or Dare With Mom
(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or
dead is purely coincidental. All
characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of
age. This work is copyrighted and may
not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written
consent of the author.)
Daphne had to admit that she was
excited as she drove through the beach resort town where ‘The Windjammer’ hotel
was located on her way to meet her son, Stanley (or ‘Stan’ for short). It was Spring Break and the beach town was
full of college students, there to enjoy themselves while taking a break from
the rigors of college life. Her son was
in his freshman year of college, and since the college was in the next state
over she didn’t get to see him as much as she would have liked. He’d pretty much been the only man in her
life since her husband was tragically killed in a motorcycle accident three years
ago, and she had to admit that she’d been lonely once Stan had gone off to
college. So when he called her a week
ago and suggested that they meet at ‘The Windjammer’ and spend Spring Break at
the beach instead of him coming home she jumped at the idea.
She smiled as she drove up to the
main entrance of the hotel; this had been her and her husband’s favorite place
on the beach for as long as she could remember, ever since the hotel was built
actually, and this was the first time she’d been back to ‘The Windjammer’ since
her husband was killed. She wondered if
Stan knew how she felt about the hotel and if he’d picked this one out of the
dozens of other beachfront hotels and motels in town because of it, but she
really didn’t care. He had picked it,
she was there, and that was all that mattered.
She parked the car in the lot next to the entrance and went inside,
still smiling and carrying the soft sided bag that held her clothes and the
other items she would need for the next five days. She walked up to the desk to get her card key
from the clerk, and she was surprised when the clerk called her by name before
she had a chance to speak.
“Mrs. Alton, how very good it is
to see you again!” he said, a big smile on his face. “It’s been quite some time since you’ve
visited with us, and it’s so nice to have you here!” he said. She returned his smile as she held out her
hand to him, recognizing him from her many previous visits.
“Thank you, Carl, it’s good to
finally be back!” she said as Carl took her hand and gently shook it, holding
onto it as he spoke again.
“I’m so sorry to hear about the
untimely and tragic passing of Mr. Alton,” he said, his voice soft. “He was a very nice man, a true gentleman,
and we miss him terribly as I’m sure you do as well,” he said.
“Thank you, Carl; he was indeed a
very special man, and I do miss him terribly,” she replied, her smile dimming
just a little for a moment but renewing itself as she continued. “But I’m here to meet my son for Spring Break
and spend the next five fun-filled days with him, so all is right with the
world!” she said, her smile bigger and happier now.
“Of course! Your son has already checked in and is
waiting for you in his room,” Carl said, reaching under the counter and coming
up with a small folder with a key card in it.
“He’s in Room 2230 and you’re in Room 2232,” he said, handing the folder
to her. “Would you like me to have your
bag brought up to your room?” he asked, nodding towards her bag. Daphne smiled as she shook her head.
“No, that’s fine, Carl, I can
handle it,” she said, “but thank you anyway!”
“My pleasure, Mrs. Alton,” he
replied, “enjoy your stay, and please don’t hesitate to ask if there’s anything
you or your son need while you’re here.”
“Thank you, Carl,” she said, then
turned and walked across the lobby to the elevators to her left. When the bell dinged announcing the arrival
of the elevator and the doors opened, she saw a man inside who she knew to be a
biker by his long hair, jeans, boots, and the leather vest festooned with club
patches that he wore. His hair was tied
back in a ponytail and he was clean-shaven, and he smiled at her when they made
eye contact. He reminded her of her
husband, all decked out in his leather vest (called “colors” by club members), and
for a moment her breath caught in her throat.
“Please, allow me,” the biker
said, holding out his hand to keep the doors open for her to step inside. “Ladies first,” he said, still smiling.
“Thank you,” she said, returning
his smile. He stepped out as soon as she
stepped in, and a few moments later the doors slid closed. She pressed the button for the 22nd
floor and then waited as the elevator made the trip up. Once the doors opened she stepped out and
turned to her left, walking down the hallway to Room 22230. She knocked on the door and it opened almost
immediately, and there was her son, Stan, handsome as ever and grinning from
ear to ear.
“Mom!” he said, reaching out and
pulling her to him in a big bear hug. “It’s so good to see you again!” he said,
holding her close as she returned the hug.
He let her go after a few moments more and then ushered her into the
room, taking her back from her hand.
“I’m so sorry we didn’t get to
see each other over Christmas,” he said, walking into the room behind her. She walked right over to the balcony doors
and opened them up, smelling the sea air and letting the room fill with the
sounds of the sea and the beach.
“That’s okay, honey,” she said,
standing in the doorway and just looking out over the ocean, “I wouldn’t have
turned down the chance to spend Christmas in Cancun, either,” she replied,
turning to face him.
“If it hadn’t been a fraternity
trip I wouldn’t have gone, but if I didn’t go they’d probably have kicked me
out of the fraternity, and that’s the last thing I want,” Stan said, walking
over and standing in front of her.
“Yes, I know, you’re a ‘Legacy,’”
she said, referring to his father having also been a member of that fraternity
when he was in college, “and your father would be very proud of you!” she
continued, reaching up and running her hand along the side of his face, smiling
at him.
‘He looks so much like his
father it’s almost frightening!’ she thought to herself.
“Thanks, Mom, I appreciate that,”
he said, bending down and kissing her on the cheek before hugging her again for
a few moments. After the hug was over he
turned around and went over to where her bag was sitting on the bed, picking it
up as he spoke.
“I’ll put your bag in your room
for you, Mom,” he said, walking over to the connecting door between the two
rooms and opening it, then walking inside just enough to toss her bag onto one
of the two queen sized beds in the room before stepping back into his
“Do you want to go get some
lunch, or would you rather just change and head for the beach?” he asked,
standing between the two beds.
“Lunch first, I’m starving!” she
replied, smiling. “And I know just where
I want to eat, too,” she said.
“Let me guess; ‘The Gull Reef
Club,’” he said, grinning. He remembered
how much she and his father had loved that club and knew that was the first
place she was going to want to go to after having checked in.
“Bingo!” she replied.
“Then let’s go!” he said, walking
out into the room and offering his arm to her.
She stepped forward and took it, smiling, and together they walked out
of the room and down to the elevator to head out.
The food at ‘The Gull Reef Club’
was just as good as she remembered it, and the lunch with her son was one of
the most enjoyable times she’d had in longer than she could remember – before
he went off to college, anyway. They
chatted at the table like a couple of long-lost friends, the talk coming easily
and constantly. She learned that he was
happy at college, was doing well in his classes, and didn’t have a girlfriend –
yet. There was this one girl at the
school, a short, slightly thick and extremely big-busted black girl named
Jasmine that he thought had her eye on him, but nothing had become of it yet. There still wasn’t a man in Daphne’s life
either, and Stan was a little dismayed to hear that.
“Seriously, Mom, you need a man
in your life,” he said, reaching across the table and taking her hand. She put her hand on top of his as she
replied, a smile on her face.
“I have you, honey, and right now
that’s good enough for me,” she said, meaning it. “But I promise that if the right man comes
along, someone who I know can and will make me happy in any way, I won’t pass
him by. Okay?” she said, looking into
his eyes.
“Okay, Mom,” he replied,
returning her smile.
After the lunch was over they got
back into the car and drove back to the hotel with the goal in mind of changing
into their swimsuits and getting in a little beach time. She went into her room to change, and when
she had finished putting on her bikini she stood in front of the full-length
mirror next to the main door to the room and looked at her reflection. She nodded at what she saw, smiling to herself. She didn’t think she looked too bad for a 40-year-old
widow, turning as she examined herself. She
had short dark brown hair which she wore in soft waves, a cute face with a pert
nose and full lips, and at 5’5” and 115 pounds she thought she could compete
with most of the college coeds there.
Her tummy was still flat although not as taut as it was before she had
Stan, and her medium-sized breasts hadn’t developed much sag to them. Her breasts had grown from a ‘B’ cup to a ‘C’
cup when she was pregnant, and she was happy when they didn’t deflate and sag after
she had given birth like so many other mothers she knew had experienced. The only part of her body that retained any
of the ‘baby weight’ was her butt, but only enough to make it deliciously
rounded. She could still fill out a
bikini with the best of them, and her only regret was that her husband wasn’t
here to see it.
But her son was, and that was
good enough for her.
“Wow, Mom, you look great!” Stan
said when she came into his room after knocking on the adjoining door. She had her beach robe draped over her arm
and hadn’t put it on yet, and she blushed a little at her son’s response to
seeing her in her bikini.
“Thank you, sweetheart, you don’t
look too bad yourself!” she replied, smiling at him. Stan was six feet tall with a good build,
inheriting his mother’s dark brown hair and his father’s chiseled good looks. He was wearing a t-shirt so she couldn’t see
his chest, but she knew from past experience that he had just enough muscles to
him to get the attention of any female within sight. He was a good-looking young man and, Daphne
thought to herself, sexy as hell. In the
back of her mind she couldn’t help but wonder how big he was inside the baggy
bathing suit he was wearing. If he was
built like his father down there as well, then he had been blessed because her
late husband had packed a full seven inches of heat where it counted – and he
knew how to use it.
‘If only he wasn’t my son, I’d
love to find out!’ she thought to herself.
“So let’s get our stuff together
and get out onto the sand, shall we?” she said, slipping into her beach robe
and tying it closed around her waist.
“Sounds like a plan to me!” Stan
agreed. Ten minutes later they were
walking out onto the beach behind the hotel, looking for a spot to set up and
relax for a few hours. They had been
walking for a minute or so when Stan nudged her with his elbow.
“Hey, Mom, see that black girl
over there in the yellow bikini, the one just coming out of the water?” he
said, nodding off to his left. “That’s
Jasmine, the girl I was telling you about at lunch!” Stan had heard she was coming up to this
particular beach for Spring Break, but had no idea that she was going to be in the
same area as he was.
Daphne looked over that way and
saw a short, thick black girl in a very small yellow bikini with absolutely the
biggest tits she’d ever seen in her entire life. They were big, really big, heavy and full,
standing out proudly from her chest and swaying like two puppies in a sack
trying to get out as she walked up the beach from the water, her wet chocolate
brown skin glistening in the sun.
“Oh, my word!” Daphne gasped, her
hand coming up to her mouth. “She’s
absolutely huge! Are they real?” she
asked, glancing up at Stan before looking over at Jasmine again.
“According to her they are,” he
replied, amused at his mom’s stunned reaction at seeing Jasmine for the first
time. “And if I’m lucky, maybe I’ll get
a chance to find out for myself!” he added, smiling down as he looked at her.
“Oh, you have just got to
tell me if that happens!” she replied, grinning up at him.
“Sure, Mom!” he said, grinning. ‘I should be so lucky!’ he thought to
himself, looking over at Jasmine again before looking away.
They found a spot and set up,
then spent the next few hours on the beach just relaxing, getting some sun,
swimming in the ocean and generally just taking it easy and enjoying each
other’s company. When they packed up and
went back to the hotel Daphne noticed that Jasmine was nowhere to be seen, and
figured that she must have already left.
After they got back to the hotel they went into their rooms to shower
and changed clothes, then hit one of the popular tourist restaurants for dinner. It was steak this time at a place called ‘The
Black Angus,’ and it was just as good as Daphne remembered it being. When they were on the way home she touched
Stan’s arm to get his attention as he drove them towards the hotel.
“Let’s stop at a liquor store on
the way back to the hotel, I want to pick up a bottle of wine,” she said.
“Sure, Mom,” Stan said. They stopped at the next liquor store they
passed, and Stan waited in the car while Daphne went inside to get the
wine. Ten minutes later they were in
their rooms, with Daphne going into her room to change into what she called her
‘lounging attire’ while Stan did the same.
While Daphne was changing all she
could think of was how good it was to be back at ‘The Windjammer’ again, all of
the pleasant memories of the many wonderful hours she had spent there with her
late husband flooding her mind. And the
fact that Stan was literally the spitting image of his father only made her
miss him more. She also knew in the back
of her mind that seeing Stan in his bathing suit on the beach all afternoon had
made her incredibly horny as he was a constant reminder of just how good a
lover her late husband had been, and she couldn’t help but wonder if Stan was
just as good and if she would have a chance to find out for herself. She hadn’t been with a man since her husband
had been killed, and while watching porn and masturbating with her dildos was
satisfying, it was only satisfying to a point – and she was at that point
now. She needed a man, a real man, with
a real cock, and if she didn’t get it soon she was going to go out of her
mind. And since her son was the only man
in her life at the moment, and they were both in a hotel at the beach, she
found herself incredibly attracted to him in a decidedly sexual way.
She knew she shouldn’t have been
having those thoughts about her own son, but she just couldn’t help it. There was an old saying about men that went,
“When the little head gets hard the big head gets soft,” and that was pretty
much true about women too – they just wouldn’t admit it. When a woman got those kinds of thoughts into
her head and her arousal began, common sense went on vacation. And as she finished getting changed she had a
feeling that her common sense was packing its bags in preparation for departure.
When she came into the room
through the connecting door a few minutes later she was wearing a baggy white
t-shirt and a pair of loose, baggy maroon lounge pants. Stan was wearing a loose-fitting black sleeveless
t-shirt and a pair of baggy grey basketball shorts and that was it. They were both barefoot, and ten minutes
later they were sitting out on the balcony with their feet up on the railing,
watching the moon rise over the ocean with Daphne enjoying her wine and Stan
drinking a soda since he was still too young to drink alcohol.
“It’s beautiful here, isn’t it?”
Daphne asked, looking out over the moonlit ocean, taking a sip from her glass
of wine.
“It sure is,” Stan replied,
looking out over the ocean as well. “I
know why you and Dad loved this place so much,” he said.
“This is my favorite place in the
whole world,” she said, a smile on her face with a touch of pain in her heart
at the memories of her departed husband came to mind. “I still remember the very first time we came
here,” she said, taking another sip of wine.
“It was about a year after we got married and before you were born, and
we got a room on the top floor of the hotel so we could have the best view
possible. We spent the evening just like
you and I are doing now, sitting on the balcony, drinking wine and just
relaxing, and before I knew it we were having sex right there on the balcony,”
she said wistfully.
“No shit! Really?” Stan said, grinning over at
her. “Right there on the balcony?” he
“Yep, right there on the
balcony!” she replied, pausing to take another sip of wine. She could already feel the buzz starting, and
she didn’t care. “We stood up to hug and
kiss, and all of a sudden your father spun me around, bent me over, and took me
right there on the balcony. All I could
do was grab onto the railing and hang on!” she said, giggling at the memory.
“You’re lucky you didn’t get
kicked out of the hotel!” Stan said, laughing with her.
“You can say that again! The people in the room next door came out
onto their balcony about the time we were finishing up, and I thought the old
broad was going to have a heart attack when she saw us!” Daphne said, her
giggling turning into a full-blown laugh.
“The old man thought it was funny as hell, but I guess his wife didn’t
see the humor in it. We could hear them
arguing about it; she wanted to report us to the hotel and have us kicked out,
but the old man put his foot down and said no, that it was none of their
business, and what was wrong with having sex out on the balcony anyway?”
“I bet that didn’t go over too
well with the old lady,” Stan said.
“No, it didn’t,” Daphne replied. “But we never got a call from the front desk
and nobody came to our door, so I guess the old man got his way,” she said.
“Good for him, and good for you,”
Stan replied.
“You know what else your father
and I used to do out on the balcony?
Especially after you were born and started coming with us,” she said.
“What’s that, Mom?” Stan said.
“We used to play ‘Truth or Dare.’ We’d get a bottle of wine, sit out here and
drink wine, then play the game. Once the
wine took hold some of the things we’d come up with were pretty outrageous, and
we always made sure you were asleep before we let it get that far,” she said.
“No more sex on the balcony,
then?” he asked, grinning at her.
“Don’t ask me questions that are
going to make me lie to you!” she replied, returning his grin. She took another sip of her wine and then her
face lit up as an idea struck her.
“Let’s do it!” she said, her eyes
bright and shining, the excitement evident on her face.
“Do what, Mom?” Stan asked. “Have sex on the balcony?” he asked, grinning
at the joke.
“No, silly, let’s play ‘Truth or
Dare!’” she replied. ‘Although I like
your idea better!’ she thought to herself, the wine beginning to take hold
“Are you serious?” Stan asked,
grinning at her.
“Yes, I’m serious! C’mon, it’ll be fun!” she said, egging him
“Okay, if that’s what you want,”
he replied. “Let me get another soda
before we get started, though,” he said, getting up from his chair.
“And I need a refill, if you
don’t mind, please!” she said, holding her wine glass up above her head.
“Sure, Mom,” he said, taking the
glass from her and walking back into the room.
He came back a minute or so later with a fresh soda in one hand and her now-full
wine glass in the other.
“Here you go,” he said, handing
it to her.
“Thank you, sweetheart!” she
said, looking up at him and smiling as she took the glass from his hand. She took a sip and then spoke again.
“So who’s going to go first?” she
“I don’t know,” Stan replied,
pausing. “It was your idea, so maybe you
should go first,” he said.
“No, sweetie, you go ahead. Ask me!” she said, smiling at him.
“Okay, I guess. Truth or dare?” he asked, smiling.
“Truth,” she replied.
“Gee, lemme think,” he said,
“there isn’t much I don’t already know about you and Dad, so that kinda makes
it a challenge to come up with something new,” he said, pausing to think. A moment later his face lit up when an idea hit
“I got it! How old were you when you had your first
kiss?” he asked.
“Twelve,” she replied. “It was with the boy next door who was a year
older than me. My turn; truth or dare?”
she said, taking a sip of wine.
“Truth,” he said.
“Same question – how old were you
when you had your first kiss?” she asked, genuinely not knowing the answer.
“Thirteen,” he replied, smiling
at the memory. “It was with Jackie at a
Thanksgiving gathering.”
“Jackie? As in your first cousin Jackie?” she asked, laughing.
“Yep, Jackie, as in my first
cousin Jackie with the world-class yabos,” he replied, chuckling. “And she was a damned good kisser, too!”
“She was also three years older
than you,” Daphne said.
“Yeah,” Stan said, smiling at the
“You had a crush on her, didn’t
you?” she asked.
“Not your turn, Mom,” he replied,
grinning at her. ‘Damned right I
did! I would have killed to get my hands
on those tits!’ he thought to himself.
“Oh, shoot,” she replied,
returning his grin.
“Truth or dare?” he asked, and
she thought for a moment before replying.
“Truth,” she replied. “I’m not drunk enough for a dare yet!”
They played the game for about
another half-hour, with the questions being simple and unassuming at first, but
as the wine took hold of Daphne’s common sense her questions got a little more
“How old were you when you lost
your virginity?” she asked, looking over the rim of her glass at him as she
took another sip.
“Sixteen,” he replied.
“Do I even want to know where and
with who?” she said, grinning.
“Not your turn, Mom,” he said
again, returning her grin. “You want
some more wine, or have you had enough?” he asked.
“You can never have enough wine!”
she said, holding her now-empty glass out to him. He took the glass and got up, went into the
room and refilled it, then returned and handed it back to her before he sat
“My turn,” he said, taking the
last drink from his soda can before putting the empty can down onto the ground. “Truth or dare?”
“How old were you when you lost
your virginity?” he asked.
“Eighteen,” she replied without
“Eighteen? Really?” he asked, surprised.
“Not your turn, son!” she
replied, grinning at him. “Truth or
“Dare,” he said. Neither of them had gone that route yet, so
he thought it was about time. After all,
that’s what the game was about, right?
“Take off your shirt,” Daphne
said with only a moment’s hesitation. “I
want to see your chest!”
“Is that all?” he replied,
smiling as he sat forward and took off his shirt, pulling it up and over his
head and then dropping it on the small table between the two chairs. “You saw my chest at the beach today, you
know,” he said, sitting back in the chair.
“Not the same thing,” she said,
taking another sip of wine.
“Truth or dare?” he asked.
“Dare,” she said, without
“Take off your shirt,” he said,
thinking that he wanted to see if she
was drunk enough to let him see her in her bra.
He’d seen her in a bikini top, so what was the difference? But he truly wasn’t prepared for what came
“Is that all?” she asked, chiding
him as she pulled her t-shirt up and over her head. Stan’s eyes went wide and his mouth fell open
as she revealed to him the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra under her shirt. Her breasts were full and firm, swaying
slightly with her movements as she took her shirt off and dropped it on the
table with his. Then she sat back in her
chair, a big grin on her face as she saw the look on her son’s face when
confronted with his topless mom.
“What, you’ve never seen a pair
of tits before?” she asked, giggling at him.
“Sure I have, just not your
tits, Mom!” he replied, tearing his eyes away from her chest to look her in the
‘Damn, she’s got a nice pair
of tits!’ he thought to himself.
“Tits are tits,” she replied,
picking up her glass and taking a sip as she continued. “If you’ve seen one pair you’ve seen them
all! Mine are no different than any
other woman’s, you know,” she said.
“I bet Jasmine would disagree
with you on that point,” Stan replied.
“Yeah, I guess she would at
that,” Daphne said, smiling and nodding in agreement. She turned her head to him before speaking
“Truth or dare?” she said.
“Truth,” he said, wary of taking
a dare from her right about now.
“Do you like my tits?” she asked,
looking him in the eyes.
‘Shit!’ he thought to
himself, realizing that he’d just walked into that one. He sighed and then answered her question.
“Yes, Mom, I do,” he said. “Truth or dare?” he asked quickly before she
could say anything else.
“Are you drunk right now?”
“Yes. Truth or dare?”
“Truth,” he replied, figuring he
was fucked either way.
“Do you think I’m sexy?” she
asked, her heart beating a little faster now.
‘I shouldn’t be doing this, I know, but I just don’t care! He’s so fuckin’ hot, and I’m so fuckin’ horny!’
she thought to herself, her common sense leaving for vacation, bags in hand, as
the last of her inhibitions were stripped away by the wine.
‘Shit!’ he thought to
himself again. ‘Oh, what the
hell! Why not?’
“Yes. Truth or dare?”
“Truth,” she replied. He thought a moment before he asked her the
next question, not sure where it would lead and not sure he cared either
way. He wasn’t going to admit it, but
sitting there looking at his mom’s tits while playing the game was giving him
an erection.
“Do you think I’m sexy?” he asked.
“Abso-fuckin’-lutely!” she
replied, grinning at him. “Truth or
“Dare,” he said, going all in. Daphne’s eyebrows went up in surprise and she
hesitated while she thought of a dare for him to do. It only took a moment for her to come up with
one, and her heart began beating faster as she spoke.
“Come over here and kiss me,” she
said, looking him in the eyes. “And I
don’t mean a peck on the cheek, either.
I mean a kiss, a real kiss, so come over here and kiss me like you mean
“Mom, I don’t think…” he started
to say, but she cut him off.
“That’s the dare, and you have to
do it,” she said, her voice low.
Stan knew he could quit the game,
just get up and walk away and it would all be over, but he didn’t. He couldn’t, actually, because he finally
realized that his mom was hot as hell and that he wanted to fuck her in the
worst way. So he got up out of his
chair, walked over to where his mom sat, then took her by the hand and stood
her up. Once she was on her feet he
wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, long and deep, feeling the mounds
of her naked breasts pressing against his equally naked chest. Her lips were soft and warm, and it surprised
him a little when his mom’s tongue came snaking into his mouth to find his
own. He could feel his cock getting
bigger and harder by the moment, and he knew that she felt it too. She held him tightly in her arms, pushing her
mound against him as they kissed. When
the kiss ended a few moments later it left him hard as a rock and her as wet as
the ocean, and both of them breathless with desire. They looked into each other’s eyes, still
embracing, as Daphne spoke.
“Truth or dare?” she whispered.
“Not your turn, Mom,” he said.
“I don’t care. Truth or dare?” she whispered again.
“Dare,” he replied, his voice
low. It was obvious that they were both
caught up in the heat of their passions and that they both wanted the other, so
Stan decided to stop fighting it and just let what was going to happen just
“Fuck me, right here, right now,
out here on the balcony,” she gasped, her voice breathless.
“Are you sure, Mom?” he asked,
his voice low. “I mean, we really
shouldn’t be doing this to begin with, but that…are you sure?”
“I’ve never been so sure of
anything in my entire life,” she said, looking into his eyes. Even at his relatively young age and with his
lack of real experience, he could clearly see the passion and desire burning in
her eyes, and he felt the last of his resistance crumble.
“Then get out of those lounge
pants,” he replied.
Daphne took a step back and
quickly untied the string holding the pants up, then pushed them down over her
hips to fall down around her feet. Stan
was surprised to see that she wasn’t wearing any panties, but he was glad
because that was just one less piece of clothing to get out of the way before
they got down to it. Her pubic hair had
been trimmed into a very small, neat triangle, and from what he could see her
outer lips were shaven smooth. She
stepped out of the pants and then got down on her knees in front of him,
immediately reaching up and untying the string holding his basketball shorts
up. Once the string was loose she pulled
the shorts down over his hips, being careful not to snag them on his erect
cock, and let them fall to the ground around his feet.
When she got her first look at
his erect cock she was more than pleased, and a smile broke out on her
face. Her son’s cock was just as big as
his father’s, maybe even a little bigger.
Without hesitation she grabbed the hard shaft with one hand and pointed
it at her mouth, then opened her mouth and dove down onto his cock. She clamped her lips closed on the hard shaft
just behind the head, then sucked hard as she slid her mouth down all the way
to where her hand was gripping the shaft at the base. She immediately began sucking his cock in
earnest, her head bobbing up and down as she slid her wet mouth up and down the
length of his hard cock over and over again.
She pumped the base of the shaft with one hand, gripping it tightly as
she massaged and tugged on his balls with the other, and she could taste the
saltiness of the first bit of precum on her tongue.
‘Holy shit!’ Stan thought
as he watched his mom sucking on his cock.
‘My mom is really sucking my cock!
And she’s good, too!’ He took
a quick look around to see if anyone else was out on their own balconies, and
was relieved to see that they were, for the most part, alone. Then he looked back down and watched his
mom’s head bobbing up and down as she sucked hard on his cock. She released his balls from her grasp and
slid her hand down to her pussy, moaning as she rubbed herself with her hand. Stan could hear the gentle squishing sounds
of her fingers sliding in and out of her pussy, and just as he had the thought
that it was time to bend her over and fuck her, she slid her mouth from his
cock and stood up, still gripping his hard cock in her hand as she spoke.
“Fuck me, Stan,” she said, her
voice a breathless gasp, “please fuck me!”
Without a word Stand took his mom
by the upper arms and spun her around, then put his hand in the middle of her
back and pushed, bending her over at the waist.
Daphne gasped as she grabbed the balcony railing for support, instinctively
spreading her feet apart and taking a few small steps back towards him to push
her rounded, shapely ass back at him.
‘Damn, her ass looks as good
as her tits!’ Stan thought to himself as he saw his mom’s ass for the first
time. He could also see that he was
right about her outer lips being shaven smooth.
He took his cock in his hand and stepped forward between her outspread
feet, putting a hand on her hip as he moved into position. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down
between her outer lips, spreading them apart and rubbing her juices over the
head of his cock. Daphne gasped at the
first touch of his cock against her pussy, and pushed her hips back towards him
to urge him on.
Stan placed the head of his cock
against her opening and pushed, taking his hand away and gripping her hips with
both hands as his cock slid easily into his mom’s pussy. She was very wet and tighter than he
expected, and she moaned as his pushed half of his cock inside her pussy with
the first thrust.
“Ohhhhhhh, my God, that feels so
good!” she moaned, closing her eyes and gripping the railing hard as he pushed
more of his cock into her. Stan worked
his cock into his mom’s pussy, pushing it a little deeper with each thrust, at
it only took a few moments for him to have his hard shaft completely buried in
his mom’s tight pussy. He held his cock
inside her for just a moment and then started fucking her, thrusting his cock
in and out of her in long, deep, firm strokes.
“Oh, my God, yes!” Daphne moaned,
pushing her hips back against him as he stroked his cock in and out of her. “Yes, yes, yes, yes!” she gasped in time with
his thrusts, each time pushing her ass back to meet him. She loved the feeling of being filled by his
hardness, her pussy stretched out just a little bit, filled completely by his
length on every forward thrust. Stan
gripped her hips tightly in his hands and increased the tempo and the force of
his thrusts just a little bit, enough to make her moan with ecstasy.
“Ohhhh, that’s gonna make me
cum!” she moaned, looking back over her shoulder at him, her mouth hanging open
as he continued thrusting.
“Then cum,” Stan replied, “I
won’t be far behind you! Just don’t
scream, okay, Mom?”
“I’ll try, but no promises!” she
gasped over her shoulder at him, then bit her bottom lip and moaned as he
pushed deeper and harder into her again.
Stan thrust his hard cock in and
out of his mom’s pussy in long, deep, firm strokes, gripping her hips firmly in
his hands as he did. The tempo was
perfect – not too fast, not too slow, perfect for driving her to orgasm. She had been so long without a man’s cock
inside her and Stan reminded her so much of her late husband that it didn’t
take long at all for her orgasm to arrive.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!”
she moaned, biting her bottom lip as Stan continued fucking her. She gripped the railing tightly in her hands
as the sensations inside her quickly built, and a few moments later her orgasm
hit. She came hard, groaning loudly and
biting her bottom lip as the waves of pleasure exploded from her pussy and went
crashing through her body like an erotic tidal wave. She was cumming hard, harder than she could
remember, and it felt so good that it literally brought tears to her eyes.
Stan could feel her pussy clamp
down on his shaft as she came, and that set him off. He came a few moments after his mom’s orgasm
hit, groaning and shoving his cock forward as the cum came blasting out of his
cock and into her waiting pussy. His
cock pulsed and throbbed again and again, pumping stream after stream of hot,
thick cum deep into his mom’s waiting pussy.
He gripped her hips hard as he pumped her full, finally pushing his cock
forward as deeply as he could and holding it there while it spewed the last
streams of cum out into her tunnel.
When it was all over for both of
them they were left gasping and panting for air, Stan’s body covered with a
light sheen of sweat. Daphne put her
forearms down onto the balcony railing, one of top of the other, then laid her
head down on them to catch her breath.
Stand stayed where he was, keeping his cock inside his mom’s pussy as
they both recovered from their orgasm. They
stayed that way for several moments, with both of them feeling Stan’s cock
slowly soften inside Daphne’s pussy.
“Are you okay, Mom?” Stan asked,
looking down at her.
“I’m more than okay, sweetie, I’m
so much more than okay!” she replied, her eyes closed with a big smile on her
face. Then she lifted her head up and
opened her eyes, looking back at him over her shoulder and smiling as she spoke
“We need to go clean up, and I
need some more wine!” she said, her eyes hooded with satisfaction.
“The last thing you need is more
wine, Mom,” Stan replied, returning her smile.
“We’ll see about that!” she said,
standing up straight. Stan’s cock
slipped out of her as she moved, the night air cool on his wet shaft. Daphne turned around to face him and stepped
forward, putting her hand on his cheek as she spoke.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” she said
softly, kissing him lightly on the lips.
“I needed that more than you know!”
“You’re welcome, Mom,” Stan
replied, looking into her eyes. Then she
walked past him into the room without bothering to get dressed, heading to the
bathroom to clean up. Stan picked up
their clothing and followed her into the room, putting it on the dresser as his
mom went into the bathroom. She came out
a few minutes later, the satisfied smile still on her face.
“Your turn,” she said, walking
over to one of the beds and laying down.
Stan went into the bathroom to wash up, and when he came out a few
minutes later he found his mom under the covers and sound asleep, lying on her
side with the satisfied smile still on her face. Stan looked down at her for a moment, a smile
on his face as well, then turned out the lights and got into bed with her. He snuggled up next to her and put his arm
around her, pulling her close. She snuggled
back against him in her sleep, pushing her ass into his crotch, moaning lightly
in her sleep.
“I love you, Mom,” he whispered,
and a few moments later he, too, was asleep.
The next morning Stan was
awakened to the most pleasurable sensations of a warm, wet mouth clamped onto
his erect cock, sucking hard as it slid up and down his length. He felt a warm, soft hand gripping and
massaging his balls as a warm, wet tongue slid up and down the underside of his
cock. He lifted his head to look down and
saw the outline of a head bobbing up and down under the covers, then lifted the
covers away to reveal his mom sucking on his cock. She looked up at him and smiled around his
cock in her mouth as she continued what she was doing.
“Good morning, Mom!” Stan said,
grinning at her.
“Good morning, sweetheart!” she
replied, taking her mouth from his cock just long enough to speak before slipping
her mouth back onto it and picking up where she left off. She sucked on his cock for a minute or so longer,
with Stan laying there watching and enjoying both the show and what she was
doing. Then she slipped her mouth from
his cock and pushed the covers aside, nimbly climbing on top of him and
straddling his hips. She kept his cock
in her hand and gripped it firmly as she put one foot on the bed and lifted her
hips up, pointing his cock up at her pussy.
She placed it against her opening and then sat down, impaling herself on
his cock. She put her knee down onto the
bed and pushed harder, groaning as his cock stretched her open, filling her in
the most delicious of ways.
“Ohhhh, my God, that feels so
good!” she moaned, looking down at him with her hands on his waist, moving her
hips up and down as she took more and more of his cock inside her tight, wet
pussy. It only took a few moments for
her to totally engulf his throbbing cock with her pussy, and she immediately
began riding his cock in long, slow, even movements, sliding her pussy up and
down his turgid shaft over and over again.
“This is to prove that last night
wasn’t because of the wine,” she said, looking down into his eyes and smiling
as she rode his cock, a smile on her face.
Stan reached up and grasped her
breasts in his hands, gripping them firmly and squeezing them as she moved her
hips up and down on him. He pulled and
tugged on the hard nipples, and Daphne cried out as he pinched the hard nubs
between his fingers.
“You keep that up and I’m gonna
cum all over you!” she said, grinning down at him. Stan promptly pinched then again, tugging harder
as he did and making her cry out again.
“Oh, I see, it’s like that, huh?”
she said, looking down at him and putting her hands on either side of his head
on the bed, changing the angle of her pussy on his cock.
“Yeah, it’s like that,” he
replied, returning her smile and tugging on her nipples again.
Daphne picked up the pace a
little, closing her eyes and biting her bottom lip as she rode his cock, giving
her hips a little bit of a twist every now and then. She moaned softly as she clamped down on his
shaft with her inner muscles, something that took Stan by surprise as she
hadn’t done that the night before. Her
pussy felt like a warm, wet velvet fist gripping his cock as she squeezed him,
sliding up and down faster and faster as both their passions increased. Stan squeezed her breasts in his hands hard,
and he could tell by the way she was moving and by how fast she was breathing
that she was getting ready to cum.
“Oh, my God, yesssss!” she hissed
between her teeth as the sensations quickly built inside her, squeezing his
cock harder than ever with her talented inner muscles. She ground her mound down onto him, rubbing
her clit against him as she fucked him, and that put her over the edge.
loudly between clenched teeth, her eyes squeezed shut, her hips bucking and
jumping on Stan’s cock as her orgasm hit.
She moved her hips quickly, riding his cock hard and fast while keeping
her upper body still, her hips a blur as she came hard. This set Stan off, and he groaned as his own
orgasm hit. He bucked his hips upward to
thrust his cock into her pussy as it exploded inside her, stream after stream
of cum blasting out of his cock and into her waiting pussy. He could feel his cock pulsing and throbbing
as it pumped her full of his cum, and she pushed her hips down onto it and held
it there as she rode the last of her orgasm out.
When it was all over and both of
them had finished cumming they were both left breathless. Daphne sat up straight on Stan’s hips, his
cock still trapped inside her, her hands resting on his stomach as she caught
her breath. She looked down at him
through disheveled hair, a satisfied smile on her face.
“Good morning again, sweetie!”
she gasped, her eyes sparkling.
“Yes, it certainly is, isn’t it?”
Stan asked, returning her smile. “And I
didn’t think it was the wine, either,” he said, resting his hands on the top of
her thighs as she sat astride him.
“Well, now you know for sure,
don’t you?” she asked.
“I do, yes,” he replied, nodding. “So what would be the chances of us starting
out every day like this for the next three days?” he asked.
“I think the chances are pretty
good, considering that I’d already had that very same thought and had decided
to do just that!” she replied, grinning at him.
“Hot dog! Now that’s what I’m talking about!” he said,
returning her grin.
“First a shower, then breakfast,
then the beach,” she said, patting him on the stomach. “Okay, sweetie?”
“Sounds good to me, Mom,” he
replied. Daphne got up then, easing his
cock out of her pussy as she dismounted from him, getting down off of the bed
and then walking naked across the room to the bathroom. She stopped when she got to the doorway,
turning to look at him as he lay in bed.
“Aren’t you coming with me?” she
asked, a coy smile on her face. She
laughed at how fast Stan shot out of the bed and crossed over to her, a big
grin on his face. She took him by the
hand and led him into the bathroom, giggling all the way.
The first half of the day went as
planned. They managed to take a shower
without giving in to the desires to have sex in the shower, both of them
deciding that could wait for later.
After they showered and dressed, putting on their bathing suits and then
covering them with t-shirts and shorts, they left the hotel and went to a local
breakfast restaurant where they had a good breakfast. Then it was back to the room to pick up their
beach gear before hitting the beach. They
stayed out on the beach until around noon, and when they both got hungry they
packed up their stuff and walked over to one of the many restaurants facing the
boardwalk. After lunch it was back to
the beach, where they stayed until close to three in the afternoon. By that time they were both ready to come off
of the beach and get out of the sun, so they packed up their stuff and headed
for the room to shower and change clothes.
The air in the room was cool
thanks to the air conditioning, and it felt good after being out in the sun all
day. Stan noticed that the cool air made
his mom’s nipples hard, and grinned as he saw them standing out against her
bikini top like two hard little pebbles.
“What are you grinning about?”
she asked, smiling at him as she dropped her gear on the spare bed.
“Cold in here, huh, Mom?” he
said, nodding at her chest. She looked
down and laughed when she saw what he was looking at, swatting at him as she
“You’re terrible!” she said,
“I thought I was pretty good,
actually,” Stan replied, easily dodging her swing.
“And modest, too, I see,” she
said, laughing with him.
“A trait I inherited from my
mother, I think,” he said, causing him to dodge another swat in his direction. Then Daphne got up from the bed and
stretched, arching her back to work the kinks out before she hit the shower.
“I’m going to take a shower and
wash the sweat and suntan lotion from my body,” she said, walking towards the
bathroom. “And no, you can’t come with
me this time! We both know what will
happen if you do, and I want you to save that for later on tonight. I have big plans for you, mister,” she said,
stopping in front of him and running her hand along the side of his face, “and
you’re going to need all your strength, so you stay out here while I take a
shower,” she said. She reached up and
kissed him briefly on the lips, then went into the bathroom to shower.
Stan walked over to the balcony
door, sliding it open and then stepping out onto the balcony. He leaned on the railing and looked out over
the ocean, the shadows from the hotels along the boardwalk stretching out over
the sand as the sun started to set behind the hotel. He let his mind wander over the events of the
past 24 hours or so, still not sure how it had all happened the way it
did. But one thing was for sure – he was
glad it had happened, and he was anxious to see what would happen next.
He only had a couple of hours to
wait before he would find out.
To be continued…
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