(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any real persons living or dead is purely coincidental. My most sincere thanks to Xev Bellringer for the inspiration on Audrey’s outfit! For the readers of my blog, I have provided pictures of Xev wearing the outfit that inspired me so that you may see what it actually looks like, and I must say that it’s the sexiest outfit on the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen!)
It was Audrey Jackson’s 18th birthday, and she knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted two presents for this very special of days, the day that she legally became an “adult.” The first was going to be very easy to get because it was something simple and fairly inexpensive – a tattoo. A butterfly “tramp stamp” tattoo, to be exact. She had already made several trips down to the tattoo parlor to meet with the artist and had already decided on a design. All she had to do was wait until she was old enough to get it, and that day was today. The very first thing on her schedule for this special of days was to go down to the tattoo parlor and get it done, and even though it hurt more than she thought it would she was glad to have done it. Even though the artist had said to leave it covered for at least a day, she couldn’t resist taking the bandage off after five hours to admire it, looking at it in the bathroom mirror with the help of her hand mirror. She thought it was cute and sexy, and she loved it. She was just glad it was summertime and school was out so she wouldn’t have to deal with the irritation and itching that would take place during the healing process. She could wear short tops that left the new tattoo bare, which would not only aid in the healing but also allow her to show it off.
The second present was going to be a challenge to get, but Audrey had a feeling that she was up to it. In fact, as she stood in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom after having just taken a shower and looked her naked body over, she was sure she would be able to get it. She wanted a man, but not just any man – she wanted a specific man, and it would take all of her considerable charms and talents to get him. And as she looked herself over in the mirror, she became more confident that she could pull it off.
Audrey stood 5’7” tall with shoulder-length chestnut brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, high cheekbones, a pert and cute nose, and the most kissable lips in the neighborhood – not too big, not too small, just perfect for kissing. She weighed 120 pounds, which gave her just enough meat on her bones to accentuate her curves without being fat. Her belly was flat with a tapered waist, her legs were long and shapely, and her pear-shaped butt was the envy of every girl in the school. But the feature that always got the most attention – and was the one she was counting on helping her obtain her second present – was her bust. Audrey had very large bustline, with full, heavy breasts that sat high on her chest with very little sag, capped by pert nipples surrounded by pale areolas. She was wearing a 36DD bra these days, and she hoped that she hadn’t finished growing yet. She loved having big breasts for a number of reasons – she loved the way they felt in her hands, she loved how good it made her feel when she pulled on her own nipples and sucked on them, and she loved the attention it got her from every member of the male sex that she encountered. Her looks had enabled her to have any man she wanted, and with her unusually high sex drive she wanted a lot of them. A whole lot of them.
Audrey Jackson was the town slut, and she was damned proud of it.
She grinned at her reflection in the mirror, turning to look at her profile from both sides. “With a body like this, there’s no way I can’t have the man I want today!” she said out loud. She looked at the clock on the nightstand next to her bed and saw that it was late in the afternoon, and her father would be home soon. She needed to be dressed and ready before he got home, so she ran over to her closet and started rooting through her clothes for just the right outfit, just the right combination of top and bottom that would help her get the man she wanted – the man she had wanted for at least two years, the man she had been teasing and taunting all this time, and the man she was going to fuck silly on her 18th birthday come hell or high water.
The man was Cliff Jackson, her father.
Audrey had been working on seducing her father since she was 16 years old, giving him teasing glimpses of her figure in various outfits and bathing suits that had slowly grown to be more and more revealing as time went by. She had no idea why she had such an extremely high sex drive, but she honestly didn’t care. Her sex drive had kicked in as soon as she hit puberty, and it seemed that the bigger her tits got the bigger her sex drive became as well. The sight of a virile man with a good body just pushed her button, and she had lost her virginity when she was 14 to a senior at the local high school.
And right now, the man who pushed her button the hardest was her own father. She wasn’t quite sure when or why her sexual attraction to her father started, all she knew was that she desperately wanted to fuck him – needed to fuck him, actually. After feeling like this for the past two years, she was ready to explode in a sexual frenzy and knew that the only cure for what ailed her was her father’s hard cock.
She also had the feeling that she was very, very close to pushing her father over the edge. At first he had averted his eyes away from her, telling her to ‘put some clothes on’ or ‘cover up for crying out loud’ or something like that. But in the past few months she had noticed a change – he was no longer objecting to getting glimpses of her big tits bouncing around braless beneath her tight tank top, or her shapely ass wiggling as she walked around in her bikini or a skin-tight pair of shorts. And he wasn’t looking away as quickly as he used to, either. She even caught him shifting his cock in his pants one time, and she grinned at herself knowing that she had given him an erection.
But the one thing that convinced her that today would be the day had happened just two days ago. She was in the bathroom taking a shower, and since she was an only child and both her parents were out, she was the only person in the house so she had left the bathroom door halfway open. As she was in the shower washing her hair, she turned around so the spray would be hitting the top of the back of her head to wash out the shampoo, and that’s when she saw it. She only got a very brief glimpse, but she was absolutely certain that she had seen her father looking around the partially open door at her as she was in the shower. When she came out of the shower and walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen with one towel wrapped around her body and another around her wet hair, her father was already there. He glanced up at her as he said “Hi, Audrey,” but that was it. He wouldn’t make eye contact with her and he was as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, so Audrey was certain that he had been ogling her as she was in the shower.
So today was the day, and there was no power on earth that was going to stop Audrey from making her erotic dream come true. She was going to fuck her father, and there was nothing he or anybody else could do to stop it.
It only took her a few minutes to settle on the outfit she was going to wear. It was by far the sexiest, sluttiest outfit she had, and she was positive that there wasn’t a man on the face of the earth with a functioning cock that would be able to resist her. She was planning on going out on the town tonight with some of her girlfriends to celebrate her birthday, but that was for later – after she had fucked her father. She giggled with satisfaction at her selection and the plans she had for tonight, then started to get dressed.
Cliff Jackson pulled his car into the driveway, the garage door opening when he pushed the button on the opener hanging from the sun visor in the car. He noticed that the garage was empty, indicating that his wife hadn’t gotten home from work yet, but that wasn’t unusual. She was the office manager of the administration office at the local hospital, and sometimes her work kept her out longer than usual. Apparently today was going to be one of those days, but it didn’t bother Cliff as he was used to it by now. He also noticed his daughter’s Jeep Wrangler parked on the driveway extension to the side of the garage, telling him that she was inside.
In a way Cliff was glad she was here, but in a way he wasn’t. His daughter was their only child and she was the apple of his eye, and he loved her with all his heart. She had grown into a stunningly beautiful young lady who turned heads everywhere she went – including his.
‘No, scratch that,’ Cliff thought to himself, ‘she’s grown into one hell of a sexy woman!’ While Cliff was proud of the beautiful creature that Audrey had become, he was unsettled by two things. The first was the way she had been acting around him for the last two years or so. If he didn’t know better he would have sworn she was flirting with him, teasing him actually, wearing skimpy clothes around the house when her mother wasn’t there, hugging him a little too tight to press those big tits against his chest, things like that.
The other was his growing desire for her. His sexual attraction to her had been increasing more and more as time went by (and her tits got bigger), and it was to the point now where he didn’t know what to do. It didn’t help any that only two days ago he had come into the house unexpectedly and saw his sexy daughter in the shower. She had left the bathroom door partially open and was washing her hair, so she didn’t see him as he stood in the gap, transfixed at the sight of her naked body. The glass in the shower door was clear, so he had an unobstructed view of her full, heavy breasts as they swayed with her movements. He had paused for only a few moments, but that was enough to give him a raging erection. When Audrey came into the kitchen a few minutes later wearing only a towel wrapped around her, it was all he could do to hide the bulge of his hard cock. He wasn’t sure if she’d noticed it or not; a part of him hoped not, but another part of him hoped she had.
Cliff Jackson was one conflicted man, no doubt about it. And he had no idea what to do about it.
He also had no idea that the decision of what to do about it had already been made, and that Audrey had made it.
He parked his car in the garage and go out, pressing the garage door controller again to close the door. He picked up a small git-wrapped box from the front seat and took it with him. The box contained a pair of diamond stud earrings, a gift from Cliff and his wife to Audrey on her 18th birthday. His wife had gotten the same thing when she turned 18, and she wanted to give her only daughter the same gift. Cliff thought it was an excellent idea and was more than happy to pick them up from the jewelry store on the way home.
He walked into the kitchen through the garage side door, tossing his keys and the small box on the counter as he walked past. He paused to look at the stack of mail on the counter, then dropped it back down and walked out of the kitchen into the living room.
“Audrey?” he called out as he entered the living room. “Audrey, are you here, honey?” he asked.
“Yes, Daddy, I’m here!” Audrey’s voice came from her room down the hall. “I’m just finishing getting dressed to go out tonight, and I want your opinion on my outfit, okay, Daddy?” she asked.
“Sure thing, honey,” Cliff replied. He had almost forgotten that she was going out tonight, and deep inside he wished she was staying here.
“Just wait there, I’ll be right out!” she said. Cliff walked back into the kitchen to fix himself a glass of iced tea; later on it would be bourbon and coke, but right now tea would have to do.
“So how do I look, Daddy?” Audrey said from behind him. He turned to look, the glass of iced tea in his hand, and he almost dropped it when he saw her. His mouth dropped open instead.
Audrey was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, one hand resting on the doorsill slightly above her head with her other hand resting on her hip. Her left leg was cocked in front of her, the knee slightly bent in what she knew was a provocative pose. She was wearing a skin-tight red spaghetti-strap top that stopped about two inches above her navel, and peeking out from the top of the low cleavage was a black satin bra with gold lace trim. The straps of the bra were also visible, but that somehow didn’t detract from the look of the top – actually, it only added to it. The bra was a push-up bra, of course, so a considerable amount of cleavage was on display. She was wearing a very short black open front long sleeve shirt over the shirt, and it was short enough so that it really was nothing but a couple of sleeves joined by the back. The sleeves came down to the middle of her forearms and the edges only came about halfway around the side of her huge bustline, and it was just as tight as the red shirt she was wearing under it.
Sitting low on her hips was a red skirt that stopped at mid-thigh and had four large ruffles on it so that it looked like four different skirts of different lengths worn one over top of the other, and it sat low enough on her hips to reveal a considerable amount of her flat stomach. The support straps and top of what had to be a pair of panties that matched the bra were also visible, peeking out above the waistband of the skirt. Below the skirt was a pair of black thigh-high nylons with lace tops, and to complete the outfit Audrey was wearing a pair of shiny black spiked heel shoes. Cliff guess that the heels had to be at least four inches tall, and he wondered how she would be able to walk in them much less dance.
As soon as she saw his reaction to her ‘fuck me outfit’ as she called it, Audrey knew that she had him. She smiled a big, wide smile as she turned to the right and then the left to let her father see her from both sides.
“Well, Daddy?” she said in her sexiest little-girl voice. “What do you think?” Cliff took a big swallow of his iced tea before he replied, wishing it was bourbon instead.
“I think if you wear that outfit outside you’re gonna get raped,” he said, his voice slightly trembling. He could feel his cock shifting in his pants and hoped that Audrey hadn’t noticed it, but she had. She glanced down at the growing bulge in his trousers and smiled as she replied.
“Oh, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem,” she said softly, walking slowly over towards him, ducking her head down slightly and looking up at him from beneath her eyebrows, giving him her best ‘come fuck me!’ look. “Besides,” she said, stopping close enough to him that her big breasts were only an inch away from his chest, “you can’t rape the willing!”
“Audrey, what…what are you saying?” Cliff stammered, caught totally off-guard by the brazenness of his daughter. But he made no move to back away, something that Audrey noticed.
“What I’m saying is that I expect to get fucked in this outfit tonight, Daddy,” she said in a low, sultry voice, looking at him seductively as she spoke, “and I expect you to be the man who fucks me!”
‘It’s now or never!’ Audrey thought as she stepped forward, wrapped her arms around her father’s neck, put a hand on the back of his head and pulled his lips down to hers. She closed her eyes and parted her lips, feeling her big tits pressing against his chest as she pulled him close. She kissed him long and deep, her lithe tongue snaking into his mouth to find his own, and she sighed into his mouth at the sensations racing through her. Cliff resisted at first, making a feeble attempt to pull her arms from around his neck, but after only a few seconds of the intense, soul-searing and cock-hardening kiss she was giving him, he gave in. He wrapped his arms around his daughter and pulled her close, mashing her breasts against him, and she pressed her pubic mound against him in response. She could feel the hard lump of his cock pressing against her stomach, and she could feel her pussy getting wet. Audrey pulled her father closer to him as the kiss continued.
When the kiss finally ended it left Cliff breathless and Audrey panting with desire. He looked down into his daughter’s eyes as he spoke, his arms still around her and her arms still around his neck.
“Audrey, we can’t do this,” he said softly. “This is so wrong, we just can’t do this!”
“Yes, we can, Daddy,” Audrey replied, looking into his eyes as she spoke, “and we’re going to! I’ve wanted to fuck you for the past two years, and I’m not going to wait another minute longer, I don’t care how wrong people may think it is!”
“But Audrey…” Cliff began, and she cut him off.
“Tell me you don’t want this!” she said. “Tell me you don’t want me, that you haven’t been dreaming about this for the longest time…tell me that, and we’ll stop right now.
“But tell me that you want this, that you want me, and I’ll give you the best sex you’ve ever had! I’ll fuck you harder and longer and better than anyone ever has or ever will – until you fuck me again, that is!” she said, the desire burning in her eyes. When her father replied, it was exactly what she wanted to hear, and exactly what she was expecting.
“I want this…God help me, I want this! I want you, Audrey,” Cliff said quietly. She smiled up at him as he continued. “I’ve wanted you for such a long time, but I never did anything about it because…”
“Because I’m your daughter,” she finished for him.
“Yes, because you’re my daughter.”
“Do you want to fuck me, Daddy?” she asked quietly, her arms still around his neck.
“Yes, Audrey, I want to fuck you,” he replied softly.
“Good, because I want to fuck you, too, and right now that’s all that matters,” she said, smiling up at him. “We’ll sort the rest of it out later!” she said, pulling his head down to hers once more.
The kiss that followed was just as hot as the first, and it only took a few seconds of her lips against his, her tongue dancing with his, her big breasts pushed into his chest, and her pussy pressing against his quickly-hardening cock for Cliff to give in to her completely. He rand his hands down her back and grabbed her shapely ass with both hands, squeezing the firm globes hard as he pulled her closer to him. Audrey moaned in his mouth as she felt his hands on her ass, and she slipped one arm from around his neck to slide her hand down his side and across the front of his hips to the bulge of his hard cock. She rubbed the hard shaft with her palm a few times before closing her fingers around it, squeezing it firmly. She was rewarded with a sharp intake of breath from her father followed by a moan, and she felt her pussy flooding in response.
‘Yes! I did it! He’s mine now!’ she thought to herself, and she intensified both the kiss and the grip of her hand on his cock.
‘Oh my God, she’s hot! Hotter than I ever imagined!’ Cliff thought to himself as his daughter squeezed his cock harder. ‘I just hope I don’t cum in my pants before I get to fuck her!’
The kiss lasted for several more moments before Audrey finally broke it off, playfully biting her father’s lower lip and pulling on it with her teeth before she spoke. When she spoke, her voice was a husky, erotic whisper.
“I want to taste you!” she said, looking her father in the eyes. Audrey dropped down to her knees, quickly unfastening her father’s trousers and yanking them open before he could react. She reached inside his boxers and grabbed his hard shaft, pulling it out and pushing his boxers down his cock and out of the way as she worked his balls free as well. She gripped the hard, throbbing shaft tightly, eliciting a moan from her father, then pumped it several times. A clear drop of precum emerged from the tip, and Audrey immediately clamped her full, soft lips around just the tip of his cock and sucked it into her mouth. She flicked and ran her tongue around the tip of his cock, then slowly rotated her mouth around and around in small circles, the tip still sucked between her lips. She looked up at her father as she did this, smiling as she saw he was watching her with rapt attention. She sucked on the tip of his cock again, harder, and he could feel the precum being pulled out of his dick. He moaned again in response.
Audrey then slid her mouth over the head of her father’s cock and down the length of his shaft, sucking nearly all of his length into her mouth in one smooth motion. Cliff watched in amazement as she swallowed his cock, reaching up and grasping his balls with her other hand as she ran her tongue up and down the underside of his cock. She began moving her head up and down on his cock, sliding her mouth up and down the shaft in quick strokes, sucking and slurping sounds filling the room as she worked on him. Cliff reached down and took her head in his hands, twining his fingers in her hair and then pulling her to him, forcing his cock as deeply into her mouth as he could. Audrey looked up at him in surprise, her eyes wide. She cried out in pleasant surprise, the sounds muffled by the mouthful of cock.
“MMMPH! MMMMMMPPHH!” she exclaimed, placing her hands on the front of his thighs and pushing in response to being choked with his cock. Cliff held her in place for a few moments, then began pushing and pulling on her head, sliding her mouth up and down on his cock in strong, forceful movements. He had no way of knowing it but his daughter loved being face-fucked, and she could feel her pussy flooding as he did it to her. He pulled her head to him once again, holding it there with his cock buried inside Audrey’s mouth and throat as she swallowed around his cock, her back arching as she was gagged by the thick shaft buried deep in her throat. When he took his hands from her head Audrey pulled her mouth from his cock, sitting back onto her haunches and gasping for breath, long strands of saliva running from her mouth to his cock. Her eyes were watering and she was grinning as she fought for breath.
“Oh my God!” she gasped, panting several times before continuing. “How long have you been wanting to do that to me? I love it, Daddy, I love it!” she exclaimed, reaching up and grasping his wet cock with her hand and pumping it. “Do it again, Daddy, do it again! Face-fuck me again! Face-fuck your slutty daughter, shove your cock into my mouth and MMMMPH!” she exclaimed as her father did just that, grabbing her head and forcing her mouth down onto his cock again, cutting her off mid-sentence. She slapped her hands onto the front of his thighs again for support, pushing against them as her father did exactly what she asked. She cried out in delight again and again as he gripped her head in his hands, forcing her mouth up and down the length of his turgid cock, the saliva running down his shaft and over her chin to fall onto the kitchen floor.
Audrey’s pussy was on fire by now, and as her father continued to brutalize her mouth she reached down between her legs and slid her fingers inside her panties, sliding them inside her sopping wet pussy. She moved them furiously in and out of her tunnel, rubbing her clit along the way, and the scent of her musk filled the room. She came quickly, crying out around the hard cock filling her mouth, and she cried out again as her father came inside her mouth. He moaned loudly and pulled her head into his groin as his cock exploded, holding it there as stream after stream of hot, thick cum exploded out of his cock and into Audrey’s throat. She swallowed as fast as she could, but between the intensity of her own orgasm and the force of the cum being shot into her mouth she couldn’t get all of it. She squeezed her eyes shut tight as the waves of pleasure crashed through her pussy, radiating up through the rest of her body as her father’s cock pumped and throbbed in her mouth, the cum dripping out of the sides of her mouth and running down her chin.
When she reached the point where she thought she would pass out from the intensity of the combined orgasms she felt hers begin to fade, just as the throbbing of Cliff’s cock in her mouth also began to ebb. It was over almost as quickly as it had begun, and Audrey fell back onto her haunches again as Cliff released her head from his hands. They were both panting and gaping for breath, Audrey’s lips and mouth glistening with a wet mixture of her spit and his cum, Cliff’s cock glistening with the same mixture, a thin rope of cum and spit dripping from the tip. She looked up at him and smiled, still panting for breath, as he looked down at her. He leaned back against the kitchen counter for support, a smile forming on his face.
“Holy shit, Daddy!” she exclaimed, smiling broadly up at him. “That was fuckin’ hot!”
“Yeah, it was, wasn’t it?” her father said, agreeing with her. He would feel guilty about face-fucking his own daughter later, right now he was still on a sexual high, and the testosterone was raging. He hadn’t felt like this since before Audrey was born, and he liked it.
Loved it, actually. His wife’s sex drive had all but vanished after Audrey was born, and he couldn’t remember the last time they’d even had sex, much less done anything even remotely kinky. Cliff had years of sexual frustration and energy pent up inside him, and his daughter had just uncorked the bottle and let the genie out to play.
“You’re still hard!” Audrey said, looking down at his cock. Cliff looked down also, and sure enough, his cock was still rock-hard and throbbing, standing out from his body like a telephone pole. He looked up at Audrey as he spoke.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” he asked, and Audrey nodded quickly in agreement, grinning from ear to ear.
“I’m thinking you need to fuck me with that big, hard cock of yours, Daddy!” she replied, and Cliff nodded back at her. She got up from the floor and stepped over to him, throwing one arm around his neck and kissing him deeply as she grabbed his still-throbbing cock with her hand. Her tongue danced with his as she pulled and tugged on his cock, and she gasped as her father slipped his hand down the front of her soaked panties and cupped her mound. She was sopping wet, and she moaned again when he slipped two fingers inside her wet tunnel.
Cliff was amazed at how good his daughter’s pussy felt in his hand, and for some reason he wasn’t surprised to discover that her pussy was shaven smooth. But he was more than a little surprised when he felt her clamp down on his fingers with her inner muscles, and he could only imagine how that would feel when she did it to his cock. He slid his fingers in and out of her pussy, thumbing her hard little clit and making her jump, as she pumped and tugged on his cock. His cock was producing precum like a river, and his cock was slippery in her hand in no time.
“I think it’s time you fucked me, Daddy!” she gasped, finally breaking off the kiss.
“I think so, too!” he replied.
“Right here,” she whispered, still out of breath. “Bend me over the counter and take me, Daddy! Fuck me hard from behind like the little slut I am and cum inside my pussy!”
Without a word Cliff turned them around so that he was facing the counter and Audrey had her back to it. He grabbed Audrey by the upper arms, spun her around, then put a hand on her back between her shoulder blades and shoved her upper body forward, bending her over the counter. Audrey cried out in surprise as she slapped her hands palms-down onto the counter to brace herself, then looked over her shoulder and smiled. Cliff flipped her skirt up around her hips and pulled the soaked crotch of her panties aside, then moved into position behind her. He grasped his throbbing cock with his hand and rubbed the head up and down between her sopping wet outer lips, spreading her slick juices over the head of his cock before placing it at the opening of her pussy.
“Give it to me, Daddy!” Audrey said, looking over her shoulder at him. “Shove that hard cock inside my tight little pussy and fuck me!” She wiggled her ass on the head of his cock, and that’s all it took. Cliff grabbed her by the hips and thrust forward, driving his cock deep into her pussy in one thrust. Audrey cried out in surprise and pleasure, leaning forward on her elbows on the counter and pushing her ass up to give him better access to her tunnel.
Audrey’s pussy was incredibly wet, incredibly hot, and incredibly tight around Cliff’s cock, and he held it in place deep inside her for a moment to savor the sensations rippling through him. Audrey closed her eyes, tossed her head back and moaned as she adjusted to his cock inside her, and Cliff jumped a bit when she clamped down on it with her inner muscles.
“Oh my God, your cock feels so good inside me, Daddy!” she moaned, looking back at him over her shoulder. “Now please, please, please fuck me!” she pleaded, gripping his cock with her pussy as tightly as she could.
Gripping her hips tightly in his hands, Cliff began thrusting his cock in and out of Audrey’s tight, wet pussy in long, even strokes, pushing forward hard and driving his cock as deeply into her tunnel as he possibly could. It only took two or three strokes for her pussy to adjust to his length inside her and let him penetrate her until the head of his cock bumped against the end of her tunnel, and Audrey felt his balls slap against her clit as he drove his cock into her. The speed of his thrusts rapidly increased as Cliff gave himself over to the lust which filled him, and in less than a minute he was pounding his cock in and out of his daughter’s pussy hard and fast.
“OH! OHH! AUGH! MMM!” Audrey cried out in time with his strokes as he fucked her, driving his cock in and out of her in long, deep strokes. There was nothing on the counter for her to hold on to, so Audrey was being tossed around like a rag doll as her father pounded his cock in and out of her pussy.
“Yes! Oh! My! God! YESS!” she panted in time with his thrusts, her hair flying as her head bobbed around with the force of the fucking Cliff was giving her. She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip, smiling as her father fucked her just as she had wanted – hard, deep, and fast.
Cliff continued fucking her hard and fast, looking down and watching as his slippery cock slid in and out of her wet pussy. The globes of her ass rippled with every thrust against them, and the squeezing of her muscles around his cock was beyond anything he had ever felt before. He was panting for breath by now, the sweat rolling down his back, and he knew that it wouldn’t be long before he would be cumming inside his daughter’s pussy. The sounds and smells of sex filled the kitchen, adding to Cliff’s excitement.
Cliff felt the familiar tingling in the base of his balls, and knew that he was about to cum. He was moving too fast for Audrey to feel it, so he told her what was about to happen.
“I’m gonna cum, baby!” he gasped, his thrusts quickening as his orgasm approached.
“Do it, Daddy!” she cried in return. “Do it…fill me up….MMM…cum inside…cum inside me!” she gasped in time with his strokes. That was all Cliff needed to set him off. He felt his cock widen and his balls contract as his orgasm quickly built.
“Here it comes!” he gasped, and then his orgasm hit. He cried out and groaned in ecstasy as his cock exploded inside Audrey’s pussy, shoving his hips forward hard as the first blast of cum erupted out of his cock and shot deep into her. He pulled back and thrust forward again, yanking her towards him with his hands on her hips, impaling her onto his cock as it spurted another stream of hot, thick cum into her waiting pussy. He did this again and again as his cock blasted stream after stream of cum inside her, and as he thrust forward for the second time Audrey’s own orgasm broke.
She cried out loud and long as her orgasm shot through her, pushing her ass back against him and squeezing his pumping, throbbing cock with her pussy as hard as she could to milk every last drop of cum from his balls. She squeezed her eyes closed and grimaced as wave after powerful wave of pleasure ripped through her body, and through it all she could feel her father’s cock pumping his seed deep into her.
Cliff thrust deep and hard into her one last time and held it there as the last spasms of his orgasm ran through him and his cock spit the very last of his cum into her. He gripped her hips tightly as he held her against him, and he could feel her pussy fluttering around his shaft as her own orgasm ran its course. The pulsing in his cock finally stopped, his orgasm spent, and he released Audrey’s hips from his grip. She fell forward onto the counter, gasping and panting for breath, her hair tousled from the fucking she had just endured, and laid her head on her forearms as she tried to catch her breath. Cliff was also panting like he’d just run a marathon, but he was in no hurry to pull his now-softening cock out of Audrey’s pussy. It had been a very long time since he’d felt anything like this, and he wanted to savor the moment.
And in the back of his mind he realized that this wasn’t going to be the last time he felt this. Much to his surprise, he didn’t feel bad about it, either. He put his hands on top of Audrey’s ass as it was pressed against him and rubbed gently, causing Audrey to stir. She lifted her head and looked back at him, smiling.
“Holy crap, Daddy, you fucked the hell out of me!” she said, smiling back at him.
“Isn’t that what you wanted?” he asked, smiling back. He hadn’t felt this confident, this manly, in longer than he could remember – and it felt good!
“Yes, it was!” she replied. “But it sure took you long enough!”
“Well, now that the ice has been broken I don’t think you’ll have to wait very long before it happens again!” he replied.
“Damn right I won’t!” she exclaimed, grinning over her shoulder at him. “Let me clean you up, Daddy!” she said as she lifted herself up from the counter. Cliff took a step backwards, his cock slipping out of her, and Audrey quickly spun around and dropped to one knee in front of him. She sucked his semi-soft, cum-covered cock into her mouth and sucked the fluids from the shaft, swallowing it all. She licked the underside of his shaft and the front of his balls to get it all, then sucked his cock into her mouth one more time to finish the job. When she was finished she stood up in front of him, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and smiling at him.
“You taste good, Daddy,” she said, her eyes sparkling.
“Thank you, baby!” he said, kissing her on the cheek. “So when do I get to taste you?” he asked, much to Audrey’s surprise and delight.
“As soon as I can make that happen, Daddy!” she said, smiling broadly at him. “But right now I’m going to go fix my hair and put on a fresh pair of panties, because I’m still going out to celebrate tonight!” she said, smoothing her skirt down over her hips and tugging her shirt back into place. Then she stepped in close, putting her arms around his neck as she continued, her voice a sultry whisper.
“And when I’m out dancing tonight, I want you to remember that I’ll be doing it with a load of your cum in my belly and pussy!” she said. She kissed him briefly, her lips soft against his, then slipped out of his arms and turned to walk out of the kitchen and down the hall to her room. She returned ten minutes later, and by that time Cliff had moved into the living room and sat down in the chair next to the couch. Audrey walked over to him and held her fist out to him, palm down.
“Here, Daddy,” she said, smiling down at him. Her hair was perfect and her outfit was flawless. You never would have known what had happened a short ten minutes earlier. Cliff held his hand out palm up, and Audrey dropped her damp panties into his hand, then leaned over to kiss him on the cheek and whisper in his ear.
“Something for you to think about while I’m gone!” she said, nipping on his earlobe before she stood up.
“I have something for you, too,” Cliff said, “although it’s not quite the same thing!” He pulled the small box with the earrings in it and handed it to her. “Happy birthday, baby!” he said, smiling. Audrey unwrapped the box and opened it, then gasped with delight as she saw the diamond earrings inside.
“Oh, Daddy, they’re beautiful!” she said, smiling from ear to ear. She reached up and pulled the hoop earrings from her ears, replacing them with the diamond studs. “How do they look?” she asked when she had put them both in.
“Like a million bucks!” Cliff replied. “Like the sexiest woman on the face of the planet,” he finished. She smiled down at him and then leaned over to kiss him, her tongue touching his just briefly before she stood back up. Then she turned and headed towards the door, stopping when she got there to turn and look at him.
“Thank you for my birthday presents, Daddy,” she said, grinning at him. “Both of them!”
“My pleasure, baby!” Cliff replied, meaning it. “I love you, Audrey. Please be careful tonight, okay?”
“I will, Daddy, and I love you, too!” she replied, and then she was gone. Cliff looked at the closed door for a minute, then looked down at the damp panties he held in his hand. He held them to his nose and inhaled, breathing in the musk of her sex, and he smiled as he thought of the things to come.
Aramis, having read both versions, the 18yo age limit imposed by Literotica doesn't diminish one bit the eroticity of this story. I understand your "one shot deals" way but I still think this one deserves a follow up ... IMHO of course.
ReplyDeleteI understand the age limit that Literotica has in place, even though I don't like it. IMHO it's just a little bit hotter if Audrey is 17 rather than 18 because 18 is the "magic number" at which people are considered an adult - and her being 17 makes it a little more taboo which in turn makes it a little more exciting, and that's the whole point of eroticism, isn't it? To excite you? I think it is.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've ever written a story where the main character was 16, and I'm positive I've never written one with a character younger than that. Kiddie porn ain't my thing.