(Author’s note: this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person(s) living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters depicted are at least 18 years of age.)
“You want me to do what?" Dirk asked, one eyebrow cocked up, a quizzical look on his face. He was raising his beer to his lips when Wally, one of his best friends from high school, had said something that made his hand stop halfway up to his face, the beer suspended in mid-air. Dirk was so surprised that he half expected the bar to go quiet at this revelation, but of course it didn’t. They were sitting at a small round table in the center of the dark biker bar, and no one paid any attention to them except the waitress whenever they needed a refill. She had already been there twice, and Dirk was now sure she would be coming back again very soon.
“I want you to have sex with my wife,” he repeated simply. He said this as matter-of-factly as if he had been stating a well-known and obvious fact, but to Dirk it was anything but. “I want you to come over to my house tomorrow night at seven o’clock and have sex with my wife.”
“You want me to fuck your wife,” Dirk repeated, making Wally grimace slightly at his use of the common terminology for having sex. Wally sighed before replying.
“Yes, Dirk, I want you to fuck my wife,” he said, pushing his black horn-rimmed glasses up onto his nose.
“Why, Wally?” Dirk asked, sitting forward and putting the now-empty beer on the table. He leaned over and crossed his forearms on the table, hands resting on his biceps, looking his friend in the eyes as he spoke. “Why would you want me to do this? I mean, after all, she’s your fuckin’ wife, for cryin’ out loud, not some bimbo hanging around the clubhouse looking for stray dick!”
“It’s a long story, Dirk, and to be honest it’s not something I want to go into right now,” Wally replied, toying with his own beer sitting on the table in front of him. “Let’s just say that Stephanie and I are both looking for something to make our sex life more – well, exciting, I guess – and we both think that this will do it.”
“Uh huh,” Dirk said, reaching inside his leather club vest for his cigarettes and lighter. He shook one out of the pack and put it in his mouth, then thumbed open his Zippo lighter and spun the wheel, tossing the pack of cigarettes onto the table. After lighting his cigarette the lighter followed. Dirk took a deep drag on his cigarette and then sat back, crossing his arms over his chest and blowing out the smoke as he looked at his friend.
Dirk and Wally were the exact opposites from each other in just about every way, yet they were best friends. They’d been that way ever since high school when Dirk saved Wally from getting the shit kicked out of him by a couple of punks at school one day. Dirk had always hated bullies, so when he saw what was going on with Wally in the locker room one afternoon, he stepped in and took care of things. Two of the punks ended up going to the hospital and Dirk was suspended for a week, but that paved the way for he and Wally to become fast friends. Wally was the quintessential nerd, a true geek in every sense of the word, but he had a heart of gold and his loyalty could only be compared to that of a Golden Retriever. His common sense had kept Dirk out of trouble several times for the rest of their time in high school, and Dirk never forgot that. He loved Wally just as much as he loved his brothers in his motorcycle club, and he knew that Wally felt the same way.
After high school Wally had gone to the local junior college and come out with a degree in accounting, and now worked for the local bank as the manager of accounts. Dirk’s life had taken a completely different course. He held down several small jobs for a couple of years, then joined a motorcycle club in the next town over and immersed himself in the biker culture. That lifestyle fit Dirk like a glove, although at times he found it hard to balance it with the responsibilities that came with having to hold down a job. But that all ended when, at 24 years of age, Dirk’s parents had been killed in a car crash and he had inherited enough money and stock holdings to keep him comfortable for the rest of his life. He wasn’t rich by any means, but he didn’t have to work anymore, either, and that was just fine with him. So he had spent the last couple of years roaming around the country on his motorcycle, living the nomad life, taking life as it came and just enjoying it. He’d had his fair share of one-night stands along the way, the most recent being a very pleasant encounter with a plump lady farmer out in the Midwest, and had experienced plenty of wild and unusual things along the way, but this one sitting in front of him right now took the cake. After looking at Wally for several long moments, he finally spoke.
“And Stephanie’s okay with this?” he asked. Stephanie was Wally’s female counterpart in that she was just as big a nerd as he was, right up to the black glasses. Even though she never dressed up or wore makeup, Dirk could see that she was an attractive brunette with what he suspected was a simply killer body that she always hid beneath loose or baggy clothing, so he could only guess at what she really looked like. The most serious thing he’d ever seen her in was a gray lady’s business suit, and while it wasn’t exactly form-fitting it at least gave him a general idea of what her figure looked like. And from what Dirk could see, she didn’t have anything to be ashamed of. He was a boob man, as most bikers are, and he guessed that Stephanie was sporting at least a pair of “C” cups beneath her frumpy clothing. Now it looked like he was going to find out for himself – if he agreed, that is.
“It was her idea,” Wally replied, making Dirk’s eyebrows go up in surprise, “although I will admit that I kind of steered her into it,” he said, looking down at the table for a moment before looking back up at Dirk.
“So you’re okay with it as well, then,” Dirk said, taking a drag from his cigarette and then blowing the smoke out as he continued. “You have no problem with me playing ‘hide the salami’ with your wife, no problem at all? Is that right?”
“Yes, Dirk, I’m okay with it,” he replied. “Really, it’s fine. Perfectly fine!” Dirk leaned forward onto the table again and then spoke.
“Why me, Wally?” Dirk asked.
“Because we trust you – because I trust you, my old friend,” Wally said, leaning forward and putting his own elbows on the table as he spoke, his voice lowered. “You’re the only man I know that I trust enough to do this for us. Because I trust you enough to know that you won’t hurt her or take advantage of her, and because I know you will keep this between just the three of us. And I know that Stephanie feels the same way.”
“Stephanie hardly knows me, Wally,” Dirk said. “I mean, I think I’ve only seen her four or five times in the five years that the two of you have been married.”
“But I know you, Dirk, and that’s good enough for her,” Wally replied.
“Fair enough,” Dirk said, nodding his head and snuffing out his cigarette in the ashtray on the table.
“So will you do it, Dirk?” Wally asked, his voice hopeful. “Will you do this for us? Will you do it for me?” Dirk looked at him a moment before giving his reply.
“Sure thing, Wally, I’ll do it,” Dirk said, holding his hand out to shake with his friend. Wally took his hand and shook it briefly, smiling at Dirk as he did so. “I’ll come fuck your wife for you. After all, what are friends for?” he said, grinning.
“Thank you, Dirk, thank you so much!” Wally said, grinning back at him. “I can’t wait to tell Stephanie!” he said, standing up from the table and then abruptly heading for the door. Dirk turned in his chair and watched him go, then turned back around again.
“What kind of weird shit have I gotten myself into this time?” Dirk muttered to himself, reaching for another cigarette.
* * * * *
The next night at a few minutes before seven PM Dirk rode down Wally’s street on his bike, his loud pipes bouncing off the houses and reverberating around the neighborhood. Dirk loved his bike, a silver and black 2003 Harley-Davidson 100th Anniversary Edition Heritage Softail Classic, and he took very good care of it. He and that bike had seen a lot of countryside, travelled a lot of roads, and lived a whole lot of life over the past few years, and every time Dirk threw his leg over the bike to ride it he was filled with excitement at what was waiting for him just down the road.
And tonight, his best friend’s wife was waiting for him just down the road. A part of him was still trying to figure out just what the fuck was going on with all this; he knew that some couples enjoyed sharing their mates with other people and that some men liked being ‘cuckolded,’ but he never thought for a moment that Wally and Stephanie would be included in that group. Apparently he was wrong, or he wouldn’t be riding down the street to Wally’s house now to fuck his wife. Wally was no cuckold, that’s for sure, because his wife was just as timid as he was and didn’t have a dominant gene in her whole body. At least he didn’t think she did, anyway.
The other part of him was excited about what the night would bring. Dirk had been with a lot of women and had done a lot of things some might call ‘kinky,’ but this was a first for him. He was also very curious to see just what kind of body Stephanie had been hiding beneath her frumpy clothes all this time, and he had a feeling that he was in for a pleasant surprise.
When Dirk got to Wally’s house, he noticed that Wally’s car wasn’t in the driveway. He had an attached garage so maybe it was in there, but somehow Dirk didn’t think so. He pulled into the driveway and stopped his bike, putting the kickstand down and shutting off the engine. He was wearing his usual outfit – boots, jeans, a Harley t-shirt, a bandana around his head, and his “colors,” the black leather motorcycle vest that was adorned with his club’s patches. He never went anywhere without wearing his colors, and tonight was no exception. He walked up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the bell, and when a minute or so went by without an answer from inside he rang it again.
“Coming! I’m coming!” he heard Stephanie call from inside the house. A few seconds later he heard the lock turning on the door and then the door opened. “Come in, Dirk,” Stephanie said from behind the door, out of sight. Dirk thought he detected a bit of a tremble in her voice as she spoke, but he guessed that was to be expected. He walked into the house and Stephanie closed the door behind him, turning the lock again. He turned to look at her and was absolutely stunned at what he saw.
Stephanie was wearing makeup for the first time that he could remember, and instead of being put up in a tight bun her hair was loose and falling around her shoulders. She wasn’t wearing her glasses, and this let Dirk see just how incredibly beautiful and sexy her eyes truly were. She was wearing a black halter-top style laced trimmed dress with what had to be a push-up bra beneath it, because he could see about a mile of cleavage. Dirk immediately knew that he had vastly underestimated the size of Stephanie’s tits – she was a ‘D’ cup at least! The dress was form-fitting down to her hips where it flared out into a ruffled skirt that stopped at the middle of her thighs. She was wearing a pair of black leather knee-high boots with heels that were at least 4 inches tall, and around her neck was a black cloth choker. Dirk had always loved chokers on women – he always thought they were incredibly sexy, and tonight was no different.
Stephanie was simply gorgeous, one of the hottest, sexiest, and most desirable women Dirk had ever seen, and he could feel it right down to the bottom of his balls.
“Hi, Dirk,” she said, her voice trembling more noticeably this time. She was standing with her feet together, hands clasped down low in front of her crotch, and she was obviously very self-conscious about the outfit she was wearing. Her eyes were downcast, and she looked up at him just long enough to speak again. “Long time no see, huh?” she said, smiling a nervous smile at him.
‘Poor girl is way the fuck out of her element!’ Dirk thought to himself. ‘But DAMN, is she hot!’
“Hi, Stephanie,” Dirk replied, smiling at her in an attempt to put her at ease. “Yeah, it’s been a while, I guess,” he replied. He couldn’t get over how incredibly different she looked, and how incredibly sexy she was. She was absolutely gorgeous!
“Can I…can I get you something to drink?” she asked nervously, looking up at him, her hands still clasped down in front of her crotch.
“No, I’m good, thanks,” Dirk replied. “Besides, we both know that I didn’t come here to drink.” She looked up at him, her eyes wide, and her voice trembled as she spoke.
“No, I guess…I guess you didn’t, huh?” she said, trying hard to get over her nervousness and failing miserably. “So, I guess we should…I mean, maybe we should…go…go into the…uh, the bedroom, then?” She smiled nervously at him, her eyes wide, but there was something in her eyes – way in the back of her eyes – that Dirk caught, and he had a feeling he knew what it was.
“I think we should, yes,” he replied, “unless you prefer the couch, that is.”
“No, no, the bedroom is fine,” she replied, still nervous. “The bedroom is just fine…just fine! This way,” she said, walking past him towards the hallway that led to the back of the house and the bedroom. Dirk followed her, and he couldn’t help but notice that she was having a little bit of trouble walking in those boots; she had obviously never worn them before tonight. He also couldn’t help but notice how her tight, rounded ass swayed back and forth beneath the dress she was wearing. She walked to the end of the hallway and turned to the right, entering the master bedroom, and he followed her. She walked over to the side of the big, king-sized bed sitting in the middle of the big room, then stopped and turned to face him.
“Here we are,” she said, smiling nervously at him again. Dirk noticed that her breathing had quickened just a bit, and he would have bet that her heartbeat had increased as well. He just didn’t know if she was dreading what was about to happen or if she was excited about it, or if it was a mixture of the two. He decided to find out before things went any further.
“Are you sure you want to go through with this, Stephanie?” he asked, his tone soft as he walked over to stand in front of her. He stopped when he was less than an arm’s length away. She looked up at him with nervous eyes as he continued.
“You don’t have to, you know. Say the word and I’ll walk right out that door, get on my bike and ride away, no harm no foul. I’ll tell Wally that I changed my mind, and he’ll never know otherwise,” he said. Stephanie’s eyes widened a bit and she shook her head in short, rapid movements as she replied.
“No! No, Dirk, really,” she said, the nervousness vanishing for a moment. She reached out and placed her palms on his chest as she spoke. “Please, no, don’t go! This is very important to Wally, and I don’t want to let him down!” she explained.
“Are you sure, Stephanie? Are you absolutely sure?” Dirk asked, giving her one last chance to change her mind and back out. She looked at him with those doe-like eyes for a moment before she replied. When she spoke it was a whisper.
“Yes, I’m sure,” she said, her breath quickening a bit, her hands still on his chest. Dirk reached up and gripped Stephanie’s upper arms firmly with both hands, taking her by surprise.
“Oh! MMMPH!” she gasped as Dirk’s mouth found hers. She pushed against his chest with her hands for a few moments as he kissed her. Her lips were warm and soft, the softest lips he’d felt in quite a while, and after a moment or two she opened them to him. She whimpered as the kiss deepened, and when their tongues touched she jumped away from him just a bit, breaking off the kiss.
“Oh! Oh my!” she exclaimed, looking at Dirk with wide eyes. “That was – MMMPH!” she moaned as Dirk pulled her back to him and kissed her again, his tongue exploring her mouth and finding her own. He felt Stephanie push against his chest for a few moments, but then the pushing stopped. He put his arms around her and pulled her tightly against him, kissing her hard, with her forearms trapped between them. He could both hear and feel her breath quickening as the kiss continued, and he felt his cock beginning to stir when she started to kiss him back.
He released her after a few minutes of the most intense, passionate kiss Stephanie had ever experienced, and it left her nearly breathless. She took a small step back, looking up at him, her mouth hanging open as she gasped slightly for breath, her big breasts heaving with the effort. She dropped her arms to her sides and Dirk noticed that her nipples were hard, pressing against the fabric of her bra and dress. He looked her up and down slowly before speaking.
“You look beautiful, Stephanie,” he said. “Very hot, very sexy!” A look of surprise came over her face at his words, and she brought her hand up to her throat as she spoke.
“I do? Really?” she said softly.
“Yes, really,” he replied, and she smiled in response.
“Thank you!” she whispered. He reached out and took her by the upper arms again, pulling her to him and kissing her once more. This time when he released his grip on her arms to put his arms around her, she slid her arms around his neck and pressed her body up against him for the first time. He could feel the firm mounds of her big breasts pressing against his chest, even while wearing his leather club vest. They kissed for several minutes before Dirk finally released her from his arms. Stephanie stepped back a half-step, slightly gasping for breath again. She looked up at him as she stood there, her eyes fixed on his but not as wide as they had been. There was also something else there, something that Dirk recognized, and he immediately acted on it.
“Why am I here, Stephanie?” he asked, looking at her intently. A look of confusion crossed her face, and her brow furrowed.
“I…I don’t understand…” she stammered, holding her hands to her chest in an instinctive self-protective gesture. “I thought…”
“Tell me why I’m here,” he said firmly as she looked up at him, her eyes wide.
“You…you’re here to…to make love to me,” she said softly. Dirk shook his head slowly back and forth as he replied.
“No, that’s not why I’m here. Your husband makes love to you, not me.” he said. “Tell me why I’m here,” he said again. When she spoke her voice was still soft and unsure.
“You’re here to…to have…you’re here to have sex with me,” she said, and once again Dirk slowly shook his head. She gasped slightly as he spoke again.
“Tell me why I’m here,” he demanded, his eyes and voice stern. Stephanie was visibly breathing hard as she looked at him for a second, and she swallowed once before replying, her hand coming back to her throat as she spoke. When she did, her voice was a whisper.
“You’re here to fuck me,” she said, looking up at him. She signed with relief and excitement when Dirk slowly nodded his head.
“Yes, Stephanie, I’m here to fuck you,” he said. “Now strip.”
“Strip?” she whispered in surprise, her eyebrows going up. “In front of you?”
“Yes,” Dirk replied. “Take that dress off and let me see you.” Stephanie looked at him for a moment, then nodded her head.
“O-okay,” she said softly as she reached for the knot behind her neck that was holding up the top of the dress. She worked the knot free and pulled the top of the dress down, revealing the black lacy push-up bra she was wearing beneath it. Her tits were big, much bigger than Dirk had thought, and the nipples were rock-hard and poking against the material of the bra. He watched the tops of her breasts move as she slipped the dress down over her hips, stepping out of it and tossing it onto the bed. She was wearing a pair of pink lace panties to go with the bra, and Dirk thought the color combination was perfect. A pair of matching black panties would have been expected to the point of being blasé, but the pink panties was a perfect touch. She stood in front of him in only her bra and panties now, clasping her hands together in front of her crotch again as she looked up at him for approval.
“Don’t do that,” he said.
“Do what?” Stephanie asked, concern showing in her eyes.
“That,” Dirk said, pointing to her hands. “I want to see you, all of you, and I can’t if you do that.”
Stephanie quickly moved her hands to her sides, revealing her panty-covered mound to him. Dirk could see that she was shaven bare, and he liked that. He reached out and grabbed her by the upper arms again and pulled her to him, kissing her long and deep. She resisted for a brief moment but then gave in to the kiss, slipping her arms around him and kissing him back. She moaned as their tongues touched and then danced with each other, and her breathing quickened along with her heartbeat.
Dirk slid his hand down her side around to the front of her body, then down her flat stomach towards her pussy. He slid his hand over her on the outside of her panties, cupping her mound in his hand and rubbing it hard. Stephanie jumped a little when he touched her, crying out in his mouth briefly, but the cry turned quickly into a moan when he rubbed a little harder. He could feel her heat against his hand as he rubbed, and his cock began to respond. He felt the shaft start to lengthen and thicken as his own arousal grew. He rubbed his palm against Stephanie’s pussy harder, eliciting another moan from her.
The kiss ended and Stephanie moved back just a bit, Dirk’s hand leaving her mound. She looked up at him, breathing hard now, a look of uncertainty and desire both in her eyes. Dirk reached out and grasped one of her arms by the wrist, then pushed downward. Stephanie dropped to her knees in front of him, her face level with his cock. She looked first at the growing bulge in his jeans and then up at him with the same look of uncertainty and desire in her eyes, her mouth slightly open.
“Take it out,” he said.
“Take…take it out?” she asked timidly.
“That’s what I said. Unfasten my jeans, reach inside my boxers, and take it out,” he replied.
Stephanie nodded at him, then looked down at his crotch. Her hands trembling just a bit, she reached up and unzipped his jeans, then worked the belt free and unfastened the clasp. She pulled his jeans open, getting her first good look at the bulge of his growing cock. She hesitated for just a second, then reached inside his boxers and grasped his cock in her hand. The thought immediately ran through her head that he was bigger than Wally, even when he wasn’t fully hard, and she wondered just how big he was going to get – and if she’d be able to take him. She pulled his cock out of his boxers, taking her hand off as she did so. Dirk’s semi-erect cock bobbed right in front of her face, directly in front of her lips, and she stared at the head of his cock for several moments. Then she looked up at Dirk, her eyes asking the question, ‘What next?’
If she had been one of the female ‘hang-arounds’ at the clubhouse Dirk would have told her to suck his cock, but she wasn’t – she was the wife of one of his best friends, so he chose his words more carefully.
“Put it in your mouth,” he said, looking down at her.
“In my mouth?” she asked, raising her hand to her mouth and looking up at him.
“Yes, Stephanie, put it in your mouth,” he repeated.
Stephanie looked at Dirk’s semi-erect cock mere inches away from her lips, nodded her head, and then opened her mouth and leaned forward. She took the head of his cock in her mouth, closing her lips around it, and pressed the flat of her tongue against the underside. She sucked his cock into her mouth, moving her head forward as she slid her mouth down his hardening shaft, grasping the sides of Dirk’s open jeans for support. She slid her mouth up and down his shaft several times, feeling it growing harder, thicker, and longer in her mouth. She instinctively sucked harder, tasting the first of his precum as it was pulled out of him and hit her tongue. She felt her pussy shiver in response, and her breathing quickened just a bit.
Dirk watched Stephanie working on him, and the thought crossed his mind that this certainly wasn’t the first cock she’d had in her mouth. Timid as she was, she was pretty good at giving head, and he was a bit surprised at this. He halfway expected her to either refuse or not know what to do, but to his surprise she didn’t refuse and obviously knew how to suck a cock.
He watched her for a few moments more as she slid her wet, sucking mouth up and down the length of his now rock-hard cock, then reached down and put his hand on the back of her head. He pulled her head to him firmly, pushing his cock deep into her mouth, and Stephanie put her hands on the front of his thighs and pushed back instinctively. She gagged a little bit as the head of Dirk’s fully erect cock pushed past the back of her tongue, but she didn’t pull away. She swallowed around his cock in her mouth, and then Dirk began to slowly face-fuck her. Grabbing her hair in his hand he moved her head back and forth, slowly but with force, pushing her mouth down onto his cock deep with every movement. Stephanie grabbed the front of his jeans again, twisting them in her fists as his hard, pulsing cock pushed into her mouth over and over.
“MMPH…MMPH...MMMPH!” she moaned around his cock as he continued to slowly face-fuck her, his cock now covered with her saliva. Five, six, seven times Dirk pushed her mouth down onto his cock, and then he held her there, her face pressed against his abdomen, his cock buried as deep in her mouth as it would go. She cried out around the cock filling her mouth, slapping her hands on the front of his thighs and pushing back, and her back arched as she struggled to breathe, gagging on the length of cock filling her mouth. Dirk held her there for several moments and then released his grip on her head. She fell back onto her haunches, her eyes watering as she looked up at him, her mouth hanging open, a strand of saliva dripping from her bottom lip and falling onto her cleavage as she gasped for breath. Giving her only a moment or two to recover, Dirk reached down and grabbed her by the hair again, then pulled her up onto her knees and shoved his cock back into her mouth. He repeated what he had just done, face-fucking her a little harder and a little faster this time, holding her down onto his cock a little longer before releasing her once more.
Stephanie fell back onto her haunches again, her hands splayed out behind her for support. She was gasping for breath, sucking air into her lungs in great whooping gusts, her lips shiny and wet with her saliva. Her big breasts heaved inside her bra as her chest rose and fell while she tried to catch her breath. Her long hair was tousled around her pretty face from the face-fucking she’d just received, and it only made her look sexier and hotter. She looked up at him, past his throbbing cock in front of her, her mouth open, her head lowered slightly, and Dirk immediately noticed a change in the look in her eyes. She wasn’t looking up at him with the wide eyes of a nervous woman; she was now looking up at him from under the brows of a woman filled with lust, a woman intent on devouring the man in front of her.
The look in her eyes had changed from timid to tigress, and Dirk was now her prey.
She rose up on her knees and lunged at him, grabbing his cock and shoving her mouth down on it. Then she grabbed him by the hips and pushed her head forward, shoving his entire cock as deep into her mouth as she could. She held it there for just a moment, then started sliding her mouth up and down his shaft like a woman possessed, twisting his jeans in her fists as she tightened her grip on them for support. She sucked him hard, fast and deep, her hair and the spit flying. Dirk looked down in amazement, his body rocking back and forth from the effort she was putting into sucking his cock. He watched her go at him for a full minute before she finally slid her mouth from his cock, looking up at him with shiny, watery eyes and a big smile on her face as she spoke.
“God, I love sucking your cock!” she exclaimed, panting for breath. She looked at him for just a moment more, then slid her mouth back onto his shaft and went back to work. She grabbed Dirk’s hands and put them on the sides of her head, and Dirk got the message. He grabbed her by the hair and face-fucked her again, harder and faster this time, and her muffled cries of passion told him that he was doing exactly what she wanted. She braced herself with her hands on the front of his thighs as he shoved her mouth up and down on his cock, then reached down with one hand and started fingering her pussy. She moaned and cried out as she touched herself, and it was only a matter of moments before she came.
She came hard, her body shivering as her orgasm exploded inside her, a muffled cry coming from her mouth full of Dirk’s cock, and she squeezed her eyes closed in reaction to the intensity of her orgasm. She gripped his jeans hard in one hand as she furiously worked her pussy with the other, keeping Dirk’s cock in her mouth as she rode out the waves of her orgasm.
It was over as fast as it had started, and Dirk released her hair from his hands as she fell back onto her haunches. The scent of her musk filled the room, and Dirk could see that her pink panties were absolutely soaked with her juices. She looked up at him, gasping and panting for breath, her mouth hanging open, saliva dripping from her chin onto her cleavage. She was giving him the same look as before, telling him that she wasn’t done with him just yet.
“I want that cock inside me!” she panted, looking up at him from beneath her brows once more. The look of pure lust was burning brightly in her eyes with an intensity that Dirk had never seen before in any woman. “I need that cock inside me!” she said, lunging up and grabbing Dirk’s jeans with both hands. She yanked them down around his knees, then grabbed his boxers by the sides of the fly and ripped them wide open, literally tearing them from his hips.
‘Holy shit!’ Dirk thought as she looked up at him, a lustful smile on her face. She jumped to her feet and immediately wrapped her arms around Dirk’s neck and kissed him, pushing her tongue deep into his mouth and grinding her entire body against his. Dirk could feel the heat of her pussy against him, and his cock throbbed as it was trapped between them. He put his arms around her and held her tight, kissing her back. She moved as they kissed, turning him so his back was to the bed and then stepping towards the bed until the back of his knees were touching the mattress. With his jeans and ripped boxers around his lower legs Dirk had to shuffle, but he managed to move without falling over.
Stephanie broke off the kiss, and then put her hands on Dirk’s chest and shoved him backwards. He fell back onto the bed, his lower legs hanging off the side, and watched in amazement as Stephanie ripped her panties from her hips and tossed them aside. She climbed onto the bed on top of him, pushing his legs together as she straddled him, her knees on either side of his hips. Without a word she got into position above him and immediately reached down and grabbed his cock, pointing it straight up at her pussy. She rubbed the head between her slippery outer lips a few times and then sank down on it, moaning loudly as she impaled herself onto his cock.
“OOHHHHHH!” she moaned, throwing her head back with her eyes closed, biting on her lower lips as she sat up straight on Dirk’s hips, pushing her pussy down onto his cock as far as she could. She leaned back and put her hands on Dirk’s thighs, pushing her hips down and slowly rotating them around and around on the shaft buried inside her. She lowered her head and opened her eyes, looking directly at Dirk as she moved on top of him, still biting her lower lip. Her pussy was very tight and very wet, and was gripping his shaft like a hot, wet, velvet glove. Staring right into his eyes she sat straight up and then reached for the clasp at the front of her bra, unhooked it, and pulled the bra from her body, setting her big tits free. She tossed it in the same general direction as her panties, then reached up and grabbed her big tits with both hands. She continued looking Dirk in the eyes as she squeezed them hard, pulling and tugging on the nipples as she slowly rotated her hips around and around.
Without a word Stephanie released her tits from her grasp and reached down to grab Dirk’s hands, placing them on her tits and squeezing. Dirk took the hint and squeezed her big, firm breasts hard in his hands, eliciting another moan from her as he did so. Stephanie reached behind her and grabbed his balls with one hand, massaging and kneading them in her hand as he did the same to her tits. Then she released his balls from her hand and dropped forward, placing one hand on either side of Dirk’s head. Dirk released her boobs from his grasp as she fell forward, and they hung over his chest with the hard nipples barely brushing against his skin. She looked deep into his eyes as she began to move, sliding her pussy up and down the length of Dirk’s hard cock. She fucked him hard and fast, slamming her hips down and shoving her pussy down onto his cock in hard, fast movements, her heavy tits swaying and bobbing with her movements.
Dirk reached up and grabbed her swaying breasts with his hands, squeezing them hard and eliciting a loud moan from Stephanie. She threw her head back and squeezed her eyes shut as Dirk squeezed her tits harder, and the motions of her hips increased. She lowered her head and opened her eyes to look directly into his, her mouth hanging open as she panted for breath, never slowing the motions of her hips as she rode his cock hard. A fine layer of sweat was now covering her body, glistening in the light of the bedroom, and Dirk thought that only made her look sexier and hotter – if that was possible.
Stephanie sat straight up on Dirk’s shaft, pulling her breasts out of his reach, then braced herself with her hands on his stomach. She closed her eyes and bit her lips, turning her head to the side as she rocked her hips from front to back in rapid movements. The upper part of her body was motionless but her hips were a blur as she fucked Dirk’s cock hard and fast. Her big breasts bobbed on her chest, the nipples hard as rocks, and she began to moan as she rocked her hips on his cock.
“I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!” she moaned, gritting her teeth as she continued riding his cock. A few seconds later her second orgasm hit, and she cried out as her orgasm exploded inside her. She squeezed her eyes closed and gritted her teeth, throwing her head around as the waves of pleasure rocketed through her body, and her hips moved even faster. The bed was shaking and bucking with the force of her movements, and Dirk wouldn’t have been surprised if the neighbors had heard them. Dirk could feel her pussy flooding as she came, drenching his cock in her slippery juices, and it was all he could do to hang on to the bed as she rode her orgasm out.
After several long moments Stephanie’s orgasm began to subside, and the motions of her hips slowed until she was sitting still, Dirk’s throbbing cock still buried inside her. She was gasping and panting for breath, her body glistening with sweat as she looked down at him, her mouth hanging open. She smiled a crooked smile at him, slowly rotating her hips around in circles.
“Now it’s my turn!” Dirk said as he reached up and grabbed Stephanie by the upper arms, throwing her from on top of him and onto the bed beside him. Before she could react he jumped up from the bed, spun around, and flipped her over onto her stomach. Then he grabbed her by the hips and yanked her up onto all fours, pulling her back towards him until her knees were on the edge of the bed.
“Oh my God, yes! Yes, Dirk, yes!” she cried as she realized what he had in mind. “Fuck me doggy style, Dirk! Fuck me doggy style like you fuck your biker bitches! Fuck me, Dirk, fuck me hard!” she cried, looking over her shoulder at him.
Dirk grabbed her hips with one hand and his cock with the other, pressing the head of his cock against her tunnel and holding it there while he moved his hand to her other hip. Grasping her hips in both hands he yanked her back as he thrust forward, impaling her with his cock and driving it into her as deeply as he could. He felt his balls slap against her clit as he hit bottom, and Stephanie screamed in ecstasy. Gripping her hips tightly with both hands he began fucking her, thrusting his hard cock in and out of her sopping wet pussy in hard, deep, long strokes. Stephanie moaned in time with his thrusts, the moans being of the high-pitched type a woman makes when she’s more overpowered than aroused. Dirk reached forward with one hand and grabbed her by the hair, twisting it in his hand and yanking back, forcing her head up as he continued to thrust in and out of her.
As soon as he did this the pitch of Stephanie’s moans changed from a high-pitched moan to a lower, more guttural pitch moan of a woman who is truly enjoying what is happening. Dirk felt her being to thrust back against him, matching him stroke for stroke, and the harder he pulled on her hand and the further he pulled her head back the more she seemed to enjoy it. She twisted the bed spread in her fists as he fucked her hard and fast, moaning continually at the pounding he was giving her. He was fucking her hard and fast now, his balls slapping against her clit with every forward thrust, the globes of her ass rippling as his abdomen banged against her ass. Dirk could feel the faint beginnings of his own orgasm building in his balls, and he felt his cock thicken along with it. He didn’t know how but Stephanie must have felt it as well.
“I want…I want you to…cum on…my face! Cum on…my face…Dirk!” she moaned through clenched teeth in time with his thrusting, her head still pulled up and back by his grip on her hair.
“Then turn around and get on your knees, because here it comes!” Dirk replied. He released her hair from his grasp and pulled out of her pussy, and she quickly got up, spun around, and dropped to her knees in front of him. She grabbed his cock with both hands and clamped her mouth around the head of his cock, sucking hard as she pumped the shaft quickly. She felt his cock thicken and widen in her hands and knew he was about to cum. She released his cock from her mouth and held her mouth open, pumping his cock in her hand.
“Give it to me, Dirk! Cum for me, cum all over my face, give it to me!” she whispered, and Dirk did just that. He groaned as his orgasm hit and the first blast of cum exploded from the head of his cock, landing right in the middle of her forehead at the hairline and falling down her face between her eyes and down her nose to her lips. Stephanie cried out in joy and smiled, turning her head from side to side as Dirk’s cock pumped stream after stream of hot, sticky cum onto her upturned face and into her mouth. After letting three or four streams of cum land on her face she clamped her lips around the head of his cock and sucked hard, keeping his cock in her mouth as it continued to pump out more cum. She gripped his shaft in her hand hard, pumping it with one hand and squeezing his balls with the other. She wanted to get every last drop out of him and into her mouth, and she wasn’t going to stop until she had done just that.
The force of Dirk’s orgasm took him by surprise; it had been a while since he’d been with a woman, and the intensity of this woman had made him cum harder and longer than he could remember. He was cumming so hard and so long that he thought his brains would surely come out of the end of his dick, especially with Stephanie’s mouth locked onto his cock and sucking the way she was. Nearing the end of his orgasm he grabbed Stephanie’s head once more and forced her mouth down onto his cock, burying it in the back of her throat as the last spasms went through him, pumping the very last of his cum out. She cried out around his cock but didn’t pull away, staying there until his orgasm was spent and he released her head from his hands.
She sat back on her haunches, her mouth open as she gasped for breath, and Dirk could see a large amount of his cum on her tongue and in her mouth. She looked up at him and smiled with her mouth open, then rolled his cum around in her mouth and on her tongue for him to see. She did this for several moments, savoring the feel and the taste on her tongue before closing her mouth and swallowing it down. Then she used her fingers to scoop up the strands of cum from her face, sticking her fingers into her mouth and sucking the cum from them. She did this until her face was clean of his cum, looking him in the eyes the entire time.
“Very tasty!” she said, smiling up at him. “I just love the taste of cum, especially yours!”
“Damn, girl,” was all Dirk could say. This made Stephanie laugh, and she was still laughing as she stood up. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him gently on the lips, her lips barely parted. He put his hands on her hips as they kissed, and he thought it was one of the softest, most sincere kisses he’d ever had.
“Thank you, Dirk,” she said softly, looking into his eyes.
“You’re welcome, Stephanie,” he said. Yeah, he knew it was kinda lame after the fucking he’d just given her, but it was all he could think of at the moment. She smiled at him and then took her arms from around his neck, reaching down to pick up the discarded dress from the floor next to the bed. She stepped into it and pulled it up as Dirk reached down to pull up his jeans from around his ankles. As she tied the ends of the top behind her neck Dirk reached into his back pocket and pulled out a fairly large knife, flicking the blade open. He cut the remains of his boxers from his legs and tossed them onto the bed, then closed the knife and put it back into his pocket before standing up and pulling his jeans up.
“I guess I owe you a pair of boxers, huh, Dirk?” she said, smiling at him. Dirk turned to look at her and thought that she looked better in that dress without a bra than she did with one. “Sorry about that, I kinda got carried away!”
“Don’t worry about it, Stephanie,” Dirk replied, fastening his belt and zipping up his jeans. “I usually go ‘commando’ anyway, so it’s no big deal. I only wore them tonight because…well, I didn’t want to surprise you with a naked cock just inside the zipper of my jeans, you know?” Stephanie laughed at this as she replied.
“That’s very kind of you, I appreciate the thought!” she said, smiling broadly.
‘Damn, but this woman is beautiful!’ Dirk thought. ‘Wally is one lucky son of a bitch! I wonder if he knows just who he’s married to?’
“I don’t know about you, but I sure could use a beer,” Stephanie said, bringing him out of his reverie.
“That makes two of us!” Dirk replied. Stephanie walked out of the bedroom and Dirk followed her as she walked down the hall into the kitchen. She wasn’t having any trouble in those boots now; it was like she was an entirely different person. Once in the kitchen she opened the refrigerator and retrieved two bottles of beer, then turned and handed one to Dirk. They both twisted the lids off of their beers, and Stephanie held hers up at Dirk.
“Here’s to good friends and great sex!” she said, grinning at him.
“Here, here!” Dirk said, clinking his bottle against hers. They both took a long pull of the ice cold beer, and then Stephanie leaned back against the kitchen counter. Dirk leaned back against the bar that was on the other side of the kitchen and directly behind him, and they looked at each other for a moment before Stephanie spoke, pointing at the patches on the front of his vest.
“What does that patch mean, the one that says ‘High Side?’” she asked, referring to the patch on the left side of his vest at chest height.
“That’s my road name,” Dirk replied. “All bikers have road names, and that’s mine.”
“How did you settle on ‘High Side?’” she asked, taking a sip of her beer.
“Because when I was prospecting my club I went down on my bike on my very first club ride, and that’s the kind of accident it was – I hit the back brakes to avoid a dog that ran out in front of me, the bike skidded, tried to lay down on one side, then the tires grabbed and the bike stood up, flipping me off of the other side, the ‘high side,’” he explained. “From that day on I’ve been known as ‘High Side.’”
“I bet that was embarrassing,” she said, suppressing a chuckle.
“You have no idea!” Dirk replied, smiling at the memory. “I thought for sure my prospecting days were over, but the patch members decided to let me continue, and a year later I got my patches,” he said.
“Prospecting?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.
“That’s the time period that you have to prove yourself to the members of the club, prove to them that you’re worthy enough to wear their patches,” Dirk explained. “Most clubs make you prospect for at least a year, and during that time period you are at the beck and call of any patch member – full member, that is – of the club, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. When that phone rings and it’s the club on the other end, whatever you’re doing stops and you have to go take care of club business or whatever the patch member wants you to do. Fail to do this just once and you’re out,” he said.
“And I see you made it,” Stephanie said, looking his vest over. “How long did you have to prospect?”
“My club makes you prospect for a year,” he replied. “And it was a long, tough year, let me tell you!”
“I bet it was!” Stephanie said.
“Wally tells me that tonight was your idea,” Dirk said, changing the subject and the mood. “Is that true?” he asked. Stephanie dropped her eyes and looked down at the beer in her hands for a moment before looking back up at him.
“Yes, it’s true,” she replied quietly. She took a deep breath before continuing. “Our sex life has been in trouble for some time now, and both of us knew it,” she explained. “I knew we needed something to bring it back to life, something to inspire us, and something to…well, something to….” She stammered, looking for the right words.
“Something to bring out of you what I saw tonight,” Dirk finished for her. “Something to bring out your inner tigress, the real you, the you that you’ve kept hidden inside for so long.” Stephanie sighed a sigh of relief and Dirk saw her shoulders relax as she smiled at him. She looked as if the weight of the world had just been lifted from her shoulders.
“Yes! Exactly!” she said, smiling brightly. “Before I met Wally I was always like that! I’ve always loved sex and was always wild and uninhibited, and God knows I’ve always loved sucking cock! But when I met and later fell in love with Wally I hid all that away because he wasn’t like that. He was a good and decent man, nothing like the dirtbags I had been fucking before I met him, and I didn’t want to scare him away. So I put that part of me away and kept it hidden from him until one day I lost it and didn’t know how to get it back. So when the chance came for me to do that, to get it back again, I jumped at it!”
“So why me?” he asked, and Stephanie looked down at her beer again as he spoke. “I have a feeling that you steered Wally towards me instead of the other way around like Wally says it happened, right?”
“Right again,” she replied softly, then looked up at him as she continued. “I wanted it to be you for two reasons, Dirk. One of the reasons was that I knew you were Wally’s best friend, and that we could trust you to treat me right and to keep this a secret if you decided to do it.”
“And the other reason?” Dirk asked. Stephanie smiled at him as she replied.
“Because I’ve always thought you were hot, and I’ve always wanted to fuck you,” she said. “I knew I could never approach you about it because you’d never betray Wally like that, and not only did that make me admire you it also made me want to fuck you even more! I also didn’t want to betray Wally either, so I just put those thoughts away. When Wally and I talked a few days ago about what to do to rescue our sex life, I saw my chance and took it.” She looked at Dirk for a few moments, then Dirk took a pull from his beer before replying.
“I don’t know what to say,” he said.
“Say you’re not mad at me,” she said softly.
“I’m not mad at you,” he replied, and Stephanie was visibly relieved.
“Say this won’t be the only time,” she said softly, her breath almost a whisper as she took a chance and spoke her mind. “Say we’ll be doing this again, and soon!” Dirk looked her in the eyes as he replied.
“Not unless Wally says so, Stephanie,” he said. “You’re Wally’s wife, after all, and he’s your husband. He’s also my best friend. Besides, you don’t need me anymore. Not only have you lived out your dream of fucking me, you’ve rediscovered the side of you that you lost, and now you need to show that side to your husband and let him experience and enjoy it, not me!”
“But how?” Stephanie asked. “You and Wally are polar opposites in bed. You’re aggressive as hell, taking what you want – which turns me on to no end – and Wally is polite and passive to the point of being boring. How do I change that?” she asked.
“Teach him,” Dirk said. “Talk to him, tell him what you like, what turns you on, what he needs to do to bring out the inner tigress in you.” Then a thought struck him, and Dirk’s eyebrows went up.
“Does he know about that part of you, the part that I saw tonight, the part you kept hidden away? Does he know about that, Stephanie?” Dirk asked.
“No, he doesn’t,” she replied, her voice quiet and soft. “Not that I know of, anyway, and if he does he’s never said anything about it. Like I said, I didn’t want to scare him away so I never told him about it.”
“Then for God’s sake, tell him!” Dirk said. “Better yet, show him! Take him to bed, tell him what to do, then show him what you showed me! Suck his dick like you did mine and fuck him just as hard as you did me! Hell, he may surprise you and be just like you! You never know unless you give him a chance! I think he deserves it, don’t you?”
“Yes, he does,” Stephanie replied, looking down at her beer as she spoke. “He certainly does, especially after what he did for me tonight.” She looked up at Dirk, and he could see that her eyes were moist.
“Thank you, Dirk,” she said, smiling slightly at him.
“You’re welcome, Stephanie,” he replied, smiling back. “Now I think it’s time for me to hit the road,” he said. He turned his beer up and emptied it, then dropped it into the trash can next to the counter. He walked towards the door, Stephanie following him. He put his hand on the doorknob and then turned to look at her.
“Good night, Stephanie,” he said.
“Good night, Dirk,” she replied. “And thank you again, for everything!”
“My pleasure,” he said, meaning it. “Now go call your husband, and when he gets here take him into the bedroom and fuck his brains out!” Then he opened the door and left, closing it behind him.
* * * * * *
Two nights later Dirk was sitting in the same bar at the same table as before when the door opened up and Wally came in. He paused in the doorway for a minute, looking around for Dirk, and smiled when he saw him. He came over to the table and sat down, and a waitress appeared immediately and took his order for a beer. After she left he turned to face Dirk, who was just lighting a cigarette.
“So how’s it hanging, Wally?” Dirk asked. “Get any good pussy lately?” he said, grinning at his own joke.
“You have no idea!” Wally said, grinning right back. “But then again, maybe you do at that! Especially since you’re the one who made it all happen!” he said, nearly beside himself with excitement.
“I take it you and Stephanie had a little talk, and then she showed you a thing or two,” Dirk said, smiling at Wally through a cloud of cigarette smoke.
“Yes, we did, and yes, she most certainly did!” Wally replied, grinning. “I had no idea she liked to be face-fucked like that! And the way she was in bed after I did that, I mean, holy crap, she was like a…like a…what’s the word…” he stammered, searching for the right word.
“Like a tigress,” Dirk finished for him.
“Yes, like a tigress! Just like a fuckin’ tigress!” Wally exclaimed as the waitress brought him his beer. She gave him a quizzical look for a moment, then shrugged her shoulders and walked away. Wally took a pull from his beer before continuing.
“And the things she brought out in me! Holy shit, Dirk, I can hardly believe it! I never knew I had that kind of thing in me!” he said, grinning from ear to ear.
“Well, sometimes all it takes is the right woman to bring out the inner tiger in a man,” he said.
“Or the right man to bring out the inner tigress in a woman,” Wally replied. “Thank you, Dirk,” he said, “thank you from the bottom of my heart!”
“You’re welcome, my friend,” he said, reaching out and shaking Wally’s hand. “Believe me when I tell you it was my pleasure!”
“I bet it was!” Wally replied, and they both laughed.
“Now why don’t you go home and fuck your wife again?” Dirk said, snubbing out his cigarette.
“Yeah, I think I will! See you later, Dirk!” Wally said, getting up from the table and nearly running out of the door. The waitress came over to pick up his bottle, a curious look on her face.
“What was all that about an ‘inner tiger’ and ‘inner tigress,’ anyway?” she asked.
“Nothing, just helping out an old friend, that’s all,” Dirk replied. “Bring me another beer, willya, darlin?” Dirk said, lighting another cigarette. The waitress turned and walked away, and Dirk watched her ass swaying as she moved.
“I wonder…” he said, smiling to himself.
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