Sam woke up the next
morning, almost afraid to move from his position in the bed. He was lying on
his back, the covers just up to his waist, a dull throbbing coming from his
balls. There wasn’t anywhere near as much pain as he thought there was going to
be, but there was just enough of a throb to let him know that someone had been
poking his balls with a knife. And the simple thought that someone had cut each
of his balls on one side with a knife was enough to make him paranoid about
moving; still, he knew in his heart that it would be okay to move, so he
summoned his courage and got out of bed. He tossed the covers off and swung his
legs slowly over the side of the bed, putting his feet on the floor and
standing up. He was wearing the close-fitting and supportive sports underwear
that the doctor had recommended to support his injured balls and keep the
stitches from tearing, and the shorts were somewhat less than comfortable. He
looked down at them and smirked at the image of his big cock stuffed into the snug
“Whoever designed
these things must have had a really small dick,” he said, adjusting his cock to
make himself more comfortable. Then he put on his t-shirt and slowly walked
down the hall and down the stairs, turning the corner into the kitchen to see
Miriam and Lisa sitting at the table, dressed and ready to go. Miriam was
drinking coffee and Lisa was drinking orange juice, and Sam saw their bags
sitting next to the door. They both smiled when they saw him, Lisa jumping up
to run over and hug him.
“Daddy!” she cried as
she threw her arms around him. She kissed him on the cheek and then looked at
him, concern in her eyes. “Are you okay, Daddy? Does it hurt much?” she asked.
“I’m fine, sweetie,
and yes, it hurts, but not much,” he replied. “And it’ll hurt even less after I
have breakfast and take my pain meds,” he said. He walked over to Miriam and
kissed her lips as she held her face up to him. “Hi, baby,” he said, smiling
down at her.
“Hi, yourself,” she
said, running her hand along the side of his face. “Are you really okay, baby?
I mean, we don’t have to go, I can call everything off and stay here with you,”
she said. Sam shook his head as he replied.
“No, baby, I’m fine,
really,” he said, sitting down gingerly at the table. Lisa brought his coffee
over to him, and he smiled at her before continuing. “Like I said, it doesn’t
hurt all that much and I have pain meds, so it’s no big deal. You guys go on
your vacation, have a good time, and tell me all about it when you get back,”
he said. “Besides, if the two of you stay here I’m gonna do something I
shouldn’t, and then it’ll really hurt,” he said, smiling over his cup of
coffee. Lisa reached over and ran her hand along the side of his face again.
“I love you, Sam,”
she said.
“And I love you,
Miriam,” he replied. “Now go, both of you!”
Miriam smiled at him
and then stood up from the table, taking her cup and putting it into the sink.
Then she turned to Lisa.
“Okay, honey, let’s
go! The beach awaits!” she said, and Lisa jumped up from the table, excited as
only a teenaged girl can be.
“I can’t wait!” she
said, then went over to her father and hugged his neck, kissing him deeply for
a few moments. “You take care of yourself, Daddy, and I’ll see you in a week,”
she said.
“I love you, Lisa,”
he said, smiling.
“I love you, too,
Daddy,” she replied, smiling back. Then she turned, grabbed her bag from the
floor next to the door, and followed Miriam out the door. Sam waved as they
turned to look back through the windows, and as soon as the car pulled out of
the driveway he picked up his coffee mug and gingerly made his way to his
office. Once there he put his coffee cup down and lay down on the couch,
picking up the remote on the way down.
“I can think of worse
ways to spend a week other than lying on my back on the couch, watching TV,” he
said to himself, pointing the remote at the TV and pushing the power button.
After leaving the
house Miriam drove them over to Karen’s house to pick her up, and Karen was
sitting in her kitchen waiting for them. A few minutes later they were on their
way to the beach, and two hours later they arrived at The Windjammer, the
seaside hotel where Miriam had booked the reservations. The drive down was very
enjoyable for all concerned, and Miriam felt right at home with the two girls.
She acted just as much like a teenager as they did, laughing and giggling at
the “boy stories” they all told, and she knew that the week ahead of them was
going to be a good one.
And catching Karen
stealing glances at her huge tits only convinced her more of just how good the
week was going to be.
The girls got checked
into the hotel, the teens immediately going out onto the balcony and admiring
the view. Their room was on the 24 th floor of the hotel, and the view of the
oceanfront and the boardwalk was quite spectacular.
“So are you two gonna
stay out there on the balcony all day, or are we going to go down to the beach
and ogle the guys in their tiny bathing suits?” Miriam said, standing in the
center of the room with her arms crossed beneath her huge tits.
“I like the way you
think, Miriam,” Karen said as the girls came in from the balcony. “I have a
feeling this week is gonna be a blast!” she said, smiling.
“Yeah, I think you’re
right,” Lisa agreed, grinning at her mom as she walked past.
“You have no idea,
Karen,” Miriam said quietly to herself as the two girls walked out of the room.
The girls spent the
rest of the day on the beach tanning, swimming, ogling the guys as Miriam said,
and just relaxing. All three of them knew that they were being ogled just as
much as they were ogling the guys, and all three of them knew why. Lisa was
wearing a white thong bikini that had just enough material in it to cover what
needed to be covered, while Karen was wearing a similar bikini that was black
instead of white. Both of the girls had spectacular figures and large
bustlines, so they both knew they were going to draw attention to themselves.
But when Miriam took off the oversized t-shirt she was wearing over her bathing
suit, she instantly became the center of attention on that part of the beach.
She, too, was wearing
a thong bathing suit that was just as skimpy on material and coverage as Lisa’s
and Karen’s, but the big difference was her bustline. Her breasts were twice as
big as Karen’s and stood out proudly from her chest with very little sag despite
their great size and weight. And everyone within sight could tell just how
heavy they were by the way they swayed as she moved. She glanced at Karen out
of the corner of her eye and caught her staring at her tits, so she turned a
little bit to give Karen a better view. Lisa noticed Karen staring at her
mother’s huge tits, and she also noticed her mother moving to give Karen a
better view. She nudged Karen, giggling as she did so; Miriam turned and smiled
at Lisa as Karen turned away, reaching inside her bag for her suntan lotion.
Around four o’clock
that afternoon, as the shadows of the hotels on the boardwalk behind them began
to stretch across the sand, Miriam sat up on her elbows and looked around.
There were noticeably fewer people on the beach now, so she figured it was time
for them to head in as well. She looked over to see both girls lying flat on
their backs on the blanket, their bodies glistening with a combination of
suntan oil and perspiration. She looked both girls over slowly, trying to decide
which one of them was sexier, and she found for Lisa only because she was
Lisa’s mother. Both girls were damned sexy and very irresistible, and she found
herself anxious to see how the week was going to turn out.
“So, are the two of
you ready to go get something to eat?” she asked, breaking their reverie. Both
girls sat up and looked over at Miriam, who was now sitting up herself.
“I could eat, sure,”
Lisa said, looking over at Karen. “How about you?” she asked.
“I’m starved!” Karen
said, smiling.
“Then let’s go,”
Miriam said, standing up. “I know of this great seafood place just down the
road outside of the tourist area called The Gull Reef Club, and they have the
absolute best shrimp in town!” she said, gathering up her stuff to make the
trek back to the hotel room.
“Are the waiters
cute?” Lisa asked, grinning.
“As I recall, yes,
they are,” Miriam replied, grinning back. “But just remember who – and what –
you have waiting for you at home, young lady!” she teased as they started
walking towards the boardwalk and the hotel. “I think you’ll be hard pressed to
find a man with your father’s equipment, or one who can use it as well and as
often as he can!”
“I know, but there’s
no harm in looking, is there?” Lisa asked, smiling at her mom.
“I suppose not,” she
said, smiling back.
A few minutes later
they were back in their room, the cool air of the room making their nipples
stand out through the t-shirts they all wore over their suits. Karen was
surprised again at just how big Miriam’s nipples were, even though she had seen
them erect once before at the pool the week before. She couldn’t help but
wonder what they looked like, and the fact that she had that thought both
surprised and excited her.
“I call dibs on the
shower!” Lisa said, running into the bathroom and quickly closing the door.
Miriam smiled as she looked over at Karen, who was also smiling.
“I guess that leaves
you and I to fend for ourselves until the princess gets finished, huh Karen?”
Miriam said, moving over to the bed closest to the bathroom and sitting down so
that she was facing the other bed. Karen came over and sat down on the bed
facing her, crossing her legs in front of her as she sat. Miriam had a feeling
that Karen wanted to talk but wasn’t sure how to start the conversation, so
Miriam started it for her.
“You drew quite a lot
of attention out on the beach today, you know,” she said. “You’re a beautiful,
sexy young woman, and that bikini really looks good on you.” Karen smiled and blushed
slightly, dropping her head down for a moment before lifting it up as she
“I didn’t draw half
as much attention as you did,” Karen replied. “As soon as you took off your
shirt and the guys got a look at your big boobs, it was all over!” She grinned
and laughed slightly, Miriam also grinning and laughing with her. “But then, I
guess you’re used to that now, right, Miriam?” she asked, looking into Miriam’s
eyes. The look was there, the questioning, ‘is it okay’ look, and Miriam
recognized it as she replied.
“As much as you are,
my dear,” she replied, smiling sweetly at Karen. “You’re no slouch in the big
boob department either, in case you hadn’t noticed, so I’m sure you go through
the same thing,” she said.
“Yeah, I guess so,”
Karen said, stealing a glance down at Miriam’s big breasts beneath her shirt.
“But still, there’s no way I can compare to you…I mean, really, you’ve got to
be a DD cup, at least!” She paused just slightly before finishing. “Right,
Miriam?” Miriam laughed as she replied, reaching out and patting Karen on her
“Karen, I haven’t
been a double-D cup since I was sixteen!” she said, and Karen’s eyes got wide.
“Sixteen? Really?”
she asked, amazed. “Wow! Well, if you’re not a DD cup, then…well, I mean…”
Karen stammered, looking down at Miriam’s breasts and pausing for a moment.
Miriam laughed at Karen’s awkwardness and patted her on the knee again before
answering the unasked question.
“I’m a 36HH,” she
said, sitting up straight and thrusting her huge breasts out towards Karen.
Karen’s eyes got wide again, and she looked down at Miriam’s bustline as she
“Damn!” Karen said,
looking up at Miriam. “I knew you were big, but my God, that’s huge! Doesn’t it
hurt your back?” she asked. “I mean, those things have just got to be heavy,
aren’t they?”
“They’re not too bad,
really,” Miriam said, looking down at her own bustline as she replied. “I guess
I’m used to it now, because the weight really doesn’t bother me all that much.”
“Well, they look
heavy as hell,” Karen said, glancing down at Miriam’s bustline again.
“Here, then see for
yourself,” Miriam said, reaching down and grabbing the hem of the t-shirt and
then pulling it over her head. She dropped it on the bed next to her and moved
forward, bringing her body closer to Karen as she sat on the bed. Karen looked
at Miriam’s huge breasts for a moment, the big nipples hard and erect as they
poked against the bikini top, then looked up at Miriam’s face again. “Go ahead,
dear, it’s okay,” Miriam said gently, and Karen tentatively reached her hand
out towards Miriam’s left breast. She turned it palm-up and placed her hand
under the huge globe, then lifted it in her hand. Her eyes grew a little wider
as she hefted the heavy breast, lifting it up and down in her hand.
“It’s heavy,” Karen
said quietly, almost in a whisper as she looked at Miriam. Her breathing
changed, quickening just enough for Miriam to notice.
“Firm, too,” Miriam
said just as quietly. “Go ahead, squeeze it and see,” she said, encouraging
her. Karen turned her hand over and placed it over Miriam’s huge breast,
closing her fingers on it over the cup of the bikini top and squeezing the big,
firm globe in her hand, pushing it upwards slightly as she did so. Miriam
sighed just a bit as Karen’s hand squeezed her breast again and again, and she
felt her pussy begin to tingle and moisten. Her eyes closed a bit as she looked
at Karen, and she noticed that Karen’s nipples were hard as stones and poking
out prominently against the t-shirt she was wearing.
“So what do you
think?” Miriam asked softly, and Karen looked up at her with a look that told
Miriam that she had her – all Miriam had to do was give Karen one last push,
one more little nudge, and she’d have Karen right where she wanted her.
Just then the door to
the bathroom flew open and Lisa came out, stark naked, her head bent over with
the towel covering her head as she dried her hair. Karen jumped and jerked her
hand away from Miriam’s breast, then got up and quickly went into the bathroom
and closed the door, bumping into Lisa as she went by. Lisa lifted her head up
and looked back at the closed bathroom door, then looked over at her mother.
“What was that all
about?” Lisa asked, draping the towel over her shoulders and picking up a hair
brush from the dresser which she then began to run through her wet hair.
“Lisa, my dear, your
timing is exquisite,” Miriam said, smiling as she stood up and turned to face
her daughter. Lisa noticed her mother’s rock-hard nipples and the fact that she
wasn’t wearing her t-shirt, and then she realized what she had done.
“Oh, shit, Mom, I’m
sorry,” she said. “You almost had her, didn’t you?” Miriam nodded as she
“Almost,” she said,
smiling at her daughter. “Another two minutes and I would have, but not to worry,”
she said, walking over to her daughter and stroking the side of her face with
her hand. “It’s only the first day of our vacation, and I have all week,” she
said, kissing her daughter lightly on the lips. Then she took the hair brush
from her and began running it through Lisa’s hair.
In the bathroom,
Karen was leaning on the sink and looking at her reflection in the mirror. Her
mouth was hanging open, her breath was coming quickly and her eyes were a
little too wide. She also realized that her nipples were so hard they hurt, and
that her pussy was soaking wet with excitement. Much to her surprise she
realized that she was turned on, and that touching Miriam’s huge breast had
done it. She also knew that she wanted to do it again, both breasts this time,
and that she wanted Miriam to touch hers, too.
Then she realized
that she wanted more than that, much more. She wanted to run her hands all over
Miriam’s body, lift both of her huge, heavy breasts to her lips and suck on the
turgid nipples before burying her head between Miriam’s legs to suckle at her
clit. And she wanted Miriam to do the same thing to her, and maybe Lisa, too.
Karen turned around
and leaned her ass against the sink, placing her hands on the edge on either
side of her hips. She closed her eyes and thought of Miriam’s lips on her body,
and she slid her hand down her stomach and into the bottom of her bikini. She
ran her hand over her mound and slipped a finger between the soaking wet outer
lips, and as soon as she touched her clit with her fingertip she had a
shattering orgasm. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, her body jerking as
the powerful orgasm ripped through her. It was brief but intense, so intense
that it left her gasping for breath when it was over. She quickly slipped out
of her damp suit and turned the shower on, and a few moments later she was
standing under the spray of hot water and letting the water run down her body.
She stood there for a moment, her mind racing, before picking up the shampoo
and starting to wash her hair.
‘This is gonna be
some vacation!’
she thought to herself as she worked the shampoo into a lather, a smile
crossing her face.
After Karen finished
in the shower Miriam went in, smiling at Karen sweetly as if nothing had
happened as she passed by. Lisa acted as if she knew nothing, although Karen
was pretty sure she knew what had been going on while she was in the shower.
The two of them chatted as usual as they both got dressed and finished their
hair, with Miriam coming out of the shower to do the same shortly after that.
An hour later they were all seated at a table in The Gull Reef Club, laughing
and chatting like three schoolgirls out on a lark. The shrimp was as good as
Miriam had said it was, the waiter who was serving them was as cute as Miriam
had said he would be, and the dinner was a resounding success for all three of
them. They got back to the room around nine o’clock, and by ten thirty they had
chatted themselves out and all three were ready to go to bed. Miriam made a
quick call to Sam to make sure he was okay; he said he was fine, enjoying the
time to relax, and hoped that they were having a good time.
The two girls shared
one of the double beds with Miriam having the other all to herself, choosing
the one closest to the balcony door. As the three of them got ready for bed –
which consisted only of getting undressed until all three of them were wearing
nothing but panties – Miriam noticed Karen stealing looks at her huge tits, and
the one time she caught Karen looking she was surprised that Karen didn’t look
away immediately. Instead, Karen shot her a quick smile before turning her head
to continue talking to Lisa as they brushed out their hair. As much as Miriam
wanted to, she didn’t plan on making another move on Karen that night; she
didn’t want to push her too far too fast and ruin what she was trying very hard
to develop between them. She fell asleep that night thinking of what the next
day was going to bring, a slight smile on her face as she drifted off.
Their second day at
the beach found the girls up at seven AM, and found Miriam wishing they’d have
let her sleep in a bit longer. But they were anxious to get back down to the
beach, so after showering and grabbing a quick breakfast in the hotel
restaurant the three of them grabbed their beach gear and hit the sand. After
setting up the blankets and the lounge chairs, the three women all broke out
the suntan oil at the same time. Miriam decided to take a chance and see how
Karen’s frame of mind was, so she walked over to Karen and held out the bottle
of suntan oil.
“Karen, would you be
a dear and do my back for me, please?” she asked sweetly, smiling at Karen.
“Sure, Miriam, no
problem,” Karen said, smiling right back and taking the bottle without
hesitation. Miriam turned around to let Karen get to her back, and Karen ran
her hands over Miriam’s back firmly and without hesitation. When Karen got down
to Miriam’s lower back Miriam felt her dip her fingers inside the bottom of her
bikini just slightly, just enough to let Miriam know that today was going to be
the day. Then Miriam returned the favor, putting the oil on Karen’s back and
dipping her fingers into the back of Karen’s bikini bottom just as she had
done, only Miriam slid her fingers in much further. Not only did Karen not pull
away, she tilted her hips back to let Miriam’s fingers in, causing Miriam’s
breath to catch in her throat.
‘Gotcha!’ Miriam though to
herself, smiling as she finished and handed the oil back to Karen. Karen was
smiling the same kind of smile as Miriam was, and out of the corner of her eye
Miriam saw that Lisa had noticed and was smiling too. Then all three of them
lay down on their lounge chairs and began some serious suntanning.
Several hours and a
few quick dips in the ocean to cool off later, Miriam decided it was time to
make her move. She sat up in the lounge chair and looked over at the two girls;
Lisa was lying on her stomach, her bikini top untied, and Karen was lying on
her back. Both of their bodies glistened with a mixture of oil and
perspiration, and it made Miriam all the more eager for what she was about to
“I don’t know about
you two, but I could use a break,” Miriam said, turning in the lounge to face
the girls. “A cold drink sounds pretty good right about now, don’t you think?”
she asked, and both girls turned to look at her. Lisa had a smile on her face;
she knew what her mother was up to and wasn’t going to get in the way again.
“I’m okay, Mom,” Lisa
said. “You and Karen go get a drink, I’ll stay here and watch the stuff,” she
said, dropping her head back down and closing her eyes.
“How about it, Karen,
you in the mood for a cold drink?” Miriam asked, and Karen smiled at her as she
“Sounds good to me,”
she said, standing up from the lounge as she spoke. Miriam stood up also, and
the two of them walked back to the hotel and up to the room. Once inside Miriam
got two cold sodas out of the refrigerator, handing one to Karen.
“Here you go, dear,”
she said, smiling. Karen took the soda and smiled back, just a trace of
nervousness showing in her smile.
“Thanks, Miriam,” she
said, opening the soda and taking a drink. Miriam did the same, and the cold
soda felt good going down. Then she went over and sat on the edge of her bed,
facing the second bed as Karen sat down across from her. Miriam smiled at her,
and Karen smiled back.
“So, here we are
again,” Miriam said, raising the can to her lips and taking a drink before
continuing. “You never got a chance to tell me what you thought,” she said,
still smiling at Karen.
“About what?” Karen
asked, and Miriam’s heart sank just a bit. Then she saw Karen smirking at her
and realized that she’d been had. She laughed as she reached over and smacked
Karen on the knee.
“You little tease!”
she said playfully, Karen laughing right along with her. When they finished
laughing Miriam continued, asking, “So, what did you think?”
“Amazing,” Karen
replied softly, the look in her eyes changing as she dropped her gaze down to
Miriam’s huge, oil-covered and shiny breasts. “It was so firm and full, so
heavy, and it felt…it felt so good in my hand!”
“It felt good having
your hand on my breast,” Miriam replied softly, “especially when you squeezed
it. That felt really good,” she said, her own breath quickening just a
“Can I do it again?”
Karen asked tentatively, her eyes wide with wonder and excitement as she looked
up at Miriam.
“Sure, baby,” Miriam
replied, sliding forward on the bed to get closer to Karen.
“Without the bikini
top this time,” Karen said softly, stopping Miriam dead in her tracks. “Okay,
Miriam?” she asked, her eyes wide and hopeful. Miriam smiled as she replied,
turning to the side to put the drink can on the nightstand.
“Whatever you want,
baby,” Miriam said, sitting upright as she reached behind her back to untie her
bikini top. She saw Karen’s eyes drop to her tits as she worked at the knot,
and when the string dropped free and she pulled the top away from her breasts
and up over her head, she saw Karen’s eyes widen at the sight of Miriam’s big,
hard nipples surrounded by her large areolas. She sat up straight and pushed
her huge tits out to Karen, waving them back and forth to make them wobble
slightly as she looked at them. Miriam could feel her nipples getting harder
and her pussy starting to get wet.
“Do you like what you
see?” Miriam asked, and Karen looked up at her and nodded as she replied.
“They’re beautiful,”
she said softly, “and so incredibly sexy, just like the rest of you.” Then she
looked down at Miriam’s huge, naked breasts again, reaching out to grasp them
with both hands. She lifted both huge mounds in her hands as she had done the
night before, feeling their heft and weight in her hands before turning her
hands over to grip and squeeze the big, firm globes in her fingers. Miriam
sighed as Karen squeezed her big breasts, reaching up and placing her hands
over Karen’s to urge her to squeeze harder.
“Mmmm, baby, that
feels so good,” Miriam said softly, closing her eyes as Karen squeezed and
kneaded her big breasts in her hands. Then Karen clasped both nipples between
her fingers and pinched firmly, rolling the hard nubs between her fingers and
making Miriam gasp with pleasure as twin bolts of electric excitement shot up
from her nipples, through her body and straight down to her pussy. She felt her
pussy flood with excitement as Karen twisted her nipples in her fingers.
Karen felt and heard
her own breathing quicken as she tugged on Miriam’s big, hard nipples, and she
realized that not only were her own nipples hard as pebbles but her pussy was
getting slick with excitement as well. She looked at Miriam’s face as she sat
with her head slightly tilted back, her eyes closed as Karen tweaked her
nipples again, and on the spur of the moment Karen lowered her head down to one
huge globe as she lifted it up in her hand. She opened her mouth and clamped
her lips around the big, hard nipple, sucking it firmly into her mouth and
making Miriam gasp with surprise and delight. She sucked firmly on Miriam’s
nipple, rolling her tongue around it and nipping it slightly with her teeth as
she continued to massage and squeeze her other big breast. Then she switched
nipples, repeating the treatment to her other one, making Miriam squirm and
gasp again.
“Oh, baby, that feels
so good!” Miriam said, her voice husky with excitement. She put her hand on the
back of Karen’s head and pressed it firmly into her breast, urging her to suck
harder. Karen did, and Miriam moaned slightly, squirming her hips again as her
pussy continued to flood.
After a few more
moments of sucking on her nipples, Karen released Miriam’s nipples from her
lips and sat up straight, her breath coming quicker now with her own
excitement. Miriam looked at Karen and nodded down towards her bikini top which
she was still wearing.
“Your turn, dear,”
she said in a husky voice. “After all, fair is fair, now isn’t it?”
Without hesitation
Karen reached around and untied her bikini top and pulled it up and over her
head, revealing her big, firm, youthful breasts to Miriam. Miriam wasted no
time, immediately reaching out and grasping Karen’s tits in her hands and
squeezing them firmly. Karen moaned as she did this, and then she let out a
loud gasp when Miriam lowered her head down to her big breast and clamped her
lips around one of the nipples, sucking it into her mouth and running her
tongue around it. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back as Miriam sucked
first one and then the other nipple into her mouth, squeezing and kneading her
breasts as she sucked the hard nubs firmly. Karen felt her pussy literally
flooding with her juices as Miriam worked on her breasts, and she found herself
wanting Miriam to do more – much more.
Miriam could sense
Karen’s arousal, and after a few more moments of suckling at Karen’s big
breasts she sat up, then reached out and took Karen’s hands.
“Stand up, dear,” she
said, pulling Karen up by her hands, and Karen did so. As soon as she stood up
in front of her Miriam grasped Karen’s bikini bottoms and slid them over her
hips and down her legs, her skin still glistening with the suntan oil. Karen
immediately stepped out of her bikini bottoms when they dropped to the floor,
and Miriam paused for a moment to admire Karen’s smooth shaven, beautiful
pussy. She looked up at Karen and smiled, then gently pushed her back down onto
the bed by pushing against her hips. Miriam stood up and slipped out of her own
bikini bottoms, letting Karen see her neatly trimmed pubic patch and
smooth-shave lips that were by now puffy and glistening with excitement. Then
Miriam dropped to her knees in the space between the two beds, facing Karen and
moving her thighs apart as she moved in closer.
“Slide your hips
forward to the edge of the bed, baby,” she said softly, and Karen did as she
was asked. “Now just lay back and enjoy the ride!” Miriam said, pushing Karen
back with gentle pressure applied to her stomach just below her breasts. Karen
fell back to the bed, her breath coming in gasps now, as Miriam pushed her
knees apart and spread her thighs wide.
Miriam looked down at
Karen’s smooth shaven pussy, the outer lips glistening and slightly parted,
then moved her head forward and stuck out her tongue. She ran her tongue
lightly over Karen’s outer lips and heard Karen gasp at her touch; the gasp was
followed by a moan as Miriam ran her tongue up and down the wet slit, probing
in between the wet lips with the tip of her tongue. Miriam put her hands on
Karen’s mound, spreading her lips with her thumbs as she ran her tongue firmly
up Karen’s wet slit to her hard nub of a clit. She ran her tongue over and
around Karen’s clit and then placed her lips around it and pulled it into her
mouth. She was surprised when Karen immediately came, crying out and bucking
her hips up as her orgasm suddenly broke. Miriam held fast to Karen’s clit,
running her tongue over and around it and sucking it into her mouth as Karen
came hard, her hips shaking and her pussy flooding as she cried out with the
intensity of her orgasm.
Karen knew that as
soon as Miriam made it to her clit she was going to cum, and that’s exactly
what happened. As the sudden, intense orgasm exploded within her and raced
through her body Karen reached up and grabbed both of her big, firm breasts
with her hands, gripping and squeezing them hard as her orgasm rocked her body.
She felt Miriam pulling harder on her clit with her mouth, and a second, more
powerful orgasm ripped through her. She cried out loudly as this second orgasm
broke, and it was all Miriam could do to hang on to her bucking, rocking hips
as she rode out her orgasm.
Miriam was amazed at
how quickly and how powerfully Karen had cum, and she stayed latched onto her
clit until she felt Karen’s orgasm subsiding. Then she released the hard nub
from her mouth, licking it gently with her tongue as she slid first one, then
two fingers inside Karen’s sopping wet, clutching pussy. She felt Karen’s inner
muscles clamp down on her fingers and she heard Karen moan as she pushed her
fingers as deep inside Karen’s pussy as she could. She released Karen’s clit
from her lips as she began to slowly slide her fingers in and out of her slick
pussy, rotating and turning her hand over as she did so. She looked up past
Karen’s mound to see Karen clutching her big breasts in her hands, twisting and
pulling on her own nipples as Miriam worked her fingers in and out of Karen’s
tight, wet pussy. Miriam smiled as Karen moaned again, feeling her pussy clamp
down on her fingers and signaling to Miriam that she was getting close again.
Miriam lowered her lips back down to Karen’s slit, and a few moments after
pulling Karen’s clit into her mouth and running her tongue over and around it
Karen had another intense orgasm, this one lasting a bit longer than the first
two. Karen’s hips bucked and jumped as she came, Miriam’s fingers sliding
insistently in and out of her pussy as her lips and tongue teased her clit, and
Karen thought she would surely pass out from the intense pleasure.
After several long,
intense moments Karen’s third orgasm began to fade, and a few moments later she
was left gasping and panting for breath. Miriam slid her fingers out of Karen’s
slick pussy as she released her clit from between her lips, standing up on her
knees and smiling as she looked down at Karen. She was lying there, her nipples
and breasts red from where she’d been gripping them, her hands lying on the bed
at her sides; her eyes were closed and her mouth was hanging open as she fought
to regain her breath. Karen opened her eyes and looked up at Miriam who was
smiling a half-smile down at her.
“You came good,
baby,” Miriam said, resting her hands on Karen’s thighs. “Three times, was it?”
Karen nodded in reply, and Miriam’s smile got bigger. She stood up between
Karen’s thighs, her big, heavy breasts swaying with her movements, her skin
glistening with the suntan oil. Karen watched the huge globes swaying as Miriam
got on the bed, straddling Karen. Miriam leaned forward onto her hands and then
moved up Karen’s body on her hands and knees, her big, heavy breasts hanging
down and swaying heavily as she moved. Miriam never took her eyes from Karen’s,
the smile still on her face, and when her face was even with Karen’s she spoke,
her voice a husky whisper.
“Now it’s my turn,”
she said.
More to come...