Friday, February 21, 2025

Phil's Cool Aunt

(Author’s note:  this is a work of fiction.  Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental.  All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 16 years of age.  This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the expressed written consent of the author.)

Phil never cared much for the annual family reunions that his mother insisted on having.  His father went along with her because she was his wife, but Phil got the feeling that his father wasn’t too happy about them, either.  And the older Phil got the less he cared for them, so now, at 17 years of age, his interest in the reunions was at an all-time low.

His problem with the reunions is that most of the family members that showed up were all women or young girls.  His mom was the oldest of five sisters, and once her parents had died she became the matriarch of the family.  She thought it was her job to take care of the family, and having these annual reunions was one of her was to ‘keep the family close,’ as she had said once when Phil asked why she insisted on having them.

All he knew was with one exception, his mom’s four sisters were plain Jane boring as hell, and so were their daughters.  None of them had any male children, so during the reunions the only men there were the husbands, and there were no male children there of Phil’s age.  So Phil always stuck around long enough to be polite, then snuck away to go do something more fun.

The one exception to his mom’s boring sisters was Delaney, or Aunt Del as she wanted to be called.  Del was a vivacious, happy-go-lucky blonde with bright, shining blue eyes, and a nearly constant smile who was always in a good mood.  Phil always thought of her as ‘the cool aunt’ because she had just as much of a mischievous streak in her as he did in him, so they naturally got along like two peas in a pod.  This seemed to irritate his mom and his other aunts, and Phil could never figure out why. 

But there was another reason that Del irritated her sisters in addition to her constant good mood.  All four of her sisters, including his mom, were slender to the point of being skinny, and were relatively flat-chested, with the biggest cup size among them being a ‘C’ cup (his mom).  All of his other aunts were lucky to fill out a ‘B’ cup, and the running joke among the husbands was that Del had gotten all of the extra padding and boobs that were meant for her sisters. 

Del was 5’7” tall, weighed in at around 165 pounds, and measured 48-28-40.  She wore a 34L bra which she had to have custom made.  (Phil knew this because he had overheard Del telling her size to his mom the year before.)  The first time Phil’s father had ever seen her was when Phil was 5 years old, and he remembered what his father had said.

“Damn, she didn’t just get the boobs that were meant for you and your sisters, she got the boobs that were meant for half the county!” he had said, earning him a smack on the upper arm from his mom.

His aunt’s incredibly large bustline didn’t mean much to him at 5 years of age, but now that he was 17 and knew what the opposite sex was all about, he looked forward to seeing his Aunt Del every year just so he could ogle her huge tits.  And to top it all off, Del was proud of them and always wore tops that showed them off to their best advantage.  When she showed up for the reunion today it was no different; she showed up wearing a white short sleeve pullover blouse with a very deep ‘V’ cut neckline that fit her almost like a glove and showed off a monumental amount of cleavage, a red leather skirt that ended at mid-thigh and was also very snug, and a pair of black patent leather high heeled shoes. 

When she walked into the living room where all of the men were gathered you could almost hear the crotches getting tight when they got their first look at her.  And if looks could kill, she’d have been dead at least a dozen times over from the daggers that her sisters and nieces shot her way.

But as usual, even the opportunity to ogle his Aunt Del’s humungous tits wasn’t enough to keep him at the reunion, so after about an hour he snuck down into the basement recreation room to watch videos.  He looked through the collection of videos in the cabinet and didn’t see anything that interested him, so he selected the internet setting on the smart TV and accessed his cloud account where he kept his porn videos stashed.  He looked through his collection of videos and decided to watch a couple of Xev Bellringer videos, starting with “Wife Sucks Your Boss Off,” his personal favorite.  He queued up the video and sat back to watch, a smile on his face.

An hour later he was on his third Xev Bellringer video, having watched “Wife Sucks Your Boss Off” and “A Christmas Cuckold Story.”  He was about halfway through the third video, a virtual porn video called “Stepmother’s Lethal Perfume,” a video about a stepmother who had killed her husband with a special perfume while fucking him and squeezing him with her thighs, and who was now doing the same thing to his son so she could get the inheritance money.  While there was no actual sex in the video Phil found it to be very erotic and very arousing, due in no small part to Xev’s acting abilities.  The video was done in POV style, so it looked like she was riding him as her fatal perfume was killing him, squeezing him with her powerful thighs at the same time.  The look on her face, the tone of her voice, and the grunting and groaning as she squeezed him were very convincing, enough to give Phil a raging erection (as it always did).  He was sitting on the couch rubbing his erection through his jeans when he got the surprise of his life.

“Ooooooh, Xev Bellringer!  I just love her!  She’s so fuckin’ hot!” a female voice said from directly behind the couch where he was sitting, his back to the staircase leading from upstairs.  Phil hit the ‘pause’ button on the remote and then jerked around quickly to see his Aunt Del standing there, a beer in each hand and a big smile on her face, her eyes sparkling as usual.  She was wearing her usual big, round, gold frame glasses which gave her a joyous, playful look that Phil really liked.

“Hi, nephew!” she said, grinning from ear to ear.

“Aunt Del!  You scared the crap out of me!” he said, his heart pounding in his chest.

“You know, sweetie, if you’re going to hide down here and watch porn, you really should make sure you lock the door,” she said, grinning from ear to ear.  “Here, I brought you something,” she said, holding out one of the cold beers to him.

“You know I’m not old enough to drink, right?” he said, looking over at her and smiling.

“I won’t tell if you won’t,” she said, grinning and giving him a mischievous wink.

“Thanks, Aunt Del,” Phil said, smiling at her as he took the beer.  She came around to the front of the couch, her huge breasts jiggling in her bra as she walked, and sat down beside him, crossing her legs.

“I don’t blame you for running away from the reunion,” she said, taking a pull from her bottle of beer.  “I’d have done it sooner if I could have.  So how many of her videos have you watched since you’ve been down here?” she asked, looking over at him and smiling, holding her beer in her lap.

“This is number three,” he said, a little sheepishly.  “I didn’t know you watched porn,” he said.

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me, sweetie, and me watching porn is only the tip of the iceberg,” she said, her eyes sparkling.  “So are you gonna finish watching this or what?” she asked.

“Well, I’d like to finish, but…” he started to say, but she cut him off.

“Then let’s finish!” she said, taking the remote from him and pointing it at the TV, pressing ‘play’ to have the video resume.

“Oh, I love this one!  ‘Stepmother’s Fatal Perfume,’ right?” she asked, looking over at him for a moment before looking back at the screen again, taking another drink of her beer.

“Right.  Boy, you really know your Xev Bellringer, don’t you?” he asked, impressed. 

“She’s my favorite – her and Leia Lovelyn.  I just love them both!” she said as she watched the action on the screen.  “Leia sucks a mean dick, but nobody does POV like Xev!” she said, looking over at him and grinning before turning back to the TV again. 

They watched in silence for a few minutes, listening to Xev tell her stepson how she was going to crush him between her strong, powerful thighs as she rubbed her pussy on his cock, the creaking in the background every time she squeezed with her thighs making the video all that much hotter.

“Damn, she’s good,” Del said softly, her eyes glued to the screen.

“Very convincing, that’s for sure,” Phil said, taking a pull from his beer.

“She’s got some nice tits, huh, nephew?” Del asked, looking at the screen.

“Yeah, she does,” Phil replied, fighting the urge to look at Del’s mammoth chest and looking at the TV instead.

“But not as nice as mine, huh?” Del asked, looking at him with a grin on her face, obviously teasing him.

“Not even close,” Phil replied, speaking the truth before he realized he’d said it.

“Really?” Del asked, her eyebrows going up and a big smile appearing on her face.

“No one has as nice a pair of tits as you do, Aunt Del,” he said, looking back at her.  He figured he may as well be totally honest with her now that he’d started.  “Or as big,” he said.

“Aww, thank you!” Del said, leaning over and kissing him on the cheek.  She sat back to watch the video again, not speaking for a minute or two.  It was getting near the end of the movie and Xev was really going at it, really applying the pressure, squeezing her stepson as hard as she could, grimacing and grunting as she did.

“Wow,” Phil said softly, unaware that he had said it out loud.  This was his favorite part of the video, and when he was by himself this was the part where he usually came all over his stomach.

“You like that, huh?” Del asked, looking over at him.  “You like the way she’s squeezing him with her thighs like that?” she asked.

“Yeah, I do.  It’s really hot!” he said, nodding without looking over at her.

“You ever had a girl do that to you?” she asked, taking him by surprise.

“Huh?” he said, turning to look at her.

“I said, have you ever had a girl do that to you?  Sit on top of you and squeeze you with her thighs like that, I mean,” she said.

“Well, no, actually,” Phil said truthfully.

“You want me to do that to you?” she asked, her voice soft.  “I will if you want me to,” she said, looking him in the eyes with a big smile on her face.  Phil looked at her in silence for a moment, not believing what he had just heard.

“Are you serious?” he asked, his voice low.

“Dead serious,” she replied.  “But if you want me to you’d better hurry up and tell me, because it won’t be much longer before somebody notices me missing and comes looking for me, and sooner or later they’re bound to come down here,” she said.  “So do you want me to sit on you and squeeze you with my thighs or not?” she asked.

“Hell, yes!” Phil said, smiling.

“Great!  So lay down on the couch and let’s get to it!” she said, getting up from the couch and putting her beer on the small table next to the couch.  Phil put his on the floor and then lay down on the couch on his back, moving over towards the edge of the couch so Del could get her thick thigh down between him and the back of the couch.  As soon as he got settled Del hiked her skirt up a little and climbed on top of him, sitting on his hips with a knee of either side of him.  She pulled her thighs tight against his sides, bouncing on him as she did, her huge tits bouncing inside her bra as well.

“I’m not too heavy for you, am I?” she asked, looking down at him.  “I mean, I know I’m a little thick and all that, but if I’m too heavy for you just tell me and I’ll get off,” she said, looking down at him.

“No, you’re fine, really,” he said, smiling up at her. 

“You ready, sweetie?” she asked, grinning down at him, her hands on his stomach and her huge tits standing out in front of her.

“Ready!” he said, nodding.

“Okay, here we go!  HNGH!” she grunted as she clapped her big, thick thighs hard against his sides, squeezing hard.  Phil’s hands were resting on top of her thighs and he could feel her powerful thigh muscles getting hard as steel as she flexed them to squeeze him.

“How’s that?  You like that?” she asked, a little out of breath as she squeezed him.

“Oh, yeah, that’s wild!” he said, grinning up at her.  “Can you do it harder?” he asked.

“Absolutely!  HNGGHHHH!” she grunted through clenched teeth as she squeezed harder, her steely thigh muscles flexing under his hands.

“Wow!” Phil said as she squeezed his sides hard, her thick, powerful thighs gripping him tighter than he thought possible.  Just when he thought she couldn’t squeeze him any harder she leaned back and put her hands on his thighs for support, then squeezed him even harder.

“HHNNNGGGGGGHHHHH!” she grunted as she squeezed him between her thighs, her muscles hard as steel.

“OOF!” Phil grunted as she squeezed him hard, amazed at her strength.  She maintained the pressure for a few moments, then relaxed her thighs as she sat up, out of breath from her exertions.

“So did you like that?” she asked, grinning down at him, her huge tits heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

“That was great!” Phil said, meaning it.  He already had a chubby from the video, and being squeezed between his aunt’s thick, powerful thighs had made it grow a little more.

“Good, I’m glad you like it!” she said, grinning down at him.  “But there’s something missing, though, something I’m not doing that I should be doing,” she said, looking down at him with a mischievous look in her eyes.

“And what’s that?” Phil asked.

“In the video she was trying to make her stepson cum by rubbing her pussy against him while she squeezed him between her thighs, so I should be rubbing my pussy against you as well,” she said, still grinning down at him.

Phil couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and before he hand a chance to react or say anything Del moved up and sat down right on his cock, trapping it between them.  Then she began rubbing her pussy up and down on his cock, squeezing him with her thighs as she did.

“Something like this,” she said, looking down at him past her huge tits and smiling as she rubbed her pussy against the growing lump of his cock in his jeans.

“Del, I…” he began, but she cut him off.

“And I know you like it because I can feel you getting hard,” she said, her voice low as she continued rubbing herself against him.  Then she grunted as she squeezed her thighs against him again, rubbing harder as she did.

“UNGH!” she grunted as she squeezed, her body jerking as she clamped her thighs harder against his sides.  She leaned back a little for better leverage, squeezing him a little harder while still rubbing her pussy against him.  He was getting harder by the moment, and it didn’t take long for his cock to get completely hard.  His cock was harder than it had ever been before, so hard that it ached.

“UNGH!  AAHHH!” she grunted and moaned as she squeezed him hard, rubbing her pussy up and down on his cock.  Her breathing was coming faster now, and the heady aroma of her musk began to fill the room.  She could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter, and she knew what she wanted to do next – what she had to do, for both of their sakes.  She sat straight up on his cock and braced herself with her hands on his stomach as she spoke, looking down at him, her huge breasts standing out in front of her.  Phil could see that her nipples were hard as they were poking out against her bra and shirt, clearly visible.

“I think I need to fuck you,” she asked, her voice soft and husky, her eyes hooded with desire behind her big, round glasses.  “I think we both need it, don’t you?” she asked, locking her eyes onto his.

“Are you…are you serious?” he asked, not believing what he’d just heard.

“Never been more serious about anything in my entire life,” she replied, grinning at him.  “Now do you want to feel my tight, wet pussy wrapped around your hard cock or not?” she asked.

“Hell, yes, I do!” he replied, returning her grin.

“Good!  Then let’s set this monster free, shall we?” she said, relaxing her thighs and sliding back a little as she reached for his fly.  She quickly opened up his jeans and pulled the fly apart, reaching inside his boxers and pulling his hard cock out.

“Oooooo, nice cock!” she said, looking down at his cock in her hand and grinning.  “This is gonna feel so good inside my pussy!” she said, letting go of his cock just long enough to lift her skirt up to her waist, revealing her pussy to him, the small tuft of pubic hair on her mound just as blonde as the hair on her head.

“And I never wear panties,” she said, sitting up straight and sliding up onto his hips again, sliding her soft, swollen outer lips over his hard cock.  Then she lifted her hips up and reached down to grab his cock, pointing it up at her wet pussy.

“Ready, nephew?” she asked breathlessly.

“Ready,” he replied, looking down at his cock pointed up at his aunt’s pussy.

Without another word she sat down on his cock, the bulbous head sliding inside her with ease.  She was tight, very tight, but she was so wet that his cock just slid right in.

“OHHHHHHHH, my God, that feels so fuckin’ good!” she moaned as she sat down on his cock, taking it all inside her in one smooth, fluid motion.  She rotated her hips around on his hard cock for a moment, enjoying the feeling of being filled up with his hard shaft.  “How does it feel on your end, nephew?” she asked, looking down at him.  “You like my tight pussy wrapped around your hard cock?” she asked.

“Absolutely!” he said, grinning up at her.  “I’ve never felt a woman as tight as you are before,” he said, rubbing his hands on the tops of her thighs.

“Well, if you think this feels good, you’re gonna just love this!” she said as she began riding his cock, lifting her hips up and down to slide her tight, wet pussy up and down on his cock, using her powerful thigh muscles to lift herself up.  She looked down at him with hooded eyes as she rode his cock, lifting her pussy up and down on his shaft, her tight pussy gripping his cock like a warm, wet velvet fist.

“Shit, that feels good!” he said, gasping a little.  “You keep that up and you’re gonna make me cum!” he warned.

“Good, because we don’t have all that much time,” she said, smiling down at him.  “So before you cum and this is all over, there’s one thing I want you to do first,” she said.  With that she reached down and pulled her shirt up over her breasts, showing him her huge mounds inside her custom bra, then grabbed the bottom of the huge cups and pulled them out and up, setting her humungous breasts free.

“Now grab my tits and squeeze them as hard as you can while I ride the cum out of your dick!” she said, grabbing his hands and putting them on her huge tits. 

Seeing them naked for the first time Phil was astonished at just how big Del’s tits were, and as he squeezed them hard as Del had wanted he was surprised at how firm they were.  Her areolas were huge, proportional to the size of her tits, but they were so pale that he could barely see them.  Her nipples were big and hard, but they, too, were pale in color.  He squeezed her mammoth tits hard as she rode his cock, pinching her nipples between his fingers and making her jump.

“OH!  MMMMMM!” she moaned as he pulled on her nipples.  “You do that again and you’re gonna make me cum – so do it again!” she said, grinning down at him as she rode his cock.  Phil did as she asked, pinching her nipples harder, and within seconds she came all over his cock.

“NGH!  NGH!  MMPH!  MMPH!” she grunted and moaned as she came, squeezing her eyes shut and biting her bottom lip to keep from crying out.  She came hard, her pussy flooding all over his cock as she fucked him harder and faster.  He knew from the moment that Del slid her tight pussy down onto his cock that he wasn’t going to last long, and feeling her cumming all over his cock and watching it happen quickly brought him to the edge.  And when she clamped down on his cock with her pussy and squeezed her thighs against his sides, that pushed him over.

“HHNNNNNGGGGHHH!” he groaned loudly as his orgasm hit, pushing his hips upward as his cock exploded inside Del’s tight, wet pussy.  He squeezed her mammoth tits hard as his cock pumped and throbbed inside her, pumping stream after stream of hot cum deep inside her.

“Oh, my God, yes!  Yes, yes, yes, yes!” Del moaned, closing her eyes and grinning as she felt his cock pumping inside her, filling her up with his cum.  She dropped her pussy down onto his cock and held it there, squeezing his cock with her pussy and his body with her thighs, grunting from the effort of clamping her thighs as tightly against him as she could.

Phil had never cum this hard before, and when it was over it left him gasping for breath.  He dropped his hands from her massive tits and let them fall onto the top of her thighs, her muscles relaxed now that they had both finished cumming.

“Holy shit!” he gasped, grinning up at her as she sat on his cock, her pussy full of his cum.

“Holy shit is right!  You came hard, nephew!” she said, grinning back down at him.

“So did you,” he said.

“Yeah, I did, thanks to you,” she said, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.  “So tell me, how did you like it?” she asked, teasing him, a big grin on her face.

“I loved it!  Like I was in the video, only better because we actually did it,” he said.

“Because we actually fucked, you mean,” she said, grinning as she teased him again.  “It’s okay, nephew, you can say it – you can say that we fucked, or that you fucked me, or that I fucked you, whatever you want.  It’s okay to say it,” she said, her eyes sparkling.

“I know, it’s just…weird, I guess, telling my aunt that we just fucked each other silly,” he said.

“But we did just that,” she replied.  “And it was good, too!  So good that we’re going to have to do it again before I leave two days from now!” she said, beaming down at him.

“Really?  You mean that?” he asked, his eyebrows going up.

“Of course I mean it!  I don’t say things I don’t mean, nephew, and when I say we are going to fuck again, trust me, we are going to fuck again!” she said.  “But right now I think I’d better get up and get my ass back upstairs before someone finds us like this,” she said. 

“Yeah, I think you’re right,” Phil said as Del got up, letting his softening cock slip out of her pussy.  She stood up next to the couch and pulled her bra and shirt back down, then tugged her skirt into place, finally tucking her shirt into her skirt.  When she was finished you’d never know that she had just spent the past fifteen minutes fucking her nephew.

Phil had been putting himself back together while she was doing the same, and he stood up from the couch just as she was finishing tucking in her shirt.  He reached for the remote and turned the TV off; the video had long since stopped, and that was no big deal because he’d just lived out the video in a way better than he could have ever hoped.

“There!  Good as new!” Del said, smiling over at him.  Then she stepped over to him and kissed him, her lips soft and warm on his, her huge breasts pressing lightly against his chest as they kissed.  Then she stepped back and looked into his eyes, her voice soft as she spoke.

“Thank you, Phil,” she said, her eyes sparkling.  “See you upstairs!”

“My pleasure,” he said to her back as she turned and walked quickly over to the stairs, taking the first three before stopping and looking over at him.

“And I suck a mean dick, too, by the way!” she said, grinning at him and giving him a wink.  Then she was gone, up the stairs and out into the house.  Phil stood there for a moment, still not believing what had just happened.  But it did, and now all he had to do was wait for tomorrow when it was going to happen again – only better this time.

Then he went upstairs to rejoin the rest of the family, acting like nothing had happened but eagerly anticipating tomorrow.


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