(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)
“Come on, Max, let’s go!” Angie
called, standing at the foot of the stairs and looking up. Her son was just as bad as any girl at being late,
something that had exasperated her late husband, Max Senior. As she stood at the bottom of the stairs
waiting for her son to come down, she looked over at the wall to her right and
saw the group of family pictures hanging there, the one of Max Senior in his
uniform being in the center. He had been
a Master Sergeant in the US Army assigned to the Special Forces and had been
killed in action in Afghanistan a little more than two years ago when Max
Junior was seventeen. The first year had
been rough on both of them, and she wasn’t sure if it had been harder on Max or
herself. The second year was better, but
only because she and her son had each other to lean on and talk to. Max was their only child, so over the past
two years they had gotten very close as a way to manage their grief. Now her son was her best friend, and even
though she missed her husband terribly she was glad she had her son to help her
Max felt the same way, and he had
stayed home after graduating from high school so he could stay with his mom for
as long as she either needed or wanted him to.
He had gotten a job downtown right after graduation, and a year later he
was making pretty good money for a 19-year-old boy fresh out of high
school. His mom was just glad he didn’t
enlist in the Army; losing her husband was bad enough, and if she lost her son
to combat as well, it would kill her.
“I’m coming, Mom!” Max called
back. She turned away from the stairs to
pick up her purse from the small table in the hallway, and a few moments later
her son came bounding down the stairs.
“Sorry about that, Mom,” he said,
grinning sheepishly at her.
“It’s a good thing I love you,”
she said, reaching up to tousle his hair.
At six feet even he was considerably taller than she was, standing a whopping
five feet five inches in her bare feet.
He looked so much like his father that sometimes it hurt, and she loved
him nearly as much as she loved her late husband.
“So let’s go, already!” Max said,
opening the door and holding it open for her.
She walked out of the door and Max followed, closing the door behind
them. They got in her car and drove away
from the house, headed downtown to an occult bookstore she had learned of the
week before.
One of the things Angie and Max
had in common was that they had both developed an interest in the occult over
the past two years. They weren’t into
witchcraft or anything like that, and neither one of them had adopted the
‘goth’ lifestyle that came with most people who were interested in the occult. They just found the whole topic fascinating
and had adopted it as both a coping mechanism and a hobby. So when Angie learned that there was a new
occult bookstore that had just opened up downtown called ‘The Portal,’ she put
it on her short list of things to go see.
She found the bookstore easily,
knowing downtown like the back of her hand, and parked the car in front of the
store. They got out and walked inside,
an old-fashioned bell above the door tinkling as they came in.
“Wow, look at this!” Max said,
his mouth hanging open as he looked around.
“Is this great, or what!”
“Yes, it most certainly is,”
Angie replied, looking around. The
inside of the bookstore was exactly as you would have pictured the inside of an
occult bookshop to look – wall to wall, floor to ceiling books, all of which
looked old, the air filled with a combination of musty books and spicy incense. Aside from books there were trinkets, small
statues, and jewelry of all kinds displayed around the room as well.
“Good morning, nice people, may I
be of service?” a voice said from behind them.
They both turned around and saw an old man, about Angie’s height,
balding, with gray hair and a pair of wire rimmed glasses low on his nose
standing next to a rack of books close to the door. He was wearing a tan cardigan over a white button-down
shirt, brown trousers, and a pair of brown oxford shoes.
He looked exactly like you would
have expected the owner of an occult bookstore to look. Angie thought this was all so strange and so
very coincidental, but before she had time to think about it the old man spoke
“My name is Frank Corrigan, and
this is my shop. Welcome to ‘The Portal!’
How may I be of service to you today, m’lady? Kind sir?” he said, looking at them in turn, a
smile on his face.
“Good morning, Mr. Corrigan, my
name is Angie, and this is my son, Max,” she said, returning his smile. “We heard about your shop and wanted to come
see it for ourselves, and I must say that at first glance I’m very
impressed! This is quite a collection of
books and curios you have here,” she said, looking around.
“Thank you, Angie, I’ve gone to
great pains to secure only the most genuine and finest occult materials from
around the world,” he said, his eyes sparkling.
“Please feel free to look around, take your time, see everything that
you want to see, and if I can be of service please don’t hesitate to ask!” he
said, extending his hand first to her and then to Max; they both shook his hand
as Angie replied.
“Thank you, Mr. Corrigan, we
will!” she said.
“Please, call me ‘Frank,’ I
insist,” he replied.
“Okay, ‘Frank’ it is, then!”
Angie said, smiling. Frank returned her
smile briefly and then walked past them toward the counter at the back of the
shop, leaving them to look around.
“Wow, Mom, can you believe this?”
Max said in a hushed voice, leaning down so she could hear him. “I mean, look at this place! This is something right out of a ‘Harry
Potter’ movie, you know? And that Mr.
Corrigan – Frank – wow!”
“Yes, I had the same thoughts,”
she replied, looking around the shop.
“So let’s look around and see what’s here, okay? Maybe we’ll come up with something for
Hallowe’en, you know?” The holiday was
less than two weeks away, and they celebrated Hallowe’en with pretty much the
same enthusiasm they celebrated Christmas.
They always exchanged gifts, and so far this year neither one of them
had bought the gift for the other; hence the trip to ‘The Portal.’
They separated and wandered
around the shop individually, both of them amazed and pleased at what they
saw. After fifteen minutes or so they
both ended up at the showcase at the back of the shop, looking at the array of jewelry
inside. There were rings, bracelets,
necklaces, and earrings of all kinds, all of them having something to do with
the occult.
“Mom, look at this!” Max said,
pointing at a pair of rings, both of them displayed in the same box.
“Oh, my, those are beautiful!”
Angie said, walking over and looking down at the rings in the display case.
The rings were sterling silver
with an oval stone in the center of one and a square stone in the center of the other and were obviously made for a man and a woman. One of them was in the style of a dinner
ring, the opal in the center being in the shape of an oval, and Angie guessed
correctly that this was the woman’s ring.
The other was a square, signet-style ring with the black onyx stone also
being square, and this was obviously the man’s ring. Both stones had a pentagram inscribed
in gold leaf in the middle, and they were very striking to see.
“Those are ‘truth rings,’ custom
made by a jeweler in England around the turn of the 17th century,” Frank said,
walking up to them on the other side of the counter.
“Truth rings?” Max asked, looking
up at him.
“Yes, my young friend, truth
rings,” he replied, smiling. “As the
story goes, they were commissioned by a lord who was unsure of his lady’s
fidelity, so he had a jeweler make them for him. He
then took them to the local wizard who reportedly gave them their mystical powers. Shortly after that the lord presented the
rings to his lady as a gift, and they both began wearing them at once. Unbeknownst to the errant lady, if both she
and her husband were wearing the rings in the same place at the same time, each
of the wearers were unable to lie. They
could only tell the truth, no matter what the topic, and it only took the lord
a day or so to discover that his suspicions about his lady’s infidelity were
well founded.”
“Uh oh,” Max said, enraptured by
the story.
“Indeed,” Frank said. “The lord had both his unfaithful lady and
her lovers – plural – executed by beheading in the town square in full view of
the local populace, leaving their bodies on display for a week as an example of
what happened to those who strayed from their marital vows.”
“Oh, yuck!” Angie said, making a
“Punishments like that were quite
common in England in that age, I’m afraid,” Frank said. “Thankfully, mankind has matured since then,
and things like that no longer take place – in civilized countries, that
is. I cannot speak for some of the more,
shall we say, backward countries in certain parts of the world,” he explained.
“They’re absolutely beautiful,”
Angie said, looking down at them again.
“Would you like to try them on?”
Frank asked, pulling a small ring of keys out of his pocket.
“Can we, Mom?” Max asked, his
face lighting up.
“Sure, why not?” Angie replied,
returning his smile.
“Very good!” Frank said. He worked the lock on his side of the case
and then opened the lid, reaching in and taking out the box with the rings
inside. He closed the case and put the
box down in front of them, slipping the keys back into his pocket.
“They are so beautiful,” Angie
said again.
“So try it on!” Max said, his
excitement evident.
“Okay, okay!” Angie replied,
looking up at him and smiling.
“I must insist, m’lady, that you
try the rings on one at a time so that the two of you are not both wearing them
at the same time,” Frank said, a serious look on his face. “I would not want for a secret kept to inadvertently
become a secret revealed and ruin the obviously close relationship you have
with your son.”
“Why, thank you, Frank, that’s
very considerate of you,” Angie said, smiling at him.
“You are most welcome,” he said,
bowing slightly. “May I?” Frank said,
taking the woman’s ring out of the box and holding it in his hand.
“Yes, please,” she relied,
holding her hand out. Frank slipped it
on the ring finger of her right hand, and to her surprise it was a perfect fit.
“Oh, my, that’s beautiful!” she
said, holding her hand up so she could look at it. “And it fits, too!”
“That looks really good on you,
Mom,” Max said.
“It does indeed,” Frank said.
“Okay, so take it off so I can
try the other one on!” Max said. Angie
smiled at him and slipped the ring from her finger, giving it back to Frank who
returned it to the box. He picked up the
man’s ring and handed it to Max, who put it on the ring finger of his right
“Holy crap, it fits!” he said,
grinning and holding his hand up in front of him so he could see it. “How about that, Mom? Both of the rings fit us perfectly! That’s a sign if I’ve ever seen one!” he
“It would appear so,” Angie said,
“and I must say that it looks really good on you, too.” She turned her head to look at Frank as she
spoke again. “How much are they, Frank?”
she asked.
“If I were to sell the jewelry I
have here based on the stories that accompany them, I would soon be out of
business as no one could afford what I have to offer,” he explained. “So I sell them based on the current price of
the materials of which the jewelry is made; in this case that would be based on
the current price of silver on the open market and of the gemstones as well.”
“How much?” Angie asked again.
“Five hundred dollars, m’lady,”
he replied.
“I’ll take them,” Angie said,
much to Max’s delight.
“Mom, are you serious?” he asked,
excited but concerned. “I mean, five
hundred dollars! That’s a lot of money!”
“Good jewelry is expensive, Max,
so you get what you pay for,” she said.
“Isn’t that right, Frank?” she asked, looking at Frank.
“Indeed it is,” he replied, “and
I can guarantee you that the craftmanship of these rings is first rate.”
“Then like I said, I’ll take
them. Max, take the ring off and give it
back to Frank so he can box it up for us,” she said
“Aw, Mom, can’t I wear it out?”
he asked.
“There’s no risk as long as you
are not wearing your ring at the same time, remember,” Frank said to Angie, his
voice soft.
“Okay, that’s fine,” Angie said,
looking back at her son, “you can wear it out, then. Just be careful with it, okay, Max? That’s a piece of fine jewelry and not a toy,
so you have to take care of it.”
“Sure thing! Thanks, Mom!” Max said, kissing her on the
cheek. Frank closed the box with her
ring in it and walked over to the cash register at the end of the counter,
ringing up her purchase. She paid for
the rings with her credit card and Frank put the box in a small bag, then
handed it and her credit card back to her.
“Thank you so much for visiting
my humble shop, and I hope you enjoy your rings,” he said, smiling at her. “Just don’t forget what they are; if you do, the
results could be somewhat less than desirable and quite catastrophic,” he
“Thank you, Frank, I’m sure we’ll
see you again,” Angie replied, returning his smile. Frank gave her a slight bow, and then she
turned to walk out of the shop with Max following her.
Max spent almost the entire ride
home admiring his new ring, and Angie spent almost the entire ride home smiling
at him. Making her son happy was the
most important thing in the world to her, and she was glad to have been able to
do that by purchasing the rings. As
jewelry goes they were about as expensive as anything else on the market; as
for the story that came with them, well, she wasn’t too sure about that.
But it made her son happy which
made her happy, and that was all that really mattered.
Later that evening as they were
eating dinner, Max still wearing his ring, the topic of their visit to the shop
and the rings came up.
“So do you believe that story
about the rings, Mom?” Max asked.
“Of course I do, honey,” she
replied. “But there’s really no way to
verify it, is there?” she asked.
“Sure there is!” Max replied,
grinning. “All you have to do is put
your ring on and let me ask you that question again, and that will prove it!”
“Oh, I don’t think so,” Angie
said, smiling at him and hoping he didn’t press the issue.
“C’mon, Mom, just do it!” he urged, still grinning at her. “What can it hurt, anyway?” he said. Angie looked up at him and looked at him in
the eyes for a moment, then relented.
“Oh, okay, I suppose so,” she
said, smiling at her son.
“Great, Mom!” Max said. “Just tell me where it is and I’ll go get it
for you,” he said, getting up from the table.
“It’s in the jewelry box on the
top of my dresser,” she said, and Max was off like a shot. He returned less than two minutes later with
the ring, and she held her finger out for him to slip it on. He sat down once he did, his mom admiring the
ring on her finger.
“Okay, you ready?” he asked, the
anticipation plain in his voice.
“Sure,” Angie replied, “shoot.”
“Okay, here we go – do you
believe the story about the rings making you tell the truth?” he asked, holding
his breath.
“Of course not,” Angie answered
immediately, “I think it’s nothing but a hocus-pocus story designed to sucker
us into buying the rings, and nothing more.
There’s just no way that…that…” she stopped, her eyes wide as she
realized what she had just said.
She had told the truth.
“Holy crap, Mom, it works!” Max
said, “it really works!”
“Oh my God, it…it can’t be…it
just can’t be!” she said, her eyes wide with surprise as she looked down at the
ring on her finger.
“Ask me a question you think I’d
lie to you about,” he said, leaning across the table, “I want to see if my ring
works, too!”
“Oh, I couldn’t,” she said, still
stunned at what had just happened.
“Remember what Frank said about things turning bad because of these
rings,” she cautioned. She didn’t
believe it before but she certainly believed it now.
“C’mon, Mom, yes you can! Just ask me something simple, something that
you want to know but think I’d lie to you about,” he said, “it can’t be that
bad, can it?”
“Okay, if you insist,” she said,
thinking for a moment. The question she
wanted to ask came to her within seconds, and she leaned forward and looked Max
in the eyes as she asked it.
“Have you been looking through my
lingerie drawer, and if so, why?” she asked, her heart pounding in her chest.
“Sure I have!” he immediately
replied. “I wanted to see what kind of
panties you wore and how big your tits really were…” he said, his voice
trailing off at the end, his eyes going wide.
He stared at his mom for a moment, both of them with a shocked look on
their faces.
“Oh, shit! It really does work!”
he said. “Are you mad at me now?” he
asked, afraid that she was.
“I should be, I guess, but I’m
not,” she said, trying hard to take it all in.
There was silence for a few moments, and then she spoke again.
“How long have you had this
fascination with my lingerie and my breasts?” she asked, not realizing what she
was doing.
“For about the past year,” he
said without flinching. “I thought you
had a killer set of boobs and wondered just how big they were, and that was the
only way I could find out without asking you,” he said. “Oh, shit, this thing gonna get me in
trouble!” he said, looking down at the ring on his hand.
“Frank wasn’t kidding, that’s for
sure,” Angie said, looking at her own ring.
Another question crossed her mind, a daring one at that, and she wasn’t
sure if she should ask it or not. But
after a moment’s contemplation she decided why the hell not and asked it.
“Max, do you think I’m sexy?” she
asked, her voice soft and a little hesitant.
“I think you’re sexy as hell,
Mom,” he replied without hesitation. “I
think you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen, and I’d do you in a heartbeat
even though you are my own mom.”
Both of their eyes went wide and Angie’s
breath caught in her throat at hearing this from her own son. Since they were both still wearing their
rings and she was now convinced that they worked just as Frank had said they
did, she believed him. She was also both
surprised and dismayed to feel a slight twinge in her pussy and her nipples
harden just a little at what he had said.
She hadn’t been with a man since her husband had left for Afghanistan
more than two years ago, and hearing that another man desired her hit home with
her, even it that man was her own son.
“Oh, my God, I’m sorry, Mom, I
didn’t mean…well, yes I did, but I shouldn’t have said…oh, FUCK!” Max
stammered, completely embarrassed at having just told his own mom that he wanted
to fuck her. He leaned forward and put
his elbows on the table, burying his head in his hands – but he didn’t take off
the ring. Neither of them did.
Angie’s mind was racing now,
trying to take in what was happening while at the same time trying to decide
whether or not she was going to exploit it.
Then she asked another question without really thinking about it, purely
because it was the next question that came to her mind – and because she knew
Max would have to be truthful about it since they were still wearing their
“Do you want to have sex with me,
Max?” she asked, her voice low.
“Yes,” he said, his voice muffled
by his hands covering his face.
“You do?” Angie gasped, her heart
“Yes,” he repeated. “Don’t you feel the same way about me?” he
asked out of reflex.
“Yes, I do,” she replied, gasping
after she had said it. “Oh, my!” she
said, her hand flying to her mouth, her eyes wide. Max’s head came up, and he looked at her as
he spoke again.
“You do? Really?” he asked.
“Yes, I do, really,” she replied. “Oh, Max, we’ve got to stop this!” she said,
reaching for her ring and pulling it from her finger. She put it on the table in front of her and
sat back, looking at it, her heart pounding in her chest and her breath coming
fast. Max pulled his ring off as well,
putting int on the table in front of him and sitting back in his chair. They both sat there, neither one of them
daring to speak, for several minutes until finally Angie spoke.
“You meant all of that? All of what you said, about how you thought I
look and that you wanted to…to have sex with me?” she asked, looking over at
him. He almost didn’t answer but figured
that since she already knew the truth, what could it hurt?
“Yes, Mom, I meant it, and you
know that’s the truth because we were wearing those damned rings and had to
tell the truth about anything and everything!” he said, the exasperation
showing through in his voice. “But yeah,
I meant it,” he said, calming down a little. “Did you mean what you sa…well, yeah, I guess
you did, because you were wearing the ring…” he said, letting his words trail
“Uh huh,” she said, nodding her
“So what do we do now?” he said a
few moments later.
“We put these rings away and make
sure that we don’t ever wear them both at the same time in the same place again,
and we carry on as if this conversation never took place,” she said, picking
her ring up from the table and holding it in her hand. Max picked his ring up as well, holding it in
his fingers and looking at it for a moment before he spoke. It truly was a beautiful ring, and he really
did like it.
“That’s gonna be kinda tough,
don’t you think, Mom?” he asked, looking at her.
“Yes, it will, but we have no
other choice,” she replied, standing up from the table. “No other reasonable choice, that is,” she
said. Then she turned and walked out of
the kitchen towards her bedroom to put the ring away.
Walking away from Max at that
moment was one of the hardest things she’d ever had to do, because deep down
inside her she knew that what she really wanted was to take him into her
bedroom and fuck him silly. And knowing
he felt the same way only made not doing it that much harder.
Max watched his mom walk away,
his subconscious making note that she not only had a killer set of tits but a
pretty fantastic ass as well. When she
was out of sight he looked at the ring again, turning it in his fingers.
“Why do I get the feeling that
this thing isn’t over?” he asked aloud to himself, the light glinting off of
the polished surfaces of the ring. Then
he closed his fingers around the ring and stood up, turning to walk to his own
room and put his ring away as well.
The next week and a half was
tough at first, both of them being uncomfortable around the other and being
overly careful at what they said, until one day when Angie sat Max down and
told him that they needed to stop being so scared of saying the wrong thing and
just act like they usually did.
“Even though we now know that we have
the hots for each other?” he asked.
“Yes,” she replied. “Just because we know it doesn’t mean we have
to do anything about it, you know,” she said, even though deep down inside she
was secretly hoping that it would happen, and soon.
“Yeah, I know,” Max said, a
dejected look on his face. “Okay, I’ll
try; it won’t be easy, but I’ll try,” he said, knowing that what he really
wanted was to end up in bed with his mom.
“That’s all I can ask!” she said,
smiling at him and reaching over the table to run her hand along the side of
his face.
It had been better after that,
with both of them burying their desires for each other deep inside so they
could resume a somewhat normal life together.
Before they knew it Hallowe’en had arrived, and they were busy
decorating the house for their annual Hallowe’en party. After the house was decorated and the food
prepared they went to their bedrooms to put on their costumes, and when they
came out and saw each other they both laughed with pleasure.
“Wow, Mom, you look great!” Max
said, admiring his mom in the Marie Antoinette costume she was wearing,
complete with white bouffant wig. He
also noticed that she was wearing her truth ring, and that it fit her costume
“Why, thank you, kind sir!” she
said, holding out her skirt and curtsying.
“You look pretty good yourself!” Max was dressed up as a pirate captain,
complete with sword and a fake flintlock pistol stuck in the sash around his
waist. He was wearing several rings on
his fingers, and Angie was relieved when she saw that his truth ring wasn’t one
of them.
‘Thank goodness he’s not
wearing his ring, too!’ she thought to herself.
A short time later their guests
began to arrive, and it wasn’t long before the party was in full swing. Max had invited one of his friends from high
school, Vincent, to the party; Vincent and his parents were more into
Hallowe’en than Max and his mom were, throwing parties every year that were the
talk of the town. Max and Angie were
always careful not to throw their parties on the same night as Vincent’s
parents threw theirs as they always attended each other’s parties, and this
year was no different.
“Yo, Max!” Vincent called out
from the doorway. Max turned and grinned
when he saw Vincent and his mom, Patricia, standing in the doorway to the
house. They were both dressed up as characters from “The Wizard of Oz” with
Vincent as the Scarecrow and Patricia as a very sexy Dorothy Gale. Patricia was a stone-cold fox, and it was
obvious that she’d had the dress she was wearing tailored to fit her almost
like a glove so as to show off her body to maximum effect. Max waved at them and made his way over to
them, shaking hands with Vincent and Patricia when he got there.
“Hey, Vincent, glad to see y’all
could make it!” he said, smiling. “Great
costumes, too!”
“You did pretty good yourself, I
see,” Patricia said, returning his smile.
“So where’s your dad?” Max asked.
“The Wizard couldn’t make it;
something came up at work and he had to go take care of it,” Vincent
explained. “He said he’d get by later if
he could, but I wouldn’t count on it. As
much as I know he wanted to be here I don’t think he’s going to be finished in
time to make it.”
“That’s too bad,” Max said.
“Well, come on in, get something to eat and drink; my mom is around here
somewhere, just look for Marie Antoinette and you’ll find her!”
“Sounds good!” Vincent said. Patricia slipped her arm through his and they
walked into the room to join the party.
Max stood there for a moment and watched them go, the way Patricia had
slipped her arm through Vincent’s and held herself close to him causing a
thought to go through his mind.
‘I wonder, are they…nah, no
way!’ he thought to himself, shaking the thought out of his head and
rejoining the party.
The next two hours passed
quickly, with everyone thoroughly enjoying themselves. Throughout it all Max couldn’t get the
conversation he’d had with his mom about them wanting to have sex with each
other out of his mind, and he finally decided to do something he’d thought
about doing but was hesitant to act on.
But now he was ready, so he did it.
He went back to his room, got his
truth ring out of his jewelry box, and slipped it on his finger. He looked at it on his finger for a moment,
then went to rejoin the party – and to find his mom. He found her a few minutes later, going over
to stand next to her as she stood in front of the built-in bar, a drink in her
hand as she looked out over the party.
“Great party, Mom,” he said,
“everyone seems to be having a good time!” He had to speak a little louder than
usual to be heard over the music, so he knew he had to be careful about what he
said lest someone else hear him.
“Yes, they do!” Angie replied, speaking
louder herself. “Thank you for your help
in putting this together, Max, I appreciate it!” she said, looking up at him
and smiling.
“My pleasure, Mom,” he replied. “Did you see Vincent and his mom?” he asked,
and Angie nodded as she replied.
“Yes, I did; too bad that his dad
couldn’t make it,” she said, “and I just love their costumes! They always have such fantastic costumes!”
“I think we do pretty good
ourselves, you know,” he said; Angie smiled as she nodded in agreement, taking
a sip from her drink. He took a deep
breath before continuing.
“So, do you think Vincent and his
mom are doing the wild thing with each other?” he asked, leaning over to speak
in her ear so no one else would hear the question.
“Oh, absolutely!” Angie replied
immediately. “A woman can always tell
when another woman is having sex with a man just by the way she acts when she’s
around him, and everything about how she’s acting right now is screaming out
that she’s having sex with Vincent,” she said.
She was just tipsy enough to not realize what she had said and how she
had said it, which also meant she had no clue that Max was wearing his ring.
“I know what you mean, but I
don’t get that vibe from Vincent, just from her,” Max replied.
“Neither do I, but I’m positive
that it’s happening,” Angie said, taking another sip from her drink.
“Good thing we don’t have to
worry about that, huh, Mom?” he asked, putting out the bait.
“Not yet, anyway,” she replied, looking
out over the crowd while not yet realizing what was happening while not seeing
the smile on Max’s face.
“Not yet?” he asked, setting the
hook. “Does that mean you still want to
have sex with me?” She turned and looked
up into his eyes as she replied.
“More than ever,” she said, her
voice low. “I can’t get the thought of
making love with you out of my mind, and as soon as this party is over I’d like
to…to…oh, my God! Max!” she said, her
eyes wide with surprise. “Are you…are
you wearing your ring?” she asked, a little bit of panic showing in her
voice. Max held his hand up and wiggled
his fingers, the light glinting off his ring.
“Oh, Max, you shouldn’t have…I
mean, I shouldn’t have…that was such a dirty trick!” she said, knowing
that she should be mad as hell at him but wasn’t, feeling a wave of relief at
finally letting how she felt out instead.
“So why wait until after the
party?” he said. “We could always sneak
off to the bedroom and take care of business, you know.”
“No, when we make love to each
other for the first time we’re going to do it right, not sneak off for a
‘quickie,’” she said, shaking her head as she replied.
“So you’re not mad at me, then?”
he asked; she gave him a wry smile as she responded.
“A little, yes, but all I want to
do is take you to my bedroom and fuck you silly!” she said, dropping all
pretenses now that the truth was completely out there.
“Then let’s hope the party ends
soon!” he said, and she nodded in agreement.
“Yes, let’s!”
The party finally ended two hours
later, and by the time it was over Angie was so aroused and her pussy was so
wet that she was surprised she didn’t slosh when she walked. Max walked the last two guests, Vincent and
his mom, to the door, and after saying their goodbyes he closed the door and
turned to look at his mom. She was
standing in the center of the living room, surrounded by empty paper plates,
discarded napkins, and empty Solo cups, and when Max walked over to her he
could see the desire burning brightly in her eyes.
“Finally!” she said, reaching up
and taking off her wig, her ring still on her finger. “I thought they’d never leave!” She tossed the wig onto the couch to her
right and pulled her hair loose, shaking her head to set it free. Max reached up and took the pirate’s hat from
his head, then pulled the scarf under it off as well. He tossed them onto the couch next to his
mom’s wig, then took a step towards her.
She stepped forward as well, and
without another word threw her arms around his neck and pulled his face down to
hers, planting her lips on his and giving him a soul-searing, toe-curling kiss
the likes of which he’d never had before.
She pressed her body against his, and even through the many layers of
skirts she was wearing with her costume she could feel the growing lump of
Max’s cock as his erection began. She
slid a hand down between them and grabbed the growing lump in her hand,
squeezing it firmly through his pants and making Max moan in her mouth. He put his arms around her and held her close
as their tongues danced, their passions quickly rising to a fever pitch as his
mom pulled and tugged on his cock. When
she finally broke the kiss it left both of them panting for air. She looked up into his eyes, her chest
heaving as she gasped for air.
“I think we’d better move to the
bedroom, don’t you, Mom?” he asked. She
pulled away from him and took a step back, the flames of desire burning
brightly in her eyes.
“To hell with the bedroom,” she
said, reaching behind her to unfasten her costume dress, “We’re going to do it
right here!”
Taken by surprise but totally
pleased, Max quickly began getting out of his own costume, first taking off the
shoulder belt that held the cutlass and dropping it to the floor, then slipping
out of his pirate captain’s coat and tossing it on the couch as Angie pulled
open her dress, pulling her arms free.
They both worked quickly, and it only took a minute or so for them to be
completely naked. When the last piece of
clothing had been tossed aside they stood for a moment, looking at each other’s
naked bodies, both of them surprised and pleased with what they saw.
Angie’s breasts were much bigger
and firmer than Max had ever imagined, the nipples hard and erect; her mound
was trimmed into a neat landing strip of dark brown hair, her outer lips shaven
smooth. Angie gasped softly as she
looked Max over and saw his erect cock standing out in front of him, bobbing
gently with the blood pumping through it.
His pubic hair was trimmed and his balls were smooth-shaven, something
that Angie was thankful for as she had every intention of sucking both of them
into his mouth, in addition to his cock.
“Wow!” Max said, his eyes
travelling up and down his mom’s body.
“Wow is right!” Angie replied,
tearing her eyes away from his throbbing cock to look him in the eyes. “Now where were we?” she said, stepping
forward and wrapping her arms around his neck again. She kissed him again, hard and deep, sliding
her lithe tongue into his mouth to find his ow as she pressed her stomach
firmly against his hard, throbbing cock.
Max reached down and grabbed the firm, rounded globes of her ass in both
hands and squeezed hard, making Angie moan in his mouth and press up against
him harder. After a few more moments she
broke off the kiss and ran a trail of kisses along his cheek to his ear, taking
his head in her hands and turning it to the side. She ran her wet tongue around the outside of
his ear, making him shiver, and he jumped when she pushed her tongue into his
ear canal.
“Wow!” he gasped, gripping her
ass harder as she pushed her tongue in and out of his ear. He’d never had a woman do this to him before,
and he loved it. Then, much to his
surprise, his mom began running a trail of kisses down his cheek and neck to
his chest, and he jumped again when she first ran her tongue around his left
nipple and then sucked it into his mouth, her hand finding his card cock and
gripping it firmly at the same time.
‘Holy shit!’ he thought to
himself as his mom sucked first on one nipple and then the other, tugging and
pulling on his cock with both hands now as she did. His precum was flowing like a river by now,
and she rubbed the palm of her hand over the head of his cock to spread it
around, causing him to jump once more.
“Sensitive, are we?” she said,
looking up at him and smiling.
“A little, yeah,” he said,
looking down at her.
“You’ve never had a girl do this
to you before, have you, Max?” she asked, tugging and pulling on his cock with
both hands, spreading his precum around.
Max just shook his head in reply, making her grin even bigger.
“Then you’re gonna love what’s
coming next!” Angie said. She dropped to
her knees in front of him and immediately took his hard cock into her mouth, running
her warm, wet tongue along the underside as she slowly worked most of his shaft
into her mouth. She pulled and tugged on
his balls as she worked her way down, making Max moan. She took almost his entire length into her
mouth and held it there for a few moments, looking up at him before she slid
her mouth back up his length and then started bobbing her head up and down, tugging
on his balls with one hand and squeezing the base of his cock hard with the
“Holy shit!” Max said out loud as
he watched his mom sucking his cock.
He’d had plenty of blowjobs before, but his mom was taking things to a
whole new level. She was obviously very
good at giving head, and he guessed that her passion was fueled by the fact
that she hadn’t been with another man since his father had left for Afghanistan
– and they both knew how that turned out.
Then she surprised him again by
slipping her mouth from his cock and sucking one of his balls into her mouth,
holding his cock up out of the way and pumping it as she did. She sucked first one of his balls into her
mouth and then the other, running her tongue over and around them as she
did. Just when he thought it couldn’t
get any better she surprised him once again by opening her mouth wide and
sucking both of them into her mouth, pulling her head back and tugging on them
that way as she looked up at him past his hard dick to look into his eyes. Max couldn’t help but notice her truth ring
on her finger as she pumped his cock in his hands.
After a few wonderfully
delightful moments of her sucking on his balls, she went back to his dick and
began deep-throating him like a woman possessed. His cock was slick and shiny with her saliva,
and it was running down her chin and dripping onto the floor in front of her. It hadn’t been anywhere near as long since
he’d been with another woman as it had been since his mom had been with a man,
but he still felt the first twinges in his balls that was telling him that he
was going to cum pretty soon.
“You keep that up and I’m gonna
cum in your mouth!” he warned, looking down at the top of his mom’s head as she
sucked his cock. She bobbed her head up
and down on his shaft a few more times, then released his cock from her mouth
with a soft ‘pop’ and looked up at him, pumping his cock in her hand with the
ring on it as she spoke.
“Then I guess I’d better hurry up
and fuck you, huh?” she asked, giving him a lopsided smile.
Without another word she reached
up and grabbed one of his hands with both of hers, pulling him down to the
floor with her. She pushed him over onto
his back and immediately clambered on top of him, her hands and knees on either
side of his body, her big breasts hanging down from her chest.
“I’ve been waiting for this for
so long, you have no idea!” she whispered, looking into his eyes as she held
herself up over him, one side of her mouth turned up into a smile. The room was beginning to fill with the heady
aroma of her musk, and she kept eye contact with him as she reached down
between them to grab his cock and point it at her pussy. She rubbed the head up and down between her
smooth outer lips a few times, then placed it against her opening and pushed
her hips down, taking the head of his cock into her tight, wet pussy.
“OOHHHHHH, MY GAWWWWWD!” she moaned,
her head back and her eyes closed as she pushed her hips down, engulfing his
thick, hard cock in her tight, wet pussy inch by inch. She bit her lip and moaned as she worked her
way down his cock, bobbing her hips as she took more and more of his hard shaft
inside her pussy. Max reached up and
grabbed her big, soft tits in his hands, squeezing them and rolling the hard
nipples between his fingers. It was her
turn to jump this time, her eyes popping open as she gasped at what he was
doing. She looked down at him and
smiled, her hair hanging down around her face, and Max thought she looked
happier at that moment than she had looked since…well, since the day she had
been told his father had been killed.
And that, to him, made it all
worth it.
“Oh, my God, what you’re doing to
me!” she gasped, pushing her hips down and taking the last bit of his cock
inside her. “Of course, that’s nothing
compared to what I’m going to do to you now that I’ve got your hard cock inside
me!” she said. She began moving then,
sliding up and down his shaft in long, even strokes, moving on top of him in a
firm, steady rhythm as he gripped and squeezed her big tits in his hands. She clamped her legs tight onto his thighs,
holding herself in place as she rode his hard cock over and over again. Then she did something that Max had never
felt before – she squeezed his cock with her inner muscles, milking him as she
rode him.
“Oh, wow, Mom!” he said, looking
down at her pussy sliding up and down on his cock for a moment before looking
back up at her again.
“Never had that done to you
before, huh?” she asked, her breath coming faster now and making her pant for
“No, I haven’t!” he replied.
“You just wait,” she gasped,
riding him harder and faster as she spoke, “I’m going to do things to you and
show you things that you never imagined in your wildest wet dreams!” she said,
looking into his eyes. “But right now I’m
going to cum all over this big cock of yours, and then I’m going to make you
cum inside me!”
She sat up a little then to
change the angle, and continued riding his cock hard, fast, and deep. He could feel her pussy gripping and
clutching at him, and he could tell by the way her breath was coming faster and
by the flood of pussy juices that she was moments away from cumming.
And he was right. It wasn’t more than a few moments later that
she came, hard, moaning loudly and bucking her hips as her orgasm hit.
“HNNNNGGGGHH!” Angie cried out
from between gritted teeth, her eyes squeezed closed and her hips bucking on
Max’s cock as wave after wave of pleasure went crashing through her lithe
body. Max gripped her tits hard, and he
could have sworn that made her cum harder.
She pushed her hips down hard and held them there, trapping his cock
inside her, grinding her hips around in circles on top of him as her orgasm ran
its course.
When Angie finished cumming she
was left breathless, her chest heaving as she fought for breath, and she looked
down at him and smiled.
“Oh my God, I needed that!” she
gasped, grinning at him.
“I’d say, yeah!” Max replied,
grinning back at her.
“And now it’s your turn,” she
said, grabbing his wrists and pulling his hands away from her breasts. She leaned forward and pinned his arms to the
floor with her weight on his wrists, looking into his eyes with a slightly evil
glint as she began riding his cock in long, deep strokes.
“I’m going to ride you until you
cum, and when you cum I want every single drop of it inside me!” she said, her
voice low and breathless, her hips moving up and down as she rode his cock. “And all you get to do is lay there and
watch, because this one is on me!” she said, squeezing his cock with her pussy
for emphasis.
“Yes, ma’am!” Max replied,
returning her grin.
Angie began riding him hard and
fast, twisting her hips and squeezing his shaft with her muscles, doing
everything she could to make him cum.
She had never needed to feel a man’s cock explode inside her as she did
right now, and she was nearly frantic with unbridled desire. She looked him in the eyes as she fucked him,
gasping for breath, a fine layer of sweat beginning to form on her skin as she
rode him harder and faster. The room was
filled with the sounds and aroma of sex, and it wasn’t long before Max felt his
balls shifting as his orgasm started to build.
His mom must have sensed it, because her next words brought him to and
pushed him over the edge.
“Give it to me, Max,” she gasped,
her voice a breathless whisper as she looked into his eyes, “give it to
me! Cum inside me, give me your cum,
fill me up with your cum!” she said, riding him harder and faster than ever,
her pussy clamping down on his slippery shaft.
That did it. Max’s orgasm hit hard, and he bucked his hips
upward and groaned loudly as his cock exploded inside his mom’s wet pussy.
“NNNNGGGHHHH!” he groaned through
gritted teeth, his hands clenched into fists as his mom kept him pinned to the
ground. His cock buck and throbbed
inside her, pulsing again and again as it pumped stream after stream of hot,
thick cum deep inside her pussy.
“YES! YES! GIVE IT TO ME! GIVE IT TO ME!” Angie cried, grinning as she
clamped her legs tightly to his thighs as he bucked and jumped beneath
her. She hung on as his cock pumped
again and again, pushing her hips down to take him completely inside her as she
clamped down hard, squeezing his pulsing, pumping shaft with her inner
muscles. Max was cumming hard, harder
than he ever had before, and he thought that his cock would never stop pumping
cum into his mom’s cunt.
But it did stop, the pumping of
his cock slowing and then stopping as his mom sat on him, keeping his cock
trapped inside her and squeezing the last bit of cum from him with her talented
inner muscles. They were both covered
with sweat by now, Angie’s hair hanging down around her face in wet strands, a
grin on her face as she looked down at her son lying beneath her. They were both gasping and panting for
breath, Angie’s big breasts swaying beneath her. Finally, after a few moments, Angie spoke.
“Wow!” she said, breathlessly.
“Wow is right!” Max replied,
looking up at her.
“You came hard, didn’t you, Max?”
she asked; Max nodded as he replied.
“Harder than I’ve ever cum before
in my entire life, thanks to you,” he said.
“And you came pretty hard, yourself.
How long has it been since you came like that, Mom?” he asked.
“Since before…since the last time
I made love with your father,” she said, her voice soft.
“It won’t be the last time, not
if I have anything to do with it,” Max said, “If that’s the way you want it,
that is.”
“Yes, that’s the way I want it,”
she replied, smiling as she looked down at him.
“Really, Mom?” he asked, hoping
it was true. Angie reached down and
picked up his hand that the ring was on, turning his hand so he could see it
while holding up her hand next to it to show him her ring at the same time.
“Need I say more?” she asked, her
mouth turned up in a smile.
“No, I guess not,” he replied.
“I think we need to go get
cleaned up,” she said, letting go of his hand and sitting up on his hips, his
now-softening cock still inside her. “We
have a little bit of a mess to clean up around the house, and then I’m going to
spend the rest of the night making love to you,” she said.
“I love you, Mom,” he said,
looking up at her.
“I love you, too, Max,” she
“Where does this go from here?”
he asked, genuinely concerned.
“I don’t know, baby, I really
don’t,” she replied, shaking her head a little.
“Let’s just take it one step at a time, one day at a time, and see what
happens next, okay?” she said; Max nodded as he replied.
“Okay, Mom,” he said. “You’re gonna have to be careful around
Vincent’s mom, now, you know,” he said, grinning up at her. “If she has the same instincts you do, she’s
gonna take one look at you and know what just happened here,” he said.
“I guess you’re right, but to be
honest, I really don’t care – and since we’re both still wearing our rings, I
have no choice but to be honest, now do I?” she replied, chuckling.
“No, I guess you don’t at that!”
he said, chuckling as well.
“Let’s get a move on, stud, we’ve
got things to do,” she said, patting him on his ribcage before getting up, his
now soft cock slipping out of her and slapping wetly onto his abdomen. She turned and walked away, and Max just lay
there and watched her ass flexing as she walked. Then he got up and walked across the room,
headed for his own bathroom, a big smile on his face.
When she got to her bathroom she
turned on the shower, then went over to the sink to put her hair up. As she did she noticed the ring on her finger
in the reflection in the mirror; she stopped and brought her hand around in
front of her face, looking at the opal stone with the pentagram in it. She never in a million years thought that what
the old man in the bookstore had told them about the rings was true, but she
certainly was a believer now. She
slipped the ring from her finger and put it on the sink, a smile on her face.
She finished putting her hair up
and stepped into the shower, the hot water feeling good as it cascaded over her
body. As she soaped up and rubbed the
lather over her skin, she smiled again at the thought of what had just
happened, and of what was going to happen later that night – and every night
after that, if she had her way. She
could hardly wait, and hoped that Max felt the same as she did.
Later that night he proved that
he did.
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