So it's January 1st, 2024, and true to my word I have left Literotica and taken my stories with me. (Fuck 'em, they're not gonna generate views and revenue off of my stories! Not after the way they treated me!)
Funny thing is this: I submitted a story on December 7th for publication, and as of December 29th it was still 'in submission' with no indication of when it would be published. So with my departure date looming I made the decision to withdraw it, and yesterday (December 31st) I followed their procedures for deleting my account.
It took less than 24 hours for them to do this! Tell me that someone at Literotica didn't have a hard-on for me and was sitting on my story out of spite and I'll tell you you're as wrong as the day is long!
Laurel (supposedly the site owner and the only person involved in managing the site...also I have a bridge to sell's in Brooklyn, it's really nice...rock-bottom pricing!) is a microcephalic moron, apparently. May the fleas of a million camels infest her private parts for driving you and Writingwhatilike away. MyPenname3000 left too, but he's had a well-established personal site for years now, and he's on SOL, so I'm not worried. Writingwhatilike is just gone. Damn it. Really glad you have this site, and have started to publish on SOL!
If you want a laugh, or need a blood-pressure spike, check out the stupidity of some of the "anti-AI" commenters on the Writer Hangout forum on Literotica. Some real Darwin award nominees there.
I hated leaving Literotica ONLY because I had so many followers there, and was afraid that the word wouldn't get out that I was leaving and where I was going. But I'd had enough of Laurel's bullshit, so I packed up my tent and left. It's both nice and sad to hear that I'm not the only writer who's been driven away from the site. Validation that it's not just me, I guess, and everybody likes a little validation from time to time!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the support!
You're very welcome! Another funny thing? Laurel is in what one forum dweller at Lit called a "moral panic" over AI Learning Language Modules, and treating authors like shit consequently. Meanwhile on SOL, you get blogposts like this, and Lazeez doesn't bat an eye (not that he should, it's just the contrast I find amusing):
ReplyDeleteSomeone bring the smelling salts! A self-important nitwit who runs an erotica site just passed out!
Laurel accusing me of using an AI program to write my stories and then blackballing me because I called her out on it is what got me to leave. To be honest, I was never happy with some of her stupid rules - especially the age one - and this thing with her accusing me of not writing my stories was the last straw. I don't think I've ever written a story where any of the participants are younger than 16, but it's nice to have the option of making them that age. You don't have that option on Literotica, which I always thought was stupid and unnecessary. So I'm gone, and that's that. Now I get to write my stories the way I really want and not have to worry about tailoring them to fit someone else's stupid standards. I mean, I understand wanting to avoid the child porn accusation, but a minimum age of 18? No, that's just too much.