For those of you who read my blog on a regular or semi-regular basis, first off let me thank you for taking the time out of your day to ready my stuff. I am truly thankful, and appreciate your support and comments.
The next thing I want to do is apologize for the short rant upon which I am about to embark. I have some frustrations built up inside me and this is the best way I know of to get them out of my system so I can get back to writing again. So having said that, let me get on with the rant and get it over with.
My rant concerns the erotic story web site "Literotica." I have been trying unsuccessfully for the past week and a half to get "Audrey's Birthday Present" posted there, and so far it's been rejected THREE TIMES. I am well aware of Literotica's rules regarding the age limits of characters depicted in fictional stories, so I intentionally wrote the story to make it take place ON AUDREY'S 18TH BIRTHDAY.
Didn't work. The story was rejected because it contained "underage characters." I resubmitted the story with a note that the main character met the age limit requirement because the story took place ON HER BIRTHDAY and not the day before.
The story was rejected again, this time for "sexual conditions prior to the character's 18th birthday" or some drivel like that. I had mentioned in the story that Audrey had been thinking of seducing her father for the past two years, and since that took her thoughts to a time when she was 16 and therefore underage my story was rejected. Guess you can't mention that 16 year old females have sexual thoughts, huh? Kinda stupid but there it is.
So I changed the story again, significantly this time, moving the timeline to her 19th birthday and removing all mentions of ANY sexual thoughts, fantasies, or desires prior to the time period of two months before her 19th birthday. Sounds good, right? Should be published with no sweat, right?
I included in the preface along with the disclaimer about age and resemblance to any persons living or dead a statement that this was an altered version of the story, and that the original, uncut, unedited, and much hotter story could be found on my web page. I didn't name the page, but simply said "on my blog."
My story was rejected again because they don't allow "advertisements or self-promotion" including the mention of a blog or web site. Nothing was wrong with the STORY, but my statement about the original being on my blog got it rejected AGAIN.
So in a last-ditch effort, I modified my statement and simply said "and if you're a fan of mine you know where the original story can be found" and let it go at that. I then resubmitted the story for the FOURTH TIME. That was this morning, so let's see if the moderators at Literotica will kick it back again.
If they do, dear reader, then I am fuckin' DONE with Literotica. I won't waste my time with a page that deals with trivial bullshit like this, not when I have my own blog that I can post any fuckin' thing I want to in without problems. I understand the moderators having to deal with the legal issue of child pornography and they have my support on that, but this whole thing is now bordering on the stupid and the ridiculous. If I didn't know better I'd swear that someone at Literotica has a hard-on for either me or my story, and is grasping at straws in order to reject it.
Time will tell. In the mean time, once again, thank you for your support! I truly appreciate it!
The next thing I want to do is apologize for the short rant upon which I am about to embark. I have some frustrations built up inside me and this is the best way I know of to get them out of my system so I can get back to writing again. So having said that, let me get on with the rant and get it over with.
My rant concerns the erotic story web site "Literotica." I have been trying unsuccessfully for the past week and a half to get "Audrey's Birthday Present" posted there, and so far it's been rejected THREE TIMES. I am well aware of Literotica's rules regarding the age limits of characters depicted in fictional stories, so I intentionally wrote the story to make it take place ON AUDREY'S 18TH BIRTHDAY.
Didn't work. The story was rejected because it contained "underage characters." I resubmitted the story with a note that the main character met the age limit requirement because the story took place ON HER BIRTHDAY and not the day before.
The story was rejected again, this time for "sexual conditions prior to the character's 18th birthday" or some drivel like that. I had mentioned in the story that Audrey had been thinking of seducing her father for the past two years, and since that took her thoughts to a time when she was 16 and therefore underage my story was rejected. Guess you can't mention that 16 year old females have sexual thoughts, huh? Kinda stupid but there it is.
So I changed the story again, significantly this time, moving the timeline to her 19th birthday and removing all mentions of ANY sexual thoughts, fantasies, or desires prior to the time period of two months before her 19th birthday. Sounds good, right? Should be published with no sweat, right?
I included in the preface along with the disclaimer about age and resemblance to any persons living or dead a statement that this was an altered version of the story, and that the original, uncut, unedited, and much hotter story could be found on my web page. I didn't name the page, but simply said "on my blog."
My story was rejected again because they don't allow "advertisements or self-promotion" including the mention of a blog or web site. Nothing was wrong with the STORY, but my statement about the original being on my blog got it rejected AGAIN.
So in a last-ditch effort, I modified my statement and simply said "and if you're a fan of mine you know where the original story can be found" and let it go at that. I then resubmitted the story for the FOURTH TIME. That was this morning, so let's see if the moderators at Literotica will kick it back again.
If they do, dear reader, then I am fuckin' DONE with Literotica. I won't waste my time with a page that deals with trivial bullshit like this, not when I have my own blog that I can post any fuckin' thing I want to in without problems. I understand the moderators having to deal with the legal issue of child pornography and they have my support on that, but this whole thing is now bordering on the stupid and the ridiculous. If I didn't know better I'd swear that someone at Literotica has a hard-on for either me or my story, and is grasping at straws in order to reject it.
Time will tell. In the mean time, once again, thank you for your support! I truly appreciate it!
I have been reading stories for a long time on literotica, and I have to say since it has so many great stories that I didn't know about this side of literotica. I just have to say if this has been going on for years that this is very sad as they are forcing persons to water-down their stories and that is the opposite of the experience that hey should be making. I'll continue to watch stories there, but if the users have stories on other site like you, I'll read it there instead.