(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 16 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)
“Man, I love this place!” Dirk said
aloud to himself as he stood out on the balcony of his room on the 22nd
floor of ‘The Windjammer,’ looking out over the water. Whenever Dirk felt the need to get away, he
always did one of two things depending on just how long he needed to get away
for. If he needed to get away for a
couple of hours, then he’d jump on his bike and ride the back roads, just
feeling the bike beneath him and the wind in his hair. If he needed to get away for a day or two (or
more), then he invariably came to his favorite beach town and stayed in his
favorite hotel, ‘The Windjammer.’ He
always stayed on the 22nd floor because of the view, and whenever
the room was available he’d stay in Room 2230 because that was the room he
stayed in the first time he’d ever come to the hotel. The last time he was here during Spring Break
that room was occupied, but this time it was all his. As he stood out on the balcony and let the
sea air wash over his face, the gentle wind blowing his leather vest open, he
couldn’t help but smile as he remembered the last time he’d stayed in this
particular room.
That was the night he met Princess
Leia in the hotel bar, and had brought her back to his room where they spent
the night having the best sex he’d ever had in his entire life. As it turned
out she was just as much of a little cum slut in real life as she portrayed in
her videos, and by the time the night was over she had drained him dry. She truly loved sex, especially sucking cock
and swallowing cum, and he would remember the events of that night in great
detail for the rest of his life.
“Yeah, that was quite a night,” he
said to himself, smiling at the recollection of her looking up at him with
those big, hypnotic blue eyes, her lips clamped around the head of his cock
while it pumped her mouth full of his cum.
He took another drink from the bottle of beer in his hand, then went
into the room to shower and put on some clean clothes. He was grimy from the ride to the hotel and
wanted to clean up before he went down to the bar to have a drink and then hit
the town to get some dinner.
An hour later he was dressed in a
clean pair of jeans and a clean shirt, wearing his leather vest with his club
patches on it as usual, sitting in his usual corner booth at the far end of the
bar, drinking a beer and just watching the people as they came into the
room. He loved to sit back and
people-watch like this; he couldn’t explain why, but he did. This is how he ran into Amy, the ‘house
mouse’ for the local chapter of his MC; it was also how he ran into Princess
Leia. He remembered how stunning she had
looked when she walked into the room, and he thought he’d never see another
woman look that good coming into the bar again for as long as he lived.
Until tonight.
Dirk was raising his bottle of beer to
his lips to take a drink when the door to the bar opened and she walked
in. He froze, the bottle stopping in
midair halfway to his mouth as he took in the sight of the woman who just came
in. She was blond, her hair coming down
past her shoulders, and even thought Dirk couldn’t see the color of her eyes
from where he sat he just knew she had blue eyes. She stood about 5’5” or so and looked to Dirk
like she weighed around 115 pounds, 120 at the most, and couldn’t have been any
older than 35. She was holding a small
black clutch-type purse in her hand and was wearing a very snug, form-fitting
black sleeveless dress that came down to mid-thigh, with a deep cut V-neck that
showed a more than generous amount of the cleavage of her spectacular
bustline. Over the years Dirk had become
pretty good at guessing the bust sizes of the women he saw, and this one was
definitely a 36DD, no doubt about it. When
she turned to order a drink from the bar he saw that the back of the dress was
cut just as low as the front, and the absence of a bra strap told him she was
braless under her dress, which made sense.
From where he sat her ass looked almost as good as her front, although
she could have had a little bit more roundness to her backside to be to Dirk’s
complete liking. But he sure as hell wouldn’t turn this woman down, that was
for sure. When she turned around, drink
in hand, she looked around the room for a moment before spotting what she was
looking for, that being a man in a suit who was obviously her date. She flashed the man a smile as she walked
over to the table, and Dirk noticed that the man didn’t even have the manners
to stand up when she approached, much less hold her chair out for her.
“Fuckin’ dickhead,” Dirk muttered to
himself, taking a drink from his bottle of beer. He lit
another cigarette, happy that the hotel bar was designated as a smoking bar,
but wishing it was a joint instead. But
there would be time enough for that later once he was in his room for the night
and was ready to really relax. He
continued people-watching as he had been doing before the blonde walked in,
glancing over at them every now and then just for the hell of it.
About ten minutes after she sat down
at the table with the man in the suit, Dirk could tell by her actions and the
look on her face that their date wasn’t going well at all. She was obviously upset about something, and
the man was showing the same signs.
Something told him to keep an eye on this so he did, and it only took
another minute or so for the man to angrily reach out and grab the woman by the
wrist, twisting her arm over and making her wince in pain.
“That’s it!” he said, snuffing out his
cigarette and getting up from his booth.
He walked over to the table where the man was still hanging on to the
woman’s wrist, stopping less than a foot away from him. Dirk was pissed, and the look on his face
made that clear to everyone in the bar – everyone except the dickhead in front
of him, that is.
“Let her go,” Dirk said in a loud,
firm voice. Heads in the bar turned his
way at this, which was just what he wanted.
If he had to kick this guy’s ass he wanted plenty of witnesses, and
being loud was a way to ensure that. The
man looked up at Dirk, his own anger apparent in his face.
“What did you say?” he said, scowling
up at Dirk but maintaining his grip on the woman’s wrist.
“I said let her go, dickhead,” he
repeated, his hands balled into fists.
“Or what, asshole?” the man replied,
maintaining his grip on the woman’s wrist.
“Or I’ll kick you so hard you’ll be
wearing your ass for a hat, that’s what,” Dirk said, meaning it. Every eye in the bar was on him by now, and
the bartender had his phone in his hand, ready to call the police if he needed
“Is that right?” the man said, finally
releasing the woman’s wrist as he stood up to square off with Dirk.
“That’s right,” Dirk replied, looking
him in the eyes and not flinching. Dirk
was pissed by now, really pissed, and he could feel his cheeks flushing and
hear the blood rushing through his ears as his ire grew. He was in the zone now; he saw the look in
the man’s eyes and was ready for what came next.
The man drew back to throw a punch,
telegraphing it as all inexperienced brawlers did. Dirk easily dodged the blow, grabbing the man
by the front of his shirt and holding him at arm’s length as he cocked his fist
back. The man had just enough time to
see Dirk’s fist coming at him before the punch landed, breaking his nose while the
biker rings Dirk wore shattered his two front teeth. His head snapped back and his eyes rolled
back into his head as he went out like a light, falling to the floor in a
crumpled heap when Dirk released his grip on the man’s shirt.
“Cleanup on Aisle 3,” Dirk said as he
looked over at the bartender. The people
in the room broke out in laughter at this, and the bartender put down the phone
for the outside line and picked up the house line instead, a big grin on his
“Are you okay, miss?” Dirk asked the
blonde, who was visibly shaken by what had just taken place.
‘She’s even prettier up close!’ Dirk
thought to himself.
“Yes, I’m fine, thank you,” she said,
rubbing her wrist where the man had gripped it.
“Thank you so very much!” she said, looking up at him, her blue eyes
watery with tears.
‘I knew it, blue eyes!’ Dirk
thought to himself.
“Can I do anything for you? Take you somewhere, call someone for you,
something like that?” he asked.
“Yes, there is something you can do
for me,” she said, picking up her clutch and getting up from her chair to stand
in front of him, facing him. “You can let
me buy you a drink,” she said, giving him a smile, holding her clutch in both
hands down in front of her.
“That’s not necessary,” he said,
returning her smile.
“I insist!” she said, her blue eyes
sparkling. She looked over at the
bartender, holding up two fingers and then pointing to first Dirk and then
herself; the bartender nodded and gave her a smile and a ‘thumbs up.’ As they walked away from the table two very
large men in dark suits walked quickly into the bar, heading straight for the man
lying on the floor. They were obviously
hotel security, and without a word they picked the man up and carried him
bodily out of the bar, not even looking Dirk’s way once. The other patrons in the bar applauded as
they carried the unconscious man out, and as soon as Dirk and the lady sat down
the bartender brought her drink, a martini, and a fresh bottle of beer over to the
“Compliments of the house,” the
bartender said, smiling.
“Thank you, Carl,” the lady replied,
reading the man’s name tag and returning his smile.
“My pleasure, ma’am,” Carl said,
nodding before turning and walking back to the bar. Dirk picked up his beer as the lady picked up
her drink, holding it up in front of him.
“Here’s to happy endings,” he said,
smiling at her. ‘I hope so, anyway!’
Dirk thought to himself.
“Here’s to chivalry not being dead
after all,” she said, returning his smile.
They each took a drink, then put their drinks down on the table. She looked over at him with those deep blue
eyes as she spoke again.
“My name is Charlotte, and I want to
thank you again for coming to my rescue back there,” she said, smiling as she
looked at him.
“I’m Dirk, and you’re quite welcome,”
he said, returning her smile. “What was
that all about, if you don’t mind my asking? A lover’s spat gone wrong?” he asked, taking
another pull from his beer.
“More like a first date gone wrong,”
she said, running her finger around the rim of her martini glass. “I met Clark – that was his name, Clark – on
the internet, and after chatting with him for a couple of months I finally
agreed to meet him. Apparently he didn’t
like the way I’m dressed because he started bitching about it as soon as I sat
down, and as you saw it didn’t take long for him to prove what an asshole he
truly is,” Charlotte said, taking another sip of her martini.
“There’s nothing wrong with the way
you’re dressed,” Dirk said, meaning it.
“You’re easily the most beautiful woman in the entire bar, and if he has
a problem with that then it’s his problem and not yours,” he said.
“Thank you, Dirk, I appreciate that
very much,” she said, smiling at him. “It’s
nice to know that at least one man thinks I’m attractive, even at my age,” she
“Hell, you’re more than just
attractive, Charlotte, you’re downright sexy if you don’t mind my saying so,”
he replied in his usual blunt way.
“Really? You mean that?” she asked, her eyes
“Absolutely,” he replied. “But what do you mean, ‘even at my age?’” he
asked, confused.
“How old do you think I am?” she
asked, taking a sip from her drink.
“Thirty, thirty-five tops,” he
replied, making her chuckle.
“You dear, sweet man!” she said, her
blue eyes sparkling as she smiled at him over her drink. “I’ll be sixty-one next month,” she said,
taking Dirk completely by surprise. He
sat back heavily in the booth, dumbfounded at what she had just said.
“SIXTY-ONE? No fuckin’ way! Oh, I’m sorry, didn’t mean to swear like
that, but jeez!” he said, a little embarrassed.
“That’s fine,” she said, still
chuckling. “My ex-husband was a sailor
so I’m used to salty language,” she said, taking a sip of her drink.
“Ex husband?” Dirk repeated, reaching
out and picking up his beer to take a drink.
“Yes, I’ve been divorced for ten years
as of last April,” she said, putting her hands in her lap. “After nearly thirty years of marriage and
one child later, my ex decided one day that I was too old for him, so he ran
off with a much younger woman – who later left him for a younger man, I might
add!” she said, smiling spitefully at the memory.
“Sounds to me like he got what he
deserved,” Dirk said, putting his beer down on the table. “He had to have been crazy to leave a woman
who looks like you,” he said.
“You really know how to charm a woman,
don’t you, Dirk?” she asked, giving him a sly smile as she took a sip of her
“Just telling the truth,” he said, taking
a pull from his beer.
“Well, just so you’ll know, you’re
saying all the right things,” she said, putting her drink down on the table and
looking at him with those big, blue eyes.
“The right things for what?” Dirk
asked, seeing if this conversation was going where he hoped it was going.
“The right things to get me into bed,”
she replied, giving him a sly smile.
“So you’re a cougar, then,” he
replied, returning her smile. “No, wait,
you have a child, so that would make you a MILF, wouldn’t it?” he asked,
teasing her just a bit to see how she would react.
“Actually, I have a grandchild so that
would make me a GILF,” she replied, returning his smile and playing his game.
“I see,” Dirk said, leaning forward
and putting his forearms on the table, one over the other. “I never would have figured that, Charlotte,
not with your looks,” he said, meaning it.
“You certainly look a hell of a lot younger than you are, that’s for
sure,” he said. She leaned forward and
put her forearms on the table just as Dirk had done, smiling as she looked at
“Would you like to fuck me, Dirk?” she
asked, her voice low and breathless, the look in her eyes telling him she was
dead serious.
“Yes, I would,” Dirk replied,
returning her look, “very much so!”
“So take me to your room and fuck me,
then,” she said, her voice a sultry whisper.
“And before you ask, yes, I’m serious,” she said, looking him in the
“I wasn’t going to ask,” he said, his
voice low as he looked back into her eyes.
“Then let’s go,” she said, giving him
a sly smile. They both got up from the
table then, Charlotte reaching down and picking up her martini glass and then
bringing it to her lips to finish it, with Dirk doing the same with his
beer. Then they walked out of the bar
together, arm in arm, with every eye in the place on them and the bartender
smiling as he watched them go.
“That guy leaves with a new woman
every time he comes in here, the lucky son of a bitch!” he said to the customer
sitting at the bar.
“Must be the vest,” the customer said.
“I don’t know what it is, but I sure
wish I had some!” the bartender said, grinning.
Dirk and Charlotte rode the elevator
up to his room in silence, still arm in arm, Charlotte clinging to him
tightly. When the doors slid open they
walked out of the elevator and turned left, walking down the hallway to his
room. Dirk fished the keycard out of his
vest pocket and unlocked the door, then opened it and held it open for
“After you,” he said.
“Always the gentleman,” Charlotte said,
smiling as she walked by into the room. She
walked across the room and straight to the balcony, opening the sliding door
and stepping out into the late afternoon day.
She put her hands on the railing and took a deep breath, filling her
nose and lungs with the scent of the ocean, with Dirk doing the same as he
stood next to her.
“I just love the beach,” she said, her
blonde hair blowing in the breeze.
“Me, too. It’s my favorite place in the whole world,”
Dirk said, leaning on the railing as he looked up and down the oceanfront.
“You come here often?” she asked,
looking over at him.
“As often as I can, yes,” he replied,
looking back. They looked at each other
in silence for a few moments, and then Charlotte took a step towards him,
reaching up and putting her arms around his neck as he stood up and faced
her. She pulled his head down to hers
and kissed him, her soft, full lips parted, her tongue tentatively slipping out
of her mouth and into his as he put his arms around her and pulled her
close. The kiss deepened, Charlotte
putting one hand on the back of Dirk’s head as they kissed, Dirk sliding a hand
down her back to cup one side of her shapely ass as they pulled each other
closer. When the kiss was over it left
both of them slightly out of breath, and they just looked each other in the
eyes for a moment before Charlotte finally spoke up.
“I’m not usually this easy, you know,”
she said, her voice a whisper as she
looked into his eyes.
“I know,” he replied, looking back
into her eyes.
“I mean, I don’t make it a habit of
jumping into bed with just any man at the drop of a hat like this, but then
again,” she said, pausing for effect as she looked into his eyes, “I get the
feeling that you’re not just any man.”
“Sure I am,” he replied, looking back
into her eyes as he spoke, “I’m just an average guy, a regular Joe is all,” he
“No, you most certainly are not!” she
said, smiling. “There’s something
special about you, that’s for sure. And
rather than stand out here on the balcony debating it, why don’t you take me
inside and fuck me like we came up here to do?” she said. Dirk found her ability to be sweet and
charming one second, then bawdy and tawdry the next both amusing and arousing
at the same time.
“I can do that,” he said, returning
her smile. He turned, then, and took her
by the hand to lead her back into the room.
He stopped at the bed closest to the balcony door and turned to face her;
she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him again like she
did on the balcony, only this time the kiss was a little more urgent, a little
more passionate, and a lot more arousing – for both of them. Charlotte pressed her body up against him
hard, moaning softly as she felt the lump of Dirk’s growing cock pressing
against her stomach. She slid a hand
down between them and placed the palm of her hand on the growing bulge in his
jeans, squeezing it firmly.
“Mmmmm, look what I found,” she
murmured, breaking off the kiss as she fondled Dirk’s growing cock. “Is this for me?” she asked, playfully,
smiling at him.
“Yes, it is,” he replied, returning
her smile.
“And I know just what I’m going to do
with it, too!” she said, her voice a breathless whisper. Without another word she dropped down to her
knees in front of him, unzipping his jeans and reaching inside to pull out his
semi-erect cock. She was pleasantly
surprised to find that he wasn’t wearing underwear, and was even more
pleasantly surprised when she got her first look at his cock when she pulled it
“Ooooooh, nice!” she said, looking up
at him as she wrapped her hand around his shaft, tugging on it. Then she looked back down at his cock,
pulling on it with her hand for a moment before she put her lips on the head of
his cock and sucked it into her mouth.
She slid her mouth down onto his hardening shaft, sucking it in and out
of her mouth like a strand of spaghetti to get him as hard as she could as fast
as she could.
Dirk watched as she sucked on his cock,
her cheeks hollowing in with the force of the suction she was applying as she
sucked him to a full erection. She
looked up at him for a few moments with her deep blue eyes as she slid her
mouth up and down on his hard cock, winking at him before turning her attention
back to his dick. He was hard as a rock
by now, his cock throbbing with the blood pumping through it, the skin shiny
with her saliva. She slipped her mouth
from his cock, sucking hard on the way up, releasing the head from her lips
with a soft ‘pop.’ Then she stood up in
front of him, her eyes bright with desire, her mouth slightly open, panting for
breath just a little. She took a step
back and, keeping her eyes on his, slipped the dress from her shoulders and
pushed it down to her waist, revealing her big breasts to him.
They were without a doubt the most
beautiful and perfectly shaped breasts Dirk had ever seen. They were big, at least a DD cup, rounded and
full, with just a little bit of sag.
They were capped with two pale saucer-sized areola with two pert,
perfect nipples in the center of each; Dirk was mesmerized watching them sway
gently as Charlotte pushed the dress down over her hips, letting it fall to the
floor before stepping out of it. Her
stomach was flat and firm with no signs of excess body fat or stretch marks,
and if Dirk didn’t know better he would have sworn he was looking at the
stomach of a 25-year-old woman who’d never had a child. She was wearing a lacy pink thong under the
dress, and without hesitation she slid her thumbs under the sides and pushed it
down over her hips, stepping out of it as well, revealing her smooth-shaven
mound to him. She stood in front of him
for a few moments, motionless, before she spoke.
“Well, what do you think?” she asked,
her voice soft, a half-smile on her face.
“Not bad for a sixty-year-old broad, huh?” she said, teasing him. Dirk looked at her for a few moments before
he replied, his eyes running up and down her body. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing –
there were no stretch marks, no wrinkles, no signs of sagging anywhere on her
entire body, and Dirk was amazed at what he saw.
“I think you’re the most beautiful and
absolutely the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen,” he replied, meaning it.
“For a woman my age, that is,” she
said, smiling at him.
“For a woman of any age,” he replied,
looking her in the eyes. “Seriously,
Charlotte, if you hadn’t told me your age, I would have thought that you were 30
years old, 35 tops. You look absolutely
“Thank you, Dirk, I appreciate that,”
she said, still smiling at him. “This is
what 30 years of yoga will do for you, I guess,” she explained. “There’s only one problem, though,” she said,
pausing for effect.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“One of us is wearing too many
clothes,” she replied, one side of her mouth turning up in a crooked smile.
“I can fix that!” Dirk said, pulling
off his vest and draping it over the back of the desk chair behind him. He quickly stripped out of his shirt and then
pulled his boots and socks off, unfastening his jeans and pulling them off to
toss them across the back of the chair with his vest and shirt. He turned back to face Charlotte and as soon
as he did she stepped forward, reaching out to grasp his cock with one hand
while reaching up with the other and putting it on the back of his neck,
pulling his face down to her for another soul-searing kiss.
Dirk slipped his arms around Charlotte
as they kissed, feeling the firm mounds of her big breasts pressing against
him. She tugged and pulled on his cock
as they kissed, with Dirk sliding his hands down her body to cup and squeeze
the rounded globes of her ass with both hands.
She moaned softly as he did this, gripping his cock a little tighter in
response. Then he broke off the kiss and
lowered his mouth down to her big breasts, and before he could move one of his
hands from her butt to her boobs she did it for him, lifting one of her big
breasts up to his mouth. He clamped his
lips onto the nipple, sucking it into his mouth as he squeezed her ass in his
hands, eliciting a moan from her as he did.
She pulled and tugged on his cock as he sucked on her breasts, finally
releasing her ass from his hands and bringing them around to her breasts,
pushing them together and lifting them up so he could go from one nipple to the
other and back again, sucking them in turn.
“Oh, my God, that feels so good!” she
moaned, her hand on the back of Dirk’s head as he sucked on her nipples, her
own head back with her eyes closed as she enjoyed the sensations running
through her. She pulled and tugged on
his cock harder, and when Dirk slid a hand down her side and over her mound to
cup her pussy in his hand she gasped, jumping when he slipped a finger between
her smooth outer lips to caress the wet flesh inside.
“AHHHHHH!” she gasped as Dirk slid his
finger up and down her wet slit, sucking and gently biting on her nipples at
the same time. She was wet, very wet,
and Dirk had no problem slipping first one and then another finger into her
opening, sliding them in deep.
“OHHHHHHH!” Charlotte moaned as his
fingers slid into her, biting her lip and moaning when he began sliding them in
and out of her wet tunnel. She pushed
his face harder into her big breasts, here body shaking at the sensations
running through it.
“You keep that up and I’m gonna cum
all over your fingers!” she gasped, tugging harder on his cock. He lifted his head up from her breasts and
stood up, slipping his fingers out of her pussy but keeping his hand on her
mound, rubbing it as he spoke.
“Oh, you’re gonna cum, all right, just
not like that,” he said, looking into her eyes.
“Lay down,” he said, nodding towards the bed behind her. She did as he asked, reluctantly releasing
his hard cock from her grasp as she lay down on her back on the bed, her big
tits splaying out over her chest as she did.
They didn’t flatten out as most women’s breasts would have but remained
rounded and full, standing up like twin mountains on her chest capped by two
hard nipples.
“Slide down until your hips are right
at the edge of the bed,” he said.
Charlotte immediately knew what he had in mind, and the mere thought of
it made her heart begin to race and her pussy flood. She slid down as he asked, smiling as she saw
him kneel down in front of her and between her legs. A moment later she gasped loudly as Dirk’s
mouth landed on her pussy, his hands sliding around the tops of her thighs at
her hips joints to hold her in place as he slipped his tongue up and down
between her outer lips.
as Dirk worked her over, sliding his tongue up and down her slit, flicking it
over the hard nub of her clit before clamping his lips on it and sucking it
into his mouth. She grabbed him by the
hair as he did this, lifting her hips up to his mouth as he pulled and sucked
on her clit. Her hips bucked and she
cried out as he released the nub from his lips and pushed his tongue into her
pussy, slipping it in as far as he could.
cried out as Dirk began tongue-fucking her, thrusting his tongue in and out of
her pussy, moving his thumb over to press on and rub her clit as he did. She released his hair from her hands and
grabbed two handfuls of bedspread instead, twisting it in her hands as she
balled her hands into fists.
“NNNNNNNGGGHHHH!” she groaned through
clenched teeth as Dirk thumbed her clit while tongue-fucking her, thrusting his
tongue in and out of her wet pussy, and out of nowhere and without any warning
at all her first orgasm hit.
“HAAAAAHHHHH!” Charlotte cried out as
she came, her orgasm exploding inside her like a hand grenade. She clamped her thighs onto Dirk’s head as
she came, her whole body shaking with its intensity. Dirk felt her pussy flooding on his tongue
and mouth, and he thumbed her clit harder to make her cum harder. She groaned loudly as she rode her orgasm
out, the waves of pleasure crashing through her like an avalanche of eroticism. Then it was over, ending as suddenly as it
had started, leaving Charlotte panting and gasping for breath.
“Oh, my fuckin’ God!” she gasped, her
eyes wide open as she looked at the ceiling, her mouth hanging open as she
fought to catch her breath. Dirk lifted
his head up from her pussy and looked at her as she spoke, watching her breasts
swaying on her chest as she fought to catch her breath.
“I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard
in my entire life!” she said, panting for breath. “I knew there was something special about
you!” she said, lifting her head and looking down at Dirk, between the
mountains of her big tits.
“You act like you’ve never had a guy
go down on you before,” Dirk said, straightening up as he stood up on his
“Not like that, I haven’t!” she said. “But as good as that felt and as much as I’m
looking forward to you doing that to me again, right now I need your dick
inside my pussy, so would you please get up here and fuck me with it?” she
said, flipping the switch to ‘bawdy’ again.
“Absolutely!” Dirk replied, grinning
as he got to his feet. Charlotte went to
push herself up into the center of the bed but Dirk stopped her, putting his
hands on her thighs and holding her in place.
“Uh-uh, not yet,” he said, looking
down at her. “Eventually, but not yet,”
he said, moving into position at the edge of the bed, pulling her towards him
and sliding her ass right onto the edge of the bed. Then he grasped his cock and rubbed the head
up and down between her pussy lips, covering it with her slippery juices before
placing it at her opening and pushing forward.
“OHHHHHHHH!” Charlotte moaned as the
head of his cock slipped inside her wet pussy, gripping the bedspread in her
hands as he pushed his hard cock deep inside her. She bit her bottom lip and groaned as she
felt her pussy being stretched as he entered her, his hands gripping the tops
of her thighs as he pulled her towards him.
She was so wet from the orgasm she’d just had that Dirk was able to push
his entire cock into her pussy with one long, firm stroke, and she groaned
softly as she felt his hips pressing against her ass and the head of his cock
nudging the end of her tunnel.
“Oh, my God in heaven, that feels so good!”
she moaned, her mouth falling open as she looked up at him. He held his cock deep inside her, feeling the
warm, silky wetness of her pussy enveloping his cock like a warm, wet velvet
glove. Then she contracted her inner muscles
around his shaft, squeezing it firmly.
“Oh, yeah!” Dirk moaned, smiling down
at her. “Just like that!”
“You like that, huh?” she asked,
grinning up at him.
“I love it!” he replied.
“Show me, then,” she moaned, putting
her hands on top of his. “Show me how
much you love it!”
Dirk began to move then, sliding his
hard cock in and out of Charlotte’s wet pussy in long, slow, even strokes. He pushed his cock as far into her as he
could with every forward thrust, gripping her thighs in his hands as he
moved. She closed her eyes and bit her
bottom lip, moaning with pleasure as his cock slid in and out of her.
“Oh, my God, that feels so good!” she
moaned, opening her eyes and looking up at him.
“I love the feeling of your hard cock sliding in and out of me,” she
said, her voice soft and sultry, “and I can’t wait to feel it pumping your cum
inside me!”
“Soon, I promise,” Dirk replied,
smiling down at her, “but not quite yet!”
“You’re a naughty tease, you know
that, Dirk?” she said, grinning up at him as he slid his cock in and out of
“Guilty as charged,” he replied,
returning her grin as he slid his cock slowly in and out of her.
He moved in silence for the next few
minutes, increasing the pace as they both maintained eye contact with each
other. The room was filled with the
aroma of her musk, the soft, slippery sounds of sex easily heard over the
oceans sounds coming in from the open balcony door. Dirk leaned forward and grabbed her breasts
in his hands, squeezing them firmly as he thrust harder into her. Charlotte clamped her hands on the backs of
his, squeezing them closed to urge him to squeeze her breasts harder, which he
did. Dirk increased the pace of his
thrusts a little more, using her breasts as leverage, and this made Charlotte
moan beneath him.
“Oh, my God, yessss!” she hissed
through clenched teeth, wrapping her legs around Dirk’s waist and pulling him
into her as he moved. “Fuck me, Dirk,
fuck me hard!” she urged, driving her heel against his ass to shove his cock
deeper into her. Dirk did as she asked,
increasing both the tempo and the force of his thrusts, driving his cock in and
out of her in long, hard, deep strokes.
“That’s it!” she gasped, her mouth
falling open, her breath coming in quick gasps now as she felt her orgasm
beginning to build. “Just like that,
Dirk, just like that!” she gasped as he fucked her hard. She slapped her hands down onto the bed and
gripped the comforter in her hands, balling them into fists as her body bounced
from the force of his thrusts. Her
orgasm was building quickly now, and she knew it wasn’t going to be long before
she was cumming all over his cock.
“I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” she gasped, looking up at him
as she squeezed her legs tighter around his waist.
“Do it!” he urged, slamming his cock
into her harder. “Let me feel it!” he
said, urging her on.
Charlotte looked up at Dirk, the fires
of pure lust burning brightly in her eyes, and it was less than ten seconds
later when her orgasm hit. She came
hard, her orgasm exploding inside her like a hand grenade, and she grit her
teeth and squeezed her eyes shut as she groaned loudly.
“HHNNNNGGGHHHHHH!” she groaned,
squeezing the back of Dirk’s hands in hers as the powerful orgasm ripped
through her. She clamped her legs around
his waist and squeezed, gripping his cock with her pussy as well, urging him to
fuck her harder. Dirk continued
thrusting his cock in and out of her, driving her orgasm on, and when it
finally ended Charlotte was left gasping for breath.
“Oh, my God!” she gasped, looking up
at Dirk with her mouth hanging open. She
moved her hands from on top of his and gripped the bedspread in her hands,
balling them into fists as Dirk slowed the tempo of his thrust considerably
until he was sliding his cock in and out of her in slow, almost leisurely
strokes. He was giving her a chance to
recover from her orgasm, because he had a feeling that she was about to cut
loose on him as soon as he gave her the chance – and that time was now.
“Let’s switch,” he said, looking down
at her, his own breath coming hard from the effort he had exerted for the past
few minutes.
“Yes, let’s!” she said, grinning up at
him and nodding her head quickly. “I
want to ride that hard cock of yours and make it cum inside me!”
Dirk stepped back, sliding his cock
out of her pussy as he did, lying down on the bed on his back next to where
Charlotte had been lying. As soon as he began
to lay down Charlotte was up, quickly climbing on top of him and straddling
him, her big breasts swaying and bobbing with her movements. She wasted no time, and before Dirk had the
chance to slide up into the center of the bed she had reached down and grabbed
his cock, pointing it up at her soaking wet pussy. Without a word she immediately sat down on
it, sliding her pussy down onto his length all the way until her firm, shapely
ass was pressing against his balls.
“AAAAHHHHHH!” she moaned, throwing her
had back as she settled down onto his cock, rotating her hips around in small
circles as she gripped his shaft with her talented inner muscles. She dropped her head and looked at Dirk, a
lopsided smile on her face, her eyes hooded as she slowly ground her pussy down
onto him.
“I’m gonna make you cum so hard!” she
whispered, her voice low and husky. She
reached forward and grabbed his nipples in her fingers, pulling on them and
twisting them as she twisted her hips around on his cock.
“UNGH!” Dirk grunted as the new
sensations of having his nipples twisted and pulled shot through him. It made his cock jump inside Charlotte, and
she felt it.
“Never had that done to you before,
huh, Dirk?” she asked, a coy smile on her face.
“No, that’s a new one,” he replied as
Charlotte continued tugging and pinching his nipples.
“But you like it, don’t you?” she
asked, her voice low.
“Oh, yeah,” he replied, returning her
coy smile.
“I have so much I want to do to you,
you have no idea!” she said, her coy smile turning into a grin. “But we have all night for that! Right now I just want to feel that hard cock
of yours pumping your seed deep inside me!” she said, beginning to move her
hips from front to back as she sat on his cock.
She kept her grip on his nipples with her fingers, pulling and tugging
on them as she slid her wet pussy up and down the length of his cock. Dirk reached up and grabbed her big tits with
both hands, pulling and tugging on her nipples just like she was doing to his.
“Ahhhhh, yesssss!” Charlotte hissed
through clenched teeth, her eyes closed in ecstasy. “Just like that, Dirk, just like that!” she
moaned, puling and tugging on his nipples harder. She moved her hips a little faster, pushing
down hard onto him as she slid her pussy up and down on his cock, opening her
eyes and looking down at him as she rode him hard and fast.
“I wanna feel you cum, Dirk,” she
breathed, her voice a breathy whisper, “I wanna feel your cock pumping your cum
into me!” She looked at him with hooded
eyes, her mouth turned up on one side in a slightly evil smile, pulling and
tugging on his nipples even harder as she increased the tempo of her hips.
“Keep that up and it won’t be long!”
Dirk said, gripping her big tits in his hands and squeezing them hard. Charlotte moaned as he did this, clamping
down on his cock with her pussy in return.
She was fucking him hard and fast now, her breath coming quickly as she
looked down at him, her eyes hooded as she moved on top of him. She was intent on making him cum, and she was
doing exactly what she needed to do to set Dirk off – and she knew it.
“Give it to me, Dirk!” she breathed,
her mouth hanging open, “give it to me!
Give me that cum, that hot, thick cum!
Pump it inside me, pump it inside my pussy, fill me up with your jizz!”
Dirk could feel his orgasm quickly
building as she rode him hard and fast, her hips moving frantically on him
while her upper body remained almost motionless. A fine sheen of perspiration had appeared on
her naked skin, making her skin shine in the light of the room. She bit her bottom lip as she continued
fucking him hard and fast, unknowingly doing something that always set Dirk
off. The bottom lip bite was one of his
triggers, and this time was no exception.
Dirk felt his balls shift and his cock swell, and a moment later his
orgasm hit.
“HHNNNNGGGHHHHH!” Dirk groaned through
gritted teeth, his eyes squeezed closed as he came, his back arching as his
cock erupted inside Charlotte’s tight, wet pussy. Charlotte cried out as she felt his cock
exploding inside her, moaning as his grip on her tits tightened even more as he
YES! YES!” she cried out, maintaining
the pace of her hips moving on top of him, squeezing his cock as hard as she
could with her inner muscles as his cock pumped and throbbed inside her. Dirk came hard, his cock blasting stream
after stream of hot cum into Charlotte’s waiting pussy. Dirk looked down and watched her hips moving
as his cock spasmed inside her, dropping his hands from her tits to the tops of
her thighs as she rode him.
After several long, very pleasurable
moments Dirk’s orgasm finally ended, the throbbing and pulsing of his cock
slowing and eventually stopping, and Charlotte slowed her hips down
accordingly. As his cock throbbed for
the last time she pushed her hips down and held them still, gripping his cock
with her pussy as tightly as she could, milking the last of his cum from him. When it was finally over they were both left
gasping for breath, Charlotte releasing Dirk’s sore nipples from her fingers
and smiling as she sat back on his cock.
“Wow, you came hard!” she said,
grinning down at him, her hair tousled.
“Thanks to you,” he replied, returning
her smile.
“Let me clean you up!” she said,
quickly climbing off of him and onto her knees next to him, her face above his
cock. She immediately grabbed his cock
in her hand and dropped her mouth down onto it, moving her hand out of the way
as she took the entire length of his cock, shiny and slick with a mixture of
his cum and her pussy juices, into her mouth.
She drove her mouth down until her nose bumped his abdomen, then sucked
hard as she slowly slid her lips up the length of his cock.
“MMMMMMM!” she moaned as she slid her
mouth up his shaft, sucking him clean along the way. When she got to the head of his cock she
swallowed and then immediately dropped her mouth back down onto his cock,
repeating what she had just done. When
she was done his cock was clean of their juices, coated only in her
saliva. She slid her mouth from his cock
and let it slap against his abdomen, sitting back on her haunches and smiling
at him as she spoke.
“Delicious! Your cum tastes really good, Dirk!” she said,
licking her lips.
“You’re a real ball of fire, you know
that, Charlotte?” Dirk said, sitting up on his elbows and smiling at her.
“For an old broad, you mean,” she
replied, teasing him.
“Hell, for any broad!” he replied,
teasing back.
“You have no idea!” she said, lowering
her head and looking up at him from beneath her brow, her mouth tilted up on
one side in a smile.
“I have a feeling I will by the time
the night is over,” he said.
“Oh, yeah,” she replied, “unless you
have someplace else to be, that is.”
“There’s no place in the world I’d
rather be than right here with you,” he replied, shaking his head.
“Good, I’m glad to hear that,” she
said, moving up to lie on top of him, swinging her leg over his body and
pressing her mound against his softening cock, her big breasts mashing flat
against his chest. She kissed him then,
long and deep, running her hand along the side of his head as her lithe tongue
slipped into his mouth to find his own. Dirk
slid his arms around her and held her close as they kissed, and when the kiss
was over it left both of them just a little breathless.
“Is it okay if I stay the night?”
Charlotte asked, looking into his eyes, her voice soft.
“Absolutely,” Dirk replied. “Unless you have someplace else to be, that
is,” he said, teasing her and making her smile.
“There’s no place in the world I’d
rather be than right here with you,” she said, teasing him back. “Besides, the things I want to do to you are
going to take some time, so yeah, we’re gonna need all night!” she said, giving
him a slightly wicked grin.
“Really?” he asked.
“Really,” she replied.
“Show me!” he said.
And she did.
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