Friday, June 21, 2024

The Vacation Part 1

(Author’s note:  this is a work of fiction.  Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental.  All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 16 years of age.  This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the expressed written consent of the author.)

Gordon lay on his back on the big blanket he had spread out over the sand, an equally big beach umbrella behind him with the shade it created covering most of the blanket and him in the process.  He was propped up on his elbows, a floppy boonie hat on his head and sunglasses on his face, watching his 17-year-old daughter, Ivy, as she swam in the ocean.  When she was finished and walked out of the water towards the blanket where he lay he couldn’t help but stare at her, glad that his sunglasses hid where his eyes were looking.  He took a quick look around and noticed that he wasn’t the only one who was looking at her, either – just about every male within view was watching her as well, and he saw one of them get jabbed with an elbow by an obviously jealous wife or girlfriend, he didn’t know which. 

And they all had good reason to stare.  Ivy was a knockout, easily the most beautiful and sexiest woman on the entire beach, and the yellow bikini she was wearing didn’t help any (depending on how you looked at it, of course).  She was 5’6” tall with long blonde hair that was currently tied back in a ponytail, the deepest and most hypnotic blue eyes he’d ever seen, a pert nose above a pair of full, soft lips and the straightest, whitest teeth modern dentistry could provide.  She had the typical slim and trim body of a teenaged girl, her stomach flat and firm, her waist tapered, her long, shapely legs leading up to a rounded butt that was as close to perfect as it could ever get. 

But when it came to her bustline Ivy stopped being your typical teenaged girl.  Mother Nature had been more than generous with her, giving her the biggest, fullest, and firmest pair of breasts Gordon had ever seen.  She had started developing at an early age, and by the time she was 15 she was wearing a ‘D’ cup bra.  Now, two years later she was a solid ‘DD’ cup and from what Gordon could see, she wasn’t that far away from an ‘E’ cup.  Her breasts were absolutely huge, a little longer than they were round, bouncing on her chest as she walked, and from what Gordon had seen when she was walking around the house braless she really didn’t need to wear one if she didn’t want to.  He’d never seen a pair of breasts as big as hers that were as firm or that stood out as much as hers did, something that amazed him every time he saw it.  And since Ivy hated to wear a bra, he saw it often.

As usual the sight of his sexy daughter and her huge boobs bouncing around in her bikini top was giving him an erection, so he sat up and crossed his legs in front of him, bringing his knees up and leaning his arms on them to hide the quickly growing boner in his trunks. 

Ivy didn’t know it as he had been very careful to conceal it from her, but Gordon had a very strong sexual attraction for his daughter, stronger than any attraction he’d ever had for any other woman at any time in his life.  He wanted to fuck her so bad it hurt, literally – sometimes his cock would get so hard thinking about her that it ached.  He knew he shouldn’t feel the way he did about her but he couldn’t help it – he felt the way he did, and he knew there was nothing he was going to be able to do about it.  She turned him on tremendously, plain and simple.

And deep down inside him, down in a place that he’d never admit existed, he secretly hoped that one day he would be able to satisfy his nearly overwhelming desire for her.  But even though his common sense told him that this would most likely never happen (and shouldn’t happen if the opportunity ever arose), he still got an erection every time he looked at her.

Like now, with his cock growing bigger and harder as she got closer.  She smiled as she reached the blanket, sitting down next to him.

“Boy, that felt good!” she said, smiling.  She reached into her beach bag and came out with a pair of sunglasses, opening them up and putting them on.  “I just love the beach!” she said, looking out over the water for a moment and then looking at him as she continued.

“Don’t you, Daddy?” she asked.

“Yes, baby, I do,” he replied, looking out over the water and nodding.  “It’s my favorite place in the whole world, actually,” he said.

“I know it is, and that’s one of the reasons I love it as much as I do,” she said, turning to look out at the water herself.  “It’s just too bad that Mom doesn’t feel the same way about it as we do,” she said, a little sadness creeping into her voice.

“The beach just isn’t her thing, that’s all,” Gordon said.  “Doesn’t bother me, so you shouldn’t let it bother you, either,” he said, looking over at her.

“I know, Daddy, but this is our vacation, and she didn’t come,” Ivy said.  They were on vacation for the next four days, staying at ‘The Windjammer’ which was the most popular hotel on the strip and his personal favorite.  “You’d have thought that she would have at least made the effort,” she said, a little irritated at her mom.

“I’d rather have her stay home than to come here and be miserable,” Gordon said, meaning it.  “I’d never take either her or you to a place where you really didn’t want to go.  Besides, you know how your mom is when she’s someplace that she really doesn’t want to be,” he said, leaving it at that.

“Yeah, I do.  She’s miserable and if she’s miserable, then so is everyone else around her,” she said, finishing the statement for him.

“Then don’t hold it against her, okay, baby?” he said, looking over at her and trying not to stare at her huge tits as he did.

“Okay, Daddy,” she said, looking at him and smiling.  “I’m sorry,” she said.

“That’s okay, baby, don’t sweat it,” he said, putting his arm around her and hugging her, hoping that she wouldn’t see the pole sticking up in the front of his trunks.

By the time they were ready to head back to the room to shower and change before heading out for dinner, Gordon’s boner had thankfully faded away.  As they were walking across the beach on their way back to the hotel Gordon was wearing his backpack with his gear in it on his back, carrying the large blanket that was now rolled up in one hand and the small cooler with the drinks in it in the other.  Ivy was carrying her beach bag in her hand, and at one point Ivy was walking in front of him.  The sight of her firm, rounded ass flexing inside her bikini bottoms as she walked right in front of him began to give him another erection.

‘Oh, shit, not now!’ he thought to himself as he felt his cock beginning to grow again.  Thankfully she didn’t walk in front of him for long, and by the time they got to their room, Number 2226 on the 22nd floor, his cock had returned to a flaccid state.

“I call first dibs on the shower!” Ivy said, dumping her stuff on the queen bed closest to the bathroom and then ducking into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.  Gordon continued over to the other bed closest to the balcony and dropped the rest of the gear, putting the cooler down on the floor under the shelf that held the TV to get it out of the way.  He went out on the balcony and put his hands on the railing, looking out over the ocean and the growing shadows of the buildings on the boardwalk as they slowly advanced over the sand, heralding the setting sun and the end of the day.  He was still out there when he heard Ivy call out to him from inside the room.

“Okay, Daddy, your turn!” she said.  He turned around and saw Ivy standing in the center of the room, wrapped up in a light blue mid-thigh length silk robe he’d given her for her 16th birthday and drying her hair with a towel, a smile on her face.  He couldn’t help but notice her big, braless breasts swaying inside the robe as she dried her hair, standing out proudly on her chest like a couple of big, twin torpedoes – and his cock noticed it, too, stirring in his shorts at the sight.

“Daddy, are you sure it’s okay for us to stay in the same room together?” she asked as he walked into the room, her big breasts jiggling and swaying inside her robe as she dried her hair.

“We kind of don’t have a choice, baby,” he replied, stopping just inside the door and trying not to stare at her jiggling breasts.  “The hotel is full just like all of the other hotels on the boardwalk, so our only other option is to go home.  And you don’t want to do that, do you?” he asked, already knowing the answer.

“No, I don’t,” she said immediately, dropping her hands down in front of her while holding the towel, a sad look on her face.  It was a struggle for Gordon not to stare at the generous amount of cleavage her robe was showing – and were her nipples hard?  “But won’t Mom be mad when she finds out that we stayed in the same room together?” she asked.

“Not if we don’t tell her,” he replied, crossing his arms and giving her a sly smile.

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her, right, Daddy?” Ivy replied, returning his sly smile.

“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt us,” he said, correcting her and making her giggle. 

“Well, I’m okay with it if you are,” she said.

“I’m perfectly okay with it,” he said, meaning it even though he knew it was going to be tough with his cock getting hard every time he got a look at her – like it was doing now.  He knew he had to get into the bathroom quickly before his erection got to the point where he couldn’t hide it anymore.

“Okay, then, that’s that, I guess,” she said, smiling.

“I hope you left me some hot water,” he said, nudging her with his elbow as he walked by and making her giggle.

“If this hotel runs out of hot water, then you need to get your money back!” she said, laughing as he closed the bathroom door behind him.  He leaned against the back of the bathroom door, heaving a sigh of relief.

“Man, that was close!” he said softly to himself, looking down at the tent poking out of the front of his trunks.  He walked over to the shower and turned the water on, then stripped out of his trunks and stepped inside to wash, his semi-erect cock swaying in front of him as he did.

When he came out of the bathroom about ten minutes later Ivy was already dressed, standing out on the balcony and leaning against the railing as she looked out over the beach.  She was wearing a yellow flowered sundress, one that Gordon had never seen before, and when she stood up and turned around to face him Gordon nearly dropped the towel he was holding closed around his waist.

The bodice of the dress was about the same size as the cups of her bikini top, barely able to hold her big breasts in and showing about a mile of cleavage.  The dress had spaghetti straps holding it up, and between the amount of breast flesh the bodice showed and the spaghetti straps Gordon could tell that she wasn’t wearing a bra under it.  The dress came down to mid-thigh and was loose around her body, waving in the ocean breeze.  She looked absolutely stunning and incredibly sexy, and Gordon knew he was in for a long night.  She leaned back against the railing and put her arms out, resting them on the railing as she smiled at him.

“Feel better now, Daddy?” she asked, smiling.

“Yeah, it feels good to wash the sweat and suntan lotion off,” he said, rooted in place and trying hard not to stare at her big tits.

“You like my new dress, Daddy?” she asked, still smiling.  “I bought it especially for this vacation, even though I knew Mom wouldn’t like it.  I knew she’d have a fit at how revealing it is, but I bought it anyway.  And now that she’s not here it doesn’t really matter, does it?” she asked, her smile getting bigger.

“Well, it is kind of revealing,” he said, looking down at her tits for a moment before looking back up at her eyes.  He could feel his cock responding, pushing against the towel as it grew bigger and harder.  “And yeah, your mom would have a fit for sure, but like you said, she’s not here so it doesn’t really matter,” he added, looking down at her breasts again.

“Well, I see you like it!” Ivy said, looking down at the tube of his cock pushing out the towel around his waist, grinning from ear to ear as she spoke.

“Oh, shit!” Gordon said, looking down and seeing his cock poking out against the towel.  He turned around quickly, embarrassed at her having seen his growing erection and excited at her having seen it at the same time.  “I’m sorry, baby, I didn’t mean for that to happen.  Damned thing has a mind of its own sometimes!” he said, talking over his shoulder to her as he pulled the towel tighter around his waist, tucking his cock up so the bulge wasn’t as visible. 

“It’s okay, Daddy, really it is,” Ivy said, laughing as she stepped into the room.  “I see that happen to men around me all the time, so I’m used to it,” she said as she walked into the room, stopping at the end of the bed where he stood.

“And I saw it happen to you on the beach today when I came out of the water and again when I came out of the shower,” she said, whispering conspiratorially as she leaned over towards him a little.

“You did?” he asked, dismayed that she’d noticed.

“I did, and it’s okay, Daddy, really it is,” she said, smiling at him.  “I take it as a compliment, actually, so thank you,” she said.

“You’re welcome, I guess,” he replied, returning her smile.

“I’ll go down to the lounge and have a soda while you’re getting dressed.  Just come get me when you’re done so we can go get something to eat, okay, Daddy?” she said, walking towards the door and picking up her small purse along the way.

“Okay, baby,” he said as she opened the door, walked through it, and closed it behind her.

“Shit!” he said to himself as he pulled the towel from his waist and tossed it on the bed, knowing that it was going to be harder than ever to resist her now.  “Shit, shit, shit!” he cursed, opening the dresser to take out the clothes he was going to wear.  He pulled out a clean pair of khaki shorts and a light blue flowered Hawaiian shirt, tossing them on the bed and then picking up the shorts to put them on.

When he walked into the hotel lounge ten minutes later he immediately saw Ivy sitting at one of the small tables in the center of the room, also seeing that there was a man sitting at her table who was obviously trying to put the move on her.  Gordon walked over to the table and stood next to it, looking down at Ivy as he spoke.

“Ready to go, baby?” he asked, intentionally not looking at the other man sitting at the table.

“Hey, pal, we’re having a conversation here,” the other man said, looking up at Gordon with a scowl on his face.  Gordon turned his head slightly to look at him, and if looks could kill the other man would have been dead on the spot.

“She’s 17 years old and I’m her father, pal, so I suggest you fuck off before I lose my temper and totally ruin your day,” he said menacingly, his brow furrowed in a deep scowl as he looked down at the man.

“He’s your father?  Really?” the other man said, looking over at Ivy, a look of surprise on his face.

“Yep, he’s my father just like he said,” Ivy replied, grinning at him.  “Now fuck off, dickface!”  She laughed as the man hurriedly got up from the table and left, almost knocking it over as he did.

“Such language!  I thought I raised you better than that,” he chided, grinning down at her.

“Hey, I’m just a chip off the old block, you know?” she said, laughing as she got up from the table and slid her arm in his.  “Now that you’re defended my virtue, where are you going to take me to eat?” she asked as they turned and walked out of the lounge.

“We’re going to ‘The Gull Reef Club,’ the best seafood restaurant in town,” he said, patting her on the back of her hand and smiling as they walked out.

“Hope you brought your wallet because I’m starving!” Ivy said, smiling up at him.

The meal was as good as it always was, and both of them enjoyed it immensely.  They talked, laughed, and joked almost non-stop the entire time, something that only happened when it was just the two of them.  Gordon kept his eyes open the entire time as he always did, especially considering the revealing dress that his daughter was wearing, and he couldn’t help but notice that she was the center of attention of every male in the restaurant from the moment they walked in until the moment they walked out.  She had her arm in his each time, so everyone there knew she was ‘taken’ and that all they could do was stare and drool – which they all did, including him.  The generous amount of breast flesh that her sundress was showing had Gordon in a near-constant state of either full erection or semi-erection for most of the evening.  By the time they returned to the hotel room he was nearly out of his mind with desire for his daughter, and knowing that there was nothing he could do about it only made it worse.

“That was fun, Daddy,” Ivy said as he held the door open for her, following her inside.  “I had a really good time, thank you so much for taking me!” she said, turning to face him as she sat down on the bed closest to the balcony.  She crossed her legs and reached down to take off her shoes, dropping them on the floor and giving him a spectacular view of her big, heavy breasts as she did.  Gordon felt an almost immediate reaction in his pants as his cock began to respond.

“I enjoyed it as well,” he replied, slipping out of his well-worn leather boat shoes, then walking over to the small refrigerator to get a beer.  “You know everyone in the place was jealous of me tonight, right?” he said, twisting off the bottle cap and tossing it into the small trash can next to the bed.

“Why, Daddy?” she asked, leaning back on her hands on the bed, her legs crossed in front of her.  The sight of her big boobs standing up from her chest even though she was laying back made his cock begin to grow inside his shorts.

“Because of you,” he replied, taking a drink from the bottle before continuing.  “You were easily the prettiest, sexiest girl in the whole place, and every man in there wished he were me,” he said, smiling at her as he stood with his beer in one hand, the other hand in his pocket.

“Do you think they knew I was your daughter?  Or do you think they thought I was your girlfriend?” she asked.

“I think they thought you were my mistress,” he replied, taking another pull from the bottle. 

“Your mistress?  Really?” Ivy said, laughing, her big breasts jiggling inside her dress.  “Why in the world would they think that?” she asked.

“Well, for two reasons, I guess,” Gordon said, “First, the obvious age difference.  Second – and I’m sorry if this is blunt, but there’s no other way to say it – the way you’re dressed,” he said, motioning towards her with his beer.

“The way I’m dressed?” she asked, sitting upright and looking down at herself.  “What’s wrong with the way I’m dressed?”

“Well, baby, you have to admit, that dress shows a hell of a lot of your…well, uh, your…” he said, stammering at the word.

“Boobs,” Ivy said, smiling.  “They’re called ‘boobs,’ Daddy,” she said.  “The dress shows off a hell of a lot of my boobs – my big boobs, is that what you mean?” she asked, one side of her mouth turned up in a smile at his obvious embarrassment.

“Well, yeah, it is,” he replied, smiling sheepishly as his cock continued to slowly grow inside his shorts. 

“I love having big boobs, Daddy, and I love showing them off,” she said, leaning back on her hands again and looking down at her boobs as she spoke.  “I love the attention it gets me, as self-centered as that may sound.  It makes me feel pretty and sexy, and…desirable, I guess,” she said, looking up at him.

“’Desirable’ isn’t the word, trust me,” he said, immediately regretting having said it.  He took a drink from his bottle as he tried to quickly figure a way out of the trap he’d just walked into.

“So what is the word, Daddy?” she asked, closing the trap before he could get out of it.

“Baby, I don’t think I should…” he started to say, but she cut him off.

“I’m a big girl, Daddy, I can handle it.  So what is the word?” she asked, smiling sweetly at him.  “Go ahead, you can say it,” she said.  Gordon looked at her for a long moment, trying to decide what to say, finally deciding that he was trapped and that he may as well go ahead and say it.

‘It’s not like she doesn’t already know, anyway,’ he thought to himself.

“Fuckable,” he said, his voice soft.  “The word is ‘fuckable.’”

“So do you think all of the men in the restaurant tonight thought I was fuckable?” she asked, her voice soft and low, her eyes locked onto his, a demure smile on her face.

“I’m sure of it,” he replied, his cock growing bigger and longer by the moment. 

“And what about you, Daddy?  Do you think I’m fuckable, too?” she asked, her voice low and sultry, a smoldering look in her eyes as she ducked her head a little and looked up at him from beneath her brow.  She had no way of knowing it but this was one of his ‘hot buttons,’ having a woman look at him like that, and he felt his cock jump in response.

“Baby, I…” he started to say, but she cut him off again.

“Do you, Daddy?” she said, her voice low, still looking at him from under her brow as she shook her shoulders ever so slightly to make her big boobs sway inside her dress.  He was hooked, and he knew it.

“Yes, I do,” he replied, his voice soft.

“How fuckable am I, Daddy?” she asked in the same soft, sexy voice.

“Very fuckable,” he replied, looking at her huge tits as he spoke, “very, very fuckable,” he said, moving his gaze up to her eyes. 

“Do you want to fuck me, Daddy?” she asked, her voice almost a whisper.  “I hope so, because I really, really want you to fuck me,” she said, taking him by surprise.

“You do?” he asked, his eyebrows going up in surprise.

“Yes, Daddy, I do,” she replied, sitting up on the bed and putting her hands on her knees, pushing her big breasts together and making them bulge out of her dress.  “I’ve wanted you to fuck me for the longest time, and judging by that big bulge in your pants you want to fuck me, too,” she said, pointing to his obviously erect cock pushing out the front of his shorts. 

“Shit,” Gordon said, looking down at the bulge in his shorts and making Ivy laugh at his reaction.

“Bring that hard dick over here,” Ivy said, crooking her finger at him, a seductive look on her face.

“Why the hell not?” Gordon said, his willpower gone.  He walked over to where Ivy sat on the side of the bed in between the two beds, putting his beer bottle down on the counter next to the TV as he walked past it.  He stopped in front of her and she immediately put her hands on the tops of his thighs and ran them up to his crotch, rubbing the bulge of his erect cock through his shorts.  He looked down at her spectacular cleavage, watching her big breasts bobbing inside her dress as she moved. 

“Ooooooo, nice!” she cooed, smiling as she rubbed the hard bulge of his cock through his shorts.  As she rubbed his cock he reached down and put his hand on one of her big breasts, squeezing it firmly.

“Mmmmmmm, that feels good, Daddy,” she said, looking up at him and smiling.  “Bet you’ve wanted to do that for a long time, haven’t you?” she asked, rubbing his cock as she spoke.

“Longer than you know,” he said, returning  her smile.

“Here, let me make it easier for you,” she said, slipping the spaghetti straps from her shoulders and pulling the front of her dress down, revealing her naked breasts with their pert nipples and pale areolas to him for the first time.

“There, how’s that?” she asked, looking up at him and smiling as she rubbed his hard cock through his shorts again.

“Perfect, absolutely perfect,” he replied, reaching down and taking her breasts in his hands, lifting them up and squeezing them firmly.  She immediately reached for his zipper and pulled it down, then unfastened his shorts and pulled them down as well, letting them fall to the floor around his legs.  She smiled when she saw that he wasn’t wearing anything under his shorts, reaching out and wrapping her fingers around his hard cock.

“Fair is fair, right, Daddy?” she said, gripping his cock firmly and pumping it ever so slightly as she spoke.

“Absolutely,” he replied as he squeezed and massaged her big, heavy breast in his hands.

“You have a beautiful cock, Daddy,” she said, a look of love and admiration on her face as she looked at the hard shaft in her hand.  “So big and thick, and so hard!  I love it!” she said, looking at the bulbous head of his cock right in front of her face.  “This is going to feel so good in my mouth and then in my pussy,” she said, her blunt language taking him by surprise.  Ivy hardly ever cursed at all, and to hear her talking like this now was really turning him on.  She gripped his shaft firmly as she pumped it, and was quickly rewarded with a large drop of clear precum that appeared at the tip.

“Daddy, you’re leaking!” she teased, looking up at him with a smile on her face.  She leaned forward and put her soft lips on the tip of his cock and sucked the drop of precum into her mouth, pumping his shaft to get more out of him as she sucked.

“Holy shit!” Gordon gasped as he watched his daughter sucking the precum from him.  She released the tip of his cock from between her lips and laughed, looking up at him as she did.

“Do I surprise you, Daddy?” she asked, licking the underside of the head of his cock for emphasis.

“That’s the understatement of the year,” he said, still squeezing and massaging her big tits in his hands.

“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Daddy, but if it’s okay with you I’d like to show you everything while we’re here on vacation,” she said, dropping her mouth down to his cock and sucking the head into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it and making him gasp. “Besides, once we get home I won’t have the chance, with Mom being around and all,” she said, releasing the head of his cock from her mouth to speak.

“No, you certainly won’t,” he replied, agreeing with her.

“So how about it, Daddy?  Can I show you all of the things you don’t know about me, all of the things I can do to you and make you happy while we’re here on vacation?” she asked, looking up at him and smiling as she pumped his cock in her hand.

“Do you really think I’m going to say ‘no’ while you’re sitting there with your hand wrapped around my erection, especially after what you just did a moment ago?” he replied, looking down at her and smiling.

“Your hands on my tits has a lot to do with it too, you know,” she said, her smile turning into a grin.

“Yeah, I guess it does at that,” he replied, also grinning as he squeezed her big tits for emphasis.

“So that’s a ‘yes,’ then,” she said, teasing him.

“That’s a ‘yes,’” he replied.

“Good!” Ivy said, grinning at him for a second before dropping her mouth down onto his cock and sucking the head inside.  Then, much to his surprise, she moved her hand out of the way and slid her mouth down onto his hard shaft, bobbing her head up and down as she took it in her mouth inch by inch, putting her hand on his hip while her other hand found his balls.  She massaged and tugged on his balls as she worked her mouth down onto his cock, with Gordon letting go of her tits as she bent over to take his shaft all the way into her mouth.

“Holy shit, that’s incredible!” he gasped, amazed at how easily she took his entire cock into her mouth.  Ivy slid her mouth back up and off of his cock to speak, gasping as she did.

“Apparently I don’t have a gag reflex.  That’s just one of the many things you don’t know about me, Daddy,” she said, grinning, her eyes watery.  Then she dropped her mouth back down onto his cock and began deep-throating him in long, steady strokes, sliding her mouth up and down his cock at a steady pace, pulling and tugging on his balls as she did.  She did this for several long, very enjoyable moments with Gordon watching in amazed silence before she slipped her mouth from his cock and looked up at him, gripping his glistening cock in her hand as she spoke.

“As much as we’re both enjoying this and as much as I’d love to make you cum in my mouth so I can taste you, if I don’t get your cock inside of me right now I’m going to go out of my mind!” she said, taking him by surprise again.

“Are you sure, baby?” he asked, more for himself than for her.  ‘This is just too good to be true!’ he thought to himself.

“I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life,” she replied, smiling up at him.  “Besides, we have all of the next four days and nights for me to show you everything that I want to show you about me, so right now I just want you to lay me down and fuck me,” she said, a little desperation in her voice showing through.

Without a word Gordon quickly grabbed his Hawaiian shirt by the hem and pulled it up over his head like a t-shirt, not bothering to unbutton it.  As he dropped it on the bed behind him and stepped out of his shorts Ivy stood up and pushed the sundress down over her hips, letting it fall to the floor around her feet, showing Gordon that she, too, was going ‘commando.’  Then she sat down on the bed again and slid back into the center, giving Gordon his first view of her pussy.  He was pleased to see that her outer lips were shaven smooth and that her blonde pubic hair was trimmed into a narrow ‘landing strip,’ his personal favorite.  She slid into the center of the bed and put her feet flat on the mattress, spreading them apart and opening her legs up to him as she held her hands out to him, beckoning him in.

Gordon wasted no time in climbing onto the bed and in between her legs, his stiff, hard cock bobbing and swaying in front of him as he moved.  He couldn’t believe that his dream was about to come true, that his beautiful, sexy daughter that he’d wanted for so long was actually asking – no, begging – for him to fuck her.

Ivy looked down and saw her father’s hard cock swaying as he moved into position on top of her and in between her legs.  She couldn’t believe that her wish was about to finally come true, that her father was finally going to slip his cock inside her pussy and fuck her as she’d wanted for so long.  She could feel that her pussy was already soaking wet and ready for him as she reached down and grabbed his cock, rubbing it up and down between her puffy outer lips as he held his body above her with his hands on the mattress on either side of her.

“Oh my God, Daddy, that feels so good!” she moaned as she rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slit to spread her slippery juices all over the head.  Then she pushed it down to the opening of her pussy and lifted her hips up, taking the tip inside.  She gasped at this and let go of his cock, gripping his biceps with both hands as she looked up into his eyes, biting her bottom lip.  She looked at him for a moment with him returning her gaze, his eyes asking the question for the final time.  She just nodded quickly, her eyes locked onto his, then moaned as he pushed forward and slipped his hard cock into her wet pussy.

“Oh, my God, yesssssss!” she hissed as Gordon slowly pushed his cock into her, gripping his upper arms tightly as he slowly filled her.  She closed her eyes and moaned as he pushed, loving the feeling of her pussy being stretched as his cock slowly went deeper and deeper.

Gordon looked down and watched as he pushed his cock into his daughter’s wet pussy, hearing her moan as he entered her.  She was already soaking wet so the head slipped in easily, the rest of his cock following as he pushed it inside her.  Ivy’s pussy was tight, incredibly tight, and he knew that between the pure excitement of finally fucking his daughter and the tightness of her pussy he’d be cumming inside her and filling her up with his cum in no time.  As if she had read his mind she spoke up, her voice a sexy breathless whisper.

“Don’t hold back, Daddy,” she said, looking up into his eyes as he pushed his cock into her.  “We can take our time and have fun later, but right now I want you to fuck me and pump me full of your cum!” she said, the fires of lust burning brightly in her eyes.

Without a word Gordon pulled back a little and then pushed harder, thrusting his cock forward and burying it completely inside her.  Ivy gasped and cried out as he hit bottom, groaning as he held his cock in place.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!” she gasped, closing her eyes and biting her bottom lip as her pussy was stretched out by his hard cock, filled to capacity.

“Damn, that’s tight,” Gordon said, holding still so he could enjoy the sensation of his daughter’s tight, wet pussy wrapped around the length of his hard cock, gripping it like a warm, wet velvet glove.

“You like that tight teen pussy wrapped around your hard cock, Daddy?” Ivy asked, looking up at him and smiling.

“Yes, I do,” he replied, returning her smile.

“Your cock feels so good in my pussy,” she said, her voice a whisper, a smile on her face.  “I can’t wait to feel you cumming inside me!” she said, putting her hands behind his neck and clasping them together. She pulled his face down to hers and kissed him, her soft lips touching his, taking his breath away when she parted her lips and slipped her soft, lithe tongue into his mouth to find his own.  He slipped his arms around her and held her close, feeling the mounds of her big breasts against his chest as he lay on top of her and began to move, sliding his hard cock slowly in and out of her soaking wet and very tight pussy.  She wrapped her legs around his waist and crossed them at the ankles, pushing on the top of his ass with her heels to urge him on.  The kiss deepened as Gordon slowly increased the tempo and the force of his thrusts, sliding his hard cock in and out of her tight pussy in long, deep, powerful strokes.  Ivy moaned into his mouth as he slowly fucked her, wrapping her arms around his neck and tightening her legs around his waist.

“MMMMMMMMM!” she moaned as their tongues danced while his cock slid in and out of her, the tempo gradually increasing as their passions grew.  Gordon had never felt anything as wonderful as his daughter’s tight, wet pussy wrapped around his cock, and Ivy had never felt anything as wonderful as her father’s hard cock sliding in and out of her.  The passion of their kiss increased along with the tempo and force of his thrusts, and after a few moments Gordon broke off the kiss and propped himself up on his hands, looking down at Ivy as he stroked his cock in and out of her, his breathing coming faster now.

“Yes, Daddy, yes,” she sighed, looking up at him with her hands on his biceps as he fucked her harder and faster.  “Just like that, fuck me just like that!” she said, smiling up at him as she pushed her heels down onto his butt, urging him on. 

Gordon did as she asked, thrusting his hard cock in and out of her tight, wet pussy in long, deep, even strokes.  He looked down into her eyes as she looked up into his, her eyes hooded with desire, her heels pressing into his butt to urge him on.  Her pussy was so tight and so wet, and he had wanted this for so long that his willpower was completely gone; he felt his orgasm beginning to build in his balls and knew that it wasn’t going to be much longer before he was filling her up with his cum.

Ivy looked up at her father as he stroked his cock in and out of her pussy, not believing that what she had dreamed about for so long was finally happening.  She felt her orgasm beginning to build inside her, and knew from past experience that she was going to be cumming all over his cock in less than a minute.  One of the things her father didn’t know about her was that Ivy had a nearly insatiable sex drive and reached orgasm very quickly; she was also prone to cumming back-to-back, with her personal record being five.  She had a feeling that by the time their vacation was over this record was going to be broken.

“I’m gonna cum, Daddy!” she gasped, a smile on her face as she felt her orgasm building quickly.

“Right there with you!” Gordon gasped back, his own orgasm building much faster than he counted on. 

Hearing that he was on the brink of orgasm was all Ivy needed to hear.  Her orgasm hit hard, exploding inside her and making her cry out with pleasure.  She clamped her legs tightly around her father’s waist as the waves of pleasure went crashing through her, and Gordon felt her pussy clamp down onto his cock to make it even tighter than it already was.

That did it for him.  He came hard, groaning loudly as the powerful orgasm shook him, his cock blasting stream after stream of hot, thick cum deep into his daughter’s waiting pussy.  He felt Ivy’s hands gripping his arms hard as she rode out her own orgasm, her thighs clamped tightly against his sides, her heels driving into his ass.  He closed his eyes and grunted through clenched teeth as his cock throbbed again and again, pumping her full of his cum.

Ivy came hard, her whole body shaking with the force of her orgasm, and just when she thought it was about to end she felt another one coming on.

“Oh my God, again!  HNGGHHHH!” she groaned up at her father as her second orgasm hit.  This one was almost as intense as the first but was much briefer, and when it was over it left her panting for breath.

“Oh, my God!” she gasped, looking up at her father’s face as his own orgasm was ending.  She felt the pulsing of his cock inside her pussy slow and then stop, her father pushing his cock in as deeply into her pussy as he could and holding it there as the last bits of cum were spit out inside her.  He looked down at her as he held himself still above her, himself panting for breath.

“Holy shit!” he gasped, his mouth hanging open as he fought to catch his breath.  Ivy looked up at him and smiled, herself fighting to catch her breath, her huge breasts wobbling on her chest as it rose and fell.  Just then Ivy realized something, the look on her face changing from satisfaction to surprise and delight.  What she did next caught Gordon completely by surprise.

“Quick, Daddy, roll over onto your back!” she said, slapping him on the arms and releasing her legs from around his waist.

“What?  Why?” he asked, sliding his still-hard cock out of her soaking wet pussy and rolling over onto his back as she asked.

“Because you’re dick is still hard and I’m going to suck on it until you cum in my mouth!” she said as she got up and lay down on her stomach between his legs, a look of delight on her face.  She grabbed his still-hard cock, glistening with a mixture of his cum and her pussy juices, pointing it straight up and dropping her mouth down onto it.  She slid her mouth all the way down, grabbing his balls with one hand and tugging on them as she deep throated him.

Gordon propped himself up on his elbows and watched his daughter’s head bobbing up and down as she slid her mouth up and down the length of his shaft, amazed at what he was seeing.  He marveled again at just how good at sucking cock she was, again ignoring it and concentrating on what she was doing to him instead.  She was obviously enjoying what she was doing, the room filled with the wet, slurping sounds of her mouth sliding up and down on his hard cock over and over again.

‘My God, his cock feels so good in my mouth!  I can’t wait to make him cum so I can taste him!’ Ivy thought to herself as she slid her mouth up and down on her father’s cock over and over again, sucking as hard as she could.  She did this for several long, very enjoyable moments, then did something that she knew would make him cum in her mouth.  This was a little trick she had picked up by watching a few videos by her favorite porn star, Princess Leia Lovelyn, and she knew from past experience that if she wanted to make a man cum right now, what she was about to do was the way to make it happen.

She grabbed his cock with one hand, gripping it tightly and pumping it hard as she clamped her mouth down around the first two or three inches of his cock, sucking it like she was trying to suck a thick milkshake through a straw.  She put the flat of her tongue firmly against the underside of his cock, sliding it up and down as she sucked on his cock as hard as she could, sliding her mouth up and down on just the head and the first inch or so of his shaft, pulling and tugging on his balls as she pumped the shaft in her hand.

“Holy shit!” Gordon gasped as he watched Ivy sucking his cock, her cheeks hollowing in from the suction she was applying.  She looked up at him as she sucked on his cock, looking him in the eyes as she worked on his cock, her eyes begging him to give her what she wanted so badly.

‘Damn, her eyes are so fuckin’ sexy!’ he thought as she looked at him, sucking on his cock and pumping it while tugging on his balls.  It took a special woman to make him stay hard after cumming like this and then cumming for a second time, but his daughter was a very special woman indeed and he had no doubts that she’d have him blowing his load for a second time in short order.

Ivy was enjoying what she was doing to her father’s cock more than words could describe.  Ever since she had discovered sex at the young age of 15 she had loved sucking cock more than anything else, even more than actual intercourse itself.  She was particularly attracted to older men, especially if they were fathers; she had been given her ‘Dad Complex’ by the father of her best friend who had taken her virginity one hot summer afternoon two years ago.  She had gone over to her BFF’s house only to discover that she wasn’t there; neither was her mom, so it was just the father in the house.  Ivy had always thought that her BFF’s dad was hot anyway, and she had the feeling that he thought the same of her, so it didn’t take long before he had her bent over the back of the couch in the living room where he took her virginity.  When he filled her pussy up for the first time with a big load of his hot cum she came all over his cock, much to her surprise and his. Their affair lasted for two months during which time she learned a lot about how to please a man, and her love for sucking cock became apparent.  Then his guilty conscience at fucking around on his wife with his daughter’s best friend got the better of him so he ended it, leaving her to move on to other the other daddies out there.

And now, finally, she was sucking her own father’s dick after he had filled her pussy up with his cum.  She was intent on sucking another load out of him and tasting it before swallowing it, and she could tell by the way her father was breathing and by the look on his face that it wasn’t going to be very much longer before she got what she craved.  This only made her suck him harder, becoming more intent on making him cum in her mouth than ever, and Gordon noticed it right away.

“Damn, baby, you keep that up and you’re gonna make me cum again!” he gasped as she sucked his cock harder, increasing the already-incredible suction she was applying with her mouth.

“MM-HMMM!” she moaned around his cock, nodding her head quickly while looking into his eyes. 

“Okay, if that’s what you want!” he said.  She winked at him in response, in effect telling him that was exactly what she wanted.

And it was.  She was dying to feel his cock throbbing and pumping on her tongue as he shot his load into her mouth, and it only took another minute or so of her sucking mouth clamped onto his cock for that to happen.  She felt his balls shifting in her hand and his cock widening in her mouth and knew that he was about to cum.

“I’m gonna cum!” he gasped in warning, and a split second later he did.  Gordon groaned loudly as his orgasm hit, his cock erupting in his daughter’s wet, sucking mouth, a long stream of hot, thick cum blasting out and hitting the back of her throat.

“MMMMMMMMMM!” Ivy moaned around his cock in her mouth, the shaft pulsing and throbbing as stream after stream of cum came blasting out of the end of his cock to quickly fill her mouth.  She kept her mouth clamped onto his cock, holding it still and sucking as hard as she could while she pumped the shaft with her hand, forcing the cum up and out into her mouth while pulling and squeezing his balls with her other hand.

‘Oh my God, yes!  Yes, yes, yes!’ Ivy thought to herself as her father’s cock pumped and throbbed in her mouth, her own pussy tingling and dripping wet as a result.  She kept her mouth clamped onto his cock until the pumping and throbbing slowed and then stopped, keeping her mouth in place while she squeezed the last bit of cum out of his cock with her hand.  Then, when she was sure she had it all, she slid her mouth up his shaft and over the sensitive head, slipping it from her mouth and making Gordon jump as she did.  Then she held her mouth open and showed him her mouthful of his cum, lifting her tongue up and letting it run off of the sides.  She rolled her tongue over and through the big pool of white cum, playing with it as she looked her father in the eyes.  Then she closed her mouth and swallowed with a soft gulp, smiling up at him as she did, opening her mouth wide and sticking out her tongue to show him that her mouth was now empty.

“All gone!” she said, triumphantly, a big grin on her face.  “I swallowed it all, and I have to say that your cum tastes really good, Daddy!” she said, running her tongue over her upper lip as she held his cock in her hand.  She squeezed it and pumped it again, and a single drop of wayward cum appeared at the tip. She put her lips on the head of his cock and sucked it off, immediately swallowing it. 

“Can’t let any go to waste!” she said, smiling at him again.

“Holy shit, that was incredible!” Gordon said, still trying to catch his breath.  “It was also the hottest, most erotic thing I’ve ever seen!  Where in the world did you learn to do that?” he asked, immediately wishing that he hadn’t said it.  Much to his surprise she didn’t react badly as he thought she would have.

“The same way you get to Carnegie Hall, Daddy,” she said, releasing his cock and balls from her hands and propping herself up on her elbows as she spoke, her huge breasts pushed together and creating a mile of cleavage for him to admire. 

“You mean…” he started to say, letting Ivy finish for him.

“Practice!” she said, grinning at him.  “That, and from watching porn,” she continued.  “But don’t worry, Daddy, I’m not a slut by any means!  I mean, sure, I’ve had a lot of sex in the past two years, but you’re only the third man I’ve had sex with.  I don’t fuck just anyone, I’m very selective in who I have sex with.  And none of them have been under the age of 35, either,” she explained.

“You mean you’ve never had sex with someone your own age?” he asked, his eyebrows going up in surprise.

“Nope, I haven’t, and I really don’t want to – not right now, anyway.  And the men I’ve been with have all been daddies, too,” she said, one side of her mouth turning up in a sly smile.  “I kinda have a ‘daddy thing’ going on, if you haven’t figured that out by now,” she said, a little sheepishly.

“Which means they’ve all been married as well,” he said, wondering if she realized that she was playing with fire.

“I guess so, yeah,” she said, the smile fading from her face for a moment.  “I never really thought about that, to be honest,” she said.

“Well, you’d better think about it, because one of these days you’re going to come face to face with an irate wife if you’re not careful,” he cautioned.  “And that includes your own mother,” he said, a serious look on his face.  “You – we, rather – can’t ever let her find out about what happened here today,” he said in a serious tone.

“Or what’s going to happen later on,” Ivy replied, giving him a sly smile.  “But don’t worry, Daddy, I’m not going to tell her, and I know you’re not, so as long as we’re careful we’ll be okay,” she said, smiling.  Then her face fell as a thought crossed her mind, and when she spoke again she had a serious look on her face.

“You do want this to happen again, don’t you, Daddy?” she asked, a fearful look on her face.  Gordon looked at her for a moment before he replied, and when he spoke he was honest with her.

“I know it’s wrong by any standard and that we really shouldn’t have done this to begin with, and that we really shouldn’t do it again, but yes, baby, I do want it to happen again,” he said.  A big smile broke out on Ivy’s face at his reply.

“Good!  Because I have so much to show you about me that you don’t know!” she said, grinning from ear to ear.  “I’m gonna make you cum so hard and so many times, Daddy!” she said, her eyes sparkling.  “By the time this vacation is over your balls are going to look like a couple of big raisins!” she said, lifting his balls up with one hand and then lowering her head down to kiss them, after which she kissed the underside of his now-soft cock.  Then she crawled up on top of him, dragging her big breasts over his cock and balls and then his stomach as she moved, lying full length on top of him and then kissing him, immediately slipping her talented tongue into his mouth. Gordon wrapped his arms around her and held her as the kiss deepened, both of them sighing, and incredibly Gordon felt his cock twitching in response.  Ivy felt it as well, breaking off the kiss and looking at him in surprise.

“Already?” she asked, grinning.

“Damned thing has a mind of its own sometimes, I guess,” he replied, returning her grin.  She kissed him again, deeper this time to see if she could get a bigger response out of his cock.  When that didn’t happen she looked at him with a playful look of disappointment on her face as she spoke.

“Guess that was just a promise of things to come later, huh, Daddy?” she asked, smiling.

“I guess so, yeah,” he replied, returning her smile.

“I think I’m gonna go take another shower.  I want to be all nice and clean and fresh for you for when we do this again later,” she said, getting up from on top of him and off of the bed.  She blew him a kiss, then turned and walked across the room towards the bathroom with Gordon watching her naked ass flexing and wiggling as she walked.  She went into the bathroom and closed the door, and a moment later he heard the shower running.  He lay back on the bed and put his hands behind his head, smiling up at the ceiling as he spoke.

“This is gonna be a great vacation!” he said.

To be continued…

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