This is a work of fiction. Any similarities to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are 18 years of age or older.
Zoey had been my best friend for most of my life. I know it’s unusual for a guy to have a girl as a best friend, but that’s the way it worked out. We grew up in a small town together, went through grade school and then high school together, and were now going to the same college in the state capital together. While we were growing up we were inseparable and everyone in our small town thought we were doing the wild thing, but the truth is weren’t. We’d had many candid – very candid – conversations about anything and everything, and that includes sex. Once we both hit puberty and became interested in the opposite sex our conversations went in that direction on occasion, but we had never thought of expressing our newfound interest in sex with each other. Most of the conversations that included sex were either about the guy she was dating or the girl I was dating, and by this time we were to the point where we could and did talk about anything and everything. I guess by that time we were so solidly entrenched as best friends that the thought of the two of us having sex just never crossed our minds.
Never crossed her mind, that is, because it had certainly crossed mine. Zoey was a real beauty, and any man would have to be blind not to notice her and have carnal thoughts about her. She was a brunette with light brown shoulder-length hair, about 5’5” tall, maybe 110 pounds soaking wet, with the absolute prettiest and cutest face in the entire town. She also had a tight, lean body that was the envy of most of the girls in town and that would make any red-blooded male take notice. Her legs were shapely, her stomach was flat and firm with a tapered waist that was close to be an “hourglass,” and her breasts were full and round, sitting proudly on her chest. If I had to guess I would have guessed she was maybe a “C” cup, certainly not any bigger than that. I had seen her in a bikini many times over the years and had always admired her. Hell, any man would!
But as much as I desired her, the thought of making a move on her never crossed my mind. I valued our close friendship too much to ever do that, so I kept my feelings and desires locked away. By the time we reached college our friendship was such that both of us would do absolutely anything to help the other out, and the last thing I wanted to do was change that.
Our friendship continued once we got to college, although we didn’t get to see as much of each other as before because our class schedule and homework load kept us pretty busy. But whenever we did get together it was just like we were back home, and that was a good feeling that I think the both of us needed. Both of us were way too busy as freshmen to worry about dating, so we were both unattached throughout most of our freshman year. Sure, I’d gotten laid a few times as I’m sure Zoey did too, but neither of us had a serious or even steady relationship going on. Whenever either of us had a free evening or afternoon on the weekend one of us would pick up the phone and call the other, and shortly after that we’d be at one of the many bars or restaurants in the area, drinking and eating, and just enjoying the evening. This was a college town and college students stay up all night, so most of the bars and restaurants in the area stayed open until around 2AM, so it wasn’t unusual for one of us to call the other late in the evening for a quick meal or a drink.
So I wasn’t surprised when my cell phone rang late one Saturday night around midnight. I looked over at the phone lying on the desk next to me, and I smiled when I saw Zoey’s picture and number come up on the caller ID. I picked it up and touched “answer” on the screen, then placed it to my ear.
“Hey, Zoey, what’s up?” I asked.
“Hi, Bo, are you busy right now?” “Bo” was short for “Bocephus,” her nickname for me. I’m a huge Hank Williams Jr fan, so once I got into his music she started calling me by his father’s nickname for him – “Bocephus,” or “Bo” for short.
“No, I’m not. Just sitting here doing some late-night studying,” I lied, leaning back in my chair and crossing my arm over my chest. I had started out studying but it had turned into watching internet porn. I was watching my favorite internet star, a woman from California who did POV porn with the help of her husband, the lucky son of a bitch. At the moment I was sitting in my chair in my boxers sporting a pretty good stiffie on account of her and wishing that I was her husband.
“Good! Then put your pants on and get over here, I need your help with something and I need it right now!” she said, the urgency in her voice evident.
“How did you know…” I started to ask, genuinely surprised.
“Because I know you, that’s how,” she replied. “So turn off the porn, put your pants on and get over here!”
“Sure, Zoey, sure, but what’s going on? What’s wrong?” I asked, standing up to get my jeans off of my bed where I had tossed them.
“Nothing’s wrong, so don’t worry about that,” she said, putting my mind somewhat at ease.
“So what is it?” I asked, propping the phone to my ear with my shoulder as I stepped into my jeans.
“I’ll tell you when you get here. Now hurry up!” she said, and the phone went dead. I stopped and held the phone out in front of me, staring at it for a moment before dropping it on the bed to finish putting on my pants and then slipping on my leather deck shoes. Then I picked up the phone and slipped it into the back pocket of my jeans and headed out. Ten minutes later I was knocking on the door of Zoey’s room, which opened almost immediately.
“Good! You’re here!” Zoey said, grabbing me by the arm and literally dragging me into the room, closing and then locking the door behind me.
“Well, hello to you, too, Zoey,” I said, more curious and anxious about what was going on than miffed about the abrupt and impersonal greeting. I couldn’t help but notice that Zoey was wearing nothing but a white tank top that was tight enough to show that she wasn’t wearing a bra, a pair of black bikini panties and nothing else. I’d seen her in skimpy outfits like this before so this was nothing new – like I said, we were the best of friends and didn’t hide anything from each other. But I’d be both crazy and a liar if I said that I didn’t notice and didn’t feel it in the base of my balls, especially when I saw that her nipples were hard and poking against the thin fabric of the tank top. She turned and leaned against the back of the door as she spoke, her hands behind her butt.
“Thank you for coming over so quickly, Bo, I really appreciate it!” she said, smiling what I recognized as a nervous smile. In all the years I’d known her I’d never seen her nervous before, so this was a first.
“So what’s going on, Zoey?” I asked, concerned even more since I knew she was nervous. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Bo, really,” she said, smiling a nervous smile up at me.
“Then what?” I asked, holding my hands out palm up in a questioning gesture. “What is it?”
“I need your help with something,” she said, hesitating for a moment before continuing. “I need you to do something for me – with me – to me, actually,” she said, totally confusing me.
“Like what?” I asked. She continued to look at me as she swallowed hard, then took a deep breath before she answered – and there was no way in hell I could ever have been prepared for what that answer was.
“I need you to give me a facial, Bo,” she said. My mouth fell open and I just stood there for a moment before speaking, and when I did I stammered because of my surprise.
“You…need me to…what? A facial?” I asked. “Do you mean…”
“Yes, Bo, that’s exactly what I mean,” Zoey replied, never taking her eyes from mine. “I need you to cum on my face!”
“But…okay, I mean, but…but why?” I asked. She took another deep breath before answering.
“I’m a webcam model, Bo,” she said, stepping closer to me and looking up into my eyes. “I have a private broadcast in about ten minutes with a patron who has paid me in advance to be able to watch me get a facial, and since I work solo that really put me in a bind. But the money was way too good to pass up, so I I said yes. You’re the only person I know that I trust enough to do this. I also knew that you wouldn’t let me down,” she said, pausing for a moment before continuing.
“You won’t let me down, will you, Bo?” she asked, stepping in close. “You’ll do this for me? With me?” She looked deep into my eyes as she spoke, and there was a look there that I’d never seen before. Soft, subtle, intense…was it desire, or hope? I wasn’t sure and didn’t have the time to think about it. All I knew was that not only was I being given the chance to help out my best friend in the entire world, I was also being given the chance to live out what had been one of my secret fantasies about Zoey ever since I’d hit puberty. I reached out and grasped her by the upper arms with both hands as I replied.
“Of course I will,” I replied, looking back into her eyes. “You’re my best friend, I’d do anything for you, no matter what.” She broke out into a big grin and then wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tight. I hugged her right back. The thought that something sexual was finally about to happen between us coupled with feeling her body pressed to mine made my cock shift in my boxers.
“Thank you, Bo! I knew I could count on you!” she said as we hugged. After a too-brief moment of this she stepped back and turned to walk over to her desk where the computer was. I noticed the web camera set up next to it, and also noticed that it was pointed at her bed. She pulled out the chair and sat down in front of the computer, reaching for the mouse.
“Well, if you had a boyfriend then he could do it for you – or to you, rather,” I said, walking over to her bed and sitting down.
“But I don’t have a boyfriend – I have you!” she replied, making me smile. She put her hand on the computer mouse, moved it a bit, then clicked on something. She typed in what I assumed was her screen name and password on what I correctly assumed was the webcam service, then turned in the chair to face me.
“There’s another reason I called you, Bo,” she said softly, “another reason why I need someone I know I can truly trust.” She paused, looking down for a moment, before looking back up at me and continuing.
“You see, Bo, I’ve never done this before. I mean, I’ve never had a facial,” she said. “I’ve never liked or trusted any of the guys I’ve slept with enough to let them do that, so you’ll be the first.”
“Then that makes two of us,” I said, my voice faltering just a bit. “I’ve never cum on a girl’s face before. Never had a girl who either wanted it or who would let me. The one time I brought it up the girl freaked out, and I never heard from her again. So that kind of put me off on asking, you know?”
“So I’m asking now, Bo,” Zoey said, looking directly into my eyes. “Would you please give me a facial?”
“Absolutely.” She smiled at me, then got up from the desk chair to give me a quick kiss on the lips, placing her hands on the tops of my thighs for balance as she leaned in for the kiss.
“Thank you, Bo, I knew I could count on you!” she said, grinning from ear to ear. She straightened up as she continued. “It’s almost time for the private show to start, so you’d better go into the bathroom and get ready,” she said, walking back over to the computer and sitting down once again.
“What do I need to do?” I asked.
“Take off your shirt and underwear, then put your jeans back on. Oh, and take off your belt, too. One less thing for me to have to work my way through to get to your…well, you know!” she said.
“I understand taking off my underwear, but why my shirt?” I asked. The answer made perfect sense.
“Because guys don’t like to see clothing getting in the way of the action,” she replied, typing on the keyboard to bring up her account. The she turned in the chair to look at me and said, “Now get your ass in there and get ready! It’s almost show time!”
“Yes, ma’am!” I said, getting up from the bed and heading for the bathroom.
“Oh, and one more thing,” Zoey said, still turned in her chair. “Don’t say anything, and I mean not a word, not a sound. If you have to moan when you cum that’s okay, but other than that you have to be completely silent, okay?”
“Sure, but why?” I asked.
“Because whoever is watching will be fantasizing that it’s them and their cock on the screen, and if you talk it will break the moment and ruin it,” she replied.
“Oh, okay, that makes sense,” I said, then went into the bathroom to get ready. It only took a couple of minutes and when I came out, Zoey was already online and talking with her patron. She glanced over in my direction very briefly, then dropped her hand out of camera view to point at a spot about two feet away from her chair. Without making a sound I walked over to the spot and stood. My cock was semi-hard already just by the thought of what was about to happen.
“Well, I’m just about ready here,” she said to the web camera. She couldn’t see the face of the guy on the other side of the camera, and for me I guess that was just as well. Knowing that someone else was watching live was bad enough, I didn’t want to have to see the guys’ face as I was blowing my load all over my best friend’s face.
‘I’m getting ready to blow my load all over my best friend’s face!’ I thought to myself. At that moment it hit me what I was really about to do, and it both excited and confused me at the same time. But I didn’t have the time to dwell on it as Zoey was ready to get things rolling.
“Just let me move over to the bed and get the camera repositioned, and then we’ll get down to business!” she said. She got up from the chair and moved over to the bead, taking the webcam her. Just as she was positioning the camera on the edge of the desk to get a clear shot of her bed, a ‘Ding!’ came from the computer. I looked over at the screen and saw the message box under the live picture of what Zoey’s camera was broadcasting.
‘Okay, whenever you’re ready!’ Zoey chuckled as she replied.
“The question is, are you ready?” she asked, teasing the guy.
“Do you have your cock out?” Zoey asked, her voice dropping an octave and taking on a sultry tone I’d never heard before. It made my own cock twitch.
“Are you stroking it for me?” she asked. I suddenly realized that Zoey was good at this – VERY good – which meant she had been doing this for a while. Just how long I had no idea, but I intended to find out when this was all over.
“Then let’s get started!” she said in that same sultry tone. She looked over at me and nodded, and I moved over to stand in front of her as she was sitting on the bed.
My heart was beating a mile a minute as she reached up and ran her hands over the bulge of my semi-erect cock through my jeans. I jumped a bit at her touch – we were breaking really new ground here and I was still unsure of how to act. She looked up at me and smiled a hot, sultry, seductive smile, winking at me with her eye that was away from the camera so the other guy wouldn’t see it. She squeezed the bulge of my cock gently, still looking at me and smiling. She was completely “in character” now, fully ensconced in her webcam model persona, and the nervousness I had seen when I first came in had vanished.
She looked down at my crotch as she deftly unfastened my belt, and then immediately unfastened my jeans and pulled the zipper down. Without missing a beat she grabbed the top of my jeans and pulled them down my legs, my semi-hard cock popping out and almost bopping her on the nose. She looked at my cock for the first time and paused, and I saw a smile creep across her face. She looked up at me with wide, admiring eyes and silently mouthed the word ‘wow.’ I’m no John Holmes or anything like that, but I’m no Pee Wee Herman either. I don’t know if she was surprised by the size and shape of my cock or by my clean-shaven balls, but at that point in time I didn’t really care.
Keeping her eyes locked onto mine, still smiling at me with her mouth slightly open, she slid her hand up my thigh and over my balls to my cock. She wrapped her fingers around it and gripped it firmly, pumping it slowly as she kept her eyes on mine. I felt the shaft harden quickly, getting thicker and longer in her hand. She looked down at my hardening cock for a moment, then opened her mouth, leaned forward and took the head of my cock into her mouth.
I gasped as her warm, wet mouth closed around the head of my cock, her tongue pressing against the underside as she applied suction. She gripped my hardening shaft tighter, pumping it as she slid her other hand up to my balls. She squeezed and kneaded them for a moment, then moved the hand around my cock out of the way as she slid her mouth all the way down my shaft, her nose bumping against my abdomen. She ran her tongue up and down the underside of my cock and then sucked hard, sucking my cock to full hardness in her mouth. She had to slide her mouth back up my cock as it quickly grew, and in less than a minute I was rock-hard and solid, my cock throbbing in her mouth. She gripped the base of my cock in her hand again and squeezed, hard, slipping her mouth back until just the head of my cock was trapped between her soft, sucking lips. She sucked hard, and I could feel the precum being drawn out of me. She looked up at me and smiled around my cock, flicking the tip of her tongue against the slit at the tip.
Then she began working on me in earnest, sliding her mouth up and down the length of my shaft, sucking on it, pumping it in her hand, squeezing and kneading my balls in her other hand as she did so. In a matter of moments my cock was wet, shiny, and slippery with her saliva, and the slurping, erotic sounds of great oral sex filled the room. I glanced over at the webcam sitting on the end of the desk, noticing the little red light glowing on the top, and hoped the guy on the other end was enjoying the show because I sure as hell was enjoying what Zoey was doing to me to give it to him!
“Mmmm! Mmmm!” she moaned over and over again as she slid her wet, sucking mouth up and down the length of my shaft. She slipped her mouth off of my shaft with a slight ‘pop,’ then sighed loudly as she ran the flat of her tongue up the underside of my shaft, licking it hard, a string of shiny saliva stretching from the tip of my cock to her bottom lip when she finished. She licked my shaft again in the same way, this time sliding her mouth around the head as she got to the tip and immediately sliding her mouth all the way down my cock to the base, burying my shaft in her mouth and throat. I could feel the head of my cock pressing against the back of her throat, and she grabbed my ass with both hands and pulled me towards her to shove my cock as deeply down her throat as she could.
She gagged a little, her back arching and a small cry coming from her as she forced my cock down her throat, but she kept her grip on my ass to keep my cock buried down her throat. She stayed like that for several long moments before pulling away, sliding her mouth from my cock and leaning back, placing her hands on the mattress behind her for support, her mouth open as she gasped for air, her lips and my cock shiny with her spit. Her eyes were shiny with desire and watering from her efforts on my cock. She looked at me as she took two quick gulps of air, a look of pure lust in her eyes, then lunged forward to bury my cock down her throat again. She cried out in pleasure as the head of my cock hit the back of her throat, and I could feel her throat closing around the head of my cock as she swallowed. Then she fell back on her hands again, eyes still watering, gasping for air as she looked up at me. The look on my face must have been something, because she broke out into the biggest open-mouthed grin I’d ever seen.
She sat back up and slid her mouth back on to my cock, holding onto my butt with both hands as she slid her mouth quickly up and down the length of my shaft in long, rapid strokes. I instinctively reach down and put my hands on the sides of her head; she immediately looked up at me and nodded her head quickly, telling me to ‘go ahead and do it!’
So I did. I grabbed her hair in my hands and forced her head up and down the length of my cock, driving her face hard into me to shove my cock into her throat as I face-fucked her. After a few hard strokes I shoved her face hard into me, and she slapped her hands against the front of my thighs and pushed back, her back arching as she let out a muffled cry. I held her there for a few moments, then released her from my grip. She fell back onto her hands again, gasping and whooping for breath, a thick strand of saliva hanging from her lips and dribbling down onto the front of her shirt. She grinned up at me as she spoke, still panting for breath.
“Holy fuck, you sure know how to use a girl!” she gasped, her grin getting bigger. Tears were streaming down her face by this time, her eyes red and watery. She reached out and wrapped her hand around my shiny, slippery cock, then slid her mouth over the head and ran her tongue around it as she trapped it in her mouth. I grabbed her by the hair again, face-fucking her once more for nearly a full minute. She cried out again and again as I shoved my cock into her mouth and down her throat, and I could tell by the feminine musk that was beginning to fill the room that she liked it.
REALLY liked it! Loved it, actually, I’d have to say!
After I released her from the latest bout and she had somewhat recovered, again resting on her hands as she gulped and gasped for air, she leaned forward and took hold of my cock. She started sucking my cock in a steady rhythm again, once more gripping my balls in one hand while pumping my shaft with the other, and I had a feeling that she was working me up to the grand finale. She looked up at me as she worked on my cock, slipping her mouth from me just long enough to whisper, “Tell me when you’re gonna cum!” I nodded, and she went back to work on my cock.
It was only a few short moments later when I felt the familiar tingling in the base of my balls, and I knew I was getting ready to cum. Zoey continued sucking on my cock, slurping her mouth around it as she pumped the shaft and tugged on my balls. She looked up at me, asking the question with her eyes, and I nodded in response. She pulled her mouth from my cock and gasped once, then held her mouth open as she pumped my cock quickly with her hand.
“Do it! Do it! Cum on my face!” she gasped, holding her mouth open wide and sticking her tongue out, pumping my cock faster.
I came hard, harder than I’d cum in a very long time, the first rope of hot, thick cum blasting out of my dick and landing square in the middle of Zoey’s face. It shot all the way up to her hairline, draping down over her face between her eyes and down her nose to her open mouth where the end of the stream landed on her tongue. My cock pumped again and again, shooting stream after stream of white, sticky cum out onto Zoey’s upturned face. She moved her head from side to side to cover as much of her face with it as she could, giggling with delight and smiling as she did so. When the pumping of my cock finally slowed, she slipped the head of my cock into her mouth to let the last feeble streams of cum shoot out onto her tongue, sucking the last bit of cum out of me. She slowly slid her mouth off of my cock, sucking on just the tip with her lips before releasing it. She held her face up and opened her mouth, looking me right in the eyes as she rolled my cum around on her tongue. It was easily the hottest, most erotic thing I’d ever seen, and I felt my cock twitch in response.
Without swallowing, she released my cock from her hand and turned to face the camera, the cum starting to drip off of her face onto her shirt, giving the camera the same cum-rolling show she’d just given me. If the guy on the other end of the camera hadn’t busted his nut by now, I’m sure he did when Zoey turned back to me, looked me in the eyes again, and swallowed all of it. Then she turned back to the camera and scooped the streams of cum from her face with her fingers, sticking them in her mouth and lovingly sucking the cum from them, swallowing it. She repeated this several times until all of the cum that had been dripping from her face was gone, with only a few remnants remaining in her hairline.
Then she turned back to me and sucked my softening cock back into her mouth, sucking the remnants of cum and saliva from it, cleaning me up as best as she could. She looked up at me and smiled as she did so. When she was finished she turned back to the camera, and I took a step back to pull my jeans back up as she spoke.
“Well, not to cut our little playtime short, but I want to spend a little more time with this man here, clean him up a little bit, maybe do some cuddles and stuff!” she said, smiling at the camera. “I hope you enjoyed the show because I certainly enjoyed bringing it to you, and I’m sure my stunt cock here enjoyed it as well!”
“I enjoyed it very much! You made me cum very hard! Thank you so much!”
“Aww, you’re welcome! Now you go clean yourself up, and I’ll send you a link to the video later on tonight,” she said. “Right now I have some other stuff to take care of, so you take care and I’ll chat at you next week!”
“Can’t wait! See you next week, and thank you!” Zoey blew a kiss at the camera and then clicked the mouse. The red light on the camera went out, and I knew the broadcast had ended. I was sitting down on the bed by this time, and Zoey turned to face me before speaking. She was smiling broadly and her eyes were twinkling as she spoke.
“Oh my God, Bo, that was fantastic!” she said. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever done!”
“Yeah, for me, too!” I agreed. “I mean, I’ve had my fair share of sex and done some pretty hot things, but nothing like that!”
“And the way you face-fucked me! My God, that made me so fuckin’ hot!” she exclaimed.
“I never knew you liked being face-fucked,” I said. “To be honest, I really don’t know anything about what you like and what you don’t like when it comes to sex because up until tonight, we’ve never…I mean, we’ve always just been…” I was stammering for words now.
“We’ve always been just friends, and we’ve never fucked before,” she finished for me. I nodded my head in agreement. “Why is that, Bo? Don’t you think I’m pretty?” she asked.
“I think you’re beautiful, Zoey, I always have,” I replied, looking deep into her eyes. “You’re the prettiest, sexiest woman I’ve ever known, and I’ve always wanted you. I just didn’t want to fuck up our friendship, you know?”
“I understand, Bo, I really do,” she replied, reaching out and taking my hand in hers. “Because I’ve always felt the same way.”
“You have?” I asked, genuinely surprised. She nodded her head slowly, and a small, wicked smile appeared on her face.
“And we still haven’t, you know,” she said. “Fucked, I mean. We still haven’t really fucked – not officially, anyway!”
“Think we should?” I asked, holding my breath while waiting for the answer I desperately wanted to hear.
“Yes, I do. To be honest, I’m still hot as hell for you right now, and if I don’t get that cock inside my pussy really soon there’s gonna be serious trouble!” she replied. She moved over to me and threw her arms around me, and the kiss that followed was a pleasant mixture of love and lust that we both felt. Our tongues danced as we fell onto the bed, and when the kiss ended I was lying on top of her and was once again rock-hard. I lifted myself up from her and looked down at her as I spoke. We were both breathing hard by this time, so I made it quick.
“Stunt cock?” I asked, and Zoey giggled.
“Stunt cock!” she replied, smiling up at me. “And what a cock it is, by the way!” Then she pulled me down to her, wrapping her arms around my neck as we kissed again. The kiss was hot, passionate, and very intense. It lasted for several long minutes, and we were both gasping for breath when it ended.
“And if you think my mouth was the bomb, just wait till you feel my pussy wrapped around your hard cock!” she whispered, pushing her mound against me.
“I can’t wait!” I whispered back.
“So don’t!” she said, pulling me down again.
And boy, was she right!
Another excellent story
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