(Author’s note: If you haven’t read “Audrey’s Birthday Present,” I suggest you do so before reading this story. The two stories are linked, with one playing off the other. If you read “ABP” before reading this one you’ll see what I mean. Enjoy!
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any persons living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are 18 years of age or older.)
It had been a long, stressful day and Paul Goetz was tired. Not tired to the point of being sleepy, but tired to the point of his body being fatigued. Paul was a delivery driver for a national package delivery firm, and there were days when his load was so big and had so many heavy items in it that it just physically wore him out. This had been one of those days, and the fact that he was on the high side of 50 years of age didn’t help much either. He pulled his car, a 1970 Dodge Challenger painted in “Plum Crazy” purple, into his driveway and parked. He sat and listened to the throaty rumble of the exhaust for a few moments before shutting the engine off and getting out. He had always loved the way that car sounded, almost as much as he loved how it looked and how it handled on the road. He had wanted one of these cars ever since he was a kid, and when the chance to buy a fully restored Challenger in his favorite color popped up, he jumped at it. It had cost him a pretty penny, but it was most certainly worth it. He had never regretted buying it, and the fact that it had gotten him laid several times was a plus. Women loved that car, and with Paul being a bachelor there was nothing to stop him from accepting their advances when offered.
He walked up the short walkway to the front door of his modest house, unlocked the door, and went inside. Once inside he headed straight for the refrigerator to get a beer, dropping his car keys on the kitchen island as he passed it, and after he had the cold beer in his hand he went straight for the bathroom to get out of his sweaty uniform and take a nice, hot shower. He took a long pull from the can as he walked down the hall, still drinking from the can as he turned to walk into the bathroom.
Fifteen minutes later he walked out of his bedroom, freshly showered and now clad in a pair of well-worn blue jeans, a black t-shirt, and a pair of leather slip-on deck shoes. He usually wore boxers under his pants, but when he was just relaxing around the house he always went “commando.” He walked into the living room and over to his computer desk, reaching down to turn on the laptop sitting on the desk. Just as he pressed the power switch his front doorbell rang.
“Now who can that be?” he said out loud. Paul had discovered that when you live alone and spend most of your time that way, you developed the habit of talking to yourself. He had always lived alone, never having been married, and he had been talking to himself for years.
He walked towards the front door, and as he approached he could see the cloudy silhouette of a person through the wavy decorative glass on either side of his front door. By the height of the figure he guessed it to be a woman, and when he opened the door he was proven right. Becky Wright, the 20-year-old daughter of his next door neighbor, was standing there, her thumbs hooked in the pockets of the hip-hugger jeans she was wearing. In a way he was glad to see her, but in a way he wasn’t – and today he wasn’t sure yet which way he felt about seeing her standing in his doorway.
Becky was an absolutely gorgeous specimen of the female sex. She stood 5’7” tall and weighed somewhere around 120 lbs. with just enough meat on her bones to give her curves some added ‘oomph.’ And she most certainly did have some curves! She had a tapered waist that led to flaring hips, and her belly was firm and flat. Her legs were long and shapely, competing with her pear-shaped butt for attention, but the feature that always grabbed the guy’s attention first was her bustline. Becky was built like a brick shithouse, with a very large pair of firm, bouncy breasts that she rarely fettered by wearing a bra. Her breasts showed very little sag despite their large size and, Paul guessed, their substantial weight; if Paul had to guess he would have guessed they weighed anywhere from 8 to 10 pounds each. Whenever she walked when she wasn’t wearing a bra, they always looked like two puppies in a sack trying to get out. But she did wear shirts that were fairly loose and flowing, and today was no exception. She was wearing a loose flowered peasant-style blouse that stopped just above her jeans, and her shoulder-length light brown hair was held in place by a green headband that was tied on the side of her head, the loose ends hanging down next to her face.
While he most certainly was attracted to her overly large breasts as any man would be, Paul always thought that her best feature was her face. Becky had beautiful blue eyes, a pert nose, nice cheekbones, and a pair of full, soft lips that were not too small and not too big. Paul had wondered more than once what a kiss from her with those gorgeous lips would be like, and he had resigned himself to the fact that he would most likely never find out for himself.
“Hi, Paul,” she said, smiling at him with perfect white teeth, her mouth curling up at the sides in the prettiest and sexiest smile Paul had ever seen. “I heard you pull in so I knew you were here, but I waited until you had enough time to get cleaned up before coming over. I hope you don’t mind!”
“Half of the neighborhood hears me whenever I pull in,” Paul replied, smiling back at her. “They just better be glad I wasn’t on my Harley!” His Challenger had a fairly loud exhaust system on it, but his Harley had straight pipes on it and was VERY loud, much to the chagrin of the elderly widow who lived in the house on the other side of his.
“I just love that bike, and one of these days you’re gonna have to take me for a ride on it!” she said.
“I think we can arrange that,” Paul replied. “In the meantime, would you like to come in, or would you rather stand out on the porch all afternoon?” He smiled at her as he spoke.
“Thank you, kind sir, I don’t mind if I do!” she replied, stepping into his house. He stepped aside and let her pass by, then closed the door behind her. They had always had this kind of “back and forth” banter between them, and it helped that Becky was also a terrible flirt. Some would call her a cock tease, but not Paul. She had never been that way with him, and he enjoyed the open, honest relationship they had. She had come to him several times in the past for advice, and he was glad to have been able to help her. But he couldn’t help but notice her firm, rounded ass swaying back and forth in her tight jeans as she walked away from him.
“I am a man, after all,” he muttered to himself.
“I’m sorry, did you say something?” Becky asked, turning to look at him.
“No, nothing important, just muttering to myself like an old fool,” he said, smiling at her. She smiled back, then went over to the couch and sat down in the middle of it. She crossed her legs and threw her arms out, resting them on the back of the couch as she leaned back against the cushions. This caused the loose fabric of her shirt to pull tighter across her big breasts, and Paul couldn’t help but notice that she wasn’t wearing a bra – as usual.
“Would you like a soda?” he asked, pointing towards the kitchen. “I’d offer you a beer but you’re still a youngster, you know!” he said, teasing her.
“Yes, I would, thank you!” she replied, and Paul went into the kitchen to get a soda for her and another beer for him out of the fridge. He walked over to her and handed her the can of soda, and she opened it as he sat down in the soft easy chair across from the couch.
“The day I turn 21 you and I are gonna sit down and get drunk!” she said, smiling at him over the top of the can as she brought it to her lips to take a drink. Paul smiled back at her as he spoke.
“So to what do I owe the honor of this visit from the neighborhood Princess?” he asked. He always called her “Princess,” ever since she was a kid, and she had always loved it. He opened his beer as he spoke, taking a drink from it as she replied.
“Well, Your Majesty,” she replied in her usual ‘give and take’ manner, “I have a thought, an idea, a perception or maybe even just a guess that’s been bouncing around inside my head for the past few days, and I need to talk to you about it. Get your advice on what to do about it, maybe,” she said.
“And just what would that thought, perception, or maybe even a guess be?” he asked, playing along with her. He enjoyed this kind of banter with her; he always had and was sure that she did too. She took a drink from her soda, then put it on the coffee table in front of her and leaned back on the couch, stretching her arms out and her shirt tight across her chest once more.
“It seems that after noticing certain things, certain clues, you might say, I have come to the conclusion that someone in this neighborhood, someone you know quite well, is hiding something from us,” she said, being as mysterious as possible. “Keeping a deep, dark secret from us, as it were,” she continued. “A secret identity, actually,” she said, smiling a mischievous, knowing smile at him.
It was then that Paul began to get a little bit nervous, but he continued playing the game.
“And just what makes you think this?” he asked.
“Well, as I’m sure you know by now, I am a very sexual person. I have a very high sex drive,” she said, confirming what Paul already knew – as did most of the boys in the neighborhood. “I need – no, I crave – as much sexual attention and stimulation as I can get, and for that reason when I don’t have a man around I do one of two things. I either watch porn on the internet and masturbate, or I read erotic stories on one of the many internet sites and masturbate.” She and Paul had always had an open relationship in which they could talk very freely, and talking about sex was no exception.
“But either way, you masturbate,” Paul said, trying to lighten up what he felt was a conversation about to take a dark turn. She grinned at him in response.
“Yes, Your Majesty, I masturbate!” she replied, giggling at him. “In any event, about two weeks ago I went searching for a new site that published erotic stories as I had grown bored with the one I had been using, when I stumbled across a very interesting blog. It was a blog of nothing but erotic, sexy stories,” she said, looking him directly in the eyes as she spoke, and Paul felt his heartbeat quicken as she continued.
“So I’ve spent the better part of the last two weeks reading every single story on this blog, and I must say that I’m quite impressed!” she said, smiling at him. “And it was while I was reading these stories that I started to notice things, things that sounded familiar,” she paused for effect before continuing, “things that looked familiar, too! Descriptions about places, locations, and people that sounded more and more familiar the more I thought about it.”
“And when I read the last story,” she continued, dropping her head just as bit as she looked at him, “that’s when it all fell into place. That’s when I finally figured out why things sounded so familiar in those stories.” Paul took a nervous swig of his beer before speaking.
“And what was it about that last story that made everything ‘fall into place,’ as you said?” he asked, dreading the answer. She smiled a knowing half-smile at him as she replied.
“It was the description of the main character, ‘Audrey’,” she said, speaking in a softer, lower voice. “After thinking about it, I realized that she was me. According to the physical description of how she looked and how she dressed as described by the author, the main character was me – or was modeled after me, at the very least. Right down to the butterfly tattoo in the small of her back,” she said.
‘Damn!’ Paul thought. ‘I knew I should have left that out!’ Becky leaned forward, resting her forearms on her knees and clasping her hands together as she continued.
“The name of the blog is ‘Erotica By Aramis,’ and ‘Aramis’ is the name of the author,” she said, looking at him intently. She paused for the longest few moments of Paul’s life before asking him the question he already knew was coming.
“But you already knew that because you’re ‘Aramis,’ aren’t you, Paul?” she asked quietly. Paul looked back at her for a few moments, trying to decide if he should try and bluff his way out of it or just be honest with her. He made his decision, then sat back in his chair and sighed, resting his forearms on the arms of the chair before answering.
“Yes, Becky, I’m Aramis,” he said. Becky clapped her hands together and let out a whoop, squeezing her eyes closed as she broke out into a big grin and shook her fists in the air next to her head in celebration.
“I knew it! I just knew it!” she exclaimed, laughing. Paul couldn’t help but smile at her excitement, even though his closely-guarded secret wasn’t so secret anymore. “God damn, Paul, but you write some hot, sexy-as-fuck stories!” she said, sitting back on the couch and reaching for her soda.
“How did you figure it out?” he asked, genuinely curious to know how he had slipped up. “What gave it away?”
“Well, it started with some of the locations,” she said, sitting back on the couch. “Some of them sounded awfully familiar, and when I thought about it I realized that they were some of the places around here. The description of the buildings was correct, even though the names were different. Take ‘The Gull Reef Club,’ for example – that’s the spitting image of ‘Mother’s Basement’ down at the beach! And the beach itself is the same beach as in your stories. ‘The Windjammer’ motel is ‘The Beachcomber,’ right?” Paul nodded his agreement. “And that cottage at the end of the tourist section where Rob and Sherry stayed in ‘The Seduction of Rob’ is the same cottage you stayed in a few years ago on vacation, isn’t it?”
“That’s right,” Paul replied. “You’re very observant, Becky, I must say. I’m quite surprised, actually.” She grinned at him as she replied.
“Well, I’m more than just a pair of big tits, you know!” she said in her usual unabashed style. “I do have a brain in this pretty head of mine, and I do use it every now and then!”
“Yes, you most certainly do,” Paul agreed, “although your tits are quite spectacular all by themselves!” She laughed at this and he grinned, glad that his efforts to lighten things up was working.
“But you said it was the description of the main character in the last story that gave it away, right?” he asked, and Becky nodded as she replied.
“Yep, that chick was the spitting image of me!” she said. “You really shouldn’t have used the tattoo in the description, you know!”
“I always thought the chances of you or anyone else I knew ever actually reading my stories was pretty slim at best, but I guess I was wrong,” he replied, taking another pull from his beer. Becky leaned forward and put her forearms on her knees again before replying.
“Are you kidding me?” she said. “Half of the housewives in this neighborhood are reading your blog, and all of them want to fuck the living daylights out of you!”
“You’re kidding!” Paul said, genuinely surprised. “Really?”
“Really! My own mom included!” she said, surprising him again.
“Your mom?” he asked, his eyebrows going up.
“Yes, my mom! After I found your blog on my laptop I got curious and did a search of the history on my mom’s computer, and there it was. She’s been reading your stuff for at least the past two years! I also got into her e-mail and found a bunch of e-mails that she has sent to half of the neighborhood, letting them know about the blog and then talking about the stories with them. Boy, if my mom knew you were really Aramis she’d be all over you like hair on a gorilla!”
“But she’s not going to know, is she, Becky?” Paul asked softly.
“Not if you don’t want her to,” she replied, much to Paul’s relief. “I haven’t told anyone about my suspicions, and I don’t plan to. Not unless you tell me otherwise, Paul.”
“I would very much appreciate it if you would keep my alter ego a secret, Becky,” he said, leaning forward to put his own forearms on his knees. “It’s very important to me that you do.” He was more than relieved at her answer.
“Sure, Paul, but why?” she asked, leaning forward on her knees again. There was a look of genuine concern on her face.
“Because writing under the cloak of anonymity allows me to articulate my own likes, desires, and fantasies that I would never share with anyone else for reasons that I would think are fairly obvious,” he explained. “For example, I don’t think my employer would be too pleased to know that one of their employees was writing incest porn,” he said.
“No, I don’t suppose they would,” Becky agreed. “Although it’s really none of their fuckin’ business!” she spat, visibly angered.
“True enough, but unfortunately that’s the way it is,” Paul said. “That’s why I must ask you to keep my secret for me and promise to never reveal it to anyone without my permission.”
“Your secret is safe with me, Paul, I promise!” she said, smiling at him. “I won’t tell a soul!” Paul sighed as he replied.
“Thank you, Becky, thank you very much!” he said.
“Anything for you, Paul,” she said softly. “You’re one of my best friends, and I’d never dream of hurting you!” She got up from the couch and before Paul could react she came over to him, bent down and gave him a quick, soft kiss on the lips. Then she sat back down on the couch, took another drink from her soda, and sat back. She threw her arms out again, pulling her shirt tight across her chest once more.
“So how did you know?” she asked, and Paul gave her a quizzical look as he replied.
“How did I know what?” he asked.
“How did you know what my tits looked like?” she said, unashamed. Paul let out a short laugh before answering.
“Call it an educated guess,” he said, sitting back in his chair. “I’ve seen you in a bikini before, and I’ve seen you running around braless in a fairly tight shirt as well, and having seen women with your kind of build before I just put two and two together,” he explained. “Having never seen you topless I had to just make an educated guess.”
“Pretty good guess,” she said. “Your description was nearly perfect!”
“Thank you, I appreciate that,” he replied.
“Would you like to?” she asked, her voice going low. The question took Paul by surprise.
“Would I like to what?” he asked.
“See me topless,” she said in the same low voice, never taking her eyes off his. Paul felt a stirring in his crotch.
“Are you serious?” he asked, his heart beating faster.
“Of course I’m serious!” she said, grinning at him. She stood up from the couch and put her hands on her hips, looking down at him. “So do you want to see my tits or not, Paul?” she asked.
“Hell yes, I do!” he replied. “I’d be crazy not to!”
“Or gay,” Becky said, still grinning. “You’re not gay, are you, Paul?” she asked, teasing him.
“You’ve read my stories, what do you think?” he asked, turning the tables on her.
“No, you’re certainly not gay!” she said in a low voice, her eyelids lowering just a little bit to give her that “bedroom eyes” look. “Not by a long shot!” And with that Becky crossed her arms in front of her as she grabbed the hem of her shirt, and with one swift movement pulled it up and over her head, tossing it on the couch behind her. Then she put her hands back on her hips and spoke again.
“Well? What do you think?” she asked.
Paul paused for a moment before answering. Becky’s tits were absolutely beautiful, near-perfect in every way. They were firm and full, standing out proudly from her chest with just a little bit of sag. Her nipples were hard and erect, standing out proudly from the pale pink areolas surrounding them. Her areolas were a little bigger than he had imagined, but that was fine by him. He felt his cock beginning to thicken in his jeans as he admired her magnificent bustline.
“I think they’re perfect,” he said, looking into her eyes as he spoke. “Much better than I imagined, that’s for sure!” Becky’s face broke out into a huge grin at his words.
“Why thank you, kind sir!” she replied, grinning down at him. Then she walked over to where he sat, leaning over him in the chair and bracing herself with her hands on the tops of his thighs. Without a word she kissed him, placing her soft, warm lips on his. She sighed as their lips met, her lips parting as the kiss deepened. The tip of her tongue slipped into his mouth to find his own, and Paul could hear her breathing quicken as their tongues danced. Her passion was rising quickly, her breathing coming faster now. Paul’s own breathing began to quicken in response, and he could feel his cock growing rapidly.
Becky straddled his thighs and then sat down on them, placing her hands on the sides of his face as she did so. She held his face in her hands as her tongue explored his mouth, twirling around his own, her hips moving up and down his thighs as the kiss turned into something more passionate, more sexual – more desperate. Paul lifted his hands from the arms of the chair and cupped her full breasts in his hands, squeezing the heavy globes firmly but not too hard. Becky moaned into his mouth when he did this, and when he tweaked her hard nipples between his fingers she squealed and jumped. She thrust her tongue deeply into his mouth as he tugged on her nipples, her passion rising fast. A few moments later when she could take it no longer, she broke the kiss and looked into his eyes, still holding his head in her hands as she spoke.
“I’m going to fuck you, Paul,” she said breathlessly, “and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!”
“Why in the hell would I want to stop you?” he replied, still holding her breasts in his hands.
Becky grinned at him and giggled as she slid from his lap, pulling her breasts from his hands. She knelt on the floor in front of him and spread his knees apart, then reached for his jeans. She looked up at him with hooded eyes, the lust shining brightly, as she quickly unfastened his jeans. Here passion and desire was at a fever pitch by now, and Paul could see that clearly. She got his jeans open and immediately yanked them down his thighs, moving out of the way to get them clear of his legs. She let out a gasp of surprise and delight when she saw his cock, now rock-hard and throbbing, and his smooth, shaven balls hanging down heavily beneath it. She spread his knees apart again and slid in between them, grabbing his cock and immediately shoving her mouth down around it. Paul gasped as she enveloped his cock with her warm, wet mouth, her tongue running up and down the underside. She gripped his balls with her other hand as she shoved her mouth all the way down on his cock, her nose bumping against his pelvis as she took his entire length into her mouth and down her throat.
Without hesitation Becky began sucking his cock hard and fast, sliding her mouth up and down his length, her head bobbing up and down in a rapid, steady rhythm. Paul’s cock was shiny and slippery with her saliva in no time, and he could feel it running over his balls and her hand as she sucked him hard and fast. She moaned as she worked on his cock, slipping it from his mouth every few moments to run her soft, lithe tongue up and down the underside of his shaft, before sucking it back into her mouth again. She looked up at him as she worked on his cock, making eye contact with him, and Paul could see that she clearly was a woman possessed. She slipped her cock from his mouth, wrapping her hand around the shaft and pumping it quickly as she spoke.
“Face fuck me, Paul!” she gasped, her voice throaty and seductive. Her lips were shiny and wet, glistening in the light, a strand of saliva running from her bottom lip to the tip of his cock. “Grab my head in your hands, twist my hair in your hands, and face fuck me hard!” she demanded, pumping his cock in her hand and squeezing his balls tighter.
Without a word Paul reached out and grabbed her head in both hands, pushing the green headband off and away in the process. He entwined his fingers in her hair, pulling her head down to his cock, and as soon as she took his cock back into her mouth he shoved her head down hard, shoving his cock into her mouth and down her throat. She slapped her hands onto the tops of his thighs and pushed back as he held her head down, and her back arched as she gagged around his cock.
“MMMMPH! MMMMPH! MMMMMMMPH!” she exclaimed, the sounds muffled by his cock buried deeply in her mouth. He held her head down for a few moments, then began face fucking her in earnest. He moved her head up and down on his cock in hard, fast strokes, the slurping sounds of her taking his cock in her mouth filling the room. She looked up at him as he brutally fucked her mouth, and her eyes begged him not to stop.
He released her head from his hands after a few moments, and Becky lifted her head up from his cock. She gasped loudly as she sucked in a big breath of air, gasping like this several times as she tried to catch her breath. A thick strand of saliva ran from her bottom lip to his cock, then fell onto the back of her hand as she grabbed his shaft in her hand again. She grinned at him with watery eyes as she spoke.
“Oh my God!” she gasped, her hair disheveled around her face. “You must have a lot of sexual tension built up inside you to face fuck me like that!” she said, pumping his cock as she spoke. “I love it, I love it! Do it again, I want you to do it again! Shove that meat down my fucking throat! MMMMPH!” she exclaimed as Paul grabbed her head and shoved her mouth down onto his cock again. He shoved her head up and down on his cock as he had just done, and Becky cried out around his cock with each downward stroke, the loud slurping sounds again filling the room. After about a dozen hard strokes he pushed her head down into his lap and held it there, thrusting his hips upward, burying his cock deeper down her throat than ever before. She slapped her hands onto his thighs again and cried out around his cock, her back arching again as she struggled to breathe around the shaft filling her mouth and throat. Paul held her there for a few moments before releasing her from his grip. Her head shot up and she sat back, gasping and whooping for breath, her eyes watering more than ever and the tears of sexual pleasure running down her face. Her mouth hung open as she tried to catch her breath.
“Oh my God!” she said again, panting for breath as she sat back on her hands. Her chest heaved and her big tits swayed back and forth as she breathed. Paul could see that her nipples were hard and her areolas were crinkled, indicating that she was very aroused. “I love getting face fucked like that! That’s fantastic! But now I need that cock of yours inside my pussy or I’m gonna lose my mind!” she said, getting up from the floor and reaching for the clasp of her jeans. She had them unfastened in a moment, and quickly slid them over her hips and down her legs, kicking out of her sandals as she went. The musky scent of her arousal filled the room, and Paul was pleased to see that not only was she not wearing any panties but her pussy was shaven smooth as well.
“I shaved just for you!” she said, reading his mind. “I knew you liked it because you always wrote about it, so I shaved my pussy clean just for you!” She reached down and spread her pussy lips wide, shoving her hips forward so he could see as she did so.
“Beautiful, just beautiful!” Paul said, meaning it. Then he looked up at her and said, “Chair, couch, or floor?” he asked.
“Floor,” she replied. “I need lots of room when I fuck!”
Paul got out of the chair and laid down on his back on the floor in front of her, and Becky immediately straddled him. She put a knee on either side of his hips and pressed her pussy against the underside of his hard cock. She slid her pussy up and down the length of his shaft a few times, looking him in the eyes as her juices covered him. She was sopping wet, and within moments his cock was slippery and shiny. Paul reached up and took her big, heavy breasts in her hands and squeezed as she moved, and she threw her head back and moaned in response, rubbing her pussy harder against his shaft.
“Fuck, I can’t take this anymore!” Becky said breathlessly, looking down at him. “I’ve got to have your cock inside me right now!”
With that she lifted her hips from his cock, reached down and grabbed it, then pointed it straight up at her opening. She quickly rubbed the head between her slick outer lips, then placed it at her opening and sat down. She engulfed his throbbing cock in one movement, shoving her pussy down onto him until he was as deep inside her as he could get. She sat up and placed her hands on the top of his thighs for balance, her head thrown back as she moaned, grinding her hips against him in pleasure.
“Mmmmmm, God, that feels so fuckin’ good!” she moaned, slowly grinding her hips around and around on his cock. Her pussy was hot, tight, and wet, and she squeezed it around Paul’s cock as she ground against him. She did this for a few moments, then sat forward and placed her hands on either side of Paul’s shoulders to brace herself. She looked him in the eyes as she spoke, and both her eyes and her voice were filled with lust and desire.
“But now it’s time to get serious!” she whispered, giving him a wicked smile as she spoke.
She started to move her hips, sliding her pussy up and down on his shaft by just the motion of her hips while keeping her upper body still, slamming her pussy down onto his cock again and again. Every now and then she would slow the motions of her hips just a bit to rotate them around in circles, squeezing his cock with her inner muscles as she did so, before resuming her up and down motions. She looked directly into Paul’s eyes as she rode him, her mouth open, a slight smile on her lips. Paul reached up and took her big tits in his hands, squeezing them and pulling on the nipples before he pulled them down to his face. He locked his lips around her right nipple and sucked on it hard, and she let out a cry of pleasure in response. She continued to move her hips as he sucked on first one nipple and then the other, and it wasn’t long before her breasts were covered with his saliva.
“Oh, God, I’m gonna cum!” she panted, and the motions of her hips increased. She quickened the pace, slamming her pelvis down onto him over and over again, her head tossed back and her eyes squeezed shut as her orgasm quickly built. Paul clamped him lips around one of her nipples again and sucked very hard, and that set her off. She came immediately and she came hard, crying out as a powerful orgasm crashed through her body. She continued to ride his cock as the waves of pleasure washed over her, head tossed back and eyes squeezed shut as she rode it out. Paul could feel her pussy flooding as she came, and he kept working on her tits to increase her pleasure. She rode the waves of her orgasm for almost a full minute, and when it was finally over it left her gasping for breath and covered in a fine sheen of sweat. She opened her eyes and looked down at him, her hips resting on his with his cock still deep inside her, her mouth hanging open as she gasped for breath.
“Oh my God,” she panted, “I’ve never cum that hard before in my entire life!” She started to ride him again, slowly this time, gripping and squeezing his cock with her pussy as she moved. She smiled down at him as she moved, her eyes hooded, and the motions of her hips began to increase. Paul reached up and squeezed her breasts in his hands, tugging and pulling on the nipples, making Becky moan with pleasure.
“Keep that up and I’m gonna cum all over your cock again!” she gasped.
“That’s the idea!” Paul replied, squeezing her big, firm tits hard.
“OH! OOOHH!” she moaned, and the pace of her hips increased. Soon she was riding him just as hard as before, and this time she came with his hands gripping her tits in a vise-like grip.
“NNNNGGGHH!” she cried out through clenched teeth, head thrown back and eyes closed, as a second powerful orgasm ripped through her body. The sweat was running freely down her body by now, and Paul was starting to sweat as well. But neither of them cared – they were both caught up in their sexual delights, oblivious to anything going on around them except what they were doing.
Becky’s second orgasm had barely finished before she looked down at him and said, “Time for a change!” She spun around without releasing Paul’s cock from her pussy until she was facing his feet, giving Paul a perfect view of her firm, shapely ass resting on his hips with his cock buried inside her. It also gave him a clear view of the “tramp stamp” butterfly tattoo that had led to all this. Becky put a knee on either side of his hips and then pushed her hips down, impaling herself on his shaft, and moaned as she felt the tip of his cock nudge the end of her tunnel. She sat up and braced herself with her hands on the floor between his legs in a perfect “reverse cowgirl” position, looking over her shoulder at him and smiling at him as she spoke.
“How do you like the view, Aramis?” she said, calling him by his ‘other’ name for the first time. She began to ride his cock by just moving her hips again as she continued.
“You like watching my ass bounce up and down on your thick, hard cock?” she asked as she moved, sliding her pussy up and down on his turgid shaft.
“I like it very much!” Paul replied, causing Becky to smile at him.
She got serious again then, turning to face his feet and concentrating on fucking his cock with her pussy. She slammed her hips up and down on his shaft, sliding her pussy up and down on his cock over and over again, gyrating her hips every now and then in an effort to milk the cum from him. Then she sat straight up, driving his cock deeply into her pussy, one hand braced on his thigh and the other on her pussy. She rubbed her clit furiously as she bucked her hips in a front-to-back motion, keeping his cock buried inside her while still riding it. She began to gasp for breath, and Paul knew she was getting ready to cum.
“Oh God, oh God, oh GAWD!” Becky gasped, and her third orgasm hit. Her body shook as her orgasm exploded, and she cried out again with the intensity of it. Paul grabbed her by the hips and pulled her down onto his cock as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her, and when her orgasm finally faded he thought she was going to faint dead away. She fell forward onto her hands, gasping and panting for breath, her head hanging down as she tried to recover from the massive orgasm that had just shook her.
“You okay, Becky?” Paul asked, rubbing her hip with his hand.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Becky gasped, still struggling for breath. “I’ve just never cum that hard and that many times so quickly!” she said, pausing to take a few more gasps for breath before continuing. “But now it’s your turn, I think!” she said, sitting up.
“Yes, it is!” Paul said, grabbing her and tossing her off to the side. She yelped in surprise and landed on her back, and before she could react Paul was on top of her and between her legs, holding himself up over her with his hands on the floor on either side of her shoulders. She spread her legs to let him in, and she felt the head of his cock pressing against her pussy.
“You ready?” he asked softly, looking down at her and smiling.
“Give it to me,” she said in a low, husky voice. “Give me that big, hard dick! Fuck me hard and cum inside me! I want you to cum inside me, Paul! I want to feel your cock throbbing inside me as it pumps me full of your hot cum!”
“Your wish is my command!” he replied, pushing forward and driving his cock into her. She moaned and lifted her legs to let him in, and he sank his length into her wet, tight pussy. He lay down on top of her and slid his hands behind and under her, trapping her arms in his as he did so. He slid his hands under the globes of her ass and gripped them tightly, and she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist as he did so. With her arms pinned to her sides all she could do with her hands was to place them on his back, so she did this and squeezed him closer to her with her legs.
With his head over her shoulder and his arms wrapped tightly around her, he drove his hips forward and buried his hard, throbbing shaft as deeply into her as he could. She cried out as he drove his cock forward, lifting her hips toward him to let him go deeper.
Paul began to move then, driving his cock in and out of Becky’s wet pussy in long, deep, powerful strokes, gripping the rounded globes of her ass tightly in both hands. She was totally helpless beneath him, and all she could do as he fucked her hard and steady was to keep her legs wrapped around him and take it. Her big, firm breasts were mashed between them as he lay on top of her, and he could feel the hard pebbles of her erect nipples pressing into his chest as he moved.
The motions of his hips quickened as Paul fucked her harder, and both of them were soon breathing quickly with their bodies covered with a fine sheet of sweat. Becky could feel another orgasm coming, and Paul could feel his own orgasm beginning to build in the depths of his balls. He fucked her hard and fast, stroking his hard cock in and out of her pussy in long strokes, and it didn’t take long for both of them to cum.
Becky came first, her orgasm exploding inside her like a bomb, and she cried out in ecstasy as the waves of pleasure came crashing down on her. She bit Paul’s shoulder as she came, and that set him off. He felt a familiar tingling in his balls, and when Becky bit him that was all it took. He cried out as he came, driving his cock forward hard as it exploded, and Becky cried out in return. He gripped her ass as hard as he could as his orgasm overtook him, and she felt his cock throbbing and pulsing as it pumped stream after stream of hot, thick cum deep inside her pussy. It pumped again and again and again, and Becky thought that it would never stop.
Paul felt the same; it had been a while since he’d had sex, and he had never cum quite this hard before. He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned through clenched teeth as his balls emptied themselves into Becky’s squeezing, wet pussy, filling her to overflowing. Just when he thought it would never end the pumping and pulsing of his cock began to slow, until it finally stopped, his orgasm spent. He held his cock deep inside her as the last bit of cum seeped out of the tip of his cock, then he collapsed on top of her, panting for breath.
The intensity of their orgasm had left both of them gasping for air, and they lay motionless for several minutes as they regained both the composure and their senses. After a few minutes Paul lifted himself up and looked down at Becky’s sweat-streaked face, and she let her legs fall from around his waist. His cock was semi-hard and was still inside her, and neither of them moved for fear of making it slip out. She smiled up at him and he smiled back; then they kissed, a soft, gentle kiss that lingered for several long moments before finally ending.
“Wow,” Paul said, looking at Becky and smiling.
“Holy shit!” she replied in her usual bombastic way, making both of them laugh. She spoke again when their laughing fit had subsided.
“I thought you were gonna fuck me to death!” Becky said, grinning up at him. “And my God, did you make me cum! I’ve never cum that hard before, not with any man!” she said.
“Like I said, you did that, not me,” he replied, smiling back at her. “Well, maybe I had a little something to do with the last one since I was on top of you and trying to pound you into the floor, but the two before that was all you!”
“I don’t care what or who it was, all I know is it was fantastic!” she said, running her hand along the side of his face. “I also know that I want to do it again!”
“So do I, but you have to give me a little time to recover first,” he replied. “After all, we have all evening – unless you have other plans, that is.” She shook her head as she replied.
“The only plans I have are to stay here and get fucked as many times and in as many ways as I can, and to cum as many times as I can along the way!” she said, grinning up at him. “That work for you?”
“It works for me!” Paul replied, giving her a quick, soft kiss.
“So was I as good as the character in your story, Aramis?” she asked, playing with him.
“Better,” he replied. “I had no idea that you were that intense of a lover!”
“You ain’t seen nothing yet, stud! Just wait until I get you onto a real bed!” she said.
“I think I can arrange that!” he said, and they both laughed.
“Think this is gonna wind up in one of your stories, Aramis?” she asked.
“You never know, Princess, you never know!”
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