My foray into the world of CBT. I did some research and then wrote this, but I'v never experienced any of it. Yet.
“Are you ready for me?” The words glowed on the computer screen in the darkness of Ben’s study. Ben looked at the words and hesitated before replying, thinking for a moment of what he was about to get involved in. Before he could reply the words changed on the screen.
“Having second thoughts?”
“No second thoughts,” he quickly typed back.
“Good. Very good, indeed. 94 Vincent Lane. One hour. Come prepared.” The instant message box clicked shut before he could type out a reply. CBT44 had signed offline.
Ben sat back and stared at the screen for a moment, collecting his thoughts. Coming prepared was easy – that meant no underwear, and to make sure his cock and balls were clean shaven. Ben did that as a matter of routine, so that one was taken care of. As for no underwear, he could take care of that in a few minutes. But the rest of the warning – come prepared – also meant for him to be mentally prepared for what he was about to go through. That, he thought, may take him a little time to do.
He had been talking to CBT44 online for about a month. They had met in an Internet chat room entitled “CBT Spoken Here.” Ben had no idea what CBT meant, so he popped into the room and observed for a little while. He quickly realized that CBT meant Cock and Ball Torture; he had stumbled into a form of S&M chat room in which the topic of discussion was the various ways to bind, twist, squeeze, and otherwise torture a man’s genitals. The ultimate goal was sexual satisfaction, although he wasn’t sure who was supposed to be satisfied. All he knew was that from what he was seeing, the women in this chat room were very proficient at what they did.
He also knew, for reasons that he couldn’t understand, that seeing the talk in the room excited him. Hearing a woman describe how she would bind her slave’s balls with a leather strap until they bulged before going down on him, then releasing the binding at the moment of her slave’s orgasm excited him. He had a raging hard-on by the time the conversation was over.
He was just about to leave when CBT44 sent him an instant message, welcoming him to the chat room. She noted that he had been there for a while and hadn’t said anything, and he admitted his ignorance of the subject being discussed. She volunteered to fill him in on what was going on, and he accepted; this started a nightly online discussion between the two of them. They would meet in the chat room and see what was going on there for a while, and then they would go to a private area to talk one-on-one. Over the course of the last month he learned that she was a dominatrix who specialized in cock and ball torture, but didn’t carry it to the extreme of drawing blood or causing injury. “Not that my slave won’t be sore for a day or two, that is,” she had told him, and he believed her. She also educated him in the fine art of CBT, and she could tell that he was both interested and excited at what she was telling him. At one point he asked her what her screen name stood for; she told him that the CBT was self-explanatory but would not tell him what the 44 stood for. She would only say that maybe one day he’d find out.
That day, as it turned out, was today. She had hinted around at the idea of him paying her a visit and letting her introduce him to the real-life world of CBT, hoping that he would get the hint and ask her. He did, finally letting his curiosity and arousal give him the courage to ask her if he could come see her and be his slave for a while. She readily agreed, and now he was actually on his way to submit himself, not to mention his cock and balls, to her methods and devices.
The prospect of it excited him, and he had a raging erection as he slipped out of his underwear and slipped his jeans back on. Then he was out the door and on his way to her house, following the directions she had given him.
The directions were easy to follow, and it took him about 20 minutes to get there. The neighborhood was a remote one, and her house was set back about 50 yards from the road. It was a modest one-story house with well-maintained grounds; he couldn’t tell much more than that because it was full dark outside, and the only light was the one in front of the house and the one next to the door. There were several lights on inside the house as well; he parked his car in front of the house, got out, walked up to the door and rang the bell. He realized then that he didn’t even know this woman’s name, nor she his. All they knew were each other’s screen names. Then the intercom next to the door popped on, and a sultry, slightly husky voice spoke to him.
“Yes?” it said.
“CBT44?” Ben asked, not knowing what else to say.
“And you are?”
“HARLEY03,” he replied, giving his screen name.
“Welcome, HARLEY03; please come in.” Her tone had softened considerably once she knew it was him at the door. There was a buzz, and Ben pushed the door open to enter the house. The fact that the woman had a state-of-the-art security system installed on her house, one in which you had to be let both in and out of the building, did not go unnoticed. He walked through the door and found himself in a short hallway with a connecting room on either side. CBT44 stepped out of the room on his right to greet him, and the sight of her for the first time made his heart pound and his breath catch in his throat.
Walking towards him was the biggest, shapeliest, most curvaceous woman he’d ever seen in his life. She was blonde, her hair long in the back but cut shaggy in the front and on top. She was tall, at least six feet in her bare feet, but she was wearing black stiletto heels which must have been at least three inches tall. This made her at least four inches taller than he, since he was five eleven. She was wearing a black silk Japanese-style dress with short sleeves and a high collar, and the dress was slit all the way up to her hips on both sides. She was also wearing black silk gloves that came up past her elbows. Her body was big but proportional to her height; there didn’t seem to be an ounce of fat on her, and if there had been the tight dress she was wearing would have shown it. She had a flat stomach and a narrow waist which flared out to womanly hips, and he could see long, firm, shapely legs slipping out of the slits in the skirt as she walked towards him. As he let his eyes travel up her body, he realized what the “44” in her screen name stood for, and it wasn’t her age.
It was her bust line. She had the biggest pair of tits he’d ever seen. They were huge, round, and full, standing out proudly from her chest. The dress had a very large round opening cut out in the bodice just below the collar, and there was at least eight inches of cleavage showing in the opening. He could see the tops of her breasts moving as she walked, rippling like waves on the ocean. She stopped in front of him and spoke in that sultry, sexy voice.
“It’s not nice to stare.” He looked up at her face (literally looked up, since she was at least three inches taller than he was) and saw that she was smiling. A good sign, he thought.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you,” he replied, meaning it.
“It’s no insult, believe me. I’m used to getting stared at, and I don’t mind. Men very rarely get to see a woman of my stature and build. Actually, I take it as a compliment,” she said in her husky voice. Extending her hand palm-down and fingers bent downward, she said, “My name is Pauline.”
Ben took her hand and said, “I’m Ben.” Then, knowing what she expected by the way she held out her hand, he kissed the back of her hand. She smiled in return.
“I see you have good manners, Ben,” she said, looking down at him. “Not many in this day and age know how to properly greet a woman; not many out of my particular circle of friends, anyhow. You’re sure you’ve never been schooled in this before?”
“I’m sure,” Ben replied. “I’m from the South, and back home that’s how we’re taught to greet ladies.”
“I thought I detected a bit of a Southern drawl. How very nice,” she said, smiling again, “a genuine Southern gentleman! How very nice indeed!”
“I’m glad you’re pleased, Pauline,” he replied.
“Thank you, Ben. And now, before we proceed any further than my greeting area, I must make certain that you’re 100% sure you wish to do so. You see, once you commit to me and I allow you to enter my domain, you cannot leave until I decide to let you do so,” she warned. The smile faded from her face as she spoke. “Even if you do manage to try and leave, you won’t be able to get out. The doors are electronically locked and cannot be opened without throwing a switch. The same goes for the windows.”
“Yes, I noticed your security system right away,” Ben said. “Quite effective.”
“It is. Are nervous, Ben?” she asked.
“To tell you the truth, yes.”
“Being truthful is good, because untruthfulness will be punished later on. And it’s okay to be nervous; all first-timers are, and even some second-timers. With me, anyway,” she said, and smiled a wicked half-smile for just a moment. “So I ask you, Ben, are you sure?”
“You won’t do anything to injure me, right?” he asked.
“Correct. You will not be injured outside of some possible bruising which is inevitable, nor will you be caused to bleed. But you will, I can assure you, be very sore for the next three or four days, should you decide to continue,” she warned.
“Bruising and sore I can handle,” he replied, still nervous but excited at the prospect of what was about to happen.
“So, then, are you sure?” she asked.
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“Did you come prepared?” she asked, and he knew right away what she meant.
“Yes, I did,” he replied. She smiled that wicked half-smile again before she spoke.
“Good. From this point on, you are mine. You belong to me. You will do as I say, when I say, without hesitation and without complaint. Do you understand, Ben?” she asked.
“Yes, I do,” he replied. Her smile disappeared.
“Yes, I do, Mistress,” she corrected. “From this point on, as long as you are in my domain, you will address me as either ‘Mistress’ or ‘Mistress Pauline.’ Do you understand me, Ben?”
“Yes, I do, Mistress.” He was a quick study and no fool. Her smile returned.
“Good. Now, follow me,” she said. She turned around and walked back the way she came. Ben followed her, noticing the firm, rounded cheeks of her ass as they swayed when she walked.
“Do you like my ass, Ben?” she asked as she walked, surprising him.
“Yes, Mistress, I do.” Is she psychic, too? he thought as he followed her into the darkened room from which she had emerged. She flicked on the light as she entered the room, and Ben saw that it was either her bedroom or her playroom. He guessed it was her playroom, since there was no furniture in the room aside from a very large bed and a pair of chairs. She walked over to the wall on his left, and as she did so he noticed the shackles hanging from the wall.
“Over here, Ben,” she said, pointing to a spot in front of the shackles. Ben came over as instructed and stood in front of her. She took him by the upper arms and positioned him in front of and between the shackles, his back to the wall.
“Take off your shirt and toss it over there,” she said, pointing towards one of the chairs. He unbuttoned his shirt, slipped out of it and then tossed it onto the chair. She smiled as she looked at him.
“You have a very nice build, Ben. Do you work out?” she asked, running a silk-clad finger over his chest and around his nipples, making him shudder.
“Yes, Mistress, I do,” he replied, feeling his cock beginning to twitch.
“It shows. Now give me your wrists,” she said, and he did so. She lifted them one at a time above his head and snapped the shackles around them. The shackles were padded with thick leather and were not terribly uncomfortable, but he was helpless nonetheless and knew it. When she had fastened the shackles around his wrists, Pauline bent down and ran her tongue around Ben’s left ear, then shoved it inside for a brief moment before sucking on his lobe, hard. Ben shuddered with excitement, and he felt his cock begin to grow. She nipped his earlobe with her teeth before releasing it.
“Did you like that, Ben?” she asked, her voice more sultry and sexy than ever.
“Yes, Mistress, I did,” he replied. Then she bent down again, this time to his chest, and ran her long, talented tongue around his nipple. She flicked the tip of her tongue over the nub as it quickly grew hard, and then placed her soft, full lips around his nipple, sucking on it hard. He gasped as she pulled on it with her mouth, and she sucked even harder. He was surprised at the strength of the suction she could apply with her mouth, and he moaned aloud as she worked on him. After a few more intense, pleasurable moments of this she released his nipple from her mouth with an audible pop, then leaned in close to his ear and whispered in it.
“Just imagine what I can do to your cock, Ben!”
Before Ben could reply she stepped back from him and looked him up and down. She noticed the bulge of his erection through his pants and said, “Well, I see you already have! Step out of your shoes, Ben.” He did so, kicking them off and out of the way.
“Now, let’s see how prepared you are,” she said, and moved closer to him. She reached down and unfastened his pants, pushing them down his hips. His erection popped into view as his pants dropped to the floor, and Pauline stood back to look. Now it was her turn to be surprised.
“Why, Ben, you’ve been keeping secrets from me!” she said as she looked at his fully erect cock. “You didn’t tell me you were hung like a horse!” Now it was Ben’s turn to smile.
“You didn’t ask, Mistress!”
“You are correct, Ben, I didn’t ask,” she said, smiling. “And I’m glad I didn’t, otherwise it wouldn’t have been such a nice surprise. I see you’re completely prepared as you were told – your cock and balls are nice and smooth, shaven clean. Good, Ben, very good!” she said.
“Thank you, Mistress,” Ben said.
“How big is your cock, Ben?” she asked, looking down at it as it throbbed in front of him.
“A little more than eight inches, Mistress Pauline,” he replied.
“Wonderful! I’m going to have such fun with that big cock of yours, Ben!” she said. “And now I’m going to go change into my working outfit, so to speak. I also have to give your cock enough time to return to a flaccid state; it’s always best to apply my devices when you’re not aroused. That way they get tighter as you get harder, you see. Now, you stay right here like a good boy!” she taunted, and walked out of the room the way they had come in.
Like I’m gonna just up and leave! Ben thought as he stood shackled to the wall, his throbbing cock standing out in front of him. He was still nervous but now he was more excited than nervous, and it took some time for his erection to ebb and fade away. But it finally did, and almost immediately after that Pauline entered the room.
As if she had been watching and knew when to come in? Ben thought, and glanced quickly around the room for the camera. He didn’t have time to look much before she was standing in front of him, and if he was surprised the first time he was downright amazed now.
She was still wearing the three-inch black stiletto heels, but that was all of her previous outfit she had on. She was now wearing black silk stockings, black lace panties, and a black lace bustier with garter straps on the bottoms which were attached to the tops of her stockings. The bustier was the only thing containing her massive boobs, and they bobbed back and forth as she walked. He could see her round areolas and prominent nipples beneath the lacy fabric as she stood in front of him, letting him get a good look at her.
“Do you like my outfit, Ben?” she asked, turning around so she could see both front and back. When she did so he noticed that the panties were thongs. He expected no less, actually. The cheeks of her large ass were round and firm, the muscles flexing as she moved. This woman obviously worked out, too.
“Yes, Mistress, I do,” he replied, feeling his cock twitch as it prepared to come back to life. She turned to face him and looked down at him as he admired her.
“Do you like my tits, Ben?” she asked, hands on her shapely hips.
“Yes, Mistress, I do!” She smiled and then pulled her tits out of her bustier one at a time, letting them hang free for him to see. Ben felt his cock jump as he saw her massive tits naked for the first time. They were absolutely huge, round and firm, with very little sag. The nipples were pronounced and surrounded by pale pink areolas. She lifted them up and pressed them together, creating about a mile of cleavage.
“How about now, Ben? Do you like them better now?” she asked, playing with him.
“Yes, Mistress, I do!” he answered, feeling his cock grow more.
Looking down, she noticed the change in his cock and said, “Oh, not yet, Ben, not quite yet!” Before Ben knew what was happening, she reached down and flicked the head of his cock with her finger, hard. Ben yelped in surprise, and the sudden rush of pain caused his cock to deflate like a balloon.
“I am sorry, Ben, but we can’t have you getting hard before I’m ready, now can we?” she said, smiling down at him. “Now, let’s just see what I have to keep that from happening again.” She turned and walked over to the bed, kneeling down and pulling a long box out from underneath the bed. Her mammoth round tits swayed as she moved, and even now Ben could feel his cock stirring again. She opened the box and pulled something out of it, then stood up to walk back over to him.
“I think this should do it,” she said, reaching for his cock. She slipped a thick nylon loop around his shaft just behind the head, and then drew it tight. She let go of what she had in her hand at the same time she let go of his cock, and he felt his cock being yanked downward with a powerful tug. The nylon cord had a lead weight attached to the end, and it was heavy. His cock swung back and forth as the lead weight at the end of the cord swung, and the noose around the head of his cock was tight. Uncomfortably tight.
“Don’t worry, Ben, it’s not tight enough to cut off the circulation,” she said, smiling down at him. “Besides, the last thing I’d want to do is hurt that beautiful big cock of yours! I have too many things in mind for your cock to let that happen,” she said, slowly running her fingertips along the top of his cock, stretched out by the lead weight.
“Are you excited, Ben?” she asked.
“Yes, Mistress,” he replied.
“But you’re scared, too, aren’t you?” she asked, still running her fingers along the top of his cock. She slipped her hand around his cock and balls, gripping them very firmly to the point of pain. “Be honest, now, Ben; remember, dishonesty will result in punishment,” she warned.
“Yes, Mistress, I’m scared,” he replied. And he was, a little. He’d never totally surrendered himself to anyone like this before, and it scared him. She smiled at his reply.
“Good. Fear and sexual arousal make for an intense orgasm in a man. Makes him shoot lots and lots of cum!” she said, releasing him from her grip. “Now, let’s see what wonderful toys I’m going to use on you tonight, shall we?” she said. She turned and walked over to the box on the floor, lifting it up to the bed. She started taking things out, but she was standing in the way so that Ben couldn’t see. After a few minutes she walked over to him holding what appeared to be a leather strap about an inch and a half wide with a buckle on one end and two snap hooks on the side in the middle.
“I think your cock has been stretched enough,” she said as she lifted up the nylon cord and slipped it from around his cock. The head of his cock was a dark red, and was tingling. “Now it’s time to stretch out your balls.”
She knelt down in front of him and lifted up his cock, holding it out of her way with the back of her hand as she gripped his balls in her other hand. She pulled and squeezed them, getting them to hang as low as possible before she slipped the leather strap around his balls. She cinched the strap so that it was snug, and then tugged his balls down until they were both outside of the strap. The strap was now securely fastened around the top of his ball sack right against the underside of his cock, and he could feel his balls bulging with the pressure. Pauline tightened the strap more, and the pressure increased. The pain came with it, that uncomfortable squeezing, crushing sensation that only a man can know.
“Mmmm, I love to see a man’s balls bulging out like that,” Pauline purred, looking intently as his balls and lightly running a fingernail over and around them, tracing the veins. “You can see the veins so clearly, and you can almost see the cum in them!” She leaned forward and ran the flat of her tongue over the underside of his bulging ball sack; her tongue was warm and wet, and he felt a stirring in his cock as she licked his balls.
“I’ll let you stay like that for a little bit, let the strap do its work, and then I’ll tighten the strap some more,” she said, looking up at him, “get those balls really bulging, all nice and loose from your cock. You’re going to cum so good when I finally let you do it!” she said, smiling at him. Then she stood and walked back to the bed, arranging the toys she had taken out earlier.
The pressure on his balls was intense, and Ben grimaced with the pain. He had never felt such pressure on his balls before. Much to his surprise, however, he started to get used to it, especially when he felt his balls loosen up and stretch out a little bit, easing some of the pressure. Then Pauline proved herself to by psychic once more as she picked something up from the bed and walked back over to him.
“Ready for the next step, Ben?” she asked, smiling at him. Without waiting for him to reply she knelt down in front of him, lifted his cock out of the way and tightened the strap another notch. Ben moaned aloud, and she looked up at him and smiled. Then she looked back to what she was doing. Ben felt and heard her snap something in place on the two snap hooks, and he heard a chain jingling.
“Get ready, Ben, here it comes,” she warned, and then she released the weights she had fastened to the hooks.
Ben felt a mighty yank on his balls as the weights fell free, tugging down hard on his bulging balls. He cried out loud as the pain shot up through his groin as his balls were pulled downward by the heavy weights.
“It does hurt, doesn’t it, Ben?” she asked, looking up at him. Ben nodded his head, the sweat breaking out on his forehead. It hurt too much for him to speak, and he wondered (not for the first time) just what he had gotten himself into.
“Let me see if I can do something to take your mind off of the pain,” Pauline said. She leaned forward and opened her mouth, her long, wet tongue snaking out. She had the longest tongue he’d ever seen! She licked the underside of his cock with the flat of her tongue from the base all the way up to the head, and despite the pain in his balls (or maybe because of it) Ben felt his cock start to harden. She lifted his cock up and ran her tongue up and down the underside of his shaft again, then slipped her lips over the head of his cock and sucked, hard.
Ben had never felt such a powerful sucking on his cock before. She didn’t slide her mouth down his cock as she sucked on it, but just held it in her mouth, maintaining the suction on the head of his cock. She moved her head back slightly, and now his cock was being stretched out also by the suction of her mouth. He could feel the head of his cock tingling from the suction, and then she ran her tongue around the head causing him to jump. She looked up at him as she slowly eased her head forward, sucking his cock into her mouth. He could feel his cock starting to grow as she slid it into her mouth, her tongue running circles around it as she took more of it. She slid further down his shaft until she had his entire cock in her mouth, and she held it there as it quickly got hard. He expected her to gag or slip some of his cock out of her mouth as it grew to its full eight inches, but much to his surprise she did neither. She held her mouth where it was, maintaining the intense suction.
She began sliding her mouth up and down the length of his now fully erect cock, running her tongue around the shaft, never letting up on the pressure. Ben looked down and saw her cheeks hollowed in with the suction she was putting on his cock; her eyes were locked on his as she slipped her mouth up and down his length. He momentarily forgot about the pressure on his balls as he lost himself in the blowjob she was giving him, but she solved that by tugging on the weights suspended from his balls. Ben cried out in surprise, and she immediately increased the pressure on his cock, sucking harder than Ben thought humanly possible.
The pleasure of her mouth clamped onto his cock was now being mixed with pain; Ben couldn’t understand it but his cock also hurt. She was sucking him so hard that it hurt, and the mixture of sensations only made him harder. She knew this and increased the motions of her head and tongue, knowing that she would quickly bring him to orgasm.
She was an expert at what she did, because she knew just when to stop. Just when Ben was getting close to cumming in her mouth she stopped, releasing his cock from her vacuum cleaner mouth with a pop. Ben was gasping for breath as she looked up at him and said, “How was that, Ben? Did you like that?”
“Yes, Mistress, but it hurt, too,” he replied.
“It’s supposed to, Ben. That’s the point,” she said. “Were you going to cum in my mouth, Ben?”
“Yes, I was, Mistress.”
“You don’t cum until I give you permission, Ben. If you cum before I give you permission, you will be punished,” she warned. “Do you understand, Ben?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Good,” she said, then clamped her mouth around his still-hard cock again and sucked it back into her mouth. Ben moaned aloud, and she sucked harder, repeating the treatment she had just given him.
She tormented him like this for the better part of half an hour, bringing him right to the brink of orgasm each time before stopping. By the time she was finished toying with him Ben was begging her to let him cum, but she wouldn’t.
“I’m not done with you yet, my little toy,” she said, standing in front of him. “I have another little surprise for your poor, mistreated cock,” she said. “But I’m going to let him rest for a little while and go down some before I put it on him,” she said, walking away from him and out of the room. Ben watched the firm cheeks of her ass swaying back and forth as she walked.
Ben was almost crazy with desire for her. She wasn’t half finished with him yet, and right now he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted a woman in his entire life! He looked down at his throbbing, red cock and watched as it slowly lowered, his erection slowly fading. The throbbing in his balls was a dull ache now, and he felt that they were stretched far down away from his cock. It took several minutes for his erection to fade enough to the point where she was ready for the next step. Ben was sure there was a camera in the room when she came back in at just the right time. She walked over to the bed and picked up something else, then walked over to him. She held it up for him to see; it was a strap contraption with four metal rings attached in a row along one central leather piece. The rings got smaller as they went along, and the end one was really small.
“This is a little something called ‘The Four Gates of Hell,’ Ben. You’ll know why shortly.” With that she slipped the leather strap around the base of his cock and balls, making his aching balls sing with the movement. She secured it tightly around the base of his genitals, then slid his semi-erect cock through the rings one at a time like threading a needle. She had to work a bit to get the head of his cock through the last ring, but she did.
“Remember when I said that some of my toys got tighter as you got harder? Well, my little toy, this is the one I was talking about. I’m going to get you hard again, Ben, very hard, and those rings are going to get very tight around that big cock of yours!” she said. Then she knelt down in front of him and slipped her mouth around the head of his cock again, sucking it inside. She didn’t suck as hard this time as before; her intention was to get him hard and let the Gates of Hell do their work. Ben’s cock got hard quickly and he felt the rings getting tighter and tighter around his shaft as it got bigger. He knew how cock rings worked, and knew that once his cock got fully erect the tight rings would keep it erect for God knows how long.
Pauline had him fully hard in no time at all, and his cock bulged between the rings which gripped it. Ben’s cock was throbbing with both pain and pleasure as the rings kept it hard. Pauline ran her tongue up Ben’s flat stomach to his chest, sucking on his nipples. Without even looking at what she was doing as she sucked on first one nipple and then the other, she released the weights from the strap around his balls and then released the strap itself, setting his balls free. She immediately wrapped her hand around them and squeezed hard, pulling and tugging on them to encourage his cock to get even harder. Ben moaned and squirmed, the pleasure and pain mixture flooding through him as she sucked on his nipples until they hurt also.
“Do you want to cum for me, Ben?” she asked, releasing his tortured nipple from her sucking mouth. “Do you want to shoot your hot, thick cum all over my big tits? Is that what you want?” she asked, running her tongue around the outside of his ear and then darting it inside.
“Yes, Mistress, I do!” Ben replied, and he wasn’t kidding.
She chuckled wickedly in his ear as she replied, “Not yet, Ben, not yet!”
Then she walked away from him, leaving his throbbing cock trapped in the Four Gates of Hell as she went over to the bed and recovered the ball strap she had first used. She knelt in front of him and wrapped it around his ball sack, cinching it tighter than ever. Ben moaned at the pain, his cock throbbing.
“Your balls have stretched out very nicely, Ben,” she said as she fastened the strap in place, his pulsing, red cock pointing right at her face. “You’re a natural for this!”
“Thank you, Mistress,” he gasped as she patted his now-bulging balls before standing up.
“A few more sessions like this, and I’ll have your balls hanging down as low as your cock is long!” She caressed his throbbing, aching balls lightly and then stood up. “Now you stay right here and think about how badly you want to cum,” she said, her hands on her hips, her huge breasts standing out in front of her like twin basketballs. “And when I come back, maybe I’ll let you cum all over my tits. Would you like that, Ben?”
“Yes, Mistress, very much!”
“Good. Now you stay right here,” she said, and then left the room again.
She was gone for a good fifteen minutes, during which the contraption she had fastened around his cock held him erect. His cock was really throbbing now, begging for both release from the rings and release in the form of orgasm; he had never needed to cum so badly before in his life! In the back of his mind Ben suddenly realized just how people got hooked on stuff like this; he was already toying with the idea of coming back to see Mistress Pauline again.
If he ever got out to begin with, that is.
She walked back into the room again, and he knew right away this was the final act of the drama. She was completely naked now, save for the three-inch spiked heels she was wearing. He saw that she trimmed her pubic bush into a narrow strip and that the outer lips were shaved; he also noticed that she wasn’t a natural blonde. Her stomach was flat and firm, the obvious results of working out. He had a feeling that if this Amazon of a woman ever decided to take him to bed he’d be lucky if she didn’t kill him. She looked like she could easily fuck him to death and the thought of her long, powerful legs wrapped tightly around his waist excited him.
She walked over to the bed and picked up another toy, this one looking something like a small rubber noose. She walked over to him and stood in front of him, smiling that wicked smile of hers.
“Time to turn that monster of yours loose, Ben,” she said. “You’ve been a very good boy, so I decided to give you a treat by letting you see me completely naked. And if you cum good for me, if you cum really good for me, the next time you come back to see me maybe I’ll let you fuck me. Would you like that, Ben? Would you like to fuck your Mistress Pauline?”
“Oh, yes, Mistress, I would!” he said, meaning it.
She smiled at him. “I’m sure you would, my little sex toy. And now, let’s get down to making that monster cock of yours shoot its load of cum!”
She squatted in front of him and gripped his cock in her hand, holding it still as she unfastened the strap encircling his cock and balls and holding the Gates of Hell in place. She didn’t touch the ball stretcher, leaving it in place.
“Are you ready, Ben? This is going to hurt some,” she warned, and before he could answer she yanked the Gates of Hell off of his cock.
Ben cried out as the rings gripping his cock were removed, and he immediately felt his cock get bigger as the restricted blood flow surged into his cock. Pauline quickly wrapped the rubber noose around the base of his cock, tightening it just as quickly and trapping the blood in his cock. His cock was huge, bigger and harder than he’d ever seen it before, red and throbbing, begging for release. She extended her long tongue and licked the underside of the shaft from base to tip, doing this several times before going to the head and licking off the huge drop of clear pre-cum that had formed there. Then she sucked his cock into her mouth, taking all of it slowly down her throat, gradually increasing the suction as she took more of it in her mouth. When all eight inches of his cock was buried in her wet, sucking mouth he felt her swallowing around his cock. The muscles of her throat clutching around the head of his cock while she squeezed his tormented balls with her hands was almost more than he could take! She realized this and backed off, slowly releasing his cock from her vaccuum-cleaner mouth. She did this to him at least a half-dozen times, each time bringing him to the brink of orgasm, and each time backing off before he exploded in her mouth and down her throat.
Finally she released his cock from her mouth, lifting up her huge breasts and wrapping them around his shaft, squeezing them together and moving them up and down. She looked up at him, her eyes hooded, and when she spoke her voice was husky and full of desire.
“I could do this to you all night, my pet, but now I think it’s time you satisfied your mistress before I give you the release you so desperately crave,” she said, slowly sliding her massive globes up and down the length of his cock. Pre-cum was literally gushing from his shaft, and the inside of her tits was coated with the slick stuff. As the head of his cock appeared at the top of her cleavage, she lowered her lips to the head and sucked the pre-cum out of him, running her tongue around it to coax out more.
Then she released his cock from her tits and stood before him, the massive globes swaying as she moved, his pre-cum glistening in her cleavage. She reached up to the shackles that held his left wrist and began working to free him; her huge breasts pressed against his upper chest and the head of his cock twitched against her closely trimmed mound as she did so. She released his wrists from the shackles, then ordered him to go over and lay down on the bed on his back. He did so, and she then raised his hands up over his head one at a time and fastened his wrists to the bedposts with handcuffs. Her huge breasts bobbed and swayed in his face as she did this, his hard cock throbbing with desire. Once he was securely fastened, she got on the bed and climbed on top of him and sat down on his hips, trapping his throbbing cock lengthwise between her smooth outer lips. Her pussy was soaking wet, and she moved her hips forward and back along his cock, rubbing her wetness all along the underside of his cock.
“Mmmm, this feels so good, I could do this until I cum,” she said, her eyes closed, her mammoth breasts swaying with her motions. She opened her eyes and looked down at him, still rubbing her wet slit against his hard shaft, “but I have a feeling that you’d cum, too, and you haven’t earned that yet. Maybe next time, but not yet. But for now, you’re going to satisfy me the way I want,” she said.
She braced her hands against his stomach and stood up straight on the bed, her feet on either side of his hips. She towered above him like this, and the view of her mammoth breasts and her smooth shaven pussy was awe-inspiring. She slowly walked up the bed until she was standing over his face, then squatted down and placed her knees on either side of his head next to his ears. Her pussy was inches away from his face, and he could smell her heady musk clearly. She looked down at him over the mounds of her breasts and spoke.
“How long can you hold your breath, my pet?”
Before he could reply she sat down on his face, covering his nose and mouth with her pubic mound. She immediately began to grind her hips down onto his mouth, sliding her pussy up and down and around and around, her thighs clamped tightly around his head. Her pussy was soaking wet, and within seconds his lower face was slippery with her juices. Instinctively he stuck out his tongue and sought out her wet tunnel, finding it at once and running it up and down the length of her slit. She reached down and grabbed him by the hair, pulling his face tighter into her pussy as he flicked his tongue over her hard clit. She jerked when he did so.
“Yes, my pet! That’s it! Lick my clit for me!” she hissed between her teeth, pulling and yanking on his hair as she ground her pussy harder against his face.
Ben knew why she had asked how long he could hold his breath because her pussy was pressed so firmly against his face that he was having trouble breathing; he could only snatch gasps of air through his nose when she allowed it to briefly emerge from her mound. He thought that if she didn’t cum quickly, he’d suffocate...or drown. Pauline’s pussy was literally gushing, so much that he could feel it running down his throat. He redoubled his efforts with his tongue, and was rewarded almost immediately.
Pauline cried out as she came, clamping her thighs harder against his head, pushing her hips down against his mouth and pulling his face in closer by the hair as her orgasm exploded within her. She flooded his mouth and face with her cum, her pussy spasming and twitching against his tongue and mouth. She came hard and long, the waves of pleasure washing over her body; just when he was beginning to wonder if she’d ever stop cumming he felt her body begin to relax and her motions slow. She released her grip on his hair - his scalp was on fire! - and slowly let her body relax. She sat down on his chest and he gulped in a large breath of cool fresh air as her pussy moved from his face. She lay back completley, her legs folded back, and he could feel her movements as she relaxed and caught her breath. He lifted his head to look, but all he could see was her pubic mound and her glistening pussy, the lips open and red.
After catching her breath Pauline sat up easily, demonstrating just how good a physical condition she was in. She looked down at Ben and smiled, her hair tousled now.
“And now, my pet, it’s time!” she said, still sitting on his chest. She was heavy, but he wasn’t going to complain. He was, after all, still pretty helpless when you got right down to it. “It’s time for me to give you the release that you have most certainly earned! Are you still hard, my pet?”
“Yes, Mistress, I am,” he replied. She reached back and grasped his cock, squeezing it.
“So I see! I’m impresssed, Ben, I really am!” She released his cock and stood up on her knees, removing her weight from his chest; then she climbed from the bed and walked down to his feet. She grasped his ankles and spread his legs wide, then got onto the bed and knelt between them. Her huge breasts hung down as she moved, swaying from side to side, the nipples hard and erect. She reached down and grasped his cock, holding it straight up; she looked at him and smiled an evil smile, one hand squeezing his balls as she spoke.
“Here we go, Ben!”
With that, she lowered her mouth to his cock, wrapped her soft, full lips around the head, and began sucking. She sucked more pre-cum out of his cock, slowly increasing the suction she was applying, circling her tongue around the head. Ben felt her working the buckle on the ball stretcher, and then he felt the release as she removed it. At the same moment she slid her mouth all the way down his shaft, taking it to the hilt, and began swallowing around it as before. Ben moaned with pleasure, and then again as she wrapped her hand around his aching balls and squeezed, then began pulling and tugging on them.
She settled into a rythym, sliding her mouth up and down Ben’s throbbing shaft, sucking on it harder than before, as she pulled, tugged, and squeezed Ben’s tortured balls at the same time. It didn’t take very long for Bed to approach climax, and Pauline was ready for it. She slipped her mouth from his cock and grabbed it with her other hand, sliding it up and down his wet shaft as she continued to squeeze and pull on his balls.
“Are you ready to cum, my pet?” she asked, squeezing his cock in her hand. “Are you ready to shoot your hot load for your mistress?”
“Yes,” Ben panted, “I’m ready to cum now!”
“Then cum for me!” she commanded, “Cum for your mistress!” She lowered her head down to his cock and sucked it all the way down her throat, then began sliding her mouth rapidly up and down his shaft, never letting up on the pressure she was applying to both his shaft and his balls. She tugged on his balls hard as she shoved his cock down her throat, and he felt her throat close around the head of his cock as she literally swallowed it.
That did it! Ben’s cock exploded, the first blast catching Pauline off-guard and filling her mouth with his cum. She swallowed quickly as she released his spurting cock from her mouth, then she sat up, yanked on the noose around his cock and it sprang free. She quickly grabbed his cock and pointed it at her breasts, sticking them out for his spurting cock. Ben’s cock pumped and spurted harder, and he cried out as his balls emptied themselves in the most intense, toe-curling orgasm he’d ever felt. His cock spewed cum like a volcano as Pauline pumped it with her hand, the cum flying out in long, looping streams to land all over Pauline’s breasts. His cock spurted again and again, shooting stream after stream of cum as Pauline pumped his cock and tugged on his balls. He came so hard he didn’t think he’d ever stop!
Finally the spasms ripping through his cock slowed, his balls finally empty. The shooting ebbed and died as Pauline pumped his cock more slowly, gripping it hard and squeezing the last drops out of it. She slipped her mouth around the head of his cock and sucked the last of the cum out of it, swallowing it down before releasing his cock. Ben was panting and gasping for breath, covered with a fine layer of sweat. Pauline, on the other hand, was covered with a thick layer of cum! Her immense breasts were crisscrossed with long streams of thick, white cum; it was slowly sliding down the curves and dripping from her nipples. One stream, probably one of the first ones, had landed all the way up and over her shoulder. She even had a few drops in her hair.
“Well, my pet?” she asked looking at him and smiling. “Did you enjoy that?” she asked.
“Yes I did,” he replied, gasping for breath. “Very much, Mistress!”
“Good,” she chuckled. “And I must say, Ben, I’ve never seen a cock shoot so much cum before! You covered me with it quite well, I must say!”
“I’ve never cum like that before,” he said, looking down and seeing the cum all over everywhere. He’d really never seen that much cum shoot out of his cock before, and he was slightly amazed. “I really don’t know where it all came from!”
“Why, it came out of your balls, of course!” she said. “I saw it with my own eyes, you know! And I must say, Ben,” she said, running her finger over her breast and gathering cum on it, “your cum tastes quite good.” Then she placed her cum-heavy finger into her mouth and slowly sucked the cum from it, swallowing it like a delicacy. She did this several times, smiling at Ben as she did. Incredibly, Ben felt his cock twitch at this!
Then she sat up at the foot of the bed and reached down, retrieving a hand towel from beneath the bed. She slowly cleaned the remaining cum from her huge breasts, occasionally looking at Ben and smiling. When she was finished she retrieved another towel from beneath the bed, walked around to the head of the bed, and dropped it on Ben’s stomach. Then she bent over and released the handcuffs holding Ben down, dragging her big breasts over his face when she leaned over to unfasten his right wrist. She was teasing him for next time, and he knew it. He also knew that there would most certainly be a ‘next time.’
“You get dressed and wait here,” she said, straightening up. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She turned and began to walk away.
“Yes, Mistress,” Ben replied. She stopped and turned to look at him, smiling.
“You may call me ‘Pauline’ now, Ben,” she said. “Playtime is over for tonight.” Then she turned and walked out of the room, and Ben watched her muscular ass wiggle as she walked away. Then he got dressed, slowly and carefully tucking his swollen, aching balls and sore cock into his pants. Walking was going to be tough for the next few days.
Ten minutes later, when Ben was finished dressing, she returned to the room wearing the same outfit she’d had on when he arrived. She looked as if nothing had happened.
“Are you sore, Ben?” she asked.
“Yes, I am, quite sore,” he said, “but it was well worth it!”
“You’re really going to be sore tomorrow,” she warned. “I put quite a lot of pressure on your balls, and if you’re not used to it you’re really going to be sore the next day. Cold compresses will help the swelling and the soreness go away; other than that, you’ll just have to live with it until it goes away on its own.”
“The soreness will have been well-deserved, and the sacrifice quite worth it, I can assure you!” he replied, and Pauline smiled.
“Thank you, Ben, that’s very sweet!” she said, taking him by the hand and leading him out of the room and back to the entrance to the house. Once they arrived at the door she stopped and turned to face him, still taller than he in her heels.
“I enjoyed tonight very much, Ben; I hope you did, too,” she said, and he knew she meant it. “You’ve got quite an extraordinary cock and balls, and you’d do fine in this area of sexual gratification if you choose to continue it.”
“Thank you,” he said.
“Will you continue it, Ben?”
“I think I just might do that; yes, I think I will!” he said, and she smiled very big.
“I’m very glad to hear that! Please feel free to come see me whenever you’d like, Ben. I’d love to have you and that wonderful cock of yours to play with again!” she said.
“And besides,” Ben added, smiling up at her, “you said that next time maybe you’d let me fuck you.”
“I most certainly did, didn’t I?” she said, smiling down at him. Moving in closer, she placed her hands on his shoulders, leaned over until her mouth was close to his ear and in a breathy voice, said, “No maybe about it!” Then she slid her arms around him, trapping his arms to his sides, and kissed him, holding him close and letting her tongue dance with his as she kissed him long and deep. Her huge breasts pressed against his chest and her mound pressed against his hips, and Ben felt his cock stirring. She felt it, too. She broke the kiss and stepped back, releasing him from her hold.
“My, you’re quite something!” she said, looking down and smiling. The tube of his quickly-hardening cock was plainly visible. Patting him on the crotch, she said, “Save it for next time, my pet!” Then she walked past him and back down the hallway, disappearing into the room once again. The door behind him buzzed, and Ben pulled on it. He walked out of the house and got into his car, and as he drove away his mind wandered and he wondered just what the next visit to Mistress Pauline would bring.
Whatever it would be, he was looking forward to it.
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