(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author. My most sincere and eternal thanks to Xev Bellringer for her permission to feature her as one of the main protagonists in this story, and for her advice on the dress she would wear if this story actually took place. You’re simply the best, m’dear, and I love you with all my heart!)
It had taken Jesse the better
part of a week to get used to the idea that his mom had come into his room and
fucked him silly the night of the Christmas party. This was the kind of thing you only read
about on erotic story web sites, but it had indeed happened to him. His mom hadn’t given him any assurances the
next day that it would happen again, but she never said it wouldn’t happen,
either. She had also become very flirty
with him over the past week, giving him looks and teasing him with subtle
innuendos at every opportunity, something that she had never done before. But so far there was no physical indication
that Laura planned on having sex with him again, which was confusing to say the
least. So Jesse was left in a state of
wonder for the whole week, and he had to admit that it was driving him crazy.
But now it was New Year’s Eve,
and his parents were throwing their usual party. Rather than go out to a friends’ house for
the party that was being thrown there, Jesse decided to stay home tonight and
watch his parent’s party develop for himself.
He was hoping that the opportunity for he and his mom to get together
would present itself, and when he saw his mom in the long, slinky, form-fitting
and very low-cut black dress she was wearing he hoped more than ever that this
would happen. When she walked into the
living room before the guests started arriving Jesse’s eyes just about popped
out of his head, and she laughed at his response.
“I take it you like my dress,”
she said, grinning at him and turning slowly so he could see all of her.
“What’s not to like?” he replied,
drinking in the sight of her. The
spaghetti straps of the dress showed all of her shoulders and made wearing a
bra impossible, and the sight of his mom’s big boobs swaying heavily inside the
dress made his balls shift in his shorts.
She chuckled as she turned to face him, smiling as she spoke.
“Play your cards right, tiger,
and all this could be yours later on!” she said, her voice soft and
seductive. She chuckled again and then
walked out of the room towards the kitchen, giving Jesse an unobstructed view
of her ass. She was either wearing a
thong or not wearing panties at all, and Jesse sincerely hoped he’d have the
chance to find out.
The party guests started arriving
shortly after that, and it wasn’t long before the house was filled with people
and the party was in full swing. Once
things got going Jesse’s parents were busy playing the gracious hosts, so Jesse
took over answering the door and greeting the guests. The unseasonably warm weather they had
experienced over Christmas was still going on, so there were no coats for Jesse
to have to take and put on the bed in his parent’s room as in years past. This also meant that dress necklines were
lower than usual, giving Jesse more than enough female cleavage to admire. The last guest had arrived about half an hour
before, and just when Jesse was thinking that everyone who was going to be
there had arrived the doorbell rang. He
walked over to the door and opened it, and there stood Mrs. Bellringer.
“Well, hello there!” she said,
her face breaking out into a big grin and her deep blue eyes sparkling as she
saw him in the doorway. “Isn’t this a
nice surprise?” she said, her perfect white teeth shining in the light coming
out of the house.
Jesse stood in stunned silence
for a moment, his breath nearly taken away by the woman he saw standing in
front of him. She was absolutely
beautiful, one of the hottest, sexiest, most alluring women Jesse had ever seen
in his short young life, and next to his mom he thought she might possibly be
the most beautiful woman on the face of the planet. Mrs. Bellringer was 5’5” tall with sandy
brown hair that came down past her shoulders, and if Jesse had to guess he
would have guessed she weighed around 115 pounds or so. She was wearing a low-cut maroon dress with
wide double shoulder straps, two of the straps going over her shoulders as
usual and the other two going around the tops of her arms just below the
shoulders from front to back. The
low-cut neckline showcased her spectacular bustline by showing just enough
cleavage to peak your interest but no more, the rest of her large breasts being
concealed inside the dress. Jesse had no
idea just how big her breasts were, but if he had to guess he’d have guessed
she was a 36DD at least. The dress fit
her snug down to her hips and then loosened up considerably, the skirt flowing
freely and stopping at mid-thigh to reveal her black nylon-clad legs. The black patent leather heels she was
wearing made the muscles in her calves stand out, making the view of her legs
all that much more pleasurable.
And to add to the sexual allure,
she was wearing a black choker that set off her dress and accentuated her neck perfectly. Jesse had a particular weakness for both
big-breasted women and women in chokers, and there was the woman of his wet
dreams – next to his mom, of course - standing right in front of him wearing
both. It nearly took Jesse’s breath
Her face was just as beautiful as
the rest of her. She had high
cheekbones, a perfect nose, and a set of soft, lush lips that looked like they
were just made for kissing, but the most striking thing about her face was her
eyes. She had the deepest, most hypnotic
blue eyes Jesse had ever seen, and as soon as he looked into them he felt
himself getting lost in them. He had
never really looked at Mrs. Bellringer up close before, and now that she was
standing right here in front of him he found himself mesmerized. It took him a moment or two for him to find
his tongue and speak.
“Hello, Mrs. Bellringer,” he
said, finally.
“Jesse, isn’t it?” she said,
looking up at him with those hypnotic blue eyes, still smiling.
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, still a
bit flustered.
“Oh, please, enough with the
‘ma’am’ stuff, okay, Jesse?” she said, reaching out to tap him on the chest. “My name is Xev, and I’m very pleased to
finally meet you!” she said, holding out her hand as she continued to smile at
him. He took her hand and shook it
lightly, looking into those hypnotic blue eyes as he did.
“It’s nice meeting you too, Mrs.
Bell – I mean, Xev,” he said, catching himself.
“Please come in,” he continued, stepping aside to let her pass.
“Thank you, Jesse,” she said,
walking past him and into the house. He
got his first view of her rump as she walked past, and she looked just as good
from the rear as she did from the front.
“I’ll let my parents know you’re
here,” he said, closing the door and following her into the house.
“Oh, that won’t be necessary,”
she said, turning towards him as she spoke.
“I’m sure I’ll find them on my own but thank you anyway, Jesse,” she
said, smiling up at him.
‘Damn, but this woman is
gorgeous!’ Jesse thought to himself.
“Okay, well, if you need anything
or if there’s anything I can do for you, please let me know,” he said,
returning her smile and trying not to show how flustered he was – and failing.
“Thank you, Jesse, I will,” she
said. Then she took a step closer to him
and put her hand on his chest as she spoke again, her voice softer. “Just don’t go too far, okay? I may need you to help me with something
later!” She grinned up at him for a
moment, then turned and left before he could reply, leaving him standing at the
door with his heart pounding in his chest.
‘Holy fuck!’ he thought to
himself as he watched her walk away to disappear in the crowd, ‘her husband
is one lucky son of a bitch!’
It was about half an hour later
when Jesse finally ran into his parents out at the covered pool. They were standing arm in arm next to the full-service
bar talking to some other partygoers, and when his mom saw him she broke out
into a big smile and waved her hand over her head.
“Yeah, Dad spiked the punch
again!” he said to himself as he waved back.
He saw his mom say something to his dad who then looked up and waved at
him, and as Jesse waved back his mom slipped her arm out of his dad’s and began
making her way over to him. Jesse certainly
didn’t mind the view of his mom’s big, heavy tits swaying back and forth inside
her dress as she came over to him, and as soon as she got close to him she
threw her arms around him and hugged him, pressing those big, firm globes
firmly into his chest. She held him
close for a moment, then leaned back a little and looked up at him as she
“Hello, you big stud muffin,
you!” she said, grinning up at him.
“Easy, Mom, someone will hear
you!” he said, glancing around quickly as she stepped back a bit.
“So are you enjoying the party,
sweetie?” she asked, not missing a beat.
“It’s interesting, to say the
least,” Jesse replied, looking around and nodding. He was actually looking for Xev but didn’t
see her. He looked down at his mom and
saw her looking up at him, a sly smile on her face.
“You looking for Xev, sweetie?”
she asked, giving him a knowing look. “She
told me you met her at the door when she got here. She also told me what a handsome young man
you are, and that she had the distinct impression that you were checking her
out,” she said, needling him and enjoying every second of it. “Were you checking her out, Jesse?” she said,
her mouth turned up on one side in a knowing smile.
“Well, to be honest, yeah,” he
said, grinning in embarrassment.
“She is pretty hot, isn’t
she?” Laura asked, still giving him that same smile. “And she thinks you’re pretty hot, too, by
the way!” she said, poking him in the chest with her finger. “She told me so when I talked to her, and if
I didn’t know better I’d say she plans on at least sucking your dick before the
night is over. And maybe more than that
if she can arrange it!”
“You think so, Mom?” Jesse said,
hopeful at the prospect.
“I do indeed,” she nodded, stepping
in close and putting her mouth next to his ear as she continued speaking, her
voice low so that only he could hear. “Just
make sure there’s enough left over for me!” she whispered in his ear, then moving
her head back and grinning up at him.
This was the first real indication that his mom was planning on them
getting together again, and the prospect both excited him and made his cock
twitch in his pants.
“No problem, Mom!” Jesse replied,
returning her smile. She reached up and
kissed him on the cheek, her lips warm and soft against his skin.
“Have fun, sweetie!” she said,
patting him on the chest. Then she
turned and walked away – a bit unsteadily, but not that much. Jesse stood and watched her go, admiring her
ass until she was swallowed up by the crowd.
Then he looked around for a moment to see if he could spot Xev, but
didn’t see her anywhere.
“Guess I’m just gonna have to go look
for her,” he said to himself. He made
his way through the crowd around the pool and went into the main house,
scanning the crowd as he went. The house
was crowded with partygoers, and it took Jesse the better part of half an hour
to finally find her. When he did, he
wasn’t at all surprised at what he saw, although he was a bit disappointed.
Xev was in the center of the
living room, surrounded by a crowd of men.
She was smiling and laughing, her white teeth shining, a martini glass
in one hand, with the men around her totally entranced by her. She saw Jesse looking at her, and her smile
got a little bigger. She lifted her
drink up towards him before taking a sip, never taking her eyes off him as she
did. Then she looked back at the crowd
of men around her, turning her attention back to them. Jesse turned and walked away, not seeing her look
back at him as he did. If he did he would
have seen the look in her eyes and would have known that she did indeed have
something planned for him – something very special, something that neither of
them would ever forget.
For the rest of the evening Jesse
and Xev played a game of ‘coy tag,’ with either she or him finding each other
in the crowded house. He wanted to talk
to her, but every time he found her she was always surrounded by a crowd of
men. There were plenty of glamourous,
beautiful women in the house who were spectacularly dressed, but in his opinion
none of them held a candle to his own mom and Xev Bellringer. The difference between the two was that his
mom stayed by his father’s side the entire night, while Xev worked the house
non-stop. She seemed to be reveling in
the attention she was getting, and Jesse had to admit that he was jealous that
he wasn’t a part of it.
It was getting close to midnight
when Jesse found himself out at the pool again.
His parents had pretty much taken up station there, one or the other of
them leaving to make their way through the crowd and talk to the other
partygoers every now and then, but for the most part they stayed out at the
pool and the guests came and found them.
They were also close to the full bar and the punch bowl, which was a
plus for both of them. Laura saw him
when he came out, and turned her head to speak to his father before leaving his
side and walking over to where Jesse stood.
She sidled up to him and slid her arm through his, holding him close to
her and smiling up at him as she spoke.
“Having fun, sweetie?” she asked.
“I am, yes,” he replied, which
was the truth – mostly. “You and Dad
always throw great parties, and this one is no exception,” he said.
“And Mrs. Bellringer?” his mom
said, still grinning up at him. “Is she
having a good time, too?”
“I guess so,” Jesse replied,
shrugging his shoulders. “Every time I
see her she’s always surrounded by a crowd of guys, so I guess she’s having a
good time.”
“She’s a popular woman, that’s
for sure, but don’t worry, sweetie, I’m sure she’ll find her way to you and
give you the attention you deserve before the night is over!” his mom replied,
patting him on the chest as she spoke. “But
in the meantime,” she said, looking up at him, “your father would like for you
to go get one of his Cuban cigars out of his office and bring it over to him,
please. He wants to celebrate the new
year with one of his cigars, and he forgot to get one before the party started. And you know how he hates to leave his guests.”
“Sure thing, Mom,” Jesse replied,
looking down at her.
“Thank you, sweetie!” she said,
smiling up at him. She reached up with
her hand and pulled his head to her and kissed him on the cheek, smiling at him
as she did. Then she was gone, slipping
her arm out of his and making her way back over to his dad. She was wobbling, to be sure, but she wasn’t
anywhere near as punch-drunk as she had been at the Christmas party – yet. The night was young, and he was pretty sure
his mom would be toasted before it was all over.
What Jesse couldn’t see was the
big grin on his mother’s face as she walked away. She was grinning from ear to ear, chuckling
softly to herself.
Jesse made his way through the
throng of people in the main house, finally getting clear of them and walking
down the hallway to his father’s office.
Once there, he opened the door and turned the light on as he stepped
inside. His parents each had a room in
the spacious house that they considered “theirs,” and were free to decorate it
in any fashion or style that they wanted.
His father had always been a sailor at heart and had actually spent four
years in the US Navy, so his office was decorated in a nautical style. Jesse stepped inside the office, holding the
door open against the gentle pressure of the spring-loaded custom hinges his
father had installed as he did. When he
was clear of the door he let it go and a few moments later heard the clicking
of the latch as the door closed softly behind him. He paused for a moment in the center of the
room and not for the first time admired the décor of his father’s office. His father had very good – and expensive –
taste, and it showed in how the office was decorated. There were nautical-themed paintings on the
walls, a restored ship’s brass compass standing in the corner behind the desk, a
couple of old pictures of him in his Navy dress blues, and a ship’s bells clock
sitting on a wall shelf to the left of the desk. The desk itself was a magnificent hand-carved
oak desk, and if Jesse remembered correctly it was an exact replica of the “Resolute”
desk that was sitting in the Oval Office of the White House. Jesse had no idea how much the desk had cost,
but he was sure that it was very, very expensive.
Hanging on the wall to the right
of the desk was a framed picture of his father and an old sailor and Navy
retiree he had met while on a solo sailing vacation in the Caribbean ten years
ago. They were standing on the dock with
the blue Caribbean waters and clear blue sky behind them. His
father was wearing a coral blue t-shirt and a khaki baseball-style cap, and the
old sailor who his father only referred to as ‘Cap’n Dan’ was wearing a very
loud Hawaiian shirt unbuttoned in the front and a weather-beaten black
captain’s hat, the kind with a gold bullion circle and two crossed anchors in
the front. He was tanned and toned, and
with his gray sailor’s beard looked every bit the part of the grizzled old sea
captain. Behind them could be seen Dan’s
boat, an old but very well-maintained two-masted ketch with the name “Sea
Tramp” in gold letters visible on the stern.
They were both grinning from ear to ear with their arms over each
other’s shoulders, a Red Stripe beer in their free hands, and even though his
father had only been there for a week he said that by the time he left he felt
like he had known Cap’n Dan his whole life.
When his father got word last year that the old sailor had passed away,
he cried for most of the day. When he
enquired about the “Sea Tramp” he was told that Cap’n Dan had willed it to his
niece, and that she had moved to the Caribbean and was now living on the boat. From the way Cap’n Dan had spoken of Lucy (who
he called ‘Lucia’), he knew that Dan had loved her very much and was happy that
she now had possession of the beautiful old boat.
Jesse stood looking at the
picture for a minute or so, then walked over to his father’s desk. He reached down and opened the lid of the wooden
humidor sitting on the right side of the desk, selected a Cuban cigar from
inside, then closed the lid. Cap’n Dan
had introduced him to Cuban cigars, and he had been smoking them ever since his
return from his Caribbean vacation. Jesse
looked at the big cigar in his hands and wondered not for the first time just
how his father, a partner in a very prestigious law firm, managed to get his
hands on something as illegal as Cuban cigars on a regular basis without
getting caught. Maybe one day he’d find
out, but right now all he was concerned with was taking the cigar out to his
father at the pool, hoping that he’d run into Xev Bellringer along the way.
“Those are very bad for you, you
know,” a female voice said, and Jesse looked up to see Mrs. Bellringer sitting
in a plush brown leather chair to the right of the door, her forearms resting
on the arms of the chair, her legs crossed, a big smile on her face. He hadn’t seen her when he came in because
the chair was on the same side of the door as its hinges, so it hid her from
view when it was opened. He was so taken
by surprise and by her stunning beauty that he was speechless, looking back at
her as she looked at him with those beautiful blue eyes. It took Jesse a moment to compose himself so
he could reply.
“Uh, it’s not for me, it’s for my
father,” he said, holding the cigar up for emphasis as he spoke. Her smile broadened a bit at his reaction to
seeing her right there in the room with him.
“I’m glad to hear that, Jesse,”
she said, getting up out of the chair and walking towards him. The tops of her big breasts wobbled slightly
inside the dress, and Jesse’s eyes kept going from her breasts to the choker
around her neck and back again as she walked towards him.
“Smoking is a nasty and dangerous
habit, and I’d hate to have anything bad happen to you,” she said as she approached
and then walked around the desk, stopping about a foot or so in front of
him. She put her hands behind her back
and looked up at him with those deep, hypnotic blue eyes, and Jesse felt
himself falling under her spell even deeper than he already was.
‘My God, but this woman is
beautiful!’ he thought to himself as he looked down into her eyes.
“Not that kind of bad, anyway,”
she said, her voice low and sultry as she looked him up and down briefly. “There are other kinds of bad things that can
happen to a handsome young man like yourself, you know?” she asked, still
smiling as she looked up at him. “I
mean, I’ve been wanting to do some really bad things to you all night long, but
up until now I haven’t had the chance,” she said, bringing a finger up to her
mouth and gently chewing on the tip of the nail as she smiled at him. Her smile was wide and bright, the most
beautiful smile he had ever seen.
“You have?” Jesse said, his
inexperience with women showing. Xev
smiled as she looked up at him, nodding her head.
“I have,” she said, putting her
hand behind her back again and stepping in so close to him that her boobs were
almost touching him. “To be honest, I’ve
wanted to do bad things to you ever since I saw you in the grocery store for
the first time,” she said, putting the palm of her hand on his chest and
rubbing it slowly. “I was hoping to do at
least some of those bad things to you at the Christmas party, but you
disappeared before I had the chance,” she said, looking up at him with those
beautiful blue hypnotic eyes. Jesse felt
his heard begin to beat faster and his cock beginning to stir as the impact of
what she had just said sunk in.
“Would you like for me to do bad
things to you, Jesse?” she said, her voice a sultry whisper, never taking her
eyes from his, her smile still big and bright, her hand still rubbing his chest.
“Here? Now?” he asked, caught completely off
“Right here, right now,” she
replied, those hypnotic blue eyes locked on his.
“What about the party?” Jesse
replied, his inexperience in the ways of the world showing and making her
chuckle softly as she replied.
“The party will still be there when
we’re done,” she said, stepping in even closer.
“But what if somebody comes in
here?” he asked, feeling his cock shifting in his pants.
“Ah, the chance of discovery,”
she whispered, looking up at him as she spoke.
“That’s what makes it so exciting, don’t you think?” she said.
“But, Mrs. Bellringer…” he started
to say, but she cut him off in mid-sentence.
“Please, Jesse, call me ‘Xev,’”
she said. “Considering what’s about to
happen I think that’s only right, don’t you?”
As she spoke she ran her hand
down his chest to his stomach, turning her hand so that her fingers were
pointing downwards as her hand slid down his stomach to his crotch. She rubbed the growing bulge of his cock
through his pants firmly, feeling it growing beneath her palm. She never took her eyes from his and her
smile never faded as she rubbed his cock, gripping it and squeezing firmly.
Jesse was caught completely off
guard by Xev’s brazen actions. None of
the young girls he had been with up unti now had been anywhere near this assertive
(not to mention aggressive), with the only other woman who had ever been this
assertive with him being his mom – and he was still trying to adjust to
that. Now here was another hot older woman,
Xev Bellringer no less, a very hot MILF and cougar who not only made it very
evident that she wanted him but was going to get what she wanted no matter
And Jesse was just fine with
Xev massaged and squeezed the growing
bulge of his cock through his pants for a few moments more before speaking
again. As she looked up at him Jesse
could see the flames of desire burning brightly in those hypnotic blue eyes,
and her mouth turned up in a slightly wicked and sensual smile as she spoke.
“I want to suck your cock,
Jesse,” she said, her voice a husky whisper as she rubbed her hand up and down
the hard bulge in his pants, her eyes locked on his. “I want to feel your hard cock in my mouth
and on my tongue, and I want to feel it now!”
Without another word and before
he could react, Xev dropped to her knees in front of him. She reached up and worked at his zipper with
both hands, quickly pulling it down and pulling his fly open wide. She reached inside his undershorts with one
hand, wrapping her slender fingers around his hardening cock and gripping it
tightly as she pulled the fly of his undershorts open with the other hand. Jesse always kept his pubic hair trimmed very
short and his balls shaven smooth, so there was very little hair to get in her
way. Xev glanced up at him briefly and
smiled, then looked down again as she pulled his cock out. She reached inside his undershorts with the
other, lifting his balls up and out, tugging on them to free them completely
from his undershorts as she kept her fingers wrapped around his shaft. Once that was done she gripped his balls
firmly in her other hand, massaging and squeezing them as she pumped his
rapidly hardening shaft in the other.
She looked at his cock in her hand for a moment as she pumped it firmly,
then looked up at him with a smile on her face as she spoke.
“You have a beautiful cock,
Jesse, so nice and big! It’s everything
I’d hoped it would be!” she said, her voice low and sultry. She smiled up at him for a moment more, then
lowered her face back down to his cock. She pumped the shaft once or twice more
before opening her mouth and wrapping her full, soft lips around the head of
his cock. She sucked his cock into her
mouth, sliding her mouth down onto his length until she had more than half of
it inside, then applied suction as she slowly dragged her lips and tongue up
his length to the head. Once there she
held the head in her mouth for a moment, swirling her tongue over and around it
before sliding her mouth back down the shaft again. She repeated what she had just done, sucking
hard as she slowly pulled her mouth back up his shaft, and by the time she
released his cock from her mouth with a soft ‘pop’ he was fully hard. She gripped the hard, throbbing shaft in her
hand again, pumping it tightly as she looked up at him and spoke once more.
“I’ve wanted to do this for so
long,” she said, one side of her mouth turned up in a smile as she spoke. “I’ve wanted to suck your cock ever since I
first saw you, and I’m going to make you cum so hard!”
Before Jesse could reply she clamped
her lips around the head of his cock again and began moving her mouth up and
down his shaft, massaging and squeezing his balls as she did. After sliding her mouth up and down his shaft
a few times she released it from her mouth and moved down to his balls, first licking
them with her soft, wet tongue and then opening her mouth wide as she placed
her lips against his sack. She sucked
his balls into her mouth one at a time, rolling them around in her mouth as she
pumped his throbbing shaft in her hand, then opened her mouth wider and surprised
him by taking both of his balls in her mouth.
Jesse was taken completely by
surprise and was speechless as she sucked on his balls, both of them at
once. This was a first for him, and he
heard Xev giggle when she glanced up at him and saw the look on his face. She sucked on his balls for a moment longer
before releasing them from her wet, sucking mouth with a soft ‘pop,’ then
looked up at him as she spoke.
“Did you like that, Jesse?” she
asked softly, pumping his cock in her hand as she spoke. “Did you like it when I sucked your big balls
into my mouth?”
“That was fuckin’ amazing!” Jesse
said, making Xev giggle again.
“You’ve never had a woman do that
to you before?” she asked, and Jesse just shook his head in reply.
“How terrible for you! I’ll just have to make sure to do it again,
won’t I?” she said, grinning up at him. “And
I’m so glad you shave your balls, too!
Makes it so much easier to suck on them!”
Before Jesse could reply she clamped
her mouth down onto his cock again and began sucking it in earnest, sliding her
mouth up and down the shaft, one hand wrapped around the base and pumping the
hard flesh as she moved, the other hand gripping and squeezing his balls. He watched in amazement as she slid her mouth
up and down his shaft, which was so hard by now that it literally hurt. The veins were engorged with blood, standing
out clearly beneath the skin, and he could feel his precum flowing out of his
cock like a river. His cock was wet and
glistening with her saliva, and the soft sucking sounds of her mouth sliding up
and down on his manhood filled the room as she bobbed her head up and down.
“Mmmmm,” she moaned as she slid
her mouth up to the head of his cock, holding it in her mouth and sucking on it
for a moment before slipping it out of her mouth. “I can taste your precum!” she said, smiling
up at Jesse as she spoke. Then she
lowered her mouth down onto his cock again, sliding her mouth up and down the
shaft several times while pumping it in her hand as she did. She slid her mouth from his cock and looked
up at him as she spoke once more.
“I’m going to suck the cum out of
you, Jesse, and when I do I’m going to swallow every drop!” she said, grinning
up at him. Then she clamped her mouth onto
his cock again and began sucking him in earnest, her cheeks hollowing in with
the suction she was applying with her mouth as she slid her mouth up and down
the length of his shaft. She moved her
hand out of the way and pushed her mouth as far down onto his cock as she
could, taking nearly all of his length into her mouth. She held it there for several moments,
running the flat of her tongue along the underside of his shaft as she tugged
on his balls, then slid her mouth slowly back up his shaft to the head once
more. She wrapped her hand around the
base as she did, gripping it tightly and pumping it firmly as she sucked on the
head of his cock.
Jesse watched in fascination as
she worked on him, marveling at her talents and skill. ‘I hear she sucks a mean dick!’ his mom
had said to him at the Christmas party, and he now knew that she most certainly
did. He also knew that if she kept this
up much longer he’d be cumming in her mouth before she knew it. While he knew that was what she wanted, he
wasn’t sure he was ready to cum so soon, so he figured now would be a good time
to warn her and slow things down a bit.
“Uh, Mrs…I mean, Xev,” he
stammered, pausing for a moment to compose himself as Xev continued sucking on
his cock, “If you keep that up I’m gonna cum!”
She looked up at him without stopping what she was doing, her blue eyes
bright and sparkling, and she slid her mouth up and down on his shaft twice
more before sliding her mouth from it to reply.
“Oh, no, not just yet!” she said,
pumping his slippery cock in her hand as she grinned up at him. “I’m gonna make you cum in my mouth, to be sure,
but there’s something I want before that happens!”
“What’s that?” Jesse asked as Xev
got to her feet in front of him. She was
still grinning at him as she pulled her skirt up around her slim waist, and
Jesse was surprised to see that she wasn’t wearing any panties.
“I want to feel your cock inside
my pussy, that’s what!” she said, sitting on the edge of his father’s desk and spreading
her shapely thighs wide. Jesse looked
down and saw that she, too, was smooth-shaven with only a flame-shaped wisp of
light brown hair on her mound above her pussy.
Her lips were smooth and slick, glistening with her juices, and they
parted as she spread her thighs open for him.
She reached out and grabbed his throbbing shaft with her hand, pulling
him towards her as she spoke again.
“I want you to fuck me, Jesse,”
she said, her voice a throaty whisper. “Not
long enough to make you cum, but just long enough for me to enjoy feeling this
hard cock of yours inside me and long enough for you to feel my tight, wet
pussy wrapped around it. Then I’m going
to finish you off with my mouth, make you cum in my mouth, and swallow every
drop. Now bring that big cock over her
and fuck me!” she said, the urgency in her voice plain.
Jesse moved into position between
her outspread thighs, her hand gripping his shaft tightly as she rubbed the
bulbous head up and down her slit a few times.
His precum was still flowing, and between that and her own juices when
he pushed his cock forward he slipped inside her with ease.
“Aaaaahhhhh!” Xev moaned as he
penetrated her, closing her eyes and biting on her bottom lip as she felt his
cock stretching her pussy as he filled her.
Jesse moaned himself at the sensation of her hot, wet pussy wrapped
around his cock. She was hotter, wetter,
and tighter than any other woman he’d ever been with, and he knew that he had
to be very, very careful or he’d be blowing his load inside her in no time at
“Easy, Jesse, easy,” Xev said
softly as if she were reading his mind. “Take
it easy, nice and slow, so both of us can enjoy this without making you cum
inside me,” she said, looking up at him.
She gasped when he touched bottom, the head of his cock nudging the end
of her tunnel. She reached out with both
hands and grabbed his hips, holding him there.
She wrapped her legs around his waist and pushed against his ass with
the heels of her feet, pushing him deep and savoring the sensations of his cock
inside her.
“Right there, stay right there
for just a moment,” she said, holding him in place. Jesse could feel her inner muscles flexing
around his shaft, and it was the most exciting and wonderful thing he’d ever
felt in his entire life.
Almost, anyway. It was almost as good as when his mom had
slid her pussy down onto his cock a few weeks ago. But it was damned close!
“Now fuck me, Jesse, nice and
slow,” Xev said, looking into his eyes, her mouth hanging open. “Let me feel every inch of you as you slide
that big, hard cock in and out of my pussy!”
Jesse did as she said, sliding
his cock in and out of her in long, slow strokes, both of them enjoying the
sensations. Xev moved her legs from
around his waist and held them wide, pulling her knees back towards herself to
give him access to her. The room was
filled with the scent of her musk, and in the back of his mind Jesse hoped that
no one else would come into the room for the rest of the night as they would
surely notice it and know what had happened.
But right now he didn’t care
about that. All he cared about was that
he was actually fucking Xev Bellringer, the hottest MILF in the neighborhood
(next to his mom, anyway), and that it had been her idea! He looked down and watched as he slid his
cock, slick and shiny with her juices, in and out of her beautiful pussy, being
careful to go slow and easy despite wanting so desperately to pound in and out
of her as hard and as fast as he could until he came inside her. But that’s not what she wanted, and he was
going to give her just what she wanted.
After all, it was the least he
could do since this was all her idea anyway, right?
“Oh, my God, that feels so good!”
Xev said, looking up at him and smiling.
“Your cock feels so good inside my pussy! But now I think it’s time for me to make you
cum in my mouth, because as much as I want to feel you pump your seed into my
pussy I want to feel you pump it into my mouth and down my throat more!”
She pushed on his abdomen
slightly and he stepped back, sliding his cock out of her pussy. The air was cool on the wet, shiny skin of
his hard shaft for a few moments as Xev slid off of the desk and dropped down on
her knees in front of him once more.
Without hesitation she reached out and grabbed his cock with her hand
and shoved her mouth down onto his cock, immediately sliding her mouth up and
down the shaft in long, hard, fast strokes.
She was anxious for him to cum so she could taste him, and was trying to
make him cum as fast as possible. Jesse
gasped as she attacked his cock, sucking hard as she slid her mouth up and down
his throbbing shaft over and over again, one hand wrapped around the base and
pumping it as the other gripped and massaged his balls.
“I can taste myself on you!” she
said, grinning up at him with her eyes sparkling as she slipped her mouth from
his cock just long enough to speak before diving back down onto it again.
The wet, slurping sounds of her
sucking on his cock filled the room, and it was all Jesse could do to stay on
his feet as she sucked his cock hard and fast.
She looked up at him for a moment as she sucked his cock, smiling around
his shaft in her mouth at the expression on his face. Between her mouth on his cock and her hands
on his shaft and balls, it was only going to be a matter of moments before
Jesse gave Xev what she wanted and came in her mouth. Just then he felt the familiar sensations in
the base of his balls that signaled an approaching orgasm, and Xev must have
felt it too because she pulled her mouth from his cock just long enough to urge
him on.
“Give it to me, Jesse! Cum in my mouth! Cum in my mouth!” she gasped, tugging on his
cock as she spoke. Then she thrust her
mouth back down onto his cock again, sucking and pumping harder than ever.
It was only a moment or so later
when Xev got what she wanted. Jesse’s
orgasm hit and hit hard, his cock widening in her mouth right before the first
blast of cum erupted out of his cock and into her mouth.
“MMMPPPHHH!” Xev exclaimed around
his cock in her mouth, her eyes flying open wide as she slapped one hand
against the front of his thigh as his cock exploded in her mouth. She kept moving her mouth up and down his
shaft, pumping it with her hand as his cock jumped and bucked in her mouth,
shooting stream after stream of hot, thick cum into her mouth. The first blast hit so hard that some of it
ran down her throat, but she made it a point to close her throat so the rest of
his cum would be trapped in her mouth.
Xev moaned with delight as he
came, his cock throbbing as it pumped his cum into her mouth again and again. She looked up at him and saw that his eyes
were squeezed shut and he was grimacing, his hands balled into fists as he
experienced the most intense orgasm he’d ever had. She slid one hand around his body to his
butt, pulling him towards her as his orgasm ran its course.
‘My God, he cums like a
racehorse!’ Xev thought to herself as her mouth quickly filled up with his
hot cum. She kept her mouth clamped onto
his cock, keeping it still as the last vestiges of his orgasm ran through him. She slid her mouth slowly up the length of
his cock until she had just the head in her mouth, then pumped the last bit of
his cum out of his cock with her hand.
When the pumping finally stopped she held her mouth on his cock for a
moment or so longer, then slowly slid her lips over the ridged head and let
them slide from his cock, kissing the tip of his cock twice with her mouth full
of his cum.
Then she sat back on her hands
and lifted her face up to him, opening her mouth to let him see her mouth full
of his cum. She lifted her tongue up
through the white fluid, rolling it around in the pool of cum, letting it run
from her tongue as she lifted It up again and again. Jesse looked down in utter amazement and
fascination, and watching Xev play with his cum in her mouth like that was the
most exciting thing he’d ever seen. Xev
giggled as she played with his cum, then closed her mouth and swallowed. There was a slight ‘gulp’ as she did so, and
she was smiling as she opened her mouth and showed him that his cum was now on
its way into her belly. Then she leaned
forward and stuck out her tongue, licking the underside of the head of his
slowly softening cock, catching one last drop of cum on her tongue. She put her lips on the tip of his cock and
sucked the remnants from him, swallowed again, then kissed the tip of his cock
once more.
“Delicious! Absolutely delicious!” she said, sitting back
and looking up at him again. “I love the
way you taste, Jesse!”
“Thank you, I guess,” he said,
his inexperience with women showing. Xev
giggled at this and then got to her feet, Jesse extending his hand out to her
to help her up. Once she was on her feet
she smoothed out her dress before looking at him, and when she did she had a
big smile on her face. She reached down and
took his softening cock in her hand and began stuffing it back inside his pants
as she spoke.
“As good as you taste and as much as I love
sucking your cock, the next time we get together I want you to fuck me long and
hard, and then I want you to cum in my pussy,” she said, looking into his eyes
as she spoke.
“The next time?” he said, his
youthful inexperience once again showing.
“Of course, the next time!” Xev
replied, smiling at him as she pulled up his zipper. “You didn’t think this was going to be the
only time we had sex, did you?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips.
“Well, actually, yeah, I did,” he
“Silly boy! Well, I can tell you that this absolutely
will not be the only time, and the next time won’t be the last time, either!” she said, stepping in close as she spoke, her
voice a hushed, erotic whisper.
“Now that I’ve had a taste of you
both in my mouth and in my pussy, I’m going to wear you and that wonderful cock
of yours out!” Then she reached up and kissed him briefly on the lips before
turning away and walking around the desk towards the door. When she got to the door she put her hand on
the knob and then stopped, turning to look back at him over her shoulder as she
“Besides, I can’t let your mom
have all the fun, now can I?” she said, giving him that sexy half-smile
again. Then she opened the door and was
“Wait, what?” Jesse stammered as
the door closed behind her, his eyes wide with surprise. He stood there for a moment with his mouth
hanging open for a moment.
“How the fuck did she know?” he
asked the room, knowing the answer as soon as he spoke the words. His mom must have told her; there was no other
way she could have known. He stood there
for another moment or two, then walked around the desk towards the door. He stopped halfway across the room and turned
back to the desk, walking over to it and picking up the cigar he had dropped
there earlier. Then he walked across the
room again and out of the door, turning in the darkened hallway to head back to
the party and take the cigar to his father.
“Well, was I right?” his mom asked
from behind him. He turned to see her
leaning against the wall next to the door, her arms crossed beneath her huge
tits, a smug smile on her face. “Does
she suck a mean dick or what?” she said, her smile getting bigger.
“Mom, what are you doing here?”
he asked, stepping over to her and standing in front of her.
“I asked first,” she said,
smiling up at him, “so tell me – does she suck a mean dick, or what?”
“Well, yeah,” Jesse replied, a
smile creeping across his face as he spoke.
“As a matter of fact, yeah, she does!” he said, running his hand up
through his hair as he spoke, his smile getting bigger.
“Did you fuck her, too?” his mom
asked, her voice low and breathless, her arms down to her sides now as she
stood up and stepped in closer to him.
She was so close that her breasts were less than an inch away, and it
was all Jesse could do to keep from grabbing them and squeezing hard.
“Yeah, I did, but not for very
long,” Jesse replied, and he heard his mom gasp slightly at his words. “She wanted me to cum in her mouth and was
afraid I’d cum too soon, so we only did it for a minute or two.”
“Damn!” his mom said, grinning up
at him. “You’re gonna have to tell me
all about it later, but right now we need to get back to the party before your
father notices that both of us are missing.”
She moved to step around him but Jesse put his hand on her arm to keep
her from leaving.
“Your turn,” he said, his mom
looking up at him quizzically. “I asked
you what you were doing out here, remember?”
She chuckled as she replied.
“Yeah, I remember,” she said,
smiling at him. “I was standing guard to
make sure the two of you weren’t disturbed,” she said, putting her hand on his
upper arm and rubbing it slowly.
“So you did tell her about
us!” Jesse said. His mom chuckled as she
“Xev and I have known each other
since we were in college, and we’ve been best friends for years. We tell each other everything about
everything that happens to us, and we don’t keep any secrets from each other,”
she explained. “So yes, sweetie, I told
her about us. And don’t worry, I trust
her with my life – if I didn’t I never would have told her.”
“Hey, wait a minute!” Jesse said
as he realized what was going on the whole time. “If you were standing out here to keep us
from being discovered, that means…”
“That means I knew she was already
in there,” his mom finished for him. “Why
do you think I sent you to get a cigar for your father, anyway?” she asked, a
coy smile on her face.
“Holy shit, Mom, you set me up!”
he said, a smile creeping across his face despite the surprise he felt.
“Mad at me?” she said, putting
her hands behind her back and rocking her shoulders to wave her big tits at
him, her bottom lip sticking out in her best ‘little girl’ pout. This made Jesse laugh, and he hugged her
close to him in response.
“Of course not, Mom!” he said.
“Good!” she said, smiling up at
him. “Now let’s get back to the party,
shall we?” she said, slipping her arm through his and guiding them down the
hallway to the main part of the house.
They walked several steps in silence before she spoke again.
“She’s not done with you, you
know,” his mom said.
“Man, I hope not!” Jesse replied.
“I’m not done with you, either,”
she said, looking up at him as they walked.
He looked down at her as he replied.
“Man, I hope not!” he said, a big
smile on his face.
Another fantastic story. "Sea Tramp" is one of my all-time favorites and I was glad for the reference in this story. Well Done.
ReplyDeleteThanks, glad you liked it! I have a habit of dropping references to previous stories in new stories since they all take place in my fictional town on the East Coast of the United States. For example, "the Gull Reef Club" and "The Windjammer" have been mentioned in several of my stories, and the dominatrix's house first shown in "CBT44" is mentioned in both "The Seduction of Rob" and "Dirk and the House Mouse."
ReplyDeleteAlso, Sherry and Rob make an appearance in "Dirk and the House Mouse" as well!
Have fun finding the rest!