(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)
It was a quiet Saturday evening
as Tony was sitting in his home office, relaxing on the small couch with his
feet up on the small coffee table in front of it, reading a book about pirates
that he had just bought on the internet.
He was wearing his usual summertime lounging attire of a t-shirt, a pair
of khaki shorts, and an old pair of black and white checkered Vans on his
feet. He was most comfortable when he
wasn’t wearing undershorts or socks, so tonight he was wearing neither. His wife, Glenda, was out with her friends as
usual, so he was taking the opportunity to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet.
Both he and Glenda were in their
mid-thirties and had been married for ten years. They had no children thanks to Tony’s extremely
low sperm count (which the doctor had said was the lowest he’d ever seen in 30
years of practicing medicine) but that didn’t bother either of them since neither
of them wanted children to begin with. Regardless,
about two years ago Glenda had insisted on getting her tubes tied, and that had
sown a seed of doubt in the back of Tony’s mind that had taken root over time,
slowly growing as he noticed other little things about her and the way she had
been acting since then. The main thing
he had noticed was the gradual decline of their sex life. Where they had once fucked like rabbits in
heat, now, two years later, they had sex maybe twice a week at most. Tony was 99% sure that Glenda had a boyfriend
on the side, but until he could prove it he refused to become upset about
it. That’s just the way he was.
Tony was halfway through his
second bourbon and coke when the front doorbell rang. He put the book down on the coffee table and
pulled up the front door camera on his smart phone to see who was at the door,
and he smiled when he saw his very pregnant next-door neighbor, Kelly, standing
there. He had liked Kelly from the day
she and her husband, Ned, moved in three years ago, and since then they had
developed a very close personal friendship of the kind that they could talk to
each other about anything and everything, something that had come in handy for
both of them a few times. She was a
cheerful, vivacious woman with a sparkling personality who also just happened
to be a knockout as well. She was about
5’5” tall and weighed around 115 pounds, with shoulder length strawberry blonde
hair and a better than average figure. Tony
could never decide which he liked about Kelly more, her bustline or her
butt. Both were nicely filled out,
rounded and full, so she was a pleasure to look at both coming and going.
But that was before she had
gotten pregnant. Her butt had filled out
a little more, wiggling and jiggling a little more when she walked, but the big
winner was her chest. Her boobs had
grown significantly, and during one of their frequent candid conversations when
the topic was how pregnancy had changed her body Kelly had told him that her
boobs had ballooned from a full ‘C’ cup to a whopping ‘DD’ cup. She had also told him that her nipples were
now so sensitive that she could make herself cum just by nipple stimulation
alone, something that put some decidedly interesting ideas inside Tony’s head. He didn’t think he’d ever act on them, but
they sure made for some interesting masturbatory fantasies.
He got up from the couch and
walked through the small house to the front door, opening it to see Kelly’s
smiling face. She was as beautiful as
ever, wearing a gray low-cut paisley print dress that came down to
mid-thigh. The dress had fit her a
little snugly before, but now that she was nine months pregnant it fit her like
a second skin from the hips up, and her tits were so big that the dress could
barely contain them. Tony thought that the dress looked like it was
being stretched to its limits, but he also had to admit that Kelly looked sexy
as hell in it. Kelly had made no effort
to hide her pregnant body, refusing to wear the baggy, sack-like outfits made
for pregnant women. Instead she
continued to wear most of the same clothing she always wore, showing it off as
she always did, and this dress was part of that. She was one of the very few women that Tony
thought were just as sexy pregnant as they were when they weren’t pregnant, and
tonight Tony thought she looked sexier than ever.
“Hey, Kelly, what’s up?” he said,
returning her smile.
“Hi, Tony, I hope I’m not
bothering you,” she said, her hands behind her back. “I kinda need help with something, and you’re
the only person that I can think of who can help me,” she said.
“Sure, Kelly, not a problem, come
on in,” Tony said, holding the door open and standing aside as Kelly walked
into the house.
“Thanks, Tony, I really
appreciate it!” she said, breezing past him.
Tony caught a whiff of coconut body lotion as she went by. He closed the door and then followed her into
his home office. Kelly had spent so much
time in his house that she knew every inch of it, and whenever she went
straight into his office instead of the living room Tony knew that it was
something pretty serious. She sat down
on the couch where he had been sitting a few moments before, easing herself
down as pregnant women do.
“Damn, this big belly makes
moving around difficult!” she said, smiling at him and rubbing a hand over her
pregnant belly as he sat down in the chair at his desk across from the couch,
crossing his legs man-style by resting one of his ankles on the opposing knee.
“Yeah, but that’s what makes you
so incredibly sexy,” he said, half in jest and the other half in total
seriousness as he returned her smile.
“That and these huge boobs, you
mean!” she replied, her smile turning into a grin. “I know you’ve always been a boob man, so you
must be in seventh heaven right about now, huh?”
“As a matter of fact, yes,” he
replied, his smile getting bigger as he blatantly looked at her huge chest on
display in front of him. “Actually, it’s
kind of a toss-up between your boobs and your butt. Both of them look simply fantastic now that
you’re – how far along are you now, anyway?” he asked. He had the distinct feeling that Kelly had
worn that particular dress for a reason, and had no way of knowing that he was
going to be proven correct in just a few moments.
“Nine months,” she replied,
putting her hands on her lap. “Actually,
my due date is next week and I’ll be so glad to finally have the baby so I can
move around like a normal person again!
That, plus I’m anxious to get my figure back,” she continued. “Having these big boobs is great and I hope
they stick around after the baby comes, but it sure will be nice to get back to
normal again.”
“I hope so too, because you
certainly are a pleasure to look at with all the additional boobage brought on
by your pregnancy,” Tony said, smiling at her.
“But you didn’t come here to talk about your boobs, did you, Kelly?” he
“Well, in a way, yes, I did,” she
replied, taking Tony a little by surprise.
“Like I said, Tony, I need your help with something, and yeah, my boobs
kinda have something to do with it,” she said.
Tonys eyebrows went up in surprise at her words.
“And just what is it that you
need my help with that involves your boobs?” he asked. She looked at him, a serious look on her face,
pausing for a moment before continuing.
“I need you to fuck me, Tony,”
she said, looking into his eyes.
“I’m sorry, what?” Tony said,
taken completely by surprise. “What did
you say?” he asked, putting his foot down on the floor and leaning forward,
resting his forearms on his knees as he held his hands together.
“I said, I need you to fuck me,”
she repeated, still looking him in the eyes.
Tony looked back, not speaking for a few moments as he got over the
surprise at what she had just said.
“You’re serious, aren’t you,
Kelly?” he asked, his voice soft with concern.
Kelly nodded as she replied.
“Yes, Tony, I am,” she said, her
hands still in her lap. “I’ve never been
more serious about anything in my entire life,” she said, the desperation
showing through on her face and in her voice.
“What’s going on, Kelly?” he
asked, concerned.
“Apparently Ned doesn’t think I’m
sexy anymore since I got pregnant,” she said, the hurt and anger showing
through in her voice. “He hasn’t touched
me since the day I told him I was going to have our baby, and to make matters
worse about two months ago I discovered that he’s got a girlfriend on the side.”
“Damn, Kelly, I’m so sorry,” he
said, his voice soft, “I had no idea this was going on.”
“It’s driving me crazy, Tony!”
she said, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “I mean, you know I have an extremely high sex
drive to begin with, and before I got pregnant my husband and I were going at
it like a couple of teenagers, but ever since I told him I was pregnant –
nothing! He has no problem fucking some
slut on the side, but he won’t touch me or even look at me because I’m
pregnant. And I’m to the point now where
masturbating just isn’t cutting it anymore.
I need a real, live, flesh and blood hard cock in me, and I need it
“And you want me to…” he started,
trailing off and letting the words hang.
“Yes, Tony, I want you to fuck
me,” she finished for him. “For the love
of God, please fuck me before I go out of my mind!” Tony sat back in his chair, resting his hands
on his lap as he looked at her for a minute while collecting his thoughts.
“Why me?” he asked.
“A couple of reasons,” Kelly
replied. “First, I think you’re hot as
hell. I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since
the day I first met you, and after hearing Glenda tell me how good you are in
bed that only made me want to fuck you more!” she said, her eyes sparkling and
a smile crossing her face. “But most of
all, I trust you,” she said, a serious look now on her face and a serious tone
in her voice. “I trust you with my life,
and I know you won’t go blabbing about this to the rest of the world. I also know you won’t hurt me, either
physically or emotionally, and that’s most important of all,” she said. “After all, I am pregnant, you know!” she
said, patting her big belly as she spoke, a sly smile coming across her face.
“And speaking of Glenda,” Tony
said, leaning forward and resting his forearms on his knees again. He was about to cite her as a reason why he
couldn’t do as Kelly was asking, regardless of just how much he really wanted
to – and he really, really wanted to.
“Oh, come on, Tony, don’t tell me
you haven’t figured it out yet!” Kelly said, looking him in the eyes. “You’re a smart guy, so don’t sit there and
tell me you don’t know or at least have a suspicion that Glenda is fucking some
other guy behind your back!”
“Yeah, I kinda thought that was
going on,” he said, sitting back in his chair again. “Just like your husband, she hasn’t touched
me or shown any interest in me in that way in about two years now,” he
explained. “I’m surprised she hasn’t
told you about it,” he said.
“Not a word,” Kelly said. “But I’m not stupid, I know when a woman has
a man on the side, and trust me when I tell you that Glenda has a man on the
side,” she said. “I’m sorry, Tony, I
really am,” she said. “I hate it that
you’re in the same boat as I am, both of us with our respective mates fucking
other people behind our backs. That
really pisses me off!”
“Not your fault, Kelly, so
there’s nothing for you to be sorry about,” he replied, smiling at her. “And getting mad about it certainly won’t
help, either,” he said.
“So why not, Tony?” she said,
sliding forward onto the edge of the couch and putting her hands on her
widespread knees as she spoke. “My
husband is fucking around on me, and you know Glenda is fucking around on you,
so why shouldn’t we fuck around with each other?” she said, looking him in the
eyes. “Hell, if nothing else, just fuck
me for revenge!” she said, an evil glint in her eyes and a crooked smile
crossing her face.
“There’s that, I guess,” Tony
said, one side of his mouth turning up in a smile to match hers. Then he leaned forward again, once more
resting his forearms on his knees and bringing his face to within two feet of
her own as he continued.
“But if I do this, I won’t be
doing it only out of revenge,” he said, looking into her eyes, “I’ll also be
doing it because I really want to.”
Kelly smiled at him as she replied.
“I don’t care why you’re doing
it, just do it!” she said, her voice a husky whisper. “Please, Tony?” she pleaded, her eyes full of
hope and desperation.
“Sure, why not?” he said, his
voice soft, a half-smile on his face.
“Really?” Kelly replied, her eyes
lighting up and a big grin appearing on her face. “Oh, thank you, Tony, thank you so much!” she
said, sitting up straight and bouncing up and down with joy, her big breasts
wobbling and jiggling inside her dress.
“You won’t regret this, I promise you that!” she said, the excitement
plain in her voice. “Besides, I don’t
know if Glenda has ever told you, but I give one hell of a blowjob!” she said,
grinning from ear to ear.
“Oh, do you now?” Tony said,
sitting back and crossing his arms across his chest, a grin on his face as
“Hell yes, I do, and if you get
your ass out of that chair and come over here I’ll show you!” she said, a
sultry look in her eyes.
Tony got up from his chair and
walked over to stand in front of her, and without hesitation she reached up and
pulled down the zipper of his shorts.
“You have no idea how long I’ve
been waiting for this!” she said, looking up at him as she reached inside his
shorts to grab his cock. She wrapped her
fingers around it and pulled it out, pulling his fly open wider with her other
hand as she did. She pulled his balls
out as well, tucking his shorts behind them so she could get to him, and
immediately sucked his soft cock into her mouth. She sucked it in and out of her mouth like a
big spaghetti noodle, and he began to get hard immediately. His cock grew thicker, longer and harder in
her wet, sucking mouth, and when his quickly growing cock had gotten too big
for her to get it all in her mouth she wrapped her hand around the base and
began pumping it as she slid her mouth up and down the rest of it, her other
hand tugging and massaging his balls.
“Mmmmmm!” she moaned around his
cock in her mouth, looking up at him for a moment. She gave him a wink and then went back to
work, sliding her mouth up and down on his now rock-hard cock while pumping it
in her hand and tugging on his balls.
She did this for several very pleasurable moments before she slid her
mouth from his cock and then moved lower, opening her mouth wide and clamping
her lips on his balls. She deftly sucked
them both into her mouth, pumping his cock with her hand while she rolled his
balls around in her mouth. This made Tony
moan as well, and she glanced up at him as he did. She sucked on his balls for a few more
moments and then went back to his cock, bobbing her head up and down as she
slid her wet, sucking mouth up and down the length of his shaft. She sucked hard on his cock, her cheeks
caving in as she applied more suction than he’d ever felt before while running
her tongue up and down the underside of his hard shaft.
“Holy hell, you weren’t kidding
about giving one hell of a blowjob, were you?” he asked, looking down and
watching as Kelly sucked on his cock.
“Nope!” she said, pulling her
mouth from his cock just long enough to reply before she clamped her mouth back
onto his cock again, picking up right where she left off. She sucked on him for a minute longer, just
as hard and intense as before, then slipped her mouth from his cock and looked
up at him, her breath coming faster and harder now.
“I could very easily make you cum
like this,” she said, looking up at him and smiling as she pumped his cock in
her hand, “and as much as I want to taste your cum, right now I need this big,
hard cock of yours inside my pussy!”
“Then I think we need to change
places,” Tony said. He held his hand out
to her to help her get up, and she released his cock from her grip as she took
his hand and got to her feet. They
changed places, with Tony standing in front of the couch facing her and her
standing in front of him. She reached
down and unfastened his shorts, looking him in the eyes as she did, a slightly
wicked smile on her face. She let the
shorts drop to the floor, Tony stepping out of them and then kicking them to
the side. He pulled his shirt up and
over his head, dropping it onto the floor with his shorts. He was now completely naked in front of her,
and Kelly let her eyes roam up and down his body for a moment before speaking
“Sit down, I want you to watch
this,” she said, pushing gently on his chest with a sly smile on her face. Tony sat down on the couch, his knees apart,
and watched as Kelly slowly pulled the bottom of the dress up. He was surprised to see that she wasn’t
wearing any panties, and he was pleased to see that her pussy was shaven
completely smooth. She looked him in the
eyes as she pulled the dress up over her big, pregnant belly, then up and over
her huge breasts. She was wearing a
black lace bra that was barely able to contain the huge mounds, and they
wobbled inside the cups as she pulled the dress up over her head and dropped it
on the floor next to Tony’s shorts.
Keeping her eyes on his she reached for the catch in between the two
cups and unfastened the bra, then pulled the cups apart to reveal her huge, full
breasts to him as she shrugged the bra from her shoulders. Her huge tits wobbled on her chest as she did
this, and Tony could see that her nipples were already hard and erect.
“Holy shit!” Tony said as he saw
Kelly’s huge, pregnant tits for the first time.
Tony had always had a thing for pregnant women, and with Kelly standing
in front of him, totally naked, her big, round belly standing out in front of
her and her big, heavy breasts wobbling on her chest, Tony was in seventh
heaven. He felt his cock jump at the
sight of her, and he could feel the blood pumping through it as Kelly stood in
front of him. Kelly grinned at him as
she held the bra out to the side for a moment, then dropped it on the floor to
join her dress and his shorts.
“You like these big mommy tits, Tony?”
she asked, cupping the huge mounds in her hands and lifting them up, a grin on
her face. Her areolas were huge and
dark, an equally huge nipple in the center of each. She slid her hands up and pulled on the
nipples, and Tony watched in fascination as the areolas began crinkling up
under her touch. A drop of thin, white
milk appeared at each, and Kelly rubbed it around on her nipples as Tony
“I want to feel your hands on
me,” she said, taking a step towards him so that her legs were right up against
the edge of the couch. Tony didn’t
hesitate, reaching up and putting his hands on the tops of her thighs and
running them up to her big belly. He
slid his hands over the taut, smooth skin, rubbing his hands in circles, and he
could smell the first traces of her feminine musk as it began to fill the
room. Then he slid hands up to her big,
heavy breasts, running his hands over them before gently closing his fingers on
them and squeezing them. Kelly put her
head back, closed her eyes and moaned as he did, putting her hands on the backs
of his.
“Mmmmmm, that feels good!” she
moaned, gripping his hands harder to tell him to do the same to her tits. He did, and she moaned again, swiveling her
hips slightly as she did. Her breasts
were heavy and full in his hands, and Tony loved the feel of them. She slid one hand down her body over her
belly to her mound, sliding her fingers between her smooth-shaven outer lips to
rub her slit. She was already wet, and Tony
could hear her fingers sloshing up and down her slit.
“Oh, my God, I’m so wet for you!”
Kelly moaned, looking down at him, the lust burning brightly in her eyes. “I can’t wait any longer, I need your cock
inside me now!” she said. She turned
around to face away from him, treating Tony to an up-close view of her rounded
ass. She bent over and spread her legs
apart enough to let her reach between them; she gripped Tony’s hard cock in her
hand and guided it to her pussy. She rubbed
the head up and down between her swollen outer lips, then placed it against her
opening and pushed down. Her pussy lips parted easily and his cock slipped
inside her; Tony felt the hot, tight wetness of her pussy as it engulfed the
head of his cock, and Kelly moaned at the sensation.
“OHHHH, that feels so GOOD!” she
moaned, wiggling her hips with just the head of his cock inside her pussy. Then she pushed down again, sliding her pussy
down onto his cock and taking almost all of it inside her on the first downward
thrust, groaning as his hard cock stretched her pussy and filled her up. She was so wet that his cock slipped in
easily, and Tony could feel her pussy contracting around his shaft as it was
enveloped by the hot wetness of her pussy.
She put her hands on his knees for support as she began lifting her hips
up and down, sliding her pussy up and down on his hard cock. Tony watched as she swallowed up his hard,
glistening shaft over and over again, riding his cock in deep, steady strokes.
“Oh, my God, I’m gonna cum!” she
gasped, and a second later she did. She
cried out as her orgasm hit, her hips bucking and jumping with his cock trapped
inside her. She gritted her teeth and
moaned as she shoved her hips down, impaling herself on his cock, grinding her
hips down and around in circles as her orgasm ran its course. Her orgasm was intense but short, and when it
was over it left her gasping for breath.
“Oh, my God, I needed that!” she
said, looking back over her shoulder at him as she began riding his cock again,
a smile on her face. “And there’s more
to come, you know,” she said, her eyes sparkling.
“I hope so!” Tony replied,
returning her smile. She turned back
around to face forward and rode his cock for several minutes, sliding her pussy
up and down on his hard shaft, her hips moving up and down in a steady rhythm. Tony put his hands on her ass and squeezed,
gripping it firmly in his hands and making her squeal. She pushed down and wiggled her ass back and
forth as he gripped it, then began riding him again.
“Here we go again!” she gasped,
glancing back at him, and a few moments later Tony felt her pussy contracting
and twitching around his shaft as she came again. She groaned in delight as the waves of
pleasure washed through her, reaching up and grabbing one of her huge, swollen
tits in her hand and squeezing it hard as she rode her orgasm out.
“That’s two,” she gasped when it
was over, looking back over her shoulder at him as she continued riding his
cock. “I told you I needed this!” she
said, grinning at him.
“How many times can you cum,
anyway?” he asked, curious.
“I don’t know, honestly,” she
replied as she rode him. “I guess we’ll
find out, huh?” she said, looking back at him and smiling.
“I guess so!” Tony replied,
returning her smile.
“Right now I want to feel your
cock as deep inside me as possible, so we need to change positions,” she said,
lifting her pussy up from his cock and standing up. When she turned to face him Tony noticed that
both of her nipples were leaking milk, the areola crinkled around them. He knew what she had in mind so he stood up
and stepped away from the couch, and as soon as he did Kelly climbed onto the
couch on her knees, putting her hands on the back of the couch for support and
moving her knees as close to the edge as she could. She spread her knees apart to give him the
room he needed, and Tony moved into position behind her. Her outer lips were parted and glistening
with her juices, and Tony could see her tunnel open and glistening as
“Fuck me hard, Tony,” Kelly said,
her voice husky as she looked over her shoulder at him with her hands on the
back of the couch for support. “Shove
that hard cock into my pussy, grab my hips and fuck me hard! And don’t worry about hurting me or the baby
because you won’t!” she urged, spreading her knees apart wider and wiggling her
full, rounded ass at him. Tony grabbed
his hard cock in his hand and guided the bulbous head to her wet opening,
immediately pushing it inside and making Kelly gasp.
“OH!” she gasped, her mouth
falling open as Tony’s cock filled her up again. “NNGGHHHH!” she groaned, biting her bottom
lip as Tony grabbed her by the hips as she had told him to and pushed his cock
as deeply into her soaking wet pussy as he could. He pushed hard, his cock sliding easily into
her sopping wet tunnel, pulling back with his hands on her hips as he drove his
entire cock completely inside her. Once
he felt his balls nudging against her mound he paused, holding his cock deep
inside her and gripping her hips tightly, Kelly moaning as he did.
“Oh, my God, yesssss!” she moaned,
holding her head up with her eyes closed.
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God!” she moaned, and Tony could feel her
pussy muscles gripping his cock as she squeezed them around his shaft.
Then Tony began to move,
thrusting his cock in and out of Kelly’s pussy in long, hard strokes just as
she had asked. He pulled her hips back
to him with every forward thrust, driving his cock completely into her tunnel
with every stroke. Kelly moaned and groaned
loudly as he fucked her, the swollen globes of her huge breasts swaying and
bobbing as they hung down from her chest.
The room was filled with the slippery, sliding sounds of his cock going
in and out of her pussy, the air filled with the heady aroma of her musk.
“That’s it, Tony, that’s it,” she
gasped, pushing back against him in time with his thrusts. “Fuck me, fuck me hard, just like that!” she
said, gripping the back of the couch tightly in her fists as she rode his cock. She met him thrust for thrust, pushing her
ass back against him as he drove his cock into her soaking wet pussy over and
over again, her huge, heavy, milk-laden breasts swaying and bobbing in front of
her with her motions. Tony gripped her
hips tightly as he fucked her, driving his cock in and out of her pussy in
long, hard thrusts, and it only took a minute or two of this before Kelly felt
another orgasm quickly building inside her.
“I’m gonna cum again, Tony!” she
gasped, pushing back harder against him to urge her orgasm on. It was only a moment later that her orgasm
hit, and she cried out with ecstasy as she shoved her ass back against him,
holding it there as the waves of pleasure went crashing through her body. Tony never slowed the thrusting of his hips,
and continued fucking her right through her orgasm. When it was over it left her panting and
gasping for breath, and she smiled at him over her shoulder as she spoke.
“That’s three!” she gasped, her
eyes sparkling.
“Let’s go for four, then!” Tony
said, releasing his grip on her hips and sliding his hands down and around her
body, over her big, pregnant belly and then up to her heavy, full breasts. He closed his hands on the huge, soft mounds,
gripping them firmly but not so hard as to hurt her, and Kelly moaned in response
to the feelings of his hands gripping her tits.
“Ohhhhh, my God, that feels so
good!” she moaned, holding her head up and closing her eyes. “Squeeze my tits, Tony, squeeze my big tits!”
she said, pushing her ass back against him and wiggling it with his cock inside
Tony did as she asked, gripping
and massaging her big, soft tits in his hands as he began thrusting his cock in
and out of her again. In his present
position of being bent over her he couldn’t fuck Kelly as hard and as fast as
he had before, but she seemed to be okay with that. He pulled and tugged on her hard nipples, and
he could feel the milk seeping out of them and running over his fingers before
dripping down onto the couch. She moaned
again, pushing her ass back against him harder, and he could feel her inner
muscles gripping his hard shaft.
“That’s gonna make me cum again!”
she gasped, and when Tony tugged harder than ever on her nipples that was all
it took. She cried out as her fourth
orgasm hit, her body shaking as Tony continued sliding his cock in and out of
her wet, gripping pussy. Tony squeezed
her big, soft tits hard, using them as leverage to pull her back against him as
she rode her orgasm out. When she
stopped cumming she leaned forward and lay her arms across the back of the
couch, then lay her head down on them as she gasped for breath.
“Oh, my God, that’s four!” she
gasped, a satisfied smile on her face.
“I don’t know how much more of this I can take, but my God, Tony, I love
it!” she said, looking back at him. “I
love the way you’re fucking me, and I don’t ever want you to stop! But right now I think it’s time for you to
cum!” she said, pushing herself up from the back of the couch and standing up. Tony released her tits from his grip and
stepped back, his hard cock sliding out of her soaking wet pussy. She turned to face him, milk leaking out of
her nipples and dripping down in front of her, her hair tousled from the
fucking he’d given her. She looked into
his eyes and smiled, then held his head in her hands and kissed him. The kiss was soft and deep, her tongue
slipping into his mouth to find his own, and Tony put his hands on her big,
round belly as they kissed. When their
lips finally parted she looked into his eyes and smiled as she spoke softly to
“Lay me down and use me, Tony,”
she said, her eyes sparkling. “Use me to
make yourself cum and fill me up with your seed!”
“On the desk,” Tony said, nodding
towards the desk off to the side. Tony
knew that if she lay down on the desk it would put her hips at just the right
height for him to be able to fuck her while keeping him from having to either
put his weight on her pregnant belly or hold himself up over her as he fucked
her. He also knew that Kelly was smart
enough to realize why he had chosen the desk as well.
Kelly walked the few steps over
to the desk and pushed the items on it aside to make room, then turned and sat
on the desk before laying back. She
lifted her knees up and spread her thighs wide, her huge tits splaying out on
her chest. She held her knees up with
her hands as Tony moved in between her thighs, his cock rock-hard and
throbbing. Her pussy was wide open and
waiting for him, and Tony wasted no time in putting the head against the
opening and pushing his cock into her.
“OOHHHHH!” Kelly moaned as his
cock filled her up once more, grunting and biting her bottom lip when the head
of his cock bumped against the end of her tunnel. She pulled her knees back as far as she could
to let him get as deeply inside her as she could as Tony began thrusting his
cock in and out of her in long, hard strokes, his balls bumping against her ass
with every thrust.
“Oh, my God, that feels so good!”
Kelly gasped, looking up at him and smiling.
Tony slid his hands over her pregnant belly and up to her tits, cupping
the big mounds in his hands and squeezing them firmly as he thrust a little
harder. He gripped her tits firmly in
his hands as he fucked her, using them as leverage once more. He thrust his cock in and out of her pussy in
steady, deep strokes, reaching up with his fingers and thumbs to pinch her nipples
as he did.
“OH!” Kelly gasped, her hips
bucking at the sensation of having her nipples being pinched. Milk was still seeping out of her nipples so Tony
had to adjust his grip on her huge tits every now and then, but he kept up the
motions of his hips as he continued fucking her.
“Give it to me, Tony,” Kelly
gasped, her voice husky with desire as she looked into his eyes. “Give me your
cum, cum inside me and give it to me! I
want it all, every drop of it, and I want it now so give it to me!” she urged,
squeezing her inner muscles around his shaft.
Tony increased the tempo and force of his thrusts, pounding his cock
into her pussy and feeling his abdomen gently bumping her pregnant belly as he
moved against her. Kelly put her hands
down by her hips and gripped the edge of the desk for support as he pounded her,
holding her knees up and out of the way.
Tony felt his orgasm building quickly
in his balls, and after a few moments of Kelly’s pussy gripping and squeezing
his cock his orgasm hit. He groaned
loudly through gritted teeth as his cock erupted inside her pussy, the hot,
thick cum blasting out of the end of his dick and hitting the back of her
tunnel. Again and again his cock pumped
and throbbed inside her, shooting stream after stream of cum into her waiting
pussy. Tony wasn’t sure but he thought
she came as well, but being caught up in his own orgasm it was hard to
tell. He gripped her tits tightly as his
balls emptied themselves inside her, and when the pumping and throbbing of his
cock finally slowed and then stopped it left him gasping for breath. His chest heaved as he fought for breath,
releasing her tits from his grip as he put his hands on his hips and stood
up. He kept his hips pressed against
her, keeping his cock inside her pussy as he caught his breath, and he could
feel his cum leaking out of her and running down over his balls before dripping
onto the floor. He looked down at Kelly
and smiled; she returned his smile, her eyes sparkling.
“Five!” she gasped, grinning up
at him as she looked at him over her pregnant belly.
“I thought so,” he said, still
trying to catch his breath. “I was so
caught up in my own orgasm that I couldn’t tell, but I thought you came again,”
he said.
“I did indeed!” she said. “That’s the most I’ve ever cum in one
lovemaking session before,” she said, looking into his eyes.
“Hold still while I go get us a
couple of hand towels,” Tony said, and Kelly nodded as he slid his softening
cock out of her. She clamped her pussy
closed to keep the flood of his cum from leaking out, not moving until Tony
returned with the hand towels. She
pressed the hand towel against her mound and sat up with Tony’s help, then
eased herself down from the desk and waddled over to his small bathroom to
clean up, both her big belly and her full pussy making walking normally
impossible. Tony couldn’t help but
chuckle as he watched. By the time she
came out of the bathroom Tony was dressed and sitting in the desk chair, having
cleaned up himself and the little drops of milk and cum that had dropped onto
the floor and the couch. The couch was
going to have to be cleaned but that was no big deal; Tony would take care of
that later. Right now he was enjoying
the sight of Kelly’s nude, pregnant body coming towards him, her big, heavy
breasts wobbling on her chest as she walked.
“Like what you see, Tony?” she
asked, toying with him as she reached down to pick her bra up from the couch
where Tony had placed it along with her sundress.
“Oh, yeah,” he replied, grinning
at her. He watched as Kelly put her bra
back on, then put the sundress back on as well.
She pulled it down over her big belly and tugged it into place, running
her hands over it as she finished. She
stopped and looked at Tony, her hands on her belly as she spoke.
“You have a ‘thing’ for pregnant
women, don’t you, Tony?” she asked, smiling.
“Not all pregnant women, just you
and a select few others,” he replied honestly.
“But especially you, and especially now!”
“Aww, that’s sweet of you!” Kelly
said, smiling at him. She sat down on
the couch, easing herself down with her big belly out in front of her, waving
off Tony’s attempt to help when he started to get up out of his chair. She settled back and sighed, then looked at Tony
and smiled as she spoke.
“I want to thank you for what you
did for me today, Tony,” she said, her voice serious, “or rather, for what you
did to me! I really needed it in
more ways than one.”
“It was my pleasure in more ways
than one,” he replied, returning her smile.
“Would you think bad of me if I
told you I didn’t want this to be the one and only time?” she asked.
“Would you think bad of me if I
told you I didn’t want this to be the one and only time either?” he replied,
still smiling.
“No, I wouldn’t,” she replied
softly, her smile getting bigger.
“Neither would I,” he said, returning
her smile.
“So what are you going to do
about Glenda?” she asked.
“Nothing, now that I have you,”
he replied. “What are you going to do
about Ned?” he asked.
“Nothing, now that I have you,”
she replied, grinning at him.
“So when are we going to do
nothing again?” he asked. He was happy
when he got the answer he was hoping for.
“I’m thinking tomorrow,” Kelly
replied. “Ned is going to be out playing
golf which means he’s going to be playing with his girlfriend’s pussy instead, and
if I remember correctly Glenda said she was going to be out with the girls
tomorrow touring some winery or something like that, right?”
“Yeah, which means the only thing
she’s going to be touring is her boyfriend’s dick,” Tony said, grinning. “So now the only question is your place or
mine?” he asked.
“Mine. I want to fuck you in my own bed so I’ll
think about you every time I lay down with Ned lying next to me, not touching
me as he always does!” she said, her grin turning slightly evil.
“That works for me,” Tony
replied, “on the condition that the time after that we do the same thing here
for the same reason.”
“Deal!” Kelly said, grinning. “Now help me up so I can go home, I have a
few things to do before dinner,” she said, holding her hand out for him. Tony got up from his chair and took her by
the hand, helping her to her feet. Then
he walked her to the door, and once there they stopped and turned to face each
other. Tony could feel Kelly’s big belly
pressing lightly against him as she looked into his eyes.
“Thank you again, Tony,” she
said, her voice soft. She held his head
in her hands and kissed him again briefly before speaking again.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” she
whispered, looking into his eyes.
“Looking forward to it!” he
replied. He opened the door for her and
she left, Tony closing the door behind her.
He turned and walked back into the house towards the utility room to get
the portable upholstery cleaner so he could clean the breast milk stains from
the couch before Glenda got home.
It only took him about ten
minutes, and he was smiling the whole time.
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