(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual situations in this story are at least 18 years of age. This work is copyrighted and may not be distributed in any way by any person(s) without the express written consent of the author.)
Carol walked into her 19-year-old son’s
bedroom carrying an empty laundry basket, on her way to pick up his dirty
clothes that she knew would be scattered all over his room and put them in the
washer. Sure enough, her son Hugh’s room
was a mess as usual, with clothes scattered all over the place. She stood in the doorway for a moment and
sighed, looking around the room, then started picking up his clothes and
putting them in the laundry basket.
When she went over to his computer desk to
pick up a shirt that was tossed over the back of the beat-up old office chair
he used, she noticed that he had left his laptop open and that it was on, the
screensaver showing pictures of WWII airplanes one after the other. She reached over to close the lid but paused
when her hand was less than an inch away.
She stood there, looking at the laptop for a minute, trying to decide
what to do.
‘Do I look at what he’s been doing on the
computer or not?’
she thought to herself. ‘If I do then
I’m guilty of invading his privacy, something that I said I’d never do. On the other hand, if I don’t and he’s into
something dangerous that could hurt him, I’d never forgive myself if I passed
up the opportunity to discover it and put a stop to it before something bad
“Decisions, decisions,” she said aloud to
herself, her hand hovering over the laptop.
She thought about it for another ten seconds or so, then put the laundry
basket on the floor and sat down in his chair, facing the laptop.
“He’s probably got a password on it
anyway,” she said as she reached out and pressed the spacebar to deactivate the
screen saver.
Much to her surprise, the screen saver clicked
off and there was his desktop, the icons arranged in two neat rows along the
left side of the screen. Then she
noticed what picture he was using as a wallpaper, and her eyes flew open wide while
her mouth fell open, her hand coming up to her mouth in surprise.
“Oh, my God!” she exclaimed, looking at a
picture of a much younger version of her, completely naked, lying on her side
on a white bearskin rug, a big smile on her face.
“Oh, my GOD!” she exclaimed again,
recognizing the picture from a photo shoot she had done for “Stag Party
Magazine” in 2001 when she was 19 years old.
She was a young college student struggling to pay her way through
college since her parents couldn’t afford it, and when a girlfriend of hers
told her about a nude modeling gig she had gotten which was paying top dollar
for nude models, Carol figured why not.
So she contacted the magazine and made an appointment for a photo
screening. Once there, the editor took
one look at her after she took off her blouse and bra and signed her on the
spot, forgoing the usual test shoot to see how she photographed. The only question he had asked her was ‘are
those real?’ and that was it.
Carol was a brunette with big, round eyes,
a very cute face, and a simply stunning figure.
She stood a petite 5’3” tall, weighed 110 pounds, and her measurements
were 39-24-36. She wore a size 36F bra
to contain her spectacular breasts, which were without a doubt her best asset
and what got her the modeling job to begin with. Her breasts were very big and very full,
longer than they were round; she learned early on in her short modeling career
that breasts of that shape were referred to as ‘torpedo tits,’ or just ‘torpedoes.’ They were capped with large areola with two
pert, seemingly perpetually erect nipples in the middle. She had no idea why, but her nipples were
always standing out, even when she wasn’t aroused. This had caused her no small amount of
irritation until she realized that the attention it got her could be used to
her advantage; since then she didn’t mind, and even went so far as to showcase
them from time to time.
She sat there looking at the wallpaper on her
son’s computer, remembering that particular shoot since it was her first. She never cared for the smooth-shaven look or
the ‘landing strips’ that most women seemed to favor in those days, choosing to
keep her pubic hair as natural as she could.
She trimmed the edges into a neat triangle and shaved her outer lips,
but she let the rest of it grow out with an occasional trim when it got too
long. Her pubic hair as well as the hair
on her head was very dense and thick, which a lot of men loved (as she later
found out).
She also remembered that the photographer
was stunned by her big tits, losing his concentration for just a moment when
she slipped out of her robe as the shoot began.
She had that effect on most of the men who saw her either topless or
fully naked, so she was used to it.
“Where in the hell did he find this?” she
wondered out loud, tapping her fingers on the desktop as she looked at the
“It’s the internet, Mom, you can find
anything you want out there,” Hugh said from behind her, scaring the crap out
of her and making her jump at the sound of his voice.
You startled me!” she said, turning to look at him, her eyes wide and
her mouth hanging open. Hugh was
standing in the doorway, leaning against the jamb with his legs crossed at the
ankles, one hand stuck in the pocket of his jeans, a can of soda in the
other. She had been so engrossed that
she hadn’t heard him coming down the hallway on his way to his room.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,”
he said, standing up straight and looking down at her.
“Oh, no, honey, it’s okay, really,” she
said, obviously flustered. “It’s just
that I…well, I saw this….” she said, turning and motioning to the laptop before
turning back around, “and I, uh…” she stammered not knowing what to say. She finally gave up and just said what she
needed to say.
“I’m sorry, Hugh, I invaded your privacy
and I shouldn’t have done that,” she said, looking up at him with her hands in
her lap, a sad and worried look on her face.
“I came in here to pick up your dirty clothes to wash them, and when I
saw your laptop open I was…well, I was both curious and afraid of what you’d
been seeing on the internet, so I pressed the spacebar to turn off the screen
saver and was surprised when I saw that the wallpaper was an old nude picture
of me,” she said.
“What were you afraid that I might be
looking at, Mom?” he asked.
“That’s just it, honey, I don’t know,” she
said, a worried look coming over her face.
“All I could think of was what happened to the Bates family, and that’s
the last thing I’d want to have happen to us – and to you!” she said.
Hugh understood immediately. The Bates had lived in their neighborhood,
about four streets over, and while Hugh knew some of them he never developed a
close friendship with any of them. Alvin,
16 years old and the youngest of the Bates’ four children, had gotten involved
in a satanic cult site on the internet, and ended up becoming a cultist
himself. All efforts by his parents to
deprogram him failed, and he ended up killing his entire family with a shotgun one
dark night. He was now in the state
prison awaiting the death penalty; because of the heinous aspect of his crimes
he had been tried as an adult, and the jury set a new record in how fast they
returned with a verdict of guilty on all charges. The next day they sentenced him to death by
unanimous vote, that vote only taking ten minutes since they only had to vote
once to get a unanimous verdict. So
yeah, Hugh understood why his mom was concerned.
“It’s okay, Mom, really,” he said, smiling
down at her. “I understand. The only
thing I look at on the internet that could be considered ‘bad’ is porn, and
that’s all. And to be honest, it’s
really my fault because I shouldn’t have left my laptop on with the lid up to
begin with,” he said, walking into his room and sitting down on his bed, taking
a drink from his soda.
“Oh, thank you for not being upset or mad
at me, honey!” Carol said, heaving a sigh of relief as a smile crossed her
“Thank you for caring enough to be
concerned,” he replied, returning her smile.
“Trust me when I tell you that I’m into women with big boobs, not
satanic cults!” he said, trying to lighten things up.
“So I see,” she said, looking over at the
laptop for a moment before looking back at him.
“Where did you stumble across that old shoot, anyway?” she asked, genuinely
“Well, I’m a big fan of retro pinup models
and the old men’s magazines from the fifties and sixties, and my favorite
old-school model is Cynthia Myers. She
was the “Playmate of the Month” for December 1968, and when I looked her up on
a site specializing in models with big breasts there was a section that had
names of models listed with similar body types.
I clicked on a couple of the names just for the hell of it, and when I
clicked on “Stella Love” it took me to some pictures from an old men’s magazine
called “Stag Party,” and that picture was one of them,” he said, nodding
towards the laptop.
“Yeah, ‘Stella Love’ was the name I used
when I was modeling. I thought it was
cute at the time,” she said, a little embarrassed. “I bet your jaw dropped when you recognized
your own mother lying there naked, huh?” she asked, smiling.
“You got that right! I recognized you right away. You look enough like Cynthia Myers to be her
twin sister. You were a stone-cold fox,
Mom!” he said, meaning it.
‘And you still are! You’re just as hot now as you were then!’ he thought to
“Thank you, sweetheart, I appreciate that,”
she said, smiling at him. “So I guess
you’re curious as to how all that came about, huh?” she asked, starting to
“Well, yeah, to be honest, I am,” he
replied, returning her smile. She then
told him the story of how she came to be a nude model, not at all ashamed of
what she had done – just surprised that he had stumbled across it, and a little
embarrassed that he had seen her naked.
“So what happened? Why did you stop modeling?” he asked, genuinely
curious. “God knows you certainly have
the body for it!” he said, making her blush slightly.
“You happened,” she said, smiling at
him. “I got pregnant by the boy I was
dating in college, but I continued to model until I started to show. Once my belly got too big to model I stopped,
and after you were born I didn’t have the time to go back, so that was the end
of my modeling career,” she explained.
He already knew the rest of the story – the jerk who got her pregnant
had run off, leaving her to have and raise the baby by herself. She had done just that, managing not only to
raise him but to have a successful career as an economist at the same time,
putting the degree she had earned despite being a single mom to good use.
“Did you…did you mean what you said, about
my having the body for it?” she asked.
It had been a very long time since any man had given her a compliment
like that, so it took her a little by surprise.
She’d been so busy raising Hugh alone and managing her career that she really
never had the time to date or find a husband.
Her own parents had disowned her once she got pregnant, something for
which she never forgave them.
“Hell, yes, I meant it!” he replied,
grinning. “I hate to sound crass or
anything, but you’ve got a great set of tits, Mom!” he said.
“You really think so?” she said, blushing,
her smile getting bigger.
“Oh, yeah, for sure!” he replied, grinning
and looking down at her tits for a moment.
As usual, her nipples were hard and poking out against her shirt, the
nubs clearly visible. But weren’t they standing
out a little more than usual? Hugh
wasn’t sure.
“They’re not too big?” she said, sitting
up straight and thrusting her huge tits out as she looked down at them, then up
at her son. She was wearing a fairly
tight white sleeveless blouse with a deep V-neck that showed a good amount of
cleavage and a pair of snug-fitting black chinos, an outfit that Hugh had
always loved.
“No such thing!” Hugh said, still grinning
as he looked at his mom’s huge rack. Carol
felt a tingling inside her, a tingling she hadn’t felt in a long time, and it
felt good - really good. So good, in
fact, that it awakened the exhibitionist in her (which was another reason she
went for the modeling job) that had been dormant for a very long time.
“Would you…would you like to see them? Naked, I mean,” she asked, her voice soft,
her eyes big and hopeful.
“What?” Hugh asked, taken completely by
“I said, would you like to see them naked?”
she repeated. “I mean, I can show them
to you if you’d like,” she said, her heart beating faster.
“But Mom, should you really do that?” he
said, looking over at her. “I mean,
you’re my mom and all, you know, and it’s kinda not right,” he said. Part of him wanted to see his mom’s huge
torpedo tits and a part of him knew he shouldn’t, but the part of him that was
a true big tit man was winning out.
“I won’t tell if you won’t,” she said, her
voice soft, one side of her mouth creeping up in a sly smile. The exhibitionist in her was wide awake by
now, and even though she knew deep down inside that she shouldn’t be doing
this, the urge to show her body off to her son and the sexual arousal that she
knew would accompany it was just too strong to ignore. The tingling in her pussy was much stronger
now, and she felt the moisture beginning to form.
“Sure, okay!” Hugh said, giving her a
hesitant smile. “I’d have to be crazy to
say no, huh?” he asked nervously. He
knew this wasn’t right and that he shouldn’t let it continue, but his desire to
see his mom’s huge tits was more than he could handle.
Carol stood up and walked over to the
center of the room and stopped about four feet away from him, her heart
pounding in her chest. She reached down
and grabbed the bottom of her blouse, crossing her arms over her body, then
lifted the shirt up and over her head, shaking her hair out as she pulled the
shirt free, her big tits wobbling slightly in the white lace bra she was
wearing. She turned and tossed the shirt
onto the chair she was just sitting in, then turned to face her son whose eyes
were glued to her huge tits inside her bra.
She reached up and grasped the clasp in between the big cups of her bra,
snapping it open and then pulling the cups apart just a little. She stopped, looking down at Hugh as he sat
on the bed before her, his face level with her breasts as he sat on the bed.
“Are you ready?” she asked as she held the
ends of the bra apart just enough to show the insides of her big tits. She was both nervous and excited at the same
time, something she hadn’t felt for a very long time.
And it felt good.
“Ready,” her son said, nervously glancing
up at her and then looking back at her big tits.
Carol pulled the cups of her bra aside,
revealing her big, heavy tits to him.
She had been afraid that they were going to sag and lose some of their
size after she had given birth to Hugh, but to her pleasant surprise they
didn’t. They were just as firm after she
gave birth as they were before she got pregnant, with the only difference being
that they were bigger – a full cup size bigger.
“Holy shit, Mom, they’re huge!” Hugh said,
his eyes open wide as he saw his mom’s nude tits for the first time. “They look bigger than they did in the pictures!”
he said, looking over to the laptop and then back to her.
“They are,” she replied, slipping out of
the bra and tossing it onto the back of the chair. “They grew a full cup size when I was
pregnant, and they never shrank or sagged after I gave birth like most women’s
breasts do,” she said, standing in front of him with her hands down at her
sides, letting him look her over.
“So do you like what you see?” she asked,
her voice a little softer and breathier.
“Oh, yeah,” he replied, his gaze locked onto
her big tits. “Beautiful, absolutely
beautiful, and sexy as hell!” he said, looking up at her and smiling before
looking back down at her chest again.
“You mean that?” she asked, her heart
beating a little faster. “You really
think they’re sexy? That I’m sexy?” she
asked, anxious to hear his answer. Hugh
looked up into her eyes as he spoke, his voice steady and even.
“I think your breasts are absolutely
beautiful, and I think you’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen, Mom,” he said,
meaning it.
“Thank you, sweetheart!” she said,
“Aren’t’ they heavy?” he said, looking
back to his mom’s big breasts. “They
look heavy as hell,” he said.
“They are, but not as heavy as you might
think,” she said. “Here, see for
yourself,” she said, walking over to him and standing within easy arm’s reach.
‘What?” he said looking up at her, caught
“I said, see for yourself,” she repeated, her
voice soft, her heart pounding in her chest as she stood in front of her son.
“Really?” he said, looking at the huge
breasts in front of him and then back up at her. “You mean it’s okay to…I mean, you want me to…”
he said, stammering, looking back down at her big breasts less than two feet in
front of him, the nipples standing erect as they always did.
“Yes, it is, and yes, I do,” she said, her
pussy tingling even more.
“Oh…okay, then,” Hugh replied. He brought his hands up to his mom’s big
tits, palms up, lifting them and feeling their weight in his hands. His cock
began to stir immediately, quickly growing longer, thicker, and harder inside
his jeans. He looked at the big breasts
in his hands as he hefted them, then looked up at his mom as he spoke.
“They’re heavy!” he said, looking her in
the eyes. She looked back at him, her
breath quickening as he hefted her breasts in his hands, her pussy quickly
getting wet. She closed her eyes for a
moment, reveling in the sensations of having a man’s hands on her breasts again. Then Hugh ran his thumbs over her hard
nipples, making her jump.
“OH!” she gasped, her eyes flying open, a
look of surprise on her face.
“I’m sorry, did I hurt you?” Hugh asked,
keeping his thumbs still for a moment as he held her big tits in his hands.
“No, no, really,” Carol said, smiling at
him. “They’re just sensitive, that’s
all. My nipples have always been
sensitive and, well, it’s been so long since a man touched them that…well, it
just caught me by surprise, that’s all,” she explained, her pussy getting
wetter by the moment.
“Oh, okay,” Hugh said, slowly rubbing his
thumbs over her hard nipples again.
Carol closed her eyes and moaned softly as he did, and when he turned his
hands over and grasped her big tits hard, closing his fingers on them and
squeezing, she bit her bottom lip and moaned louder.
“OHHHHHHHH!” she moaned, closing her eyes
and holding her head back, biting her bottom lip as she brought her hands up
and put them on the back of her son’s, closing them and urging him to squeeze
‘This is wrong, this is wrong, this is
wrong, I don’t care, I don’t care, I don’t care!’ Carol thought as
her son squeezed her tits harder, pushing them up as he squeezed and making her
moan again.
‘Holy shit, this feels good!’ Hugh thought to
himself as he gripped his mom’s big tits in his hands. His cock was almost rock-hard by now, his heart
racing in his chest. He knew they
shouldn’t be doing this but at this point, he didn’t care.
Carol opened her eyes and looked down at
him, then abruptly pulled his hands away from her tits. Hugh thought she was going to turn and run
away, and was taken completely by surprise when instead she reached out and
grabbed his head in her hands, putting them on the back of his head, and then
yanking it forward to bury his face in between her massive tits. She pushed her elbows inwards to force her
tits against his face, holding his head there as they closed around his face.
“MMPH!” Hugh cried out in surprise, barely
able to breathe as his face was covered by his mom’s massive tits. He reached up and grabbed her tits in his
hands, squeezing firmly, and when she relaxed her grip on his head he quickly
moved his head to the left and clamped his lips onto her hard nipple,
immediately sucking it into his mouth.
“NNNNNGHHH!” Carol moaned loudly as her
son sucked hard on her nipple. She put
her hand on the back of his head and pressed his face hard into her breast,
holding him there for several long moments.
Hugh thought she was going to smother him, but she finally released his
head from her grip and let him pull his face back enough to take a breath
through his nose. He sucked on her
nipple for another moment, then switched to the other breast and repeated what
he had just done.
“OHHHHHH, my GOD, that feels so good!”
Carol moaned as her son sucked on her nipples.
Her pussy was soaking wet by now, her clit tingling as she felt things
she hadn’t felt in years. Just when she
thought it couldn’t get any better she felt her son’s hand running up the
inside of her thigh and then cupping her mound, rubbing up against it. She moaned loudly and bucked her hips forward
at his touch.
By this time Hugh had given in to his
arousal, no longer caring that it was his mom whose nipples he had in his
mouth. All he knew was that she was a
woman, she was half-naked in front of him, had insisted that he first touch and
then suck on her tits, and that he wanted to go further. So he did, taking one hand away from her tits
to slide it up the inside of her thighs, running the palm of his hand over her
mound firmly. He could feel the heat
emanating from her, and the crotch of her pants was slightly damp to the touch.
‘She must be soaked by now!’ he thought to
himself. He decided to find out, so with
his mouth still clamped onto her nipple he used both hands to unfasten her
pants, open them up, and then push them down past her hips to her knees. He did the same thing with her panties, then
slid his hand between her legs onto her mound, feeling her heat and wetness on
the palm of his hand.
“OOOHHHHHHHHH!” Carol moaned loudly as her
son palmed her mound, rubbing it firmly.
She moved her hips back and forth slightly, her pussy and clit tingling,
and she gasped loudly when his fingers slid between her outer lips to touch the
wetness in between.
Hugh pressed his fingers firmly against
her outer lips and spread them apart, feeling the warm, wet flesh behind
them. His mom’s pussy was indeed sopping
wet, and he rubbed his fingers up and down her slit twice before he slipped a
finger inside her, making her jump and gasp as he did.
MMMMMMM!” Carol gasped and moaned as her son’s finger penetrated her
soaking wet pussy. She immediately
clamped down on it with her inner muscles, moaning and pushing his head further
into her breast as his pushed his finger in deeper. He began sliding his finger in and out of
her, slowly finger fucking her, then slipped a second finger inside her and
made her moan again.
She was so aroused by now that all
rational thought was gone, and the only thing she could think of at this moment
in time was just how quickly she could get her son’s hard cock into her sopping
wet pussy. She pumped her legs up and
down, making her chinos slide down her legs to fall at her feet, then stepped
out of them and kicked them aside. Her
flat shoes followed, then she leaned over to the side and reached down to push
her panties down past her knees, stepping out of them when they fell to her
ankles. All the while she kept Hugh’s
face pressed into her big breasts, but now it was time to turn him loose.
Carol put her hands on his shoulders and
roughly pushed him back onto the bed on his back. He barely got a glimpse of his fully-naked
mom before she bent over and quickly unfastened his jeans, pulling down the
zipper and then yanking both his jeans and his shorts down his hips. He lifted his hips in reflex, watching her
big tits swaying as she pulled his jeans down his thighs to his knees. Carol smiled when she saw his hard cock
spring out, the veins clearly visible along the hard shaft. She quickly grabbed
his cock in her hand and dropped her head down, engulfing it with her wet mouth
and bobbing her head up and down on the shaft a few times. Then, anxious to have his cock inside her,
she quickly climbed onto the bed on top of him, the look of lust in her eyes
plain to see. She moved into position on
top of him, one knee on either side of his hips, her big tits swaying and
bobbing in front of her, then lifted one knee up to put a foot down on the
bed. She grabbed his rock-hard cock in
her hand and pointed it straight up at her pussy.
“Mom, wait, I don’t think…” he began, but
she cut him off.
“SSHHHHHH!” she shushed him as she rubbed
the head of his cock up and down between her outer lips, getting it slick and
slippery with her juices. “Don’t talk, just
lay there and let me do this!” she said, the desperation clear in her
voice. “I need this, son, I need this so
badly!” she said, placing the head of his cock against her opening. Then she sat down, engulfing the head of his
cock with her pussy, closing her eyes and moaning loudly as she did.
“OHHHHHHHH, MY GOD!” she moaned, grabbing
him by the hips and pushing her pussy down onto his cock. “HNNNNNNGGHHH!” she groaned, gritting her
teeth with her eyes squeezed shut as she forced her pussy down onto his hard
shaft, using her grip on his hips for leverage.
She was desperate to get all of her son’s cock inside her as quickly and
as deeply as she could, and it showed.
Hugh watched in amazement as his mom pushed
her pussy down onto his cock, swallowing his cock in one long, firm stroke. Her pussy was warm, tight, and incredibly
wet, so she had no trouble taking all of his cock at once as she impaled
herself down onto it. She held her head
up and dropped her knee to the bed, sitting down hard, pushing her hips down
and grinding them around on his shaft, all of his cock now deep inside her.
“Oh, my God, that feels so good!” she
moaned, opening her eyes and looking down at him as she slowly ground her hips
down and around on his cock, savoring the feeling of her pussy being stretched
and filled by his cock “You have no idea
how good this feels!” she said, giving him a sly smile, her eyes hooded as she
started to ride him slowly, sliding her pussy up and down on his cock in slow,
even strokes.
“If it feels as good for you as it does
for me, then yeah, I think I have a pretty good idea!” Hugh said, smiling up at
her. Then he reached up and grabbed his mom’s big tits, closing his hands on
them and squeezing hard. She moaned,
smiling down at him as she rode his cock, leaning forward and putting her hands
on the bed next to his shoulders for support.
She looked into his eyes as she spoke, riding his cock in long, deep
“You have no idea how long it’s been since
I’ve been with a man,” she said breathlessly as she rode his cock. “I need this so bad, honey, I really do!” she
said, still looking into his eyes.
Hugh wanted to say something but didn’t
know what to say so he said nothing, gripping her big tits harder in his hands
as she moved on top of him. He pulled
and tugged on her hard nipples, making her moan, and when he lifted his head
and clamped his lips around one of the hard nubs to suck into his mouth, she
gasped audibly and bucked her hips on top of him. She put a hand on the back of his head and
pressed his face into her big breast, holding it there for several moments
before putting her hand back down onto the bed again. Hugh switched to her other breast and sucked
on that nipple as well, making her moan again, then dropped his head back down
to the bed to watch his mom as she rode his cock. She rode him in silence for several moments,
the room filled with the scent of sex, the pace of her movements slowly
increasing before she looked into his eyes and spoke.
“I’m gonna cum!” she gasped, her eyes
hooded and her mouth hanging open. “Oh,
God, I’m gonna cum!” she said as she rode his cock faster.
“So cum,” Hugh said, keeping his hands on
her tits and squeezing to urge her on.
Carol bit her lower lip and rode him even
faster, almost frantically, and it was only a few moments more before her
orgasm hit. She squeezed her eyes closed
and groaned loudly through gritted teeth, grimacing as she held her head back
while the powerful orgasm ripped through her.
“HNNNNNGGGHHHHH!” she groaned as the waves
of pleasure rocked her body from the bottoms of her feet to the top of her head,
riding her son’s stiff cock hard and fast.
She couldn’t remember when she had cum with a man’s cock inside her
instead of one of her dildos, and this orgasm was so intense that it shook her
down to the very fiber of her being.
Hugh watched as his mom came, and from
what he was hearing, seeing and feeling, she was cumming harder than she ever
had before in her entire life. She rode
his cock hard and fast as she came, and he could feel her pussy flooding and
her juices running down over his balls as she came. He gripped her tits hard in his hands,
hanging on while she rode her orgasm out.
When her orgasm finally ended it left her
shaking and breathless; she sat down on her son’s hard cock and stayed there,
pushing her pussy down onto it as she fought to catch her breath. She sat still for several moments, her mouth
hanging open, her hair disheveled, and her eyes closed as she gasped and panted
for breath. Hugh released her big tits
from his hands and rested them on the tops of her thighs, watching her as she
recovered from her very intense orgasm.
After several moments he finally spoke.
“Are you okay, Mom?” he asked. Carol smiled at him as she replied, her eyes
only half-open, a stray strand of hair hanging down over her face.
“I’ve never been more okay in my entire
life!” she gasped, smiling at him.
“You came hard, huh?” he asked, and Carol
nodded slowly as she replied.
“Harder than I’ve ever cum before, thanks
to you,” she said.
“Hell, Mom, all I did was lay here; you
did all the work,” he said, returning her smile.
“Not quite, honey,” she said. “What you did to my breasts played a major
part in making me cum as hard as I did!” she said, her smile getting bigger. Then she started to move again, slowly riding
his still-hard cock, sliding her sopping wet pussy up and down on the hard
“But now I think it’s time I returned the
favor and made you cum!” she said, looking him in the eyes, her voice a
breathless whisper.
She began riding him a little faster,
maintaining eye contact with him as she slid her pussy up and down the length
of his cock over and over again, engulfing it completely with every downward
thrust of her hips. She used her inner
muscles to squeeze his cock on the way up, twisting her hips just a little to
add a little something to his experience.
Her eyes were bright and shining, her mouth open slightly as she rode
his cock in long, steady strokes, intend on making him cum.
Hugh reached up and took his mom’s huge
tits in his hands, gripping them firmly and squeezing them as his mom rode his
cock. As much as he wanted to flip her
over onto her back and just pound her into the mattress, he didn’t because this
was her show and he didn’t want to interfere.
He also thought that he would have the chance to do that later as he had
the distinct feeling that this wasn’t going to be the last time he and his mom
did this. He pulled and tugged on her
nipples, making her moan and twitch her hips as she steadily rode him.
‘Oh, my God, this feels so good, and I
just can’t wait to feel him cum inside me!’ Carol thought to herself, not
taking her eyes from his. She increased
the pace just a little, gripping his cock with her pussy a little harder,
hoping that it would urge him on and make him cum.
She was right. The increased pace and squeezing of his cock
with her pussy did the trick as Hugh could feel his balls shifting as the
familiar tingly sensation of an approaching orgasm went through his balls. He squeezed his mom’s tits harder, starting
to push his hips up slightly to meet hers as the came down; Carol noticed this
and increased the pace again, just enough to drive him to the brink.
Hugh felt his mom increase the pace, and
this only quickened the approach of his orgasm (which is somehow just what he
thought she was trying to do). He
gripped her big tits harder, moaning a little as he felt his orgasm building
“I’m gonna cum, Mom!” he gasped, looking
up at her as she rode his cock, his hands gripping her tits.
“Do it!
Do it, honey, do it!” Carol said urgently, her voice a breathless
whisper. She clamped down on his cock
with her pussy as hard as he could while increasing the force of her downward
thrusts, and that set him off.
Hugh groaned loudly as his orgasm hit,
thrusting his hips upward as his cock exploded inside her. Carol cried out in
glee as he bucked beneath her; she clamped her thighs against his hips and rode
him like a cowboy riding a bucking bronco as his cock blasted stream after
stream of hot, thick cum into her wet, waiting pussy.
“Yes, honey, yes!” she cried, hanging on
to him as he bucked and squirmed beneath her, sitting down hard on his cock and
holding her hips against him, his cock deep inside her, pumping and throbbing
as his balls emptied themselves into her waiting pussy.
Hugh squeezed his eyes shut and groaned
through clenched teeth as he came, trying not to squeeze his mom’s tits too
hard. He was cumming hard, harder than
he ever had before, and when his orgasm finally faded it left him shaking and
gasping for breath. He released his grip
on her tits and let his hands fall, resting on the bed at his sides as he
fought to catch his breath.
Carol felt his body relax beneath her, his
hands falling away and landing on the bed.
She pushed her hips down harder onto his cock, grinding them in small circles,
squeezing the shaft with her inner muscles to get every last drop of cum from
him. Then she held her hips still, both
of them motionless as they recovered from their intense orgasms. Carol kept her eyes on his as she sat atop
him, smiling down at him when he opened his eyes and looked up at her.
“Holy crap!” he gasped, returning her
smile. “That was intense!”
“Yes, it was, for the both of us,” she
replied, smiling warmly at him. “You
don’t mind if I stay here for a few minutes, do you?” she asked. “It’s been a long time since I had one of
these inside me, and I’d like to enjoy it for as long as possible,” she said,
meaning it.
“Stay up there as long as you want, Mom,”
Hugh replied, returning her smile.
Inside he was disappointed to think that she wasn’t going to want to do
this again, but she then put that disappointment to rest.
“Unless…” she began, hesitating for a
moment before continuing, “…unless you’d like to do this again, that is,” she
said, her voice soft and low, a questioning, hopeful look in her eyes.
“I was hoping you’d say that!” he replied,
and his mom’s face immediately broke out in a big smile. She leaned over and kissed him on the lips,
holding his head in her hands as she did.
The kiss was soft but quick, and before he could respond she had sat
back up.
“I think I need to go get cleaned up now
if you don’t mind, honey,” she said, smiling down at him. “I still have housework to do, you know!” With that she got up from on top of him, his
softening cock slipping out of her to land wetly on his abdomen. She quickly climbed off of the bed and bent
over to pick up her clothes, dropping them in the laundry basket along with his
and then picking the basket up, walking naked across his room to the door. She stopped in the doorway and turned to look
back at him, the laundry basket propped on one hip and looking for all the
world like a naked, sexy version of June Cleaver.
“What would you like for lunch, honey?”
she said, smiling sweetly and acting as if she hadn’t just fucked her own son
in his room on his bed. “I’m thinking Chinese
takeout; how does that sound to you?” she asked.
“Sounds good to me!” Hugh replied, sitting
up on his bed and looking over at her. Then
she was gone, turning and walking out of his room and down the hall to the
laundry room, leaving Hugh to wonder what the hell had just happened – and
thanking his lucky stars that it had. A
big grin broke out on his face as he leaned over to grab the waistband of his
jeans, pulling them up around his hips as he stood up.
“I can’t wait to see what’s for dinner!”
he said out loud to himself, smiling as he walked towards his bathroom, holding
his jeans up around his hips as he walked.
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