(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)
It was nearly 3AM in the morning of
November 1st, and Bill James was worried about his 19-year-old
daughter, Millicent (or ‘Millie’ for short).
She had left almost ten hours before to attend a Hallowe’en costume
party being thrown by her sorority at the State College she was attending, and
she wasn’t home yet. The good thing about
living in the city where the college was located was that Millie could stay at
home in her old room instead of having to pay rent for a room on the college
campus; the bad thing about it was that instead of her being ‘out of sight, out
of mind’ and therefore not something to be worried about, her father Bill still
worried about her just as he did when she was going through high school.
And he had a lot to be worried about.
Millie was a very sweet, very
innocent, and very playful young lady, but she was also a spectacular
tease. She was a blonde-haired beauty
with blue eyes, dimples in her cheeks, the most kissable lips anyone had ever
seen, and had a lean, lithe body that was typical for most girls her age. While not overly busty, Millie still had a
bigger than average bustline, her breasts standing out proudly on her chest
with very little sag. Her stomach was
flat and taught, her ass rounded and firm, and her legs long and shapely. She wore her hair just shy of her shoulders,
and it was just wavy enough to give her a ‘little girl’ look. She was easily the prettiest girl in her high
school, and all the attention she got from the boys in the school proved it to
her on a daily basis.
But the worst part was that Millie
knew how sexy and attractive she was, and she used it to her best
advantage. She was by no means a tramp;
as far as Bill knew she had only slept with two guys in her entire life, but he
also knew of at least two dozen others who would jump at the chance to sleep
with her. And Millie didn’t help things
any by the provocative way she dressed, always dressing in a way that showed
her body off to best advantage. She was
the kind of young girl that whenever she walked into a room, you could hear the
men’s pants getting tight in the crotch.
Yes, Millie James was a first-class
tease, the sexual fantasy of every guy who saw her and the object of jealousy
and envy of every girl who laid eyes on her.
Bill was worried about her for good
reason, especially after she had shown him the costume she was wearing to the
party. She specifically waited until
right before she left to show him because she knew what his reaction was going
to be; she also knew that with her mom out of town visiting her sick sister,
the only thing that stood in her way was her father. So she waited until it was too late for him
to do anything about it before showing it to him. Bill had been sitting in his study surfing
the web when Millie came in to show him her costume.
“So how do you like my costume,
Daddy?” she said cheerfully from the doorway behind him. Bill spun his office chair around to see, and
his mouth fell open at what he saw.
Millie was wearing what was obviously
a parody of a Girl Scout uniform, and a very adult, very sexy one at that. She was wearing a green beret, her hair worn
in short pony tails on the sides of her head, a skin-tight white low cut (VERY
low cut!) short sleeve shirt with a green collar, green cuffs and green trim
with the shirt stopping just below her breasts where it was tied with a knot, a
matching green skirt with a broad white waistband that sat so low on her hips
that Bill didn’t know how it didn’t fall off, the skirt itself being so short
that it barely covered the cheeks of her ass and surely showed them in their
full splendor if she bent over, a pair of knee-high white stockings, and patent
leather shoes with 4 inch heels. Her
body from just below her breasts to just above her pubic hair was completely
bare, a faux diamond sparkling as it dangled from her belly button. To complete the outfit was a broad green sash
that hung from her right shoulder across her body to her left hip, with the
words “COOKIE GIRL” yellow cursive letters written on it.
“Well, what do you think?” she said
after a few moments had passed without her father saying anything.
“I think you’re out of your
ever-loving mind if you’re really going to wear that…that…costume…to the
party!” he said, waving his hand at her in exasperation.
“But why not wear it, Daddy? Don’t you think it looks good on me?” she
asked, putting her hands on her hips and cocking one knee in front of her as
she spoke.
“That’s just the problem, Millie, it
looks too good on you!” he said, sitting back in his chair, his hands resting
on the arms of the chair. “You’re going
to have every guy at the party chasing after you and trying to get in your
pants if you go dressed like that!”
‘Damn, but she looks hot in that
outfit!’ he thought to himself, acutely aware of the stirring that had
begun in the crotch of his own pants.
“I know, Daddy, but that’s the fun
part of it!” she said, giggling and laughing as she stood in the doorway. Then she walked over to where her father sat,
stopping in front of his chair and holding her hands out to him. He sat up and took her hands, looking up at
her with genuine concern on his face – and hoping she wouldn’t notice the
growing lump in his pants.
“I know I’m a terrible tease and that
I drive all of the guys crazy, Daddy, but believe me when I tell you that
that’s all there is to it – I tease the boys, they know it, and they all know
that they don’t stand a chance of ever getting their hands on me,” she
explained, looking him in the eyes with a serious look on her face. “I’m a tease, Daddy, not a tramp. Please believe me and trust me, okay, Daddy?”
she asked, her voice soft and serious.
Bill looked up into the beautiful eyes of his equally beautiful daughter
for a moment, seeing the sincerity in them.
Then he smiled at her as he replied.
“Okay, baby, I believe you, and I
trust you,” he said, making her smile.
“Just promise me that you’ll be careful tonight, all right?” he said,
squeezing her hands in his.
“I promise, Daddy!” she said, bending
over and kissing him quickly on his cheek – and giving him a quick glimpse of
her breasts down the cleavage of her shirt as she did.
‘Oh, great, she’s not wearing a bra!’ he
thought to himself as she turned to walk out of the room. He watched her ass swinging for a moment,
then a thought struck him and he spoke up.
“Please tell me you’re wearing panties
under that skirt!” he said. Millie
stopped in the doorway and turned to look at him, a big grin on her face.
“Of course I am, silly! And they match the skirt, too – see?” she
said, turning away from him and bending over at the waist, her knees stiff,
flipping her skirt up to show him the green panties covering her shapely
‘At least it’s not a thong!’ he
thought to himself.
“Millie!” he said in exasperation;
Millie laughed and skipped out of sight.
A minute or so later he heard the door to the house close, followed by
the engine of her car starting up. He
got up and walked over to the window, watching her back her car out of the
driveway into the street, and then drive away.
“Damn, but she’s got a nice ass!” he
said to himself.
Bill was in the living room sitting in
the center of the couch watching one of the streaming channels he had
subscribed to when Millie finally got home.
He heard the front door open and then close, followed by the coat closet
door opening and closing as Millie put the coat she had worn to the party away. Then he heard her footsteps coming down the
hall to the living room, and moment later Millie appeared looking none the
worse for the wear. The green “Cookie
Girl” sash was gone, but other than that she looked just like she did when
she’d left ten hours before.
“Hi, Daddy!” she said as she came into
the room, hips swinging in her usual style.
She came over to the couch where he was sitting and kissed her on the
cheek, then turned and walked over to the chair sitting across from the couch,
giving her father another view of her spectacular butt as she did.
“Hi, baby; did you have a good time?”
he asked as Millie turned around to face him and then plopped down
unceremoniously into the chair, her feet splayed apart and her knees touching
in front of her, her hands resting on the arms of the chair as she sat back.
“I’ll say! I had a blast, an absolute blast!” she
replied, grinning from ear to ear.
“No incidents to speak of?” he asked,
crossing his legs in front of him to hide the movement in his crotch that
started the moment she walked into the room.
“Nope, not a one!” she said, grinning
at him. “Much to the dismay of just
about every guy there, I might add!” she said, proudly.
“What happened to your sash?” he
“Boy, you don’t miss a trick, do you,
Daddy?” she asked, still grinning at him.
“I’m a dad, I’m not supposed to,” he
replied. ‘Especially with a daughter
who looks the way you do!’ he thought to himself.
“I gave it to one of the frat boys as
a souvenir, something to remember me by since I wouldn’t give him my panties
like he wanted,” she said. “And boy, was
his girlfriend pissed!” she said, giggling.
“I bet she was,” Bill said.
“Not half as pissed as she would have
been if she had seen him trying to grab my ass a few minutes earlier!” Millie
said, still grinning. “But it’s just as
well, that sash was a pain in the ass anyway!”
“Why is that?” her father asked.
“Because of what it said on it,” she
replied, still laying back in the chair, looking at him over the twin mounds of
her breasts in front of her. “All night
long, the guys were asking me when I was going to give them their cookies, or
when they were going to get their cookies, things like that! It was funny at first, but after a while it
really started to get old,” she explained.
“Well, you did kind of ask for it, you
know,” he said, giving her an ‘I told you so’ kind of smile.
“Yeah, I know, I know!” she said,
sitting up and leaning forward, resting her forearms on her knees and clasping
her hands together. “But like I said, it
was fun! I like teasing the guys, Daddy,
you know that!” she said, looking at him, her eyes sparkling, a half-smile on
her face. “Besides, the guys like to be
teased. Don’t you like to be teased,
Daddy?” she said, her voice lower and softer now.
“Well, sure, I guess, but it’s
different with you,” he replied, being very careful about his choice of words.
“Why is that, Daddy?” she asked, her
voice still low. “Why is it different
with me?”
“Because you’re my daughter, Millie,”
he said, “that’s why.”
“There’s nothing that says a daughter
can’t tease her daddy every now and then,” she said, her voice picking up a
little and her smile broadening as well.
“Would you like for me to tease you, Daddy?” she asked, her eyes
lighting up a bit.
“Millie, I don’t think…” he began, but
Millie cut him off.
“I think you do, Daddy!” she said,
standing up from where she sat and quickly coming over to stand in front of
him. “I think you want me to tease you!”
she said, bending down and uncrossing his leg, then putting his knees together
and quickly straddling his legs as she moved to sit on his lap. “I think Daddy wants his cookies, and he
wants me to give them to him!” she said as she walked up his legs with her
knees on the couch on either side of him, standing on her knees in front of him
with her breasts less than a foot away from his face.
“Millie, really, wait, I don’t think
you should be doing this…” he stammered, but once again Millie cut him off.
“Yes, I think Daddy wants me to give
him his cookies!” she said, sitting on his lap, missing his now-hard cock by
mere inches. Then, to both his delight
and his horror, she began sliding her hips forward as she sat higher up on his
lap, still talking as she sat down and wiggled her butt on his lap – right on
the hard lump of his cock.
“How about it, Daddy, don’t you want
me to give you your cook - OH!” she gasped, her eyes going wide and her mouth
dropping open as she felt his hard cock beneath his pants pressing against the
green panty-clad mound of her pussy. She
looked at him for several long seconds, not moving, hardly even breathing, as
she realized just what she had done to her father and what she was sitting on.
“Oh…oh, Daddy, I…I mean…is that…did I…oh,
wow,” she stammered, not knowing what to do next.
“Millie, I think you need to get up
now,” Bill said, keeping his voice soft and even.
“Daddy, I’m sorry, really…I mean, I
wanted to tease you, sure, but I…I didn’t think…”
“You really need to get up now,
Millie,” he said insistently, secretly hoping that she didn’t. Her mound was still pressing firmly against
his cock, which was still growing in his pants beneath her.
“I didn’t think…I didn’t think this
would happen. I didn’t think I’d give
you a boner!” she said, dropping her voice at the last word.
“Well, what did you think was going to
happen?” he asked, realizing that she still hadn’t moved and that her mound was
still pressed firmly against his hard cock.
“Well, yeah, I guess, but…” she said,
stopping in mid-sentence as the realization of the power she held over him hit
her – along with the realization that she not only liked what she was doing to
him, she liked what feeling his hard, slowly growing cock pressing against her
pussy was doing to her.
And that changed everything.
“But what, Millie?” he asked.
“Do you really want me to get up,
Daddy?” she asked, her voice soft and low.
“Millie, I…” he started to say, but she
stopped him in his tracks with what she said and did next.
“I don’t think you do, do you, Daddy?”
she asked, her voice low as she slowly rotated her hips, pressing her mound
more firmly against the hardness of his cock beneath her.
“Millie…” he said, but stopped as he
looked into her eyes.
“You don’t want me to get up, do you,
Daddy?” she repeated, her voice still low and soft as she looked into his eyes while
she continued grinding her mound down onto his hard cock. “It’s okay, you can tell me the truth, Daddy,
because the truth is that I don’t want to get up!”
Bill was lost, and he knew it. He knew he should lift her up and make her
get up from his lap, but he couldn’t. He
wanted her to stay right where she was and keep on doing just what she was doing,
and more, actually – much, much more.
“No, Millie, I don’t want you to get
up,” he admitted, his voice weak.
“You want me to give you your cookies,
don’t you, Daddy?” she asked, her voice a whisper, her eyes wide as she put her
hands on his shoulders and pressed down harder against his crotch.
“Millie, we shouldn’t be doing this,”
he said in a final last act of desperation to stop what he knew shouldn’t
happen next but what he truly wanted to happen.
“I know, Daddy, but we are,” she
replied, her voice a soft whisper as she looked in his eyes, her hips still
moving on his lap. Her pussy was getting
wetter by the moment, and as wrong as it was she knew what she wanted next –
what she needed next.
“Tell me, Daddy – you want me to give
you your cookies, don’t you?” she asked, her voice low. He looked into her eyes for several long
moments before he replied.
“Yes, I do,” Bill replied, his voice
also low. “God forgive me, but I do!”
Because you know what I want, Daddy?” she said, her voice a husky
whisper now.
“What?” he replied.
“I want you to fuck me!” she
whispered, a small half-smile on her face, her eyes locked on his.
“Millie, I can’t…we can’t,” he said in
a final desperate act to stave off what he knew was going to happen, and what
he now knew they both wanted to happen.
“Yes, you can, and yes, we can,” she
whispered, leaning over until her face was mere inches away from his, pressing
her mound against his hard cock even harder.
“I won’t tell if you won’t!” she whispered.
She kissed him then, taking his head
in her hands and pressing her full, soft lips against his. Her lips were soft and warm, the most
kissable lips he’d ever felt, and he hesitated for just a moment before he
returned her kiss. She opened her mouth
and slipped her lithe tongue into his as she wrapped her arms around his neck,
sliding her hips all the way up against him and pressing her body against his. Bill wrapped his arms around her and held her
close, completely caught up in her searing kiss now. Their passions built quickly, with Millie
bucking her hips against his hard cock, the kiss deepening. Bill was hers now and he knew it, but deep
inside he didn’t care. He’d deal with
everything else later, but right now he wanted to fuck his daughter in the
worst possible way – and what’s more, he was certain she wanted it as much as
he did.
He slid a hand around her body to her
breasts, sliding his palm over one firm, rounded mound and squeezing hard. She moaned in his mouth and her hips bucked
against him as he squeezed her breast in his hand.
“Oh, my God, yes!” she gasped,
breaking the kiss and holding him with a hand on the back of his head as he
kissed and nibbled on her neck, his hand flexing as he gripped and squeezed her
breast. After a few moments of this she
sat back and pushed him away and then, with her eyes locked on his, she quickly
untied the knot holding her top in place and slipped out of it, tossing it
aside. Bill got a quick look at her near-perfect
breasts, rounded and full, capped with a pair of equally near-perfect nipples
before she grabbed his head in her hands and shoved it in between her full
breasts, pressing her elbows inwards towards each other to press her tits
against his face.
“Yes, Daddy, yes!” she hissed through
clenched teeth as her father’s lips fastened onto one of her hard nipples and
was then sucked into his mouth. She
pushed her mound up against him harder, griding it against him as he sucked
first on one nipple and then the other.
Bill could feel the heat from her pussy radiating out from beneath her
panties and through his pants to his cock, and it only made him want her more. He reached down and grabbed her ass with both
hands, squeezing it hard and eliciting a yelp of both surprise and joy from
Millie. She giggled as she pushed his
head into her big breast more firmly, moaning as he sucked harder on her
Then she reached down and grabbed the
bulge of his cock through his pants, moving her hips back a little so she could
reach him. She squeezed the hard lump
beneath his pants, pulling and tugging on it.
“I want you, Daddy, I want you so
bad! I’ve just got to have you
inside me, and I mean right now!” she said breathlessly. She slid back off of his lap enough to give
her room to work, and quickly got his zipper down and the sides of his fly
pulled open. She immediately reached
inside his underwear and grabbed his now fully erect cock, pulling the sides of
the fly aside as she pulled his cock free.
She gasped when she saw his hard cock for the first time, gripping it in
her hand and squeezing it while she pumped it slowly. She looked up at him, her mouth hanging open
and her eyes sparkling as she pumped his hard cock in her hand. Then she looked down at his cock in her hand
again just as a large drop of precum appeared at the tip.
Bill jumped when she ran her thumb up
over the sensitive head of his cock and spread the precum around, and he moaned
when she began pumping his cock harder to get more precum out of him. She was getting the head of his cock slippery
enough to slip inside her, and after only a few minutes she thought he was
Without a word she lifted herself up
from his lap and moved forward, keeping her grip on his cock as she moved into position
with her pussy right above his cock. She
reached down with her free hand and pulled the crotch of her panties aside, giving
Bill a quick glimpse of her smooth-shaven mound, then lowered her pussy down
and rubbed the bulbous head up and down between her equally smooth-shaven outer
lips. She was soaking wet by now, and it
only took a few swipes of his cock between her outer lips to completely cover
it with her juices. Then, with her eyes
locked onto his, she placed the head of his cock against her opening and slowly
sat down, moaning as she took his cock inside her.
Bill moaned too, the feeling of her
very hot, very wet, and very tight teen pussy sliding down onto his cock
nothing short of exquisite. He watched
as his cock was slowly swallowed up, more and more of it disappearing inside
her as she sat down. She moved her hand
out of the way and put both hands on the back of the couch behind him, using it
for balance as she pushed her hips down to take all of his cock inside her. When she had it all she groaned loudly, her
head back and her eyes closed, grinding her hips down and around on his hard
shaft, loving the feeling of being stretched out and filled by her father’s
hard cock.
“Ohhhhh, my GOD, that feels so good!”
she moaned, slowly rotating her hips on him.
“Your cock fills me up so good, Daddy!” she said, lowering her head and
opening her eyes to look into his. The
flames of desire were burning brightly, and Bill had never seen a look like
this on her face before. As he looked
into her eyes Millie lowered her head slightly so that she was looking at him
from beneath her brow, her mouth slightly open as she slowly rotated her hips
and ground her pussy down onto his cock.
“You like that tight teen pussy
wrapped around your hard cock, Daddy?” she whispered, her voice thick with
“Yes, I do,” he replied, still looking
into her eyes. “Heaven help me, but I
“Squeeze my tits, Daddy!” she said as
she began to ride his cock slowly.
“Squeeze my tits while I ride your cock!” she said, her hands still on
the back of the couch as she slowly slid her pussy up and down on his hard
Bill reached up and put both hands on
her full breasts, squeezing them firmly as she asked. Millie closed her eyes and moaned, biting her
bottom lip as her father pinched, pulled and tugged on her nipples.
“Oh, yesssss, Daddy, yesssss!” she
hissed through clenched teeth as he pulled hard on her nipples. “Just like that, just like that!” she moaned
as she rode his cock a little faster, bucking her hips as she did.
As much as he knew what he was doing
with his daughter was wrong and that he shouldn’t be doing it, he also knew
that he had never wanted a woman as much as he wanted her. He had never felt a pussy as warm, wet and as
tight as hers, and the fact that he was enjoying fucking her as much as he did
made him feel even more guilty about what he was doing. But all of that took a distant back seat to
what was going on right now, and all he could think about what how good it felt
to be inside his daughter’s tight pussy and how hard he was going to cum.
And at the rate things were going, it
wouldn’t be long before that happened.
Millie closed her eyes and held her
head back, reveling in the delicious sensations of her pussy being stretched
out and filled by her father’s cock. She
was feeling things and doing things that she’d never felt or done before, and
by now she was operating on pure instinct.
Her sexual experience was very limited, having only been with two guys
before now, and both of those were virgins so they really didn’t know what they
were doing. And neither did she, to be
honest, but having sex with her daddy now took her both mentally and physical
to a place she’d never been before, and she liked it.
She liked it a lot.
She had no idea where what she was
doing or what she was saying were coming from, but she didn’t care. She released herself to her inner desires and
sexual urges and just let go, letting her emotions take her where they
would. She lowered her head and opened
her eyes, looking at her father as she continued riding his cock. The look on his face told her that he was
enjoying this as much as she was, and as she rode his cock with his hands on
her breasts, squeezing and gripping them, she realized that what she wanted
next was for him to cum inside her. She
wanted her daddy to cum inside her and fill her pussy up with his hot cum, and
she was willing to do anything to make that happen.
“Cum inside me, Daddy!” she breathed,
her body rocking as she continued riding his cock. “Cum inside me and fill me up with your cum!”
she said, picking up the pace a little as she spoke.
“Baby, are you sure?” Bill asked,
looking up into her face as she moved on top of him. He wanted to cum inside her more than
anything in the world right now, but he wanted to be sure it was what she
wanted as well.
“Yes, Daddy, I’m sure!” she gasped,
moving even faster now. “I’ve never been
so sure of anything in my entire life!
Please cum inside me, Daddy, please!” she begged, riding him hard and
fast now.
Bill had been holding back up until
now, wanting to prolong and enjoy this as long as possible, but now all that
changed. With his daughter’s words all
he wanted to do now was to give her what she wanted by cumming inside her,
which is what he wanted as well.
“Okay, baby,” he said, looking into
her eyes. She smiled at him, her eyes
sparkling, then closed her eyes and started twitching her hips as she rode
him. She rode him hard and fast, doing
everything she could think of to make him cum, and it didn’t take long for her
to make it happen.
Bill watched in amazement as his
daughter rode his cock, and it was only a few moments before he felt the
familiar sensation in his balls that told him he was about to explode. He gripped Millie’s tits harder as his orgasm
quickly built, and when he felt his cock widen in preparation to start pumping
his cum into her he spoke up and warned her.
“I’m gonna cum, baby, I’m gonna cum!”
he gasped, looking up at her.
“Yes, Daddy, yes! Do it!
Do it! Cum inside me,
please!” she begged, riding him hard.
That was all it took. Bill felt his balls contract and then his
orgasm hit, his cock exploding inside his daughter’s pussy like a volcano. He threw his head back and groaned loudly
between clenched teeth as his hips bucked upwards, his cock pumping and
throbbing as it blasted stream after stream of hot cum deep inside her.
Millie cried out in pleasure as she
felt her father’s cock explode inside her, and she rode him harder to make him
cum even harder than she was. Then,
suddenly, out of nowhere she felt her clit and pussy begin to tingle, and a moment
later her own orgasm hit. Her body shook
and trembled as a powerful orgasm ripped through her, taking her completely by
surprise. She threw her head back and
cried out loudly as she came, slamming her pussy down onto her father’s
pulsing, pumping cock.
This only made Bill cum harder, and he
groaned again as he cock pumped and throbbed inside his daughter’s tight pussy. She leaned forward and wrapped her arms
around his neck, hanging on to him as she rode her orgasm out, and he put his
arms around her and hugged her tightly to him as he did the same. They stayed like this until both of them had
stopped cumming, until her body no longer shook and his cock had stopped
pumping inside her. When it was over
they were both left panting and gasping for breath, wrapped in each other’s
‘Holy shit, did this just happen?’ Bill
thought to himself as he held his daughter close to him, his slowly softening
cock still trapped inside her pussy. ‘Did
I just cum inside my own daughter?’
‘Oh, my God, did I just fuck my daddy
and make him cum inside me?’ Millie thought to herself, her arms still
wrapped around her father’s neck and her chin resting on his shoulder. She thought about it for a moment more, and
then a smile broke out on her face. ‘I
just fucked my daddy and made him cum inside me!’ she thought to herself,
happy about it. Bill’s speaking to her
snapped her out of her trance.
“Are you okay, Millie?” he asked
softly. She sat up and looked down at
him, his cock still inside her.
“Yes, Daddy, I’m fine,” she said,
smiling at him. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, baby, I am,” he replied,
returning her smile. They looked at each
other for a few moments more, neither one of them moving, and then Millie spoke
“I think I need to go get cleaned up
now, okay, Daddy?” she said.
“Okay, baby,” he replied. Millie climbed off of his lap, releasing his
spent cock from her pussy, immediately clamping her hand onto her mound to keep
the flood of his cum from pouring out of her and onto both his lap and the
couch. She bent down and picked her
shirt up from the floor, then quickly walked out of the room down the hall to
her room to clean up in her small bathroom.
Bill did the same, getting up from the
couch and going into the master bathroom off of he and his wife’s bedroom to
clean up and change pants. The front of
the pants he was wearing was coated with his daughter’s juices, so he took them
off and tossed them in the hamper, making a mental note to wash them before his
wife returned home.
Ten minutes later he was sitting at
the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee when Millie came in. She was wearing her usual lounging attire of
a pair of light cotton lounge pants and an oversized men’s t-shirt, and as
usual she wasn’t wearing a bra. This had
always bothered Bill, but now he looked at it differently and found that it
didn’t bother him at all. Millie got a
soda out of the refrigerator and then sat down at the table across from him,
looking none the worse for the wear. She
opened the can, took a drink, then looked over at her father and spoke.
“Where do we go from here, Daddy?” she
asked, her voice soft. “I mean, what
happens next?”
“I don’t know, baby,” he replied, his
voice also soft. “I guess we just take
it one day at a time and see what happens.
I do know one thing we can’t do, though…” he said, with Millie finishing
his sentence.
“We can’t ever tell anyone about this,
especially Mommy,” she said, finishing the sentence for him.
“No, baby, we can’t,” he replied,
giving her a small smile. “Especially your mom.” Millie looked down at the soda can in her
hands for a few moments before speaking again.
“I don’t regret it, Daddy,” she said,
her voice nearly a whisper. “I know I
should, but I don’t. Do you?” she asked,
looking up at him with hopeful eyes.
“No, baby, I don’t,” he said, making
her smile. “I know I should, too, but I
don’t. What we did was done out of love;
it was something very, very special that you and I shared together, and to me
that’s what it will always be,” he said, reaching out and taking her hands in
“For me, too, Daddy!” she said,
smiling at him.
“I love you, Millie,” he said, “very,
very much.”
“I love you, too, Daddy,” she replied,
“very, very much!” She got up from the
table and came around to hug his neck, and he hugged her back. Then she picked up the soda from the table
and walked towards the door, headed to her room and bed. She was tired both physically and emotionally
and was ready for some sleep. She
stopped at the doorway, turning to look at him as she spoke.
“Daddy?” she said, looking at him.
“Yes, baby?” he replied.
“If you ever want…I mean, well, if you
ever want or need…cookies…again, will you tell me?” she asked, her voice soft
and hesitant. Bill paused a moment
before he replied.
“Yes, baby, I will,” he said, giving
her a small smile.
“You will?” she said, her face
lighting up. “Promise?”
“I promise,” he replied.
“Thank you, Daddy!” she said, and then
she was gone.
Bill sat there at the table for a few
minutes more, the events of the evening running through his mind and his
imagination running wild with thoughts of what may happen in the future. He finally got up and picked up his coffee
mug, walking over to the sink and rinsing it out before putting it in the
drainer. As he walked down the hallway
to his bedroom he wasn’t sure of a lot of things, but there was one thing he
was pretty sure of.
He was pretty sure he’d be wanting
more cookies – and soon.
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