(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)
One of the things Jesse always remembered about growing up
as an only child was the parties that his parents, Jesse Sr and Laura hosted. They were party masters extraordinaire, and
whenever they threw a party the house was always filled with more people than
it could hold. His birthday parties were
always special because of this, but when they threw a party for any other
reason they pulled out all the stops. When
his father finally moved up the ranks in his law firm and became a full partner
with a substantial raise, they moved into a new house which had a huge back
yard complete with a pool. From that
point on their summertime parties were always pool parties. Jesse loved these parties because when he was
a kid it always amused him to see who would invariably get thrown into the
pool, and when he was a teen he enjoyed it because he got to see lots of
beautiful women running around in bikinis, one of which was his mom.
His mom was a fox, no doubt about it. She was tall, standing 5’9” in her bare feet,
and was the spitting image of his teenaged sexual crush, Adrienne Barbeau. He had developed his crush on Adrienne
Barbeau soon after his 18th birthday when he saw “Escape From New
York” for the first time, and to a point he still had a little bit of a crush
on her – but not as much as he now had on his mom. When he realized just how much his mom looked
like Barbeau, he developed the same kind of crush on her. And the depths of this crush were only
deepened when he saw her in a bikini at one of his parent’s famous pool
parties. He’d seen her in a bikini
before, but now he was looking at her through adult eyes and saw her not as his
mom but as a woman.
A very sexy, very hot, and very desirable woman. Not only did his mom look like a young Adrienne
Barbeau in the face but in the body as well.
The sight of her huge breasts bobbing and swaying inside the cups of the
black bikini top she was wearing gave him an instant erection, and he had to
run into the house to hide it before his mom or one of the other partygoers saw
He never told anyone about his secret crush on his mom, and
he doubted that he ever would.
The highlight of the year and the most extravagant party his
parents ever threw was always their Christmas party, with New Year’s coming in
a close second. Both of his parents
absolutely loved Christmas, so they always put their best efforts into their
Christmas party. And the party this year
was no exception, the party being made even more spectacular by the
unseasonably warm weather they were having.
This allowed his parents to hire a DJ for the event, with the party
mainly taking place in the backyard around the covered pool. The music was loud and joyous, but none of
the neighbors complained because they were all at the party themselves as
Jesse had his own party to attend at the house of one of his
friends, and when it started to wind down around eleven o’clock or so Jesse
knew it was time to go home. He was
quite sure that his parent’s party would still be in full swing, and he was
right. The street was still full of cars
and the house full of guests, and he could hear the music from the DJ going
when he got out of his car and walked up to the house. He made his way through the crowd of
partygoers to find his parents, finding them out by the pool. Someone had invariably spiked the punch, and
if Jesse had to bet on it he would have bet that it was his dad. In any event, his dad was a little tipsy when
he spoke to him, but his mom was more than that. She wasn’t stumbling, fumbling drunk or
anything like that, but it was apparent that she was well on the way when she
talked to him. As soon as she saw him
she threw her arms out and called his name.
“Jesse! There’s my
baby boy!” she cried, a big smile on her face.
She came over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him
close and pressing her body up against his as she kissed him on the cheek. He could feel the mounds of her big breasts
pressing against him, and he also felt his cock start to respond.
“Hi, Mom,” he said, pulling her arms from around his neck
and separating himself from her before she felt the bulge of his hardening cock
against her. He didn’t notice his mom’s
very quick downward glance in the direction of his crotch as he stepped back
just a little.
“How was your party, sweetie?” she asked, her words a little
slurred as she smiled at him.
“It was great, Mom, really,” he said, “but not as great as
yours, as usual!” he said, looking around.
“Come join us, then!” Laura said, holding both of his hands
in hers. “I know you’re not old enough to
drink yet, but you can still have fun!” she said, giving him a slightly naughty
look. She glanced quickly from side to
side before she leaned forward and spoke again.
“I hear Mrs. Bellringer has a secret crush on you! Maybe you should go give her a surprise
Christmas present!” she said, chuckling.
This made Jesse laugh a little. Mrs. Bellringer was without a doubt the
hottest and sexiest of his parent’s female friends, a sandy brown-haired beauty
with a killer body and the sexiest, most hypnotic blue eyes he had ever
seen. She saw him for the first time
when he was working as a stocking clerk in the vegetable department at the
local supermarket earlier in the year, and she’d had a secret crush on him ever
since – except it wasn’t so secret as just about everyone who knew her knew
about it already. He looked around to
see if she was out at the pool, but he didn’t see her. She must have been in the house with the rest
of the guests. He looked back at his mom
standing in front of him, a big smile on her face, her eyes sparkling.
“I think I’m just going to go to my room and go to bed,
Mom,” he said, returning her smile.
“You sure, sweetie?” she said, still smiling. She leaned forward and spoke again, her voice
low as if she was in some grand conspiracy.
“I hear she sucks a mean dick!” she said, giving him an evil grin and
then giggling.
“Mom!” Jesse said, both surprised and amused at the same
time. “Keep your voice down! Someone will hear you!” he said, looking
around quickly to see if anyone had heard.
Judging by what he saw, no one had.
“Okay, okay!” she said, stepping back and holding her hands
up in front of her in surrender. “But if
she asks about you, I’m gonna send her to your room, so be prepared!” she said,
chuckling again.
‘Wow, she’s really hammered!’ he thought to himself. He’d seen her tipsy before but never like
this. He found it funny and amusing, and
he smiled as he replied.
“Okay, Mom, I’ll be sure to sleep naked just in case!” he
said, pretty sure that his mom wouldn’t remember much of the night’s events in
the morning, much less this particular conversation.
“Oooo, good to know!” she said, cooing at him and giving him
that slightly wicked look again.
“Good night, Mom,” he said, bending over and kissing her on
the cheek. She put her hand on the side
of his face as she kissed his cheek in return.
“Good night, stud!
Sleep tight!” she said, giggling.
Jesse smiled at her and then turned away, walking through
the crowd as he made his way to his room.
He looked for Mrs. Bellringer as he went but didn’t see her.
‘Just as well, the last thing I need is to get caught by
a drunk, jealous husband as his wife is sucking my dick!’ he thought to
himself. He finally made his way through
the throng of people in the house to his room.
He opened the door and went inside, closing the door behind him. He could still hear the party going on, but it
wasn’t loud enough to keep him from sleeping.
Glancing over at the clock he saw that it was nearly midnight, and it
suddenly hit him how tired he was. He
slipped out of his clothes, images of both his mom and Mrs. Bellringer running
through his mind as he did, then got into the bed naked as usual and turned out
the light. He lay on his back for a
moment trying to imagine what Mrs. Bellringer looked like in a bikini, but
since he already knew what his mom looked like in one he found his mind
slipping to that pleasant memory instead.
When he fell asleep a few minutes later it was with the vision of his mom
in a black bikini running through his mind, and when he began to dream he
dreamed the same dream he’d had several times before, that of making love to
his mother in his own bed.
He didn’t know how long he’d been asleep when he was
awakened by someone else getting into his bed with him, the covers being lifted
up from his nude body and the mattress moving beneath him as the other person
slid onto the bed beside him. He was
still lying on his back and lifted his head to look over at the person getting
into bed with him, but it was too dark to see who it was.
“What the hell!” he said.
“Who the fuck…” he started but was shushed by a finger against his lips
– a feminine finger.
“SSSHHHHHH, you’ll wake your father!” his mom whispered as
she slid in next to him, cuddling up to him and pressing her body against
his. He was astounded into silence when
he realized that she was totally naked.
He could feel her huge, bare breasts pressing against his side as she
draped her leg over the top of his thighs just below his balls and slid her arm
over his chest. He lifted his arm up and
out of the way in a move that was more reflex than conscious thought, and she
lay her head down on his shoulder. Then
she hugged him close, lifting her leg up to nudge his balls with the top of her
thigh. He could feel the smooth-shaven
mound of her pussy pressing against his hip as she did, and he felt his cock begin
to stir.
“Mmmmm, you really did go to bed naked and prepared, didn’t
you, sweetie?” she asked, slurring her words slightly, the aroma of too much
punch hanging around her in a sweet, pungent cloud. “Are you disappointed that it’s just me and
not Mrs. Bellringer?” she asked, teasing his right nipple with her fingers as
she spoke.
“Mom, what the hell are you doing?” he said, looking down at
her. She lifted her head and looked up
at him, and he could see her smiling back in the dark.
“I mean, I know you have a crush on me and all, but I don’t
know if you have a crush on her, too,” she said, continuing as if he’d never
spoken at all, still circling his nipple with her finger and giving him
goosebumps in the process. “Do you
have a crush on Mrs. Bellringer, sweetie?” she asked, still looking up at him.
“What? No, no I
don’t,” he replied, caught totally off guard.
“Mom, you shouldn’t…I mean, you really shouldn’t be here, not like
this!” he said.
“Not like what, sweetie?” she said innocently, tugging on
his nipple as she spoke and making him jump.
“Naked, Mom, naked!” he said, a little louder than he wanted
to. She shushed him again and he paused,
collecting himself before he spoke again.
“You shouldn’t be naked in bed with me like this!” he finally managed to
“And why not?” she replied, sliding her hand down his chest
and stomach to his cock. She slid her
hand over it and squeezed it gently but firmly, then slipped her fingers around
it and lifted it up from his stomach, tugging on it as she continued. “I can’t very well have sex with you if I’m
not naked, now, can I?” she asked, smiling as she felt his cock begin to swell
in her hand. Jesse was astonished, and
it took him a moment before he could speak again.
“You can’t – what?” he stammered, looking at her in
amazement. She gave him a sweet,
innocent smile as she continued.
“Have sex with you, sweetie,” she said, still tugging on his
shaft which was getting thicker and longer by the moment. “You do want me to have sex with you,
don’t you, Jesse?” she asked, still tugging on his cock.
“Mom, you’re drunk,” he said, trying to get control of the
situation. His mom giggled at him as she
“Yes, I am!” she said, her hand still moving on his
cock. “And so is your father, only I’m
not passed out on the couch like he is. I’m in here with my handsome son who I’m
getting ready to have hot, passionate sex with – as soon as I get this big dick
hard enough, that is!” she said, giggling again.
“Mom, we can’t…” he began, but his mother cut him off when
she continued speaking.
“You see, sweetie, one of the things you never knew about me
is that when I get drunk – really drunk like I am now – I just lose all of my
inhibitions and do things that I would never do sober. Like climb into bed naked with my equally
naked son, tug on his cock until it’s hard, and then climb on top of him and
fuck him until we both cum. Things like
that,” she said, smiling up at him.
“But Mom,” he said, but once again his mom cut him off.
“Do you or do you not think I’m sexy?” she asked, looking
into his eyes, her hand still tugging on his cock which was fully erect and
rock-hard by now.
“Wha – uh, well, y-yes, I do,” he stammered as the
realization that his secret dream was about to come true.
“Do you or do you not have a crush on me?” she asked, looking
into his eyes, still tugging on his cock.
“Well, yes,” he replied, “I do.”
“And do you or do you not want me to fuck you?” she said. This was the first time he’d ever heard her
use that word, and he just chalked it up to another first in what was shaping
up to be a night full of firsts. He
looked into her eyes for a moment before replying.
“Yes, Mom, I do,” he said.
“Or would you rather have Mrs. Bellringer fuck you instead?”
she asked teasingly, laying her head on his shoulder as she continued tugging
on his hard shaft.
“No, Mom, I wouldn’t,” he replied, meaning it. His cock was so hard it almost hurt.
“Good!” she said as she released his cock from her hand and
slid over to lie on top of him, still under the covers. He could feel the firm mounds of her big
breasts dragging across his chest, the nipples hard as pebbles as she slid into
position on top of him. She pressed her
mound against the underside of his hard cock as she put her hands on his chest
and pushed herself up, straddling him, and he could feel the heat of her pussy
on his cock. The covers slid from her as
she sat up, and she reached back to toss them towards the end of the bed and
out of the way. His eyes were fully
adjusted to the dark by now, and he could see the smile on his mom’s face as
she looked down at him, her big breasts pushed together and bulging out between
her arms as she put her hands on his chest for support.
“You can fuck Mrs. Bellringer later,” she said as she began
sliding her pussy up and down the length of the underside of his cock, “but
right now you and your cock belong to me!”
“Mom, should we be doing this?” he asked as she rubbed her
pussy along the underside of his shaft.
He could feel her hot wetness coating his dick, her pussy lips parting
and enveloping his shaft as she moved on top of him. “I mean, this is so wrong, isn’t it?” he
asked, even though he wanted her so badly.
“No, we shouldn’t be doing this, and yes, to a lot of people
it’s wrong,” she replied, her voice soft and low, still sliding her pussy up
and down his shaft, “but I don’t really care about all of that right now, do
you?” she asked, looking into his eyes.
“No, Mom, I don’t,” he replied, honestly. She smiled down at him as she replied.
“Good! Now be quiet and squeeze my boobs, will you please?”
she said. “And I mean hard, sweetie,
really hard, okay? I love to have my
boobs squeezed really hard!”
Jesse reached up and grabbed her big tits in his hands,
immediately squeezing them almost as hard as he could. Laura tilted her head back and moaned with a
smile on her face, rubbing her pussy on his cock harder as he gripped her tits in
his strong hands. She gasped and jerked
when he pinched her hard nipples between his fingers, tugging and pulling on
them hard. She moaned again in response,
and when she dropped her head down at looked at him her eyes were hooded, her
desire for him burning brightly. Her
mouth hung open slightly as she slid her pussy up and down on the underside of
his cock, her breathing beginning to quicken as Jesse tugged on her nipples and
squeezed her tits hard.
“That’s it, baby, that’s it!” she whispered, “just like
that!” Jesse tugged on her nipples
harder, making her moan and twitch again.
Her pussy was soaking wet by now and the underside of his cock was just
as wet from her rubbing up and down on it, and he could feel his own precum
flowing to mix with her juices.
“If I don’t get this hard cock inside me right now, I’m gonna
lose my mind!” she whispered. She lifted
her hips up and reached down to his cock, grabbing it and pointing it straight
up towards her waiting pussy. She moaned
as she rubbed the head up and down her slit a couple of times, shuddering when
it rubbed against her hard clit, then placed the bulbous head at her opening
and sat down. She put her hand back on
his chest for support as she pushed her hips down and slid her pussy down the
length of his throbbing cock, taking all of his length completely inside her
with one long firm push.
“AAAAHHHHHH!” she moaned as she settled down on his cock, a little
louder than Jesse liked. He turned his
head towards the door and listened for any sounds coming from the living room
but heard nothing. He looked back at his
mom on top of him as she slowly rotated her hips around and around on his cock,
moaning with her eyes closed as she did so.
Her pussy was incredibly hot, incredibly tight, and incredibly wet, and
he was surprised but pleased that she had been able to take his entire length
inside her in one push. She opened her
eyes and looked down at him, her mouth hanging open slightly as she spoke.
“Oh my GOD, that cock feels so fuckin’ GOOD inside my
pussy!” she said as she ground her hips down onto him, forcing his cock deeper
yet as she once again surprised Jesse with her choice of words. She must have really been some kind of drunk
because he had never heard his mom use this kind of language before, and he had
to admit that he liked it and it turned him on.
But not as much as the sight of his own mom, the object of his secret
crush and sexual desires, sitting on top of him with his cock buried deep
inside her pussy as she rotated her hips on it.
She opened her eyes and looked down at him again, moaning
slightly as he continued to grip and squeeze her big tits in his hands. They were much fuller and firmer than he had
imagined they would be, and he liked the feel of their great weight in his
“You like my big tits, sweetie?” she said softly, smiling
down at him. “I love the way you’re
squeezing them! Makes me wanna fuck
you!” she said as she began moving on top of him, rocking slowly as she slid
her wet pussy up and down the length of his cock. She moved slowly and deliberately, never
taking her eyes from his, a smile on her face as she fucked him slowly. Then she leaned down and kissed him, her lips
soft and warm as she slipped her lithe tongue into his mouth. He went to take his hands off of her breasts
to put his arms around her but she stopped him by putting her hand on top of
his, holding it there. He got the message and kept both hands on her
big tits, squeezing them and making her moan and push her tongue further into
his mouth.
A few moments later she sat up, gasping for breath slightly
as she pushed her pussy down hard onto his cock. She held it there for a moment before moving
again, slowly rocking on top of him as she slid her wet pussy up and down on
his cock over and over again. He noticed
that she was breathing faster, her mouth hanging open slightly as she
moved. She looked at him with hooded
eyes as she spoke, her voice a breathless whisper.
“I’m gonna cum, baby!” she said, increasing the tempo of her
rocking up and down on his cock. He
could feel her pussy flooding and hear her breath coming faster, and a moment
later she bit her lip and cried out softly, her hips twitching and jerking as
she came. She pushed down hard on his
cock, her hips twitching again and again, her mouth falling as she gasped for
breath, caught up in the sensations of the powerful orgasm that was ripping
through her body. Jesse had never seen a
woman cum like this before and was so fascinated with watching it that he never
had to think about not cumming himself – he was far too engrossed in watching
his mom’s orgasm. He kept his hands on
his mom’s big tits, squeezing them hard as she came, and when her orgasm
finally ended it left her panting and gasping for breath. She opened her eyes and looked down at him,
panting as she smiled.
“Oh my God, that was good!” she whispered, sitting still
with his cock still trapped inside her and his hands still gripping her tits. She put her hand on the back of one of his
and squeezed it gently, smiling down at him.
“You made me cum so good, sweetie!
Thank you so much!” she said, leaning over to kiss him quickly on the
lips before sitting up again. One side
of her mouth turned up in a smile as she spoke again, a devilish look in her
“But now it’s your turn to cum,” she said as she began to
move again, rocking on top of him and sliding her pussy up and down on his hard
cock. “I want you to cum inside me,
baby,” she said, her voice a breathless whisper. “I want to feel your cock pumping inside me
as you fill me up with your hot cum!” she said, increasing her tempo as she
spoke. She rode him like this for
several minutes, looking down at him and smiling, his hands still gripping her
tits as she continued to ride his hard cock.
Jesse was in heaven.
He knew he would be cumming very soon and couldn’t help but wish that he
could stay like this forever, but his mom had other plans. She changed the way she was riding his cock,
leaning forward and keeping her upper body still as she lifted her hips up and
down, changing the angle at which her pussy engulfed his cock. She also increased the pace, sliding her
pussy up and down on his cock faster and making the bed bounce with her
movements. Jesse could feel his orgasm
quickly building up inside him, and he knew that he wasn’t going to be able to
hold back much longer.
“Cum for me, sweetie, cum inside me and fill me up with your
sweet seed!” she gasped as she rode his cock harder and faster, pounding her
hips up and down as she shoved her pussy down onto his cock.
That was all it took.
Jesse came almost as soon as the words left her mouth, stifling a groan
and gripping her tits harder than ever as his hips bucked upward with the
intensity of his orgasm. Laura gasped
loudly as she felt his cock explode inside her, continuing to pound her pussy
up and down on his cock as it pumped stream after stream of hot, thick cum into
her. She bit her lip as she looked down
at him, smiling at the sexual pleasure she knew she was giving him. When she felt the pumping of his cock begin
to slow she sat down on his cock and pushed down hard, burying his cock as deep
inside her as she could and holding it there as the final spurts of cum shot
out of his dick into her wet pussy. When
his orgasm was finally over it left him shaking and gasping for breath, and
Laura felt his body relax beneath her as his hands fell away from her breasts. She sat upright, pushing her pussy down on
him a little harder as she rested her hands on the tops of her thighs. She stayed still for several long moments,
just looking down at him and smiling as he caught his breath. When he finally opened his eyes and looked up
at her he saw her smile and smiled back as he spoke.
“Holy shit, Mom!” he said, panting for breath. “That was incredible!”
“Was it everything you hoped it would be?” she asked,
teasing him.
“Oh, hell yes!” Jesse replied, meaning it. She leaned over and put her hands on either
side of his shoulders, holding her face just inches away from his.
“I’m glad, sweetie!” she whispered, then kissed him softly
and briefly before sitting up again, smiling as she spoke.
“And as much as I would love to stay here like this, I think
it’s time for me to go before your father comes to and starts looking for me,”
she said.
“Yeah, that would be bad,” Jesse said. Laura reluctantly got up, letting his
softening cock slip out of her pussy as she swung one leg over him and put her
foot on the floor, standing up and wobbling just a little bit from either still
being drunk or because of the orgasm she had just had, or maybe a combination
of both. She stood still for a moment as
her head cleared, then looked down at Jesse still lying on the bed and
smiled. Then she bent over and kissed
him again, longer this time, the tip of her tongue gently caressing his lips
before she broke off the kiss and spoke.
“Merry Christmas, sweetie!” she whispered, smiling.
“Merry Christmas, Mom!” he replied, returning her
smile. She straightened up and then
turned to walk out of his room, albeit a little bit wobbly and unsteady as she
walked away. When she disappeared into
the darkness of the house Jesse looked up at the ceiling, still in awe at what
had just happened. He thought about going
to the bathroom and cleaning up, but he didn’t want to take the chance on
running into his dad along the way and having to explain anything to him. He also wanted to fall asleep with his mom’s
juices drying on his cock, so he did nothing but lay on his back until his eyes
closed and he fell asleep.
This time he didn’t dream, as his dreams had just come true.
When Jesse woke up the next morning he managed to get to the
bathroom and take a shower without running into either of his parents. He was still processing the events of the
previous night and wasn’t quite sure how to handle it. He knew he should feel guilty about having had
sex with his own mom, but while he did feel guilty about it to a degree he
didn’t feel anywhere near as guilty as he knew he should. He felt more guilty about having gone behind
his father’s back and fucking his wife than he did about fucking his own
mother, but since it was all said and done he supposed he’d just have to learn
to live with it.
It was still pretty early in the morning, and when he walked
through the living room on his way to the kitchen he wasn’t at all surprised to
see that his parents hadn’t started to clean things up yet. The room was strewn with empty Solo cups,
napkins, disposable plates and flatware, with the occasional empty beer can
lying here and there. He was glad to see
that the couch was empty, which meant that at some point during the night
either his father had come to and gone to his room, or his mom had gone to get
him – after she had cleaned up and put on some clothes, hopefully. In any event the couch was empty, so he
continued on to the kitchen. He’d help
his parents clean up later when they were ready. Fifteen minutes later he was sitting at the
kitchen table eating the breakfast he had made for himself when his mom walked
in, smiling at him when she saw him sitting there.
“Good morning, sweetie!” she said brightly without the
slightest trace of a hangover. She was
wearing her usual weekend attire of a t-shirt, jeans and flat shoes, and not
for the first time Jesse noticed that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her big, heavy breasts swayed gently beneath
her shirt as she walked over to where the coffee maker sat, taking a coffee mug
from the stand next to it and pouring herself some coffee.
“Morning, Mom,” Jesse replied, a little unsure of how to act
or what to say next. She came over to
the table and sat down across from him, smiling at him as she took a sip of her
“Did you sleep good last night, sweetie?” she asked.
“Uh, yeah, I did,” he said, stammering a little as he tried
to choose the words for what he was going to say next. “And Mom, about last night…do you…well, do
you remember anything…unusual happening?” he asked.
“Like what, sweetie?” she asked, looking at him over her
coffee mug and smiling.
“Like…uh, well, like…” he started to say, but his mom cut
him off.
“Like me coming into your room and seducing you in your own
bed while your father was passed out on the couch? Something like that?” she said, smiling
sweetly at him over her coffee mug as she took a sip. “Yes, sweetie, I remember it quite well!”
“You do?” he replied, not knowing what else to say.
“I do, yes,” she replied, nodding at him. “I also remember that both of us enjoyed it
immensely – at least I know I did, and I’m pretty sure you did as well considering
that you were still leaking out of me this morning!”
“Jeez, Mom!” Jesse said, both surprised and aroused at her
choice of words. Laura chuckled at him
as she spoke again.
“Oh, don’t worry, Jesse, your father is still sleeping it
off and won’t wake up for several hours yet,” she said, putting her coffee mug
down on the table. “Unlike him I don’t
get hangovers and don’t need to sleep away most of the next day like he and so
many other men I’ve known need to do.”
“Okay, if you say so,” he said, not knowing what else to
say. His mom reached over and put her
hand on his, looking him in the eyes as she spoke again.
“Last night was very, very special to me, Jesse, and I don’t
regret it at all. And neither should you,”
she said, her voice soft and loving. “But
for obvious reasons we need to keep this between just the two of us, okay,
sweetie?” she said, still looking him in
the eyes.
“Okay, Mom,” he said, nodding as he spoke. “This will be our secret, I swear.”
“Thank you, sweetie,” she said, smiling. “I love you, Jesse.”
“I love you, too, Mom,” he replied, returning her
smile. She let go of his hand and lifted
her coffee mug up to her lips to take another sip as he spoke again.
“Do you think…well, do you think it’ll ever happen again?”
he asked timidly. Laura chuckled a bit
before she replied.
“I don’t know, sweetie,” she said, smiling as she stood up
from the table. She looked down at him
as she continued, coffee mug in hand. “Let’s
just wait and see what the new year will bring – or what the new year’s party
we’re hosting will bring, shall I say?
After all,” she said, pausing as she turned to walk over to the counter,
then putting her now-empty mug into the sink before turning back to face him
again, a smile on her face, “you never really know what’s going to happen at
one of our parties, now do you?” With
that she turned and walked out of the kitchen, leaving Jesse sitting at the
table with his mouth hanging open.
“No, I guess you don’t!” he finally said to himself, a smile
crossing his face.
Another fantastic tale. I also had a crush on Adrienne.
ReplyDeleteHot. My preference is for the father to be absent, but that's just my personal preference, and I don't mean to imply that you did something wrong by not catering to it. I guess I'm just saying that even though this story didn't perfectly match my tastes, I found it very hot. Pardon my limited vocabulary, my brain isn't working very well just now. The blog version seems to match the Literotica version pretty much perfectly, no? Gave it a 5 over there.
ReplyDeleteTo: Bob,
ReplyDeleteWhat red-blooded heterosexual American teen didn't have a crush on Adrienne Barbeau?
To: anubelor,
ReplyDeleteIf the father hadn't been in the house, some of the spice and excitement would have been lost as the chance of discovery would have not been there. And this is the version that is published on Literotica as the story in its original form met all of the publication restrictions there, so there was no need to change anything.
Idk, younger siblings, other relatives... But yes, I get what you're saying. No other "potential discoverer" carries the same emotional punch as the cuckolded father and husband. That's true, it's just not my favorite storyline in incest/taboo stories. Obviously not a deal-breaker though, lol.
DeleteTo each his own. I don't expect everyone to like everything I write; that would be unreasonable and unrealistic. But that's fine, I do appreciate the feedback!