(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or
dead is purely coincidental. All
characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of
age. This work is copyrighted and may
not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written
consent of the author.)
Will had known that something wasn’t quite right with
his body, how he was maturing – growing, specifically – for at least the last
year. He started noticing things
changing in ways that he thought were unusual since the summer after he
graduated from high school; now it was a year later, and in his mind there was
no doubt about it - things definitely weren’t right.
“That’s just not right,” he said, looking at his nude
body in the full-length mirror in his room before he got dressed for the
day. He wasn’t sure whether to be
concerned about what he saw or happy as hell instead. He was leaning very strongly towards being
happy as hell, because from what he’d heard, what was going on with him was a
dream come true for most men.
“Honey, breakfast is almost ready, are you coming?”
his mom, Judy, called from the kitchen.
“Yeah, Mom, I’ll be right there,” he called back. He took one more look in the mirror and then
got dressed, putting on a pair of khaki cargo shorts, a black t-shirt, and his
sandals. He never wore underwear in the
summer, but this particular summer that wasn’t the only reason.
Judy was just putting the plates full of scrambled eggs
and bacon on the table when her son came into the room. He was a very handsome young man, she thought,
even though he was slight of frame and wore glasses. His dark hair was rich and full, his brown
eyes simply beautiful, and when he smiled it melted her heart every time she
saw it.
‘If only he was a bit more masculine and
wasn’t so…geeky!’ she thought to herself as her son sat
down at the table.
“Morning, Mom,” he said, picking up his fork and
starting to eat.
“Good morning, honey,” she replied, doing the
same. “Sleep okay?” she asked as she
always did.
“Like a rock, as usual,” he replied. Will may have had his problems, but sleeping
wasn’t one of them.
“Good! So what
do you have planned for this beautiful Saturday in July?” she asked, curious.
“Oh, I don’t know, not much, really,” he replied. “Thought I might drive over and see Ethan for
a while. I haven’t seen him since before
he went on spring break; he was supposed to spend it at the beach with his mom,
and I’m curious to see how that turned out,” he said. Ethan was his best friend from high school
who was now attending college, and he lived close enough to his home to visit
on a regular basis. Now he was home for
the summer, and Will wanted to go see him.
“That’s a novel idea for spring break, a son spending
it with his mother,” Judy replied, smiling.
“He must love his mom very much,” she said, putting another forkful of
eggs in her mouth.
“He does. He
sprung for the entire trip, including the hotel. And he picked the most expensive hotel on the
strip, too – ‘The Windjammer,’” he said.
“Oh, my, I’ve heard about that one; you’re right, it’s
expensive, but from what I’ve heard it’s well worth it,” she replied.
“Well, anyhow, I thought I might drive over and see
him, find out how his spring break went,” he said.
“Are you sorry you didn’t go to college this year,
son?” Judy asked, genuinely concerned.
Her son was smart, very smart, and she was a little surprised when he
said that he wanted to take at least a year off from further schooling. He got a full-time job at the local computer
shop, was making good money for a 19-year-old, and seemed happy about his
choice to stay home.
‘If only he could get a girlfriend,’
Judy thought, looking over at her son as he ate his breakfast.
They ate in silence for the next few minutes, and when
they had finished Will helped his mom clear the table and load the
dishwasher. There were a few things she
needed to wash by hand so Will sat down at the kitchen table while she was at
the sink, trying to decide whether or not he should talk to his mom about his
As he looked at his mom from behind washing dishes, he
couldn’t help but wonder why there wasn’t a man in her life. His father had been killed in a car accident
before he was born, so all Will knew of him was what his mom had told him. He suspected that his death soured her on
getting involved with another man; from what she had told him about his father
when he was growing up, Will Senior was the love of her life and she’d never
love any other man again except for her son.
But if she ever decided to do that, she certainly was
attractive enough for it. Judy was 5’5”
tall with sandy brown hair that she wore down to her shoulders, a very cute
face with sparkling brown eyes, and a body that certainly qualified her as a
‘MILF.’ Judy had always taken care of
herself, promptly losing the baby weight after he was born and keeping it
off. She was slim, trim, and fit, with a
moderate bustline and a simply killer ass that drove not only Will wild but
most of the men around her, especially when she was wearing the skin-tight dark
blue Spandex shorts that she was wearing now.
She was wearing a white cropped sleeveless shirt to go with it, the
perfect outfit for a July day. Will
couldn’t help but smile as he watched his mom’s shapely butt wiggle as she
washed dishes, noticing the absence of a panty line and wondering if she was
wearing a thong or nothing at all.
Not only was his mom attractive, she was smart as
hell, too. Judy had a PhD in chemistry
and worked as a research scientist for a very prominent drug company, having
played a major role in developing some of the latest cutting-edge drugs to
treat everything from rashes to cancer.
She was paid very, very well for her work, although Will had the idea
that not even being that well off was making his mom as happy as he thought she
could be. She had a private lab in a
room on the lower level of the modest two-story house they lived in which she
kept locked at all times. As long as
they’d lived in that house Will had never seen the inside of that room, nor was
he sure he wanted to. All he knew was
that she spent a lot of time in there when she should have been out dating
instead, and he thought that maybe this was her way of compensating for not
being involved with a man.
Will watched her for another minute or so, finally
making up his mind. He and his mom had
always had the kind of relationship where they could talk to each other about
anything and everything, so he finally decided to talk to her about his
“Mom, can I talk to you about something?” he
asked. His mom was just drying her
hands, having finished washing the few dishes in the sink, and turned to face
him as she did.
“Certainly, honey, you know that,” she replied,
smiling. “What’s on your mind?” she
“Well, I kinda have this…problem, I guess,” he said,
not knowing how to say what he needed to say, especially considering where his
problem was located. “I don’t know how
else to describe it,” he said.
“Describe what, honey?” she asked, her voice soft, her
hands clasped in front of her. He paused
for a moment as he chose his words, still unsure of how to say it.
‘Oh, fuck it!’
he thought to himself, deciding to just come out and say it.
“I think my penis is abnormal,” he said, taking her by
surprise and making her eyebrows go up.
“Abnormal how, Will?” she said, her interest rising
dramatically now that she knew what he was talking about. Mentally she had just shifted from caring mom
to evaluating scientist, although Will would never pick up on it.
“Well, it’s…it’s big, Mom,” he said, stuttering just a
bit but looking her in the eyes as he continued. “And it’s not just my penis, it’s my
testicles, too. I think they’re all
bigger than they should be, a lot bigger,” he said.
Judy’s breath caught in her throat at his words, becoming
very excited at what she was hearing.
‘Damn, it worked! It really worked!’
she thought to herself, suppressing a smile.
Four long years of exhaustive research and experimentation was paying
“Big, you say,” Judy replied, the calculations running
through her head, her brow furrowing just a little as she thought. “How big, honey?” she asked, a serious look
on her face.
“I don’t know, really,” he replied, glancing down at
his crotch as he sat at the table. “I
never measured it, to be honest. I just
know that it’s a lot bigger than it should be, and I’m kinda worried that
something might be wrong down there, you know?” he said, the concern evident in
his voice. “Also, I’m a lot…well, I get
aroused a lot more often than I used to, and I mean a lot! And when that happens, all I can think of is
taking care of it, if you know what I mean,” he said, blushing a little bit.
“Yes, honey, I know what you mean,” she replied.
‘Frequent and intense sexual arousal…that’s
another sign that it’s working,’ she thought to herself.
“How long has this been going on?” she asked, making
mental notes. Will thought for a moment
before he replied.
“Since last summer, I think,” he said, thinking
hard. “Yeah, it was right at the end of
last summer when I started noticing that something was different. And since then it’s just gotten worse, if
that’s the right word,” he said.
‘That’s about right,’
Judy thought to herself. ‘The first
effects would have been noticeable thirty to forty-five days after the first
dose, so the timeline is correct!’
“Bigger, you mean,” she said, correcting him.
“That, and it’s been happening more often, too – my
getting aroused, that is,” he replied.
“What’s going on, Mom? What’s
wrong with me?” he asked, the concern evident in his voice. “I mean, I know guys my age get a lot of
boners and all that, but this is ridiculous!” he said. She walked over to the table and pulled out a
chair, sitting close to him and looking into his eyes as she spoke.
“There’s nothing wrong with you, honey, nothing at
all,” she said, reaching out to put her hand on his knee, giving him her best smile. She held her hand there for a moment, then
sat back and put her hands in her lap as she continued.
“I have something I need to tell you, Will, more of a
confession, really,” she said, looking him in the eyes as she spoke. “You see, I know why these things are
happening to you, because I’m responsible for them. I’m the one who caused it,” she said, hoping
he wouldn’t be mad at her.
“You?” he asked, his eyebrows going up behind his
horn-rimmed glasses. “How are you
responsible for this?” he asked. Judy
took a deep breath and said a quick prayer before answering.
“Well, honey, for the past four years I’ve been
secretly working on a new drug in my lab here at home, and not even the company
knows what I’m doing. I wanted to get it
developed and fully tested with documented results before I presented it to
them for further refinement and eventual marketing,” she explained.
“What kind of new drug?” he asked. “What does it do?”
“It’s a combination drug which treats erectile
dysfunction while increasing both performance and growth of the male genitalia,
allowing for increased endurance and enhanced production and expulsion of semen,”
she explained. She could see that her
choice of words and use of terms had only confused him, so she repeated herself
in plain English.
“It gives men an erection, makes their penis grow
bigger, lets them stay harder longer, and shoot more cum when they orgasm,” she
said, sitting back and holding her breath while waiting for his reaction.
“Oh,” Will said, looking at her. He looked at her in silence for a few
moments, making her very nervous, before speaking again.
“And you gave this new drug to me?” he said, perfectly
“Yes, honey, I did,” she said, her voice soft.
“Without telling me?” he said, still calm.
“Yes,” she said, feeling the first pangs of guilt.
“In your orange juice, or whatever you were
drinking. It’s colorless, odorless, and
tasteless, so you never knew it was there.”
“How often did you give it to me?”
“Once a week.”
“Oh.” He sat without moving, still looking at her, his
face expressionless. After a few very
tense moments he spoke again.
“Why didn’t you just ask me to take it, Mom?” he said,
asking the one question that she was dreading the most.
“I didn’t want you to know you were taking anything;
that way you wouldn’t be looking for something and maybe seeing things that
weren’t there or weren’t happening. And
when something did happen, you’d come to me and talk to me about it, giving
your opinion which I would know to be genuine,” she explained. “Besides, I didn’t think you would have
agreed if I had asked you. Would you?”
she asked. Will thought for a moment
before he replied.
“I’m not sure, really,” he said, his brow furrowing as
he thought it over. “I mean, I love you
and would do anything you wanted me to, but this…I dunno,” he said, looking
into her eyes. “I guess it’s all a moot
point now, because I took it, it works, and we’re talking about it, just like
you wanted to happen” he said, showing a wisdom that surprised her for a young
man of his youth. To say she was
relieved was the understatement of the year.
She reached out and held his hand as she replied, smiling.
“Thank you for not being mad, son, thank you so very
much!” she said.
“You’re welcome, I guess,” he said, returning her
smile. Now that the hard part was over,
it was time to press on.
“The question now is, just how well is it working?”
she said, looking at him.
“You mean…oh, that!” he said, realizing what she was
talking about.
“Yes, that,” she replied.
“So I guess you wanna see for yourself, huh?” he asked.
“If you don’t mind,” she replied.
“Hey, you have to see it in order to evaluate the
results, right?” he said; Judy just nodded.
“Besides, it’s not like you’ve never seen one before, right?”
“Right,” she replied.
“Sure, why not?” he replied, shrugging his shoulders.
“Thank you, honey!
Just give me a minute to go get a couple of things, okay? I’ll be right back!” she said, getting up and
patting him on the hand. She turned
around and nearly ran out of the kitchen before he had a chance to reply. She returned less than two minutes later with
a small notebook and pencil in one hand and a small blue cloth tape measure in
the other.
“Okay, I’m ready!” she said, sitting back down in her
chair and putting the tape measure on the table, then opening her notebook. Will stood up and unfastened his shorts, then
let them fall to land around his ankles.
The tail of his t-shirt was covering his crotch, and when he lifted it
up Judy’s eyes grew wide, her eyebrows going up and her mouth falling open in
Will’s cock was huge.
Even fully flaccid it was nearly as long and as thick as an untreated
penis, hanging down in front of him like a small firehose. She could see that his balls were bigger as
well, proportionally bigger so that they matched the size of his cock.
“OH!” she gasped, surprised at the size of the young
cock in front of her. “Oh, my! Wow!” she said, sounding more like a surprised
woman than a scientist.
“It worked really good, then, huh, Mom?” Will asked,
looking down at her as she looked at his cock.
“I’ll say! I
mean, I expected it to be larger than average, but this! This is…this is amazing! Phenomenal!
I never expected results like this!” she said, her eyes locked on his
huge cock as she marveled over what she was seeing.
“I really need to measure it, okay, honey?” she asked,
reaching over and picking up the tape measure, then holding it up for him to
“Sure, go ahead,” Will replied. Judy put the notebook on the table and then
placed the end of the tape measure at the base of his cock, then unrolled it
towards the head, holding the end in place with her thumb. She was astounded to find that her son’s cock
measured 5.9 inches fully flaccid! She
made a note of this in her notebook, then looped the tape measure around the
shaft and pulled up the slack. Her mouth
fell open at what she saw.
“Five point two inches,” she said, astounded. She wrote this down in her notebook, holding
the tape measure in place around his shaft with one hand as she did. “Honey, you’re not going to believe this,”
she said, looking at her notebook and making more notes as she spoke, “but your
penis when it’s fully flaccid is the same size of an average untreated penis
when it’s fully erect! This is just
amazing!” she said, grinning, still scribbling in her notebook.
“Uh, Mom..” Will said, trying to get her attention.
“Yes, honey?” she said without looking up, still scribbling.
“That’s getting kind of tight,” he said. Judy turned her head to look, and her mouth
fell open in surprise. His cock was
getting hard, the shaft bulging out slightly above and below where the tape
measure was wrapped.
“OH! I’m so sorry,
honey, I got carried away!” she said, releasing the tape measure from around
his shaft. She watched in amazement as
his cock continued to get hard, growing longer and thicker right before her
very eyes, rising up in front of him until the head was pointed up at the ceiling. His cock was fully erect in just over a
minute, the veins clearly visible, the shaft bobbing slightly with the blood
pumping through it. Judy had never seen
a man get an erection that fast before, and it just blew her away – until she
got her first good look at his balls and was astounded at how big they were. They hung down from under his cock, the ball
sack stretched out, looking as heavy and as full as any pair of balls she’s
ever seen.
“Oh…my…God!” she gasped in amazement, her hand coming
up to her mouth.
“Is that good?” Will asked; his mom nodded as she
replied, her eyes glued to his mammoth cock.
“Oh, it’s better than good! It’s beyond good! Way beyond good!” she said, looking up at him
and grinning. “Now I need to see just
how good, so that means I need to measure you again,” she said, her heart
beating a little faster. She glanced
over at the clock on the wall above the table and saw that the time was
8:24AM. She made a note of the time as
she wanted to see just how long his erection would last.
“Yeah, I kinda figured you’d need to do that, so go
ahead,” he replied. “It’s not going
anywhere until I take care of it anyway, so there’s no rush,” he explained.
“Thank you, son!” she said, putting her pencil down
and taking up the tape measure with both hands again. As she bent over and got closer to his cock
to measure it, she got her first whiff of his musk. She always loved the smell of a man’s cock;
it always excited her, and as she inhaled her son’s musk she felt a familiar
twinging deep inside her pussy. She
instinctively inhaled, taking a deep breath through her nose and getting her
lungs full of his heady musk.
‘Mmmmmm, that smells so good!’
she thought to herself as she held one end of the tape measure at the base of
his cock and ran it up the top of the shaft to the tip. For some reason she wasn’t as surprised this
time as she was at first; maybe she was distracted by the unusually strong
aroma of his musk, she wasn’t sure, but while she was a little surprised and
very pleased at what she saw, she wasn’t as surprised as before.
“So how big is it, Mom?” Will asked, looking down at
“Ten point one inches!” she said, looking up at him
and grinning. She reached over and made
a quick notation in her notebook, then wrapped the tape measure around his
shaft and pulled it snug.
“Nine point nine inches!” she said, again grinning as
she made another notation in her notebook.
“You’re going to make some fortunate young lady very happy with this
monster cock, son!” she said, looking up at him and grinning. “If you don’t split her in half, that is!”
she said, laughing.
‘What the hell am I saying?’
she thought to herself. ‘Why am I
talking like that to my own son?’
She inhaled again and once more smelled his musk, stronger now, and she
felt her head spinning just a little bit.
She also realized that her pussy was getting wet, and that her nipples
were so hard they ached.
‘When the hell did that happen, and why?’
she thought to herself, absentmindedly rubbing her breasts with her hand. Will noticed this and spoke up.
“Are you okay, Mom?” he asked, feeling his own sexual
arousal increasing with every passing second, his hard cock still throbbing in
front of him.
“What? Oh, yes,
I’m fine, fine,” she said, looking up at him, still rubbing her breast. “Why do you ask?” she said.
“Because of that,” he said, pointing at her hand on
her breast. Judy looked down and realized
for the first time what she was doing – but she didn’t stop.
“Oh, that,” she said, still rubbing her breast, “my
nipples ache, that’s all,” she said, smiling up at him. She took another breath and got another nose full
of his musk, closing her eyes and savoring it, a smile on her face. She got an urge just then, immediately acting
on it without rational thought – or thought of any kind, actually. She had an urge and just did it, dropping the
measuring tape to the floor and reaching out to grab his hard, throbbing
monster cock with both hands. She
wrapped her fingers around the shaft, gripping it tightly, her eyes locked on
the bulbous head. Then she pumped his
cock in her hands slowly, looking up at him with a dreamy look on her face as
she spoke.
“Your big dick feels wonderful in my hands!” she said,
her voice husky. Her pussy was very wet
now, her clit tingling as she pumped her son’s big cock in her hands.
“That’s good, because your hands feel pretty good
wrapped around my cock!” Will replied, his arousal very high now, high enough
to the point where he too was no longer capable of rational thought. All he knew was that he had a huge erect cock
that needed satisfying, and he didn’t care if it was his own mom who satisfied
him or not.
Judy’s eyes were locked onto the bulbous head of her
son’s huge cock as she slowly pumped it in her hands, gripping it firmly. She could feel it pulsing slightly as the
blood rushed through it, and as she watched a large clear drop of precum
appeared at the tip. Without thinking
she leaned forward and stuck out her tongue, licking the drop of salty fluid
from the tip of his cock and immediately swallowing it.
“Mmmmm, good!” she said, smiling up at him as she
continued pumping his cock. Then she looked
back down to his cock again, and her smile got bigger when another drop
appeared. She leaned forward and opened
her mouth, putting her lips on the end of his cock and sucking the precum out
of him, gripping his cock harder as she did.
She kept her lips on the end of his cock for several moments, pumping
and sucking the precum out of him, more than surprised at just how much of it
there was. After a few moments she
slipped her lips from his cock and looked up at him as she spoke.
“Your production of precum has increased, I see!” she
said, smiling up at him. “Let me make a
quick note of that,” she said, taking her right hand from his cock and picking
up her pencil to jot a few words down.
Then she dropped the pencil and grabbed his cock again, once more
putting her lips on the head and sucking more precum out of him.
Will watched in fascination as his mom sucked the tip
of his cock, her hands wrapped around his big, thick cock and pumping it
slowly. In the back of his mind he knew
that this was wrong and that they shouldn’t be doing this, but he didn’t
care. His cock was rock hard, harder
than it had ever been, and all he could think about was satisfying his need –
his need to cum.
Judy ran her tongue over and around the tip of his
cock, loving the salty taste of his precum.
After a few moments she slipped her lips from his cock and sat back,
just looking at his cock as she continued to pump it in her hands.
“This is incredible,” she murmured, feeling her own
desires inexplicably rising inside her.
“I wonder how…I mean, I wonder if I can…” she stammered, looking up at
her son. “I’m just gonna see if I can
fit it in my…my mouth…” And with that Judy opened her mouth and leaned forward,
putting his cock in her mouth and closing her lips around the bulbous head. She had to open her mouth wide, as wide as
she could, in order to get it in her mouth, but she managed.
‘Oh, my God, this thing is huge! And it tastes so good!’
she thought to herself as she worked her mouth down onto the thick, hard shaft
of her son’s cock. She bobbed her head
up and down, taking a little more of the throbbing shaft into her mouth each
time, running the flat of her tongue along the underside as she did. She maintained her grip on his cock, still
pumping it as she worked it into her mouth, little by little, until she had a
little more than four inches in her mouth.
She held her mouth still for a moment, adjusting to the huge dick in her
mouth, looking up at her son briefly before she began sliding her mouth up and
down on his cock, slowly, enjoying every moment and every inch of him.
Will watched as his mom sucked his cock, her mouth
stretched wide, shivering a little at the feeling of her tongue running along
the underside of his cock. She moaned
slightly as she bobbed her head up and down, giving him the best blowjob of his
young life. He realized that he was
still holding his t-shirt up, so he pulled it up over his head and took it off,
dropping it on the table behind him.
Judy’s pussy was soaking wet by now, her own musk
starting to fill the room. As much as
she enjoyed sucking her son’s huge cock, she wanted it inside her even
more. She knew that it was going to
hurt, but she just had to have this monster cock inside her pussy, and she had
to have it now. She slid her mouth from
her son’s cock and looked up at him, gasping for breath a little as she spoke.
“I need to feel this inside me, son,” she said,
breathlessly. “I mean, I need to see if
a cock this size can fit into a normal female’s vagina…for scientific reasons,
you know,” she said, her desire rising quickly.
“For scientific reasons, right,” Will said, a
half-smile on his face. He wasn’t buying
that, and Judy knew it.
“Oh, fuck it,” she said, giving up all pretenses and
going with what she was feeling, “I need to feel this big dick inside my pussy,
and I need to feel it right now!” she said, standing up. “Come with me!” she said, keeping one hand on
his cock and turning to walk quickly out of the kitchen, leading him by his
dick. Will stepped out of his pants as
she pulled on his cock, having no choice but to follow her out of the kitchen
and down the hall to her bedroom. Once
there she released his cock and quickly stripped out of her clothes, tossing
them onto the floor next to the bed as Will stepped out of his shoes, his hard
cock standing out in front of him and bobbing around as he moved. He couldn’t help but notice that his mom
wasn’t wearing any panties under her shorts, and the first view of her rounded,
shapely ass made him smile. She turned
to face him, letting him see her naked for the first time.
She was beautiful, the sexiest woman he’d ever seen.
Her breasts were full and firm, the nipples hard, her stomach flat and taught, and
her pubic hair was closely trimmed into a small, neat triangle with the point
down. He could also see that her outer
lips were shaven smooth.
“I have to ask you – are you a virgin, son?” she said,
looking at him, her hands on her shapely hips.
“No, Mom, I’m not,” he replied.
“Good! Then I
won’t have to walk you through what to do!” she said, smiling at him. Then she got on the bed, lying on her back,
positioning herself so that her hips were right at the edge of the bed. She put her heels on the bed and spread her
thighs open wide, her hands on the insides of her knees.
“Just take it easy and go slow, okay, honey?” she
asked, a little breathless with anticipation.
“Sure thing, Mom,” Will said, looking down at her
pussy. In his opinion it was the
prettiest little pussy he’d ever seen, the lips perfectly shaped, just the
right size, and parted just enough to give him a glimpse of her tunnel. Her lips were wet, shiny with her juices,
just waiting for his cock.
Will stepped forward and got into position, taking his
cock in his hand and rubbing the head up and down her slit. His precum was flowing like a river by now,
and it only took a few moments for the head of his cock to be coated with a
slippery mixture of her juices and his precum.
He felt his own anticipation rising, his heart rate and rate of
breathing riding right along with it.
“Ready, Mom?” he asked, looking up at her. She nodded her head, biting her bottom lip,
bracing for what she knew was coming.
“I’m ready, honey, just take it slow, okay?” she said.
“I will,” he replied.
Will placed the head of his cock at the opening to his mom’s pussy and
pushed, firmly but slowly, and his mom moaned softly as the big head of his
cock pushed past her inner lips and slowly entered her, stretching her out as
it did.
“OHHHHHHHH, my God, that’s big!” she groaned, laying
her head back on the bed and biting her bottom lip as Will slowly pushed his
big, hard cock forward, the head slowly slipping inside. Judy groaned as Will’s cock slowly entered
her, grimacing from the pain of being stretched open, and when the head slipped
inside it made her gasp.
NNNNGGHHHH!” she gasped, her eyes flying open as the head slipped inside
her pussy, then grunting as Will continued pushing his huge cock into her
‘Damn, she’s tight!’
Will thought to himself as he felt the head of his cock slip inside his mom’s
wet pussy, knowing that the tight fit was due to the immense size of his chemically
enhanced cock. The feeling of her warm,
wet, silky-smooth pussy wrapped tightly around the head of his cock made him
continue pushing, not giving his mom a chance to adjust to the big head of his
cock inside her. All he knew was that he
loved the way her pussy felt wrapped around his dick, and he wanted to feel
that over as much of his cock as he could.
So he kept pushing, gently but firmly, pushing more and more of his cock
into his mom’s wet pussy.
“Oh, my God, your cock is so big!” she groaned,
reaching up and grabbing her tits with both hands, squeezing them hard as Will
pushed his monster dick deeper inside her.
It hurt, to be sure, but she knew that as she got adjusted to the size
of her son’s cock the pain would fade and then go away completely. She moaned when he grabbed her by the hips
and pulled her towards him, his cock going deeper still, stretching her pussy
out and filling her in a way that she’d never experienced before. She was so wet that he was able to slide in
right away instead of having to work it in little by little as most ‘normal’
men did. Judy closed her eyes and bit
her bottom lip again, squeezing her tits as Will continued pushing his cock
Will felt his cock sliding slowly into his mom’s
tight, wet pussy, resisting the urge to start thrusting until he had gotten as
much of his cock into her as he could.
He knew it was impossible for her to take it all, for him to go ‘balls
deep’ into her, but he wanted to go as far as he could – or as far as she could
stand – before he got down to business.
And then he was there.
He felt the big head of his thick cock meeting resistance, and when he
pushed against it his mom cried out.
“AAUGHH!” she cried, her head popping up as she looked
down, her hands gripping her tits tightly.
“You’re in! Oh, God, you’re in! NNNGGHHH!!” she grunted as Will held his cock
in place, the head pushing against the end of her tunnel.
Will looked down and saw that his mom had taken more
than half of his cock inside her; if he had to guess he would have guessed she
took at least six inches of it. He held
his cock in place for a few moments, both savoring the sensations of her tight,
wet pussy wrapped tightly around his hard cock, and to let her adjust to being
filled more completely with dick than ever before. Then he started to move, slowly pulling his
cock out of her until just the head remained inside, then pushing forward
again. He did this several times,
pushing forward until the head of his cock bumped against the end of her
tunnel, making his mom moan with pleasure.
The sensations Will was experiencing were unlike
anything he’d ever felt before. He
wasn’t a virgin – hadn’t been since the night of his Senior Prom – so he knew
what having sex felt like, but this time it was different. His mom’s pussy was incredibly tight due to
his increased girth, and the feeling of sliding in and out of her silky-smooth
tunnel were simply incredible. He also
felt more excited, more aroused, and more sexually aware of what was going on
that he ever had before, and he thought this was due to the drug his mom had
been slipping him. If that was the case,
which he was pretty sure it was, he didn’t ever want to stop taking it!
Judy was experiencing new things for the first time
herself, all thanks to her new drug. It
had been some time since she’d had a real, live, flesh and blood cock in her,
so she was sure this was partly the reason for what she was feeling, but she
knew that 99% of it came from the sheer size and girth of her son’s huge,
chemically enhanced cock. But there was
something else going on as well, something that she wasn’t quite sure as to why
it was happening. She was feeling a more
intense sexual arousal than she ever had before, and that came with a loss of
inhibitions. Why else would she have
sucked her own son’s cock like she had, and then brazenly declare that she was
going to fuck him? There was no remorse,
no sense of guilt, no nothing – only the delicious sensations of her son’s huge
dick thrusting in and out of her sopping wet pussy over and over again as he
fucked her.
“Ohhhhhh, my God, this feels so good!” she moaned, her
eyes closed, her head rolling from side to side as Will continued thrusting his
cock in and out of her pussy, slowly increasing the tempo but being careful not
to go too deep. Judy’s pussy had fully
adjusted to him by now, and she was able to fully enjoy the sensations of being
fucked by him without any of the pain that she had felt at first. She squeezed her tits hard, tugging and
pulling on her nipples, as Will thrust his cock in and out of her in long,
steady strokes. He did this for several
very long, very enjoyable minutes, with Judy finally removing one of her hands
from her breast and sliding it down her stomach to her mound. Once there she began rubbing her mound
firmly, making sure to rub her clit as she did, moaning at the new sensations. She felt her orgasm start to build, and she
could tell that it was going to hit fast and hard.
Will looked down and watched as his mom rubbed her
pussy; he knew what she was doing, and he increased the tempo of his cock
sliding in and out of her to help her cum.
It didn’t take long before his mom was panting for breath, her eyes
closed, her mouth open, as her orgasm built quickly inside her.
“Oh, I’m gonna cum!
I’m gonna cum!” she cried out as her orgasm quickly built, and Will
increased the tempo of his thrusts yet again.
This drove her over the edge, and Judy screamed as her orgasm hit.
“AAUUUUUGGGGHHHHHNNNNNN!” she screamed as she came,
her whole body shaking, wave after wave of intense erotic pleasure running
through her body. She rubbed her mound
hard, gritting her teeth with her eyes squeezed closed as she rode her orgasm
out. When it was over it left her
panting and gasping for breath, a fine layer of sweat covering her body. She dropped her hands to the bed and lay
there, trying to catch her breath without having much success as her son was
still pounding her pussy with his cock.
“Oh, my God, oh my God, oh my God,” she moaned as Will
fucked her, pulling her back towards him with his hands on her hips as he
thrust his hard cock in and out of her in long, hard strokes. He could feel his own orgasm beginning to
build, so he increased the tempo of his strokes back to what it was when he
made his mom cum. She groaned at the
increase, but hooked her feet behind his thighs to keep him in place. Will looked down and watched his cock sliding
in and out of his mom’s pussy, the shaft glistening with her juices. He felt his balls twitch, a sure sign that he
was about to cum, and when his mom moaned loudly as she grabbed her own breasts
in her hands again, that was the last straw.
“I’m gonna cum, Mom!” he gasped, picking up the tempo
a bit.
“Cum all over me, honey! Pull your cock out and shoot your cum all
over me!” she gasped, pushing her tits together and holding them up as
When his orgasm hit a few seconds later Will did just
that. When he was just about to cum he pulled
his cock out of his mom’s pussy and quickly grabbed it, pumping it with his
hand while pointing it at her tits. He
came a split second later, groaning loudly as a long stream of hot, thick cum
came blasting out of the end of his cock and sailed through the air, landing on
her chin, neck, tits, and stomach. It
was immediately followed by more streams of cum, landing in approximately the
same area, without hitting her chin this time.
Will came hard, his cock pumping out stream after stream of cum, with
Judy counting the streams along the way.
‘Oh my God, look at him cum! He’s gonna drown me in jizz!’
she thought to herself, a big smile on her face as her body was slowly covered
with his cum. When the pumping of his
cock finally slowed and then stopped, by her count he had shot eleven streams
of cum out onto her body, covering her with his cum from her chin down to her
pubic mound. Will was left panting for
breath, his hands resting on her knees, his cock still hard and standing out in
front of him, a stray drop of cum slowly dripping down to land on her
“Holy shit!” he gasped, looking down at his mom’s
cum-covered body. “Did all of that come
out of me?” he asked, not believing what he saw.
“It certainly did!” Judy replied, grinning. “You shot eleven streams of cum, honey – eleven! I’ve never heard of a man cumming that long
and shooting this much cum before, ever!”
“Holy shit, Mom!” he repeated, returning her smile. She smiled back at him for a moment, then
looked down at his cock. Will saw the
look on her face and spoke up.
“What’s wrong, Mom?” he said, looking down at his
It was still hard, just as hard as it was before he
“You’re still hard,” Judy said softly. “You’re still hard! This is incredible!” she said, amazed.
“You know what this means, right, Mom?” he asked, his
smile turning into a leer.
“No, what does it mean?” she asked, looking up at him
and being a little intimidated by the look on his face.
“It means I’m not done with you yet!” he said.
“You’re – you’re not?” she asked, half excited and
half scared.
“Not by a long shot!” he replied, reaching down and
grabbing her by the hips, then quickly flipping her over onto her stomach,
smearing the cum on her torso all over the bedspread.
“Oh! OH!” Judy
gasped as he flipped her over, then grabbed her by the hips again and pulled
her up to her knees, her body bent over at the hips as her upper body lay on
the mattress.
“AAUGGHHH!” she cried out, gripping the bedspread in
her fists as Will rammed his cock into her pussy again, driving it in as far as
he could and hitting bottom on the first thrust.
“Hang on, Mom, this one’s gonna be rough!” he said, adjusting
his grip on her hips and then beginning to thrust hard and fast, slamming his
cock in and out of Judy’ pussy.
‘Oh my God, I’ve created a monster!’
she thought to herself, smiling as her body jerked with the force of her son’s
When it was all over Judy was left lying on her
stomach, her pussy full of her son’s cum and her back and ass covered with it
just as her chest was earlier. Her head
was hanging off of the corner of the bed, her hands drooping down on either
side, her hair tousled; her feet and shins were hanging off the edge of the bed
on the other side of the corner, and her chest heaved as she fought to catch
her breath. She was lying with her eyes
closed, her pussy sore, and a smile on her face. She opened her eyes and looked up at the
clock on the dresser, and was amazed when she saw the time.
It was five minutes after ten in the morning. Her son had fucked her non-stop for a total
of one hour and forty-one minutes on the same erection.
He had cum three times – once on her front, once on
her back, and once in her pussy, and had made her cum six times along the way. Each time he came the amount of semen he
produced was the same, although she thought that his last load may have been
just a little bit less than the first two – but she wasn’t sure. She was too busy cumming herself to really
She turned her head and looked over at her son lying
on his back, his big cock finally soft, lying on his abdomen, spent and
satisfied. He was apparently exhausted
as he was sound asleep, which may or may not have been a side effect of the
drug. She got up from the bed slowly and
carefully so as not to awaken him, and also because she was sore as hell from
the pounding he’d given her. Once on her
feet she tip-toed into the bathroom to take a shower, closing the bathroom door
so the sound of the shower wouldn’t wake him up. The hot water felt wonderful on her sore,
aching body, and she groaned with pleasure as she lathered up.
Fifteen minutes later she was sitting at the kitchen
table, her hair damp, her body wrapped in a light cotton robe, a cup of coffee
on the table in front of her, making notes in her notebook. She finished writing and picked up her coffee
cup, taking a sip, and then began reading what she had just written.
“Subject A has been receiving weekly 25mg
doses of K584 orally for 53 weeks.
Examination conducted this date showed penis size of 5.9 inches in
length and 5.2 inches in girth while flaccid, with measurements of 10.1 inches
in length and 9.9 inches in girth when fully erect. Testicle size is proportional to penis size,
being approximately twice the size of untreated testicles. Further, Subject A was able to go from a
fully flaccid state to a state of full erection in one minute ten seconds
Field testing conducted this date showed
that Subject A is capable of maintaining an erection for one hour forty-seven
minutes, achieving orgasm three times during this time period. Amount of semen expelled is estimated to be
between 3 and 6 ounces per orgasm, with an average of 10 ejaculations taking
place per orgasm. Production of preliminary
seminal fluid (precum) is greatly enhanced as well.
Unexpected side effects are as
follows: Subject A gets frequent
erections with little or no outside stimulus; additionally, once full erection
has been achieved Subject A becomes aggressive, losing all sexual/moral
inhibitions. Stamina is increased
exponentially, enabling subject to engage in sexual activity for extended
periods of time without tiring.
Additionally, once aroused Subject A’s
genitalia emits a strong musk which, when inhaled by a female subject (hereafter
referred to as Subject B), caused Subject B to become extremely sexually
aroused which resulted in excessive flowing of vaginal fluids. Subject B also lost all moral/sexual
inhibitions, also showing an increase in stamina; however, instead of becoming
aggressive, Subject B became submissive instead. Subject B’s ability to achieve orgasm was
also enhanced, Subject B having achieved orgasm a total of 12 times during the
time she engaged in sexual activity with Subject A.
Drug results and side effects will be kept
confidential until drug can be refined and side effects controlled and/or
eliminated (if necessary).
Continued administration of drug followed
by daily field testing will be undertaken effective this date.”
Judy closed her notebook and put it on the table, then
picked up her coffee cup and held it in both hands as she took a long sip. Then she sat back in the chair, holding the
coffee cup in front of her mouth, thinking about the morning’s activities and
the activities yet to come.
And she was grinning from ear to ear.