(A foreword - this story is Part 1 of a six part series that is divided up into one set of two stories, one set of three stories, and one solo story. I wrote all of them individually but got the idea to interconnect all of them since they all took place at the same time and the same place, and this is the result. This is the first time I've done something like this, so I hope it's a success. Thank you for reading!)
Seductress Stepdaughter
(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or
dead is purely coincidental. All
characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of
age. This work is copyrighted and may
not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written
consent of the author.)
Marvin stood on the balcony of
the hotel, leaning on the railing while looking out over the nighttime ocean. The night was clear and the moon was full,
and the view from the 22nd floor was absolutely beautiful. He was lost in his thoughts about the events
of the past two days, still trying to sort out everything that had happened
with his new wife, Lakeisha, and his new stepdaughter, Jasmine. They were both asleep in the room, each of
them lying naked in their beds, LaKeisha in one bed and Jasmine in the other,
leaving Marvin alone with his thoughts.
And what thoughts they were.
He had met LaKeisha, Jasmine’s
mom, the previous October at a Halloween party thrown by his good friends Frank
and Patricia, who were known throughout the area for their stellar parties,
their Halloween party being one of the best.
They always went all-out with their costumes, this year being no
exception – Patricia had been dressed as Dorothy from ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ and
Frank had dressed as the Wizard. Their
son Vincent had almost stolen the show when he appeared as the Scarecrow.
Marvin had gone as Captain Jack
Sparrow, and when he saw LaKeisha dressed up as Anne Bonny, one of the world’s
few female pirates, it was only natural that they would end up talking to each
other. They hit it off right away, and
ended up spending most of their time at the party together. They had both come to the party solo, so
neither of them had a date to worry about.
During one of the slow dances they shared, their conversation took a
turn that pretty much told him where the evening was headed, and he couldn’t
have been happier about it.
“So, Captain Jack, have you ever
been with a black woman before?” she asked, her voice low and husky as she
looked at him with those deep, seductive brown eyes.
“Actually, yes, I have, Captain
Bonny,” he replied.
“What did you think?” she asked,
a seductive half-smile on her face.
“Extraordinary, to say the
least,” he replied, returning her smile.
“And you?” he asked, “have you
ever been with a white man before?”
“Yes, I have,” she replied.
“Extraordinary, to say the
least,” she replied, smiling at him as she used his answer. “An experience I would most definitely like
to have again,” she said.
“As would I,” he said.
“Tonight,” she said.
“Tonight?” he asked.
“Tonight,” she said.
What followed was one of the most
amazing sexual experiences Marvin had ever had.
LaKeisha was a strikingly
beautiful black woman with chocolate brown skin, standing about five feet six
inches tall with a slim figure and an absolutely killer butt, and her being in
his age group (he was 38) made it that much better. She was a literal tigress
in bed, proving herself to be one of the few women Marvin had ever met who
could keep up with him. By the time the
sun came up the next morning they had both decided that this was a relationship
they wanted to pursue. Three months
later they were married in a pirate-themed wedding, with both of them wearing
the costumes they were wearing when they met.
LaKeisha had told Marvin early on
in their relationship that she was a divorcee and had a 19-year-old daughter
from her previous marriage, but that didn’t bother Marvin and he was quick to
tell her so. Her daughter’s name was
Jasmine and she was away at her freshman year of college, and as much as he
wanted to meet Jasmine over the Christmas break it just didn’t happen as Jasmine’s
plans had changed at the last minute and she wasn’t able to come home. So now it was spring break and Jasmine was coming
home for a week, and Marvin was looking forward to finally meeting his new
The plan was for Marvin and
LaKeisha to drive down to the oceanfront in the next town over and meet Jasmine
in her room at ‘The Windjammer’ hotel.
Both LaKeisha and Jasmine loved the resort beach area in general and
that hotel in particular, so when the plans were made for Jasmine to come home
for spring break it was decided that they would meet at the hotel, with Jasmine
driving up from her college the next state over while they drove in from their
home about an hour away. Check in time
wasn’t until three in the afternoon, so they didn’t leave for the hotel until a
little after two. They were about ten
minutes away from the hotel when LaKeisha’s text message notification went
“She’s in Room 2220, and says to
come on up when we get there,” she said, looking down at her phone. “And she says she hopes we brought our
bathing suits because she’s getting ready to hit the beach,” LaKeisha said, looking
up with a smile on her face. “Some
things never change, I guess,” she said, looking over at Marvin.
“How’s that?” he asked.
“She’s always been a beach bum,
absolutely in love with the beach!” LaKeisha explained. “You would think that growing up in an
oceanfront resort town you’d get tired of the beach, but not my girl Jasmine. Every spare moment she had she was on the
beach, either surfing, laying out in the sun, or flirting with the guys,” she
said, looking ahead as she spoke.
“She surfs?” Marvin asked,
“Yes, and she’s pretty good at
it, too,” LaKeisha said. “Even won a
local competition one summer.”
“Wow, good for her,” Marvin said,
meaning it.
“I do have to warn you, though,
she’s a little ‘guy-crazy’ and a terrible flirt,” she said, looking over at
Marvin. “And just like her mother, she
has a ‘thing’ for white guys, so don’t be surprised if she flirts with
you. Okay, baby?”
“Okay, baby,” he replied, looking
over at her and smiling.
‘How bad can it possibly be?’
Marvin thought to himself.
‘He has no idea what he’s in
for!’ LaKeisha thought to herself, a slight smile on her face.
They arrived at ‘The Windjammer’
a few minutes later, and after Marvin parked the car they got their bags out of
the trunk and went inside the hotel and up to the room. Jasmine had gotten a room with two king sized
beds as all three of the would be staying there for a couple of days, and had
their key cards with her in the room.
They got off of the elevator on the 22nd floor and walked
down the hall to the room, and LaKeisha knocked on the door. It opened almost immediately and there was
his new stepdaughter, Jasmine.
To say she was a knockout would
have been a vast understatement. She was
5’4” tall with the same chocolate skin tone as her mother. If Marvin had to guess he would have guessed
she weighed around 135 pounds, but despite her weight she was very curvy in all
the right places. Her body style put her
squarely in the “thick” category, with thick, shapely thighs, a full, rounded
butt and, from what Marvin could tell, a simply stupendous bustline. She was wearing a tight pair of jeans and a
slightly baggy t-shirt, but from the size of the two bulges pushing out the
front of the shirt she had a pair of simply huge tits. They were so big that the phrase “tits bigger
than your head” immediately popped into mind.
And to top it all off, she had the prettiest face and most dazzling
brown eyes that Marvin had ever seen. Her
face was round with high cheekbones and very full lips, a pert nose perched in
the center of her face. She wore her
hair straight, and it was long enough that it came down to her shoulders with a
slight curl at the ends.
Jasmine looked at him for a
moment, and when she saw her mom standing next to him her face erupted into a
big smile showing off sparkling white, perfect teeth.
“Mom!” she said, running towards
her and putting her arms around her mom’s neck.
“It’s so good to see you again! I
missed you so much!” she said, jumping up and down a little in her mom’s arms.
“It’s good to see you too, baby!”
LaKeisha said, returning her hug.
Jasmine turned her loose after a moment or two more, turning to look at
Marvin as LaKeisha continued.
“And this handsome man is my new
husband and your new stepfather, Marvin,” she said, holding her hand out palm
up as she introduced him. “Marvin, meet
my daughter, Jasmine,” she said.
“Glad to finally meet you,
Jasmine, your mom has told me so much about you,” he said, extending his hand.
“Oh, no, you’re not getting off
that easy!” Jasmine said, stepping up and throwing her arms around his neck to
give him a big hug. Marvin was taken a
little by surprise but he put his arms around her and hugged her back, noticing
that Jasmine was pressing her full body up against him from knees to tits. He also couldn’t help but feel the big, firm
mounds of her huge tits pressing against his chest. She kissed him on the cheek and then stepped
back, her arms still around his neck as she looked up at him with a big smile
on her face.
“Thank you so much for making my
mom happy, Marvin,” she said. “I can’t
remember when’s the last time I saw her this happy, and from what she’s told me
you’re the one responsible. So thank
you, Daddy!” she said, surprising him again by giving him a quick kiss on the
lips. Her lips were full and soft, and
Marvin felt a twinge down below at their touch.
“Well, don’t just stand there in
the hallway! Come on in, drop your bags,
and get changed – we’re going to the beach!” Jasmine said, taking him by the
hand and leading him into the room with LaKeisha following, leaving LaKeisha to
bring in their two small bags. She
picked up the bags and followed behind her husband, a smile on her face. Marvin couldn’t help but notice that Jasmine
had inherited her mom’s ass, but wondered where she had inherited her chest from
since LaKeisha’s tits were a ‘C’ cup at best.
Once in the room everyone got
their swimsuits out of their bags (Jasmine hadn’t had the time to unpack yet
even though she got there first) and Jasmine headed to the bathroom to change,
leaving Marvin and LaKeisha to change in the room. LaKeisha spoke as soon as the bathroom door
“I told you she was a flirt!” she
said, grinning at him as they started to change. “And if I know my daughter like I think I do,
it’s only going to get worse!”
“You think so?” Marvin asked,
slipping out of his jeans and shorts.
“Oh, yeah, absolutely,” LaKeisha
said, dropping her panties on the bed and slipping into her bikini
bottoms. “Like I said, she’s
‘guy-crazy,’ and the more handsome and attractive the guy the more she flirts. And with you being as handsome and attractive
as you are, she’s going to be flirting her ass off with you!”
“I’m not sure how to handle
this,” he replied, pulling his trunks up around his hips and tying the
“You’ll be fine, just be prepared
for her to get a little…well, over the top, I guess,” LaKeisha said, smiling at
him as she put her top on. “Just save
some for me, that’s all I ask!”
“Save some of what?” Marvin
asked, confused.
“Your attention, of course!”
LaKeisha replied, coming over to him and putting her arms around his neck
before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
“What else could I possibly mean?” she asked, her voice soft as she
looked into his eyes, smiling.
“Always,” he replied, smiling
back. Just then the door opened and
Jasmine came out, her street clothes in her hands. She was wearing a short beach robe over her
bathing suit, so Marvin wouldn’t get to see what she looked like in her bathing
suit until they were out on the beach.
“Hey, now, none of that!” Jasmine
chided, smiling. “Not in front of the
“Girl, you haven’t been a child
since you started growing tits!” LaKeisha said, chuckling. “And that happened when you were what,
thirteen?” she asked, looking over at Jasmine.
“Twelve, actually,” Jasmine
replied. “And they haven’t stopped
growing since! See?” she said, throwing
her shoulders back and pushing her chest out, grinning from ear to ear. Both she and LaKeisha laughed, with LaKeisha
giving Marvin a ‘I told you so’ look.
“I’m jealous as hell, you know
that, right?” LaKeisha said, putting on a loose t-shirt over her suit while
Marvin did the same. “God gave both of
us a great ass, but I think He forgot about my tits and gave them to you when
you were born instead!” she said, making both of them laugh. Marvin chuckled along as well, but he was a
little uncomfortable hearing his wife and his stepdaughter talking about their
tits in such a plain manner. Still, it
was good that they had that open and trusting a relationship, and he hoped to
have something close to that with Jasmine himself.
“So what size bra are you wearing
these days, anyhow?” LaKeisha asked.
“40K,” she said, “and I have to
have them custom made because I can’t find any that fit off the rack, which is
a real pain in the ass and expensive as hell!”
“Well, you’ve always been voluptuous,”
LaKeisha said, “and the guys certainly don’t seem to mind, do they?”
“You got that right!” Jasmine
said, a big grin on her face. “Once they
get a load of this 40-28-40 figure they’re putty in my hands!” she said,
putting her hands on her hips and cocking a knee in front of her, grinning from
ear to ear.
And looking directly at Marvin.
“So, uh, what say we, uh, get
going out to the beach?” he stammered, trying to change the conversation as he
picked up his towel and bottle of lotion out of his bag.
“Good idea, baby,” LaKeisha said,
looking over at him and grinning as she got her towel and lotion also.
‘I told you!’ she mouthed
to him without Jasmine seeing. Marvin
rolled his eyes and shrugged, making LaKeisha laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Jasmine asked,
standing there with her towel and lotion in her hand as well.
“Nothing, baby, just a private
joke between me and your stepdaddy,” LaKeisha said, standing up. “Now let’s go!” she said, heading for the
door. Jasmine and Marvin followed her,
with Marvin bringing up the rear.
“Don’t forget the key card!”
LaKeisha called out as she walked out of the door.
“Oh, shit! That wouldn’t be good!” Marvin said, stopping
just as he was about to let the door close behind them. He turned and went back into the room to get
the key card, the room door closing as he did.
“He’s cute, and sexy as hell,
Mom!” Jasmine said, smiling at her mom as they waited in the hallway for him.
“Just take it easy on him, okay,
Jasmine?” she replied, returning her smile.
“No promises!” Jasmine said,
making them both laugh. Just then Marvin
came out of the room, key card in hand.
“Got it! Now let’s go!” he said. They turned left and headed for the elevator,
LaKeisha on one side and Jasmine on the other, the three of them chatting and
laughing as they walked down the hall.
They passed a lone guest on the way, a woman who was walking towards
them, a bag slung over her shoulder. She
smiled at them as they passed but said nothing.
Ten minutes later they were out
on the beach in front of the hotel, and as soon as they found a spot on the
somewhat crowded beach (it was still early in the season) they dropped their
stuff and set up. LaKeisha and Jasmine
spread out the big blanket that Jasmine had brought while Marvin went over to
an umbrella stand and rented a beach umbrella.
Once he returned he set it up and opened it, the umbrella throwing a good
deal of shade onto the blanket. Once
that was done he and LaKeisha took off their t-shirts while Jasmine untied her
beach robe and opened it, and when he got a look at her Marvin almost swallowed
his tongue.
Jasmine had the biggest, fullest,
and obviously heaviest pair of tits he’d ever seen in his entire life. They were round and full, longer than they
were round, standing out from her chest like twin torpedoes, and the first
phrase that came to his mind when he saw them for the first time was ‘tits as
big as your head.’ And Jasmine’s tits
certainly were, to say the least. The
cups of the yellow bikini top that she was wearing covered her areola and
nipples, but they were barely able to contain the rest of her huge
breasts. Her massive globes hung out on
both sides and the bottom of the bikini top cups, giving anyone and everyone a
generous look at the underside of her boobs.
The front of the bikini bottoms
was just big enough to cover her mound, and Marvin guessed that it was a
thong. He also guessed that her mound
and pussy was shaven smooth; not that he had any proof, but it just seemed
He tried not to stare as she
slipped the robe from her shoulders and dropped it onto the blanket, reaching
into her beach bag for a bottle of sunscreen.
Her massive tits hung down in front of her as she bent over, swaying
heavily back and forth, and Marvin saw that he was correct about the bottoms
being a thong. The big, rounded globes
of her ass were proudly on display, the yellow cord of the thong disappearing
between them and emerging at the top of her ass. She found what she was looking for and stood
up, facing away from him and giving him a good look at her naked ass as she
started spreading the sunblock over her arms.
“You’re staring, baby,” LaKeisha
said softly in his ear from behind, jerking him back to reality.
“Oh, shit, I’m so sorry!” he
said, spinning around to face LaKeisha.
To his surprise she had a big smile on her face and didn’t seem upset at
all that he’d just undressed her daughter – his stepdaughter now – with his
eyes. “I didn’t mean to stare, it’s just
that…” he started, but LaKeisha cut him off.
“It’s okay, baby, really it is,”
she said, putting her hand on his chest as she smiled up at him. “My daughter is a very sexy, very well-built
woman who is also an exhibitionist, and she loves to show her stuff off to guys
that she thinks are cute and sexy,” she explained. “You should take it as a compliment that
she’s showing off for you,” she said.
“Yeah, I guess so, but still, she
is my stepdaughter now, you know,” he said, thankful that LaKeisha wasn’t
mad at him for ogling her daughter like he had.
“Yes she is, and I’m sure you’ll
treat her the same way you treat me,” she replied, choosing her words
“I will, absolutely,” Marvin
replied, smiling.
“Then don’t worry about it,”
LaKeisha said, rising up on her tiptoes to give him a quick kiss on the
lips. “Just sit back and enjoy the show,
because I’m pretty sure she’s not done showing off for you yet!”
“Oh, boy!” Marvin groaned,
rolling his eyes playfully.
LaKeisha was right. For the rest of the time they were on the
beach, Jasmine took every opportunity to parade her body in front of Marvin, and
it was slowly driving Marvin crazy. When
Jasmine came out of the water and her bikini was clinging to her skin, he
couldn’t help but notice the camel toe she was sporting and the way her nipples
poked out against the bikini top. And
when she dried off and then began applying sunblock again, Marvin just about
swallowed his tongue when she slipped her hand inside the cups of her bikini to
spread the lotion on her tits. She
looked up and caught him watching, her, giving hm a big, bright smile as she
‘Gotcha!’ she thought to
herself as she continued spreading the lotion over her huge tits.
A little while after that Marvin
went into the water to cool off both physically and mentally. The teasing that Jasmine was doing certainly
had an effect on him, and he thanked God that he was wearing a baggy bathing
suit in which he could hide the erection that Jasmine had given him twice. He swam around for a little bit, not getting
too far away from where they were set up, and when he stopped swimming and
stood up the water was deep enough that it came up to his shoulders. As he was wiping the water from his face he
heard splashing to his right, and he turned his head to see Jasmine swimming
towards him, less than five feet away.
As he turned to face her she stopped, treading water right in front of
him. She had a big smile on her face,
her eyes sparkling and her dimples showing.
“Hi, Daddy!” she said cheerfully.
“Hi yourself,” he replied,
returning her smile. “I hope you’re
really good at treading water because I’m pretty sure the water is over your
head this far out,” he said.
“Then I guess I’ll just have to
hang on to you for support, then, huh, Daddy?” she said, swimming over to him
and putting her arms around his neck, clasping her hand behind his neck and, to
his surprise, wrapping her legs around his waist. He could feel the mound of her pussy pressing
against his cock, and he knew it was only a matter of time – seconds, maybe –
before his cock started to respond.
And he had a feeling that was
exactly what Jasmine had in mind. He
instinctively put his arms around her waist to support her, and this only
pressed her mound against him harder.
“There, that’s better!” she said,
looking into his eyes, smiling. “Don’t
you think so, Daddy?” Her huge breasts
were just barely touching his chest, and before he could respond she tightened
her arms around his neck and brought her body closer to his. Her tits were now pressing firmly against his
chest, and he felt his cock starting to respond.
“Jasmine, I…” he started, but
Jasmine cut him off as she continued.
“So do I call you ‘daddy’ or just
‘Marvin?’” she asked, looking into his eyes as she held her tits against his
chest a smile on her face.
‘God, those big lips look so
luscious!’ he thought to himself.
“Either one is fine with me,” he
replied, meaning it. His cock was slowly
beginning to grow, and he knew there was no way she wasn’t going to feel it.
“I think I’ll call you both,” she
said, “depending on the situation at the time.
For example, if we’re at home just chilling and hanging out, I’ll call
you ‘daddy.’ But in other situations, I’ll call you ‘Marvin,’” she said, her
voice going soft and sexy as she looked deeply into his eyes.
“Other situations?” he
asked. ‘Like this one, for example?’
he thought to himself, but he said something different. “Like what?” he asked.
“Like this one,” she replied, her
voice low and sultry as she looked deeply into his eyes.
“Jasmine, I really don’t think…”
he started, but she cut him off again.
“Then don’t think, just react,”
she said, “just relax and let it happen.
You can’t stop it anyway, you know,” she said, pushing her mound up
against his growing cock hard by tightening her legs around his waist, the
muscles in her thick thighs flexing against his waist as her heels pressed
against his lower back. She wiggled her
hips a little, pressing her pussy up against his cock harder, her smile growing
bigger. “Once those things get going it’s
like they have a mind of their own, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it!”
“But still…” he stammered as she
continued speaking.
“Not that you’d want to anyway, I
don’t think,” she said, positively grinning now. She could feel his cock getting harder,
thicker, and longer as it pressed against her mound. “You don’t, do you, Marvin?” she asked. “Be honest now,” she said, tightening her
legs around him. He looked into her eyes
for a few long moments, trying to decide what to say or what to do, and finally
just gave up and told her the truth.
“No, I don’t.”
“I didn’t think so,” she replied,
grinning from ear to ear. She wiggled
her hips again, harder, and then she was gone, swimming towards the beach and
leaving him standing there with his cock as rock hard and erect as it could
possibly be. He stood there and watched
her swim away and then get out of the water to walk up to where her mother was
lying on her stomach, apparently sleeping and oblivious to what had just taken
place. Jasmine lay down on the blanket
on her back, glancing out at him and smiling as she did.
It took about ten minutes for his
erection to fade to the point where he could finally come out of the water. As he walked up to the blanket where his wife
and stepdaughter were laying, he had the ominous feeling that things with
Jasmine were just getting started. He
had the feeling that she had more planned for him – much more.
He had no idea just how right he
The rest of the day on the beach
was pure torture for Marvin, and pure enjoyment for both Jasmine and
LaKeisha. Jasmine enjoyed flirting with
him and teasing the hell out of him, and LaKeisha enjoyed seeing his
embarrassment and not knowing how to handle it.
At one point Jasmine had asked him to put lotion on her back, rolling
over and wiggling her butt at him before he could answer. He looked over at LaKeisha who just nodded her
approval, so he picked up the bottle of lotion and straddled Jasmine’s thick
thighs. When he moved further up on her
thighs and bent over to reach her shoulders Jasmine clenched her butt cheeks
together, grabbing his semi-erect cock and squeezing it firmly. She giggled at this, especially when Marvin
hesitated for the briefest of moments before pulling back.
By the time they packed up and
went back to the room Marvin was so frustrated and so horny he didn’t know what
to do. He desperately wanted to take his
sexual frustrations out on his wife, but with Jasmine in the same room he
didn’t see how that was going to be possible.
And walking behind Jasmine as they left the beach, watching her naked
ass flex and wiggle as she walked, only made it worse.
“She has a really nice ass,
doesn’t she?” his wife said softly in his ear, grinning at him.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t
you?” he asked, returning her grin.
“More than you know!” she
replied. “But I did warn you, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you did, but still…” he
said, shaking his head. LaKeisha
chuckled at him, smiling as they walked into the hotel and made their way up to
the room.
As soon as they got there Lakeisha
jumped in the shower to wash the sand and suntan lotion off her body, with
Marvin right behind her. After he was
finished it was Jasmine’s turn; LaKeisha was out on the balcony and Marvin was
sitting in a chair in the room, looking at his wife’s spectacular ass and
seriously considering grabbing her and throwing her down on the bed for a
‘quickie’ while their daughter was still in the shower. Just then her cell phone rang, and she
answered it. The conversation lasted
about three minutes, and when she hung up the phone she came back into the room,
speaking before Marvin could ask what the call was about.
“That was an old friend of mine
from when I was living here before; she heard I was in town and wants to meet
me at our old hangout on the strip for a few drinks,” she said, her face
lighting up. “I’d really like to go if
it’s okay with you, baby. I haven’t seen
her in years, and it’s been even longer since I was at ‘The Gull Reef Club,’”
she said.
“Sure, baby, go right ahead,” he
replied, smiling. “You gonna eat while
you’re out?” he asked.
“Probably; they serve food there
as well, so we’ll probably eat before we hit the bar,” she said, picking up her
purse from the chest next to the TV. She
walked over to where he sat and bent over, kissing him on the lips, supporting
herself with her hands on the arms of the chair.
“You gonna be okay here all alone
with my flirtatious daughter while I’m gone?” she asked, a sly grin on her
“I’ll be fine, I’m sure,” he
replied, returning her grin. “She’s
nothing I can’t handle!”
“Oh, ho, you think so, huh?”
LaKeisha asked, grinning widely. “We’ll
see about that!” she said. Then she
kissed him lightly on the lips again and stood up, turning to walk out of the
“Don’t forget your key card,” he
said; LaKeisha held it up in her hand without turning around, then disappeared
into the short hallway leading to the door.
Marvin heard the door open and then close, and she was gone.
“Oh, boy, what have I gotten
myself into?” Marvin said out loud, shaking his head. Then he heard the shower turn off, and a few
minutes later Jasmine came out of the bathroom into the main room. Her wet hair was wrapped up in a towel, her
body was wrapped in a second towel which was straining to contain her huge,
naked tits. The towel also stopped just
below her ass, and Marvin realized that no matter how she moved he was going to
get a free show of her ass and, just maybe, her pussy. If she moved just right, that is, and he
guess that somehow she’d find a way to move just right.
“Where did my mom go?” she asked,
stopping at the foot of the bed next to him and looking at him, one hand on the
spot where the towel was tucked in to keep it in place. She was holding her cell phone in her other
hand. “I heard the door open and close
right before I got out of the shower,” she said.
“She got a call from an old
friend of hers who wants to meet up with her and have dinner and a few drinks,”
he explained.
“Hey, that’s great!” Jasmine
said, a grin breaking out on her face and her eyes lighting up. “Not only does that give her time to catch up
with her old friend, it also gives you and I a chance to get to know each other
a little better!” she said, walking towards him and sitting on the side of the
bed less than a foot away from his left knee.
“And we have so much to learn about each other, you know?” she asked,
giving him a sultry, smoldering look as she put her cell phone on the small
table next to the bed and then rested her hand on his knee.
“Well, I guess, yeah, but let’s
not rush things,” he said, unsure of what to say next or how to act, “let’s
just take it one step at a time and see what happens next,” he said, knowing
that he was making no sense at all but at a loss for anything else to say.
“Okay, Daddy!” she said, giving
him an innocent smile. She reached up to
take the towel from her head, and as she put her arms above her head the towel
wrapped around her body came loose, falling down into her lap and revealing her
huge, naked tits to him.
“Oops!” she said, looking Marvin
in the eyes and smiling, making no effort to cover up as she pulled the towel
from her head. She shook her hair free
and combed it out with her fingers, her big, heavy tits swaying as she did.
Marvin was flabbergasted. Her tits were absolutely huge, capped with a
pair of perfect erect nipples surrounded by a dark areola that was only an inch
or two around. He half expected her
areolas to be huge, but he was pleasantly surprised to see that they weren’t. As much as he knew he shouldn’t be looking at
his stepdaughter as she was sitting there topless, he was powerless to
stop. He also had a feeling that this
was exactly what she had planned on happening.
He didn’t even notice when Jasmine put the towel from her head on the
bed and put her hands in her lap, looking over at him and smiling.
“Do you like my big tits, Daddy?”
she asked in her best ‘little girl’ voice, pushing her elbows inwards to press
her tits together and make them bulge.
Marvin finally looked up at her face and saw a big grin there, her white
teeth shining and her eyes sparkling.
“Jasmine, I…well, uh…” he
stammered, not knowing what to do or say next.
He knew what he wanted to do, but he just couldn’t – not at that moment,
“It’s okay, Daddy, I don’t mind
if you look at my naked tits,” she said, turning towards him a little to give
him a better view. “Actually, I think I
want you to see all of me,” she said, standing up and letting the towel drop to
the floor. She turned to face him, her
hands on her hips, a big smile on her face as she showed him her naked body for
the first time.
Marvin was stunned. She was absolutely beautiful, and incredibly
sexy. Her body was thick, to be sure,
but she still had a curvy shape to her waist and her belly had just a little
softness to it. Her thighs were thick
and meaty but her legs from the knees down were slender. She stood in front of him, hand on her hips,
not moving, and let him get a good look at her.
And just as he had thought, her mound was shaven smooth, the chocolate
skin shining in the light of the room.
“I shave my pussy lips, too,” she
said as if reading his mind. “So what do
you think, Marvin?” she asked, taking a few steps toward him, her huge breasts
swaying as she walked, hand still on her hips.
“Do you like what you see?” she asked.
“Oh, yeah,” he replied, his voice
soft. His cock was already in the
process of getting hard, and as she got closer to him it only served to make it
get hard faster. She stopped right in
front of him, inches away from his legs, and stood there for a moment just
looking down at him. She chuckled when
she looked down at his crotch and saw what was happening there.
“So I see,” she said, her voice
sultry and low. Marvin looked up at her,
the uncertainty plain in his eyes as he spoke.
“Jasmine, we shouldn’t be doing
this,” he said. “This is wrong, and we
really shouldn’t be doing this,” he said, not meaning it at all.
“But we’re not doing anything,
Marvin,” she said, “not yet, anyway!”
“I know, I know, but we can’t…I
mean, we shouldn’t…” he stammered, his common sense rapidly losing the fight to
do the right thing.
“We can, and we should,” Jasmine
said, dropping to her knees in between his legs, putting her hands on his knees
and spreading them apart to let her get closer.
“And we are. Not only can you not
stop me, but I also don’t think you want to, either. So just sit back and enjoy it while I show
you what I do best!” she said, reaching for his zipper with both hands.
“But your mom…” he said, watching
as Jasmine quickly unfastened his shorts, pulling them open and reaching inside
for his semi-erect cock, wrapping her fingers around the hardening shaft.
“She’s at ‘The Gull Reef Club’
having a drink and enjoying herself, so don’t worry about her,” she said,
looking down at his crotch as she pulled his cock out of his pants.
‘How did she know where her
mom was? I never told her that!’ he
thought to himself.
“Ooooh, what a big dick you have,
Daddy!” she said, looking up at him and smiling as she pumped his cock in her
hand. “Nice and thick, just like I like
them!” She dropped her mouth down to his
cock and wrapped her big, soft lips around the head, sucking it inside her wet
mouth and running her tongue around it as she did. She quickly worked her way down his cock,
sucking on it hard, her cheeks hollowing in with the force she was applying,
and it only took about another minute for his cock to be rock-hard and
throbbing in her wet, sucking mouth.
As soon as her mouth hit his cock
Marvin lost all desire to resist. He was
hers now, and they both knew it.
Jasmine took all of his cock in
her mouth and down her throat without wasting any time, sliding her mouth up
and down on his shaft as she reached up and pulled his shorts down his
hips. He lifted his hips up to let her
get them down, and they dropped to the floor once she got them past his
knees. He lifted his feet up one at a
time to get free of them, slipping out of his well-worn deck shoes along the
way, Jasmine not even slowing down as she continued sucking his cock. He never wore shorts, so that was one less
piece of clothing to have to take off.
As soon as his shorts were out of
the way Jasmine wrapped one hand around the base of his cock and gripped it
firmly, pumping it in her hand as she slid her mouth up and down on it. She grabbed his balls with the other,
kneading and tugging on them as she worked on his cock. She looked up at him as she sucked on him,
looking him in the eyes and giving him a wink.
Then she returned her focus back to his cock and balls, and Marvin just
sat there and let her do her thing.
As far as blowjob went he was in
the presence of greatness, and he knew it.
LaKeisha was very good at giving blowjobs, but Jasmine put her to
shame. Jasmine had a fire and a passion
for sucking dick that was unsurpassed, and Marvin knew that if she set her mind
to it she could have him blowing his load into her mouth and down her throat in
a matter of minutes. But he had a
feeling that she had something else in mind entirely, and he would soon find
out just how right he was.
“Mmmm, your cock tastes so good,
Daddy!” she said, licking the underside of his cock with her big, flat tongue
from the base to the tip. She did this a
couple of times, then lowered her mouth down to his balls, opened her mouth,
and clamped her soft lips onto his ball sack, sucking firmly. With one hand wrapped around his shaft
pumping it firmly, she pulled one of his balls into her mouth easily, moaning
as she rolled it around in her mouth, sucking on it and pulling her head back
to tug on it with it in her mouth. She
did this to both of his balls one at a time, and then surprised him yet again
by opening her mouth very wide and sucking both of his balls into her mouth at
the same time, still pumping his cock with her hand. She looked up at him past his cock, his balls
still in her mouth, and smiled at him as best she could.
“That is incredible!” he gasped
as she tugged on his balls with her mouth again, her hand pumping his
cock. His precum was flowing like a
river by now, and when she felt it on her finger she reached up with her thumb
and ran it across the sensitive head of his cock, making him gasp and jump. She released his balls from her mouth and
giggled, looking up at him and smiling.
“A bit sensitive, is it?” she
asked, rubbing her thumb over the head of his cock again.
“Yes, it is!” he replied,
gripping the arms of the chair in his hands.
“I’ll keep that in mind!” she
said, sitting up from her position at his balls and reaching down to pick up
her big breasts with both hands. She
moved in close and lifted them up, dropping the heavy globes of flesh on his
thighs on either side of his cock. She
held his cock up with her fingers and pushed her huge mounds together, trapping
his cock between them. They were so big
that just the tip of his cock was showing in her cleavage. She began sliding her tits up and down on his
shaft, using his precum as a lubricant, and within a moment or two the valley
between her massive mounds was shining and slippery with his precum.
“I love seeing a white cock
buried between my big brown tits like this!” she said, looking up at him. “Almost as much as I love seeing a big, white
cock sliding into my pink little pussy!”
She grinned at him as she tit-fucked him, sliding her big tits up and
down on his cock as it was trapped between them. She pushed them down onto his hips and
pressed them together tightly, holding them still as she leaned forward and
looked him in the eyes as she spoke.
“You want me to fuck you now,
don’t you, Marvin?” she asked, her voice soft and sultry, her eyes smoldering
with desire. “You want me to climb on
top of you, push my tight little black pussy down onto your big, hard white cock
and fuck you, don’t you?” Marvin just
nodded, speechless at it all.
“Then tell me,” she said, her
voice nearly a whisper. “Tell me that
you want me to fuck you.”
“I want you to fuck me,” he said,
all resistance gone.
“Yes, Daddy!” she replied,
grinning from ear to ear, her eyes sparkling.
She released her tits from her hands and got up from between his knees,
her bit tits swaying as she moved, then bent down and took him by the
hand. She literally pulled him up from
the chair and then stripped his t-shirt from his body, tossing it onto the
floor next to his shorts and shoes. Then
she moved him over to the bed and pushed him back onto it, quickly climbing on
top of him with a dexterity that surprised him.
She moved up his body and sat on his hips, her pussy pressing against the
underside of his cock as it lay on his abdomen.
He could feel her smooth-shaven lips part, the warm wetness of her pussy
feeling wonderful against his skin. She
reached down and grabbed his hands, lifting them up to her tits and pressing
them palm first against the big, firm globes.
“Squeeze!” she said, moving her
hips to slide her pussy up and down the underside of his cock. He did as he was told, gripping her big tits
firmly in his hands. He was surprised at just how heavy and firm they were, the
nipples hard and erect, pressing into the palms of his hands like two little
“Oh, yeah, just like that!” she
sighed as Marvin squeezed her tits. She
slid her pussy up and down his cock as he squeezed and massaged her tits,
groaning when he rolled her hard nipples between his fingers.
“I love having my big tits
squeezed hard and the nipples pinched,” she said, looking down at Marvin with a
smile on her face as she slid her pussy up and down the underside of his
throbbing cock. “Makes my pussy wet!”
“From what I can tell, you’re
already pretty wet,” Marvin replied, speaking for the first time in a few
“And you’re hard as a rock, so I
think it’s time I got this big, hard cock of your inside my tight little pussy,
don’t you?” she said as he continued to squeeze and massage her big, heavy
breasts. Before he could respond she
reached down and grabbed his cock, lifting her hips up and out of the way,
pointing it up towards her pussy. She
rubbed the head up and down between her outer lips a few times, then put the
head against her opening. She pushed
down with her hips, slowly taking the bulbous head of his cock inside her
“Uunnnngghhhh,” she moaned gently
as she worked her pussy down onto his cock, the head finally stretching her
open enough to slip inside. “My pussy is
really tight, so it might take me a few moments to get all of your cock inside
me. But I will, trust me!” she said,
smiling down at him with just the head of his cock inside her. Then she went back to work at getting the
rest of his cock into her pussy, putting her hands on his stomach for support. She bobbed her hips up and down, taking a little
more of his cock into her tight, wet tunnel with every downward stroke, biting
her bottom lip and groaning with her eyes closed as she worked her pussy down
onto his cock.
“Holy shit, Batman, you weren’t
kidding about being tight!” he said, looking up at her as she continued working
his cock inside her. “I’ve never felt a
pussy this tight before!”
“I’m just glad…UNGH!...you
haven’t cum…AAAHHH…already,” she gasped, working her tight pussy down further
and further onto his cock. “Most guys
would have…HNNGH…blown their load…UNNGH!...by now!”
“I can certainly understand why,”
he said, watching Jasmine as she fought to get his cock inside her. He reached up and grabbed her big, heavy tits
in his hands again, squeezing them hard and tugging down on them, forcing her
down onto his cock.
“AAUUGGHHH!!” she cried,
thrusting down with her hips hard in response to his pulling down on her
tits. She had almost all of his cock
inside her now, with just another inch or so to go. She looked down at him, the lust burning
brightly in her eyes, then reached down and grabbed his hips with her
hands. She yanked herself down onto him,
impaling herself on his cock, crying out when she felt the head of his cock
bump against the end of her tunnel.
“YESSSS!” she cried, grinning as
she sat on his cock. “Oh, my GOD, your
cock feels good inside me!” she said, looking down at him. “You like that, Marvin?” she asked, her eyes
sparkling. “You like that tight little
pussy wrapped around your big hard cock?” she said, grinding her hips down on
him as she adjusted to his cock inside her.
“Very much!” he replied,
squeezing her big, heavy tits harder and pinching the nipples.
“Let’s see how long you can hold
out, shall we?” she said as she began to move, lifting her hips up and down,
sliding her very hot, very wet, and very tight pussy slowly up and down his
hard shaft. She leaned forward and put
her hands on the bed on either side of his head, looking into his eyes as he
squeezed and massaged her big, heavy tits in his hands. She rode his cock in silence for a few
moments, never taking her eyes from his, her mouth open slightly as she slid
her pussy up and down on his cock. He
raised his head and lifted one of her big tits to his mouth, clamping his lips
around the hard nipple and sucking on it.
“Oooooo, yessss,” she moaned,
closing her eyes and holding her head back as he pulled the nipple into her
mouth. “Suck on my nipple, baby, suck on
it hard!” she urged, and he did, nipping it with his teeth as he sucked on it
harder. He felt her hips twitch as he
pinched the other one with his hand, and she moaned again when he moved his
mouth from one nipple to the other. He
sucked on her nipples like this for several long, very enjoyable moments,
switching from one to the other as she rode his cock a little harder and a
little faster. The aroma of her musk
filled the room, and with his lips still locked onto one of her nipples he slid
his hands down her body to her ass, gripping it hard with both hands.
“Aaaaaah, yeah, baby!” she said,
opening her eyes and looking down at him.
“Squeeze that ass, baby, squeeze that big ass hard!” she said, and he
did. She rode him a little harder and a
little faster as a result, sliding her pussy up and down his hard shaft over
and over again.
“I’m gonna cum, okay, baby?” she
gasped, smiling down at him.
“Okay!” he replied, returning her
smile. She rode him a little faster
then, and a few moments later she came.
It was the quietest and least dramatic buildup and orgasm he’d ever seen
a woman have, with Jasmine holding her head back and closing her eyes, biting
her bottom lip and holding her upper body still as she moved just her hips to
slide her pussy up and down on his cock.
When she came she moaned, jamming her pussy down onto his cock in hard,
distinct thrusts, finally holding it down and grinding her hips on his
cock. He could feel her pussy fluttering
around his shaft as it was buried deep inside her, her juices running down his
“MMMMMMMM!” she moaned, holding
still on top of him as her orgasm ran its course. When it was over she opened her eyes and
looked down at him, a smile on her face, her eyes hooded.
“Did you like that, Marvin?” she
asked, slowly rotating her hips in small circles with his cock inside her. “Did you like feeling me cum all over your
hard cock?”
“Yes, I did,” he replied, “but I
must admit I expected something a little more intense,” he said, looking up at
her with his hands resting on top of her thick thighs as she moved slowly on
top of him.
“The first one is always small,
but the next one is gonna be a killer!” she said, smiling down at him. “Especially if we both cum at the same
time. You think we can arrange that?”
she asked.
“I think so,” he replied.
“Good! Then let’s get to it and make you cum so I can
cum with you!” she said, leaning forward and planting a kiss on his lips, her
big, firm breasts pressing against his chest as she did. Her lips were full and soft, her tongue long
and nimble, and she knew how to use both to her best advantage. She slid a hand under his head to hold it
there while she kissed him hard and deep, running her other hand over his chest
to find and pinch his nipple. Marvin
slid his hands down her thick torso to her ass, gripping the big, round globes
in his hands and squeezing them hard as the soul-searing kiss continued.
When Jasmine finally pulled away
from him she left him breathless, having just given him the hottest, most
intense kiss he’d ever had. She gave him
no time to reflect on it, though, immediately starting to ride his cock. She put her hands on his chest and began
lifting her hips up and down sliding her tight, wet pussy up and down the
length of his cock. She would lift up
until just the head was trapped inside her tight tunnel, then push down and
swallow it all until her ass bumped against his balls. She did this for several very enjoyable
moments, looking down and into Marvin’s eyes as she fucked him steady and deep.
“I can’t wait to feel your big cock
explode inside my tight little pussy,” she said, her breathing picking up a bit
as she continued to ride him.
“You keep that up and it won’t be
long,” he said, looking up at her.
“Uh-uh, not like this,” she said,
taking him by surprise. “I want to be on
my back with my knees up around my ears while you fuck me hard and fast until
you cum,” she said, her eyes sparkling.
“I want you to pound that cock into me and shoot my pussy full of your
hot cum!”
“Then we’d better switch places
now because if we don’t I’m gonna blow my load inside you in just a few minutes,”
he said, looking up at her.
“Then let’s do it!” Jasmine said,
reaching down and grabbing him by the upper arms as she threw herself sideways
onto the bed, rolling over onto her back and spreading her legs wide, never
letting his cock slip from her pussy.
She grabbed her legs behind her knees and pulled them up towards her
head, opening herself up to him and putting herself at his mercy.
Marvin knew what she wanted, so
he immediately began thrusting his cock in and out of her in long, hard, deep
strokes. The room was soon filled with
the sounds of his cock sliding in and out of her pussy and his hips slapping
against hers as he fucked her hard and fast, just as she wanted.
“Yes! Yes!
Yes! Yes!” she cried as Marvin
pounded his cock in and out of her, holding himself up with his hands on the
bed on either side of her head. She bit
her bottom lip and moaned loudly as he pounded his cock in and out of her, his
hips a blur as he gave her what she wanted.
She let go of her legs and grabbed her big tits as they were bouncing
around on her chest, squeezing them hard and pulling on the nipples as she
twisted them in her fingers.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum,
I’m gonna cum!” she cried, looking up at him, her eyes wide and her mouth
hanging open. “Cum with me, Daddy, cum
with me!” she urged, squeezing her bit tits harder.
Marvin could feel his orgasm
building quickly, and when she spoke up to urge him on that brought him to the
edge almost immediately. He could feel
her tight pussy gripping him as he pounded his cock in and out of her, and a
few moments later her orgasm hit.
Jasmine cried out loudly as her
orgasm exploded inside her, intense waves of sensual pleasure crashing through
her body like a sonic boom. She threw
her legs around Marvin’s waist, clamping her thick thighs tightly around him
and squeezing as she came, her heels on his ass urging him to fuck her harder.
That did it for him. Marvin came hard, harder than he had in quite
a while, his cock exploding inside Jasmine’s pussy. He groaned through gritted teeth as his cock
pumped inside her, shooting stream after stream of hot, thick cum deep inside
her tight pussy. When she felt his cock
pumping inside her Jasmine let go of her tits and grabbed Marvin’s upper arms,
gripping them firmly as her orgasm increased.
She cried out again as a second wave of pleasure ran through her,
Marvin’s cock pumping her full of cum at the same time.
When his orgasm began to slow
Marvin thrust his hips forward and buried his cock balls-deep into Jasmine’s
soaking wet, cum-filled pussy and held it there as the last spasms ran through
him and the last bit of cum was spit out inside her. She squeezed him tightly with her powerful
legs, her thighs clamped tightly against his waist, as her own orgasm began to
fade. When it was all over they were
both left gasping for breath, Marvin’s body covered with a fine sheen of
perspiration from the effort he had put into fucking her. She looked up at him and grinned, her perfect
white teeth shining in the light.
“Now that’s what I call an
orgasm!” she said, chuckling.
“That was what you wanted, wasn’t
it?” he asked, looking down at her as he held his cock in place. “I mean, you wanted me to fuck you hard,
“Hell yes I wanted you to fuck me
hard, and you certainly did!” she said, running her hands up and down his upper
arms. “I haven’t been fucked that hard
or cum that hard in a long time!” she said.
“Same here,” he replied, grinning
back at her. He looked into her big
brown eyes for a moment before speaking again.
“You’re really something, you
know that, Jasmine?” he said.
“You’re not too bad yourself,
Marvin,” she replied. “I have a feeling
you and I are going to get along just fine!” she said, squeezing him with her
powerful thighs for a moment.
“Yeah, well, there is one thing
that’s gonna get in the way of that, you know,” he said, the first twinges of
regret hitting him. He had just fucked
his new wife’s daughter, his new stepdaughter, and the guilt was really setting
“You mean my mom,” she said.
“I mean your mom,” he replied.
“I wouldn’t worry too much about
that,” she said, giving him a knowing smile.
“And why not?” he replied,
“Hand me my phone, please,” she
said, looking over at the small table and pointing to her phone sitting
there. Marvin reached over and retrieved
her phone, Jasmine’s legs still clamped around his waist and his slowly
softening cock still trapped inside her incredibly tight pussy as he did. “Thank you, Daddy!” she said when he handed
it to her. She touched her mom’s icon on
the face of her phone and then held it up to her ear, and a moment later
LaKeisha answered here phone.
“Hi, Mom,” Jasmine said,
smiling. “Yeah, we’re finished for
now. And yes, he’s just as good as you
said he was!” she said, looking up at him and grinning from ear to ear. “Okay, that’s fine, I’ll see you when you get
here!” she said. Then she touched the
icon again to end the call, looking up at him again with the grin still on her
“Like I said, I wouldn’t worry
about my mom too much!” she said, her eyes sparkling. Marvin was stunned to say the least.
“You mean you and your mom had
this planned the whole time?” he said, the surprise and amazement showing on
his face.
“Yep, we sure did!” Jasmine said,
putting her phone down on the bed and running her hands up and down his upper
arms again, her legs still around his waist.
“We’ve been planning this for the past month, at least!”
Then it all began to dawn on
Marvin, things just falling into place.
“So that call she got from a
supposed friend to meet her for a drink…” he began, with Jasmine finishing the
statement for him.
“Was actually me calling her from
the bathroom to give her an excuse to leave so I could come out and seduce you,”
she said, still grinning at him.
“So that’s how you knew where she
was!” he said, remembering that she had said where her mom was without him
having told her.
“I knew I fucked up when I said
that the moment I said it, and was hoping you didn’t notice it,” she replied, “but
just in case I distracted you by making that comment about how big your dick
was,” she explained.
“You and your mom are a couple of
very crafty, very sneaky ladies,” he said, smiling down at her.
“Yes, we are,” she replied,
returning his smile. “And I wasn’t
kidding about your dick, either – you really do have a big dick, Marvin!” she
“I’m glad you think so,” he
replied, “but right now I think you need to turn me loose so we can both go get
cleaned up and dressed before your mom gets back,” he said, patting her on one
of her thick thighs.
“Oh, okay,” she said, putting on
a pouty face, “if you insist!” She dropped
her legs down to the bed, setting him free from the vise-like grip of her
thighs, and he backed up and got off of the bed, his now soft cock finally
slipping out of her as he did.
“Ladies first,” he said, waving
his hand towards the bathroom.
“Thank you, Daddy!” Jasmine said,
getting up from the bed and walking past him to the bathroom. He smacked her on her ample ass as she went
by, and she let out a shriek of delight as he did.
Fifteen minutes later they were
both cleaned up and dressed, with Marvin sitting in the chair next to the bed
again and Jasmine sitting on the bed itself, propped up against the headboard
and playing on her phone when the door opened and LaKeisha walked in. She looked at the two of them and smiled,
looking at Marvin as she spoke.
“I take it everything went well
between the two of you?” she said, the smile turning into a grin.
“I should be mad at you, you
know,” Marvin said, trying hard not to return her smile.
“But you’re not, are you?” she
“No, I’m not,” he replied, losing
the fight not to smile. LaKeisha walked
over to him and put her purse down on the bed, climbing onto his lap on the
chair. She put her arms around his neck
and kissed him, then looked at him as she spoke again.
“I’m sorry I lied to you about
the friend calling,” she said, meaning it, “but it was the only way we could
pull this off. I promise I won’t ever
lie to you about anything ever again.
Forgive me?” she asked.
“Of course I do,” he replied,
smiling at her.
“Thank you, baby!” she said,
kissing him again.
“Hey, none of that, you two!”
Jasmine chided from the bed, smiling at the both of them. “Save that for later when the daughter isn’t
“Like you’ve never seen a man and
a woman kiss before,” LaKeisha said.
“I don’t care about that, it’s
what comes next that I don’t wanna be around for!” she said, getting up from
the bed. She got to her feet and turned
around to look at them as she continued speaking.
“Now I don’t know about the two
of you, but I’m hungry,” she said, putting her hands on her hips. “Good sex always makes me hungry, and after
the fucking my new stepdaddy just gave me I’m hungry enough to eat a horse!”
“Was it that good?” LaKeisha
said, looking first at Jasmine and then at Marvin.
“No, it was great!” Jasmine
replied. “More on that later; now let’s
go get something to eat!” she said insistently.
“I guess it’s back to ‘The Gull
Reef Club,’ then,” LaKeisha said.
“Yes, now let’s go!” Jasmine
said, grabbing her mom by the hand and pulling her towards the door. Marvin followed behind them, smiling and
shaking his head.
‘What in the hell have I
gotten myself into?’ he said to himself, his smile turning into a grin as
he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. He followed his wife and stepdaughter down
the hall to the elevator, admiring both of their spectacular butts along the
‘Whatever it is, I think I’m
gonna enjoy it!’
To be continued…
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