It had been a long flight over from the East Coast of the United States to Tokyo International Airport, and Derek was tired. The plane ride had been followed by what seemed to be an equally long taxi ride from the airport to a small prefecture about forty miles outside of the city where his company had a small outlet, and Derek had been sent there on an inspection tour. He had been travelling for the better part of 18 hours, and he was relieved when the taxi finally pulled up to what he was certain was the only hotel in the small town located in the center of the small prefecture. It was close to 9 PM and full dark, and Derek was anxious to get to his room and take a shower. After retrieving his bags from the smiling driver and paying his fare, Derek walked through the main doors and into the lobby of the neat, well-kept hotel, going over to the check-in counter where an elderly man dressed in traditional Japanese attire stood. He smiled at Derek as he approached, bowing slightly as Derek put his bags down in front of the desk.
"Konbanwa, Derek-san," the elderly gentleman said. Derek bowed back, returning the traditional greeting.
"Konbanwa," Derek replied, just about exhausting his knowledge of conversational Japanese. "Do you speak English?" he asked, and the man smiled at him in return.
"Yes, I speak English very well, thank you," he replied, his hands clasped in front of him and held at waist-level.
"Excellent, because my Japanese needs a lot of work!" Derek replied, smiling back at the man. "And since you know my name, I take it that you have a reservation for me already," he said.
"Yes, your company made the reservation for you last week," the older man replied. "I have just the right room for you, one I think will suit you and your needs quite well...quite well, indeed!" he said, handing Derek an information card and a pen so he could fill out the form. The older man's choice of words struck Derek as slightly funny, but he was much too tired to give it too much thought. He filled the card out and handed it and the pen back to the old man, who then handed Derek a key with a Japanese character on the tag.
"Thank you," Derek said, taking the key from the man.
"Your room is number 320; take the elevator to the third floor, turn right, and it's the last room on the right," the clerk explained, still smiling at Derek as if he knew some kind of deep, dark secret about Derek. "There are no other guests on that floor, so you will not be disturbed," he said. Derek looked up at this, a puzzled look on his face.
"Disturbed?" he asked. "Doing what?"
"Sleeping, of course," the clerk replied, still smiling. "You have had a very long journey to our country from yours, and I am certain you must be quite tired by now," he explained, and Derek relaxed.
"Yes, you're right, I am pretty tired," Derek replied, bending down and picking up his bags.
"What time would you like the house maid to wake you?" the clerk asked as Derek turned to go.
"Seven o'clock should do it," Derek replied
"Seven it is, then," the clerk replied, bowing again. Derek returned the bow, bags in hand, and then walked towards the elevator. A few minutes later he was at his room, and when he opened the door and turned on the lights he was pleasantly surprised to see that he had been given an "American-style" room - that is, the bed was an actual mattress on a bedframe and not a Japanese-style mat sitting on the floor.
"There is a god," he said, smiling to himself as he stepped inside the room, then kicked the door closed and set his bags down on the floor. He quickly stripped out of his traveling clothes and headed for the bathroom, intent on washing the funk of 18+ hours of travelling from his body. The hot water felt good when he stepped under the shower, and he felt his muscles relaxing as he soaped up.
Ten minutes later he walked out of the bathroom clean and refreshed, naked except for the towel wrapped around his waist, drying his hair with a second towel. He reached into his jacket pocket and recovered his cell phone, checking to see if he hand any calls, messages or e-mails while he was in the shower. There was one e-mail from his company, no doubt wanting to know if he made it okay, and a text message from his mother - but that was all. Nothing else, no messages or texts from a girlfriend because Derek didn't believe in keeping one "steady" girlfriend. But that was okay with him - at only 26 years of age he thought he was way too young to think about settling down just yet. His career was going like gangbusters and he had more than a few names in his little black book, so he was never hurting for female companionship. He sent a quick reply to both his company and his mother, letting them know that he’d arrived okay, then dropped the cell phone onto the bed and walked back into the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror as he combed his hair.
When he was done he pulled the towel from his waist and put it on the counter, then stepped back to take stock of his body. He thought he was reasonably good-looking, with dark hair and a chiseled face, and his physique was pretty good if he did say so himself. He worked out three times a week, and while he was no Arnold Schwarzenegger he was muscled just enough to give his body definition and "cut." Overall, he was satisfied with the way he looked and the build of his body - with one small exception. His eyes dropped down to his penis hanging down at his crotch, the hair trimmed close and his balls smooth-shaven. He turned sideways and looked at his profile, thinking again as most men did (whether they wanted to admit it or not) that he wished his cock were bigger. He was average in size, meaning he was a little more than six inches erect, but he sometimes wished that he was bigger - not John Holmes big or anything like that, but three more inches or so certainly wouldn't hurt his feelings any.
A big yawn came up out of nowhere, his body's way of reminding him that it was late and he was tired, so he walked out of the bathroom and headed for the American-style bed, leaving the bathroom light on and closing the door most of the way so that just a slim sliver of light came through to light up the room. This was an old habit of his that he picked up a long time ago, and it helped when you woke up in the middle of the night in a strange room and tried to remember where you were. He set out his clothes for tomorrow and then turned to the bed, pulling the covers back and fluffing the pillows before lying down on his back, still naked. He had always slept naked, and as long as the sheets were clean he didn't see any reason to put anything on now. He rolled over and turned off the bedside light, the room now illuminated only by the light coming from the cracked bathroom door. Derek lay back, resting his head on the pillow and his hands on his stomach for a moment before raising his arms above his head and stretching. The stretch felt good, pulling out his tired muscles fatigued from the long trip. He held his hands together above his head as he stretched, then clenched his fists as he separated his arms and stretched them out wide.
Just then something warm, thick and powerful grabbed Derek by the wrists, wrapping several times around each wrist and gripping tightly before pulling sharply on his arms to stretch him out further.
"What the fuck!" Derek shouted, looking up at his right wrist to see what was going on. What he saw made his blood run cold with both disbelief and terror.
A dark, thick, muscular tentacle had materialized out of the wall behind the bed from a spot just below the corners where the walls met the ceiling, and it was this tentacle that was wrapped tightly around his wrist and pulling on it. He looked to his left and saw that a second tentacle had materialized out of that corner as well, the thick tentacle wrapped around his wrist and pulling in the other direction. The tentacles gripped his wrists tightly, pulling on his arms just enough to keep him from being able to move them no matter how hard Dan pulled against them. He was held fast, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Derek saw movement at the foot of his bed, and his eyes grew wide as he saw two more tentacles rising up from each corner of the foot of the bed. They were the same as the two that held his wrists, and before he could react they quickly wrapped themselves tightly around each of his ankles and pulled, spreading his legs wide apart as they pulled his feet towards the opposite corners of the bed.
"Hey! HEY!" Derek shouted, then grunted as the tentacles stretched his body out. He was held hand and foot by the powerful tentacles, and each time he tried to move against them he could feel the muscles flexing beneath the skin of the tentacles as they held on to him and increased their grip. He quickly realized that he was helpless, trapped in the grip of the tentacles, and there was nothing he could do about it.
And then, incredibly, he felt his cock begin to stir, the shaft slowly starting to swell and elongate, his balls shifting slightly as he lay trapped in the tentacle’s grip. He looked down and could see his shaft slowly growing in the light from the bathroom, and in the back of his mind he knew why it was happening.
Then a fifth tentacle appeared on the right side of the bed, rising up over his body, hovering for a moment before moving down towards his hips. This tentacle wasn’t as thick as the others that were holding him, and he could see that the underside of the tentacle was as smooth as the top rather than lined with suckers as might be expected. The tentacle hovered over his groin for a moment, then dipped down and quickly encircled Derek’s scrotum, sliding under his balls and then coming back up and around to slide under his slowly growing shaft , encircling both his cock and balls like one big cock ring.
“Whoa! Unnggghh!” Derek moaned as the tentacle tightened around his scrotum, squeezing firmly but not quite to the point of pain. The tentacle was surprisingly warm and smooth against the bare skin of his balls and shaft, and Derek could feel the muscles moving against his skin as the tentacle tugged on him. His cock began to grow faster, the shaft swelling and thickening as the tentacle continued to squeeze and tug on his scrotum.
“What the fu…” Derek started to say out loud, but his words were choked off when yet another tentacle came out of the wall behind him and slipped around his neck, looping around it twice and immediately tightening, squeezing just hard enough to choke off his words but not hard enough to prevent him from breathing. Derek began to panic with this new tentacle wrapped around his neck, and he struggled to pull his arms and legs free of the tentacles that gripped him. He only succeeded in making the tentacles grip his legs and wrists tighter, pulling on him and stretching his body out a bit more. To his surprise the tentacle around his neck didn’t tighten, but the one wrapped around his genitals did as it continued to tug and pull on him.
It was at this point that Derek realized that the tentacles weren’t going to kill him, because if they were he’d be dead by now. In the back of his mind he knew what was going to happen next and, more importantly, he knew why. He looked down at his cock and saw that it was nearly fully erect, bobbing slightly as the tentacle wrapped around his scrotum tugged and pulled at him, urging him to full erection.
Then another tentacle rose up from the left side of the bed, this one the same size as the one gripping his scrotum. It hovered over his body for just a moment before moving down to his crotch where it wrapped itself several times around his erection and immediately tightened around it, squeezing hard.
“Ungh!” Derek grunted through the tentacle wrapped around his neck, and he looked down to see the head of his cock poking out of the tentacle that was wrapped around the hard shaft. The tentacle squeezed again, tugging on his hard shaft as it did so, the head of his cock now big and swollen with the pressure being applied to his shaft. This one was also warm like the others that were gripping him, and Derek could feel the muscles moving under the skin as it squeezed his shaft hard.
Then a very warm, slippery, mucus-like substance began seeping out of the tentacles wrapped around his genitals, and Derek felt a tingling sensation deep in his balls and in his shaft. The tentacles wrapped around him down there began moving together, the one around his scrotum squeezing and pulling on him rhythmically as the one around his erection did the same, gripping his shaft hard as it slid up and down his length, pulling and tugging on him over and over again.
‘This is impossible!’ Derek thought to himself as he continued looking down, watching as the tentacles continued masturbating him. ‘This has to be a dream! That’s it, I’m asleep and I’m dreaming!’ he thought, but then the tentacle around his neck tightened hard and cut off his airway just long enough to get his attention, as if it knew what he was thinking, and that convinced Derek that this was no dream.
“Okay, okay, I got it, I understand,” Derek croaked, and the tentacle around his neck loosened back to its previous grip.
Derek looked down again and watched as the tentacles continued to squeeze, tug and pull on him, the tingling sensations in his cock and balls intensifying as they continued working him over. The tentacle wrapped around his shaft tightened more and tugged harder, and Derek grunted as it pulled harder. He felt like his shaft was a piece of salt water taffy and the tentacle was intent on stretching it out as far as it could, and then the tentacle gripping his shaft gave him a quick, hard tug as if to answer him.
With each passing minute the heat of the fluid seeping out of the tentacles wrapped around his genitals grew, and the tingling sensations in his cock and balls also grew with it. Derek’s cock felt harder than it had ever felt before, the skin seemingly stretched tight by the pressure of the blood rushing through it. He was so hard it felt like his cock was going to explode, and the tentacle wrapped around his cock only continued to squeeze and pull harder on his shaft, stroking and tugging relentlessly.
Derek felt himself begin to relax in the grip of the tentacles, the erotic sensations emanating out from his cock and balls beginning to take over and flood his body. In a few moments nothing else mattered to him except the two tentacles that were masturbating him, and he felt his breathing begin to quicken and his heart begin to beat faster. Then he felt the familiar sensation in the pit of his balls, that peculiar tingling sensation that all men feel which heralds the beginnings of an orgasm, and the tentacles wrapped around his genitals intensified their motions as if to hurry him to orgasm. Derek felt his heart begin to race and heard his breathing quicken even more, and the tingling in his balls grew more intense as his orgasm quickly built. The tentacle wrapped around his shaft gripped him harder, tugging and pulling at him more urgently and harder than before, while the one wrapped around his scrotum squeezed harder. His cock was so hard it hurt, and he groaned loudly as he felt his balls contracting in preparation for his orgasm.
“NNNNGGGGHHHH!!” Derek groaned between gritted teeth, a grimace on his face as his orgasm hit. His back arched and his muscles tensed, and he strained against the tentacles holding him as his cock erupted with a force he’d never felt before. The cum came blasting out of his cock in long, thick ropes, arcing through the air to land heavily on his chest and stomach. The tentacle continued tugging and pulling on his cock as it spasmed again and again, shooting stream after stream of cum out onto Derek’s body. Five, six, seven, eight times his cock pumped, and the tentacles wrapped around his cock and balls continued to squeeze and tug. The tingling in his genitals caused by the tentacle’s fluid increased as did the heat it was generated, and Derek soon felt like his shaft was on fire as it continued to spew cum out onto his flat stomach. He strained again against the tentacles holding him, squeezing his eyes shut with the intense mixture of pleasure and pain he was experiencing as the most intense and longest orgasm he’d ever had ran its course.
Just as Derek began to wonder if he would ever stop cumming he felt the spasms in his cock slow and finally cease, the last bit of fluid spitting out of the tip of his cock to land on his abdomen. He felt his muscles relax, and he lay on the bed still in the grip of the tentacles as he gasped for breath.
But the tentacles wrapped around his genitals didn’t stop. As he was fighting to catch his breath he noticed that he was still hard as a rock, and that the two tentacles were still squeezing, tugging, and pulling on him as before. Then he noticed that the warming and tingling sensations caused by the fluid the tentacles emitted was increasing, and he groaned as the tentacle wrapped around his still-hard and throbbing shaft squeezed it even harder than before. He grunted loudly as the tentacle pulled harder than ever, and the feeling that his cock was so hard it was going to explode came again. He looked down and saw the head of his cock sticking out of the tentacle as it gripped his shaft, pulling and tugging on it, as the tentacle around his scrotum tightened again. Then he felt his balls shifting again, and an intense tingling ran through him again.
“Impossible!” he gasped, watching as the tentacles continued squeezing and tugging on him, and then he felt his balls shifting again and knew that he was about to cum yet again.
“Impossible!” he repeated, gritting his teeth as he felt the second orgasm quickly building. “This is gonna hurt…” he moaned, and then he cried out again as his second orgasm hit with the same intensity as the first. He arched his back and strained against the tentacles holding him again as his cock pumped and throbbed again, shooting another heavy load of cum through the air to land on his chest and stomach. The tentacle pumping his shaft squeezed tighter and pulled even harder, and Derek cried out with the pain as the second tentacle squeezed his scrotum harder yet, his balls bulging with the pressure.
Derek felt himself getting light-headed and dizzy, and the last thing he remembered before he lost consciousness was the feeling of the tentacle gripping his shaft squeezing and tugging even harder…and then the darkness overtook him.
The knocking on the door woke him, and he found himself lying flat on his back on the bed as he opened his eyes. The room was light now, morning having broken, and his still-naked body was covered by the bedsheets. He heard the feminine voice calling to him from the other side of the door as he struggled to wake up and clear the sleep from his brain.
“Konichi-wa, Derek-san,” the feminine voice said. “Time to wake up, please!” she said, still knocking on the door.
“Okay, okay, I’m up, thank you,” Derek replied loudly, pulling his hands out from beneath the covers and rubbing his palms over his face. He heard the maid walking away as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and then he started as he remembered the events of the night before. His eyes flew open and he held his wrists out in front of his face, seeing that his wrists were slightly bruised in a band about six inches wide.
“Holy shit, it was real,” he said to himself, his eyes wide. “It wasn’t a dream, it was real!” And then he felt the dull throbbing in his genitals, becoming aware of it for the first time. He threw the covers back and looked down, seeing the now-dried and flaking river of cum that ran from his belly button all the way up to his chest between his nipples. He looked further down and saw that his shaft was red and irritated, throbbing slightly with just a bit of a tingling sensation in it, and that it and his balls were covered with a dried film of something that was crusty and flaking. There was something else different about his shaft as well, but he couldn’t put his finger on just what it was. He pulled one of his legs out of the covers and saw the bruising around his ankle, and then dropped his leg to the bed as he let his head fall back to stare at the ceiling.
“Holy shit,” he said softly to himself as the events of the night came flooding back to him. He leaned his head back and looked up at the wall behind him, but of course he saw nothing out of the ordinary.
“I need a shower,” he said aloud, then sat up and swung his feet off of the bed. He stood and walked to the bathroom, a bit wobbly, his slightly sore and still tingly cock swinging a bit as he walked. He turned the water on in the shower, and after waiting a few moments for the hot water to make it through the pipes he stepped in, letting the hot water run down over his head and down his body. As soon as the hot water hit his genitals he felt a strange warm sensation flooding through them, but he thought it was only the effects of the water on his sore and sensitive skin. He picked up the bar of soap from the dish and began lathering his body, washing the dried cum from his chest first and then working his way down to his groin.
As soon as he began soaping up his genitals he got an erection, but he didn’t think anything of it because he almost always got an erection when he washed himself there. But then he noticed that his cock was getting hard fast, very fast, faster than he’d ever experienced before, and he watched in amazement as his cock quickly grew thicker, harder, and longer than ever before. The tingling sensation in his scrotum returned, more intense than before, and it lasted only until he was fully erect. Then it faded, leaving him with a throbbing, pulsing monster of an erection that made his mouth drop open in surprise.
“Holy SHIT!” he exclaimed, looking down at the reddened, bulbous head of his now-huge cock. He quickly turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, not bothering to rinse or dry off, and nearly ran into the bedroom and over to his suitcase. He always carried a small portable tailor’s kit with him, and inside that kit was a cloth tape measure. He quickly found the tape measure and went back into the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror as he held the end of the tape measure in place at the base of his shaft and ran the rest up the length of his erect cock. He had to look twice to make sure he was seeing it right when he saw the results.
“Nine and a half inches,” he said in amazement, looking down at his still-erect cock. “Holy shit, nine and a half inches!” He had no idea how big around his shaft had been before the tentacles got hold of him, but he could tell that he was substantially bigger around as well. Then a thought struck him and he looked at the mirror to see his balls; they, too, were bigger than they had been, hanging lower from his body and feeling fuller and heavier as well. He stood there for several minutes, amazed at what he was seeing, finally snapping out of his trance and heading back into the shower to finish getting ready. He was going to be late for his meeting if he didn’t get a move on, so he turned on the shower and stepped back inside, pulling the curtain closed behind him. Halfway through his shower his erection faded away, and he was able to finish his routine and get dressed without further incident. He made it out of the hotel and into a taxi just in time to make his meeting. He looked for the old man at the desk on his way out but saw only a young Japanese woman who smiled and bowed at him as he rushed past.
The meeting at the outlet took most of the day, and then his Japanese hosts were insistent on taking him out for a night on the town. By the time he got back to his hotel it was close to midnight, and he saw as he entered the lobby that the elderly gentleman who was there the night before was there again. He smiled and bowed as Derek walked over to the desk.
“Konbanwa, Derek-san,” he said as Derek stopped in front of the desk. “I trust your meeting today went well,” he said, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.
“The meeting went fine, but that’s not…” Derek began, but the old man cut him off.
“A good night’s rest makes all the difference,” the old man asked, a knowing smile on his face. “I trust the room treated you well?” Derek felt the color drain from his face as he realized that the old man not only knew about the room, but…
“You gave me that room on purpose,” Derek said to the smiling old man. “You knew, and you gave me that room on purpose. But why? Why me?” he asked, then looked quickly around the lobby to make sure they were alone before continuing. “And how did you know about my secret fantasy?” he said, leaning over the counter slightly and lowering his voice. “I’ve never told anyone about that, not ever! How did you know?” The elderly clerk tucked his hands into the cuffs of his robe as he replied, still smiling at Derek in a knowing way.
“I did not know, Derek-san, the room knew,” he replied. “And I did not pick you, the room did. I knew the moment you walked in that the room had picked you, so I gave you to the room.”
“What do you mean, ‘the room knew?’” Derek replied, astounded at what he was hearing. “And the room picked me? Really, what kind of a joke is this?”
“It is no joke, Derek-san,” the old man replied, “surely you realize that by now. Did you not wake up changed this morning, something different about you, something that you always desired to be different suddenly was?” he asked, and Derek’s mouth dropped open at his words. He paused for a moment before replying.
“Yes, something was different,” he replied, resisting the urge to glance down at his crotch.
“Then that is your proof,” the clerk replied.
“But how? How does all this happen?” Derek asked, coming to terms with what he was being told. The old man slowly shook his head as he replied.
“I know not how the room works, nor how it came to be,” he said, “only that it is, and it tells me who it has chosen without telling me why. The room is a secret place, a once in a lifetime place where fantasies come to life and are realized – a fantasy room, if you will. And when the room is finished with you, it always rewards you in some way by making a secret desire of yours come to be. As I said, I know not how or why, only that it is.”
“Have you ever experienced the room?” Derek asked. The old man said nothing, but his smile grew a bit bigger instead. Derek nodded his head in understanding, and then continued. “So will it happen again tonight?” he asked.
“As I said, Derek-san, the room is a once in a lifetime place. It has made your deepest fantasy come true and has rewarded you, so now it is done with you,” the old man replied. “You will sleep soundly tonight without being disturbed, and tomorrow morning you will leave the room and this hotel and continue with your life, changed for the better for your having been chosen by the room.”
“And the room will pick someone else tomorrow,” Derek said.
“Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after, I never know,” the old man said, smiling and shrugging his shoulders. “All I know is that the room tells me when it has picked someone, and I give the room who it desires.”
“This is incredible,” Derek said, letting all of what he had been told sink in. “And of course, if I try telling anyone about it, they’d think I was crazy,” he said, and the old man smiled at him again.
“Only those who have experienced the room will understand and believe,” he said simply.
“Of course,” Derek said.
“May I be of further service to you, Derek-san?” the old man asked.
“No, I’m going to just go up to my – the – room and get some sleep,” Derek said, shaking his head.
“Rest well, then, and pleasant journey home, my young friend,” the clerk said, bowing to Derek who returned the bow. Then Derek left the lobby and went up to the room, hesitating a bit before opening the door and going inside. The lights were on and the room looked the same as it had the night before – normal – yet Derek was still a bit spooked as he undressed and got into bed. He thought he was going to have a lot of trouble getting to sleep, but he fell asleep within moments of getting into bed and pulling the covers up around him.
He slept more soundly that night than he could ever remember.
When he got up the next morning and went downstairs to check out, he asked the young girl behind the counter to give a message to the older gentleman who worked the late shift at the desk. He was astounded at her reply.
“We have no older gentleman working the late shift, sir,” she replied. “All of our desk clerks are younger women such as myself.”
Derek just stared at her for a moment as she looked at him, a puzzled look on her face that must have been a mirror image of his own. He mumbled a ‘thank you’ and then picked up his bags, turning to walk out of the lobby and into the street. There was a taxicab sitting at the curb, and the driver hurried over to take his bags from him and loaded them into the trunk of the cab. Derek got into the back seat as the driver got into the front, and then told the driver to take him to the airport.
“You go home now, yes?” the driver asked in broken English, smiling at Derek in the mirror.” “You have good time in Japan, yes?” he said, nodding his head quickly.
“You have no idea,” Derek replied, shaking his head slowly in wonderment as the driver pulled the taxi out into traffic and headed for the airport.
Lovecraft lives
ReplyDeleteWhy, thank you! Told you it was different from my normal writings!
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine why it was rejected, it's erotica as hell! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThe site had a prohibition on anything involving choking. Rather than change the story, I chose to leave the site for that reason and a few others.
ReplyDeleteGlad you liked the story!