Friday, November 15, 2024

Stepmom's Choice Part 1

(Author’s note:  this is a work of fiction.  Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental.  All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 16 years of age.  This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)

Latoya looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of her closet door, checking out the outfit she was wearing and making sure she looked the way she wanted to for what she hoped was going to happen as soon as her 16-year-old stepson, Kurt, got home.  She was very pleased with what she saw.

Latoya was a very attractive 24-year-old black woman whose skin was the perfect shade of medium brown – not too dark and not too light, but just right.  She had one of the cutest faces anyone had ever seen, with big, brown eyes, a pert nose, and lips that were uncharacteristically thin but that fit her face perfectly.  She used straightener on her hair to make it lay flat, and she wore it in a long ‘pageboy’ style that came down to just past her jawline and framed her face perfectly.  People had told her that she looked like a young black Valerie Bertinelli, something that she took as a compliment. 

She stood 5’6” tall and weighed 110 pounds, with a flat stomach, tapered waist, shapely legs, a firm, rounded butt, and a pair of the biggest, firmest, and heaviest breasts of any woman she knew.  She went to the gym and worked out regularly to build her back muscles up so she wouldn’t have any issues later in life from carrying her heavy breasts around.  One of the side effects of this was that her shoulders and arms were slightly more muscled than usual, and she had a set of “six pack” abs that were prominent enough to be seen but not so prominent as to make her look like a bodybuilder.  She wore a size 34F bra, but most of the time she went without one as the weight of her huge breasts caused the bra straps to dig painfully into her shoulders.  So she went without one whenever she could, most of the time when she was alone in the house, but she never went without one when Kurt was home.

Except for tonight.  She intentionally didn’t wear one tonight, choosing to wear a form-fitting white sleeveless shirt that stopped at her midriff right above her belly button.  She wanted him to see her breasts in all their braless glory tonight of all nights.  Along with the shirt she was wearing a pair of form-fitting tan nylon pants that fit her like a second skin, showing off her ass to her best advantage.  As she looked at her reflection in the mirror she was pleased with what she saw.  She slipped a pair of flats on her feet and then went into the living room to wait for her stepson.

She was sitting on the couch when Kurt got home half an hour later.  She had something very important to talk to him about, something that would change both of their lives forever, and she was more than a little bit nervous about it.  She was excited as well, but at that moment she was more nervous than anything else. 

When she heard the front door open and then close, her heart started to beat faster in her chest.

“Latoya, I’m home!” Kurt called out as he walked into the house.  She had insisted from Day One that he call her by her name and not ‘mom,’ as she didn’t want him to think that she would ever try to take the place of his birth mom, Sue, who had tragically been killed in an auto accident five years ago.

“In here, Kurt,” Latoya called out in reply, and a moment later Kurt came into the living room.

“Hey, Latoya,” he said, smiling.  ‘Damn, she looks hot tonight!’ Kurt thought to himself as he saw her for the first time.  ‘She’s gonna drive me crazy with those big tits of hers!  And is she braless?  That’s a first!’

“Hi, Kurt; how was work?” she asked, returning his smile.

“It was okay; nothing to write home about, but nothing bad either,” he said.

“Have you got a couple of minutes?  I need to talk to you about something,” she said, trying to hide her nervousness. 

“What’d I do?” he asked, a surprised look on his face.

“Nothing, sweetie,” she replied, still smiling.  “You’re not in trouble, I just need to talk to you about something,” she said.

“Okay, sure,” he said, walking over to the chair next to the couch and sitting down.  “So what’s up?” he said, curious as to what she needed to talk to him about.

‘Here we go!’ she thought to herself, taking a deep breath before speaking.

“First off, I want to tell you what a joy it’s been being a member of this household for the past six months,” she said, giving him her best smile.  “Your father is a wonderful man, and you’re a chip off the old block.  You accepted me right away and made me feel welcome from the moment your father and I returned home from our honeymoon, and I can’t begin to tell you how much that means to me,” she said, smiling at him.  “Most young men your age would have had a problem with their father marrying a woman who was almost half their father’s age, but that didn’t bother you one bit.  Thank you very much, Kurt, I truly appreciate everything you’ve done for me!” she said.

“You’re welcome, Latoya,” he replied, returning her smile.  “As long as my father is happy, the age difference doesn’t matter to me.  Besides, my father has always had great taste in women, and you’re just proof of that,” he said, meaning it.  Latoya was a great person, and he had grown to love her very much. 

“Aren’t you the charmer!  Just like your father!” she said, laughing.

“Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?” Kurt asked.

“No, sweetie, it’s not,” she said, her face getting a serious look on it.  She sat forward on the couch and put her knees together, then clasped her hands together and rested her forearms on her knees as she spoke.  This pushed her big tits together between her upper arms, and it took all of Kurt’s willpower not to stare at them as they bulged up.

“I knew when I first got involved with your father that his job took him out of town a lot, and we discussed that at length when he proposed to me.  He wanted to make sure that he was able to pay me the attention he thought I deserved, and he also wanted to be sure that he was going to be able to…satisfy my needs,” she said, pausing for a moment to choose her words before continuing.  “We thought that it was going to be okay, that everything would work out the way we wanted it to, but after six months it’s become apparent that’s not the case,” she said, pausing to take a breath. 

“So what is it that’s not working?” Kurt asked, his naivete and youth showing.

“Well, Kurt, you see, it’s like this…” she said, pausing again to take a breath and gather her courage.  “I have an overactive libido which means that I have a high sex drive – a very high sex drive.  Your father also has a high sex drive, so when he’s home there’s no problem, no problem at all!  I actually have a hard time keeping up with him sometimes, to be honest!” she said, smiling nervously.  “But when he’s not here, well, that’s something else entirely,” she said, pausing again.

‘Why is she telling me all this, and where the hell is this going?’ Kurt thought to himself, his naivete showing again.

“Your father bought me a very realistic and very lifelike dildo for me to use when he’s away, but I’m afraid that’s just not doing it for me.  I need a man, a real live man, and after discussing it at length with your father he has given me his blessing to…” she paused, taking a breath, “…to be with another man if I need to while he’s gone,” she said, stopping to catch her breath.

‘Holy shit!’ Kurt thought to himself.  ‘My dad gave my stepmom a kitchen pass!  Wow!’

“He said that I could be with any man I wanted, as long as they weren’t married.  He didn’t want a jealous wife to come looking for me, I guess,” she said, laughing nervously. 

“And by ‘be with’ you mean ‘have sex with,’ is that right?” Kurt asked, the significance of what she had just told him finally dawning on him.

“Yes, Kurt, that’s right,” she said, looking into his eyes.  “Your father has given me his permission to have sex with any man I choose while he’s gone,” she said.

“So who’s the lucky guy?” he said, trying to lighten the mood for both their sakes.

“You are, Kurt.  I choose you,” she said, her voice soft.

Kurt was thunderstruck.  His mouth fell open and he just stared at Latoya for several long moments as his brain processed what she had just said, and the significance of it all. 

“You…you want to have sex with me, your own stepson?” he asked, making sure he understood.

“Yes, I do,” she said, nodding as she looked him in the eyes.

“Did you tell Dad that you chose me?” he asked.

“Yes, I did, and he’s all for it,” she said.  “Actually, he was very happy that I chose you because he knows you’ll respect me and not hurt me in any way,” she said.

“He was, huh?” Kurt said, a little skeptical.

“Call him and ask him.  He knew you’d have your doubts, so he told me to tell you to call him when I talked to you,” she said.  “So please, sweetie, call him,” she said.

Kurt pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and touched the speed dial number for his father, who picked up on the first ring.

“Hello, son,” he said. 

“Hi, Dad,” he said.  Before he could say anything else his father spoke again.

“So I guess Latoya told you what we decided about you and her, huh?”

“Yeah, Dad, she did,” he replied.  “Is it true?  You’re okay with…with what she said?” he asked.

“Yes, son, I’m okay with you having sex with her,” he said, much to Kurt’s surprise.  “Just don’t tell any of your friends about it -  or anyone else, for that matter.  Okay?” he said.

“Sure, Dad, no problem,” Kurt replied.

“Okay, then.  You two have a great night, and I’ll talk to you when I get home in three days,” his father said.

“Sure, Dad.  Talk to you then,” Kurt said, then hung up the phone.  He looked at the phone in his hand for a moment and then looked over at his stepmom, who was smiling sweetly at him.

“Wow,” was all he could say.

“Satisfied?” she asked.

“Uh huh,” he said, nodding.  There was silence for a few moments with neither of them speaking, then Kurt spoke up again.

“So when did you want to do this?” he asked.

“Well, I was really hoping you’d want to do it now,” she said, smiling sweetly at him.

“Oh,” he said, still in shock.  “Well, yeah, we could do it now, I guess,” he said, still not sure of how to react.

“Oh, you dear, sweet boy!” Latoya said, laughing at his reaction.  “Come over here and sit next to me on the couch,” she said, patting the cushion next to her.  Kurt got up and walked over to the couch, sitting down where she had indicated.  Without a word she climbed up onto his lap facing him, straddling him with her knees on the couch on either side of his hips, her big breasts swaying heavily inside her shirt as she moved.  She sat down on his lap, then reached out and took his face in her hands as she leaned forward to kiss him, her big breasts pressing against his chest as she did.

Her lips were soft and warm, her hands wonderful against his cheeks as they kissed.  Her tongue slipped into his mouth to find his own as the kiss deepened, and Kurt finally woke up.  He put his arms around his stepmother and pulled her closer to him, pressing her big mounds against his chest harder, making her sigh as he did.  Both of them could feel his cock beginning to respond, shifting in his pants as it began to grow.  Latoya moaned a little at this, and Kurt slid his hand around her body to her tits, trying to get his hand on one of them but having a hard time about it because she was leaning against him so hard.  She broke off the kiss and sat up on his lap, grinning as she spoke.

“Here, let me make it easier for you,” she said, crossing her arms and grabbing the bottom of her shirt, then pulling it up and over her head to reveal her huge breasts to him for the first time.

Kurt was absolutely stunned.  He’d never seen tits as big as hers in real life before, and he thought they were the most beautiful breasts he’d ever seen.  They were literally bigger than her head, standing out proudly from her chest with very little sag.  The twin brown globes were round and full, the areolas huge, at least three inches across and much darker than her brown skin, with a pert, erect nipple the size of a pencil eraser in the center of each.  As he watched she lifted them up in her hands and held them out to him, bouncing them in her hands slightly.

“Do you like my tits, Kurt?” she asked, a little breathlessly.

“Oh, yeah,” he replied, unable to take his eyes from them.

“Then show me,” she said, looking him in the eyes and smiling as she held her huge tits up to him.

Kurt grabbed her tits in his hands and squeezed as he lowered his mouth down to one of her nipples, sucking the hard nub into his mouth as he squeezed the heavy, firm globes in his hands.  Latoya sat up straighter to let him get to her breasts easier, moaning as he sucked on first one nipple and then the other.

“MMMMMMMMMMM, yesssssssss!” she moaned as he sucked on her nipples, moving her hands out of the way and putting one hand on the back of his head, pressing his face against her huge tit.  They could both feel his cock getting hard, shifting in his jeans as it grew bigger and harder.  Latoya pushed her hips down harder, grinding her mound down onto his growing bulge slowly as he sucked her nipples.  She slid a hand down under her and rubbed the growing bulge of his cock, moaning softly as she did.

“Ohhhhh, my God, that feels so good, Kurt!” she said, softly, her head back and her eyes closed, a smile on her face as her stepson suckled her tits.  She could feel her pussy quickly getting wet, and wanted to get her mouth on his cock and then her pussy on it as soon as she could.

But not here, not on the couch.  Couches were for ‘quickies,’ and that wasn’t what she had in mind for Kurt.

“Let’s go into my bedroom,” she said, looking down at him as she spoke, still rubbing his cock.

“Okay,” he said, lifting his mouth up from her tits.  She slid off of his lap and stood in front of him, her shirt still pulled up over her tits, holding her hand out to him. 

“Wow, nice abs!” he said, getting his first look at her toned and ripped stomach.

“Thank you, I’ve worked hard to keep my body in shape,” she said, smiling at him as he took her hand and got up from the couch.  “And you’re about to see why!” she said.  Then she turned and led him out of the living room and down the hall to her bedroom, giving Kurt a good view of her rounded, shapely ass swinging in her tight pants as she walked.  Once in the bedroom she led him over to the foot of the bed and then stopped, turning to look up at him, her brown eyes sparkling.

“Welcome to my lair, said the spider to the fly!” she said, smiling up at him as she pulled her shirt up over her head, her massive tits swaying heavily on her chest as she did.

“Aren’t those things heavy?  Don’t they hurt your back?” he asked, staring at her massive tits as she dropped her shirt on the bed.

“Yes to the first, and no to the second,” she replied, chuckling as she spoke.  “That’s why I work out all the time, to keep my back muscles strong so I can carry the girls around all day without any problems.  My mom gave me that advice when I started to develop, and she was right.  She was just as big as I am, so she knew what she was talking about,” Latoya said, hooking her thumbs in the waistband of her pants and sliding them down over her hips and then stepping out of them.  She either took her panties off with them or she wasn’t wearing any, because when she dropped her pants on the bed with her shirt Kurt got his first look at her pubic mound.

Her pubic hair was dense and curly, neatly trimmed into a triangle that looked like it was pointing down to her pussy.  Her outer lips were shaven smooth, and he could only imagine how smooth they were to the touch – something that he hoped he’d find out soon.  And he was more than a little surprised to see that her clitoral hood was pierced, a small red stone sparkling in the light as she stood in front of him.

“So do you like what you see?” she asked, putting her hands on her hips and smiling at him when she noticed he was mesmerized as he looked at her, the bulge in his jeans bigger than ever.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, his voice soft, letting his eyes roam up and down her body before looking up into her eyes.  “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said, meaning it.

“Aww, you’re sweet!  Thank you, Kurt!” she said, reaching out and stroking the side of his face as she smiled at him.  “And you have too many clothes on,” she said, lowering her voice a little while still smiling at him.

“Oh!  Oh, yeah, I guess I do!” he said, snapping back to reality.  Latoya laughed, her big tits shaking as he quickly stripped out of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head and tossing it on the floor before reaching for his jeans.

“Here, let me do that!” she said, putting out a hand and stopping him.  Before he could respond she dropped to her knees in front of him and unfastened his jeans, then pulled the zipper down and opened his jeans, letting his hard cock spring out.

“OH!  Oh my, look at that!” she gasped, seeing his hard cock for the first time.  “A nice, hard cock for me to suck on!” she said, taking his cock in her hand and gripping it firmly, pumping it slowly.  She looked up at him and smiled, then lowered her mouth down to his cock and closed her lisp around the head, sliding her mouth down onto the shaft.  She took half of his cock into her mouth with ease, stopping to suck on it and run her tongue along the underside before she slowly pulled her mouth back up, sucking hard on the head as it slipped from between her lips.

“And you’re so big!  Bigger than your father, that’s for sure!” she said, looking up at him and smiling, pumping his cock with her hand as she spoke.

“Really?” Kurt replied, returning her smile.

“Yes, really!  By at least an inch, and he’s right at six inches.  And I bet you shoot more cum than he does, too!” she said, smiling broadly up at him.

“I guess we’ll find out, huh?” he said, returning her smile.

“Yes, we most certainly will!” Latoya replied, grinning up at him.  “I’m going to drain this big dick of yours dry!” she said, looking down at his cock as she pumped it in her hand.  Then she lowered her mouth down to his cock again, sliding her mouth all the way down this time, moving her hand out of the way as she did.  She held her mouth down on his cock for a moment, then slowly pulled it back up the shaft, sucking hard and licking the underside as she did.  She looked up at him with the head of his cock in her mouth and winked, then went back to sucking his cock again.

Kurt watched in total amazement as his stepmother expertly sucked his cock, sliding her wet, sucking mouth up and down the shaft in long, deep, even strokes.  The sight of her brown lips sliding down onto his white cock excited him more than he expected, and he knew that if she kept this up he’d be blowing his load in her mouth in no time.

“You keep that up and I’m gonna cum,” he said, breathing harder now than he was a minute before.  Latoya slipped her mouth from his cock and gripped it in her hand, pumping it as she replied.

“That’s okay, sweetie, you go right ahead and cum in my mouth!  I’ll suck you hard again, so don’t you worry none!” she said, smiling up at him.

“You…you want me to cum in…in your mouth?” he asked, flabbergasted.

“Yes, I do!” she said, chuckling at his response.  “You’ve never had a girl let you cum in her mouth before?” she asked, still pumping his cock with her hand.

“No, never,” he replied, shaking his head.  “Hell, I can’t even find one who will do what you’re doing, much less let me do that!” he said.

“Well, you’ve found one now, that’s for sure!” she said, smiling up at him.  “And just so you’ll know, I’m a swallower, too!” she said.

“Wow!  Really?” he said, grinning.

“Yes, really!  Let me show you!” she said, dropping her mouth back down onto his cock before he could reply.  She began sucking his cock hard, sliding her mouth up and down on the rock-hard shaft, one hand pulling and tugging on his balls as she did.  She reached around and grabbed his ass with her other hand, pulling him closer to her as she sucked him even harder and faster.  She was intent on making him cum in her mouth, and it didn’t take long for that to happen.  She brought him to the brink of orgasm with her talented mouth in less than a minute.

“Shit, I’m gonna cum!” Kurt gasped, and a split second later he did.  He groaned loudly as his cock exploded in his stepmom’s mouth, blasting stream after stream of hot, thick cum into her waiting, sucking mouth.

“MMMMMMMMMMMMM!” Latoya moaned with delight as she felt her stepson’s cock pumping and throbbing in her mouth, shooting his cum onto her tongue and down her throat.  She swallowed quickly to make sure she didn’t miss any, then let the rest of his cum pool in her mouth without swallowing again.  She slid her mouth halfway up his cock and grabbed the base with her hand, pumping it firmly to push the cum out of him.  She felt his whole body shaking from the intensity of his orgasm, and she was glad that she was able to make him cum that hard.  She looked up at him as his cock continued pumping her mouth full of his cum, the look on his face one of pure ecstasy.

When his orgasm was over and his cock finally stopped pumping out cum Kurt was left gasping for breath.  Latoya kept her mouth on his cock, sliding her mouth up until just the head was inside, pumping his cock slowly and firmly with her hand, squeezing hard on the way up to push every last bit of cum from him.  When she was sure she had it all she slipped her mouth from his cock, kissing the tip twice before she sat back on her haunches and held her face up to him.  She opened her mouth and showed him her mouthful of his cum, lifting her tongue through it and letting it run off of the edges as he looked.  She ran her tongue through his cum a couple of times as he watched, his cock throbbing slightly as it stood out in front of him, then closed her mouth and swallowed.

“All gone!” she said, opening her mouth and sticking out her tongue to let him see that she had indeed swallowed his load.

“Holy shit, you did it!  You really did it!” he said, amazed.  Latoya laughed at his response, standing up on her knees and reaching out to grasp his slowly softening cock in her hand as she spoke.

“Oh, you really are a babe in the woods, aren’t you, sweetie?” she said, smiling up at him.  “I am going to have SUCH fun with you!  I’m going to show you things and do things to you that you never dreamed of!” she said, smiling up at him.  Then a thought struck her, prompting her to ask him a question.

“You’ve never had sex with a black girl before, have you, sweetie?” she asked, her voice soft.

“Hell, I’ve never even kissed a black girl before today, much less had sex with one!” he replied, a little embarrassed.

“Well, all that’s going to change just as soon as I suck you hard again!” she said, looking at his cock in her hand.  Then she slipped her mouth back down onto his cock and began sucking firmly, running her tongue along the underside while pumping the shaft in her hand, her other hand massaging and squeezing his balls.

Much to his surprise Kurt felt his cock getting hard again, and in a matter of no more than two or three minutes he was rock-hard in her mouth again, ready to go.  Latoya slid her mouth up his hard shaft, sliding her soft lips over the sensitive head and kissing the tip before she spoke.

“There!  I think he’s ready now!” she said, keeping one hand on his cock as she got up to stand in front of him.  She stood so close that her huge tits were pressing against his chest, her hand gripping his cock as she looked up at him, looking him in the eyes.

“Are you ready to have sex with a black girl for the first time?” she asked, her voice soft and sexy as she pulled on his cock.  “Are you ready for me to fuck you, Kurt?” she asked, a big smile on her face.

“More than you know!” he replied.

“Well, judging by this big, hard dick in my hand, I think I have a pretty good idea!” Latoya replied, laughing.  “Lay down in the center of the on your back, sweetie,” she said, letting go of his cock.  Kurt did as she said, getting onto the bed and lying down on his back, his hard cock throbbing.  She climbed onto the bed next to him, her huge, heavy breasts hanging down and swinging as she did, her nipples hard as rocks.  She swung her leg over his hips and straddled him, sitting lengthwise on his cock with her hands on his stomach for support, her huge tits pushed out in front of her.  She rubbed her pussy along the underside of his cock, and he could feel her smooth outer lips parting, the underside now rubbing against her soft, wet inner lips.  She was already very wet, her pussy gliding up and down on his cock with ease.

“Oooooooh, that feels nice!” she said, her eyes hooded and her voice a hushed whisper as she spoke, smiling down at him as she slid her pussy up and down on the underside of his cock.  He reached up and took her huge tits in his hands, lifting them up and then squeezing them firmly, the nipples hard against his palms.

“Ahhhhhhhhh, there you go, sweetie, there you go!” she moaned, closing her eyes and smiling as he gripped her big, heavy tits in his hands.  “Squeeze my tits, squeeze them hard!” she urged, with Kurt doing as she asked and squeezing them harder.  She pushed her pussy against his cock harder as she slid it up and down, spreading her slippery juices all over it.

“I think it’s time I slipped my pussy down onto this hard dick of yours,” she said, opening her eyes and looking down at him.  She lifted her hips up and reached down to grasp his cock, pointing it up at her pussy and then sitting down on it, sliding it slowly but easily into her very wet, very tight pussy.

“AAAHHHHHHHHHH!” she moaned, her head back and her eyes closed, a smile on her face as she sat down on his cock, taking it all the way inside her in one long, smooth stroke.  She pushed her hips down and held them there, her firm, rounded ass pressing against his balls as she sat on him, her tight pussy wrapped around his cock like a warm, wet velvet sheath.

“OHHHHHH, my God, that feels so good!” she said, opening her eyes and looking down at him, a smile on her face.  “Your big, hard dick feels so good deep inside my pussy!”

“Holy shit, that’s tight!” Kurt said, looking up at her as she sat on his cock, her hands gripped in his hands as he squeezed firmly.

“You like that tight, black pussy wrapped around your big, white dick, sweetie?” she asked, smiling down at him as she rotated her hips slowly, grinding her pussy down onto his cock.

“Yes, I do, very much!” he said, meaning it.  “It feels fantastic!”

“You just wait, sweetie, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!” she said, grinning at him.  “I’m going to fuck you like you’ve never been fucked before, and that’s a fact!” she said as she began riding him, lifting her hips up and down and sliding her tight, wet pussy slowly up and down on his hard cock.

Kurt watched in silence as his stepmom rode his cock, looking him in the eyes as she did, a smile on her face.  Every now and then she’d close her eyes and moan, especially when he squeezed her tits really hard or pulled on one of her nipples.  Her pussy was incredibly wet and incredibly tight, and he knew that if he hadn’t just cum in her mouth he’d be cumming inside her pussy in a matter of minutes.  But now that he was on his second erection his staying power was considerably longer, enabling her to ride his cock longer without him cumming.

“Suck on my nipples, sweetie,” she gasped, looking down at him as she rode his cock.  Kurt did as she asked, lifting his head up as she leaned forward to let him get to her nipples, gasping and moaning when he clamped his lips around one of the big, hard nubs and sucked firmly.

“OHHHHHH, my God, yessssssss!” she moaned as he sucked on her nipple, putting a hand on the back of his head and pressing his face into her big breast as he sucked on her nipple.  “That feels so good, sweetie, so fuckin’ good!  Don’t stop, please, don’t stop!” she said, moaning as he switched to her other nipple.

It only took a few moments of his mouth on her nipples before she felt her first orgasm starting to build inside her, and she knew from past experience that it was going to be a big one.  It built inside her quickly, the pace of her riding his cock increasing along with it, and she finally had to put both hands on the bed on either side of him to brace herself as she rode his cock hard and fast, her orgasm building quickly inside her.

“I’m gonna cum, sweetie, I’m gonna cum!” she gasped, her mouth hanging open and her eyes closed as she rode him harder and faster.  Kurt kept his lips locked onto her nipples, sucking harder as her passions increased, and it only took another few moments for her to reach orgasm.

“HNNNGGGGHHHHH!” Latoya moaned loudly as she came, her orgasm exploding inside her and sending shock waves of pleasure crashing through her body.  Kurt could feel her pussy gripping his cock as she came, her hips bucking and jumping as she rode it out.  She put a hand on the back of his head again and shoved his face into her big breast hard, holding it there and nearly smothering him as she rode her orgasm out.  When her orgasm was over and she released his head he dropped it back to the couch and took a deep breath, Latoya doing the same.

“Oh, my God, that was good!” she said, sitting up straight on his cock, riding it slowly as she tried to catch her breath.  She pulled her big tits out of his grasp when she sat up, so he let his hands rest on the tops of her thighs as she rode him slowly, watching her big, heavy tits sway gently with her movements.  She looked down at him and smiled, her eyes sparkling as she did.

“You made me cum really good, sweetie!” she said, still slowly riding his cock as she caught her breath.  “And your big dick feels so good inside me!  I sure am glad I chose you!” she said, her smile getting bigger.

“So am I!” Kurt replied, smiling up at her.

“I want to cum at least one more time while I’m on top of you before I let you get on top,” she said, slowly riding his cock, “because once I let you get on top I’m going to make you cum!” she said, grinning down at him.

“Works for me,” he replied, returning her grin.

Without another word Latoya turned around to face his feet, keeping his cock inside her as she did.  She clamped her legs firmly against his sides and then leaned forward, bracing herself with her hands on the tops of his legs just below the knee.  Then she started riding his cock again, lifting her hips up and down to slide her pussy up and down on his hard shaft, taking it deep inside her on every downward thrust.

“Yes, that’s it, that’s what I want!” she moaned as she rode his cock, a big smile on her face.

Kurt watched her firm, rounded ass moving up and down as she fucked him, the cheeks rippling slightly when her hips landed on him.  He loved the feeling of her tight, wet pussy as it slid up and down on his cock, this particular angle making it feel totally different than before.  She rode him harder and harder, increasing the force and the speed of her hips as she slid her pussy up and down on his cock, and he could tell that she was going to cum again very soon.

“OHHHHHH, my God, this feels so good!” she gasped as she rode his cock hard and fast, dropping her hips down to impale herself on his hard shaft over and over again.  Kurt rested his hands on the backs of her calves as she rode his cock, watching her ass rising and falling, his cock glistening with her juices as it disappeared into her pussy over and over again.

“Oh, my God, yes!  Yes, yes, yes, yes!” Latoya gasped, her hips moving faster as her orgasm built up inside her very quickly.  Kurt watched her ass bouncing up and down as she fucked him hard and fast, the bed bouncing from the force she was using to fuck him, and he could tell by the way she was acting that she was getting ready to cum.  Just about the time that thought crossed his mind her orgasm hit, and it hit hard.

“NNNGGGHHHHHHHH!” Latoya groaned loudly, louder than the first time, as her orgasm exploded inside her pussy like a bomb.  She slammed her hips down onto him, impaling her pussy on his cock over and over again, her hips bucking and her whole body shaking from the force of her orgasm.

“YES YES YES YES YES YES!” she groaned loudly, sitting up straight on his cock and rotating her hips, grinding her pussy down onto his shaft.  She put her hands on her mound and began rubbing her pussy and clit, groaning through clenched teeth, her eyes closed and her head tilted back.  Then, incredibly and without warning, she came again, a second orgasm hitting right behind the first one.

“OH MY GAAAAAAAAAWD!” she cried out as she came again, her whole body shaking.  “NNNNGGHHHHHHH!” she groaned loudly as the waves of pleasure went ripping through her like a shock wave, making her body jerk so hard that Kurt thought she was having a seizure.

Just when he was about to get concerned her orgasm ended and her body stopped shaking and jerking around on top of him, and he could see and feel her whole body relax.  Her shoulders slumped, her head dropped down, and she slumped over, putting her hands on top of his thighs for support.

“Oh, my God!” she gasped, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.  “Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God!” she repeated, unable to believe that she had just cum back-to-back with the second orgasm being more powerful than the first.

“Are you okay, Latoya?” he asked, concerned.

“Yes, sweetie, I’m fine,” she gasped, still panting for breath.  “I just…I just didn’t expect to cum twice,” she said, pausing to take a couple of breaths, “much less back-to-back like that!  Holy shit!” she said, grinning.

“You came hard, huh?” he asked, his hard cock still trapped inside her.

“Oh, my God, yes!” she said, turning around to face him, keeping his cock inside her as she did.  “I’ve never cum that hard before!  I don’t know what it is,” she said as she dropped her knees down on either side of him, putting her hands on his chest for support, “but there’s something about this dick of yours that just makes me cum harder than ever!” she said, settling down on top of him.

“And now,” she said, grinning from ear to ear, “it’s time for you to cum again!  Are you ready?” she asked, looking down at him and riding his cock slowly.

“Oh, yeah, I’m ready!” he said, returning her grin.

“Good!” she said.  She lay down on top of him and slid her arms under his neck, wrapping them around him and holding on to him as she rolled over, pulling him over on top of her and wrapping her legs around his waist as she did.  Kurt tried to lift himself up but she held onto him, refusing to let him move.

“Uh uh, sweetie, you’re staying right down here,” she said, looking him in the eyes, a big smile on her face.  “You’re going to stay right down her and fuck me with that big, hard, white dick of yours, and I’m going to make you cum and fill my black pussy up with your seed!” she said, her voice soft as she looked into his eyes.

“Now fuck me, sweetie, fuck me good and give me all of your cum!  I want every drop of it, so give it to me!” she said.  Then she pulled his face down to hers and kissed him, shoving her tongue into his mouth as she put her heels on the top of his butt, pushing down to urge him into action.

Kurt took the hint.  He kissed her back, sliding his arms under her and holding her close as he fucked her, thrusting his cock and out of her tight, wet pussy in long, hard, deep strokes.  She lifted her legs up higher, clamping them around his waist to lift her hips up so he could get deeper inside her.  As the kiss intensified so did his thrusting, getting harder and faster with every passing moment.

“That’s it, sweetie, that’s it!  Fuck me hard, fuck your stepmommy hard, give her all that cum!” she said, her mouth right next to his ear as he drove his cock in and out of her tight, wet pussy.  Then she sucked on his earlobe, pulling it into her mouth and making him shiver.  After a moment of sucking on his earlobe she ran her tongue over and around his ear, darting it inside for just a second, then shoving it into his ear as hard as she could.

“HGNH!” Kurt grunted, his body jerking and his hips thrusting forward hard as Latoya pushed her tongue into his ear.  She clamped her arms and legs around him tighter, alternating between sucking on his earlobe and pushing her tongue into his ear.  She got the best reaction from him when she pushed her tongue into his ear, so she ran it around the outside one last time and then shoved it in his ear, driving her hips into his butt as she did.

That was all it took.  Kurt was on the edge the first time she put her tongue in his ear, and this last time drove him over the edge.  He groaned loudly as his orgasm hit hard, thrusting his hips forward hard and driving his cock into her harder than ever.

“Yes, sweetie, yes!  Give it to me, give it to me!” she whispered in his ear as he came, his cock pumping and spurting inside her, filling her up with his cum.  She pushed her tongue back into his ear and hung on as his body bucked and jumped on top of her, his cock pulsing over and over again as his balls emptied themselves into her hungry pussy.

Kurt had never cum this hard in his entire life.  He came so hard that he almost passed out, his body bucking and jumping as his cock pumped and pulsed so hard that it actually hurt a little.  He drove his cock into his stepmother’s pussy hard and held it there, groaning as the last little bit of cum came spurting out.  She clung to him tightly, sliding her tongue in and out of his ear, and when his cock finally stopped pumping inside her she slid it out, kissing the side of his face before she held him close.  Kurt let his body relax, his full weight bearing down on her, his cock still inside her pussy as he panted for breath.

Latoya smiled over his shoulder as he relaxed on top of her, putting one hand on the back of his head and holding him to her while she gently ran the other up and down his back.  She kept her legs locked around his waist to hold him inside her, staying like that until she felt his cock beginning to go soft.  When Kurt put his hands on the bed and pushed himself up she let him go, letting her hands slide down to rest on his forearms as he held himself up over her.

“Holy shit,” he gasped, looking down at her.  She smiled up at him which made him smile back, finally dropping her legs from around his waist and putting her feet on the bed, her knees up in the air on either side of him.

“Came hard, did you?” she asked, teasing him, a grin on her face.

“Oh, yeah,” he said, still panting for breath.  “I’ve never cum that hard before!” he said, a big smile on his face.

“Well, I’m glad I was the one who made that happen for you,” she said, rubbing her hands up and down on his forearms, smiling up at him as she did.

“I don’t want to move,” he said, smiling down at her.

“Good, because I don’t want you to move!” she replied.  “I love feeling your cock inside me, and I want it to stay inside me as long as possible,” she said.

“I don’t think that’s going to be much longer,” he said, looking down at where his hips were pressed against hers.  His cock was going soft fairly quickly, having cum twice in the span of half an hour, so it – and he – was pretty exhausted.

“I know, darn it,” she said, giving him a mock pout.  A moment later his cock slipped out of her, and then he rolled over onto his back to lay next to her.  She rolled over onto her side and propped her head on her hand, draping one leg over his thigh, her huge tits lying on top of one another in front of her as she ran her fingers up and down on his chest as she spoke.

“You’re a great lover, Kurt,” she said, smiling as she traced circles on his chest with her fingernails.

“You don’t mean that,” he said, looking over at her and smiling. 

“Yes, I do,” she said.  “I know you’re not very experienced and that’s okay, but all things considered you’re a great lover.  You made me cum three times, you know,” she said, flicking a finger over his nipple and making him jump.

“You had something to do with that, you know,” he replied.

“No, sweetie, that was all you and that wonderful big white dick of yours,” she said.  “So how did you like having sex with a black girl for the first time?  Was it everything you’d hoped it would be?” she asked, genuinely curious.

“I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be that good!” he said, grinning at her.  “But then again, I have a feeling that was more you and how good you are at that than it was you being black,” he said.  “Did that make sense?” he asked, furrowing his brow.

“Yes, sweetie, it did,” she said, chuckling.  “And thank you,” she said, bending over and kissing him on the cheek.  She ran her fingers over his chest for a few moments without speaking, an idea running through her head and her trying to decide whether or not to act on it.  When she made her mind up she spoke again.

“You know, Kurt, I don’t have to be the only black girl you have sex with,” she said, pausing for effect.

“You don’t?” he asked, not knowing where this came from or where it was going.

“No, sweetie, I don’t,” she said, pausing again.  “I know several black girls who just love white guys, and they would absolutely love to have sex with you – especially after I tell them all about that big, white dick of yours and how good you are with it.  I tell them that, they’re going to be fighting each other to see who gets to fuck you first!” she said, grinning at him.

“You’re kidding, right?” he asked, sitting up and rolling onto his side to face her.

“No, I’m not kidding; I’m serious,” she said, dropping her hand to the bed in front of her.  “I know of three black girls I could call right now who’d drop everything and be over here in fifteen minutes just to have sex with you,” she said. 

“Wow,” he said, not believing what he’d just heard.  “You…you’d do that for me?” he asked, looking into her eyes.

“Yes, sweetie, I would,” she said, running her hand along the side of his face as she returned his smile.  “I’m your stepmother, and I’ll do anything I can to make you happy,” she said.  “There’s only one thing, though,” she said, pausing.

“What’s that?” he asked.

“I get first dibs on you,” she said, grinning at him.  “I still have a high sex drive, and now that I know how big your dick is and how good you are with it, I’m going to want to have sex with you as often as I can.  So you might not have either the time or the energy to fuck those friends of mine, anyway!” she said, her smile broadening.  “So is it a deal?” she asked.

“It’s a deal!” he replied, returning her grin.

“Good!” she said, leaning over to kiss him.  “Now let’s go get cleaned up and then do something about dinner, shall we?” she said, rolling over and getting up from the bed and walking towards her bathroom.

“Good idea,” Kurt replied, also rolling over and getting up as well.  He picked his clothes up from the bed and started to leave when he stopped, turning towards her as he spoke.

“Are you going to tell my dad about this?” he asked, holding his clothes in front of him.

“You mean about us having some of the best sex ever, me making you cum twice and you making me cum three times?  Or about me setting you up with some of my girlfriends?” she asked, standing in the doorway to her bathroom.

“Both, I guess,” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Yes to the first, maybe to the second,” she said.  “He’s going to want to know how it worked out with us, and if he wants to know the intimate details then I’ll tell him.  As far as him knowing about me setting you up with my girlfriends, I’ll play that one by ear,” she said.  “Fair enough?”

“Fair enough,” he replied. 

“See you in the living room in half an hour.  And I’m thinking Chinese takeout, by the way,” she said, grinning over her shoulder at him as she closed the door to the bathroom.

“Good!  So am I!” he said to himself as he turned and walked out of her bedroom, a big smile on his face.  He didn’t know if the smile came from knowing that his father was going to be gone for the next three days which meant that he and his stepmother had the next three days to fuck themselves silly, or if it came from knowing that his sex life was about to become a thing of legend now that his stepmother was going to set him up to have sex with at least three other black girls.

“I have died and gone to heaven!” he said to himself as he walked into his bedroom, a huge grin on his face.

To be continued…


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