I thought you’d never ask!” she said, finally dropping her
legs from around his waist.
It was close to three in the morning when Allison finally
left, with a promise to return that night.
* * * * * *
Allison became a regular fixture at Steve’s house after
that, and it wasn’t long before the relationship between Steve and Allison
blossomed into a full-blown romance. Of
course Jennifer noticed this, and one morning at breakfast she asked Steve about
“Daddy, is Miss Allison your girlfriend now?” she asked,
taking Steve completely by surprise. He looked
at her sitting across the table from him, Penelope tucked under one of her arms
as usual, and chuckled as he replied.
“Yes, baby, she is,” he said, nodding. Jennifer grinned at him as she spoke again.
“Then I got my wish!” she said. Steve was brining his coffee cup up to his
mouth when she spoke, and her words stopped him in his tracks.
“What did you say, baby?” he asked, his heart skipping a
“I said I got my wish!
I wished to Penelope that Miss Allison would be your girlfriend, and she
made my wish come true!” she explained, holding Penelope up for him to see.
“When did you wish this, baby?” Steve asked, genuinely
curious. “Do you remember?”
“It was the night we had that big roast for dinner, and you called
Miss Allison and asked her to come over and help us eat it,” she said. “I made the wish when I went to bed before I
went to sleep, and Penelope made my wish come true.”
‘That’s the night that Allison and I had sex on the floor
for the first time!’ Steve thought to himself. He looked at Penelope and said nothing,
processing what had happened. Then he
remembered something Jennifer had told him and asked her about it.
“That was your last wish, wasn’t it, baby?” he asked. Jennifer nodded as she replied.
“Yes, Daddy, it was,” she said, holding Penelope to her
chest. “But that’s okay, because all I
wanted was for you and Miss Allison to be happy. Are you happy now, Daddy?” she asked
“Yes, baby, I am,” Steve replied, smiling warmly at
her. “I’m very happy, and so is Miss
Allison,” he said, looking over at Penelope cradled in Jennifer’s arm.
‘Thank you, Penelope!’ he thought to himself as he
looked at those realistic blue eyes.
“Will Miss Allison will be my mommy one day, Daddy?” she
asked, taking Steve by surprise. He
thought for a moment before he replied.
“Maybe, you never know, baby,” he said, softly, smiling at
her. “We’ll just have to wait and see, I
“If I had another wish, that’s what I’d wish for,” Jennifer
said, looking down at Penelope.
‘Me, too,’ Steve thought to himself.
* * * * * *
Seven months later Jennifer got her wish. Steve asked Allison to marry him, and she
immediately said ‘yes.’ They were
married in a big formal ceremony, with Jennifer serving as the ring bearer. As she walked down the aisle holding the
pillow with the rings on it out in front of her, she did so with Penelope
tucked under one arm. The honeymoon that
followed was a family affair, with neither Steve nor Allison wanting to leave
Jennifer behind – after all, she was the reason that they were together in the
first place. Allison thought it was
because of the bonding that took place after Jennifer’s accident, but Steve
knew the real reason for it, as did Jennifer.
One night soon after the three of them had returned from the
‘familymoon’ as they called it, Allison was tucking Jennifer into bed, making
sure that Jennifer had Penelope with her as usual. She squatted down next to the bed as she did
so, pulling the covers up and smoothing them out as Jennifer settled into bed
with Penelope tucked under one arm.
Allison smiled at her and stroked the side of her head as she spoke.
“You really love Penelope, don’t you, Jennifer?” she asked. Jennifer smiled and nodded as she replied.
“I do! She’s a ‘wish
doll,’ you know,” she said.
“A ‘wish doll?’” Allison replied, a puzzled look on her
“All you have to do is make a wish while you’re holding her,
and she makes the wish come true,” Jennifer explained. “But you have to be careful because you only
get three wishes.”
“Only three?” Allison asked.
“Why only three?”
“Those are just the rules,” Jennifer replied. “It said so on the box, and Penelope told me
the same thing when I made my first wish.”
“Penelope told you…” Allison replied, smiling at her. ‘Oh, the imagination of a child!’ she
thought to herself as Jennifer smiled back nodding as she replied.
“Would you like to make a wish and have Penelope make it
come true?” she asked, holding the doll up towards Allison. “It really works!”
“How do you know it works, honey?” Allison asked.
“Because all three of my wishes I made to Penelope came
true,” she said. “First, I wished that Daddy
would make blueberry pancakes, and the next day he did. Then I wished that a boy at school who was
bothering me would leave me alone, and the next day a teacher caught him
bothering me and made him stop,” she said, pausing.
“What was your third wish?” Allison asked when Jennifer didn’t
say anything else. She looked up into
Allison’s eyes as she replied, and Allison could see that she was dead serious.
“After I got out of the hospital, I wished that you would be
Daddy’s girlfriend,” she said, taking Allison by surprise. “I knew that Daddy was really lonely and that
he really liked you, so that’s what I wished for. And now you’re not only Daddy’s girlfriend,
you’re also my new mommy!” she said, a big smile on her face. Allison looked at Jennifer for a few moments
before speaking, smiling back at her as she did so.
“I love you, Jennifer,” she said softly.
“I love you, too, Mommy!” Jennifer replied. Then she sat up and hugged Allison’s neck,
and Allison hugged her back. Jennifer
lay down once more and Allison tucked her back into bed, making sure that
Penelope was in her usual place under Jennifer’s arm. Then she stood up to leave, looking down at
Jennifer and smiling.
“You can use Penelope to make your wishes come true if you
want to, Mommy,” Jennifer said, holding Penelope up to her. Allison smiled as she put Penelope back in
place, leaning over to whisper in Jennifer’s ear.
“My wishes have already come true!” she said. Then she kissed Jennifer on the forehead and straightened
up, looking down at Jennifer and smiling as she spoke again.
“Good night, honey,” she said, turning to leave.
“Good night, Mommy!” Jennifer replied. Allison turned and smiled at her as she
reached the door, and saw Jennifer roll over onto her side with Penelope held
tight in the crook of her elbow. Then
she stepped out of the room and closed the door softly, turning to walk down
the hallway to the living room where her new husband Steve was waiting for her.
Her wishes had definitely come true.
This story seems to be all wrapped up and it is awesome like all your stories. If you want to make at least 1 more chapter of it, I'm guessing it's fair if Allison gets to make 3 wishes.
ReplyDeleteGlad you liked the story, but this one is done. Nowhere else to go with it, so it's over. Thanks for the input!