School had started a little more than a week after Sherry’s birthday sleepover at his house, and just as he had thought would happen his chances to be with Sherry dwindled down to next to nothing. Between school, his work schedule, and Sherry’s part-time work schedule, it was nearly a month into the new school year before Rob had a chance to see Sherry again other than during the times she was over at his house seeing his daughter. And as much as he liked seeing her in any way that he could, in a way those visits were torture because he wasn’t able to touch her but had to make due with just drinking in the sight of her with his eyes.
And the one time he did have the chance to be with her nearly ended in disaster. Anticipation and desire had made the both of them careless, and one Friday evening when both of his kids were out they took the chance and Sherry came over to his house to see him. They were going at it hot and heavy in his bedroom with the door closed and were totally wrapped up in each other – literally as well as figuratively, since they were in the missionary position with Sherry’s legs wrapped around him as he lay on her with his hands beneath her gripping her ass – and neither of them heard the front door to the house open, nor did they hear Randy come up the stairs. The knock on the bedroom door startled both of them.
“Dad?” Randy called through the door.
“Yeah, Randy?” Rob replied, his hand clamped over Sherry’s mouth as she was actually trying to stifle a giggle.
“Is it okay if Russell spends the night here tonight after we get off work?” Randy asked.
“Sure, no problem,” Rob replied, looking down at Sherry and shaking his head at her. She was smiling beneath his hand over her mouth, and she licked the palm of his hand just for spite.
“Okay, thanks,” Randy replied, pausing for a moment. “Are you okay, Dad?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine, I was just taking a nap and you startled me,” Rob lied as Sherry slowly rotated her hips beneath him, squeezing his cock with her pussy and pushing on his ass with her heels, urging him to continue what they were doing.
“Oh, okay, sorry about that,” Randy said, and then they heard him walking away and down the stairs. A moment later they heard the front door open and then close as Randy left. After keeping quiet for a few moments longer to make sure they were again alone, Rob lifted his hand from Sherry’s mouth and she giggled.
“Damn, that was close!” Rob said, looking down at Sherry, who was giggling away. “Hey, I’m not kidding, this is serious!”
“I know, lover, I’m sorry,” Sherry replied, smiling up at him. “I just think it’s kinda funny!”
“Well, it won’t be funny if we get caught,” Rob said, smiling in spite of himself. This girl was just too damned cute and sexy to stay mad at. “We’ll just have to be more careful from now on,” he said.
“Okay, lover,” she replied, running her hand along the side of his face.
“I wonder how long he was standing outside the door, and just what he heard?” Rob wondered aloud.
“Let’s worry about that later,” Sherry replied, pulling him down to her. “Right now, let’s just pick up where we left off,” she said, pulling his face down to hers and kissing him deeply as she tightened her legs around him, squeezing his cock with her pussy to urge him into full hardness once again, as the sudden interruption had played hell with his erection. Rob returned the kiss and felt his cock responding, and in a few moments they were right back where they left off before Randy came knocking.
That incident had left Rob with a renewed sense of caution; it also left him with a renewed suspicion that his son knew what was going on. But at this point in the grand scheme of things – his divorce was proceeding quickly and would be finalized at the end of the month – what difference did it all make? None, really, but Rob knew that he had to be careful at least until the end of the month, so he resolved himself to be extra careful until then. After that, he’d take things as they came.
Three weeks after the near-disaster and a week before his divorce was due to be finalized, his soon-to-be-ex-wife announced that she was coming “to see the kids,” so Rob made arrangements to be out of town that weekend. The divorce had turned nasty and Rob had no desire to have any contact with his ex of any kind, so he made arrangements to disappear down to the beach again for the weekend she would be there. Instead of a hotel this time Rob rented out a small cottage on the beach which he got for a song since the tourist season was over and the owners of the cottage were quick to snap up any chance to make some money on the place. He told his kids where he was going to be for the weekend, and then he called Sherry on her cell phone and told her. She was excited and disappointed at the same time.
“I can make it down there Friday evening and again on Saturday evening, lover, but I can’t spend the night because my parents are in town,” she said, and Rob could hear the disappointment in her voice and imagine the pout on her face. “And I have to work Saturday during the day, so I can’t come down until I get off work. I’m sorry, lover, I really am,” she said.
“That’s okay, babe, really,” Rob replied, “We’ll just make the best of the time we have. Hey, at least we get to see each other, right?” he said, disappointed as well but not wanting to let her know.
“Right!” Sherry replied, and Rob could tell the change in her attitude by the sound of her voice. “So I’ll see you Friday evening around six, then, okay?”
“Works for me,” Rob replied, smiling. “I’ll see you at six!” Then he hung up his cell phone, the anticipation within him already starting to grow. His subconscious told him that he was getting far more excited about this and it was making him much happier than it should considering this was supposed to be nothing more than a sexual affair, but he pushed those thoughts aside and decided that he’d deal with them later. Right now he needed to concentrate on making it through the next couple of days until Friday evening got here and he could be with Sherry again.
It was a little after when there was a knock on his door, and he felt his heart begin to race with excitement as he walked across the room to the front door. Not that he needed to, but he looked out of the peephole out of habit. Sherry was standing there, a big smile on her face, wearing a long-sleeved tie-dyed t-shirt that was so tight it looked like it was painted on and an equally tight pair of hip-hugging jeans. From the lack of telltale lines showing through her shirt he could tell that she was braless, and he had to admit that she looked spectacularly sexy like that. Her hair hung loose and free around her face, and the ever-present small pocketbook was hanging from one shoulder. As soon as he opened the door she squealed with delight and threw herself at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, molding her lithe body to his, and he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close as he returned the kiss. Without breaking the kiss he picked her up, took her inside the house, and kicked the door closed behind them with his foot. They finished the kiss a few long, delicious moments later, and when it was over she looked up at him, her eyes bright and sparkling, a big smile on her face.
“Hello, lover!” she said, her full lips glistening in a big smile. “I have missed you so much!”
“I’ve missed you, too, babe,” Rob replied, smiling back at her and hugging her close to him. “Very, very much!”
Sherry leaned back and looked up at him, still smiling. “Really?” she asked. “You missed me that much? Or are you just exceptionally horny and in need of a good, sound fucking?”
“I missed you that much,” Rob replied, looking her right in the eyes.
“How sweet!” she said, reaching up and kissing him on the cheek. Then she slipped out of his arms and walked a few steps into the room. She looked around the room and said, “This is nice! How did you find it?”
“Internet listing,” Rob replied. “It’s the off-season so the rent wasn’t half of what it would be during the height of the tourist season. I love the beach and I’m seriously thinking of moving here after my divorce is final and the kids get out of school.”
“That would be way cool, living on the beach!” she said, reminding him that she was, after all, still a teenager.
“Yeah, I think so, too,” he replied, “but I’m not doing anything like that until Randy has graduated. I don’t want to pull either of them out of their schools, especially not with Kathy being a senior this year and all. My family moved when I was just starting high school, but it was my older sister’s senior year and she hated it,” Rob explained. “Having to go through what is supposed to be the best year of high school in a strange school away from everyone else you’ve been going to school with your entire life really sucked for her, and I won’t do that to my kids.”
“Good for you!” Sherry said, and Rob thought he caught a glimmer of a funny, sad look in her eyes for just a brief moment.
“So, are you hungry?” he asked, walking over to the couch and picking up his Baja pullover. He loved the loose-fitting woven pullovers, and owned two of them in different colors. They were both the same pattern, wide alternating horizontal stripes, but the base colors and the colors of the stripes were different.
“Starved!” Sherry replied. “Where are we going?” she asked as Rob slipped the baggy but warm Baja over his head.
“I thought we’d go to “The Captain’s Cabin” and have some seafood for dinner, but first we have to go get you one of these,” he said, adjusting the hood on the Baja behind his head. “October at the beach can get kind of cool at night, and you’re gonna freeze in nothing but that shirt.”
“Don’t you like my shirt?” she said, holding her arms out and turning for him as if to model it for him. “I wore it just for you, and I left the bra at home just for you too!”
“You look fabulous in it,” he said, walking over to her and holding her to him, “very sexy, and I truly appreciate it, but you’re still gonna freeze. Now let’s go get you a Baja from a shop down the street and then go eat.”
“And then we can come back here and fuck?” she asked, looking up at him. The way she talked dirty to him so casually and so easily always turned him on, and this was no exception as he felt his cock twitch at her words.
“Yes, babe, and then we can come back here and fuck,” he said, ushering her to the door.
Twenty minutes later they were sitting in a corner booth in “The Captain’s Cabin,” the restaurant nearly deserted since it was the off-season. The restaurant was dark, and that coupled with the corner booth they were in just about guaranteed their privacy. The booth had a bench seat that was curved around a circular table instead of two benches facing each other, the table covered with a long tablecloth, and as soon as Rob slid onto the seat and the waitress put the menus down in front of them Sherry slid over next to him, grabbing his hand and holding it. She was wearing her brand-new Baja that Rob had just bought for her, and he had to admit that it was the perfect compliment to her tie-dyed shirt and looked great on her. He also couldn’t help but think that if she was wearing anything except a shirt with a crew neck she’d be showing a pretty good amount of cleavage since the neckline of the Baja was a V-neck and went down to the mid-chest point. The waitress took their drink orders – beer for him, soda for her – and left to go get them. When she came back a few minutes later they placed their orders, and as the waitress left Sherry slid around the seat to get up.
“Be right back, lover,” she said, smiling at him as usual. “Gotta go powder my nose!”
“Okay, Sherry,” Rob replied, taking a sip of his beer. Sherry returned a few minutes later, sliding around on the bench seat to cuddle close to him. When Rob looked over at her he nearly choked on his beer – he could see cleavage, about a mile of it, beneath the V-neck of the Baja she was wearing. Sherry had taken her shirt off in the bathroom and was now topless beneath the Baja. She giggled at his reaction.
“I see you noticed!” she said, grinning up at him and giving him one of those “Sherry Smiles” with the tip of her tongue protruding between her teeth. “You like?”
“Oh, I like,” Rob replied, grinning back at her and staring at her cleavage. “I like very much!”
“Good!” she said, kissing him on the cheek. “And if you like that, then you’re gonna love this!” She slid sideways on the bench and lifted the tablecloth out of the way, then slid off of the bench and under the table.
“Sherry, what are you…” Rob started.
“Shhhhh!” she shushed him, a finger to her lips. She giggled as she dropped the tablecloth, concealing her from view. Rob took a quick look around to see if anyone had seen, but they were the only customers in this part of the restaurant, and it was dark.
A moment later Rob felt Sherry’s hands slide up the tops of his thighs, gliding along the denim of his jeans and then sliding down between them to the insides. She pushed his thighs apart, and he felt more than heard her move in close between them. He felt her hands slide up the inside of his thighs, and he felt his cock begin to stir. He took another quick look around as her hands slid up to his crotch and over the growing bulge in his jeans, and she rubbed it with the palm of her hand. Then he felt her fingers working at the catch on his jeans, quickly unfastening it and then pulling down his zipper slowly so as not to make any noise. Once his zipper was down she opened up the top of his jeans, exposing his semi-hard shaft to the cool air of the restaurant. He felt her slip her fingers around the shaft and squeeze gently, tugging on it and urging it to full hardness. He gasped as he felt the soft, warm wetness of her tongue on the base of his cock, then inhaled sharply as he felt that warm, soft, wet tongue slide slowly up the underside of his cock from the base to the tip and then back down again. She did this to him several times, holding his cock in the palm of her hand as she did so, and then he felt her lift his cock away from his body with the palm of her hand. He felt her warm, soft lips slide over the head of his cock to envelope it, her fingers wrapping around the now-hard shaft and pumping slowly as her tongue swirled over and around the sensitive tip. He felt the first of his precum slip out of his cock and she licked it up immediately, then pumped more out of him with her hand.
Rob caught himself groaning as she sucked on the head of his cock and slid her mouth slowly down his shaft, and he took another look around as she slowly swallowed his cock into her wet, sucking mouth and down her throat. He gripped the edge of the table hard as she slipped the head of his cock past the back of her throat and swallowed around it, digging his balls out of his jeans and squeezing them at the same time. She held his cock there for a few moments, then began to slowly slide her warm, wet mouth up and down his hard cock, sucking on it very hard as she did so. She swirled her tongue over and around the shaft and the head with every slow, delicious movement of her head, and Rob knew that it wouldn’t be long before Sherry got an appetizer of a different kind from him. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes for a moment as Sherry slowly engulfed his cock in her mouth again, sliding down the shaft and sucking on it very hard.
“Can I get you another beer, sir?”
“Huh? What?” Rob said, startled, his eyes popping open. The waitress was standing across the table looking at him, a questioning look on her face.
“Can I get you another beer?” she repeated, pointing to the nearly empty bottle on the table in front of him. Sherry continued sucking on his cock, drawing on it harder since she could hear that Rob had someone standing in front of him, and she gave his balls a playful squeeze as she swallowed around the head of his cock. Rob jumped slightly, and the waitress gave him a funny look.
“Sure, sure, good,” he said, struggling to maintain his composure as Sherry slid her mouth slowly up his cock, sucking hard on the head and swirling her tongue around it. “Another beer would be good,” Rob said. The waitress smiled at him and then left, and he heard Sherry giggle around his cock. Then she continued working on him, sliding her mouth down his shaft again. The waitress came back with his fresh beer and placed it on the table, and all Rob could do was smile and nod at her as he was about to cum in Sherry’s mouth. The waitress smiled back and then left, glancing behind her once as she left.
Rob groaned softly as he felt Sherry swallow his cock again, and then he felt it widen in preparation to cum. Sherry felt it too and moved up and down on his shaft just a bit faster, urging him to cum by sucking on him harder and squeezing his balls with her hand. Rob felt his balls shift in her hand and then he came, his cock exploding in Sherry’s mouth, pumping hard as it shot stream after stream of hot, thick cum into her sucking mouth and down her throat. His hips bucked upwards slightly as he came, thrusting his cock deeper into her sucking mouth as it pumped and throbbed, spurting and shooting his cum as she swallowed it all down. She slid her mouth all the way down on his cock and held it there as his orgasm ran its course, keeping it buried in her mouth and down her throat as the last spasms ran through his shaft and the last bit of cum spit out of his cock and down her throat. She swallowed around his cock again, not missing a drop of his cum, and then slowly slid her mouth up the length of his cock, sucking the cum from his shaft and cleaning it with her tongue on the way up. She held the head of his cock in her mouth, sucking on it and swirling her tongue around it, before finally releasing it with a soft ‘pop.’ Rob felt his body relax, leaning back in the booth against the cushioned backing, trying to catch his breath and not be too obvious about it as Sherry tucked his now-soft cock back into his jeans, fastened the catch, and zipped them up. She was careful not to catch him with the zipper, and he was grateful for that. A moment later she was sitting on the bench next to him, licking her full lips with her pointed tongue and smiling at him.
“So, lover, what did you think?” she asked, grinning at him before taking a sip of her soda. “Did you like that?”
“I think you’re nuts, and yeah, I fuckin’ loved it!” Rob replied, smiling back at her before taking a long pull from his beer. He set the beer down on the table before continuing. “I can’t believe you did that, and I can’t believe I let you!”
“I’ve always wanted to give you a nice, slow blowjob in a restaurant like this,” she said, smiling at him, “and there was no way you were gonna stop me!”
“You weren’t afraid of getting caught?” he asked.
“Sure, but that adds to the excitement of it, doesn’t it?” she replied. She was right, and Rob knew it. “Besides, having sex in public places turns me on!”
“Really?” Rob asked, although he already knew that. “So, just how turned on are you?”
“Very,” she replied, looking at him with desire evident in her eyes. “Give me your hand,” she said, and he held his hand out to her. She slid it between her legs to her crotch, and Rob could feel that her jeans were damp to the point of nearly being wet.
“Wow!” Rob said, surprised.
“And it’s gonna stay like that, too,” Sherry said, releasing his hand before continuing. “So don’t worry about me not being ready to fuck you into oblivion when we get back to the cottage,” she said in a hushed, husky voice, looking up at him as she lowered her head slightly to give him “the look” that she knew he loved. “But right now, let’s eat!” she said as she saw the waitress arriving with their food on a big tray.
They spent the next hour in the restaurant, enjoying both the meal and the company of each other, and Rob couldn’t remember when he’d been this happy. When they left the restaurant it was full dark outside, the streets of the beach town nearly deserted due to it being the off-season, and Rob reached out to hold Sherry’s hand as they walked the four blocks back to the cottage. When he took her hand in his Sherry looked up at him and smiled, and they held hands all the way back to the cottage.
Two hours and six orgasms later – four of hers and two of his – Sherry was on her way home, clad in the new Baja that Rob had bought for her, having kept her word about what she was going to do to him once they got back to the cottage.
Both of them were looking forward to the next afternoon when Sherry was coming back, more than each of them realized, and for the same reason that each of them inwardly knew but didn’t want to face or admit.
More to come…
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