(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)
“Okay, Kat, I’m back! Come and get it!” Jeff called out as he came
into the kitchen through the back door, closing the door behind him with his
foot. He had his hands full with bags of
take-out burgers, fries and a tray with two milk shakes on it for himself and
his sister, Katherine (or “Kat” for short) who was home from college for the
summer. Jeff had just graduated high
school himself and was due to go on active duty with the Air Force at the end
of August, so he was intent on making his last summer as a civilian the best of
his life. And since he got to spend it
with his older sister, Kat, that made it even better.
Jeff and Kat had always been very
close, closer than any other brother/sister duo he knew of, and if you asked
him about it he’d say that Kat was his best friend. He was pretty sure she’d say the same thing
about him as well; all he knew was that they had always been thick as thieves,
enjoying each other’s company, and confiding things in each other that they
never confided in anyone else.
But what Kat didn’t know was that
as they both grew and matured, Jeff had developed a serious case of the ‘hots’
for his sister. She was only a little
more than a year older than he was, and she was without a doubt the hottest,
sexiest, most beautiful girl Jeff had ever known.
She was also the biggest girl
Jeff had ever known in a lot of ways.
Kat stood 5’10” tall in her bare feet which made her just as tall as he
was, and she tipped the scales at around 165 pounds. She was stout and curvy in all the right
places, with the thickest and most desirable pair of thighs that Jeff had ever
seen. Her ass was round and full, matching
her thighs in its size and shape, and the sight of it flexing as she walked was
enough to give a dead man an erection.
She had dark brown hair that came down to the middle of her chest, and
most of the time Kat just wore it straight and unadorned.
She had an oval face with a pair
of soft, full lips beneath a pert nose, and she had dimples that showed when
she smiled. Her eyes were big and round,
as brown as her hair, and the big, round lens glasses that she wore only
accentuated them. When she smiled her smile
was big and broad, and it lit up her whole face. She also had dimples when she smiled, and
that made it even better.
And much to Jeff’s delight she
had inherited her mother’s more than generous bustline. Her tits were big, really big, bigger than
any other girl he knew. They were full
and firm, longer than they were round, standing out proudly on her chest like
twin torpedoes. Kat was prone to walking
around the house without a bra, and every time she walked past him with her
huge, heavy tits wobbling and swaying inside her shirt it always gave him a
boner, especially if her nipples were hard – which they were most of the time. Jeff was curious a couple of months ago as to
just how big his sister’s bust was, so when she was out of the house he snuck a
look in her lingerie drawer at the tag on one of her bras. He was pleasantly surprised to see that the
tag read “38DDD.”
This discovery only fueled his desire
for her even more.
Jeff walked over to the kitchen
table and put the bags and tray with the drinks in it on the table just as his
sister walked in. She was stunning as
usual, and from her attire it was obvious that she intended to spend the rest
of the day out at the pool in the backyard.
She was wearing an oversized white tank top over her bathing suit, a
black bikini that Jeff thought looked absolutely fantastic on her, and a pair
of flip-flops. It was a typical hot July
day, so Jeff was dressed accordingly – he was wearing a t-shirt, cargo shorts,
and a pair of well-worn Vans shoes without socks. And as he usually did during the hot summer months,
he was going ‘commando’ beneath his shorts, his cock and smooth-shaven balls
swinging free inside his shorts. Once he
saw his sister in her bathing suit the idea came to him that spending the hot
afternoon in the pool sounded like a good idea.
Besides, he’d get to see his sexy sister running around in a
barely-there bikini, so why not?
“Oooo, that smells good!” Kat
said as she walked over to the table. She
picked up a bag and opened it, taking the burgers and fries out and placing
them on the table.
“And I got your chocolate
milkshake, just as you ordered,” Jeff said, holding it up before putting it on
the table in front of him.
“Thank you, little brother,
you’re the best!” she said, looking up and smiling at him as she took the
milkshake from him.
They sat down and ate lunch
together, making the usual brother/sister small talk, although most of the talk
was about Jeff going into the service at the end of the summer. He would be leaving a few days before she
left to go back to college, and that day was rapidly approaching. It was already mid-July, so time was
fleeting. As they talked Kat took a
drink from her milkshake, and when Jeff saw the way her cheeks hollowed in as
she sucked on the straw, pulling the thick liquid up and into her mouth, it
stopped him dead in his tracks.
‘Holy shit!’ he thought to
himself, ‘I wonder how that would feel if she did that to me?’
“Are you okay, little brother?”
she asked, snapping him back to the present.
“Huh?” he said, flustered.
“I said, are you okay? You looked kinda lost there for a moment,
like you were a thousand miles away,” she said, her blue eyes looking into his
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he said, taking
another bite of his cheeseburger and trying to ignore the quickly growing erection
in his shorts. Kat picked up where she
left off in the conversation and Jeff followed along without any problems –
until she took another pull from her milkshake.
The sight of her soft lips wrapped around the straw and her cheeks
hollowing in from the suction she was applying to it totally broke his train of
thought, and he felt his cock stirring in his shorts again. He sat mesmerized as he watched her drinking
from the straw, totally oblivious to anything else going on.
When he finally recovered his
senses he looked up at her eyes and noticed that she was looking directly at
him, a look of amusement on her face.
She smiled around the straw between her lips, then grinned at him as she
released the straw from her mouth.
“Do I even want to know what
you’re thinking about right now, little brother?” she asked demurely, one side
of her mouth turning up in a smile as she spoke. She was holding the straw between two fingers
and her thumb, and as she looked at him she lowered her mouth down and sucked
at the straw again briefly. Jeff felt
his cock jump when she did, and she grinned at him again when he replied.
“Uh, well, I was…well, you know,
I just…” he stammered, not knowing what to say.
“You were watching me sucking on
this straw and thinking about how good it would feel if I was sucking on your
cock instead of the straw, weren’t you?” she said, grinning.
“Well, uh…” Jeff stammered, not
knowing what to say. He and Kat had
always held uncensored, honest conversations about anything and everything
which included sex, and while he’d heard her say the word ‘cock’ before he’d
never heard her say it when referring to his cock – and that was all the
difference in the world.
“C’mon, little brother, admit
it!” she said, teasing him. “You were
sitting there imagining how it would feel if I were sucking on your cock,
weren’t you?” she asked, grinning from ear to ear. “C’mon, fess up! We’ve never kept any secrets from each other
before, so don’t start now!” she said, grinning at him with a mischievous look
in her eyes.
“Well…yeah,” he finally admitted,
nodding his head a little and dropping his eyes as he spoke. “Yeah, I was.
I’m sorry, Kat!” he said, looking down at the table, completely
embarrassed, his cock steadily growing in his shorts. He shifted in his chair to give it the room
it needed.
“Hey, don’t apologize, Jeff,” she
said, reaching out and lifting his face up with a finger under his chin. “It’s okay, really it is! You’re a guy, and that’s the way guys think,
I get it!” she said, making him feel better.
“Thank you, Kat,” he said, his
voice soft, a smile creeping onto his face.
“Can I ask you a question,
though?” she said.
“Sure, Kat, you can ask me anything,
you know that,” he replied. Kat leaned
forward and put her forearms on the table in front of her, one on top of the
other, then leaned over them as she spoke in a low voice. Jeff couldn’t help but notice how her big
breasts were bulging out as they rested on the table behind her folded forearms.
“Are you hard right now? Be honest!” she said, looking into his
eyes. Her eyes were big and wide,
sparkling with an intensity that was almost scary. She had a grin on her face
that made her dimples show, and Jeff found all of this extremely arousing.
Jeff looked into her eyes for a
moment, his gaze going from one eye to the other, before finally speaking.
“Yeah, I am,” he said. “Almost, anyway,” he continued, which was the
truth. He wasn’t completely hard yet but
he wasn’t far from it, either. One more
sip on that straw and he’d be rock-hard and throbbing, and then what?
“All because you watched me
sucking on that straw?” she asked, sitting back a little, and he nodded in
reply. She looked at him for a moment,
then leaned forward over her arms again as she spoke once more, her breasts
bulging out at him again.
“Do you want me to do that to
your dick?” she asked, her voice a hushed whisper, a glint in her eyes and a
naughty half-smile on her face. Jeff
looked at his sister in stunned surprise, unable to speak for several moments.
“Are you serious?” he asked when
he finally found his voice.
“Hell yes, I’m serious!” she
said, her voice still hushed. “I’m way
overdue to suck a nice, hard cock as it is, and since you’re sitting there with
this huge boner in your shorts and nothing to do with it, why not?” she said, a
grin splitting her face.
“But I’m your brother!” he said,
still not believing what he was hearing.
“Right now you’re a good-looking
guy with a hard dick in his shorts that’s just aching to be sucked,” Kat said,
never taking her eyes from his, “and I just can’t see letting it go to
waste! Now do you want me to suck your
cock or not, little brother?” she said, still grinning at him. He looked at her for a moment before
“In the worst way!” he replied,
returning her grin.
“Good!” Kat said, grinning
broadly. “I was hoping you’d say
that! So let’s get to it, shall we?” she
said, getting up from the table and walking around it to where he sat, her big
tits swaying under her shirt as she moved.
“You mean, right now? Right here
in the kitchen?” he asked, surprised at how quickly this was moving along.
“Yes, I mean right now, right
here in the kitchen,” she said, moving behind his chair and pulling it out from
the table with him in it. She turned it
sideways to give her room, then moved around in front of him and got down on
her knees. She put a hand on each knee
and spread his legs apart, then sat back on her haunches as she slid in between
his legs, moving in right up to the edge of his chair within easy reach of his
“But what about mom and dad?” he
asked as she reached up and grabbed the zipper of his shorts, deftly pulling it
down with an ease and expertise that bespoke of a great deal of experience.
“What about ‘em?” she asked as
she pulled open his fly, then reached inside his shorts to wrap her fingers
around his now-completely hard shaft, gripping it tightly. “Wow, you really are hard!” she said,
grinning up at him. “And I just knew you
were going ‘commando!’ Anyway, they’re not going to be home for several hours,
so don’t worry about it!” she said, pulling his cock out of his pants and
seeing it for the first time. She smiled
when she saw the bulbous head of his hard cock, and began pumping it slowly in
her hand.
“Wow, that’s nice! You’ve got a great cock, Jeff!” Kat said, looking
up at him and smiling. “Nice and hard,
just the right size for sucking!” she said, pumping his hard shaft in her hand
as she spoke.
“But what if they find out?” Jeff
asked, loving how her hand felt gripping his cock despite his misgivings about
it all. He wanted this more than
anything, but he was still scared shitless at the possibility of discovery by
their parents.
“Look, Jeff, the only way they’re
gonna find out is if someone tells them,” she said with her hand still wrapped
around his cock, pumping it slowly as she looked up at him. “And I’m certainly not going to tell them! Are you?”
“N-no, I’m not going to tell
them,” he said, the last vestiges of his reluctance crumbling away beneath her
grip on his shaft.
“Great! Now please shut up and let me do what I do
best, okay?” she said, smiling up at him, her eyes sparkling.
“Okay, Kat!” he replied, smiling
back at her.
Kat looked back down at his cock
gripped in her hand, loving the way it felt.
It was warm and hard, and she could feel the blood pulsing through it as
she pumped it slowly. After a few
moments she was rewarded with a big drop of precum that appeared at the tip,
and without thinking she slid her thumb firmly over the tip of Jeff’s cock,
spreading the slick fluid around and making Jeff jump.
“Whoa!” he gasped as Kat ran her
thumb over the sensitive skin. She
giggled at his response, grinning up at him.
“Sensitive, huh?” she said, still
running her thumb over the head of his cock.
“Yes, it is!” Jeff gasped,
gripping the sides of the chair and jumping again as she ran her thumb over the
sensitive head again.
“Well, if you like that then
you’re gonna love this!” she said. Then
she lowered her mouth down to his cock and stuck out her tongue, running it
over and around the sensitive head of his cock.
Her tongue was just like the rest of her, thick and stout, and it was
also incredibly soft and wet. Jeff
gasped as she ran the flat of her tongue over and around the head of his cock
again and again, covering it with his precum and her saliva. Then, without warning, she slipped her lips
over the head and sucked it slowly into her mouth, still pumping it with her
hand. Jeff watched as her mouth was
stretched open by the big head of his thick cock, and he was amazed at how
easily she took it into her wet mouth.
She stopped when she had just the
head in her mouth, clamping her lips around the shaft just behind the flared
ridge of his cockhead. She ran her soft,
wet tongue over and around the head of his cock, sucking very gently, applying
just enough suction to suck the first bit of precum out of him.
“Mmmmm!” she moaned softly,
looking up at him as she sucked more precum out of him. She kept her eyes locked on his for a few
moments as she sucked more of the salty fluid out of him, pumping his hard
shaft in her hand, then slid her lips from the head of his cock and spoke, a
smile on her face. She kept her hand on
his cock, gripping it firmly and pumping it slowly as she spoke.
“Your precum tastes good, little
brother!” she said, her eyes sparkling as she pumped his cock. “And if your precum tastes this good, I can’t
wait to see what your cum tastes like!”
“You mean you want me to cum in
your mouth?” Jeff asked, surprised. Kat
giggled as she replied.
“Of course, silly! How else am I going to taste it if you
don’t?” she said.
“Then you’re going to…” he said,
letting his words trail off, hoping that he was right in what he was thinking.
“Yes, little brother, I’m going
to swallow your cum, too!” Kat replied, grinning from ear to ear, still pumping
his cock in her hand. A big drop of
precum appeared at the tip, and she ducked her head down to lick it off and
swallow it. Then she looked back up at
him as she continued.
“Of course, I could always let
you cum on my face, wipe it off with my fingers and suck the cum from them to
taste it, but I think both of us would rather have you just cum in my mouth,”
she said, her eyes sparkling and a smile on her face. “Right, little brother?” she asked, grinning
demurely at him.
“Ri-uh, right, right!” Jeff
stammered as he replied, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open with
disbelief at what he was hearing. He
always thought he knew everything about his older sister, but it was becoming
very obvious that he didn’t know anywhere near as much as he thought he
did. Kat laughed at the surprised and
shocked look on his face, and she giggled as she spoke again.
“You had no idea your big sister
was such a cum slut, did you, little brother?” she asked, bending down to suck
on the head of his cock again for a moment before looking up at him again,
grinning from ear to ear.
“N-no, Kat, I didn’t!” he
“Well, now you know!” she said,
still grinning at him and pumping his cock with her hand as she spoke. “There’s a lot more you don’t know about me
in this respect, but I think that’s enough talk for now,” she said, looking
down at his cock for a moment before looking up at him again. “Right now I think it’s time I got down to
Without another word and before
Jeff could reply she lowered her mouth down to his cock and wrapped her soft
lips around the head, sliding them down over the smooth skin and engulfing it
in her warm, wet mouth. She pumped his
cock with her hand, squeezing harder on the upstroke to push his precum up the
shaft and into her mouth as she swirled her tongue around the head. She sucked just hard enough to pull the
precum from him, and she moaned with delight as more of the slick, salty fluid
hit her tongue. Jeff still couldn’t
believe this was actually happening, and watched in stunned silence as his
sister sucked his cock.
She worked on the head for a few
delicious moments, then slid her mouth down to take more of his hard shaft into
her mouth. By this time his cock was so
hard it hurt, and Kat could feel it throbbing in her mouth. She took his rigid shaft into her mouth a
little bit at a time, working her way down onto his cock, further and further, running
her soft, wet tongue along the underside as she did. Bit by bit she took his thick cock deeper and
deeper into her mouth, moving her hand out of the way as she slid her mouth
further down until her nose was pressing against his abdomen. She looked up at him as she held his cock in
her mouth and down her throat, and she would have grinned at him if her mouth
hadn’t been stuffed with his dick.
“Holy shit, Kat!” Jeff said,
looking down at her in amazement. He’d
had several blowjobs before, but the girls were never able to take more than a
few inches of his thick cock in their mouth before giving up. Kat, on the other hand, had no trouble taking
his entire length into her mouth and down her throat.
Kat held his cock in her mouth
for a few moments, then slowly slid her mouth back up the length of his shaft,
sucking on it and running her tongue along the underside as she did. When she got to the head of his cock she
stopped and paused for a moment before sliding her mouth back down onto his
cock, again taking all of it in her mouth and down her throat. She did this several times, Jeff watching in
amazement. His cock was slick and shiny
with her spit, her lips glistening as well.
After deep throating him several times she slid her mouth up his shaft
and over the head, letting it slip from her mouth as she wrapped her hand
around it. She gripped his cock hard as
she sat back on her haunches, gasping for breath with her mouth hanging open. She looked up at him and grinned, pumping his
cock as she spoke again.
“Didn’t know I could do that, did
you, little brother?” she asked, her eyes sparkling.
“I had no idea!” he replied. “That was amazing!”
“You ain’t seen nothing yet! But right now I think we need to get these
shorts off!” she said, sitting up and reaching for the button holding his
shorts closed. When it was open she
reached up and grabbed the waistband of his shorts, pulling it down and over
his hips as Jeff lifted his butt from the chair. She tugged them over his hips
and down his thighs, sliding back a little as Jeff lifted first one leg and
then the other to let her take them completely off. When that was done she dropped them on the
floor next to his chair and then slid back in place between his legs, smiling
at the sight of his fully revealed cock and balls in all their glory. She grinned up at him when she saw that he
was shaved, his cock and balls smooth and hairless.
“You shave your cock and balls,”
she said, wrapping both hands around the length of his cock and gripping it
firmly, pumping it as she spoke. “That’s
good, that’s very good! It makes what
I’m going to do next so much easier and more enjoyable for the both of us!”
“What are you going to do next?”
he asked, although he already knew and hoped he was right.
“This!” she replied, grinning at
him for a moment before lowering her head down between his legs, taking one
hand from his cock as she lowered her head down to his balls. She opened her mouth wide and placed her big,
soft lips against his smooth balls, running her tongue across them as she
did. Then she sucked on them, opening
her mouth even wider, and Jeff watched in amazement as she took both of his
balls easily into her mouth. She pulled
and tugged on them with her mouth, moving her head back to tug on them as she
kept them in her mouth with the strong suction she was applying.
“Damn, Kat!” Jeff gasped as she
sucked hard on his balls, pumping his throbbing cock with her hand as she did. His precum was flowing like a river now,
running down the head of his cock and onto her hand. She slid her hand up to the head of his cock
and then pushed it down onto the shaft, spreading the precum as she did, then
sliding her hand up and down on his slippery cock. She never eased up on his balls, keeping them
in her mouth and sucking on them hard as she greased up his cock with his
precum. She rolled his balls around in
her mouth as she sucked on them, pulling her head back a little to tug on them
while keeping up the suction she was applying.
She looked up at hm as she worked him over, and after a few delightful
moments she released his balls from her wet, sucking mouth with a soft ‘pop.” She ran the flat of her tongue up the length
of his throbbing cock from his balls all the way up to the tip, and then
proceeded to slide her mouth down onto the shaft without a pause. She pushed her mouth down onto his cock, deep
throating him again, making Jeff sigh.
“Holy shit!” he gasped, making his
sister look up at him as she swallowed around his dick in her mouth. Then she slid her mouth back up his shaft and
released it from her mouth, gripping the shiny, slick tube in her hand as she
spoke. She was a little out of breath as
she spoke, just a little, but enough to cause her to gasp slightly.
“I think it’s time I got serious
and made you cum,” she said, her voice soft and husky. It was at that moment that Jeff noticed the
musky scent of her arousal that had filled the room, and the look in her eyes
as she looked up at him told him just how aroused she was. She looked down at the head of his cock as
she pumped it in her hand, looking at it for a moment, before she looked back
up at him and spoke again.
“Hang on to your shorts, little
brother, this won’t take long!” she said, her eyes sparkling, her mouth turned
up on one side in a slightly wicked smile.
Without another word and before
he could respond Kat leaned forward, opened her mouth and took the head of his
cock inside, clamping her lips closed around it, gripping the base of his cock tightly
in her hand as she did. She pushed her
mouth down onto his cock until she had half of it in her mouth and then sucked
hard, harder than Jeff thought possible, clamping down on his cock with incredible
suction. She put the flat of her tongue
against the underside of his cock as she began sliding her mouth quickly up and
down on the first half of his cock, rubbing it up and down as she pumped the
base of his cock in her hand. Her cheeks
hollowed in with the amount of suction she was applying, and Jeff gasped as she
gripped his balls with her other hand.
She began squeezing his cock and balls in rhythm as she slid her mouth
up and down, looking up at him as she did.
All Jeff could do was sit there
and watch, his mouth hanging open, as his sister sucked hard on his cock, her
head bobbing up and down as she slid her mouth up and down on the first half of
his cock. He knew that she was right, it
wasn’t going to take long for her to make him blow his load into her wet,
sucking mouth and down her throat. He
was determined to try and hold out as long as he could, to make this fantastic
blowjob last as long as possible, but Kat had other ideas.
As if she knew what he was thinking
Kat stopped bobbing up and down on his cock, holding her head in place and the
first four inches of his cock in her mouth.
Then, incredibly, she increased the suction on his cock, her cheeks
caving in further as she sucked him harder than he thought humanly
possible. She was sucking on his cock
just like you would suck on a soda straw, only she was running her tongue along
the underside of his cock as she did.
She looked up at him as she sucked on his cock, pumping his cock and
tugging on his balls in time as she did.
She sucked on him in pulses, just like you would if you were drinking a
really thick milk shake, never taking her eyes off of him as she quickly drove
him to orgasm.
It only took about a minute
before Jeff felt his balls shifting, and he was pretty sure that Kat could feel
it as well. His orgasm was building like
a tsunami, and he knew it was only a matter of moments before he erupted. Kat knew it too, and sucked even harder. She was immediately rewarded for her efforts
and felt Jeff’s cock swell in her mouth right before his orgasm hit.
And it hit hard. Jeff gritted his teeth and groaned loudly as
he came, his cock exploding in Kat’s mouth.
Kat cried out in delighted surprise when his cock began pumping his cum
into her mouth, and she kept up the suction and tugging on his balls as his
cock pumped stream after stream of hot, thick cum into her waiting mouth. She loved the feeling of his cock pumping and
throbbing against the flat of her tongue as she pressed it against the
underside of his shaft, pulsing as it pumped more and more cum into her
mouth. She had been ignoring her own desires
for the past few minutes as she concentrated on making her brother feel good, but
she couldn’t ignore them any longer. Kat
took her hand from his balls and slid it inside her bikini bottoms, her fingers
finding her clit nestled between her sopping-wet pussy lips. She began rubbing it furiously as Jeff’s cock
emptied itself in her mouth, and it only took a few moments before her own orgasm
She came fast and hard, groaning
around Jeff’s cock in her mouth, squeezing her eyes shut as her orgasm exploded
inside her. The waves of pleasure went
crashing through her body like an atomic blast, and it was all she could do to
keep her mouth clamped onto Jeff’s cock as she rode it out. Her orgasm was intense but short, passing as quickly
as it had arrived, and she stopped cumming just about the same time that Jeff’s
cock stopped pumping on her tongue. She
was breathing hard through her nose as she opened her eyes and looked up at
him, her mouth still clamped around his cock.
He was looking at her with wide eyes, his mouth hanging open at what he
had just seen and experienced.
“Holy shit, Kat!” was all he
could manage, gasping as he spoke.
Kat pulled her hand from her crotch
and wrapped it around his shaft, gripping it tightly with both hands as she
slowly slid her mouth up his cock until just the head was inside. Then she began pumping the last bits of cum
from him, squeezing his cock harder on the upstroke, sucking the last few drops
of the sticky white stuff from him. When
she was certain she had it all she slid her mouth from his cock, kissing the
tip twice as she did, then released his cock from her grip and sat back. She held her head back and opened her mouth,
showing him her mouthful of his cum. She
played with his cum for a few moments, lifting her tongue through the large
pool and letting it run off of the sides several times, her eyes locked on his
as she did. Then she closed her mouth
and swallowed with a slight ‘gulp,’ then opened her mouth and stuck out her
tongue to show him that she had swallowed it all. She licked her lips as she grinned at him,
very pleased with herself.
“You taste good, little brother!”
she said, her eyes sparkling. She sat up
and reached for his cock, tugging on it and smiling when one more big drop of
cum appeared at the tip. She put her
lips on the tip of his cock and sucked it into her mouth, swallowing it
immediately. She looked up at him and
smiled again, his slowly softening cock still in her hand.
“That was amazing!” Jeff said,
looking down at his sister in amazement.
“And you came, too, didn’t you?” he asked. Kat nodded as she replied.
“Like gangbusters!” she said,
still grinning. She released his
softening cock from her hand and sat back on her haunches as she spoke. “I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard and
that fast before!”
“Neither have I,” Jeff replied,
and she chuckled as she spoke again.
“I told you it wouldn’t take
long!” she said, grinning at him.
“Now I know what a soda straw
feels like once you get to sucking on it!” he said, chuckling at the joke he
just made.
“Yes, you do!” she replied,
chuckling back. “Just think of your cock
as a cum straw – your sister’s personal cum straw, to be exact!” she said,
grinning from ear to ear. Then she sat
up and rested her arms on his thighs, looking deep into his eyes as she continued.
“And you can bet that I’m gonna
be sucking on my own personal cum straw every chance I get!” she said, her
voice low and husky.
“You are?” Jeff asked, his eyes
wide with surprise and hope.
“I am!” Kat replied, nodding
slowly as she looked into his eyes, smiling.
“For the next three months, anyway.
After that I’ll just have to do it whenever I get the chance – if that’s
okay with you, that is,” she asked.
“Absolutely!” Jeff replied,
returning her smile. “I’d be crazy to
say no, especially with the way you suck a dick!”
“You would indeed!” Kat replied. “But right now,” she said, bracing herself
with her hands on his knees as she stood up, “I’m going to go clean up and then
hit the pool. You coming?” she asked,
standing in front of him with her hands on her hips.
“You bet I am!” he replied, bending
over and picking up his shorts. “As soon
as I get my bathing suit on I’ll be right out,” he said, standing up.
“Great! I’ll see you in a few minutes, then!” she
said. She kissed him quickly on the
lips, taking him by surprise, before turning and walking away, headed to the bathroom
to cleanup. Jeff just stood there and
watched her go, watching her shapely ass wiggle as she walked. Incredibly, he felt his now-soft cock stir
just a little at the sight, and he chuckled as he looked down.
“This is gonna be a great summer!”
he said, then headed to his room to change into his bathing suit.
Nice story! I love your blog!
ReplyDeleteThank you, I appreciate that!