Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Hot Tub Seduction

(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction.  Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental.  All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age.  This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)

“Honey, are you just about ready?” Brad heard his mom calling from her room just down the hall from his own. 

“Yes, Mom,” he called back, tying the strings in the waistband of his college swim team racing swimsuit.  He had no idea why his mom had asked him to wear this particular swimsuit when she suggested they go for a dip in the hot tub, but he loved his Mom and wanted to make her happy.  And if this would do it, then he was game.  He looked at himself in the mirror in his room, happy with what he saw but a little self-conscious about walking around in the skin-tight, skimpy suit in front of his mother.  She’d seen him in it several times before over the past two years when she came to his swim meets, to be sure, but this was different.  This was personal, and even though he didn’t know why he felt a little uncomfortable.  The suit showed every line and every bulge of his penis, and all he could hope for was that the hot water didn’t give him an erection like it usually did.

“Okay, I’ll be out in just a minute!” she called from her room again.

“All right, Mom, I’ll meet you at the hot tub,” he said, stepping out into the hallway and looking down at the door to her room.  Then he turned and walked down the hall and out of the back door to the patio where the hot tub was.  He had already taken the cover off and the water was already at temperature, so all he needed to do was get in.  But before he did he walked over to the small outdoor bar under the awning and reached under the bar to the small refrigerator there to retrieve a beer, opening the door and taking one out. 

“You want a beer, Mom?” he called back to the house, holding the cold can in his hand.

“Yes, please!” came the muffled response; Brad reached down and got another beer out of the refrigerator, putting both cans into koozi sleeves before walking back over to the hot tub.  He was putting his mom’s beer into the round holder in the side of the hot tub when his mom spoke from behind him.

“Well, I see you’re wearing the suit I asked you to,” she said.  Brad turned around and saw her standing in the doorway to the house, smiling and wearing a short white cotton robe over her bathing suit.  The robe stopped at mid-thigh, the neckline revealing a significant amount of cleavage.  His mom, Ivy, was built like a brick shithouse, and the robe did little to hide it.

Simply put, Ivy was the textbook definition of the word ‘MILF.’  At 42 years of age you never would have known that she was the mother of two kids.  She had the body of a twenty-year-old, her stomach flat and firm, her legs lean and slightly muscled, her ass rounded and firm, and her more than ample tits were nearly as firm as they were before she had two kids.  Before she got pregnant she was a solid ‘C’ cup, but after two pregnancies her breasts had grown to a full ‘D’ cup, almost a double ‘D.’  They didn’t deflate and sag after she gave birth as with most women, and she had worked hard to recover her figure once her second child, their daughter Jennie, was born.  Her hard work had paid off in spades, and she was proud of the way she looked.  Her dark brown, almost black hair was cut in a short pageboy style and framed her face perfectly, accentuating her high cheekbones and soft, full lips.  She was just over 5’7” tall which made her a little on the tall side, but Brad only thought that made her sexier than ever.

“I still don’t understand why you wanted me to wear it, Mom,” Brad said, taking a sip of his beer.

“You want to know the honest, unvarnished truth?” Ivy said, walking over to the hot tub and standing in front of him.

“Sure,” he replied, beer in hand.  She took a step towards him, standing very close as she spoke.

“Because you look sexy as hell when you’re wearing it, that’s why!” she said, one side of her mouth turned up in a smile, her voice low and sultry.  Brad was caught completely off-guard at this, and didn’t know what to say.  His mom smiled at him for a moment, looking into his eyes, before she stepped back and untied the belt holding the robe closed.  With her eyes locked on his she opened the robe and let it fall to the deck around her, and Brad nearly swallowed his tongue at what he saw.

His mom was wearing a black micro bikini that covered up almost nothing but showed almost everything.  The two patches of cloth that made up the bikini top were just big enough to cover her nipples, and the patch that made up the bottoms barely covered her mound – and judging by just how much of her mound was revealed, it was pretty obvious that she was smooth-shaven down there.  And he was pretty sure that the bottoms were a thong as well.

‘Holy hell, there’s more material in an eye patch than there is in that suit!’ he thought to himself.  ‘And FUCK, but she’s hot!’  He was so stunned by the sight of his nearly naked mom standing in front of him that he didn’t notice his cock shifting in his tight swim trunks as his involuntary reactions took over and his body started pumping blood into it.

Ivy put her hands on her hips and cocked one knee in front of her, modeling the suit for him.  She chuckled as she spoke.

“So how do you like my new bikini?” she said, turning from side to side.  “Think it’s sexy enough?” she asked, toying with him and enjoying every minute of it.  His mom had always spoken freely with him and been brazen at times, but tonight she was really pushing the envelope.

“I think Dad’s gonna kill you if he ever sees you wearing that at the beach!” Brad said, trying hard not to stare but failing.  Ivy laughed as she replied.

“I didn’t buy it to wear at the beach, silly!” she said, walking over to the hot tub and picking up the beer from the slot where Brad had put it a minute before.  “I bought it to wear here at home, where I can wear it for my two favorite men without worrying about anything,” she said.

“Has Dad seen it yet?” he asked, taking a pull from his beer. 

“No, he hasn’t,” his mom replied, a sly grin on her face.  “I thought I’d try it out on you first, see what your reaction was before I showed it to him,” she said, looking down at his crotch for a moment before continuing.  “And judging from what I can see, I’d say that you like it!”

“Huh?” Brad said, looking down at his crotch.  “Oh, shit!” he exclaimed when he looked down and saw that he was getting an erection.  His cock was by no means hard but was well into the first stage, having grown long enough and thick enough to be noticed.  He put his beer on the side of the hot tub and covered his growing erection with his hands, feeling his face flushing with embarrassment.

“I’m sorry, Mom, really!” he stammered, not knowing what else to say.  “Damned thing has a mind of its own, I guess!”

“Don’t be silly, and don’t be embarrassed by any means,” Ivy said, walking over to him.  “It’s a perfectly normal male reaction to seeing a sexually attractive female,” she said, pulling his hands away and holding them in hers as she looked into his eyes, “so don’t worry about it, okay, son?”

“O-okay, Mom, I guess,” Brad replied, looking back into her eyes.  He was just glad that his dad and sister, Jennie, weren’t home.  They were off doing something together, he wasn’t really sure, but he was just glad they were gone, giving him two less people to have to hide his growing erection from.

“Besides, I take it as a compliment.  I must be pretty hot if I can give my own son a boner!” she said, smiling at him and holding his hands for another moment before releasing them and turning back towards the hot tub.  She walked up the set of steps leading to the tub and got in, her big, heavy tits swaying as she moved, then sat down on the bench.  She stretched her arms out along the top of the tub and sighed, her body immersed in the water up to the bottoms of her breasts.  She closed her eyes and put her head back for a few moments, feeling the warm water on her skin as it bubbled around her, then opened her eyes and looked over at him as she spoke.  She smiled when she saw that Brad’s gaze was fixed firmly on her nearly naked tits.

“Well, are you coming in or not?” she said.

“Oh, yeah, sure!” Brad said, being snapped back to reality.  He walked up the steps and got into the hot tub, beer in hand, and walked over to the other side and sat down facing his mom.  He leaned back just as his mom did, putting his beer in one of the holders to keep from spilling it.  The warm water felt good, and after a few minutes of small talk with his mom about his second year at college, what he was going to do while he was home for the summer and things like that, he felt his body start to relax. 

Except for his dick, that is.  The sight of his mom’s full, firm tits standing out proudly from her chest as her arms were stretched out, the nipples barely covered by the skimpy suit, had taken him to a full-blown erection by now.  His cock was rock-hard and throbbing, pushing against the layer of thin nylon covering it, begging to be released.

“So, I would imagine that after two years at college you’ve got quite a little black book going, huh, honey?” she asked, smiling over at him.  “I’ll bet it’s just full of names of all those beautiful young coeds who just can’t wait to get their hands on you!” she said, leaning back and stretching her arms out again, pushing her big breasts out at him.

“No, not really,” Brad replied.  “Sure, I’ve been out on dates and all, but nothing to write home about.  To be honest I’ve spent most of my time either practicing with the swim team or doing my homework so I can pass all my courses,” he said, pausing to take a drink from his beer.

“I would have imagined a good-looking young man such as yourself would have no problem getting laid,” his mom said, again taking him by surprise.  “Especially after the girls see you in that competition swimsuit and get a glimpse of what you’re packing!” she said, a big grin on her face.

“Mom!” he said, spluttering his beer.

“Well, it’s the truth, isn’t it?” she said, looking him in the eyes.  “Once a girl sees you in that suit and gets a look at what’s down there, she’d be crazy not to want to have sex with you!” she said, getting up from where she sat and walking over to him, taking one step down from the ledge she was standing on to the floor of the hot tub, crossing the short distance between them in a matter of moments.  She reached out and put her hands on the tops of his knees under the water, looking up at him as she spoke.

“I know I certainly do,” she said, her voice soft and sultry as she rubbed the tops of his thighs with her hands.

“Wait a minute, what?”  Brad said, totally taken by surprise.  “Mom, what did you say?”

“I said I want to have sex with you,” she repeated, looking him in the eyes as she ran her hands up higher, sliding them up and onto the bulge in his suit and squeezing firmly, making Brad jump.  “And judging from what I’m feeling right now, you want it, too!”

“But…but Mom, we can’t,” he stammered, torn between what he knew he wanted and what he knew was supposed to be right.

“Yes, we can,” she said, rubbing his erect cock harder.

“But we shouldn’t,” he said, still trying to process what was happening to him.  “I mean, it’s wrong…isn’t it?” he said, his carnal desires for his mom starting to win out.

“I won’t tell if you won’t,” she replied, looking up at him with a sly grin on her face as she slipped her fingers inside his suit to find the string holding it closed.  She tugged it loose and then pulled the waistband away from his body with one hand while reaching inside with the other.  She wrapped her long, lithe fingers around his hard cock and squeezed firmly, a grin on her face.

“My, my, my, look what I found!” she said playfully, the desire evident in her eyes.  “I think he wants to come out and play!” she said, pumping his cock with one hand while she pulled the suit down and out of the way, setting his balls free.

“Mom…” he began, the last vestiges of his willpower starting to crumble as she pulled and tugged on his cock.

“Ssshhhhhh!” Ivy said, silencing his weakening protests, one hand on his cock and the other on his balls.  “Don’t say anything, honey, just sit there and let Mommy take care of you!” she said, her voice low and husky as she tugged on his cock and squeezed his balls in her hands.  She stepped up onto the same ledge as his fee were on, bringing her upper body out of the water, keeping her hands on his cock and balls.  She pulled and tugged at him for a few moments more, then took her hands away just long enough to pull the tiny cups of the bikini top aside, revealing her big, firm tits to him.  Her nipples were hard and erect, surrounded by small, dark areolas that were crinkled around them due to her own arousal.

“Holy crap, Mom!” he said, his eyes locked on her tits as she grabbed his cock and balls in her hands again.

“You like that, honey?” she cooed, her voice soft and low, a sly smile on her face as she worked on him with both hands.  “You like seeing Mommy’s naked tits?” she asked, pushing her elbows together and making her big tits bulge out, her hard nipples just begging to be pinched or sucked.

“Mom, I…I don’t know what to say,” Brad stammered, the last bit of his resistance falling away at the sight of her big, naked tits right there in front of him.

“Don’t say anything,” she replied, her hands still wrapped around his cock and balls, “do something instead!” she said, arching her back and pushing her tits out at him.

Without hesitation Brad reached out and grabbed her tits, squeezing them in both hands and making Ivy moan as he did.  He pulled and tugged on her hard nipples as she pulled and tugged on his hard cock, and she bit her bottom lip at the sensations that ran through her when he pinched and tugged on her hard nipples.

“Mmmm, oh yes, honey, yes!” she moaned, closing her eyes as she continued tugging on his cock, “that feels so good!  I love it when a man squeezes my big tits like that!”

Brad couldn’t believe what was happening to him.  He knew deep down inside that they shouldn’t be doing this, that it was wrong, but with his hands on his mom’s big tits and her hands wrapped around his cock and balls all sense of reason went right out the window.  All he knew now was that he wanted desperately to fuck his mom, and he had a feeling that she felt the same way.  What she did next proved him right.

“Slide down on the ledge a little bit, honey,” she said, opening her eyes and looking at him.  He immediately understood and slid down until his butt was right on the edge.  Ivy then climbed onto his lap, putting a knee on either side of his hips, releasing his cock and balls and using her hands on the edge of the hot tub for support as she moved into position.  Her big tits were right in front of his face, and he brought his hands up and grabbed them, squeezing firmly.  He lifted one of the big mounds to his face and clamped his lips around the hard nipple, sucking it into his mouth.  Ivy sighed in response, putting her hand on the back of his head and pressing his face into her breast.

“Oh, my God, yessss!” she moaned as Brad sucked first on one nipple and then on the other.  She put both hands on the rim of the hot tub and pushed her breasts forward, his hands gripping and squeezing them as he sucked on them.  She sat on his lap and rubbed her pussy against the underside of his hard cock, moaning at the sensations coursing through her body.  Then she lifted her hips up from his lap and reached down, pulling the bikini bottoms to the side.  She grabbed his throbbing cock in her hand and pointed it up at her pussy, rubbing the head up and down her wet slit a few times before placing it at her opening.  Then she sat down on his cock, taking it all inside her in one long, slow push, her hands on the edge of the hot tub on either side of his head for support.  She was very wet, and he slid inside her with ease.

“Oh, my God!” Ivy moaned again as she sat down on his cock, feeling it stretch her as it filled her completely.  Brad groaned as he felt the tight wetness of his mom’s pussy sliding down onto his hard shaft, and he groaned again when he felt her ass pressing against his balls and she ground her hips down and around on his cock.

“MMMMMM!” Ivy moaned as she slowly ground her hips around and around, his cock completely inside her tight, wet pussy.  “Your cock inside me feels so good, honey!” she said, looking down at him.  He had his head back and was watching her as she moved on top of him, his hands still on her breasts, gripping and squeezing them as she began to slowly ride his cock.  She began sliding up and down on his shaft, her hands on the edge of the hot tup for support, moving slow at first so she could feel every inch of his cock sliding into her and so he could feel every inch of her pussy as she took him in.  She looked at him with hooded eyes, her mouth open slightly as she rode his cock in slow, deliberate movements.

“I can’t believe this is happening!” Brad said, looking up at his mom and seeing the desire in her eyes.

“Believe it, honey, because it’s happening,” Ivy gasped, smiling at him as she rode his cock, “it’s really happening!”

She stopped talking then, concentrating on riding her son’s cock instead.  Ivy took her son’s head in her hands and leaned down to kiss him, her tongue slipping into his mouth to find his own as she rode up and down on his stiff cock.  The kiss only lasted a few moments as Ivy’s desire began to build, and she put her hands back on the edge of the hot tub for support as she began riding Brad’s cock harder and faster.  Brad began to push his hips upward to meet her, driving his cock deeper into her than before.

“That’s it, baby, that’s it!” she gasped, tossing her had back and closing her eyes as she rode him harder.  “Fuck me, honey, fuck me with that hard cock!”

Brad looked up at his mom’s face, still in shock at what was happening, but still gripping his mom’s tits in his hands and squeezing them hard.  He could feel the sensations beginning to build deep in his balls, and he knew that it wouldn’t be long before he was cumming inside his mom’s tight pussy.  He pushed upward with a little more force, and his mom noticed right away.

“Yes, honey, yes!” she said, looking down at him and smiling as she continued riding his cock.  “I feel you, baby, I feel that big cock of yours inside me!” she gasped, the passion burning in her eyes.

“You’re gonna make me cum if you keep that up!” he said, and his mom laughed as she replied.

“That’s the whole idea, baby!” she gasped, moving a little faster now.  “I want you to cum inside me!  I want to feel your cock pumping inside me as you fill me up with your hot cum!” she said, the water around her churning with her motions.

“Are you sure, Mom?” he asked, feeling his orgasm quickly building in his balls and knowing that he was going to explode inside her in a matter of seconds.

“Yes, honey, I’m sure!” Ivy gasped as she rode him hard.  “Now give it to me, baby, give it to me!  Give me your cum, shoot it inside me, fill me up with your seed!”

That was all it took.  Brad groaned loudly and arched his back as his orgasm hit, his cock exploding inside his mom’s pussy.  He gripped her tits hard, groaning through gritted teeth as his cock pumped stream after stream of hot, thick cum into his mom’s tight pussy. 

Ivy came as well, the sensations of his cock pumping inside her enough to set her off.  She squeezed her eyes shut and cried out as her own orgasm exploded, the waves of intense pleasure crashing through her body like a tsunami.  She bucked her hips on his cock as she came, gripping his cock with her inner muscles as she gripped the edge of the hot tub for support.  Her whole body shook with the intensity of her orgasm, with Brad’s cock still pumping and throbbing inside her.

Finally, almost thankfully, their mutual orgasms faded and then stopped.  Ivy brought her hips down onto his cock and held them there, squeezing the last bit of cum from him with her inner muscles as Brad released her tits from his hands.  They were both left gasping and panting for breath, and Ivy fell forward to rest on Brad’s chest, wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing her breasts against his chest.  They stayed like that for several minutes, not moving, just enjoying the afterglow of great impromptu sex.

Finally Ivy sat up, his softening cock still trapped inside her, and looked down at Brad with a smile on her face.

“Wow!” was all she said.

“Wow is right!” Brad replied.

“You came hard,” she said, running a hand along the side of his face.

“So did you,” he replied.

“I haven’t cum that hard in a long, long time,” she said, stroking the side of his face.  Then she leaned down and kissed him briefly, sitting back up on his lap as she spoke again. 

“Thank you, honey!” she said, smiling.

“No, thank you, Mom,” he replied, running his hand up along her upper arm as he spoke.  “You just made a long-time fantasy of mine come true,” he said, admitting the truth to her.

“You did the same thing for me, honey,” she replied, her smile getting bigger at the look of surprise on his face.

“You mean you…” he began, but she cut him off.

“Yes, honey, that’s exactly what I mean,” she said.  “I’ve wanted to fuck you for at least the past two years, and I’m glad I finally got the courage to act on it.”

“Me, too!” he replied, grinning up at her.

“I don’t know about you, but I could use a fresh, cold beer,” she said, her eyes sparkling.

“So could I,” he replied.

“You sit right there and I’ll go get them,” she said, getting up from his lap, the water cascading from her body.  She didn’t bother to adjust her bikini, but just let it stay as it was as she got out of the hot tub.  Brad was treated to a great view of her ass as she did, and he saw that he was right – the bottom was a thong after all.

“Not that it matters now!” he mumbled to himself, smiling.

* * * * * * *

Ivy was up early the next morning, long before Brad or her husband woke up, and she was sitting at the kitchen table wearing nothing but the same robe she had worn the night before and drinking a cup of coffee when their 19-year-old daughter, Jennie, came into the room. 

“Morning, Mom!” she said cheerfully, breezing past her to get a cup of coffee for herself.  She was wearing her usual lounging attire of a very big, very baggy t-shirt over a pair of shorts, some sandals on her feet, and nothing else.  Jennie had inherited her mother’s bustline, and from the way her breasts were moving under the shirt Ivy could tell that Jennie was braless – as usual.  Jennie had also inherited her mother’s sex drive, and it showed.

“Good morning, sweetheart!” she replied, taking a sip from her cup.  Jennie sat down at the table across from her and took a sip from her own cup, then lowered it as she spoke.

“So, how did it go last night?” Jennie asked, giving her mom a sly smile.  Ivy returned the same smile as she replied.

“He was mine as soon as I showed him my tits,” she said, the sly smile turning into a grin.  “Of course, my hand on his dick right before that helped, but it was my tits that put him over the edge!” she said.

“I told you he had a thing for you!” Jennie replied, grinning back.  Then she leaned over the table, her voice filled with excitement as she spoke again.  “So you fucked him, right?” she asked, her eyes sparkling.

“Right there in the hot tub,” Ivy replied, smiling.  Jennie laughed as she sat back in her chair, then quickly stifled her laughter before she woke up the rest of the house.  Ivy took a sip of her coffee before she spoke again.

“And how about you?” she asked over her cup.  “Were you able to seduce your father like we planned?”

“Oh, yeah!” she replied, grinning as she sat back in her chair.  “It took a little longer than I thought it would, but I finally got to him,” she said, bragging.  “And you were right, Mom, he’s got a really nice dick, and he sure knows how to use it!”

“Yes, I know!” Ivy said, smiling and taking a sip from her coffee cup before continuing.  “Give me a couple of weeks with Brad before you make your move on him, okay, sweetheart?  You can have your fun with your father in the meantime,” she said.

“Okay, Mom,” she said, smiling.

“Now let’s go wake our men up with a nice morning blowjob, shall we?” Ivy said, getting up from the table.  “You take care of your father and I’ll take care of Brad, okay?”

“Okay, Mom!” Jennie said, getting up from the table, excitedly.  They put their coffee cups in the sink and then walked out of the kitchen together, both of them smiling.




  1. So freaking hot. Not exactly an eloquent comment, but there it is.


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