(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author. My deepest and most sincere thanks to Princess Leia who was kind enough to give me permission to include her in another one of my stories. Thank you, Princess, you’re the best, and I love you with all my heart!)
One of the good things about
being both independently wealthy and retired at an early age was that any time
you got the notion to just get up and go somewhere, you could. While Dirk had started out as simply ‘comfortably
well off’ after he inherited some money and stocks from his parents when they
were killed in a car crash many years ago, thanks to some very smart and timely
investments he’d made with the help of a very good investor who also happened
to be a club brother, he had gone from ‘comfortably well off’ to ‘independently
wealthy’ in about two years. His
holdings, to include cash on hand in addition to his stocks, were now measured
in seven digits, with the first one never being lower than a ‘2.’ So now whenever
the notion to just up and go somewhere hit Dirk it was even easier to just pack
up his bike and go to wherever the notion took him.
Those notions hit Dirk every now
and again, and last week when he was sitting in the clubhouse having some beers
and a few joints with his club brothers, one of those notions hit him.
“I need to get my ass back to the
beach!” he said aloud to no one in particular.
“Say what, ‘High Side?’“ one of
his club brothers, ‘Preacher,’ said to him from across the table in the
clubhouse bar.
“Nothing, ‘Preacher,’ just
talking out loud to myself,” he replied, smiling.
“Okay, brother,” he said, getting
up from the table. “I’m gonna go get me
another beer, you want one?” he asked, holding up his empty bottle.
“No, thanks, brother, I think I’m
gonna head for the barn,” Dirk said, stubbing out his joint and getting
up. He and ‘Preacher’ exchanged hugs,
clapping each other on the back, and then Dirk walked out to get on his bike
and leave. He nodded to the two
Prospects who were stationed outside guarding the club member’s bikes; he knew
that most of the full patch members wouldn’t have done that, but he did it because
he remembered what it was like to be a Prospect. Out of all the members of the club, there was
only one who treated him like a human being when he was a Prospect, an old
timer called ‘Outlaw.’ ‘Outlaw’ was a
Charter Member of the club, and was very well-respected. So when he treated the Prospects like human
beings, nobody gave him any shit for it.
Dirk always remembered ‘Outlaw’ for that, and when Dirk got his patch ‘Outlaw’
was the first person to come up and shake Dirk’s hand.
Sadly, ‘Outlaw’ was killed in a
bike crash a year after Dirk had patched in.
He thought about the old biker as he walked over to his bike, got on,
stood it up from the kickstand and turned the ignition switch.
“I miss you, brother,” he said
softly, still thinking of ‘Outlaw.’ Then
he thumbed the starter button and the bike roared to life. He dropped it in gear and rode out of the
parking lot, off to his house to make plans for his trip and to pack. He was planning to leave the next morning,
and he had a lot to do before then.
* * * * * * *
By four o’clock in the afternoon
the next day Dirk was pulling up to the covered entrance of ‘The Windjammer,’
his favorite seaside resort hotel at his favorite seaside vacation spot. Twenty minutes after that he was standing on
the balcony of his room on the 22nd floor, looking out at the ocean as he
always did whenever he was there. He
always stayed on the 22nd floor, and since every room at “The
Windjammer” faced the ocean he always had a beautiful view of it. He took a deep breath of the ocean air and
held it in his lungs, a big smile on his face.
“Man, I love this place!” he said
aloud to no one in particular. He stood
there for a minute or so longer, looking out over the water, then turned and
went into the room. After eight hours on
the road he was dirty and achy; he wanted to wash the road grime and the
achiness from his body, then put on some clean clothes and head down to the bar
for a drink.
The hot water of the shower felt
good on his body, and by the time he was finished he felt pretty good. He used the hair dryer in the bathroom to dry
his hair; he had to use it because it had gotten pretty long by now, hanging
down to his shoulders. He usually wore
it in a ponytail on the lower part of the back of his head, and when his hair
was dry that’s just what he did with it.
Then he walked out into the room and got some clean clothes out of his duffel
bag, putting them on. He brought enough
clothes to last him for a week, and he’d unpack later when he came back to the
room for the night.
If he were alone, that is, and if
things went the way he hoped they would he’d have to wait until tomorrow to
When he finished getting dressed
he picked up his leather club vest from where it was lying on the bed, putting
it on. He looked himself over in the
mirror one last time, then left the room and headed for the hotel bar. Once there he stopped when he was in the
doorway, remembering the last time he was here; the memories made him smile.
He was there last when he was in
town for an anniversary party thrown by the local chapter of his club, and it
was there that he met Amy. But he had first
laid eyes on her here, right in this bar, when she was sitting at a table on
the other side of the room with her friends Rob and Sherry.
And Sherry, as he recalled, was
“a little bit psychic.” Amy had proven
that to him when she told him what Sherry said he had been thinking about how
it would feel to have his hands on Amy’s ass and her lips around his cock. Sure enough, that’s just what he had been
thinking, and as luck and circumstance would have it, later on that night he
got to experience both – more, actually.
Much, much more.
Dirk smiled at the remembrance,
then made his way over to the bar. He
ordered his usual, a shot of Blanton’s straight up, taking a sip out of the
bourbon after the bartender placed it on the bar in front of him. He turned around on the bar stool and took a
quick survey of the room.
The place was pretty empty right
now, being early in the evening, but he was sure that by the time six or seven
PM rolled around the place was going to be packed. He had nothing planned for that night except
to sit in the bar, have a few drinks, and do some serious people-watching, so
he picked up his drink and moved to a table at the far end of the room where he
had a clear view of both the entrance and the room itself. Once at the table he put his drink down, then
settled down into the soft chair on the other side of the table to just relax
and see what he could see.
Two hours and two drinks later
the bar was almost full, with most of the tables being taken and all of the
seats at the bar being occupied. He was
craving something with a little bit of a different kind of kick to it, so he
held open the side of his vest where the inner pocket was and looked down as he
stuck his hand in the pocket, feeling to see if the little tin box of joints was
there. It was, thankfully, and when he
closed his vest and looked up he noticed that there was a newcomer at the bar,
and a female one at that.
She was wearing a form-fitting short
sleeved scoop-necked red dress that stopped just below the tops of her thighs, with
a pair of black heels on her feet. Since
she was standing with her back to him he couldn’t see much else, and the
bartender was standing directly in front of her so he couldn’t see her
reflection in the big mirror behind the bar either. All he could tell was that she was of average
height, had a better than average figure with what appeared to be a simply
spectacular ass as shown by the skin-tight dress she was wearing, and had very
long hair that came all the way down to her lower back and was done up in one
long, thick braided pigtail. She wore a
big red bow at the top that matched her dress and a smaller one at the bottom
of the pigtail, holding it together.
There was something eerily
familiar about this woman and the outfit she was wearing, but he couldn’t put
his finger on it. It took her several
minutes to get her drink, and all the while Dirk studied her from behind and
tried to figure out where he’d seen both the woman and the outfit before. Then she turned around to look for a place in
the room to sit, and Dirk recognized her right away.
“Holy shit on a shingle, that’s
Princess Leia!” he said to himself. Not
only did he recognize her, he also recognized the dress as the one she had worn
in “I Need Some Cum Before I Go” which was one of his favorite Princess Leia
“Holy shit!” he said again, still
in awe that Princess Leia had just walked into the bar where he was. He watched as she looked around the dim room,
searching for a place to sit and finding none. If she saw that he was sitting
at his table alone she never showed any sign of it, so Dirk figured that it was
time to take matters into his own hands.
He got up and walked over to the bar, winding his way through the tables
as he did. She saw him coming and looked
at him with eyes that were a little wider than normal and showed a certain
amount of uncertainty, something that he expected considering that he was still
wearing his leather vest with his patches on it. His appearance had put women off before, but
he had learned how to overcome that and he did so now. He got to within speaking distance of her and
stopped, putting his hands behind his back (a trick he had learned that made
women feel a little more at ease when talking to a man they didn’t know) as he
“Please forgive the intrusion,
but it looks like you have nowhere to sit.
I would be most honored if you would sit with me at my table,” he said,
motioning to the table he had just left.
She looked at him with wide eyes, eyes that he always thought he could
get lost in, and now that he was seeing them up close and in person he felt
that way more than ever.
‘My God, but she’s beautiful! And those eyes! Wow!’ he thought to himself.
“Well, gee, I don’t know,” she
said, unsure of what to do or say. “I mean,
I don’t know you, and…”
“Then allow me to introduce
myself; my name is Dirk, and I assure you that I intend you no harm or
malice. I only seek the company of your
beauty and charm, and would be honored if you would join me,” he said. “I assure you that it would be the highlight
of my night, if not my entire week!”
This caused Leia to smile and
giggle a little, and against her better judgement she nodded her agreement.
“Okay, sure, why not,” she said,
smiling for the first time. “Thank you, Dirk!”
she said, her eyes sparkling in the dim light.
“Please, after you,” Dirk said,
holding his arm out in the direction of the table. She walked past him and he followed behind
her, pulling out the chair for her when they arrived. She sat down in the offered chair, with Dirk
going around the table and sitting down in the same place he had been sitting
before. He figured it was up to him to
put her completely at ease, even though he himself was excited as hell at being
in the presence of one of his all-time favorite porn stars.
“So tell me, Princess, what
brings you to ‘The Windjammer’ this fine evening?” he said, her eyebrows going
up in surprise. “Or may I call you
‘Leia?’“ he asked, smiling at her.
“Leia will be fine,” she said,
her voice soft. “So you recognized me,”
she said, looking over at him as she spoke.
“I did, yes, as soon as you
walked in the room,” he replied. “I’ve
been a fan of yours ever since you were a cam girl, and I was very happy when
you started making videos on your own.”
“Thank you for not making a fuss
over recognizing me,” she said, smiling at him.
“I hate it when that happens, and I really appreciate the way you
handled it.”
“I imagine you get recognized a
lot,” he said, and was surprised at her answer.
“No, not really,” she said,
pausing to take a sip from her drink. “I
don’t usually dress anything like I do in my videos or pictures when I go out,
except for special occasions or when I just feel like it – like tonight. But normally I just wear my everyday clothes,
most of them loose and baggy, and I always wear dark glasses. So no, I don’t get recognized very
often. Unfortunately, sometimes when it
happens the fan will make a big deal out of it, and that only embarrasses me,”
she explained.
“The last thing I would want is to
embarrass you,” he said, meaning it.
“Thank you, Dirk,” she said,
smiling at him again.
“So back to my question – what
brings you to ‘The Windjammer?’“ he asked again.
They spent the next ten minutes just
talking and enjoying each other’s company, Leia taking an occasional sip from
her martini glass. Dirk was completely
entranced by her, especially those deep, hypnotic eyes. He tried hard to keep his eyes from wandering
down to the rest of her body, but it was tough – especially since she wasn’t
wearing a bra beneath her dress. He
wasn’t sure about whether or not she was wearing panties, but judging by the
absence of the indentation around her chest that a strapless bra would make and
the way her nipples were poking out against the thin material of her dress, he
was absolutely positive that she wasn’t wearing a bra.
“You know, I’ve always loved you
in that dress,” he said, “from the first time I saw you wearing it in “I Need
Some Cum Before I Go” until now, I’ve always thought you looked very sexy and
hotter than hell in it,” he said. Leia
gave him a big smile as she responded.
“Thank you, Dirk,” she said, her
eyes sparkling. “That was a fun video to
make; I was really horny and needed some cum very badly, and as you can see
from the video it didn’t take me long to make him cum!” she said, her voice
soft and sultry.
“I’m surprised he held out that
long, to be honest,” Dirk replied, feeling the first twitches of his cock
beginning to wake up in his jeans.
“Most guys can’t hold out for very
long once I get my lips wrapped around their cock,” she replied, a smile on her
face. She paused and took a sip of her
martini as if she was thinking about something, then looked him in the eyes as
she spoke again.
“But I bet you could,” she said,
taking him completely by surprise.
‘Did she just say what I think
she just said?’ Dirk thought to himself as he sat there, looking back into
those hypnotic eyes of hers. He was so
taken by surprise that it took him a second or two to respond.
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” he
said, giving her a smile, “from what I’ve seen you’re pretty damned good at sucking
cock. The best I’ve ever seen, actually.” He knew Leia loved dirty talk when the mood
was right, and the mood seemed to be right so he didn’t hesitate to use the
word ‘cock’ in his response.
“Why don’t we go up to your room
and find out?” she said, her voice soft and low, oozing sex. It took a lot to surprise Dirk, but Leia
certainly was doing an excellent job at it.
“Really?” he asked, his heart
pounding. “Are you serious, Leia?” She
crossed her arms on the table and leaned over closer to him as she replied.
“I want to suck your cock, Dirk,”
she said, her eyes sparkling. “I want to
suck the cum out of you, roll it around in my mouth and show it to you before I
swallow it. And who knows,” she said,
giving him a wicked half-smile, “maybe I’ll even let you fuck me before I make
you cum! Or after, if you can stay hard
and cum back-to-back, that is!”
“Oh, I can, trust me,” he said,
returning her smile.
“Then why are we still sitting
here?” she asked, her blue eyes sparkling.
They both stood up from the
table, Dirk finishing his drink before he took her by the hand and walked with
her out of the bar. He could feel the
eyes of every man in the room on the two of them as they walked through the
crowded room, and he just knew that all of them were thinking the same thing – ‘Man,
what a lucky son of a bitch that guy is to be leaving with her!’
And he did indeed feel like the
luckiest son of a bitch on the face of the planet. He was about to have his dick sucked by one
of the hottest porn stars there was, one that he had both admired and lusted
for since the moment he first laid eyes on her, and if things worked out right
he was going to get to fuck her as well.
He could hardly wait to get to
his room.
As soon as they were in the room
Leia walked over to the balcony doors and opened them, Dirk watching her
spectacular ass wiggling in her tight dress as she walked. She opened the door and stepped out, with Dirk
following her. She stood with her hands
on the railing, looking out over the ocean, Dirk standing beside her. When he looked over at her he noticed that
her nipples were rock-hard and poking out against the front of her dress. She looked at him and smiled, her eyes
sparkling and her teeth white in the moonlight.
“It’s so beautiful here!” she
said, smiling up at him. “I think this
is the perfect place to get started, don’t you?” she asked.
Before Dirk could reply Leia
dropped to her knees in front of him, rubbing his cock through his jeans with
the palm of her hand. She felt him begin
to respond, the lump growing bigger and harder beneath her palm, and she deftly
opened his jeans. She slid the zipper
down and pulled the fly open, then reached inside to grasp his cock. She was pleased to discover that he wasn’t
wearing undershorts, smiling at the feel of his naked cock in her hand. She pulled the growing tube of his cock out
of his pants, looking up at smiling at him when she got her first look at it.
“Ooooo, nice!” she said, looking
back at his cock in her hand, pumping it slowly and watching it grow. She tugged on it for a few moments, and it
didn’t take long for the first drop of precum to appear at the tip. Leia ran her thumb over the head of his cock,
making him jump as she spread the slick fluid around. She giggled at his reaction, and when a
second drop appeared she put her lips on the tip of his cock, sucking it off. Then she slid her mouth down over the head of
his cock, slowly, sucking firmly as she did, still pumping the precum out of
him with her hand wrapped around the base of his cock.
‘I can’t believe Princess Leia
is actually sucking my dick!’ he thought to himself as he watched her take
more and more of his cock into her wet, sucking mouth. She slid her mouth up and down his now fully
erect cock, running her tongue up and down the underside, reaching into his
jeans and carefully pulling his balls out so she could tug on them. He reached down and unbuttoned his jeans, and
she let go of his cock and balls with her hands just long enough to tug them
down over his hips, keeping her mouth clamped onto his cock. Then she grabbed his cock with one hand again
as she grabbed his balls with the other, sucking hard and pulling on his sack
at the same time.
“Oh, man!” he moaned as Leia
worked on him, pushing her mouth all the way down onto his cock and deep
throating his entire length. She held
her mouth down on his cock for a few moments, opening her mouth to run her
tongue up along the underside and lick the base of his balls before she closed
her lips around it and slowly pulled her mouth back up towards the head,
sucking hard along the way. When she had
only the head in her mouth she stopped, then began sucking on him like she was
trying to drink a milk shake through a straw.
This was the same technique he’d seen her use in “Leia’s Fresh Facial”
and a few other videos, and it was his personal favorite. He knew that if she kept this up he’d be
blowing his load in her mouth and/or all over her face in no time, and he told
her so.
“You keep that up and you’ll make
me cum in no time!” he said, his breath coming faster. She looked up at him as she continued sucking
his cock, actually increasing the suction and the pressure of her tongue on the
sensitive underside of the head of his cock.
She did this for several moments, not breaking eye contact, before she
slipped his cock from her mouth with a soft ‘pop’ and spoke.
“That’s the idea,” she said,
giving him a slightly evil grin before clamping her mouth back down onto the
head of his cock and picking up right where she left off. Dirk watched as she sucked his cock hard, her
cheeks caving in from the suction she was applying to his shaft, one hand
gripping the base of his cock tightly and the other tugging on his balls. She slid her mouth down his shaft to deep
throat him again, then bobbed her head up and down his length a few times
before sliding her mouth back up to the head of his cock and sucking on it
again. If she did this once more Dirk
was finished, and he knew it.
Leia had him right where she
wanted him, and she knew it. She could
feel by the way his body was tensing up and by how his cock got even harder in
her mouth as she sucked on it that she was rapidly pushing him to the brink of
orgasm, and the feeling of his shaft against her tongue as it pulsed gently
with the blood pumping through it made her pussy wet. She was eager to taste his cum, so she
increased her efforts on his cock to make him cum. And she had already decided that after she
sucked the first load out of him she was going to let him fuck her as hard and
as long as he wanted – or rather, her pussy had decided that for her!
Dirk gripped the balcony railing
with one hand as Leia increased the suction on his dick, sucking him harder
than ever. He was surprised her whole
head didn’t cave in from the suction she was exerting on him, and when she
started bobbing her head just a little bit and pumping his cock with her hand, that
did it. He could feel the first twinges
of his orgasm building in his balls, and he felt them contract in
preparation. Leia felt it too, since she
was gripping them in her hand at the time, and she looked up at him as she
sucked even harder.
MM-HMMM!” she moaned around his cock in her mouth, urging him to
cum. That little bit of encouragement
from her was all it took, and a split-second later Dirk came, and he came
hard. He groaned loudly through clenched
teeth as his cock erupted in Leia’s mouth, a thick, hot stream of cum blasting
out of his cock and hitting the back of her throat.
“MMM-mmmmm!” Leia exclaimed
around his cock, gripping it in her hand and continuing to suck on it as it
pumped and throbbed in her mouth, shooting stream after stream of hot, thick
cum into her mouth. She pumped his cock
with her hand as she sucked on the head, the feeling of his cock pumping
against the flat of her tongue making her pussy wetter than ever. She knew that if she so much as touched her
clit right now she’d cum like a hand grenade, and couldn’t wait for Dirk to
fuck her.
She kept her mouth clamped onto
his cock as it pumped again and again, his balls emptying themselves into her
waiting mouth, Dirk gripping the balcony railing for support. Finally, almost thankfully, he felt the
throbbing in his cock slow and then stop as his orgasm faded. Leia looked up at him as she slipped her
mouth a little further down his cock, pumping it with her hand to get the last
bit of cum from him, gripping it tighter on the way up to push it out and into
her hungry mouth. When she had it all
she slid her mouth slowly up his shaft, sucking once more on the head for a
moment before sliding her lips over the head and releasing his cock from her
mouth, kissing it once on the tip as she did.
Then she sat back on her haunches
and held her face up to Dirk as she opened her mouth, showing him her mouthful
of his cum. She ran her tongue through
it a couple of times, holding her hand out palm up beneath her chin lest she
spill any of it, and after sliding her tongue around in his cum for a few
moments she closed her mouth and swallowed with an audible gulp. Then she opened her mouth and stuck out her
tongue, showing him that her mouth was empty.
Then she closed her mouth and smiled at him, giggling just a little
before lowering her head to come face to face with his still-erect cock bobbing
in front of her. She slipped her mouth
onto his cock again and sucked on it a few times, gripping it with her hand and
pumping it as she sucked to get any stray drops of cum that may have remained.
‘He’s still hard!’ Leia
thought to herself as she sucked on Dirk’s cock again. Then, without warning, Dirk grabbed her head
in his hands and pulled her face towards him, pushing his hips forward as he
shoved her mouth down onto his cock.
“MMPPHHH!” Leia gasped, slapping
her hands onto the front of his thighs as he drove his cock deep into her
mouth. He held it there for a moment,
Leia’s back arching as she gagged on it just a little bit, and then he began
face-fucking her, holding her head firmly in his hands as he moved her head up
and down on his cock in long, deep, steady strokes. Leia’s eyes opened wide as he pushed her
mouth up and down on his still-hard cock, her hands on the front of his thighs
as she looked up at him with watery eyes.
Then she looked back down again as he continued to face fuck her, his
cock glistening with her saliva, her mouth overflowing with it and dripping
from her chin to fall onto the front of her dress.
Dirk’s cock was just as hard as
it had been when Leia sucked him off, and he was surprised at this. For him to stay hard and be able to go
back-to-back wasn’t unheard of for him, but he couldn’t remember when his cock
was just as hard after his first orgasm as it was now. He gripped Leia’s head firmly in his hands,
face fucking her in firm, steady strokes, feeling the flat of her tongue
against the underside of his shaft as she pressed it against him.
MMPH! MMPH!” Leia moaned around
his cock as her mouth was forced up and down on the hard shaft, her pussy now
so wet that she felt her juices beginning to run down the insides of her
thighs. She loved being face fucked like
this, loved the feeling of his cock on her tongue, and as he continued forcing
her mouth up and down on his hard cock with his hands gripping the sides of her
head firmly, she slipped a hand down to her naked pussy beneath the dress,
rubbing the hard clit as he continued face fucking her.
As much as both of them were
enjoying this, Dirk was ready to move on to the next step. He’d never wanted to fuck a woman as badly as
he wanted to fuck Leia now, and from the aroma of her musk filling the air he
had a feeling that she wanted it as badly as he did.
“Are you ready for me to fuck you
now?” he asked, looking down at her as he pulled her head back and away from
his hard cock. Leia gasped as she took a
breath, her lips wet with her saliva, her eyes watery and shining as she looked
up at him to reply.
“Yes, oh my God, yes!” she
gasped, smiling up at him. “Fuck me,
please, fuck me like the little slut that I am!”
“Then get up and get out of that
dress!” Dirk commanded. Leia bit her
bottom lip at this, the excitement of being taken control of like this hitting
home. She got to her feet and stood in
front of him as she stepped out of her shoes and then stripped the dress from
her body, dropping it to the floor around her feet. Dirk was pleasantly surprised to see that not
only was she not wearing a bra beneath the dress, but she also wasn’t wearing
any panties either. He was tempted to
take her right there on the balcony, but that didn’t fit in with the plans he
had for her. He also didn’t want to give
the entire beachfront a free show, even though it was night and they were twenty-two
stories up.
“In there,” he said, nodding
towards the bed in the room. Leia nodded
at him and then turned to walk into the room, stepping out of her dress and
leaving it and the shoes behind. She
walked over to the bed closest to the balcony and turned to face him, her
nipples hard as rocks and her chest rising and falling rapidly with her
increased breathing. Dirk quickly slipped
out of his clothes, tossing his colors onto the other bed with the rest of his
clothes following. It only took a minute
or so for him to get completely naked, Leia’s eyes locked onto his hard,
throbbing cock the entire time. He stood
in front of her for a moment, drinking in the sight of her naked body, his cock
bobbing slightly with the blood pumping through it.
“Turn around and get onto the bed
on your hands and knees,” he said, looking into those hypnotic blue eyes.
“Yes, sir,” Leia said, her voice
a hushed whisper. She turned around and
did as she was told, climbing onto the bed on her hands and knees. She looked over her shoulder at Dirk as he
moved in between her outspread feet, breathing faster now in anticipation of
what was about to happen.
“OH!” she gasped as Dirk gripped
her hips in both hands and pulled her back towards him until her knees were
right at the edge of the mattress.
“MMMM!” she moaned when she felt the head of Dirk’s cock pressing
against her smooth shaven and very wet outer lips, the lips parting to wrap
around it as he rubbed it up and down her slit.
Then he placed the head of his cock against her opening and held it
there as he gripped her hips firmly with both hands, and she moaned loudly as
he pulled her hips back roughly as he shoved his cock forward, pushing more
than half of it inside on the first thrust.
“NNNGGGGHHHHHH!” Leia moaned
loudly, biting her bottom lip as his thick, hard cock invaded her tight, wet
pussy. She could feel her pussy being
stretched out by the thickness of his shaft, and she moaned again as he pulled
back a little and then pushed forward once more, driving the rest of his cock
into her.
“AAAHHHHHH!” she gasped as she
felt the head of his cock at the end of her tunnel, his balls pressing against her
clit as he held her there for a moment.
She bit her bottom lip again as she adjusted to the hard cock inside her
pussy, clamping down on it with her inner muscles as she pushed her ass back
towards him.
‘Holy shit, she’s tight, and
man, is she wet!’ Dirk thought to himself, loving the sensation of having
Princess Leia’s pussy wrapped tightly around his hard cock. He felt her clamp down on it with her inner
muscles and her ass push back against him, and this prompted him into
action. With his hands tightly gripping
her hips he began fucking her, thrusting his cock in and out of her pussy in
long, hard strokes.
moaned as he fucked her, driving his cock deep into her tunnel with every
stroke. Her breasts swayed and bounced
with the force of his thrusts, her nipples so hard they ached, and she groaned
when she reached up and grabbed one of them in her hand, squeezing it hard and
rolling the hard nipple between her fingers.
Dirk fucked her like this for several long, enjoyable moments, thrusting
his hard cock in and out of her in long, hard, deep strokes. Leia loved the feeling of being fucked like
this, and just when she thought it couldn’t get any better Dirk did something
to do just that.
Dirk took one of his hands from
Leia’s hips and reached forward, bending over her to grab her long, braided
ponytail as he continued fucking her. As
soon as he closed his fist around it he pulled back on it hard, yanking Leia’s
head up and back.
“OH!” Leia gasped, her eyes
flying open wide, her mouth falling open as her head was roughly yanked back by
his grip on her ponytail. “NNGGGHHH!”
she grunted between clenched teeth, her hands gripping the bedspread as she
closed them into fists as Dirk fucked her harder and deeper, using her ponytail
as leverage and pulling back on it hard.
‘Oh my God, yes!’ Leia
thought to herself as Dirk thrust his cock in and out of her tight, wet pussy,
keeping the tension on her ponytail as he drove his cock into her over and over
again. She could feel her pussy
flooding, the room filled with the sound of his cock sliding in and out of her
sopping wet pussy.
YES!” Leia cried out as Dirk continued fucking her, pulling back harder
on her ponytail and forcing her head up higher and further back. She twisted the bedspread in her fists as she
felt her orgasm approaching, his balls slapping against her clit only serving
to bring her to the edge faster and faster.
“I’M GONNA CUM! I’M GONNA CUM!” she gasped loudly, and this
only caused Dirk to thrust harder and pull back on her ponytail even harder. This was all it took to drive her over the
edge and make her cum.
Leia cried out loudly as her
orgasm hit, exploding inside her like a bomb, the waves of pleasure racing
through her little body like a tidal wave.
She bit her bottom lip and groaned again as her pussy flooded, quivering
around Dirk’s cock as he continued to pound her relentlessly, holding her head
up with his grip on her ponytail. She
pushed her hips back against him and ground her hips onto him, riding her
orgasm out, feeling her juices running out of her and down onto his balls.
She came hard, harder than she
expected, and when it was finally over her orgasm left Leia panting and gasping
for breath, a light sheen of sweat covering her body. Dirk released her ponytail from his grasp,
her head falling forward as he did, but before she had a chance to recover Dirk
grabbed her and flipped her over onto her back, tossing her up onto the bed to
give him room to get between her legs.
And he did this quickly, getting
into position between Leia’s outstretched thighs and sliding his hands behind
her knees, then putting his hands on the bed on either side of her. This brought her legs up high and spread her
thighs wide apart, giving him free and unfettered access to her wide-open
pussy. Dirk wasted no time in positioning
the head of his cock at the opening of her pussy, using just his hips to guide
it; as soon as he felt the hot wetness of her pussy against the head of his
cock he pushed forward, driving his cock into Leia and impaling her with its
complete length.
“OH!” Leia gasped, her eyes
flying open as Dirk drove his cock completely into her. He began to move immediately, holding his
torso over Leia’s with her legs hooked over his arms, her feet bouncing as he
thrust his cock in and out of her in hard, even strokes. He looked down into those beautiful, hypnotic
blue eyes as he moved, Leia’s mouth hanging open and her chest rising and
falling quickly as her breath came faster and faster.
“Fuck me, Dirk,” she gasped,
putting her hands on his arms and running them up and down as she looked into
his eyes. “Fuck me hard, fuck me like
the little slut that I am! Cum inside
me, please cum inside me, fill me up with your hot cum!” she pleaded as he
thrust in and out of her pussy over and over again.
“How bad do you want it?” he
asked, himself panting for breath as he moved on top of her.
“Bad, I want it really bad!” she
gasped in reply, keeping her eyes locked on his.
“Beg for it!” he said.
“Please give me your cum! Please, Dirk, please give me your cum!” she
begged, moving her hips up to meet his thrust.
“Please, please, please cum inside me and fill me up with your cum! I want it so bad!” she said, which was the
absolute truth. She had never wanted a
man to cum inside her and fill her up with his cum as badly as she wanted this
man to now, and she would do anything to make it happen.
But she didn’t need to do
anything more. Her words brought Dirk quickly
to the edge, and he felt his orgasm quickly building deep in his balls. It only took a few more strokes in and out of
Leia’s tight pussy before his orgasm hit, and this one was just as intense as
the first.
“NNNGGHHHHH!” Dirk groaned loudly
through clenched teeth as his orgasm hit, his cock exploding inside Leia’s
pussy and immediately flooding her with his cum. She cried out in ecstasy as she felt him
cumming, gripping his cock with her pussy as it throbbed inside her, pumping
stream after stream of his cum deep into her pussy.
“YES, OH MY GOD, YES!” she cried
out as he came inside her, moaning and crying out with him as his balls emptied
themselves into her. She could feel his
cum filling her up and beginning to run out of her pussy, sliding down the
crack of her ass to pool on the sheets beneath her.
Dirk came hard but he came
quickly; his second orgasm was always shorter than the first, although this one
was just as intense as the first. When
his cock finally stopped throbbing and pumping inside Leia he pushed his hips
forward and held them there, keeping his cock buried deeply inside her as the
last little bit of cum was spit out.
They were both left gasping for breath, Dirk looking down at her as he
held himself above her. She looked back,
her mouth open as she panted for breath, running her hands slowly up and down
his forearms. After a moment or two he
moved his hands one at a time and released her legs from his grasp; she put her
feet down on the mattress and kept her legs apart, bent at the knees. Dirk slowly lowered himself down to lie on
top of her, sliding his arms around her and holding her close. She slid her feet down his legs and hooked
them inside of his ankles, putting her arms around him and holding him close as
well. They stayed like that for several
minutes, both of them recovering from their orgasm and just enjoying the
Finally Dirk rolled from on top
of her and lay on his back, keeping still as he tried to catch his breath. Leia did the same, staying on her back as
she, too, tried to catch her breath.
Finally she turned her head to face him and spoke, a smile on her face.
“I knew you could do it!” she
said, her eyes sparkling.
“All because of you, Princess,
all because of you!” he replied, looking back at her.
“But now the question is,” she
said, sitting up and rolling over to face him, propped up on one elbow, “how
many times can you cum in one night?” she asked, tracing a fingernail around
his left nipple.
“I don’t think that’s the
question,” Dirk replied.
“It’s not?” she said, her
eyebrows going up. “Then what is?” she
asked. He took her by surprise just
then, quickly sitting up and pushing her over onto her back, sitting on top of
her and pinning her arms to the bed at the wrists as he looked down into her
“I think the question is, how
many times can you handle me cumming in one night?” he asked. She looked up at him with wide eyes as she
“Let’s find out!” she said, her
voice a breathless whisper.
And they did, for the rest of the
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