(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)
One of the advantages of going to the local community
college instead of a bigger, much more expensive college was that not only did Vincent
Stevens save a ton of money by being able to live at home instead of in a dorm,
he was also able to continue to enjoy some of the things he did when he was
growing up – like attending the parties his parents always threw for just about
every holiday there was. Both of his
parents absolutely loved throwing parties and used the holidays as an excuse,
and if Vincent remembered the story correctly that was how they met – at a
party they both attended while in college.
The other part of the story was that Vincent was actually
conceived during one of their Valentine’s Day parties when his parents snuck
away from their duties as host and hostess to enjoy a ‘quickie’ on the desk in
his father’s home office. Nine months
later Vincent was born, and as luck would have it he was born on Hallowe’en
with his mom actually going into labor during their annual Hallowe’en party. She was only in labor for two hours, and at
the stroke of ten PM Vincent came into the world. It was his mom’s idea to name him ‘Vincent,’
naming him after one of the greatest horror movie actors of all time and her
personal favorite, Vincent Price. (His
father wanted to name him ‘Bela’ after Bela Lugosi, his personal favorite, but
thankfully his mom talked him out of it.) Hallowe’en had always been his
parents’ favorite holiday of them all, and his being born on that day only made
it moreso.
Most of the parties his parents threw weren’t costume
parties, but just by the nature of the holiday the annual Hallowe’en party was. After all, it wasn’t really a Hallowe’en
party unless people were in costume, right?
His parents always went whole-hog with the costumes as did most of their
guests, and when Vincent discovered that their Hallowe’en parties were a lot
more fun than the ones his friends threw, he started staying home and enjoying
the party there instead of going out.
That meant he had to get creative with his costumes, and so far he’d
been pretty successful, sometimes matching the theme that his parents
chose. For example, last year his dad
dressed up as Cardinal Richelieu from the novel “The Three Musketeers” while
his mom dressed up as Milady de Winter, so it was only natural for him to dress
up as a Musketeer. The three of them
were the hit of the party, with Vincent actually getting laid after the party by
one of the older ladies in attendance who thought his costume made him look
“dashing and oh so handsome!”
This year his parents chose “The Wizard of Oz” for their
theme, with his dad dressing up as the Wizard and his mom dressing up as Dorothy. Vincent chose to dress up as the Scarecrow
because he figured it was not only going to be the easiest costume to find or
create, but also the most comfortable.
He was pretty sure he’d sweat to death in a Cowardly Lion suit, and he
wouldn’t be able to move as the Tin Man so he chose the Scarecrow instead.
The tradition in his parent’s house was that you never let
anyone see you in your costume until right before the party started, so Vincent
hadn’t seen what his parents looked like in costume yet. They always threw their parties on the
Saturday evening before the actual holiday took place (unless the holiday fell
on the weekend itself) and since Hallowe’en fell on a Monday this year they spent
Saturday afternoon decorating the house for the party and getting the food and
refreshments ready. After that they all
went to their respective rooms to put on their costumes with his father using
the guest bedroom to change in so as not to spoil the surprise. When they finally met in the living room as
planned half an hour before the first guest was supposed to arrive, they all
laughed when they saw what they each looked like.
“Oh, honey, that is just perfect!” his mom said to him,
grinning from ear to ear as she looked him over.
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Mom,” he replied,
returning her smile. ‘Which is the
understatement of the year!’ he thought to himself as he looked at his mom
in her “Dorothy” costume.
His mom was a natural brunette, and as it just so happened
her hair was just the right length for her to put into pigtails just like Dorothy
wore in the movie, complete with blue bows that matched the dress. She was wearing a pair of faux ruby slippers
on her feet that sparkled in the light, but the most noticeable and alluring
thing about his mom’s costume was the dress.
It was an exact match for the one in the movie, but Judy Garland never
filled her dress out the way his mom filled hers out.
His mom, Patricia, was naturally big-busted, and Vincent
knew from sneaking a look in her lingerie drawer a few years ago that she wore
a size 34DD bra. She was slim and
shapely in all the right places, and from the looks of things Vincent was
pretty sure she’d had the bodice of the dress tailored to fit her body like a
glove – which it did, accentuating and showing off her large breasts. The hem of the dress was also considerably
higher than the one in the movie, the skirt stopping at mid-thigh instead of
just below the knee like in the movie. With
his father standing there in his Victorian clothing looking every bit like the
Wizard himself, Vincent knew that once again they were going to be the hit of
the party.
“Okay, guys, we have some last-minute things to do before
our guests start to arrive, so let’s get going, okay?” his dad, Frank, said.
“Okay, Dad,” Vincent replied, following his mom and dad out
of the room.
Two hours later the party was in full swing, and just as he
thought he and his parents’ costumes were the hit of the party. And as usual Vincent was the youngest person
there, but that never seemed to matter.
He enjoyed himself just the same, with the female guest who had seduced
him the year before, Jennifer Mann, paying special attention to him. She had just finished flirting with him as he
was standing in front of the bar, making the same proposition to him as she had
the year before, and was walking away as his mom was walking up to him. His mom was grinning at him, a drink in each
hand, and she held one out to him as she stopped in front of him.
“So did Jenny hit on you like she did last year?” his mom
asked, giving him a sly smile as she took a sip of her drink. “But more importantly, are you going to take
her up on it like you did last year?” she asked, her eyes sparkling.
“You know about that, huh?” Vincent asked, feeling his
cheeks getting hot and knowing that he was blushing his ass off. His mom chuckled at him as she replied.
“Of course I do!” she said, sidling up next to him and
sliding her arm into his, pulling him close and pressing the side of her big,
firm breast against his arm as she did. “Girls
talk just like guys do, and they brag about their sexual conquests just like
guys do as well. Jenny didn’t tell me
about it directly but she did tell a few of her friends, and naturally it got
back to me that she had done the ‘Horizontal Sofa Shuffle’ with you at last
year’s party,” she said, taking another sip of her drink.
“And you’re not mad about it?” Vincent asked.
“Why should I be mad?” she replied, much to his relief. “You’re a grown man and she’s a grown woman,
so what the two of you do together is none of my business.”
“Does Dad know?” he asked.
“Of course he does, honey, and he feels the same was as I do
about it,” she said, looking at him and smiling. “Now just relax, have some of the drink I
made for you, and enjoy the party!” she said, nudging him and pressing her big
breast against him again. He raised the
glass to his lips and took a long drink; he had no idea what he was drinking
but whatever it was, it was really good.
He took another drink, then looked over at his mom and smiled.
“This is good! What
is it?” he asked, holding the nearly empty glass up.
“Oh, just a little something I whipped up especially for
you!” she said, taking a sip from her own glass. “I’m glad you like it.”
“Yeah, it’s really good,” Vincent replied. He lifted the glass to his lips and finished
it, then put the glass down on the bar behind him.
“And it’s going to get even better, too,” Patricia said,
grinning at him.
“How, Mom?” he said, feeling a little light-headed for just
a fleeting moment as he turned around.
“Oh, you’ll see, honey, you’ll see!” she said, taking
another sip of her drink before continuing.
“So you like my costume, huh?” she said, stepping away from
him and modeling it for him, holding her arms out and turning around so he
could see all of her.
“Yeah, I do,” he replied, smiling as he admired the view. “But I gotta say that Judy Garland never
looked as good in her dress as you do in yours!” he said.
“Why, thank you, honey, I appreciate that very much!”
Patricia said, coming over and sliding her arm through his again, once more
pressing her big, firm breast against his arm.
She smiled up at him as she spoke again, her eyes sparkling.
“You know, honey, I may look like innocent little Dorothy
Gale from Kansas, but that’s not who I am.
Not really, anyway,” she said.
“It’s not?” he asked.
“No, it’s not,” she replied.
“Then who are you, really, Mom?” he asked, playing along.
“Not ‘who,’ honey, but ‘what,’” she replied.
“Okay, then what are you?” he asked, looking down at her.
“I’m a witch,” she said, looking into his eyes and smiling.
“A witch,” he said, looking back at her.
“Uh huh. A witch.”
“Yes, honey, seriously.”
“You don’t look like a witch.”
“Well, if you mean I’m not green and old and ugly with a big
wart on my nose, then no, I don’t look like a witch, thank God!” she said,
laughing. “The truth is that witches
look just like everyone else,” she said.
“So you cast spells on people and things like that?” he
asked, still not taking her seriously and thinking she was just playing a game
with him.
“No, nothing like that,” she replied. “Some witches do, but I’m not one of them. I work my magic with potions rather than
spells,” she said, taking a sip of her drink.
“Potions,” Vincent said.
“Yes, honey, potions.
Like the one you just drank,” she said, smiling.
“Like the one I just drank,” he repeated. “So that was a potion, then?” he asked, and she
nodded in response.
“Yes, it was,” she said.
“And what does it do?” he asked, still playing along.
“Well, to be honest, it pretty much gives me total control
over you,” she replied.
“Total control, like, how?” he said.
“Like this,” she said.
Then she slid her arm out of his and pressed against his side, standing
up on her tiptoes to place her lips right next to his ear.
“Hard,” she whispered. Then she stepped back a couple of paces and
looked at him, one side of her mouth turned up in a smile.
A split-second later Vincent felt his cock start to grow
inside his pants, getting harder and longer faster than he thought was humanly possible.
“What the fuck!” he gasped, holding his hands out to his
sides and looking down at his crotch as his cock quickly grew to complete
hardness, the bulge of his cock tenting out the front of his pants.
“It’s called an erection, honey,” his mom said, taking a sip
of her drink as she continued giving him that sly smile.
“I know what it’s called, Mom, I just don’t know why – I
mean…” he said, Patricia interrupting him as he spoke.
“You don’t know why you suddenly got an erection, right?”
she asked, folding one arm across her body and resting her other elbow on her
hand, holding her drink up next to her face as she spoke.
“You’re not gonna tell me you did this to me with your
potion, are you, Mom?” he said.
“Yes, I am, because yes, I did,” she replied.
“Right, Mom, sure!” he said, both exasperated and frustrated
at the same time.
“Still don’t believe me, huh?” she replied, smiling. She walked over to him and put her drink down
on the bar, then pressed against him again as she once more stood on her
tiptoes to put her lips right next to his ear.
“Harder!” she whispered, her hand on his chest. Then she stepped back again, picking her
drink up as she did.
Vincent immediately felt his cock get harder, and after a
few moments it was so hard it ached. His
cock was harder than it had ever been before, and he could feel the shaft
throbbing as the blood pumped through it.
If he didn’t know any better he would have sworn it had grown another
inch or so as well, but he knew that was impossible. He groaned with the intensity of his
erection, putting his hands down and pressing them against the throbbing shaft
of his hard cock to try and relieve the ache.
“So do you believe me now?” his mom said, holding her drink
up as she had been before. He looked
over at her in disbelief, not knowing what to say. Patricia looked at him and chuckled as she
took another sip of her drink, then spoke again.
“And yes, you’re bigger than you usually are, too,” she
said. “About an inch or so, I believe,
and a little thicker around as well. If
I got the potion right, that is!”
“This is incredible!” Vincent said.
“This is only the beginning, honey!” his mom said, walking
over to him and stopping when she was standing close enough to him for him to
feel her breasts pressing against him.
When she spoke again her voice was low and husky, filled with both intensity
and desire.
“Now I want you to go into your father’s office and wait for
me. I’ll be along in a minute, as soon
as I talk to Jennie and make sure she doesn’t come looking for you and disturb
us,” she said.
“Yes, Mom,” Vincent said, the potion having taken full
effect by now and leaving him completely under her control. Then he walked away, winding his way through
the guests as he headed for his father’s office. Patricia watched him go, smiling all the
“This is going to be so much fun!” she said softly to
herself. Then she went to find Jenny and
take care of her.
Vincent made his way to his father’s den and opened the
door, stepping inside and closing the door behind him. He walked over to his father’s desk and
stopped, looking down at his crotch again.
His cock was still rock-hard and throbbing, and he rubbed it from
outside his costume to try and relieve some of the achiness he felt due to how
hard it was. He was amazed at just how
hard his cock felt against his hand; he had felt his hard cock plenty of times
before, but it was never this hard! It
was as hard as stone, the skin totally unyielding, and he could still feel it
pulsing as the blood continued to pump through it. A few minutes later he heard the door open
behind him and turned around to see his mom come into the room. She smiled at him as she closed the door,
then walked over to where he stood in front of the desk.
“So, are you ready for me, honey?” she asked, a wry smile on
her face.
“Ready for what, Mom?” he asked.
“This!” she said, reaching down and rubbing the hard tube of
his throbbing cock through his pants.
“Wow, you’re really hard!
That potion worked better than I thought it would!” she said as she
rubbed the palm of her hand against his hard cock, her voice soft. She gripped it in her hand and squeezed it
once through his pants, then reached down with the other hand to unzip his
fly. Looking him in the eyes as she
worked, she deftly opened his fly and reached inside for his cock, sliding her
hand into his boxers and gripping it with her hand. She squeezed it once and made him gasp, then
pulled it out of his pants. She wrapped
both hands around his shaft, pulling and tugging on it, and when he looked down
he was surprised to see that his cock was indeed longer and thicker than it
ever had been before.
“Holy shit!” he gasped, looking back at his mom in surprise
for a moment before looking back down again as his mom tugged on his cock.
“I told you so,” she asked, grinning up at him. “My potion really
did the trick, didn’t it?” she asked, and Vincent nodded in reply.
“There are so many wonderfully naughty and delightfully
delicious things I’m going to do to you and this big, hard cock of yours now
that I know how susceptible you are to my potions,” she said, looking into his
eyes as she tugged on his cock with her hands, “but right now the first thing I
want is to taste you!”
“Taste me,” Vincent repeated, watching as his mom dropped to
her knees in front of him. She looked at
his cock in front of her face for a moment as she tugged on it, and was pleased
when a large, clear drop of precum appeared at the tip. Without hesitation she opened her mouth and
leaned forward to lick up the drop of click fluid, swallowing it immediately.
“Mmmmm, your precum tastes good, honey,” she said, looking
up at him as she tugged on his cock. “And
I’ll bet your cum tastes even better!”
Then she leaned forward and opened her mouth, lowering it down onto his
cock and closing her lips around it just behind the flared ridge of the head. She sucked on the head for a moment, running
her tongue along the sensitive underside before sliding her mouth further down
onto his shaft, bobbing her head up and down along the way. Vincent watched as she worked his cock deeper
into her mouth, taking more of his length into her mouth and down her throat
until she had taken it all. Even through
the potion-induced fog his mind was in he recognized this as no mean feat to
begin with, and given the fact that his cock was now thicker and at least an
inch longer than it normally was made what she was doing even more
spectacular. Pat looked up at him as she
paused, her nose touching his abdomen as she held his cock in her mouth, and he
jumped when he felt the muscles of her throat close around the head of his cock
when she swallowed. Then she slowly
pulled her mouth from his cock, sliding it back up his hard, throbbing shaft,
sucking on the head when she got there before releasing it from her mouth. His cock bounced up and stood up straight in
front of him, glistening with her saliva and bouncing slightly as the blood
pumped through it.
“Ahhhhh!” Pat sighed, sitting back on her haunches and
looking up at him past the cock in front of her face. “Did you like that, honey?” she asked,
licking her lips.
“Yes, Mom, I did,” he replied, meaning it. In the back of his mind he knew it was wrong
for his mom to be doing this, but the front of his mind – the part controlled
by her potion – didn’t care and only wanted her to continue.
“Want me to do it some more?” she asked.
“Yes, Mom, I do!” Vincent replied, nodding his head.
Without another word Pat sat up and grabbed his cock in her
hand, pulling it down and pointing it at her face. She opened her mouth and took it inside
again, clamping her lips closed around the head and sucked on it again, then
began sliding her mouth up and down on his shaft in long, deep, even strokes. Vincent stood there and watched in rapt
fascination as his mom sucked his cock, her head bobbing up and down as she
worked on him. She reached up with both
hands and began unfastening his pants, getting them open in mere seconds. She pulled them down over his hips and let
them fall to the floor, then took her mouth from his cock just long enough to
pull his boxers down as well. As soon as
his cock was free of his boxers she slid her mouth back onto it and resumed
sucking him off, pulling and tugging on his heavy balls as she did.
‘My God, but his cock is big!’ Pat thought to herself
as she sucked on her son’s cock. ‘I
can’t wait to get this monster inside me!’
Vincent stood and watched for several very enjoyable minutes
as his mom enjoyed herself sucking his cock, grabbing the base with one hand
and pumping it while she pulled and tugged on his balls with the other. When he felt the familiar twinge in his balls
and felt them shift a little he knew that he was going to cum soon, and his mom
must have felt it as well because she increased the suction she was applying to
his cock and sped up a little, sliding her mouth up and down his shaft faster
than she had been. She looked up at him
for a moment as she brought him closer to climax, and the sight of his cock sliding
in and out of her mouth with her looking into his eyes sent him over the edge.
“HNNNGGHH!” he groaned as his orgasm hit, reaching back and
gripping the edge of his father’s desk with both hands as his cock exploded in
his mom’s mouth, a long, heavy stream of cum blasting out of his cock and
hitting the back of her throat.
MM-HMMM! MM-HMMM!” his mom moaned
around his cock as it pulsed and throbbed in her mouth, pumping stream after
stream of hot, thick cum into her mouth and down her throat. She gripped the base hard and pumped it with
her hand, pumping the cum out of him as she pulled on his balls, keeping her
lips clamed around his cock and enjoying the sensations of his cock pulsing on
her tongue as his balls emptied themselves into her waiting mouth. Another side effect of her potion was that it
also made him shoot more cum than usual, and she swallowed around his cock to
keep her mouth from overflowing with it.
Vincent gritted his teeth and grimaced as the most powerful
orgasm he’d ever felt ripped through his body, his eyes squeezed shut as his
cock pumped stream after stream of cum into his mom’s mouth. He didn’t think he was ever going to stop
cumming, but eventually he did; the pumping and throbbing of his cock finally
slowed and stopped. Pat pumped his cock
in her hand, sliding her mouth up until just the head was in her mouth and then
pumping the last bit of cum from him by gripping the shaft harder with her hand
on the upstroke, draining the last bit of cum from him. When she was sure she had it all she slipped
her mouth from his cock, kissing the tip twice before holding her head up and
opening her mouth to show him her mouthful of his cum. She rolled her tongue around it the pool of
thick, white liquid in her mouth, lifting it up to let his cum slide off of the
sides; she did this a couple of times before she closed her mouth and
“Ahhh!” she said, looking up at him and smiling as she
opened her mouth to show him that his cum was gone.
“Holy crap, Mom!” he said, looking down at her. She still had her hand around his cock,
gripping it firmly but not pumping it. She
felt it begin to soften in her hand and looked down at it as she spoke.
“Oh, you’re starting to go soft!” she said. “Well, we can’t have that – not just yet,
because I’m not done with you!” She quickly
got up from her knees to stand in front of him, one hand still gripping his cock
as she looked into his eyes.
“Maintain!” she said, and Vincent’s cock immediately
sprang back to full hardness, just as hard as it was before he came.
“Holy shit!” he said, looking down at his cock in his mom’s
“There, that’s better!” she said, tugging on his cock as she
looked at him. “Now let’s you and I
change places, okay, honey?” she said, leading him by the cock as she pulled
him away from the desk to take his place at the edge of the desk.
“Sure, Mom, but why?” he asked as she led him to where she
wanted him.
“Because you’re going to fuck me on your father’s desk just
like he did when he got me pregnant with you, that’s why!” she said, sitting on
the desk and spreading her legs apart as she pulled him in close to her, the faux
ruby slippers on her feet sparkling in the light. Vincent shuffled forward, his pants still
down around his ankles, as his mom pulled her skirt up and out of the way,
revealing that she wasn’t wearing any panties under her costume and showing her
pussy to him for the first time. Vincent
looked down at her and saw that her pubic hair was trimmed into a small
‘landing strip’ with her outer lips being shaven smooth. She leaned back and put one elbow on the desk
for support as she brought her knees up, spreading her thighs apart as she
brought her pussy right up to the edge of the desk. She pulled him forward by his cock and placed
it against her pussy, rubbing the head up and down between her smooth outer
lips. Vincent gasped as he felt the warm
wetness envelope the head of his cock when her outer lips parted, and he could
hear the soft squishy sounds being made by the head of his cock sliding up and
down between them.
“I can’t wait to feel this big, hard cock inside me!” Pat
said, her voice soft and breathless.
Then she placed the head of his cock against her opening, pulling him
forward to slide the head inside. When
he felt the warm wetness of her pussy on the tip of his cock Vincent reacted
out of instinct, pushing forward with his hips to slide his cock into her.
“Ahhhhhhh!” Pat moaned as his cock pushed into her, letting
her head fall back and pulling her knees up and out with both hands to give him
room to move. “Oh, my God, yes!” she
moaned again as Vincent pushed forward, sliding his thick, hard cock into her
pussy deeper and deeper, pulling back only once before he slid his entire cock
into her tight, wet pussy. He looked
down at his cock buried inside his mom’s pussy and the looked up at her, the
pleasure she was feeling very plain on her face. She lifted her head up and looked at him, her
mouth hanging open as she spoke.
“Does that feel good, honey?” she asked, and Vincent nodded
as he replied.
“It feels fantastic!” he said, looking down at his cock
inside her again.
“Now fuck me, honey,” his mom said, her voice low and husky,
filled with desire. “Fuck me and cum
inside me, fill me up with your cum just like your father did!”
With that Vincent started to move, pushing his cock in and
out of his mom’s pussy in long, deep strokes.
He gripped her hips in his hands for support as he fucked her, pulling
her back against him as he thrust forward.
His mom moaned and groaned as she lay back on the desk, gripping the
edge of the desk with both hands for support as his strokes got harder and
faster. Soon he was pounding his cock in
and out of her, the room filled with the aroma of her musk and the sound of his
abdomen hitting her mound as he fucked her harder and harder. Vincent looked down and watched as he thrust
his cock in and out of his mom’s pussy, the shaft slick and glistening with her
juices. Then he looked up at his mom and
saw that her eyes were closed, her mouth hanging open and her chest heaving as
she gasped for breath.
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!” she gasped as he pounded
her, the big mounds of her breasts bouncing inside her dress with every thrust
of his hips.
“Yes, honey, that’s it!
Fuck me, fuck me hard, make me cum, make me cum all over your hard
cock!” she gasped, holding her head up and looking at him. When she looked back on this moment later on
one of the things she would remember was the sight of the Scarecrow from ‘The
Wizard of Oz’ fucking her, and the look on his face as he did. But right now she was concentrating on her
son’s cock pounding in and out of her, and she felt her orgasm quickly begin to
“I’m gonna cum, honey, I’m gonna cum!” she gasped, dropping
her head back down to the desk. Vincent
kept up the motions of his hips, thrusting in and out of her over and over
again, driving her to orgasm, and it only took a few moments more for her to
“NNNGGGHHH!” she cried out from between clenched teeth,
grimacing as a powerful orgasm exploded in her pussy and went ripping through
her body like a thunderbolt. Vincent
could feel her pussy fluttering around his cock as she came, her pussy
drenching his cock with her juices. He
kept pounding in and out of her as she rode her orgasm out, and just as he was
starting to think that she wasn’t going to ever stop cumming she lifted her
head up and spoke, looking into his eyes as she did.
“CUM!” she gasped.
And he did, his cock immediately exploding inside her and taking Vincent
completely by surprise. He groaned
loudly as the sudden and totally unexpected orgasm hit, shoving his cock
forward to bury it as deep inside his mom’s pussy as he possibly could. He held it there while he came, his cock
pulsing and throbbing as it pumped out another big load of cum, this time into
her waiting pussy. Five, six, seven,
eight incredible times his cock pumped inside her, pumping out more cum and
lasting much longer than he ever thought possible. And his mom’s orgasm continued through it all,
her pussy gripping and clutching at his cock as it throbbed and pumped inside
Finally, almost thankfully, their mutual orgasm slowed and
then stopped, leaving Vincent covered with a fine layer of sweat on his face
and beneath his costume. They were both
left gasping for breath, Vincent holding his still-hard cock inside his mom’s
pussy as she lay on the desk. He stood there
for a few moments, trying to catch his breath, and then looked down as he
realized something.
“It’s not going down!” he said, looking up at his mom. She lifted her head and looked back at him,
chuckling at the surprised look on his face.
“Oh, I’m sorry, honey, I was a little distracted!” she
said. Then she propped herself up on her
elbows and, looking directly into his eyes, spoke one word.
Vincent immediately felt his cock go soft inside his mom’s
pussy, and after a few moments he took a few shuffling steps back, feeling the
cool air of the room on his wet cock as it slipped out of her. Pat sat up on the desk and then slipped off
of it, standing in front of him and smoothing her skirt down as she spoke.
“You wait right here while I go into your father’s bathroom
and get us a couple of hand towels,” she said, reaching out to run her hand
along the side of his face. “I’ll be
right back, honey,” she said, smiling at him.
Then she turned and walked over to the small bathroom off of the office,
returning a few moments later with a hand towel and handing it to him.
“Here you go, honey,” she said.
“Thanks, Mom,” Vincent said, taking it from her and using it
to clean himself up. Pat went over to
the desk and leaned back against it, watching while Vincent put himself back
together again. When he was done he
looked up at her and spoke, holding the hand towel in both hands.
“Now what, Mom?” he asked.
“Now we go back to the party and enjoy ourselves for the
rest of the night, that’s what,” she replied, smiling sweetly at him. She got up from the desk and walked over to
him, looking up into his eyes as she continued.
“It’s just a shame that you won’t remember any of this when the potion
wears off in a little while,” she said.
“I won’t?” he asked; Pat shook her head as she replied.
“No, honey, you won’t,” she said, running her hand along the
side of his face. “You won’t remember
anything that happened from the moment you took the first sip until the moment
the potion wears off. But I will,” she
said, looking deep into his eyes. “I’ll
always remember this, I promise you.”
“Okay, Mom,” he said, returning her smile.
“Now let’s get back to the party, shall we?” she said,
hooking her arm in his and leading him over to the door and out of the office
to rejoin their guests.
The next morning his mom was already in the kitchen when
Vincent came into the room, wearing a pair of loose black lounge pants and an
old gray sweatshirt with the sleeves chopped off, a pair of slippers on his
feet. His mom was standing at the
kitchen counter, her back to him, wearing a pair of black yoga pants and a
loose white t-shirt that stopped just below the top of her pants, her dark hair
done up in a single ponytail high on the back of her head.
“Morning, Mom,” he said, shuffling over to the kitchen table
and pulling out a chair before sitting down in it.
“Good morning, honey!” his mom said cheerily. “Some party last night, huh?” she said,
turning to face him with a cup of coffee in her hand and treating Vincent to
the sight of her braless boobs swaying inside her shirt.
“Yeah, it was,” Vincent said, looking over at her and
smiling. “Then again, you and Dad always
throw the best parties to begin with, especially on Hallowe’en. And speaking of Dad, where is he?” he asked.
“Oh, he’s off playing golf with his friends, the usual thing
for a Sunday morning,” she replied.
“He’ll be gone until around noon or so, I suspect,” she said, taking a
sip from her coffee cup. “So did you
enjoy the party last night, honey?” she asked.
“Yeah, I did,” Vincent replied, running his hand over the
top of his head as he spoke. “It was
great as usual.”
“Did you score with Jenny again?” she asked, grinning at
him. He grinned back as he replied.
“No, I didn’t, actually,” he said. “I don’t know why, but after she hit on me
early in the party she just kinda disappeared, and I didn’t see her again for
the rest of the night.”
“I think she left early,” his mom said. “Maybe she’d had too much to drink, I don’t
know,” she said. ‘Or maybe it was
something she drank instead,’ she thought to herself, smiling.
“I don’t know, either; all I know is I have a little bit of
a headache this morning,” he replied, rubbing the top of his head again.
‘That always happens the first time,’ she thought to
“Here, let me get you some orange juice, maybe that will
help,” she said, turning to the refrigerator and taking out the bottle of
juice. She got a glass out of the
cabinet over the counter and poured the juice into it, then reached into the
waistband of her pants and pulled out a small bottle of clear liquid. She pulled the cork out of the bottle, poured
the contents into his juice, then replaced the cork and put the bottle back
into the waistband of her pants. Then
she picked up the glass and turned towards the table, holding it out to him as
she approached.
“Here you go, honey, this will fix you right up,” she said,
smiling at him. He took the glass and
she sat down in the chair across from him, taking a sip out of her coffee cup.
“Thanks, Mom,” he said.
He brought the glass up to his lips and took a drink, then looked at her
as he spoke again.
“Wow, this juice is really good!” he said. “What’s in it?” he said, raising the glass to
his lips again.
“Oh, just a little something I whipped up especially for you!”
she said, grinning at him as he drank the rest of the juice.
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