“Dad, that’s gonna be Sherry, will you let her in and tell her to come up to my room, please?”
“Sure thing, Kitten,” he replied, calling his daughter by his pet name for her as he walked over to the door. “Oh, man!” he thought to himself, “Just what I need – “Sexpot Sherry” is here!”
“Sexpot Sherry” was his private nickname for his daughter’s best friend for a couple of reasons. The first was that, according to his son who went to the same high school as the girls did, in addition to being the pretties and by far the sexiest girl in the school Sherry had a reputation for being an outrageous flirt and a cocktease who would steal the boyfriend away from any girl in the school with a promise of sexual delights, and then only come through with a handjob – if they were lucky. And as soon as that was done, it was sayonara, sucker! – she dropped the poor guy and moved on to the next one.
The other reason for his private nickname for her was her looks and the way she dressed. Sherry was the same age as his daughter, but she had the body of a woman much older. She was short, only standing 5’3” in her sandals, with long, dark brown hair, large chestnut brown eyes, a pert nose, soft, full and inviting lips (‘pouty’ was the word that came to mind), and the straightest and whitest teeth Rob had ever seen, which he was sure had cost her parents a pretty penny. She had the slender body of a teenager with just enough remaining “baby fat” to give soft edges to her curves – and what curves she had! Shapely legs and thighs, a rounded, shapely ass, a narrow waist, flat stomach with just a little softness to it, and above all that an absolutely killer pair of huge tits that stood out proudly from her chest like twin torpedoes. Sherry was partial to thin bras and tight cotton shirts, so every time she came into a cool room her nipples would immediately harden, as all girl’s nipples do, but from what Rob saw, this girl had nipples that matched her tits - big. Combine that with the tight jeans or shorts she always wore that looked as if they were put on with spray paint, and you had a clear idea of why Rob thought of her as a sexpot. Another thing that his son had told him was that the guys at school had given her the nickname of “Cameltoe.” One look at her in her skin-tight jeans or equally tight shorts, and you knew why. As he walked over to the door, Rob could only wonder what she would be wearing today.
He opened the door and there on the other side of the screen door stood Sherry, his daughter’s gal pal and best friend. As usual, she was wearing a white t-shirt that was two sizes too small for her, but at least the bra she was wearing looked like it was sturdy enough to support the load of tits it was carrying. To complete her outfit she was wearing a skin-tight pair of medium blue shorts which allowed her to live up to her school nickname, and sandals. Her long dark hair was tied at the sides of her head into long pigtails, giving her a “Lolita-ish” look which made Rob’s balls twitch. Actually, she made his balls twitch every time he saw her, and he’d been seeing her a lot over the summer ever since she and his daughter had become best friends. She smiled big at him as soon as she saw it was him who was opening the door.
“Hi, Mr. Carter!” she said, clasping her hands behind her and rocking her shoulders back and forth, essentially waving her big tits at him. “Is Kathy here?”
“Hi, Sherry, yeah, she’s upstairs in her room and says for you to go on up,” he replied, opening the screen door and holding it open for her, standing up against the inner door to let her pass.
“Thanks, Mr. Carter, you’re the best!” she said as she brushed by him. She was a little too close, and her big, heavy tits rubbed not-too-lightly across his abdomen as she went by. She looked up at him and smiled as she brushed against and past him. The stairs were immediately to the left of the front door and ran directly away from the door, so Rob was able to turn his head and watch her trot up the stairs, her shapely and rounded ass encased in those tight shorts flexing as she went. He could tell from the tightness of the shorts that Sherry was wearing a thong today. He closed the door and went back to his study, sitting back down in his chair.
“She did that on purpose,” he thought to himself, “she rubbed those big tits across my stomach on purpose! My 17 year old daughter’s best friend is flirting with me!” Rob had thought this for the past few weeks, and the more he thought about it and the more contact he had with Sherry, the more certain of it he became. “Sexpot Sherry” was flirting with him, the 38 year old father of her best friend!
Just about that time his daughter and Sherry came trotting down the stairs on their way out of the house. They both came into his den so Kathy could tell him good-bye.
“Bye, Dad,” she said, bending over to kiss him on his cheek. “We’re going to the movies and then to get something to heat, so I’ll be gone for a while.” She kissed him lightly on the cheek, then gave him a quick hug.
“Okay, Kitten, have fun but be careful,” he said. “Call me if you’re going to be too late, okay?”
“Okay, thanks, Dad,” she said, then walked out of the room. Sherry was standing there now, smiling at him as he sat in his chair.
“Can I kiss you good-bye, too, Mr. Carter?” she asked, waving those tits at him again. Rob felt his cock jump.
“Sure, Sherry,” he said, almost calling her by his nickname for her but catching himself in time, “I don’t see why not.”
With a quick glance over her shoulder to make sure Kathy was out of view, Sherry walked over to him and then bent down, putting her hands on Rob’s shoulders as he leaned forward. He couldn’t help but notice her huge tits hanging down in front of her as she did so, and he knew this was just what she wanted him to see. He turned his head to offer her his cheek, but she surprised him by quickly darting her head around and kissing him square on the lips, holding her lips against his for just a second. Her lips were soft, warm, and inviting, and he felt it all the way down to the base of his balls. Then she was gone, bounding out of the room to catch up with his daughter.
Rob was stunned and excited at the same time, and when he got hold of his senses he realized two things: Sherry absolutely was flirting with him – he now thought that she had more than just flirting on her mind, though – and he had a raging hard-on. Somehow he knew that was just what Sherry wanted, and later events would prove him correct.
Two days later Rob was just getting home from work, and he walked in the door just as Kathy and Sherry were again leaving. It was summer vacation, and while the kids were enjoying their summer off there was no rest for the working world. Rob was no exception in that aspect, but in one he was – he was a police officer and worked rotating shifts, and he was just coming off of a shift having worked all night. He was looking forward to a nice, quiet house with the kids gone so he could sleep all day before having to go back to work at that night. It was a little after eight AM when he walked in the door, gunbelt in hand, and he was beat. Kathy and Sherry were in the kitchen, Kathy on the business side of the counter and Sherry sitting on a bar stool on the other side, with Kathy putting the last items for their lunch in a bag when he walked in.
“Hi, Dad!” Kathy said.
“Hi, Mr. Carter!” Sherry echoed, smiling at him.
“Morning, girls,” Rob said, walking across the room to his den and dropping his gunbelt in his favorite chair, then turned to walk into the kitchen which adjoined his den. He never used the living room much; that was his wife’s territory, and even when she was out of town visiting her mother – like this week – he hardly ever went in it. He was content to just stay in his den, relax, smoke his pipe, read some, and surf the ‘net on the computer.
“You look tired, Dad,” Kathy said. “Hard night last night?”
“The usual – all the crazies come out on the midnight shift, and last night was more of the same,” he said, getting a glass from the cabinet, then pouring himself a glass of orange juice. He walked out of the kitchen and back to his den, sitting on the edge of his desk as he took a sip. Looking over at the girls, he could tell where they were headed today.
“Going to the beach, are we?” he asked. Kathy was wearing her usual beachfront attire – cutoff jeans and a t-shirt over her bathing suit, with sandals on her feet. Sherry was wearing a short white cotton beach robe that wrapped across the front and was held there with a belt you tied in place. The robe stopped at mid-thigh and looked very good on her. Her long, dark hair was loose this time and hung down, framing her cute face.
“Yep, we haven’t been there yet, so we figured it was time!” she replied, putting the finishing touches on their lunch.
“And I have a new bathing suit I want to try out, too!” Sherry said, turning to face him. She got down from the stool and quickly untied the belt, then held the robe open to show him her suit. “What do you think, Mr. Carter?” she asked, coyly.
Rob just about choked on his OJ. Sherry was wearing a black bikini, the bottoms of which were tied at the sides and sat very low on her hips. The top was small, maybe a size too small, the cups barley big enough to hold in her huge tits which were bulging a little at the sides from being restrained by the suit. She had just a little roundness left on her belly, and dangling from her pierced belly button was a glittering faux diamond pendant. She looked incredible, the sexiest woman he’d ever seen, and Rob felt his cock waking up. Gathering his wits quickly, he replied to her question before Kathy noticed the lag. But Sherry already had, and the gleam in her eyes told him so.
“I think you better take this with you,” he said, picking up his gunbelt and holding it out to her playfully. Sherry laughed and closed her robe, tying it quickly.
“You’re funny, Mr. Carter!” she said, then turned to Kathy and asked, “Are we ready to go? I’m anxious to get to the beach and work on my tan!”
“Yeah, we’re ready, I think,” Kathy said, picking up the basket with the food and her things in it, then walking around the counter and over to Rob. Rob was sitting with his feet apart, and Kathy stepped between them to kiss him on the cheek.
“Bye, Dad,” she said, “have a good sleep!”
“Thanks, Kitten, I will, and y’all have a good time!” he said as she walked out of the room. Sherry was standing there, hands clasped in front of her, looking up at him from a slightly bowed head, a half-smile on her face. He knew what she was asking without her saying a word.
“Okay, Sherry, c’mere,” he said, smiling and motioning her over. She lifted her head and smiled broadly, then trotted over to him. She stepped between his feet as Kathy had done, only she stepped in further – much further, until her hips were pressing firmly against his crotch. Before he could react she reached up and took his head in her hands, then pulled him down and kissed him on the lips. The kiss was longer this time, her lips parted, and he felt the soft tip of her tongue dance across his lips as she pushed gently against him. She smelled wonderful, and felt just as good. His cock started to react, and he was sure she felt it; there was just no way she couldn’t. She took her lips from his after a few seconds and, still holding his head in her hands, looked him in the eyes and whispered softly, a knowing smile on her face.
“Sweet dreams, Mr. Carter!” Then she turned and was gone, leaving Rob sitting there with a half-empty glass of orange juice and a raging hard-on.
He didn’t see either of them before he went to work again that night, and his son told him that they said they were going out to eat and then over to Sherry’s house for a while. When he came home from work the next morning his son was still in bed, sleeping in as all teenage boys on summer vacation will do, and Kathy was just starting to move around upstairs. He passed her in the hallway on the way to his room as she was heading to the bathroom to shower.
“Morning, Dad,” she said.
“Morning, Kitten,” he replied in passing. “How was the beach?”
“Great! Sherry got a little burned, though, not too bad but just enough,” she replied.
“With that skimpy suit, I’m not surprised,” he said softly, mostly to himself.
“What, Dad?”
“Nothing, baby, nothing,” Rob said, then closed the door. Five minutes later he was undressed and in bed, sound asleep.
Seven hours later he woke up, feeling a lot better than he had when he went to bed. He took a quick shower to wash the daytime sleep off of him; he’d shower again before he went to work and shave as well, but right now he didn’t do all that. After he showered he pulled on an old pair of jeans and a t-shirt, not bothering with underwear since he wasn’t going anywhere except back to work in four hours, and slipped his bare feet into his old pair of deck shoes. He combed his hair and then went downstairs where he found two notes on the kitchen counter, one from his son telling him that he was at a friend’s house and would be home late, and one from Kathy telling him that she was babysitting for the entire day and most of the night, and would also be home late.
“Excellent!” Rob thought, “I get the house and the early evening to myself!” He loved his kids, but as any parent knows you also love the “me time” that you so rarely got when raising them. He went to the kitchen and fixed himself something to eat, just a sandwich for now, and sat down at the counter on the barstool where Sherry had been to eat it. After he finished eating he went into the den and was just about to sit down in his favorite chair when the doorbell rang.
“Who the hell could that be?” he wondered aloud as he walked across the living room to the front door. He opened the door and was surprised to see Sherry standing there. She’d gotten a bit of a burn, all right, but the color she did get really looked good on her. And he could see a lot of that color today because he could see a lot of Sherry – she was wearing a shiny white nylon (or was it silk?) halter top that tied in front between and beneath her huge breasts, a red and black plaid schoolgirl-type pleated skirt that sat just as low on her hips as the bathing suit had and sandals, her hair once again tied at the sides of her head into long, flowing pigtails. The halter top accentuated her large, torpedo-shaped tits, showing about a mile of cleavage and barely covering her nipples, and the skirt was so short that it barely covered her butt. Rob was sure he could see one areola peeking out of the halter top, and he got a good view of her nipples as well which were rock-hard and poking out against the fabric. The faux diamond glittered from her belly button once again, acting as an arrow pointing down to her sex. She was standing there with her hands behind her back, slowing waving her big breasts back and forth and smiling at him through the screen door.
“Hey, Mr. Carter!” she said.
“Hey, Sherry,” he replied, stunned at how sexy she looked. He could feel the stirrings down below already. “If you’re looking for Kathy, I’m afraid she’s not here. She’s out on a baby-sitting gig and won’t be done until late tonight.”
“I know, she told me,” Sherry replied. She bit her bottom lip sexily, then continued. “Actually, I came to see you.”
“You did?” Rob replied.
“Yes, I did,” she said, continuing. “I need to talk to you about something, if you don’t mind.”
“Sure, I don’t mind, what is it?” Rob asked.
“Well, uh, it’s kinda personal,” she said, shrugging her shoulders a bit. “Can I come in? I’d rather not talk out on the porch like this.”
“Oh, yeah, sure, c’mon in!” Rob said, opening the screen door for her and holding it open. He made no effort to get out of her way this time, and once again she brushed those monster tits against him as she went by. And once again she looked him in the eye when she did it, smiling seductively at him.
A thousand thoughts went through his mind at that point, most of them logical reasons as to why he should not fuck the living shit out of this young, 17 year old vixen who was clearly asking for it, but the more he looked at those tits and the rest of her hot body, the more those logical thoughts took a back seat to the desire rising in him from deep in his balls. “What’s that they always say, when one head gets hard the other one gets soft?” he thought to himself as he closed the inner door and then followed Sherry’s swinging, skirt-clad behind into the house and to the kitchen next to his den. He noticed for the first time that Sherry had a “tramp stamp,” a tribal tattoo in the small of her back just above her butt. He had a few tats himself so he knew a fresh one when he saw it, and this one couldn’t have been more than a month old. ‘And it really looks hot on her, too!’ he thought to himself. She sat down on the barstool where she had been before, and he went over to his desk and sat on the edge again, crossing his arms across his chest before speaking. She swiveled the chair to face him, crossing her legs slowly.
“So what’s on your mind, Sherry?” he asked.
“Can I be honest with you, Mr. Carter?” she asked.
“Sure,” he replied.
“And you won’t tell anybody, not even Kathy?” she asked.
“I won’t tell anybody, not even Kathy,” he said, “and that’s a promise. Now what’s on your mind, Sherry?”
“Well, to be totally honest with you, Mr. Carter, you are,” she said, confirming his suspicions.
“I am?” he asked, playing her game now. “And why am I on your mind?”
“Well, because you’re funny, you’re smart, you’re caring, and you’ve got a really hot body for a man in his late thirties,” she said, looking him up and down as she paused; she took a breath and then finished. “And because you turn me on, Mr. Carter, you turn me on so much! See?” she asked, and stuck her chest out so he could see that her nipples were hard as little rocks, pressing firmly against the fabric of the halter top.
“I see,” he said, unable to take his eyes off her nipples and breasts until she continued. He could feel the beginnings of an erection already.
“That happens every time I so much as think of you! And whenever I get near you, well…” she paused, looking at him and biting her lower lip.
“Well, what?” he asked. “You can’t embarrass me, Sherry, so just say it.”
“Every time I get near you, my pussy gets wet,” she said, looking him in the eyes. “like it is now.”
As much as he hated it, he at least had to try and do the right thing. He wasn’t sure it’d be his best effort, but he at least had to try.
“We can’t, Sherry,” he said, hating having to say it and hoping she’d fight back. “It wouldn’t be right. As much as you may think you want it, we can’t. I’m way too old for you, anway! You should be out chasing boys your own age!”
“Boys my own age bore me,” she said simply, a frown crossing her face. “They’re immature and can’t think any further than the ends of their own dicks.” He stifled a laugh at this as she continued; she was smiling again. “Not like you, Mr. Carter, not like you at all!”
“But still, Sherry, we just can’t,” he protested, trying to remain logical and clear-headed which was getting to be damned near impossible since most of his blood was rushing to his own dick right about now.
“Yes, we can,” she said, sliding off of the barstool and walking over to him. “I’m here, you’re here, the house is empty, no one will be here until late tonight, so we have the house all to ourselves,” she said, stepping between his feet as she had done before. “You know how much I want you, and I think I know how much you want me,” she said, glancing down at the very visible lump in his jeans. She moved in until her hips were pressing against him and the lump in his jeans, then reached up and took his head in her hands again. Again she pulled his head down and kissed him, softly but firmly, her lips parted, her tongue darting into his mouth and teasing his own. She opened her lips more and deepened the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling herself into him so he could feel her huge breasts pressing against him, the nipples rock-hard. He put his hands on her hips and gripped them firmly, wanting to slide his hands up her lithe, shapely body but hesitating to do so. When she broke the kiss she left him nearly breathless. His cock was rock-hard and throbbing, begging for release.
“We shouldn’t do this,” he said in a low voice, the last remnants of wanting to do the responsible thing fading quickly like smoke in a storm, “it’s wrong.” She was standing with her hands hooked around the back of his head, her arms outstretched, looking up at him, and the fires of desire were burning brightly in her eyes.
“I don’t care,” she said in an equally low voice.
She kissed him on the cheek and then moved back to his ear, kissing and then sucking on his earlobe, then running her tongue around the inside of his ear before jabbing it into his ear quickly. He shuddered with the sensations rocketing through him and gripped her hips hard as she ran her tongue around his ear once more, pressing her mound against his hard shaft. He wanted to push her hips away from his, but instead found himself pulling her closer to him, pressing her mound harder against his throbbing manhood. She was nibbling at his earlobe and he heard her sigh between her teeth; then she placed a hand on the back of his head and whispered breathlessly in his ear.
“I want you to fuck me!” she said, sliding a hand down his chest, tweaking his nipple through his shirt on the way and sending jolts of electricity through him, then sliding her hand down between their hips and onto the bulge of his hard cock. She squeezed firmly as she kissed him again, sliding her tongue into his mouth at once, holding his lips to hers with her hand still on the back of his head.
Whatever resistance Rob still had crumbled as soon as she touched his cock and squeezed. He hadn’t had sex with a woman – including his own wife – in at least a year, so now to be confronted with this incredibly hot, incredibly sexy young vixen was just too much for him to take. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, kissing her back, and he heard her sigh again as he did so. He slid one hand down her back to her ass, gripping it in his hand and squeezing hard as he pulled her closer to him. She gave his cock a tug back in return, their tongues dancing as the kiss grew in intensity. He slid his hand beneath the short skirt she was wearing and touched bare skin, and he thought she was wearing a thong again. He marveled at the feel of the smooth skin beneath his hand, and squeezed her ass once more. She broke off the kiss, her breath coming quickly now, and kissed her way around to his other ear to repeat what she had done before, her hand still on his cock and squeezing. He slipped his other hand beneath her skirt and squeezed her bare flesh with both hands, hard, and she squealed with delight.
“Oh, my God, your hands feel so good on my ass!” she said as he kissed and sucked on the side of her neck. “Squeeze my ass, Mr. Carter, squeeze it hard!”
“I think you can call me ‘Rob’ now, Sherry,” he said, lifting his head and looking at her. She looked back and smiled.
“Okay, Rob!” she said, then laughed as he squeezed her ass hard with both hands. She took his head in both hands again and kissed him, deeply but quickly, then stepped back until she was just out of arm’s reach from him. She had a devilish look on her face as she spoke again.
“I have something I want to show you,” she said, running her hands up her sides and over the sides of her big breasts, pushing them together. The nipples were hard and erect, poking out against the nylon material of the halter top. “A couple of things, actually,” she said, working at the knot between her heaving breasts. “I know you like my big breasts, Rob, because I’ve seen you looking at them. And I love it when you look at them; that’s why I always make sure to wear something sexy for you, something that will show them off for you every time I come over here!” She was almost finished with the knot, but was taking her time and teasing him as she spoke.
“I kinda had that figured out, you know,” he said, watching her breasts jiggle with her movements. “You weren’t all that subtle about it.”
“I wasn’t trying to be,” she said. “I wanted you to see them, and I wanted you to know that I wanted it. And now,” she said, slipping the knot apart, “I think it’s time you saw them – all of them!” And with that she pulled the ends of the halter apart and opened it, revealing her huge, naked breasts to him.
They were the biggest breasts Rob had ever seen in his life, and they were nothing short of magnificent. They were full, rounded and heavy, sagging just a bit, their torpedo shape making them a bit longer than they were rounded. Her nipples were pale but hard and erect, nearly the size of a pencil eraser, and they were surrounded by saucer-sized areolas that were also pale to the point of not being visible. She cupped her huge breasts in both hands and lifted them up for him to see, jiggling them slightly.
“So what do you think?” she asked, smiling at him.
“I think they’re magnificent!” he replied, not able to take his eyes from them as she rolled the nipples between her fingers.
“I can’t wait to feel your hands and lips on them,” she said, pulling on her nipples as she spoke. “I also can’t wait to feel them wrapped around your big, hard cock!”
“I’m looking forward to that myself,” Rob replied. He could feel the precum flowing out of his cock and dampening the front of his jeans.
“I have something else to show you, too,” she said, sliding her hands from her breasts and down her stomach, over her skirt and then grasping the hem. “This,” she said, lifting her skirt and showing Rob her mound. She wasn’t wearing a thong after all, Rob saw; beneath her skirt she was naked. Her pubic hair was thick and dark, trimmed into a narrow strip above her slit, and the outer lips were shaven smooth. He could see that they were slightly red and swollen from her excitement, and as he watched she ran a finger over them, rubbing the smooth skin there and teasing him at the same time.
“I made sure I shaved today so my pussy would be nice and smooth for you!” she said, rubbing her lips again. Then she let her skirt drop and walked over to him, her big breasts swaying as she walked. “But right now, if I don’t feel your hands on my big tits I’m gonna go crazy!”
She stepped back in between Rob’s feet, and he immediately reached out and grasped both of her huge tits with his hands. They were firm, heavy and solid, the skin silky smooth to his touch; he ran his hands over them and then lifted them, feeling their weight against his palms. He ran his thumbs over her nipples, both at the same time, and she closed her eyes and sighed as he did so. He lowered his head as he lifted one of the huge globes to his lips and placed his lips over and around the nipple, and then sucked it into his mouth. She gasped as he did this, then reached out and grasped his hard cock and gave it a squeeze. She massaged his cock and balls through his jeans as he went from one big tit to the other, sucking and teasing on each nipple in turn as she continued to grope him from outside his jeans. She moaned gently as he worked her tits over, and the tugging on his cock became more urgent. She reached down with both hands and began working at unfastening his jeans, quickly unfastening them and pulling the zipper down. She pulled his jeans open and his cock sprang out, hard and throbbing. She wrapped her fingers around the shaft and squeezed, then began pumping it with both hands as he suckled her.
He lifted his head from her huge breasts and kissed her, his passion rising quickly now. They found each other’s tongues once more, and as they kissed he slipped a hand down her stomach, under her short skirt and found her mound. He cupped her mound in his hand, feeling the strip of thick hair against his palm, the heat of her sex against his hand, and the smoothness of her shaven outer lips against his fingers. He rubbed her mound with his palm and she moaned slightly; she moaned louder when he slipped a finger between her outer lips and touched her wetness there. The kiss broke and he buried his head in the side of her neck, kissing the soft skin there as she pulled and tugged on his cock. She closed her eyes and tossed her head back, moaning louder as he ran his thumb over her hard clit and then slipped a finger inside her wet tunnel. He felt her clamp down on his finger with her inner muscles, and she jerked when he ran his thumb over her clit.
“Oh, baby, you do me so good!” she said, humping her pussy against his hand as he slid another finger inside her. “That’s it, baby, yeah, slide those fingers inside that tight, wet pussy! Ooooh, yeah, just like that! You like that tight, young pussy, Rob? Do you like my tight, young pussy around your fingers?”
“Yeah, I do,” he replied, thumbing her clit again. “You like it, too, don’t you, Sherry?”
“Oh yeah, baby, I do!” she replied. “But it’s not your fingers I want inside my pussy!”
“It’s not?” he asked, toying with her.
“No, it’s not,” she said, playing back and squeezing his cock hard, making him jump. “I want this inside my pussy! I want to feel this big, hard cock deep inside my tight, young pussy, sliding in and out as you fuck me, and I want to feel it inside me now!”
“Yeah, I think you’re right,” Rob replied. He slipped his fingers out of her tunnel as he kicked his shoes off, and she released her grip on his cock as he stood up and slid his jeans off. She stepped back to give him room, and then he stepped aside and motioned to where he had been sitting.
“Sit there,” he said, and she sat on the edge of the desk, her legs hanging over with her feet up off of the ground. She opened her shapely young thighs for him and he stepped between them, his hard cock standing out in front of him. She looked at it as he moved towards here, the lust apparent in her eyes.
“Your cock is beautiful, Rob!” she said, smiling at him and then looking back down at his cock. “So big and hard, and the head is just….wow!”
“It’s not that big,” Rob replied.
“Sure it is! It’s huge!”
“No, Sherry, it’s not,” Rob said. “I wish I could say it was, but it’s not. I’m a normal guy in that aspect, trust me.”
“How big is it? Have you ever measured it?” she said, running her fingers lightly up and down the sides of his shaft as she admired his manhood.
“Yes, I have, and it’s a little over six inches – right in the middle of the ‘NORMAL ’ scale when it comes to cock size.”
“Well, I think it’s big and it’s beautiful, and I can’t wait to get it inside me!” she said. Rob was standing with his thighs touching the edge of the desk now, her thighs spread wide for him.
“Slip forward so that you’re sitting right on the edge of the desk,” he said, and she lifted her skirt up and out of the way as she slid her hips towards him until her pussy was less than an inch away from his cock.
“Like this?” she asked, leaning back on her elbows on the desk. Her big breasts splayed out to the sides, hardly flattening at all, the nipples still erect. She lifted her feet up and placed her heels on the edge of the desk, giving him full access to her. Her stomach muscles flexed as she did this, and this added to Rob’s excitement.
“Just like that!” he said, looking down at her. She was absolutely beautiful in every sense of the word, and he wanted her more than he had ever wanted a woman before. He grabbed his cock and pointed it at her pussy, placing the head against her outer lips and then rubbing it up and down. Her lips separated easily, glistening with her juices, and he rubbed the head of his cock up and down her slit to coat it and get it slick for her.
“Oh my God, that feels good!” she said, “Now stop teasing me and put that big, hard cock inside me!”
Rob guided the head of his cock to her opening and pushed, and he slid inside her easily. She was very tight, tighter than anything he’d felt in a very long time, but she was also very wet, so he slid in easily.
“Ooooh, damn, that feels good!” she said, clamping her muscles down on the head of his cock. “Is it tight for you, baby? Is that young pussy nice and tight on your big, hard cock?”
“Very tight!” he replied, holding his cock still for a moment and just enjoying the sensation of just his cock being inside her.
“Then give me the rest of it, baby, slide the rest of that big, hard cock inside my tight, wet pussy! OOOOO, yesssss, that’s it, baby, give it to me!” she said as Rob began pushing his cock inside her, slowly starting to stroke in and out of her, pushing more of his shaft inside her with each thrust. He watched in amazement as she swallowed him up, his cock sliding deeper and deeper into her with each thrust. Her pussy was beautiful, and he loved what he was seeing. She closed her eyes and let her head fall back as he slid further inside her, reaching up to her big breasts with her hands and tugging on her own nipples, resting on her elbows as she did so. Rob put his hands on the fronts of her thighs for support, and pushed the rest of his cock inside her until he was completely buried inside her, his balls resting against both the edge of the desk and her ass.
“Aaaaaaah, that feels so good in my pussy!” she said, looking up at him, her eyes open and bright with lust. “Does it feel good, baby? Does that young pussy feel good wrapped around your hard cock? Is it nice and tight around your cock, lover?”
“Incredible, just incredible!” he replied, looking down and then back up at her eyes. “My God, you’re so tight!”
“I’m glad you like it, baby!” she said, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling her hips closer to him to get him even deeper. “Now fuck me, baby, fuck me nice and deep with that big cock!”
Rob started to move then, slowly at first, watching his glistening cock as it emerged from her wet tunnel, then watching it disappear back inside her, being swallowed up as he pushed forward. She gripped him with her pussy, squeezing his length as he began moving faster, urging him to fuck her faster and harder.
“That’s it, baby, fuck me faster! Yeah, baby, just like that, nice and deep!” she said, pulling him closer to her with her legs wrapped tighter around him. He grabbed her by the hips and began thrusting in and out of her in long, deep, hard strokes, and she put her head back and moaned aloud as he moved inside her. She was incredibly tight and incredibly wet, and he knew that he wouldn’t last long before he had to cum. She dropped her hands from her breasts and put them palm down on the desk, and he watched her big breasts bounce and sway on her chest with his movements. He reached up and grabbed them with both hands, squeezing them and using them for support as he stroked in and out of her pussy.
“Yes, baby, yes, squeeze my tits!” she cried, “squeeze my big tits! Squeeze them hard, pinch the nipples, pinch them hard!” He did so, and she wrapped her legs tighter around him and pushed her heels into the top of his ass in time with his thrusts, driving him forward to push deeper inside her. Her legs were surprisingly strong, gripping him solidly as she moved with him. He was thrusting in and out of her in long, hard, steady strokes now, and the both of them were quickly building to a climax.
“Oh my God, baby, you’re gonna make me cum!” she cried, gripping him harder with her thighs. “You’re gonna make me cum so hard!”
“Me, too,” he said, breathing hard and trying to hold off until she was ready. “I’m gonna cum all over your stomach!”
“Oh no, you’re not! I want that cum inside me! I want to feel your cock pumping inside my pussy when you cum!” she said, looking up at him and clamping her legs around him to keep him from pulling out.
“But I can’t…” he started, but she cut him off and put his mind at ease.
“Yes you can, baby, yes you can!” she said, smiling at him. “I’m on the pill, so yes you can!”
“You are?” he asked, relieved. He could be in enough trouble now as it was, and that was one less thing for him to worry about.
“Yes, so give it to me! Cum for me, cum inside me, cum inside my tight young pussy, and fill me up with your hot cum!” She urged him on with her heels on the top of his ass, pushing down on his hips and forcing him to thrust forward inside her.
With that Rob began stroking harder and deeper, and he gripped her big breasts tighter as he felt his orgasm start to build. There was no way he was going to be able to hold out any longer, so he just went with it and let his body take over.
“Yes, baby, yes, that’s it!” Sherry cried, “Fuck me hard, fuck that young pussy hard! Cum for me, baby, cum for me and make me cum with you!” She pushed harder with her heels, clamping her thighs around him again to urge him on. She was hot, tight, wet, and incredibly exciting, and Rob knew it was time.
“Here it comes, Sherry!” he cried, feeling his balls start to shift and his cock widening. “I’m gonna cum!”
“Yeah, baby, yeah, give it to me! Give it to me!” she cried, and that was all he could stand.
Rob drove his hips forward hard, burying his cock deep inside her pussy as his cock erupted into orgasm. His cock exploded inside her, pumping and throbbing, shooting stream after stream of hot cum deep inside her tight, clutching pussy. She screamed as she felt his cock pumping and throbbing inside her, setting off her own orgasm.
“OH MY GOD, I’M GONNA CUM, I’M GONNA CUM, I’M CUMMINNNGGGG!!” she cried as her own orgasm hit, the waves of ecstasy rippling through her body like electric shocks. Rob’s cock continued to pump and spurt inside her, filling her up as she clamped her inner muscles down hard around his shaft as she came with him. He held onto her big breasts and squeezed, making her cum harder, and he could feel her pussy fluttering around his cock as it pumped inside her. He groaned loudly as the last of his cum shot out of his cock and into her flooded pussy, and he held it there as she rode out her orgasm. Finally she stopped writhing beneath him and her inner muscles relaxed, her energy spent, her orgasm over. She relaxed her legs and let them drop, then lay back onto the desk, gasping for breath as Rob kept his cock inside her. He felt her squeeze his softening shaft once more with her pussy, then she lifted herself up onto her elbows and smiled at him as she spoke.
“Oh, my God, that was incredible!” she said, still breathing hard. “No one has ever made me cum that hard before!”
“You’re pretty incredible yourself, Sherry!” Rob said, running his hand through his hair as he tried to catch his breath.
“Was it me, or was it the fact that you haven’t had any pussy for over a year?” she asked, smiling coyly at him. Rob was a little surprised that she knew this about him.
“Probably a little of both, but more you than the absence of it,” he said, running his hands up the sides of her thighs and across her abdomen, then down to her mound. He was still trapped inside her tunnel, enjoying the warm, wet sensation of being encased in her as he went soft. She lifted herself up onto her elbows, causing her inner muscles to flex around his softening shaft.
“Well, your days of having to do without are over, that’s for sure!” she said, smiling at him. “I’m yours, Rob, anytime you want, anytime at all. All you have to do is call me, and I’ll come right over and take care of you!” A part of him hated to admit it, but the thought of having this sexy, big-titted nymph no more than a cell phone call away both relieved and excited him.
“We have to be careful, Sherry,” he said. “Under absolutely no circumstances can anyone ever find out about us. It would be trouble for both of us, more for me than you, but trouble none the less!”
She scooted away from him as she sat up on the desk, and he stepped back slightly at the same time, his now-soft cock slipping out of her. She reached out and took his hands in hers and pulled him a step closer, looking into his eyes as she spoke.
“The absolute last thing I would ever want to do is cause trouble for you!” she said, and the look in her eyes told him she was sincere and serious. “I swear on my life, Rob, that I’ll never tell anyone about us, ever. That’s a promise,” she said. She kissed him softly, then hugged his neck. He put his arms around her and hugged her back.
“Thank you, Sherry,” he said.
“Hey, I know a good thing when I see it, and you’re definitely a good thing!” she said, smiling at him. “It’s taken me more than a month to finally get you to fuck me, so why in the world would I do anything to mess this up?”
“I would hope you wouldn’t,” he said, smiling back at her.
“Oh, trust me, I won’t!” she said, slipping down off of the desk and stepping in close to him. She looked him in the eyes, and he could tell what she was thinking before she said a word.
“How long before you have to go to work?” she asked, running her hand up and down his chest. Her halter top was still hanging open, and he admired her huge breasts as they swayed slowly with her every movement.
“About six hours or so,” he replied, hoping he knew where this was headed.
“And Kathy won’t be home until about that time, right?” He nodded in reply. “And her brother?”
“Same time.” This drew a sexy, slightly evil smile from her.
“Good,” she said in a low voice, then stepped in close to him until her breasts were touching his chest, “then why don’t we go upstairs, take a shower together, and then let me see how many times – and ways – I can make you cum in six hours?” She reached up and pulled his head down to hers, kissing him deeply with her tongue snaking into his mouth before he could answer. He pulled her closer to him and the kiss deepened, and he felt the beginnings of a second erection coming on. When the kiss ended, he replied.
“Now that, young lady, sounds like a hell of an idea!”
“Then let’s go!” she said, taking his hand and leading him out of the den, across the living room, and up the stairs to the master bedroom.
He was smiling the entire way.
To be continued…
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