(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)
The night that Nate Craig’s life
changed forever started off being just another typical summertime Saturday
night. He was enjoying his last summer
at home before he went off to college in the fall, trying to party as much and
have as much fun as he could before he went away and had to start studying –
which meant that he was trying to get laid as much as he could while he could. Nate didn’t have a steady girlfriend and
actually didn’t want one; he believed in the old saying of ‘variety is the
spice of life’ so he had no interest in having a steady girlfriend. And he had to admit that he was doing pretty
good in the ‘getting laid’ department – he had enough girls on the side where
he could go out on a date with a different girl each night for 9 nights in a
row without dating the same girl twice and get laid 6 out of 9 times, getting a
BJ from at least two of the others.
Once he graduated from high
school his parents had told him that he no longer had a curfew and could stay
out as long as he wanted; all they asked was a phone call from him if he was
going to be out past eleven PM, and another one if he wasn’t going to come home
at all. He’d stayed out past eleven
plenty of times, calling his parents each time as requested, but so far he
hadn’t stayed out all night – so far. He
never knew when that was going to change.
This particular Saturday night
had gone pretty much the way his Saturday nights tended to go when he had a
date – he took his date to a party thrown by one of his friends, and along the
way they had snuck off to one of the bedrooms where his date gave him a fairly
quick but very satisfying blowjob. She
told him that she would have fucked him but couldn’t as her ‘Aunt Flo’ was in
town, so she gave him a blowjob instead, which was just fine with him. They stayed at the party until a little past
midnight when the party started to wind down, and then Nate took his date
home. After he dropped her off at her
house he headed home himself, letting himself in the kitchen door quiet enough
so that he didn’t wake up his mom and dad who were sleeping upstairs. His bedroom was on the ground level of the
house, set off to the side of the living room.
There was a small bathroom with a sink, toilet, and shower stall there
as well, right next to his bedroom, so if he closed the door of the small alcove
in front of the bathroom and his room he basically had his own little
apartment. He loved the privacy this setup gave him, and he was really going to
miss it when he left for college in less than three months.
It was close to one o’clock in
the morning when Nate slipped into the house and headed for his room. He took a quick shower, putting on a pair of
gym shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt to lounge around in. He padded barefoot out of his room, up the
small flight of four stairs to the dining room, walked across the dining room
to the kitchen, and got a soft drink out of the refrigerator. Then he retraced his steps and returned to
his room, closing the outer door as he went.
Two minutes later he was sitting at his computer desk in his room,
surfing the net as he usually did. Nate
was a bit of a night owl and rarely got to bed before two AM.
He followed his usual routine of
checking his e-mail and then his social media accounts; he went to a news web
site next and read a few stories, then decided to take a stroll through a
couple of the porn sites he always looked at.
Nate was a typical male teenager with a very active libido, and while
the blowjob he’d gotten at the party was satisfying enough he still wanted to
peruse the porn sites, so he did.
He had been surfing one of the
more well-known porn sites for a few minutes when he went to the search bar and
typed in ‘POV Mom Blowjob,’ then started looking through the videos that came
When he got to the fifth one he
just about dropped his soda in surprise.
His mouth fell open and he stared at the screen, not believing what he
was seeing.
There was his mom, Sally Craig, plain
as day, on her knees and looking up at the camera, gripping the base of a hard
cock in her hand while the rest of it was buried in her mouth.
“Holy shit!” he cried, a little
louder than he intended. “Holy fuckin’
SHIT!” he said again, his eyes wide with surprise. He put his soda down on the desk before he
dropped it, then clicked ‘play’ on the video and watched a few minutes of the
movie. He was absolutely stunned at what
he saw and heard.
He watched his mom give someone a
very hot, very intense, and very good blowjob, letting the guy blow his load
all over her face in the end. Along the
way she engaged in some of the nastiest, most arousing dirty talk he’d ever
heard, not believing that those words were coming out of his mom’s mouth.
But they were, much to Nate’s
surprise. She was going by the name of
‘Summer Fields,’ but it was her – it was his mom, absolutely no doubt about it.
“My mom is a porn star!” he said
aloud to himself, a smile creeping across his face. He sat and watched the entire fifteen-minute
video, one in which she was playing a mom who seduced her song and gave him a
blowjob, and after he came all over her face she wiped the cum off with her
fingers and then stuck them into her mouth, sucking the cum from them. It was the hottest, sexiest, most arousing
thing Nate had ever seen, and when it was over he found himself with the
biggest, hardest erection he’d had in a long time. He looked down at the big, hard bulge in his
gym shorts in disbelief and amazement.
“My mom gave me a hard-on,” he
said, taking it all in. “My mom gave me
a hard-on!” he said again, a little louder and with a grin on his face. “This is just too much!” he said, sitting
back in his chair and grinning.
He spent the next hour and a half
watching every ‘Summer Fields’ video he could find, and he quickly learned that
his mom specialized in taboo/incest videos.
In most of them she played a mom who either gave her son a blowjob or
fucked him or both, and from what he saw she was very good at it. He also noticed that you never saw her stunt
cock’s face; actually, you never saw more than his cock and lower body in any
of the videos she’d made.
She was also absolutely gorgeous
and one of the sexiest women he’d ever seen.
He always thought that his mom was beautiful and downright sexy with her
strawberry blonde hair, deep blue eyes, ample bustline and a simply killer
rump, but seeing her naked made him appreciate her beauty and downright sex
appeal more than ever. He was also a
little surprised when he saw that her pussy was shaven smooth, with not even so
much as a tiny landing strip of hair on her mound. And after seeing one video that showed a
closeup of her pussy, he was of the opinion that his mom had the prettiest,
most appealing pussy he’d ever seen.
When he went to bed a little before
three AM he fell asleep with the image of that sweet, delectable pussy in his
mind, wondering what it would feel like on his lips or wrapped around his dick.
“My mom is a porn star!” he said
softly as he drifted off to sleep, a smile on his face.
When he woke up around eight AM the
next morning he could hear his mom rattling around in the kitchen through the
closed foyer door. From the sound of it
she was making breakfast, and it was only a moment later that he caught a whiff
of frying bacon, one of his favorite aromas in the whole world. Since it was Sunday that meant his father would
be out playing golf with his buddies like he did every Sunday, so it was just
Nate and his mom alone in the house for at least the next five hours.
He got up and went into the small
bathroom to wash his face, then put on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, slipping
his feet into his well-worn leather boat shoes.
Since he was going to take a shower before he went out for the day he
didn’t bother putting on underwear. He
opened the door and came out of his ‘little apartment’ as his parents called
it, the aroma of frying bacon even stronger.
He walked up the short flight of stairs and across the dining room and
past the big, round dining room table to the kitchen where his mom was standing
in front of the stove, cooking the bacon.
She looked up and smiled at him as he came into view.
“Well, good morning, sleepyhead!”
she said cheerfully, a smile on her face.
She was wearing a white cotton short sleeve top that fit her snugly with
a pair of red chinos that also fit just as snug. He had never really looked at his mom from a
man’s point of view before, but after seeing her videos last night he couldn’t
help but look at her that way now.
And he liked what he saw. For the first time he noticed – really
noticed – just how beautiful and incredibly sexy his mom truly was. He was, for the first time in his life,
seeing her as a woman and not as his mom.
He couldn’t help but stare at her as he sat at the table, his eyes
locked onto her magnificent, rounded, shapely rump.
“Honey? Did you hear me?” he heard his mom say,
snapping him out of his trance.
“Huh? Oh, I’m sorry, Mom, what did you say?” he
said, trying to recover from being caught staring at his mom’s ass.
“I said, how many eggs do you
want with your bacon?” she asked, smiling at him.
“Two, please, over easy,” he said,
returning her smile. She turned back to
the stove and reached for the bowl of eggs sitting on the counter, picking up
His mom had always been a good
cook, and today was no exception. When
she had finished cooking for the both of them she sat down at the small round
table in the corner breakfast nook next to the back door and ate breakfast with
him. He and his mom had always had a
good relationship, one that let him talk to her about almost anything, and as
he chatted with his mom about how his date had gone the night before he decided
to see just how open and honest she would be with him. They had both finished their bacon and eggs
by now, and she was drinking a cup of coffee while he was drinking orange juice
out of a tall glass. He took a drink
from the glass and set it down on the table, then looked over at his mom as he
“Mom, can I ask you a question?”
he said, his heart beating fast.
“Sure, honey, you can ask me
anything, you know that,” Sally said, smiling at him over her coffee cup.
“It’s kind of personal,” he said,
“really personal, I mean.”
“That’s okay, honey,” she said,
smiling at him. “Ask away!” Nate paused for a moment, looking at his mom
as she took a sip out of her coffee cup before he took a breath and spoke.
“How long have you been doing
porn as ‘Summer Fields?’“ he asked.
Sally froze in mid-sip, her eyes going
wide with surprise. She looked over at
Nate, a look of both surprise and fear in her eyes, and after a moment or two
she slowly lowered the coffee cup to the table and looked down. She took a breath and then looked up at him
again, a look of resignation in her eyes.
“About a year,” she said quietly. “I suppose it was only a matter of time
before you found out, and to be honest I should have told you before you found
out about it on your own,” she said.
“I’m sorry, honey,” she said, and the look of despair in her eyes broke
his heart. He reached out and took her
hand in his, squeezing it as he spoke.
“That’s okay, Mom, really,” he
said, his voice soft. “I’m not mad or
upset or anything, and I certainly don’t think any less of you or love you any
less just because you do porn on the side,” he said, and he could see his mom
visibly relax. “Besides, how many guys
can say that their mom is a real live porn star? I think it’s kinda cool, to be honest!” he
said brightly, smiling as he tried to cheer her up.
“Thank you, honey!” she said,
smiling back at him and squeezing his hand.
“You don’t know what a relief this is for me, to finally have it out in
the open like this!” There was one more
question he had to ask, so he took a breath and asked it.
“Does Dad know about this?” he
asked, still holding his mom’s hand.
“Who do you think my stunt cock
is?” she replied, grinning at him.
Nate was both surprised and
stunned to hear that it was his father’s cock he had seen his mom sucking and fucking
in the videos he had watched the night before, and it took him a moment to
process it all.
“Holy crap, Mom!” he said,
looking over at her and smiling. “So
both of my parents are porn stars, then!” he said.
“Well, actually, it’s only your
father’s penis that’s the star,” she replied, slipping her hand from his and
picking up her coffee cup to take a sip.
“When we started doing this he said that he never wanted his face to be
shown in any of the videos, and I agreed.
He has much more at stake than I do and stands to lose a lot more than I
ever could if anyone knew it was him. So
we agreed that we would never show his face on screen, just his lower body and
occasionally his hands,” she explained.
“Yeah, I think that was a good
idea,” Nate said, nodding. “He’d lose
his job for sure if his company ever found out that their top salesman was
moonlighting as a stunt cock for a porn star,” he said.
“Yes, he most certainly would
lose his job if that ever got out,” she said, putting the coffee cup down and
looking at him with a serious look in her eyes.
“So I don’t have to state the obvious, then,” she said, looking him in
the eyes.
“No, Mom, you don’t,” Nate said. “The last thing I ever want to do is hurt you
or Dad, so you don’t have to worry about me saying anything to anyone. This is a secret that I’ll take to my grave,”
he said, meaning it.
“Thank you, honey,” she said,
reaching out and patting his hand, the relief evident on her face.
“How did all this get started,
anyway?” he asked, genuinely curious.
“Were you and Dad lying in bed one night when you just turned to him and
said, ‘hey, dear, I think I want to start doing porn,’ or something like that?”
“Actually, you’re not far from
wrong,” Sally replied, taking him by surprise.
“Your father and I had just finished having sex when he told me that I
was just as good at oral sex as any porn star, and I jokingly said something
like, ‘well, maybe I should start doing porn, then,’ and to my surprise he said
‘sure, why the hell not?’”
“Really?” Nate said, grinning
with surprise. “So this was all Dad’s
“It sure was,” his mom
replied. “I asked him if he was serious
and he said that he was. I’ve always
been a little bit of an exhibitionist anyway – okay, a lot of an exhibitionist!
- so this just seemed to fit right in.
That, plus I have a…well…” she said, pausing for a moment to find the
right words, “I have what my gynecologist calls a hyperactive libido, which
means I have a high sex drive. A very
high sex drive, actually!”
“Yeah, you and me both!” he
replied, making them both laugh.
“So I’ve noticed, Mr. Studly
Widecock!” she said jokingly. Another
question came to mind at that point, and he asked it without really thinking
about it.
“So have you ever performed with
anyone else?” he asked.
“No, I haven’t,” she replied,
sitting back in her chair. “I’ve thought
about it, sure, and your dad and I have even talked about it, but we never
decided on anything and I’ve never really pursued it since then,” she said. “Your father may not have the biggest dick in
the world, but he’s big enough for me – big enough to get me pregnant with you,
anyway!” she said, smiling.
“Hell, my dick is bigger than
his,” Nate said under his breath but loud enough that his mom heard it.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” she
said, her eyebrows going up, the smile still on her face.
‘Shit!’ Nate thought to
“I said my dick is bigger than
his,” Nate repeated, a little embarrassed at having been caught.
“Oh, you think so, huh?” she
said, toying with him. Seeing that she
wasn’t mad, Nate decided to toy right back with her.
“Hell, Mom, I know so! I’ve seen his dick, remember?” he said,
sitting back and crossing his arms over his chest. To his surprise his mom did the same, sitting
back in her chair and crossing her arms over her ample chest.
“Prove it!” she said, one side of
her mouth turned up in a lopsided grin.
“What?” Nate replied, taken
totally by surprise.
“I said prove it!” Sally
repeated. “You say your dick is bigger
than his, so prove it!”
“How the hell am I supposed to do
that?” he asked, taken completely by surprise.
“Pull it out and show it to you?” he said jokingly.
“Yes!” Sally replied. Nate looked at her in stunned silence for a
few moments before he spoke again.
“You’re serious, aren’t you,
Mom?” he asked, feeing his cock beginning to stir inside his jeans. He didn’t know why, but the mere thought of
his mom looking at his dick was giving him a boner.
“Absolutely!” she replied, her
arms still crossed over her chest. “Put
your money where your mouth is, stud,” she said, her mouth turned up in a smile. Nate was caught off-guard, and it took him a
moment to decide what to do.
‘Hell, why the fuck not?’
he thought to himself.
Without another word Nate stood
up, pushing the chair back as he did.
Then he reached down and unzipped the fly of his jeans, reaching inside
and pulling out his now-semi erect cock.
He saw his mom’s eyes get a little bit wider and her mouth fall open as
she saw his cock for the first time, slowly growing harder and longer as she
watched. She dropped her hands down to
her lap, and Nate noticed that her nipples were hard and poking out against her
shirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and it
“Oh, my,” Sally said softly,
looking at his cock as it bobbed in front of him.
“See? I told you,” Nate said. It took his mom a few moments to reply,
mesmerized by the sight of his growing cock as she was.
“This…this doesn’t prove
anything,” she said, looking up at him for a moment before looking down at his
cock again. “You’re not…h-hard…yet so I
really can’t tell…” she stammered, her eyes glued to his cock. Then the look in her eyes changed, and her
demeanor changed right along with it.
“Come over here,” she said
firmly, sitting up in her chair and turning it to the side to give her room. Her nipples were harder than ever, poking out
prominently against her shirt. Nate
walked around the table and stood in front of her, his nearly erect cock
standing out right in front of her face.
She looked at it for just a moment before reaching up and wrapping her
hand around it, gripping it firmly and pumping it in her hand.
“The only way to tell is to get
you completely hard,” she said, looking up at him before looking back down at
his cock in her hand. “And I know just
how to do that,” she said, her voice going low and sultry.
Nate watched in amazement as his
mom pumped his cock in her hand, her gaze locked on it as it grew and got
completely hard. She wrapped her other
hand around the now rock-hard shaft, pumping it with both hands, and after a
few moments she was rewarded with a big drop of clear pre-cum that appeared at
the tip. She looked up at him for a
moment, the desire very evident in her eyes, then looked back down at his cock
in her hands again. She leaned forward
and put her lips on the tip of his cock, sucking the precum from him.
‘Holy shit!’ Nate thought
to himself, jumping a little at the feeling of his mom’s warm, soft, wet lips
on the tip of his dick. She kept them
there for a few moments, sucking on the tip while she pumped more precum from
him with her hands around his cock, glancing up at him as she did. Then she slid her lips from his cock and
looked up at him, smiling.
“Your precum tastes good, honey,”
she said, her eyes sparkling as she continued pumping his cock in her hands,
“just as good as your father’s!”
“So what do you think now?” Nate
asked, recovering from the initial shock of what his mom was doing. “Am I bigger than Dad or not?”
“Oh, yeah,” his mom sighed,
smiling as she looked at his cock in her hands.
“Just how big are you, anyway?” she asked, looking up at him.
“Almost seven inches,” he
replied, smiling with pride. He’d been
told that he had a big dick before, but hearing it from his own mom while she
was doing what she was doing was another thing entirely.
“Your father is just shy of six,”
she said, still gazing at his cock as she slowly pumped it in her hands. When more precum appeared at the tip she
repeated what she did before, putting her lips on the tip and sucking it from
him before she continued. “But he’s thick,
thicker than any cock I’ve ever had before,” she said, looking up at him and
smiling as she continued.
“But just between you and me, I
prefer long over thick any day,” she said, her eyes sparkling. “I mean, having my pussy stretched by a thick
cock is great, but I just love the feeling of a hard cock hitting the back of
my throat as I deep-throat it, you know?” she said, looking back down at his
cock in her hands again.
Then she did exactly what Nate
had been hoping she would do. She opened
her mouth and lowered it down onto his cock, clamping her lips around it just
behind the flared ridge of the head. She
sucked on it firmly as she ran her tongue over and around it, pumping his hard
shaft in her hands as she did. Then she
slid her mouth further down on his cock, taking half of his length into her
wet, sucking mouth, moving one of her hands out of the way as she did. She began bobbing her head up and down on his
cock, running her soft, wet tongue along the underside as she did.
‘Holy shit, my mom is actually
sucking my cock!’ he thought to himself as he watched his mom slide her
mouth up and down his shaft. He watched
her working on his cock for several minutes, afraid to move or say anything
lest he break the mood or her concentration and make her stop. This was a dream come true for him, and he
didn’t want to spoil it.
Not only that, but she was also
giving him the best blowjob he’d ever had in his relatively short life. He thought he’d had good blowjobs before, but
his mom was truly the master of the arts of oral sex. He watched her work on him, her mouth sliding
further and further down onto his cock, until she finally worked it all into
her mouth. She moved her hand out of the
way as she took the last bit of his hard cock into her mouth and down her
throat, her nose touching his abdomen as she held his cock in her mouth for a
few moments, running the flat of her tongue along the underside. Then she slid her mouth from his cock,
grabbing it with her hand as she sat back, gasping for breath. Her eyes were watering and a long strand of
saliva hung from her bottom lip to the tip of his cock for a moment before
breaking, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.
“God, I love the feeling of your
cock in my mouth and down my throat!” she said, giving him an open-mouthed
smile, her eyes sparkling. Then she dove
back down onto his cock again, shoving its entire length into her mouth and
down her throat once more. She bobbed
her head up and down his entire length, taking it all inside her mouth with
every downward motion, sucking on it as hard as she could. Nate just watched in amazement, still not
believing this was happening. The
kitchen was filled with the slurping sounds of his mom deepthroating his cock
over and over again, and after about a minute of the most intense deepthroating
job he’d ever seen or experienced, his mom pulled her mouth from his cock and
sat back again, once more grabbing his shiny, slippery cock in her hand. She looked up at him with tears running down
her face from her efforts, a big grin on her face.
“Am I the Cocksucking Queen, or
what?” she asked, grinning up at him.
She sat back up in her chair and grabbed his cock with both hands again,
her passions running high now, and Nate could detect the first traces of her
feminine musk in the air. She pumped his
cock hard and fast with both hands as she spoke, her voice low and husky.
“I just love sucking cock!” she
said, looking at his cock and smiling through gritted teeth. “I love the way it feels in my mouth and on
my tongue!” she continued, then looked up at him as she pumped his cock in her
“I’m going to suck the cum right
out of you,” she said, her eyes aflame with lust. “I’m going to make you cum in my mouth and drain
you dry, get every bit of that cum out of your balls, and then I’m going to
swallow every last drop!”
Before he could respond she dove
down and sucked his cock into her mouth again, and as she sucked his cock she reached
up with both hands and quickly unfastened his jeans. Once that was done she pulled them open and
grabbed them by the waistband, yanking them down over his hips while never
missing a stroke with her mouth on his cock.
Then she wrapped one hand around the base of his shaft and grabbed his
balls with the other, pulling and tugging on them as she continued sucking his
Nate was stunned at what was
happening. The intensity and skill she
was displaying was nothing short of astounding as she bobbed her head up and
down on his shaft, tugging and pulling on his balls and the base of his shaft
as she sucked him off. She was like a
woman possessed, and all Nate could think of was how glad he was that he was
the object of her passions.
Just when he thought his mom
couldn’t get any more intense, she did just that. She reached around with both hands and
grabbed him by his ass, gripping the cheeks firmly and tugging his hips toward
her as she stuffed his cock deep into her mouth. The spit was flying, running down his mom’s
chin to drip onto her lap, the kitchen filled with the sucking, slurping sounds
of the blowjob to beat all blowjobs that she was giving him. Nate reached out and gripped the edge of the
table for support, she was jerking him around so much.
Just then Sally looked up at him,
her eyes watering and the tears running down her face, her lips shiny with
saliva as she worked on his cock. She
pulled her mouth from his hard shaft, releasing it from her sucking mouth with
a soft ‘pop,’ then grabbed it with her hand and pumped it while she spoke.
“God, I just love your cock!” she
said, grinning and panting for breath.
“It tastes so good and fills my mouth up so much!” she said, pumping his
cock hard and fast. “I’m gonna make you
cum now, honey,” she said, still gasping for breath. “I need to feel your cock pumping your cum
into my mouth, I need to feel your cum on my tongue, filling up my mouth, and
most of all I need to feel it sliding down my throat when I swallow it!” she
said, grinning up at him.
“Go for it, Mom!” was all Nate
could think of to say.
Sally gave him a big grin and
then dove back down onto his cock, sucking it hard and fast. She kept one hand on the base of his cock as
she sucked on it, pumping it in her hand, while pulling and tugging on his
balls with the other. She was like a
woman possessed, and it only took another few moments before Nate felt his
balls shift, signaling an approaching orgasm – and he had a feeling it was
going to be a big one. Sally must have
felt it as well because she looked up and him with watery eyes and nodded,
still sucking on his cock.
MM-HMMM!” she moaned around his cock, urging him to cum.
That was all it took. Nate felt his balls contract and his shaft
swell, and then his orgasm hit. He
groaned through gritted teeth, his eyes squeezed shut, as his cock exploded in
his mom’s mouth.
“NNNGGHHH!!” Nate moaned as he
came, his cock throbbing and pulsing as it pumped stream after stream of hot,
thick cum into his mom’s waiting mouth.
She squealed in delight around his cock in her mouth, pulling on his
balls harder and increasing the suction of her mouth and the motions of her
head. She gripped the base of his cock
hard, milking the cum from him, feeling his cock jump and pulse in her hand and
on her tongue as it spurted, his balls emptying into her waiting mouth.
“MMMMMMM!” she moaned, taking her
hand away from his balls and sliding it into her pants to rub her soaking wet
pussy and aching clit. She rubbed hard
and fast, and it only took a few seconds for her own orgasm to hit. She came hard, grimacing around Nate’s cock in
her mouth, as the shock waves of pleasure went crashing through her, her whole
body trembling with the force of her orgasm.
Her orgasm ended just as quickly
as it had started, with Nate’s orgasm ending at just about the same time. When it was all over and her pussy had
stopped throbbing and Nate’s cock had stopped pumping in her mouth, she was
left breathing hard through her nose with a mouth full of his cum and a soaking
wet pair of panties covering her crotch.
She grabbed his cock with her hand again, pumping the last bit of cum
from him as she slid her mouth slowly up his length until just the head was
trapped in her mouth, and when she was certain she had gotten the last drop of
cum out of him she slipped her lips from it.
She kissed the tip twice, softly, then held her head back and opened her
mouth to show Nate his cum.
Nate was left gasping for breath
after he finished cumming, and he looked down just in time to see his mom hold
her head back and open her mouth. Her
mouth was full almost to overflowing with his cum, and as he watched she rolled
her tongue around in it, lifting her tongue up to let it slide off of the sides
before rolling it around again. She
looked him in the eyes the entire time, one hand still on his cock while she played
with his cum, and then she closed her mouth and swallowed it all with a soft
“Ahhh!” she said, opening her
mouth to show him that it was all gone, then licking her lips to get every
trace of it. “Your cum tastes so good!”
she said, her eyes sparkling. She lifted
his slowly softening cock up and kissed the tip again, then released it and sat
back, still trying to catch her breath.
Nate pulled his jeans up and moved over to the chair, plopping down
without bothering to close them or zip them up.
“Holy, shit, Mom, that was
incredible!” he said, grinning from ear to ear.
“So am I the Cocksucking Queen or
what?” she said again, returning his grin.
“Oh, yeah, no doubt about that!”
Nate replied, finally closing up his jeans and pulling up the zipper.
“Not only are you bigger than
your father, you cum more than he does, too,” she said, her breathing just
about normal now. “A lot more! I wasn’t sure I was going to be able to take
it all without swallowing some, you came so much!” she said.
“So who tastes better?” Nate
said, playing the game by her rules now.
“Me or him?”
“It’s a tie, smarty-pants,” Sally
said, smiling. “You both taste equally
“I don’t know about you, but I
could use something cold to drink right about now,” Nate said, getting up and
going over to the refrigerator. He
opened the door and took out a soda, turning to hold it up to his mom; she
nodded, so he got one out for her, too.
Then he went back over to the table, handed her the soda, and sat
down. They both cracked their sodas open
at the same time, both taking a long drink before setting them down on the
table. It was Nate who spoke first.
“Are you going to tell Dad about
this?” he asked, looking over at his mom.
‘Damn, but she’s fuckin’
gorgeous!’ he thought to himself. He
would never again see just his mom when he looked at her; from this point
forward he would see a beautiful, sexy woman who he desired very much. He had no way of knowing it, but she felt the
same way about him as well.
“When the time is right, yes,”
she said, looking at him with soft eyes.
“You may not have realized it before last night when you stumbled across
our videos, but your father is very liberal when it comes to sex and intimacy –
and I mean very liberal,” she said, putting emphasis on the word ‘very.’
“He’s told me on more than on occasion
that if I wanted to have sex with another man I could, as long as I told him
about it later – in great detail, I might add,” she said, surprising Nate yet
again. “I think the thought of me
fucking another man and then telling him about it turns him on,” she said,
taking another drink of soda.
“But you said that you’ve never
performed with another man,” Nate replied, confused.
“And I haven’t,” Sally
replied. “I’ve never had any kind of
sexual contact with any other man but your father ever since we got married,
and even before then – up until now, that is,” she said, smiling at him. “You’re the first man I’ve ever been with
besides your father.” Nate was both
stunned and honored at the same time.
“Really, Mom?” he said, the
surprise showing in his eyes. She nodded
as she replied.
“Really,” she replied, reaching
over and taking his hand, squeezing it as she spoke again. “And I don’t want this to be the only time,
either,” she said, looking deep into his eyes and pausing for a moment to let
what she had just said sink in.
“You mean…” he started, but his
mom cut him off.
“I mean I want to do this with
you again,” she said. “And I don’t mean
just sucking your cock, either. The next
time I feel you cum I want to feel you cumming inside my pussy, not in my mouth,”
she said, taking him completely by surprise.
“If that’s okay with you, that
is,” she said, smiling at him.
“Are you kidding me?” he said,
grinning from ear to ear. “Of course
it’s okay! I’d have to be crazy to say no!”
he said excitedly, his youth showing for just a moment. He was as excited as a five-year-old boy
who’d just gotten the bicycle he wanted for Christmas, and it made Sally laugh.
“I only have one question, Mom,”
he said, looking at her with anxious eyes.
“And that is?” she replied, still
smiling. He leaned forward with both
arms on the table, getting as close to her as he could.
“WHEN?” he asked,
grinning. Sally laughed out loud at her
son’s eagerness, bringing her hand up to her mouth as she laughed. It was several minutes before she could give
him an answer, and she was still giggling when she did.
“I’m not going to tell you,” she
said, teasing him. “When it happens I
want it to be a surprise!”
“That is SO not fair!” Nate
replied, sitting back and grinning.
“Would you rather have it not
happen again at all?” she asked, teasing him.
“Hell, no!” he said
immediately. “But it’s gonna be tough,
just sitting around waiting for it to happen, you know?”
“I know, honey, I know,” Sally
said, reaching out and patting his hand, “but it’ll be worth it, I promise!”
“Okay, Mom!” he said,
smiling. She patted the back of his hand
as she spoke, getting up from the table.
“Now you go take a shower and get
cleaned up while I clean up the kitchen,” she said, reverting back to her ‘mom’
role seamlessly, picking up the dirty dishes from the table and taking them
over to the sink.
“Okay, Mom,” he said, getting up
from the table. He turned and looked at
his mom’s spectacular ass as she stood at the sink, then turned and went back
to his ‘apartment’ to shower and get dressed, a big grin on his face the whole
When she heard his footsteps
moving away from her, Sally turned and watched her son as he walked away,
admiring his ass not for the first time.
This brought a smile to her face as she turned back to the sink to
finish with the dishes, the images of the past half hour running through her
Life was going to be very
different and very enjoyable for both of them from now on, and they were both
looking forward to it.
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