This is an older story of mine, one that I wrote about six years ago when I was a bigtime fan of the now-retired porn star, Lovette. Her influence is quite evident in the story, and I, for one, am sorry she retired.
Brett Simms was pretty sure the girl in the house next to his was flirting with him; actually, he was almost positive. And if she was, that was fine with him because from what she’d shown him over the past week since he moved in, he was more than ready to bang her right into the mattress if that’s what she had in mind. And Brett was 99% sure it was.
It had started the day he moved in. He had gotten there early, around 9 AM or so, riding up on his Harley and parking in the driveway of his new house. After years of living in an apartment Brett had finally decided to buy a house, so he had bought a two-bedroom house on the outskirts of town. And he was pretty sure that all of the housewives and late sleepers in the neighborhood had heard him arrive; the pipes on his bike were pretty loud, and it would have been hard not to hear him as he rode down the street. Not that it was a crowded neighborhood, but he was certain that everyone knew he was there.
He got off his bike and unlocked the door to his new house, then walked inside to take a quick look around before the movers arrived with his sparse belongings. One of the first things he’d have to do was buy enough furniture to outfit the place right; he had enough for an apartment, but he needed more for a two-bedroom house. He’d take care of that this weekend after he got moved in. He was heading back into the living room when he heard a female voice calling from his open front door.
“Hello? Is anyone here?” the voice said.
“Be right there!” Brett called as he walked down the hallway and into the living room. The female standing in the doorway almost made him stop dead in his tracks. She was short, about 5’2”, with long blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She had full lips and a sharp, angular nose which fit her oval face perfectly. Her lips were turned up in a big smile, showing perfect teeth. She was wearing a red silk oriental print skirt that sat low on her hips and came down to mid-thigh, and a skin-tight black lace top that stopped just below her breasts. She had a stocky athletic body with muscular but not muscled legs; they were firm without showing every fiber of muscle in them like the bodybuilders did. Her waistline didn’t taper as much as most women’s did, but her flat, firm stomach made up for it as did her full, rounded and muscled ass. Her belly button was pierced, a faux diamond hanging from it.
But what caught and held his attention the most was her breasts. They were obviously fake, but he really didn’t care. All he knew is that they were huge, firm and round, standing up high on her chest with almost no sag whatsoever. And she wasn’t wearing a bra, either, not that she needed one. The lace of the top was knit tight enough so that her nipples weren’t visible, but there was no doubt that there wasn’t anything but tits under that top. Brett immediately felt a reaction down south; it had been a while since he’d been with a woman, and he was feeling it now.
“Hi! I’m Mandy,” she said, holding out her hand. Brett walked up to her and took it; her grip was gentle and soft. “I didn’t mean to barge in so early, but I heard you ride up and wanted to be the first to welcome you to the neighborhood!”
“I’m Brett, and thank you very much,” he replied, trying hard not to stare at those two monster tits in front of him. Looking down on her from his six feet in height gave him a pretty good view of about a mile of her cleavage. She distracted him even more when she put her hands behind her back and waved her shoulders back and forth as she spoke, effectively waving her tits at him.
“It’s going to be so good to have someone new in the neighborhood,” she said, looking up at him. “Especially someone my age who isn’t married!”
“How do you know I’m not married?” Brett asked.
“Because you rode up alone on a motorcycle,” she replied. “If you were married you’ve have brought the wife along either on the back or in a car. Right?” Brett smiled as he replied, and the first inklings that she was flirting with him took root.
“Right. I’m single, and loving every minute of it,” he said. Her smile broadened at this.
“Me, too, and I have a feeling that you and I are going to have lots of fun together!” she exclaimed, waving her tits at him again. “Well, here comes your stuff, so I’d better get going and let you get settled in,” she said, looking down the street at the approaching moving van. “If you need anything, anything at all, I’m right next door so just come on over!”
“Thanks, Mandy, I will,” Brett replied, and she turned to walk down the sidewalk. Brett got a good view of her firm, rounded ass swaying back and forth as she walked; the guys in the moving van got a good look at it, too.
That was a week ago, and since then he was sure that Mandy had taken every chance she could find to flirt with him. She came back to the house later that day “just to see how things were going,” and when she did she was wearing a pair of “Daisy Dukes,” cutoff jeans shorts so short that the bottoms of her ass were visible, and a bikini top which showed nearly all of her mammoth breasts. The movers nearly dropped his couch when she walked in, and Brett almost choked on his sandwich. The next day she came out of her house wearing the shorts again, only with a tube top this time, and when she bent down to pick up her paper she did it with her back to Brett, giving him a good view of the bottoms of her asscheeks as she bent over. She turned and smiled at him, then waved as she walked back into her house.
Two days after that she was out in the back yard sunbathing, wearing a thong style bikini that gave Brett a nearly unimpeded view of her spectacular ass. She positioned her lounge chair not so that it faced the sun but so that it faced Brett’s yard, and she took her time applying the suntan oil to her firm body. Watching her oil up her body gave Brett a hard-on, and he almost came in his pants when she dropped her top and oiled up her big breasts. Her huge tits were capped with equally huge areolas, big and round, not too dark but dark enough so that Brett could see them from his window. He could also see her nipples harden and stand up as she rubbed the oil over her tits. She pulled the top back up when she was done, but he was certain she knew he was watching her and did it on purpose.
Two days after that she had gone out to get her paper wearing a robe which she let fall open as she bent down to get her paper, and yesterday she had gone out onto her back porch to water some plants wearing a white teddy with thong bottoms and no bra. Brett wasn’t sure if any of the other neighbors had seen the shows she’d been putting on for him, but he had a feeling that she really didn’t care if they did. As she turned to walk back into the house, she turned and waved to him, a big smile on her face. At that point, Brett was convinced that she was coming on to him, and he hoped he was right.
That was yesterday, and Brett didn’t know it but today would be the day he would have all remaining doubt taken away.
Brett was outside in his driveway, drying off his motorcycle after washing it. He was wearing shorts and a tank top, his usual bike-washing attire. He didn’t hear Mandy walk up, so when she spoke from behind him it took him a little by surprise.
“That’s a really beautiful bike, Brett,” she said. “One of these days you’ll have to take me for a ride. In the mean time, you look like you could use one of these!”
Brett turned to look up at her standing behind him. She was wearing a tight pink terrycloth outfit consisting of short-shorts and a halter top, both of which left very little to the imagination. From this angle her huge tits looked even bigger, and he could see the outline of the nipples in the cloth of her halter. She had a bottle of beer in each hand, and was holding one out to him.
“Thanks, you’re right,” he said, taking the beer and drinking from the neck of the bottle. “I did need that!”
“You’ve been out here working so hard, I thought you could use a distraction…something to help you relax,” she said, smiling at him.
“You’re quite a pleasant distraction, Mandy,” he said, figuring he might as well find out what she really had in mind.
“Well, how sweet of you! Thank you very much!” she said as he got to his feet. He leaned back on the seat of his bike and took a long pull from the bottle before speaking again. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that she was sizing him up, looking him over from top to bottom.
Like a cat about to eat a canary.
“You’ve got a nice build, Brett,” she said, letting him see her eyes roam before looking him in the face. “Do you work out?”
“When I can,” he said. “My job keeps me pretty busy.”
“Well, you look really good!” she said.
“Thanks,” Brett replied, deciding that it was time to see if this girl was just a flirt who liked to tease guys or if she was serious. “And I must say, you look pretty damned good yourself, from what you’ve shown me for the past week or so!”
“I was hoping you’d notice!” she said, smiling up at him. He could swear her nipples were getting hard.
“I don’t know how the whole neighborhood didn’t notice, to tell you the truth!” he said, eyeing her up and down and making sure she noticed it. Which she did.
“Oh, I don’t care about that!” she said, an impish smile on her face. “I’m a bit of an exhibitionist – I always have been – and I’m sure the neighbors are used to it by now."
“From some of the outfits you wore this past week, you may as well have been naked,” he said. “I especially liked the teddy you wore in the back yard yesterday.”
“Would you like to see me naked, Brett?” she asked, nearly catching him off guard. He had expected it to go this way, but not so soon. But he sure wasn’t going to complain!
“Oh, yes,” he said, nodding his head, “I most certainly would!”
“Then why don’t we go inside? Unless you want me to strip for you right here in your front yard,” she said, looking around.
“I bet you would, too,” he replied, grinning at her.
“Yep, I would!” she said, grinning back. “I’m not ashamed of my body!”
“I’m sure you’re not,” Brett said, finishing his beer. “But I think we’d still better go inside.”
“Then let’s go!” Mandy said, taking him by the hand and leading him inside the house. He watched the muscles in her firm ass wiggle back and forth as she walked, and she led him right to his bedroom. She let go of his hand and walked over to the bed as he stopped just inside the doorway, then turned and faced him. Her nipples were clearly hard as rocks, poking against the material of the halter. He spoke as he leaned against the doorway, taking in the sight of her.
“You know who you remind me of? And I hope you don’t take this as anything but a compliment, because that’s how I mean it,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest.
“And that’s how I’ll take it,” she replied, smiling at him. “So tell me, Brett, who do I remind you of?” She put her hands behind her back and rocked her shoulders slightly from side to side, waving her big breasts at him.
“You remind me of an adult actress named Lovette,” he said, taking the plunge. “Actually, you look so much like her that you could be her twin!” Her reaction surprised him as she laughed a bit, her smile getting bigger.
“I’ve been told that before,” she said, “and believe me, I take it as a compliment!” She reached up behind her back and began untying the knot of the halter. “Actually, I like porn films, and she’s one of my favorite stars!”
“Really?” Brett said, surprised. “I don’t know which surprises me more, the fact that you like watching porn – which most women don’t – or that you particularly like Lovette, who just happens to be one of my favorite stars.”
“I’m a lot like Lovette in more ways than one, Brett,” she said, pulling the halter ends apart and shrugging the top from her shoulders, revealing her massive breasts to him. She let the halter drop to the floor, then put her hands under her big breasts and held them up for him, pressing them together to create a spectacular cleavage. “Do you think my tits look like hers?” she asked.
“Perfect,” Brett replied, feeling his cock starting to stir in his jeans. Mandy smiled a seductive smile, then hooked her thumbs in her shorts and started to tug them down her hips. She turned her back to him as she slid them from her hips, showing her firm, rounded ass to him.
“I think my ass looks like hers, too,” she said, bending over to step out of the shorts. “What do you think, Brett?”
“Identical,” he replied, “couldn’t tell them apart.”
“Another way that I’m like her is that I shave my pussy,” she said, turning to face him. “Smooth as a baby’s bottom!” she said, reaching down and rubbing her hands over her smooth mound and pulling her outer lips up and apart. “And I also have my clitoral hood pierced, just like Lovette!” she said, showing Brett the sparkling faux diamond ends of the half-moon piece through her hood.
“Beautiful,” Brett said, his cock rapidly getting hard.
“And one last thing, one last way that I’m like Lovette,” she said, walking over to him. She looked up at him, standing so close to him that he could feel the tips of her breasts lightly pushing against his abdomen.
“And what’s that?” he asked, looking down into those sparkling blue eyes.
“I fuck like her, too,” she said, looking up at him. “Would you like to fuck me, Brett?”
“Absolutely!” he said, reaching out to put his arms around her. She reached up and put her arms around his neck, pressing her nude body against his as they kissed. He slid his hands down her back and grabbed the firm cheeks of her ass in both hands, squeezing hard and pulling her against him. She felt his hard cock pressing against her and moaned.
“I was hoping you’d say that,” she said, breathless. “I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since I first saw you ride up on your bike!”
“And I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since you first stood in my doorway!” he said.
“Then let’s get down to business!” she said, leading him over to the bed. Once there she turned to face him and pulled his tank top up, revealing his chest. As he pulled it off over his head she leaned forward and sucked on his nipple, flicking her tongue across it. Then she reached down and tugged on his shorts, pulling them down over his hips. She was careful not to hang them up on his cock, which was rock-hard and standing straight up by now. She slipped her hand around his hard shaft and gripped it firmly, tugging on it as she kissed him again. He stepped out of his shorts and reached for her huge breasts, squeezing them in his hands. She moaned as he did this, tugging on his cock while he gripped her breasts.
“Lay down, Brett,” she said, breathless with desire, “I want to suck your cock!”
Brett did as he was told without hesitation, sitting on the edge of the bed and then lying back. Mandy knelt down between his outspread thighs, wrapping one hand around his stiff cock and gripping his smooth shaven balls with the other. She pumped his shaft a few times and was rewarded with a large drop of precum at the tip. She smiled and licked the drop off with the tip of her tongue, massaging his balls as she did so. The she slipped her full lips around the head of his cock and slowly sucked it into her mouth, taking almost all of his shaft. She began sliding her mouth up and down his shaft, her soft, wet tongue swirling around it as she moved, squeezing and massaging his balls as she did so. Brett moaned with pleasure as she sucked harder on his cock, running her long tongue over and around the head. She slipped her mouth from his cock, gripping and pumping it with her hand instead, and placed her soft lips around one of his balls. She expertly sucked it into her mouth, sliding her tongue all around it as she pumped his shaft. She sucked first one and then the other of his balls, making him grip the sheets with pleasure. Then she went back to work on his cock, sucking it in and out of her mouth and squeezing his balls as she did so.
“If you’re not careful,” Brett gasped as she worked on him, “I’m gonna cum in your mouth!”
“That’s for later on, lover,” she said, removing her mouth from his cock to speak, “and when you do, I promise I’ll swallow every drop of your hot lovin’! But right now,” she said as she stood up and climbed on top of him, never taking her hand off his hard shaft, “I just want to get this big cock of yours inside me so I can cum all over it!” She pointed his cock up at her shaven pussy and rubbed the head between her outer lips, parting them and covering the head of his cock with a mixture of his precum and her wetness. She slipped her pussy down over the head of his cock, trapping it inside her, then placed her hands on his stomach as she pushed her hips down to engulf his cock deep inside her tight, wet pussy. She settled down onto his hips, smiling and closing her eyes at the pleasure running through her, slowly moving her hips around and around on the hard cock inside her.
“Oh, baby, you feel so good inside me!” she said, smiling at him. “It’s gonna feel so good to feel you cum inside my pussy!” she said as she started to move, sliding up and down on his hard shaft. Brett looked down to watch her shaven pussy engulf his hard cock again and again as she rode him. He reached up and grabbed her big, round tits with both hands, lifting them up and squeezing them hard.
“Oh yes, baby, squeeze my tits! Squeeze them hard!” she said, placing her hands over his as he tightened his grip on her tits. She continued to slide up and down on his cock, her pussy muscles gripping his shaft as she rode him hard. He pulled on both her nipples, stretching them out from her tits.
“That’s it, baby! Make me cum! Pull my nipples hard and make me cum!” she cried as she placed her hands on his stomach and rode him harder. She came fast and hard, crying out as her orgasm shook her, slamming her hips down onto his cock over and over again as wave after wave of pleasure ripped through her.
“Mmmmm, that was wonderful!” she said, slowing her hips as her orgasm ceased. “And now, lover, I’m going to make you cum!”
Without letting his cock slip out of her pussy, Mandy quickly spun around so that she was facing his feet. Then she leaned forward and put her hands on the tops of his thighs just above his knees to brace herself as she planted her feet on the bed on either side of his legs. She was now squatting above him with his cock still trapped inside her pussy. She immediately started to move her hips up and down, sliding her pussy up and down on his shaft, her ass slapping gently against his hips as she dropped down onto his cock again and again. She was stroking up and down his cock in long strokes, lifting up until just the head was inside her pussy, then dropping down to take all of it inside her. She moved her hips fast, intent on making him cum, and the sensations caused by the angle of her pussy on his cock was going to make him cum quick.
“Cum for me, baby! Fill me up with your hot cum!” she said as she rode his cock. Then she reached down and grabbed his balls with one hand, squeezing and massaging them to urge the cum out of him. “Let me have it, lover! Let me have all your cum!”
The image of her pussy sliding up and down on his cock, engulfing it again and again as her round, firm ass bounced up and down, coupled with her massaging and squeezing his balls quickly brought him to the brink of orgasm. Brett felt his balls tense up and his shaft widen, and a split second later he came. He cried out as his cock erupted, spewing stream after stream of hot cum deep into Mandy’s pussy. She cried out in glee as she felt his cock shooting inside her, and kept bouncing up and down on his cock. She squeezed his balls firmly and rolled them around in her hand as his cock spurted again and again, his balls emptying themselves in her wet pussy. Brett grabbed her hips with his hands and forced her down onto his cock, holding her there as his cock continued shooting; Mandy sat up straight on his cock, grabbing his balls with both hands and squeezing them to get the last bit of cum out of him. He came so hard that he thought he’d never stop cumming!
The spasms running through his cock finally slowed and stopped, and he let his hands drop from her hips as he lay there panting and gasping for breath. Mandy slowly rotated her hips around and around, squeezing his cock with her inner muscles to get the last drops out of his cock. Again without letting his cock slip out of her pussy, Mandy turned around so that she was facing him again. A big grin was on her face as she looked down at him.
“Wow! You came hard, baby!” she said, sitting upright on his softening cock. “I could feel your cock shooting inside my pussy as you filled me up!”
“You did it, babe, not me,” he said, reaching up and rubbing his palm over her big breasts. She smiled at him and put her hand on top of his as he rubbed it over her mounds. “I’ve never had a woman do that to me before!”
“You haven’t?” she asked, genuinely surprised.
“Nope,” he replied.
“That’s called the ‘Reverse Cowgirl,’ and it’s one of my favorite positions!” she said. “I love the angle it creates, and it leaves my hands free to grab your balls with!”
“Well, it certainly worked wonders on me,” Brett said.
“Just you wait ‘till later,” Mandy said, smiling at him. “After we get back from our ride, I’m going to show you a few more tricks!”
“Our ride?” Brett asked as Mandy finally got up, letting his now-soft cock slip out of her pussy. She hopped off the bed and headed for the doorway, stopping to turn to him as she replied.
“Yep, our ride. First I’m going to borrow your shower. Then you’re going to take me for a ride on your motorcycle, and when we get back I’m going spend the rest of the day and then all night long seeing just how many times I can make you cum!” She turned and walked out of the room before he could reply, and a few moments later he heard her turn on the water in his shower. Brett waited a minute or two, then got out of bed and walked into the bathroom, pulling the shower curtain aside and stepping inside with her. She turned and looked at him, a surprised smile on her face, her body covered with soap suds.
“We can ride tomorrow,” he said, and Mandy smiled at him as he closed the shower curtain behind him.
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