Saturday, August 3, 2024

My Thoughts on Xev


I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t understand most of what Xev said in her first post on Friday, August 2nd when she was explaining what she was reading and how she was using that knowledge.  But what I did take away from that posting and the next few that followed is that Xev was trying to separate her real self from her Xev Bellringer persona, and that it wasn’t proving to be an easy task.  This, coupled with what she said on August 3rd about not knowing where her journey was going to take her makes me think that she’s going through something that a friend of mine went through a few years back.

When I was a military police officer I had the opportunity to make the acquaintance of an undercover cop with a police department in Virginia.  This officer, who I’ll call ‘Dan,’ had been undercover with one of the more well-known 1% motorcycle clubs and had successfully infiltrated the club to the point where he was a full patch member.  He worked this assignment for almost 4 years, and while living the life of his alter ego biker gang member he lost touch with his real identity.  Plainly put, he forgot who he was.  He stopped being Dan the husband and father of three kids and became ‘Ringo’ (not his real road name) the 1% outlaw biker club member.  When he realized what had happened (thanks to his wife) he requested to be removed from the assignment, and spent almost 2 years in therapy to get his mind right.

Dan was the kind of guy who always applied 100% of his efforts to whatever it was he was doing, be it raising his family and being a good husband and father, or being the best undercover cop possible.  He never thought that his dedication to making his alter ego seem as real a person would cause him to lose touch with his real self, but it did.  It almost cost him his family, and once he came out from the assignment there was a contract out on his head.  As far as I know the contract is still in place, but Dan is still alive.  Retired from police work now, but still alive – and ‘Ringo’ is long since dead.

I may be completely and utterly wrong about this, but I have a feeling that this is exactly what has happened with Xev.  I think she threw herself into being Xev Bellringer – the brand she created – with such dedication, devotion, and passion that she lost touch with her real self.  I don’t think it affected her relationship with Mr. B and her little ones – at least I hope it didn’t – but I get the feeling that something like this has taken place.

Now the only question is, how will it affect her brand?  Will she continue to make videos as Xev Bellringer or will she retire her porn persona to concentrate on her real self and family?  Honestly, I don’t know – but my instincts are telling me to prepare for some bad news. 

To be completely honest – and that’s the only way I know – I hope I’m as wrong as the day is long on all of this, and that the reason for Xev’s absence and what she said in her posts was something completely different and not as dramatic or drastic as what I have relayed here.  I truly hope that is the case.

But I just don’t think so.

Time will tell.

Xev, if you ever read this, please know that I love you just as much now as I ever have, and will follow you no matter where your course in life takes you.  You are a very savvy, very intelligent, highly talented, devoted woman who deserves nothing but the good things in life, and I truly hope you get just that.  Thank you for all you have done for me and all of your other fans.  I can’t speak for them, but speaking for myself I can tell you that you’ve made a huge positive difference in my life, and for that I will be forever in your debt.

I love you, m’dear.  Peace out.


  1. Sadly I also do not feel she will continue

  2. I don't know. None of us do. I just have this terrible feeling in my gut that the 'personal journey' she's on is going to end up with her retiring her 'Xev Bellringer' persona so as to keep her personal life in order. I could be wrong and I really, really hope I am, but I just don't think so.

  3. Aramis, I've re-read your above statement a few times to understand what you state and I've done my best to read all of the postings of Xev and Rabbit Hole Members concerning her Life since returning. What the fuck is going on!?

    To say the least I can't make heads or tails about this. Glad to know she's above ground and her family is ok. JHC I'm dumpfunded!

  4. Welcome to the club. I have no idea what is going on with her, nor do I understand 99% of the stuff she and the others were saying about those books they were reading and all of those techniques about changing your mind and outlook and all that crap. I'm just a simple country boy so all that stuff is way beyond me.

    I'm glad to hear that she and the fam are okay as well, but I'm dying to know whether or not she's going to continue her porn career - and right now, she hasn't given any indication one way or the other. At least not on her LoyalFans page or XUL; but she did, I'm told, make a statement on her OnlyFans page that she said she "couldn't promise any new material." That only makes me think she's going to retire her Xev Bellringer personal, and so far she hasn't done or said anything to convince me otherwise.

    Time will tell, I guess. Thanks for reading!


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